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Static Measurements in Topcon Tools

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Topcon Tools
Managing Static GPS
Application Guide

Part Number 7010-0929

Rev A

Copyright Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.

April, 2009

All contents in this manual are copyrighted by Topcon. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein may not be used, accessed, copied, stored,
displayed, sold, modified, published, or distributed, or otherwise reproduced
without the expressed written consent from Topcon.



Table of Contents
Managing Static GPS Occupations .................... 1
Downloading Raw Data from GPS Receivers
to the Computer .....................................................
Importing Raw Data to a Topcon Tools Job .............
Importing Files with Identical Point Names Merging Two Occupations ....................................
Importing Files from the Internet ..............................
Importing Coordinate Files to a Topcon Tools Job ..
Importing Control Points in the Ground
Coordinate System .................................................
Viewing Downloaded and Created Objects ..............
How to See Satellites Whose Signals
Were Collected in TPS file ..............................
For Static Occupations ........................................
For Stop and Go Occupations .............................
For Kinematic Occupations ................................
For Ephemeris Data ............................................
Coordinates the Points Tab Displays ..................
Editing Occupations Before Post-processing ............
Editing Point Name ............................................
Editing Antenna Parameters ...............................
Disabling Point/GPS Occupation/GPS
Observation .....................................................
Changing Occupation Type ................................
Processing GPS Raw Data ........................................
How to Process Single/Selected GPS
Observations ....................................................
Auto Import of Data and Auto-processing .........
About Vector and Point Coordinates ..................
Adjusting the Network ..............................................
Settings for Adjustment .....................................

P/N 7010-0929


Table of Contents

How to Run Adjustment ......................................

What Adjustment Result Window Displays .......
What is UWE ......................................................
How to Decrease the UWE Value .......................
Reject with Care ..................................................
Adjustment of Unclosed Figures .........................



Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

Managing Static GPS

Downloading Raw Data from GPS
Receivers to the Computer
1. Installation of Topcon Tools on the computer creates four
additional system folders in the

2. Before connecting the receivers USB port to the computers

USB port, the TPS USB driver must be installed on the computer.
The driver is available for download on the TPS website (http://
3. Connect the receiver (s) and computer using the RS232 or USB
cable, and turn on the receiver(s).
4. Open Windows Explorer and click the Topcon Receiver folder.
The right panel of the window displays the automatical start of
searching of Topcon receivers connected to any of the computer
ports (COM and USB).

5. When finished, all the receivers connected to the computer ports

will be listed:

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6. To view collected raw data file, click a desired receiver.

7. To import the file(s) from the receiver to a folder, select the

desired file(s) and copy them to the folder using the drag-anddrop method.

Importing Raw Data to a Topcon

Tools Job
1. Run Topcon Tools. Open an existing job or create a new job.
2. Open the folder which contains the raw data files and copy these
files to the current Topcon Tools job using the drag-and-drop

3. After opening the GPS raw data files, the Points tab displays
navigation coordinates of the points where GPS raw data were
collected in WGS-84 coordinate system. To change the datum or
set a projection for grid or ground coordinates, double-click on

Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

the appropriate box of the Status Bar and select a desired

coordinate system and projection from the lists:

Importing Files with Identical Point

Names - Merging Two Occupations
When importing the file that contains occupations with names
already existing in the current Topcon Tools job, the software will
compare the plane and vertical coordinates for such occupations
If the difference between the navigation solutions is less than
30 m, the software will automatically import this occupation
to the current job without changing the name. In this case two
corresponding occupations will be present for the point with
this name:

Note, that similar situation can occur when a user changes

the power battery for the base station.
To avoid creating several GPS observations for one rover
occupation from two base occupations

we recommend merging these base occupations:

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highlight all occupations for the same point and left-click

any highlighted occupation.
select the Merge option (this option will be enabled, if the
Advanced module of Topcon Tools is activated) from the
pop-up menu

and if all rules for merging two and more occupations are
satisfied, the Merge GPS Occupations dialog box will
appear. Type in a name for being created occupation and
click OK:
The Occupation View displays ONE occupation for
Base2 point:

If the difference between the navigation solutions is more

than 30 m the software displays the Resolve duplicate points
dialog box. This dialog box allows the user to consider which

Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

points to use in the job and how to rename the points with
identical names:

There are three ways to deal with this situation:

1. Click OK without changing any name and the software
will automatically imports this occupation to the current
job. In this case two corresponding occupations will be
present for the point (this way is identical to the previous
scenario). To set the coordinates of the imported point in
the current job instead of existing ones, before clicking
OK, select the desired point(s) in the left pane and click
the double arrows button. The coordinates of the
imported point override the old coordinates:

Click OK to continue with the import of this file to the job.

2. Right-click on the imported point and select Rename
from the pop-up menu to give a new name to

Type in a desired name and click OK:

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Click OK in the Resolve duplicate points dialog box to

start the import.
In this case two separate points will be present in the job:

3. To terminate the import of the file to the current Topcon

Toolss job, click the Cancel button.

Importing Files from the Internet

Importing RINEX files from the Internet allows the user to find,
select and download the RINEX files from the remote host(s) to your
current job.
1. Click Job-Import from the Internet
2. The Web Import dialog box displays the coordinates of the jobs
geometric center and the common time interval for GPS raw data
of the job:

The user can edit every field in this box.

3. To start searching for a desired station(s), click the Search Points

Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

4. After the software finds the corresponding station(s), the

following window appears. This window contains a list of all
stations, which are located within the determined radius:

5. To search for a file collected at a point, click


the point name:

6. Select the desired file.

7. To download the selected file(s) to the current Topcon Tools job,

. Only selected file(s) in the opened list

for the corresponding point will be downloaded to the job.

8. To download the corresponding ephemeris file, click a desired
ephemeris file from the Ephemeris pane:

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Importing Coordinate Files to a

Topcon Tools Job
The user can import a file containing control points used for
processing, adjustment and localization to the current Topcon Tools
Topcon Tools allows importing text coordinate files that do not
contain information about the coordinate system. These files contain
ONLY the values of the coordinates.
To import the point coordinates in the corresponding coordinate
system, the user has to:
know this coordinate system or projection;
set this coordinate system / projection as current (in the Status
Bar) before importing.
For example, let us create a coordinate file in NAD 83 using the text
editor Microsoft Notepad and import this file to the Topcon Tools
1. Create and save a file containing coordinates of two points in any
desired coordinate system (e.g. NAD 83).

2. Select NAD 83 coordinate system in the Status Bar:

3. This file (BLH-1.txt) has an arbitrary file format (by default

Topcon Tools does not support BLH file format with space
delimiter), to import this file the user has to create and save a user
-defined format. To do it, take the following steps:
click Job-Import

Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

In the dialog box, select Custom Text Format in the Format

name field, type BLH-1.txtin the File name field and click

In the Custom format properties dialog box, enter the files


select the coordinates, then use the right arrow button to move
it from the left field to the right field

enter the format name and the formats extension

Click OK. Topcon Tools will save this format in the list of the
coordinate file formats and import this file into the job.
Points tab and Map View display all points of the job:

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To assign the coordinates of the imported point to the point,

where GPS raw data were collected, replace the name of GPS
point with the name of the corresponding control point:
Points Tab
Points Tab
Map View

Note, that the user can use the same point names for the control points
and GPS points. In this case, after importing the coordinate file to the
current job, Topcon Tools automatically assigns the coordinates from
the file to corresponding GPS points, if the coordinate difference is
less than 30 meters for a given GPS point.
If this difference is more than 30 meters for a given GPS point, the
software displays the Resolve duplicate points dialog box. This dialog
box allows the user to analyse the control point(s) and select which
coordinates to use in the job:


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

To use the coordinates of the imported point, select the point in the
left panel and click the double arrows button. The coordinates of the
imported point override the old coordinates.

Importing Control Points in the

Ground Coordinate System
To perform localization in a Topcon Tools job, two sets of
coordinates in the different systems are needed for the same points:
in the WGS-84 coordinate system (any datum or any grid
coordinates can be converted to WGS-84 using pre-defined
in a Local coordinate system.
Before importing a local coordinate file, the user has to set the
Ground coordinate system in the Status Bar:

After importing the corresponding Control points in the Local

coordinate system, the Points tab and Map View will display only

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these point in Ground coordinate system. This step is the first step to
perform Localization in the current job.

Viewing Downloaded and Created

Map View and Tab View display all downloaded points and
unprocessed baselines and trajectories in the current job.

How to See Satellites Whose Signals Were

Collected in TPS file
To view individual satellites for imported occupation(s), click ViewOccupations View, then click the node for a point or receiver. When


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

the node is expanded, the satellite availability bars will be displayed

for this occupation:

Note: The Occupation View displays individual satellites plot only for
post-processing occupations and does not display individual satellites
plot for RTK occupations:

For Static Occupations

Baselines will automatically be created for any pair of static
occupations (which were imported into the job), if common time of
these occupations is more than the minimum observation time. This
time can be set by the user in the Minimum Duration field of the
General tab in the GPS+ PostProcess group of the Process Properties
dialog box:

By default this time is 60 sec. This feature is useful to remove shortdistance baseline from processing. Such baselines can be accidentally

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formed when raw data from two or more independent rover receivers
were imported.

In scenario A, Topcon Tools creates GPS observations for two

occupations with duration more than 60 sec. And all possible GPS
observations for these four occupations will be created.
For scenario B, Topcon Tools creates GPS observations for two
occupations with duration more than 600 sec. Duration for the pairs
point-1 -point_3 and point-1 -point_4 is less than 600 sec and
GPS observations for these occupations will not be created.
Using settings in this window (the General tab in the GPS+
PostProcess group of the Process Properties dialog box) allows not
creating GPS Observations for the lines whose lengths exceed the
value set in the field:

If the distance of a job vector exceeds the specified limit, Topcon

Tools will not create GPS observation for it.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

All created GPS observations can be processed:

For Stop and Go Occupations

After importing a file that contains Static and Kinematic occupations
into a project,

Map View allows one to display either only points measured in the
Stop mode, or these points and the trajectory of movement of the
rover antenna measured in the Go mode.

(in the General tab of the GPS+ PostProcess

group in the Process Properties dialog box) to display the trajectory

of antenna movement (by default this option is unchecked). The
MAP View displays either points or points and trajectory:

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After importing the corresponding reference station, MAP View will

display either points and GPS Observations or points, GPS
Observations and trajectory:

For case A, all created GPS observations can be processed. For case
B, all created GPS observations and all trajectories (from point to
point) can be processed:

For Kinematic Occupations

The Map View displays a trajectory for any kinematic occupation
after importing this occupation into the job:


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

After importing the corresponding reference station, the GPS

Observations tab will display the created GPS observations for each

The trajectory can be processed.

For Ephemeris Data

When only observation RINEX files were downloaded into the job,
the corresponding GPS observation(s) will be created, but processing
will fail for this GPS observation:
The cause of this problem is the absence of ephemeris information for
the occupations. The Orbit column of the GPS Observations tab
displays the current ephemeris status:
There are no GPS/GLONASS ephemeris for this GPS observation.
This vector cannot be processed.
There are broadcast GPS/GLONASS ephemeris for this GPS
. This vector can be processed.
There are precise GPS/GLONASS ephemeris for this GPS
observation. This vector can be processed.

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Coordinates the Points Tab Displays

An imported tps file can contain coordinates of different types. It
depends on which service was used during data collection:
If a receiver is collecting data in the standalone mode, the
coordinates for each epoch can be navigational or standalone
If a receiver is collecting data in the RTK mode, the coordinates
for each epoch can be fixed or float, e.g. obtained with phase
If a receiver is collecting data in the code differential mode using
correction data from a beacon or WAAS/EGNOS satellites, the
coordinates for each epoch can be obtained with code differential
To see the type of coordinates, after importing a tps file into a Topcon
Tools job, open the GPS Occupations tab, right click the desired
occupation and select the Epoch View option (this option will be
enabled, if the Advanced module of Topcon Tools is activated):

The left panel of the Epoch View window contains Solution Type
for coordinate, collected in standalone mode
for coordinate, collected in code differential mode
for coordinate, collected in RTK mode

When the user imports a file, which contains a static occupation, the
Points tab displays the averaged coordinates of all epochs collected


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

for this point. And the GPS occupations tab displays the horizontal/
vertical position error for the given occupation:

When the user imports a file, which contains a kinematic occupation,

the Points tab displays the coordinates for each epoch collected for
this trajectory. Averaging coordinates for the kinematic occupation is
not performed, and the coordinate error will be determined by the
type of solution (see Epoch View):

Editing Occupations Before Postprocessing

This section describes some useful steps, the user can take before
post-processing and adjustment

Editing Point Name

When the user uses MINTER for creating Stop-and-Go file, the
names of static points are very long. To change names for all Stop
points, do the following:
Open the Points tab,

Sort the occupations by icons:

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Highlight all Stop points,

Right-click on any highlighted point and select Rename Points

from the pop-up menu:

Type in Point_1 as the name for the first point and click Ok.
The software will add the increment 1 to the name of every

Editing Antenna Parameters

When the user uses MINTER for creating a tps file, as a rule, the
information about antenna type, antenna height method and antenna
height are absent in the file. After importing such a tps file into a
Topcon Tools job, the GPS occupations tab displays the
occupation(s) of this file in red (a special test determines that the
antenna parameters for GPS occupation(s) are invalid):


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

The software allows the user to set the desired antenna type, antenna
height method and antenna height for multiple occupations:
Highlight all desired occupations
Click a highlighted cell (or press F2) and edit the desired
Antenna Type select a desired antenna type from the dropdown list.
Antenna Height type in a new height for the antenna.
Antenna Height Method select the method from the dropdown list.

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Disabling Point/GPS Occupation/GPS

The user can disable any object (point/GPS Occupation/GPS
Observation) from the current job using the Disable option in the
pop-up menu for this object:

When a point is disabled, it means that all GPS observations for this
point will be disabled from post-processing and adjustment.
When a GPS occupation is disabled, it means that all GPS
observations where this GPS occupation is used will be disabled from
post-processing and adjustment.
When a GPS Observation is diabled it means that only this GPS
observation will not be processed and adjusted.

Changing Occupation Type

If you used MINTER of the receiver for creating a raw data file and
did not use the FN button to change the occupation type, the user can
obtain a static occupation which contains kinematic data. To switch
from static to kinematic, erase the point name for this occupation:

Highlight the GPS occupation to edit the point name,

and press F2.
2. Press Delete to remove the point name and press Enter.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

The static occupation became kinematic that is marked by the

corresponding icon (see an example below)
The GPS Occupations tab

The Points tab

The Points tab displays kinematic points for each epoch, and the
name of the kinematic point contains the name of this occupation and
the time in the format of the GPS week number and week seconds.
Note: The software allows one to change the occupation type only for
post-processing occupations and does not allow changing the
occupation type for RTK occupations.

Processing GPS Raw Data

Before processing the user can change the elevation cut-off angle (in
degrees) for satellites used in data processing. To do it, click Process>Process Properties->GPS+ PostProcess, select General tab, type
in the desired cut-off angle in the Elevation Mask field
and click OK.
To use GPS/GLONASS SVs in post-processing, select the GPS+
option in the System field of this tab:

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To use only GPS SVs in post-processing, select GPS Only:

Click Process-GPS+PostProcessing to start processing baselines.

The Status bar displays processing in progress

. Once

the process is finished, the user can view the results of calculation of
baselines in the GPS Obs tab. To do it, click GPS obs tab. To view a
result for a single baseline, right click a desired observation in the
GPS Obs tab, select Properties and click the Observation tab in the
Properties window:

After processing, the Map View will display green or red static GPS
baselines. Red color is used for baselines, whose Horizontal
Precision/Vertical Precision (these precisions are calculated by the
post-processing engine) are worse than the value in the setting for the


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

current job (Job - Job Configuration - Quality Control- GPS Obs

Precision tab).

The red baseline has the

icon in the GPS Obs tab.

The GPS Observation Report will display the name and the
corresponding horizontal or vertical precision of this GPS observation
in red color:

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How to Process Single/Selected GPS

To process one or several highlighted GPS observations, right click
on the desired / any highlighted GPS observation and select GPS+
PostProcessing from the pop-up menu:

The user can use the given way to process different GPS observations
with different settings in the Process Properties window.

Auto Import of Data and Auto-processing

If the user has occupation(s) from only one GPS receiver, he can
obtain processed coordinates for these occupations. At first check
mark the box

in the General tab in the GPS+

PostProcess group of the Process Properties dialog box.

And then click Process-> GPS+PostProcessing to start autoprocessing for separate occupations. The software will automatically
search for a station by the criterion of a minimal distance from an
existing point in the job. After finding such a station, the program is
searching for the file by the corresponding date and time of the
occupation loaded into the job. Then the found file will be


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

automatically imported to the job, and also automatically the created

GPS observation will be processed:

F7 (GPS+ PostProcessing)

Note that the vector (GPS observation) was processed from some
(not-fixed) coordinates of the imported points. We recommend that
the user specify these values:
enter their correct values into the Points tab,
fix these coordinates (in the Control column)
click F8 (Adjustment).
Then the user obtains the coordinates for the given points from the
fixed coordinates of the imported reference station:

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About Vector and Point Coordinates

On the post processing stage Topcon Tools determines coordinates of
GPS observations (vectors) only, rather than the final coordinates of
the points.
We strongly recommend performing an adjustment of the network
(closed or unclosed) to obtain the final coordinates of the network
points from Fixed Control Point(s).

How to See Satellites Used in Post-processing

of GPS Observation
If the user wants to see satellites used in post-processing of static
GPS - observation(s), the user has to select the checkbox
in the General tab (of the GPS+ PostProcess group in
the Process Properties dialog box). This option will be enabled, if the
Advanced module of Topcon Tools is activated. After processing all
or selected GPS observations, Topcon Tools creates the residuals plot
for each processed static GPS observation. To view this plot, right
click on a desired GPS observation in the corresponding tab and
select Residuals View from the pop-up menu:

Then the Residual View dialog box displays diagrams of the

residuals resulting from GPS-observation computation for each
double difference satellite pair used in processing
The X-axis represents the duration of GPS-observation.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

The Y-axis represents the residuals in carrier cycles for all

measurement types which were collected in the two occupations.

The Legend window displays a list of all satellites (and measurement

types for each satellite) which were used in post-processing.

Adjusting the Network

Adjustment of the network - is a final procedure for obtaining the
coordinates of the network points in the pre-defined system of
coordinates (i.e., in the coordinate system defined in the Topcon
Tools Database) with estimation of errors.
Only adjustment allows obtaining point coordinates of network from
Fixed Control points.
Only after the adjustment of the network, which consists of closed
figures, it is possible to obtain not statistical evaluations but realistic
errors of coordinates for the given network.
Topcon Tools performs separate adjustments for the plane
coordinates and for the heights of the network.
The user can independently select in which plane(s) to perform the
adjustment using the appropriate type of control points.

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If the user does not fix points of the network, the free (inner)
adjustment will be performed in the both planes:

If the user sets ONE point as fixed in the horizontal and

vertical planes (set Both in the Control field), the adjustment of
this network in plane and by height is performed with minimal
constraint. The plane adjustment uses the horizontal coordinates
of this point, and the vertical adjustment uses the elevation of this

The user can use TWO different points as control: one only in
vertical and another only in horizontal plane. In this case Topcon
Tools will also perform the minimal constraint adjustment for
each plane:

If the user sets some point as fixed in the horizontal only, the
adjustment of this network is performed in plane only. Vertical
adjustment will not be done for such setting:


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

Settings for Adjustment

1. To evaluate quality of the adjusted network, the user can
select either Quality Control or Tau Criterion tests. To do
it, click Process-Process Properties-Adjustment tab and
select the desired radio button in the Rejection Criterion

If the user selects By Quality Control, Topcon Tools will

reject those horizontal or /and vertical components of GPS
observation from adjustment which have residuals worse than
the value set for the current job (Job - Job Configuration Quality Control- GPS Obs Precision tab). The residuals for
GPS observation are calculated in the adjustment process for
the closed figures of the network.
Note that the values in tab of Quality Control block are
assigned by the current configuration of the given job. If you
are going to adjust the network with centimeter-orderprecision, load the GPS+ configuration before the
adjustment. In this case the GPS Obs Precision tab will have
the following values (an example for meters)

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To load the desired configuration, click the Save

configuration button on the Job Configuration window:

If the user selects Tau Criterion test, Topcon Tools will

reject the horizontal or /and vertical components of GPS
observation from adjustment with a Tau value more than
Taucritical. These residuals are calculated in the adjustment
process for the closed figures and/or for repeated
observations in the network.
The formula for calculating Tau is: Tau = RES / res ,
RES designates the residual calculated for the
corresponding component of the observation;

is the RMS residual error.

Note that Taucritical depends on the number of degrees of

freedom and the selected level of confidence
2. Before the first adjustment, we recommend the user
disable the option of rejection of bad component(s) GPS
observations from the network adjustment. To do that,
double click in the Autoreject column for the desired GPS
observation and select Not Allowed.

In this

case ALL GPS observations with any values of residuals

will be used in the adjustment of the network. In the

Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

given case, Topcon Tools will display the maximum

possible value of UWE for the whole network.

How to Run Adjustment

To adjust all observations in the current job, do one of the
Click Process->Adjustment
Press F8 on the keyboard

(Adjust Network) button

Lets adjust a network which contains:

- 5 points, one point is fixed in plane and by height,
- 16 GPS observations (together with repeated GPS observations)

By Quality Control is selected for this Topcon Tools job.

What Adjustment Result Window Displays

After starting the adjustment procedure, the network is analyzed.

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If every test is performed successfully, the Adjustment Result window

a) The type of the network adjustment. For the given example the
adjustment was performed in both planes with minimal

b) The table contains information about:

the quantity of adjusted points,
the quantity of fixed points and weighted points,
the quantity of used and rejected observations,
errors of unit weight (UWE) and UWE bounds:

Note that auto rejected observations are absent, because Not

Allowed was selected in Autoreject column for all GPS
observations of the network
c) The component in red is a GPS observation with precisions
worse than the values set for the current job in the Job
Configuration tab:

What is UWE
UWE is a coefficient which displays HOW the precision of the
network points (closed figure) changes after adjustment with
respect to the precision obtained after processing the baselines
(GPS observations). If the user got UWE close to 1, the average
precision of each GPS observation (vector) in the network after


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

adjustment is not worse than the average precision after

processing. The following formula can be used for calculation:
Precision_of_Vector_after_Adjustment =
= UWE* Average_Precision_of_Vector_after_Processing.
UWE bounds are the min/max values of UWE for the given
network with successful result of adjustment (only for closed
Note that most reliable results of the network adjustment are
obtained when UWE is within the bounds. Therefore, to achieve
centimeter precision for the network points, the user has to try to
get UWE whose value does not exceed the upper bound.

How to Decrease the UWE Value

Usually, to change the UWE value for the adjusted network, you can
search out a figure (triangle or rectaugular) or several figures, which
shows maximum values of misclosures in regard to other figures.
After such figures are found out, the worstvector is detected. That
vector (or maybe the vectors) is disabled from the adjustment, and the
adjustment is performed again.
After the adjustment of our example network, the value of UWE for
horizontal plane is 2,36, and the value of UWE for vertical plane is
All these values overrun UWE bounds for this network.
Select all GPS observations and click Process->Loop Closure. Click
the Finish button to create the loop closures report:

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The maximum values of loop closures in horizontal and vertical

planes are as follows:
in plane

in vertical

After the triangles with maximum misclosure are detected, lets deal
with the task of finding out the worst vector in these triangles.
The triangle Base2-CP2-CP4 has the worst residuals in the horizontal
plane. Highlight this triangle and perform the Loop Closure test
again. As we see from the report, the figure contains the repeated
GPS observations:

The sessions, where the vector Base2-CP2 with start time 16.05.2006;
19:29:30 is present, have the maximum residuals in plane.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

We see that the plane component (dN) of the vector does not go with
other observations of vector Base2-CP2:

We can disable this vector. Then lets continue to analyse the

The triangle Base2-CP4-CP5 has the worst residuals in vertical
plane. Highlight this triangle and perform the Loop Closure test
again. As we see from the report, the figure contains the repeated
GPS observations.
The sessions, where the vector Base2-CP5 with start time 16.05.2006;
19:38:00 is present, have the maximum residuals in plane.

We see that the vertical component (dU) of the vector does not go
with other observations of vector Base2-CP5:

We can disable this vector.

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Then adjust the network again. In this case, without two manually
rejected vectors, we obtain the following results:

Using the above method of searching triangles with maximum

misclosures, and manual rejecting the worst vectors from the found
triangles, you can further decrease the UWE value. But even for such
values of UWE, being out the UWE bounds, the result of Loop
Closure test for the 14 GPS observations shows that the maximal
residuals do not exceed 0.013m in horizontal and 0.042 m in vertical

Reject with Care

When using three receivers, which simultaneously collect data at
three different sites, each of sessions represents a trivial triangle.
Such a triangle has three simultaneously measured vectors.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

Managing Static GPS Occupations

If after performing Loop Closure test for this network, there will be a
triangle with the misclosure greater than the value set in the Job
Configuration window, we do not recommend using automatic
rejection of bad GPS observations for adjustment of such a network.
We recommend selecting Not Allowed

for all GPS

observations of the given network.

In this case we recommend evaluating the misclosure, and if the
obtained values are worse than the desired accuracy, analysing the
processed vectors to try to found out the cause of low accuracy. There
may be the following causes: insufficient common time of data
collection, too little number of observed satellites for the given time
of data collection, collecting raw data in conditions of external
interference or multipath.
Try re-processing all vectors or one of them with different values of
elevation mask and do the Loop Closure test again.
If the repeated the Loop Closure test does not show decreasing the
misclosures, we recommend you re-measure the triangle in different
survey conditions:
with greater time of data collection, or with the antenna mounted
higher over the site, or with using a new site for raw data collection,
and measuring the desired point as offset by TS or tape.

Adjustment of Unclosed Figures

Topcon Tools allows one to perform adjustment for unclosed figures.
When the network is not closed, the adjustment procedure is simply
the calculation of coordinates of network points from a fixed base

P/N 7010-0929


station. If the user sets a control point with fixed vertical coordinate,
the Adjustment Result window will display:

The plane and vertical coordinates of the points will be calculated

from the coordinates of the base station.


Topcon Tools Static GPS Occupations Application Guide





Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.

7400 National Drive, Livermore, CA 94550
8004434567 www.topconpositioning.com

Topcon Tools Managing Static GPS Occupations Application Guide

P/N: 7010-0929 Rev A 04/09
2009 Topcon Corporation All rights reserved. No unauthorized duplication.

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