Op-Ed Piece
Op-Ed Piece
Op-Ed Piece
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mandatory. In an interview she stated I think requiring parents to volunteer their time in their
childrens school is a great idea, it helps get buy-in from the parents. It gets parents into the
classroom and involved in their childrens education. Prior to her becoming chair at the
University of Phoenix she worked at a school that served at-risk children who had behavioral and
language learning problems. She found that her schools five-hour volunteer requirement
benefited the growth and achievement of the school. She adamantly believes that parent
involvement is absolutely essential to a school. According to Januse if there are no
responsibilities placed on the parents with their childs education, it is a disservice to the child,
but when the parents, the child, and community connect it builds such a strong foundation.
Some parents feel that being required to volunteer is simply an intrusion of their time and their
privacy. However, it shouldnt be looked at this way. Parents should want to give time to their
child and the school whether its as simple as coming to have lunch with kids at school, being a
room parent, helping grade papers at home on their own time, serving as a chaperone on field
trips, and many other options. These things make a difference to children whether you know it or
not. It an undeniable fact that children do better when parents are involved, so why not make it
mandatory for parents to be involved?
Samuels, Christina A. "Parents' Mandatory Volunteering; Some Pr. William Schools
Require a Contract Agreeing to Get Involved." The Washington Post. N.p., 22 Sept. 2004. Web.
"Volunteering in Schools: Should It Be Mandatory?" Conduct Disorders. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr.
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