Blowout: Prevention
Blowout: Prevention
Blowout: Prevention
In California
Equipment Selection and Testing
Peter R. Wygle
District No. 3 5075 S. Bradley Rd., Suite 221, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Phone: 805-937-7246
Fax: 805-937-0673
Oil & Gas Districts
Geothermal Districts
1. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 1
2. CLASSIFICATION AND SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT .......................................... 2 2
GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 2-1 2
Classification and Selection System .................................................................... 2-1a 2
Complete BOPE Classification ............................................................................ 2-1b 2
Proposed Well Operation ................................................................................... 2-1c 2
Minimum Equipment ........................................................................................ 2-1d 2
Stack Arrangements ........................................................................................... 2-1e 2
BOP Stack Component Codes ............................................................................ 2-1f 2
Diverter System .................................................................................................. 2-1g 2
Diverter System .................................................................................................. 2-2a 4
Class I BOPE ....................................................................................................... 2-2b 4
Class II BOPE ..................................................................................................... 2-2c 4
Class III BOPE ................................................................................................... 2-2d 6
Class IV BOPE .................................................................................................... 2-2e 9
Class V BOPE ..................................................................................................... 2-2f 11
Class A ............................................................................................................... 2-3a 11
Class B ................................................................................................................ 2-3b 11
Class C ............................................................................................................... 2-3c 11
SELECTION OF PRESSURE RATING ..................................................................... 2-5 13
Maximum Predicted Casing Pressure (MPCP) ................................................... 2-5a 13
Maximum Allowable Casing Pressure (MACP) ................................................. 2-5b 13
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 2-6 17
BOPE Inspection ................................................................................................. 2-6a 17
BOPE Practice Drills and Training Sessions ........................................................ 2-6b 17
Records ............................................................................................................... 2-6c 17
CHARACTERISTICS, AND REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 3 18
GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 3-1 18
PREVENTERS .......................................................................................................... 3-2 18
Annular or “Bag” Preventers .............................................................................. 3-2a 18
Ram Preventers .................................................................................................. 3-2b 19
Closed Preventers ............................................................................................... 3-2c 21
THE ACTUATING SYSTEM .................................................................................... 3-3 21
Accumulator Unit (Closing Unit) ....................................................................... 3-3a 21
Emergency Backup System ................................................................................ 3-3b 26
Control Manifold ................................................................................................ 3-3c 29
Remote Station(s) .............................................................................................. 3-3d 31
Hydraulic Control Lines ..................................................................................... 3-3e 31
Hydraulic Fluid .................................................................................................. 3-3f 33
THE CHOKE AND KILL SYSTEM .......................................................................... 3-4 33
Choke Line and Manifold ................................................................................... 3-4a 33
Kill Line .............................................................................................................. 3-4b 35
AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 3-5 36
Fill-up Line ......................................................................................................... 3-5a 36
Standpipe ........................................................................................................... 3-5b 36
Kelly Cock(s) ...................................................................................................... 3-5c 36
Pipe Safety Valve ............................................................................................... 3-5d 37
Internal Preventer ............................................................................................... 3-5e 37
HOLE-FLUID MONITORING EQUIPMENT .......................................................... 3-6 37
Class A ............................................................................................................... 3-6a 39
Class B ..................................................................................................................... 3-6b 39
Class C ..................................................................................................................... 3-6c 39
3A. SUBSEA BOPE INSTALLATION ................................................................................... 3A 40
GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 3A-1 40
THE DIVERTER SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 3A-2 40
Purpose ................................................................................................................ 3A-2a 40
Installation and Equipment Requirements ........................................................... 3A-2b 40
THE BLOWOUT PREVENTER STACK ..................................................................... 3A-3 42
Variance from Surface Installations ...................................................................... 3A-3a 42
API Stack Component Codes ................................................................................ 3A-3b 42
Stack Arrangements ............................................................................................. 3A-3c 42
Pressure Rating Requirements .............................................................................. 3A-3d 42
Pipe Stripping Arrangements ............................................................................... 3A-3e 45
SUBSEA ACTUATING SYSTEM ............................................................................... 3A-4 45
Variance from Surface Installations ...................................................................... 3A-4a 45
Accumulator Units ............................................................................................... 3A-4b 45
Hydraulic Fluid Mixing System ............................................................................ 3A-4c 46
Accumulator Charging Pumps ............................................................................. 3A-4d 46
The Hydraulic Control System ............................................................................. 3A-4e 46
The Electrohydraulic Control System .................................................................... 3A-4f 46
The Control Stations ............................................................................................. 3A-4g 46
Hose Bundles and Hose Reels .............................................................................. 3A-4h 47
Subsea Control Pods .............................................................................................. 3A-4i 47
CHOKE/KILL LINE VALVE AND PIPING ASSEMBLIES ........................................ 3A-5 47
Riser Line Types ................................................................................................... 3A-5a 47
Wellhead Piping and Valves ................................................................................. 3A-5b 47
Installation Guidelines .......................................................................................... 3A-5c 53
CHOKE MANIFOLD ................................................................................................. 3A-6 53
Variance from Surface Installations ...................................................................... 3A-6a 53
Installation Guidelines .......................................................................................... 3A-6b 53
AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 3A-7 55
General ................................................................................................................. 3A-7a 55
Safety Valves ........................................................................................................ 3A-7b 55
Wellhead Connector ............................................................................................. 3A-7c 56
Marine Riser System ............................................................................................. 3A-7d 56
Guide Structure .................................................................................................... 3A-7e 58
Guideline System ................................................................................................... 3A-7f 58
BLOWOUT PREVENTION EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 3A-8 58
CHARACTERISTICS, AND REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 4 60
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................... 4-1 60
GEOTHERMAL ENVIRONMENTS .............................................................................. 4-2 60
Hot Dry Rock ........................................................................................................... 4-2a 60
Hydrothermal .......................................................................................................... 4-2b 60
BOPE DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ........................................................... 4-3 61
High-temperature Reservoirs .................................................................................. 4-3a 61
Low-temperature Reservoirs ................................................................................... 4-3b 64
RELATED WELL CONTROL EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 4-4 64
Full-opening Safety Valve ........................................................................................ 4-4a 64
Upper Kelly Cock .................................................................................................... 4-4b 64
Internal Preventer .................................................................................................... 4-4c 64
Testing ..................................................................................................................... 4-5a 66
Inspection and Actuation ............................................................................................ 4-5b 66
Crew Training ............................................................................................................. 4-5c 67
Records ...................................................................................................................... 4-5d 67
Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 4-5e 67
5. INSPECTION AND TESTING PROCEDURES ................................................................... 5 68
GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 5-1 68
BOPE Inspection and/or Testing Required ................................................................. 5-1a 68
Pressure Testing .......................................................................................................... 5-1b 68
Suitable Pressure ......................................................................................................... 5-1c 68
Test Results ................................................................................................................ 5-1d 68
TESTING THE ACTUATING SYSTEM ............................................................................. 5-2 69
Accumulator Unit ....................................................................................................... 5-2a 69
Emergency Backup System ......................................................................................... 5-2b 70
Control Manifold ........................................................................................................ 5-2c 71
Remote Station ........................................................................................................... 5-2d 71
AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 5-3 71
General ........................................................................................................................ 5-3a 71
Testing All Connections (except the connection of the annular preventer to the
upper ram preventer), the CSO Rams, the Drilling Spool (mud cross), the
Choke-manifold Blowdown-line Control Valve, the Choke Bodies, the
Choke Downstream Isolation Valves, the Kill-line High-pressure Access
Valve, the Casinghead, and the BOPE Test Plug ....................................................... 5-3b 75
Testing the Kill-line Check Valve ................................................................................ 5-3c 75
Testing the Lowermost Ram Preventer, the Swivel, the Rotary Hose and
Connections, and the Standpipe Connections .......................................................... 5-3d 78
Testing the Upper Pipe-ram Preventer and the Standpipe Valve ................................ 5-3e 78
Testing the Upper Kelly Cock ..................................................................................... 5-3f 78
Testing the Lower Kelly Cock ..................................................................................... 5-3g 78
Testing the Kill-line Control Valve .............................................................................. 5-3h 85
Testing the Choke-manifold Outboard Wing Valve(s) and the
Kill-line Master Valve ................................................................................................ 5-3i 85
Testing the Choke-manifold Inboard Wing Valve(s) .................................................... 5-3j 85
Testing the Choke-manifold Blowdown-line Master Valve ......................................... 5-3k 85
Testing the Choke-line Control Valve .......................................................................... 5-3l 85
Testing the Choke-line Master Valve ......................................................................... 5-3m 85
Testing the Annular Preventer and the Connection of the Annular Preventer to
the Upper Ram Preventer .......................................................................................... 5-3n 85
Testing the Internal Preventer and the Drill Pipe Full-opening Safety Valve .............. 5-3o 94
SUBSEA BOPE INSPECTION AND TESTING .................................................................. 5-4 94
Surface Inspection and Testing .................................................................................... 5-4a 94
Subsea Pressure Testing .............................................................................................. 5-4b 95
Subsea Preventer Actuation Testing ............................................................................ 5-4c 95
Testing the Subsea Actuating System ......................................................................... 5-4d 95
Testing the Auxiliary Equipment ................................................................................ 5-4e 96
Section 3219, Division 3, of the Public Resources Code rized to initiate a blowout drill without the knowledge of
(PRC) of the State of California states, in part, that either the operator’s representative or the contractor’s
operators must equip wells...”with casings of sufficient foreman.)
strength, and with such other safety devices as may be
necessary, in accordance with methods approved by the The operator must post at the well site of each well a copy
supervisor, and shall use every effort and endeavor of the division’s Permit to Conduct Well Operations
effectually to prevent blowouts, explosions, and fires”. (Form OG 111). This report contains, among other
Additional requirements for casing and blowout pre- provisions, the class of BOPE required and lists any tests
vention equipment (BOPE) are provided by several sec- and procedures, including BOPE tests, that must be
tions of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, witnessed by a division representative.
particularly Section 1722.5, which establishes this manual
as the guide for engineers of the Department of Conser- Section 2 of the manual outlines the division’s require-
vation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal ments for BOPE, emphasizing the fact that the require-
Resources...”in establishing the blowout prevention ments are tailored to the individual well.
equipment requirements specified in the division’s ap-
proval of proposed operations”. Section 3 explains the function and operating character-
istics of BOPE components. For the purposes of the
Besides serving as a guide for Division of Oil, Gas, and manual, BOPE components are grouped into five major
Geothermal Resources (division) engineers, the manual functional areas: preventers, actuating system, choke
is designed to help operator personnel in planning their and kill system, auxiliary equipment, and hole-fluid
well operations. By serving as a single-source guide to monitoring equipment. In most cases, a list of division
blowout prevention equipment (BOPE) used in oil, gas, requirements for a component follows the operational
and geothermal operations in California, the manual explanations.
will help operators conform to the BOPE requirements of
the Public Resources Code and the California Code of Section 3-A describes the additional equipment and
Regulations. modification of BOPE components necessary for install-
ing and operating blowout prevention equipment on the
The manual is oriented primarily toward the equipment ocean floor.
involved in blowout prevention. Therefore, several
important aspects of kick control and blowout preven- Section 4 describes the equipment and modification of
tion practices, such as casing programs, kick-control BOPE components necessary for drilling geothermal
procedures, and crew training are discussed only briefly, wells.
if at all. This does not mean that the division places
reduced emphasis on these aspects of blowout preven- Section 5 outlines inspection and testing procedures for
tion. In fact, Section 1722(c), Title 14, California Code of all components of the BOPE array, except the hole-fluid
Regulations requires that “For certain critical or high- monitoring system. These procedures may be modified
pressure wells designated by the supervisor, a blowout in the field by a division inspector to conform to current
prevention and control plan, including provisions for policy, but complete testing may be ordered if the appar-
the duties, training, supervision, and schedules for test- ent condition of the BOPE is such that a question exists as
ing equipment and performing personnel drills, shall be to the ability of the components to function satisfactorily.
submitted by the operator to the appropriate division
district deputy for approval”. Once approved, a copy of During the preparation of this manual, personnel were
the plan must be available at each well site for use by the consulted from oil, gas, and geothermal operating com-
operator and contractor personnel for training rig crews. panies, equipment manufacturing firms, service compa-
The plan is also used by division inspectors when evalu- nies, petroleum consulting firms, and industry organiza-
ating blowout prevention (BOP) preparedness. For criti- tions, and many of their suggestions are included. Much
cal or high-pressure wells, the division may elect to material is based on industry and trade publications,
witness one or more of the required weekly blowout particularly the specifications and recommended prac-
drills in the company of the operator’s representative or tices of the American Petroleum Institute (API).
contractor’s foreman. (Division engineers are not autho-
c. Each proposed well operation will be considered in Components are listed from the bottom component
its entirety by a division engineer before BOPE clas- to the top component, that is from the uppermost
sifications are assigned. More than one BOPE clas- piece of permanent wellhead equipment or the bot-
sification will be assigned if warranted by different tom of the preventer stack.
stages of the proposed casing program. The
classification(s) will be specified on the division’s g. If conditions warrant, the division may approve the
Permit to Conduct Well Operations (Form OG 111). installation of a diverter system when a well is to be
drilled to a shallow total depth. However, in areas
d. Paragraph 2-2 describes the minimum equipment where steam injection or other sources of shallow
for each class of BOPE. Additional requirements overpressure might present a threat of blowout, the
may be specified, on an individual well basis, to division may require an operator to install a diverter
closure around the pipe in use. See paragraph 3- 5. Kelly cock or standpipe valve.*
2a1 for additional requirements if an annular
preventer is used alone (API arrangement A). 6. Full-opening safety valve readily available on
the rig floor, in the open position, with fittings
2. Manual closing devices, unless a remote actuat- adaptable to all pipe to be used in the proposed
ing system is specified. operations. If this valve is of the type that is
made up into the working string, it must fit
3. Access line of 2-inch minimum outside diam- through the wellhead equipment in use.
eter into the well bore below the preventer(s),
with suitable valves and fittings for pressure 7. Internal preventer inside the pipe in use, or
relief or well killing operations. readily available at the rig in the open position,
with fittings adaptable to the safety valve re-
4. Fill-up line into the bell nipple above the quired by 2-2c6. This valve must fit through the
preventer stack, but not in direct line with the wellhead equipment in use and must be stored
flow line.* in such a position or identified in such a manner
that it will not be the first valve installed by the
crew in response to a kick taken while tripping
* For workover operations not requiring a drilling-type pipe.*
circulating system, requirements 4, 5, and 7 do not apply.
4. Kill line of 2-inch minimum outside diameter, e. A Class IV system consists of, as a minimum, the
containing at least one control valve, one check following components:
valve, and fittings for an auxiliary pump con-
nection. See paragraph 3-4b for specific require- 1. Annular preventer, blind (CSO) ram-type
ments. The kill line should enter the well bore preventer, and two or more pipe ram-type
beneath one set of pipe rams, with an optional preventer(s) capable of closure around all pipe,
auxiliary connection below the lowermost rams. exclusive of drill collars and short “stinger”
strings of smaller pipe, to be used in the pro-
5. Choke system containing at least one control posed operations. The blind rams must be above
valve, one adjustable choke, a bleed line, and an at least one set of pipe rams. All ram-type
accurate pressure gauge. See paragraph 3-4a for preventers must have independent, positive-
specific requirements. Normally, the choke line locking devices.
outlet from the well bore will be located beneath
one set of pipe rams. However, if the operator’s 2. An actuating system with the primary source of
BOPE guidance recommends that the pipe rams energy (usually the accumulator unit) located at
be placed in a “master gate” position at the base least 50 feet from the well bore. The actuating
of the BOPE stack (API arrangement RSRA), the system must be capable of accomplishing ALL
division will approve the placement of the choke of the following actions within two minutes
line outlet between the pipe rams and the CSO with the source of power to any charging pump(s)
rams with the provision that the operator main- disconnected:
tains an extra set of pipe rams at the well site to
exchange for the CSO rams if a kick is taken with a) Close and open one ram-type preventer;
pipe in the hole. The division will not approve
placement of the choke line outlet above all of b) Close the annular preventer on the smallest-
the ram preventers. In offshore and critical diameter pipe for which pipe rams have
onshore areas, the choke line must discharge been installed;
into existing production facilities or a suitable
container. c) Perform all immediate kick-control re-
sponses involving any installed auxiliary
6. Kelly cock, standpipe valve, and standpipe pres- equipment for which this actuating system
sure gauge.* serves as the source of energy.
7. Fill-up line into the bell nipple above the For preventers with very large operating vol-
preventer stack, but not in direct line with the umes, the two-minute time limit may be ex-
flow line.* tended to cover the period of time during which
fluid is moving continuously in the system to
8. Full-opening safety valve, readily available on perform this sequence of actions.
the rig floor in the open position, with fittings
adaptable to all pipe to be used in the proposed If the actuating system is of the hydropneumatic
operations. If this valve is of the type that is type, it must contain enough USABLE FLUID to
made up into the working string, it must fit accomplish a), b), and c) just discussed with the
through the wellhead equipment in use. source of power to the accumulator pump dis-
9. Internal preventer inside the pipe in use, or
readily available on the rig floor in the open NOTE: USABLE FLUID is defined as the vol-
position, with fittings adaptable to the safety ume of fluid that may be withdrawn from the
valve required by 2-2d8. This valve must fit accumulator(s) without lowering the pressure
in the actuating system below 1,000 psi, or 200
* For workover operations not requiring a drilling-type psi above the manufacturer’s recommended
circulating system, requirements 6, 7, and 9 do not apply.
In addition, an emergency backup system must 10. Internal preventer inside the pipe in use, or
be installed at the source of energy for the actu- readily available on the rig floor in the open
ating system. The backup system must contain position, with fittings adaptable to the safety
enough usable fluid, or enough usable fluid valve required by 2-2e9. This valve must fit
equivalent, to close the annular preventer on through the wellhead equipment in use and
open hole and open any installed remote-con- must be stored in such a position, or identified in
trolled valves on the choke line. The backup such a manner, that it will not be the first valve
system must utilize an independent, explosion- installed by the crew in response to a kick taken
safe source of actuating energy. while tripping pipe.*
3. Dual control stations: one within 10 feet of the f. A Class V BOPE system applies only in the case of
driller’s station if the configuration of the drill- a subsea BOPE stack (see paragraph 3A-3 for re-
ing floor permits, (preferably on the nearest exit quirements and Figure 6 for BOP stack configura-
route from the rig floor), and the other at the tion).
actuating system.
9. Full-opening safety valve, readily available on If slim hole operations are anticipated, the mud
return indicator should be of an electromag-
* For workover operations not requiring a drilling-type
circulating system, requirements 6, 7, 8, and 10 do not apply.
An operator proposes to reperforate the producing zone 1) Enter the chart from the left margin at the depth
in a well for which the BOPE requirement has been of the exposed formation (i.e., top perfs, at 4,400').
determined to be Class II. The operator provides the
following information concerning the well: 2) Move to an interpolated point (between 70 pcf
and 80 pcf fluid curves) that would represent the
8-5/8", 32#, J-55 casing cemented at 4,000'. proposed workover fluid weight (73.5 pcf).
5-1/2", 17#, J-55 liner cemented from 3,960' to 4,500'. 3) Move to the upper margin to obtain the pressure
applied through the perfs.
Water shut-off (WSO) on 5-1/2" x 8-5/8" lap.
4) Read the Formation Fracture Pressure (1,450
Liner perforated from 4,400' to 4,500'. psi).
Total depth: 4,500'. NOTE: If the liner in this example had been installed
with a hanger instead of being cemented in place, the
Producing clean, 38o API gravity oil (sp. gr. 0.835). formation would be exposed to well pressure at the
shoe of the 8-5/8" casing at 4,000'. In this case, the
Static fluid level at 1,500' below surface. lower margin of the graph (Fig. 8) would have
applied, and the Formation Fracture Pressure would
Shut-in casing pressure: 50 psig. have been 960 psi.
Proposed workover fluid weight: 73.5 pcf. b. Calculate the Casing Yield Pressure for the anchor
string of casing as follows:
Formation pressure gradient : 0.465 psi/ft.
1) Calculate the pressure gradient of the proposed
workover fluid using the factor 0.0069 (i.e., 0.433
/ 62.4) to convert fluid weight in pcf to pressure
gradient. 73.5 x 0.0069 = 0.510 psi/ft.
STEP 1. Determine the Maximum Predicted Casing
Pressure (MPCP) as follows: 2) Calculate the overbalance gradient with respect
to the formation pressure gradient by multiply-
a. Calculate the BHP by using fluid level, pressure ing the pressure gradient of the proposed
gradient, and shut-in casing pressure information workover fluid by the formation pressure gradi-
and the following formulas. (Pressure gradient of ent. 0.510 - 0.465 = 0.045 psi/ft.
the produced fluid x height of the fluid column) +
shut-in casing pressure. 3) Calculate the overpressure at the top of the liner
lap by multiplying the overbalance gradient by
The pressure gradient of the produced fluid is the the depth to the liner top. 3,960 x 0.045 = 178 psi.
product of the specific gravity of the produced fluid
and the pressure gradient of fresh water. 4) Subtract the overpressure from the minimum
internal yield pressure of the anchor string using
Therefore, BHP = [(0.835 x 0.433)(4,500 - 1,500)] + 50 Appendix D to obtain the casing yield pressure.
= 1,135 psi For 8-5/8" 32# J-55 casing, the minimum inter-
nal yield pressure is 3,930 psi.
b. From Figure 7, obtain the MPCP/BHP ratio for the
total depth and multiply by the BHP to obtain the Casing Yield Pressure= 3,930 - 178 = 3,752 psi
NOTE: For a well in which the anchor string is made
up of several grades of casing, or in areas where a
The MPCP/BHP for a TD of 4,500'= 0.91
uniform formation pressure gradient does not apply
MPCP = 0.91 x 1,135 = 1,033 psi.
from surface to total depth, the casing yield pressure
may have to be calculated for several points in the
STEP 2. Calculate the Maximum Allowable Casing hole to determine a minimum value for the well.
Pressure (MACP) for the existing hole conditions.
ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Formation pressure is 0.465 psi/ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the graph from the left mar-
foot at all depths. gin at the depth to the shoe of the
2. Fracture gradient behaves according BOPE anchor string or the top of the
to Cristman.14 production perfs., as applicable.
In areas where these assumptions are known to be invalid, 2. Move horizontally to a point cor-
the MACP as determined from the graph must be multiplied responding to the density of the fluid
by one or both of the following factors, as applicable: to be used during the proposed opera-
tions. Interpolate if necessary.
1. Known fracture gradient
3. Move vertically from that point
Fracture gradient from right margin of graph to the lower margin if there is to be
open hole below the shoe of the BOPE
and/or anchor string. Move to the upper mar-
gin if the pressure is to be applied to
existing production perforations in a
2. Known formation pressure fully cased hole (see Appendix E).
0.465 x depth
Superior figures refer to the list of Selected References at the end of the report.
e) Internal preventer.