SC Phytopharmaceuticals Sum 2015 100809 PPPL en
SC Phytopharmaceuticals Sum 2015 100809 PPPL en
SC Phytopharmaceuticals Sum 2015 100809 PPPL en
Member States took note of these four new dossiers for new active substances.
2. EFSA conclusions
No new conclusions were received.
3. Commission draft Review Report and Regulation concerning the approval of:
i Cyantraniliprole
Comments were received on the first version of the draft review report. Comments
received mainly referred to the groundwater risk assessment. The Commission gave a
reminder of this key issue and requested for further comments by the 23rd of October
ii 3-decen-2-one
A brief update on the state of play was given, including an update that a TBT
notification had been launched in mid-September. Member States were informed that
a letter has been received by the Commission from the applicant's legal counsel
contesting the proposal for non-approval. However, given the concern identified with
regards potential genotoxicity of the substance and the lack of definite toxicological
reference values and possibility to exclude the need for Maximum Residue Levels
(MRLs), the Commission explained that the Regulation did not allow for approval.
A vote is foreseen for the December meeting.
iii Tricyclazole
Member States were informed that the inter-service consultation was being
completed. Since the July meeting the Commission had received further comments
which had been made available to Member States. The Rapporteur Member State
(RMS) Italy had asked the Commission to consider approving via Article 4(7), but the
Commission explained that this was not appropriate in this case. A number of
Member States expressed their concern about loss of tricyclazole. The Commission
explained that all information was still being taken into consideration but that the
EFSA Conclusion highlighted serious concerns that could not be ignored.
A Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) notification was due to be launched pending
completion of the inter-service consultation. A vote is possible in January 2016.
iv Benzovindiflupyr
Comments were received on the first version of the draft review report. The need for
setting a confirmatory data requirement regarding possible endocrine disrupting
properties will be aligned with other dossiers.
v Beta-Cypermethrin
A first draft of the review report was introduced to the Committee. Member States
were reminded that this is one of the final few substances where a decision is to be
taken in accordance with Directive 91/414/EEC in conjunction with Regulation (EU)
No 188/2011. Despite several critical areas of concern being identified, it is possible
that mitigation measures and further data to refine assessments would enable safe uses
to be identified at Member State level. Confirmatory information requirements can
also be set (in accordance with the provisions of Directive 91/414) to further address
those areas.
Member States were asked to provide comments by 30th October 2015.
Renewal of approval:
1. Applications for renewal of approval of active substances submitted under Article
14 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and in accordance with Regulation (EU) No
844/2012 (doc. SANCO/10148/2014 Rev. 5) (For information)
Member States were asked for any early comments by 30th October 2015.
The Commission informed the meeting that the EFSA conclusion was published in
July 2015. Comments on the conclusion can be send before 30/10/2015
4. Draft Review Reports for discussion:
i Flupyrsulfuron-methyl
Member States were provided with an update on how this file would proceed (along
with pymetrozine; see point 4 vi.) given that the proposed classification triggered the
interim criteria for being an endocrine disruptor. Given that the applicant did not
foresee the classification proposal, and this issue aside, there was a basis to support
renewal, the applicant was given an opportunity to provide further information to
either demonstrate that the substance could be used with negligible exposure or that
the substance met the provisions of Article 4(7) of Regulation 1107/2009. Information
had been received and was available to Member States.
The Commission explained their intention to progress the file. An evaluation of the
additional information would need to be carried out by the RMS and then peerreviewed by Member States and EFSA. With regard to Article 4(7), EFSA had
already set up a Plant Health Working Group to consider the case of flumioxazin.
Further update on progress would be given in the December meeting.
Member States were asked to provide comments by 30th October 2015.
ii Thiabendazole
The Commission informed the meeting of a change of desk officer for this dossier.
iii Lambda-cyhalothrin
The Commission presented a revised draft review report and legislative proposal
which is under inter-service consultation.
Member States were asked to provide comments by 30th October 2015. A vote was
planned for December 2015.
iv Amitrole
The Commission informed the meeting of a change of desk officer for this dossier and
confirmed the intention to start an inter-service consultation with a proposal for
withdrawal of approval of this active substance.
Member States were asked to provide comments by 30th October 2015.
v Flumioxazin
EFSA continues to work on the mandate for scientific assistance as regards data on
evidence that the application of flumioxazin is necessary to control a serious danger to
plant health which cannot be contained by other available means including nonchemical methods. Impacted Member States might be consulted by the EFSA shortly.
vi Pymetrozine
See item 4 i. Flupyrsulfuron-methyl. A separate update for pymetrozine was not given
as the status was the same.
vii Metsulfuron-methyl
Member States were informed that a revised review report (revision 1) was now
available. A vote was planned for December 2015.
Final comments were asked to be submitted by 23rd October 2015.
viii Pyraflufen-ethyl
The Commission informed the meeting of a change of desk officer for this dossier.
ix Cyhalofop-butyl
Discussion postponed until next meeting.
x Metalaxyl-M
Comments were received from several Member States. These comments are under
internal discussion in the Commission. Outcome of this discussion will be presented
during the next meeting.
xi Triasulfuron
The Commission informed that the formal situation for this dossier is still a nonrenewal, as EFSA did not set any toxicological reference values, nor finalise the
human exposure assessment. The reason was the insufficient genotoxicity assessment
of the parent and of triazine amine, the common metabolite for this family of
compounds, which occurs here also as an impurity. It would seem that during the peer
review a number of experts had been in favour of setting provisional reference values
but that option has finally not been retained by EFSA. It is theoretically possible that
the risk managers re-establish themselves these values, but that is a far reaching and
uncommon decision. The Commission would only explore that route if there would be
a very wide support by Member States to such an approach.
Member States were asked for any comments by 30th October 2015.
xii Bentazone
Confirmatory data:
i Imazalil (confirmatory data and application to amend the ARfD) (amended review
report to take note)
Member States took note of the reviewed review report.
ii Fluazifop-p (amended review report to take note)
Member States took note of the reviewed review report. One Member State could not
support the revision due to the risk of leaching of the substance to groundwater.
iii Iron sulphate (amended review report to take note)
Member States took note of the reviewed review report.
iv Epoxiconazole
The Commission informed that it is awaiting further feedback from the RMS
v Bifenthrin
The Commission informed that the issue of the non-target arthropods is still under
consideration. Meanwhile the notifier has submitted the requested monitoring study as
regards bioaccumulation which will be dealt with under the procedure foreseen for
confirmatory data and reviewed by RMS France.
vi Buprofezin
Member States were given an update on the state of play. The EFSA Conclusion
following evaluation of confirmatory data had been published in July. The Conclusion
did not indicate any critical areas of concern based on the representative uses, but did
indicate that exposure to aniline from processed commodities should be considered a
priority. The use on lettuce was considered acceptable, as was the use on tomato when
using the Margin of Exposure (MoE) approach. The use on citrus could not be
concluded due to data gaps. A revised review report was explained by the
Commission. Member States were asked to consider this and submit comments by
30th October 2015. Some Member States had already submitted comments with
regards to the MoE approach. The applicant had submitted comments on the EFSA
Conclusion which were made available to Member States via CIRCABC.
A further discussion would be held in December following receipt of Member State
vii Dodine
No new developments. Discussion postponed.
viii Pyridaben
No new developments. Discussion postponed.
ix Myclobutanil
A revised review report was presented to the Committee based on the evaluation and
peer review of the confirmatory data submitted by the applicant. The requirements
had been addressed. As part of the evaluation a revised residue definition was
proposed to provisionally include the triazole metabolites to align with more recent
conclusions for triazole substances (until an EU wide assessment had been
completed). Member States were asked to consider the need for a revised definition
for monitoring. The RMS, Belgium, indicated that they had now revised their view
that the monitoring definition should be changed. Another Member State agreed. The
Commission also indicated that they did not consider it necessary to revise the
monitoring definition currently.
Member States were asked to provide comments by 30th October 2015.
x Withdrawal of approval of Z,Z,Z,Z-7,13,16,19-docosatetraen-1-yl isobutyrate
As the applicant did not submit the confirmatory information, the approval will be
withdrawn. The inter-service consultation is ongoing; the Commission intends to
present the act for vote in the December meeting.
xi Withdrawal of approval of Z-13-hexadecen-11-yn-1-yl acetate
As the applicant did not submit the confirmatory information, the approval will be
withdrawn. The inter-service consultation is ongoing; the Commission intends to
present the act for vote in the December meeting.
xii Thiamethoxam
No new developments. Discussion postponed.
Point added to the original agenda:
xii Metam
Article 21 Reviews:
i Diflubenzuron
The Commission referred to comments from Member States available on CIRCABC,
regarding the Margin of Exposure approach to the EFSA Conclusion, and to the
applicants comments on the EFSA Conclusion. The Commission is currently
analysing those documents.
ii Chlorpyrifos state of the dossier
No new developments. Discussion postponed.
Basic substances:
1. Pilot projects: state of play
The Commission solicited Member States to submit the applications which were
identified as the basis for the experts group to be organised, to identify constructive
approaches to propose for the elaboration of applications with the cooperation of
2. New dossiers received:
Capsicum spice
Sunflower oil
Satureja montana oil
Millefolii herba
Citrus pulp
The Commission introduced the dossiers received. A detailed discussion will follow
at a later stage.
3. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Technical Reports
The Member States were informed that EFSA issued the technical report for
Diammonium sulphate.
4. Draft Review Reports for discussion
Currently no draft review reports for discussion available.
1,3-Dichloropropene (Greece)
Chloropicrin (Greece)
Abamectin (Greece)
Pyraclostrobin (Greece)
Chlorantraniliprole (Greece)
Ethylene (Greece)
8-methyl-2-decanol propanoate (Hungary)
Maleic hydrazide (Hungary)
Pyrethrins/Rape seed oil (Hungary)
Spiromesifen (Hungary)
Sodium silver thiosulphate (Latvia)
1,3-Dichloropropene (Malta)
Spinosad (the Netherlands)
Pepino mosaic virus mild isolates (the Netherlands)
Cyazofamid (the Netherlands)
Clofentezine (the Netherlands)
Aluminium phosphide (the Netherlands)
Formetanate (the Netherlands)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin (Poland)
Chloropicrin (Portugal)
Propanil (Portugal)
Iprodione (Portugal)
Oxadiazon (Portugal)
Spinosad (Portugal)
Fludioxonil (Portugal)
Pyrethrins (Portugal)
Tricyclazole (Portugal)
Pyriproxyfen (Portugal)
Spinetoram (Portugal)
Spirotetramat (Portugal)
Azadirachtin (Portugal)
1,3-Dichloropropene (Portugal)
Clothianidin/ Beta-Cyfluthrin (Romania)
Imidacloprid (Romania)
Zinc phosphide (Slovakia)
Spinosad (Slovakia)
Bifenazate (Slovenia)
Spirodiclofen (Slovenia)
Fluopicolide/Propamocarb (Spain)
Bentazone (Spain)
1,3-Dichloropropene/Chloropicrin (Spain)
Chlorothalonil (Spain)
Cyflufenamid (Spain)
Cypermethrin (Spain)
Dichlorvos (Spain)
Ethephon (Spain)
Ethylene (Spain)
Fludioxonil (Spain)
Fluopyram (Spain)
Gibberellic acid (Spain)
Lambda-cyhalothrin (Spain)
Methomyl (Spain)
Metrafenone (Spain)
Natural seed extract of Camellia (Spain)
Spodoptera exigua nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Spain)
Oxadiazon (Spain)
Phosmet/Spinosad (Spain)
Pymetrozine (Spain)
Pyraclostrobin (Spain)
Spinosad (Spain)
Tau-Fluvalinate (Spain)
Thiabendazole (Spain)
Thiacloprid (Spain)
Thidiazuron (Spain)
Tricyclazole (Spain)
Spirotetramat (Sweden)
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israeliensis (serotype H-14) strain AM65-52 (Sweden)
Thiophanate-methyl (Sweden)
Paraffin oil/(CAS 8042-47-5) (Sweden)
Fatty acids C7-C18 and C18 unsaturated potassium salts (CAS 67701-09-1) (Sweden)
Boscalid/Pyraclostrobin (Sweden)
Cyprodinil/Fludioxonil (Sweden)
Fludioxonil/Metalaxyl-M/Thiamethoxam (the United Kingdom)
Beta-Cyfluthrin/Clothianidin (the United Kingdom)
Acetamiprid (the United Kingdom)
Cyantraniliprole (the United Kingdom)
Spinosad (the United Kingdom)
Thiacloprid (the United Kingdom)
Diquat (the United Kingdom)
The Committee took note of the notifications submitted by Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the
United Kingdom.
The Commission recalled that under the provisions of Article 53, Member States
concerned shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States of
the measures taken, providing detailed information about the situation and any
measures taken to ensure consumer safety.
In addition, the Commission pointed out that even if a Maximum Residue Level
(MRL) set under Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 cannot be met and a national MRL is
set, a consumer risk assessment needs to be carried out and forwarded to the
Commission, the European Food Safety Authority and Member States.
Member States were reminded that they shall put in place the necessary risk
mitigation measures to ensure acceptable uses for human and animal health and the
Furthermore, the Commission pointed out that for minor uses Member States should
make use, whenever possible, of the provisions laid down in Article 51 of Regulation
(EC) No 1107/2009. Member States should also take into account efficacious
alternatives which are available among bio-pesticides and bio-control agents to
promote low input techniques as required by Directive 2009/128/EC.
No new developments.
i. Review of Neonicotinoids state of play and next steps
The call for data, regarding the risk to bees from the uses of imidacloprid, clothianidin
and thiametoxam applied as a seed treatment or granules, was closed on 30 September
2015. The Commission is currently drafting a mandate for EFSA to evaluate the data
ii. EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment of plant protection products on
bees and implementation plan (doc. SANCO/10606/2014) state of play
The decision-making on the way forward within the Commission services is on-going.
Several Member States expressed their concerns regarding the legal uncertainty of
using this Guidance Document and asked for confirmation as to which Guidance
Document needs to be used. The Commission indicated that the currently adopted GD
should be used. Only in the case of a review under Article 21 of Regulation (EU)
1107/2009, the use of the new GD can be defended.
iii. Uniform principles Amendment to the Regulation (EU) No 546/2011 as regards
the trigger values for bees to take into account the new scientific development
The decision-making on the way forward within the Commission services is on-going.
iv. EFSA Conclusions on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment for bees for
the active substances clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam considering all uses
other than seed treatments and granules.
The Commission gave a short overview of these conclusions. The Commission awaits
first the comments from the applicants and Member States before further internal
Member States were invited to send comments by 30 October 2015.
v. Report - EU Conference Field studies and Monitoring Activities carried out at
National level on the effect of Pesticides on Bees and other Pollinators (MAPoB)
9-11 September 2015, Bonn
The Commission gave a short summary of this workshop held in September in
Germany and thanked the German authorities for the excellent organisation. Minutes
of the conference are currently drafted. A few Member States already expressed some
thoughts on this workshop. A technical discussion on the outcome of this conference
will follow when the minutes are available.
vi. Notification of 22 July 2015 by Germany of a measure taken under Article 71 of
Regulation (EC) No 1107/2007 concerning the placing on the market and use of
winter cereal seeds treated with the active substances clothianidin, imidacloprid or
thiamethoxam in Germany.
One Member State considered that Germany had not followed the procedure foreseen
in Article 71, as the notification should have been done before the adoption of the
measure at national level. Germany should have acted only after it was decided that a
measure would not be taken at EU level. The same Member State considered that the
Commission should have submitted to the Committee a measure, according to Article
The Commission indicated that according to Article 71(1) the matter was submitted to
the Committee in September 2015.
Germany is requested to provide the data on the basis of which the national measure
was taken to all Member States, to the Commission and EFSA.
In addition, the Commission confirmed that it will ask EFSA to assess this data in the
frame of the review of the 3 substances clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam
for which a call for data has been launched by EFSA.
Following the evaluation of the data, and depending on the results of the evaluation,
the Commission may propose a measure according to Article 71(2) requesting
Germany to amend or withdraw its national measure.
vii. AOB
No additional developments. No discussion.
Court cases:
Judgment of the General Court of 10/9/2015 - Case T-446/10 DOW v. Commission
Dismissal of the request to annul Commission Directive 2010/355/EU (second noninclusion of trifluralin).
The Commission informed about Case T-446/10 which has been judged in favour of
the Commission by the General Court. This was the fifth case launched by industry
against the non-approval of this substance. From a technical point, the Court focussed
especially on the Long Range Transport issue on which it agreed with the
Commission that the resubmission dossier failed to address this matter properly.
Evidently, also this judgement is still open to appeal.
This judgment is publicly available on the webpage:;jsessionid=9ea7d2dc30ddeb8e7ba
New cases:
Two actions for annulment against the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
2015/408 establishing a list of candidates for substitution.
The Commission informed about these two new court cases.
The pleas in law and main arguments of the applicant of case T-296/15 are publicly
available at the webpage:
The pleas in law and main arguments of the applicant of case T-310/15 are publicly
available at the webpage:
Endocrine disruptors:
Impact assessment
The Commission informed that the impact assessment is progressing well and
highlighted the technical event organised for the 6 November 2015,which focuses on
the JRC methodology (1st study). The event is open for on-line registration and will
be web-streamed.
The Commission thanked Member States for the information provided on plant
protection products, uses, pests, crops, via the on-going process linked to the Plant
Protection Products (PPP) Authorisation Database (see point A 14.01). This
information is essential for the 2nd part of the impact assessment.
The report on the public consultation was published in July 2015.
Minor Uses:
A short presentation was provided by the EU Minor Use Coordinator to explain
ongoing activities by the EU Minor Use Coordination Facility.
Interpretation issues:
1. Scope of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
clayed charcoal:
The Commission presented the method of action of clayed charcoal and requested
comments if this method of action falls within the scope o f regulation (EU)
1107/2009 by 30 October 2015.
2. Questions and answers
No updates of the document available.
The Commission reported on the state of play of the EFSA peer review for glyphosate
and of the draft measure regarding an extension of the current approval by 6 months.
It asked Member States to send comments on the EFSA Conclusions, once available,
by 20 November 2015, to already allow for a first informed discussion at the
Committee meeting in December.
as such tools. One Member State was in favour of the proposal but agreed that basic
substances form an alternative solution for organic farming.
Vote taken: Favourable opinion.
No points raised.