Poulshot Village News - April 2016

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Village News
April 2016

Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for Poulshot Village News)

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From the Editor

Welcome to Spring!
Hopefully our front cover this month is a flavour of the
blue skies and beautiful flowers we can expect to see.
In this edition, catch up on the news from Townsend Barn
Nursery , an update on how the Lent Lunch turned out,
news on the Dutch Auction held by the Poulshot Friends and Neighbours group,
and meet Bertha Hunloke in Pets Corner.
This month we have a Sudoku puzzle rather than our usual crossword and a maze
for our younger readers. Looking forward to April we have the Queens Birthday
and Poulshot will be celebrating with a Beacon at Barley Hill Farm. April is also
the month of Village AGMs so if you wish to get involved, take a look at our diary
in the centre of the magazine.
In sadder news, Poulshot has lost several residents recently, both current and past.
Read the obituary of one of our former residents, June McCausland, on Page 30
Finally, as summer is now only around the corner, check the back page for the new
Raven opening hours.

Poulshot Village News

The PVN is put together and distributed free to all houses in the
village. Contribu9ons, reports, opinions and ar9cles are very much
welcomed. While we will always aim to include all shades of opinion
and interest, we reserve the right to select and edit where
appropriate. Please let us know of anything that you would like
publicised in advance or reported on aAerwards..
e-mail news@mypoulshot.com pop in to Ivy House, 72 The Green
or call 01380 828206

Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 20th of the

month please - or earlier!

Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on costs. Publica9on of
an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service. Adverts may be taken as full, half or
quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.

Holiday Let
Near Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Detached comfortable bungalow with private garden
2 double and 1 twin room, 10 minute walk from the beach and with many
local attractions
Bookings all year round,
Prices from 30 a night: low season.
Contact Jean or Royden on 01380 828695
You can view some photos at


in Poulshot.
Overnight accommodation
available in Grade 2 listed
building with car parking space

Email: marygracebrothers@gmail.com
Telephone: 01380 828221
A range of options are available to suit individual needs.

When friends and relations wish to visit and you are unable to put them up for the
night, book them in at

Townsend Farmhouse

Page 4

The View from My Window..

..Spring! Did you know that the old English word for Lent is
Spring? I dont know how you think of Lent or whether you took up
any of the 9me honoured fasts and depriva9ons in the season that
has just nished.; no chocolate, no biscuits, no alcohol even, and
so with the end of Lent and the coming of Easter there is much to
be celebrated . I have long maintained that it is be_er to take up
something during Lent rather than give it up however, when I was
associated with schools I used to encourage children to take up
being nice to each other or keeping the bedroom 9dy not just on
Mothering Sunday but throughout Lent. Who knows ? The habit
might s9ck.
But theres so much more to it than that. First of all Spring; the very word gladdens the heart. To
be able to go outside and see the once seemingly dead plants poke their rst tenta9ve shoots
through the warming earth , into the sunlight That gives us all hope; and then the longer days,
par9cularly in villages. We no longer have to rush home, put the lights on and keep the world out.
We can take 9me in the street or road to have proper conversa9ons with our neighbours instead of
rushing past , all bu_oned up; so, Spring, a 9me of great hope and promise and excitement .
The Chris9an season of Lent is like that too. Yes we deny ourselves owers in church , during the
season, and our liturgy and our hymns are peniten9al, culmina9ng in extreme sadness as we
follow Jesus through his last great journey through Holy Week , through his betrayal by his
friends , through his torture and to his death and his being laid in the cold earth. We even
empathise with the bleakness of the post death period which so many of us have experienced
following the death of a loved one but then there is resurrec9on and how amazing is that.
Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it will just remain a single seed, but if it dies it produces
many seeds and so only then can it come back to life. We know that so well in our gardens .We
have proof all around. We have proof too of the necessity of pruning, and nurturing and caring,
and in Spring, in Lent we can do all that .
Going a into the garden on a spring day breathes life into us; it gives us hope and promise of things
to come. It truly gladdens our hearts . Even in our darkest hours if we can go into the garden and
plant something, or even plant in a window box , we know there is something to live for and there
is new life. Death and resurrec9on ; Life aAer death; Spring. Thats what we see and thats what
Jesus came to teach us and to show us.
Have a happy and hopeful Spring.

The Revd. Jane Knowles, re9red priest

Page 5

Poulshot Cricket Club 2016 Fixtures

Weds May 11th Avon Valley Home
Tues May 24th Keevil Away
Weds May 25th Golden Fleece Away
Weds June 8th Round Table Home
Fri June 10th Queens Invita9onal XI Open Match
Weds June 15th Peterborough Arms Away
Fri June 24th BCCC Old Boys Away
Sun July 3rd Golden Fleece Home
Sat July 23rd Rhinos Home
Fri Aug 5th BCCC Old Boys Home
Sun Aug 7th Spye Park Home
Sun Aug 14th Keevil Home
Sun 21st Peterborough Arms Home

Poulshot Readers
The group met at the Raven on 23rd March.
Everyone enjoyed the All The Light We Cannot See,
a story about a blind French girl and a German boy
whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to
survive the devastation of World War II.
Giles has chosen our next book: I Am Pilgrim by
Terry Hayes. We will meet again on April 27th at
7:30pm in the Raven. New readers always welcome.
Contact Philip 828236

Queen Elizabeth II Birthday Celebrations

Poulshot will be celebrating the 90th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II with various
events in 2016.


Beacon & Pig Roast at Barley Hill Farm. 6:30pm



The Queens Invita9onal XI Cricket On The Green -



Kids Kwik Cricket On The Green

Games, Stalls, Music and Fireworks from 3pm


Church Service On The Green and Street Tea


Did You Know?

There is a wheelchair in the Village Hall for the use
of Poulshot parishioners. Should you wish to
borrow it please contact Malcolm Nixon 828355
Page 7

Doggy Dilemmas

Puppy/Dog Training classes

One to Ones
Dog Walking
Dog Boarding

Contact Debs on
01380 730564 or 07966 617617


Trevor Hale
NPTC Certified (arb) Fully Insured

Tree Surgery

Covering All Aspects including Chipping Stump

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Berhills Lane Farm, Sells Green, Melksham

Telephone: 01380 828524
We know

HI FI TELEVISION VIDEO DVD literally inside out!

For personal service and a professional repair to any make of product,
ancient or modern, please telephone Maggie or Peter
We also stock a range of quality reconditioned (non ex-rental)
equipment carrying a maximum 6 months warranty.
DOLMAN AUDIO VISUAL is an Authorised Service Centre providing
technical assistance on behalf of leading manufacturers

Current Local Bus Times (Faresaver 85 and 87a)

Poulshot (Raven)

07:42 (M-F)

08:32 (S)











Poulshot (Raven)




TEL; 01380 723279
MOBILE: 07970 117023
Page 9

The Tranquil Moment

Health and Beauty clinic
The Tranquil Moment health and beauty clinic
is set in the beautiful village of Poulshot, just 2 miles from Devizes.
We offer flexible appointments to suit you,
and tailor treatments to your requirements.
The salon is completely private, with easy parking.
We are now offering Apilus electrolysis less painful than traditional electrolysis but still as effective.

Other treatments available

Decleor facials
Waxing CND manicure and pedicure
Individual Lash Extensions
Sports Massage and Injury clinic
CACI non surgical face lift Hot stone massage
Semi-permanent make-up
Eyelash/ eyebrow tinting Nouvatan spray tan
Reflexology and Deep Tissue Massage
Visit our website for other offers. All Credit & Debit
cards accepted.
You can now book online by visiting either the website or our
facebook page..
Follow us on Facebook.

The Tranquil Moment Health and Beauty Clinic

1 Townsend Court, Poulshot, Devizes SN10 1SD
01380 828297 24 hour answerphone
tranquilmoment@live.co.uk www.tranquilmoment.co.uk
Page 10

Get out the pans..

Mars Bar Cake (courtesy of Tim & Liz Jalland)
3 Mars Bars - chopped
85g (3oz) unsalted butter
3 Cups of Rice Krispies
Plain chocolate for decoration - grated

1. Gently melt the butter with the Mars bars, beat until smooth
( careful not to over cook as it will turn to toffee).
2. Remove from the heat and gently stir in the Rice Krispies.
3. Transfer the mixture to a baking tray lined with cling film, level and
press firmly into place.
4. While the mixture is still warm sprinkle
over the chocolate and refrigerate to set.
5. Peel off the cling film before eating!
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Resting time: approx. 60 minutes

Edwin Giddings, Devizes

Delicatessan, Coffee Shop, Light Lunches,
Fine Wines and Real Ales.
A hidden gem bursting with goodies
Open MondaySaturday 9am5.30pm.

Tel: 01380 723355

Web: www.edwingiddings.co.uk
Email: edwingiddings@wadworth.co.uk
15 St Johns Street (& 17 High Street),
Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1BD

Page 11


You are welcome to worship at any
of the services in any of the churches in the Benefice.
There is something for everyone!

Sunday 3rd April 2016. Easter 2

8.00 am
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend.
A short and reflective traditional service
9.15 am
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) at Poulshot.
A modern language communion service.
11.00 am
Morning Praise at Seend.
A lively service, without communion, for all the family.
6.00 pm
Evening Prayer (Traditional) at Bulkington (followed by APCM) .
A gentle, reflective, traditional evening service.
Sunday 10th April 2016. Easter 3
9.15 am
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) at Seend .
11.00 am
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) at Bulkington
6.00 pm
Evensong (Traditional) at Poulshot (followed by APCM)
Sunday 17th April 2016. Easter 4
8.00 am
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
9.15 am
Morning Praise at Bulkington
11.00 am
Parish Eucharist (Traditional) at Poulshot
6.00 pm
Evensong (Traditional) at Seend
Sunday 24th April 2016. Easter 5
8.00 am
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
9.15 am
Matins (Traditional) at Poulshot
11.00 am
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) at Seend
6.00 pm
Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) at Bulkington
Every Tuesday at 9.00 there is a short Benefice service of Matins (BCP*) at Poulshot church
Every Thursday at 9.00 Morning Prayer will be said at 4 Northfields, Bulkington. All are welcome.
From the Benefice records:
Funerals - we pray for the families of;
Jim Noyes at Poulshot on 2nd February aged 81
Hazel Coleman at Poulshot on 4th February
Daniel Baber of Poulshot on 8th February aged 84
Rosemary Butcher at Seend on 18th February aged 66
John Bartholomew of Poulshot on 26th February aged 95
Malcolm Adam Kidd at Poulshot on 15th March aged 73
Baptisms - the newest member of our church family is;
Esme Isobel Anne Eliot at Seend on 20th March

The church hosted Bulkington Village Lunch Club

takes place on Wednesday, 6th April, 2016 at The Well.
Contact Jane Coles in advance for the menu (828145). New people from
the Benefice and friends are always welcome to join us.
It is a good social event and a great lunch for the entire village and area.
The Churches of the Benefice are holding their Annual General
Meetings this month: 6.00 on Sunday, 3rd April (Bulkington); 6.00 on
Sunday 10th April (Poulshot) and 7.30 on Tuesday,
19th April (Seend).
Following the business Maureen Allchin will be talking about
proposed future changes to our Benefice.
ALL in the community are welcome to come along and hear the plans

Benefice BUZZZZ Group

will meet on Wednesday
6th April 2016 from 4.00-5.30
at 4 Northfields, Bulkington, led by Maureen Allchin

This group, for all in Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot, meets to discuss various issues
of Christian thought. At this meeting we will be discussing why the Resurrection is important to
the Christian faith and whether it actually happened!!
Everyone is welcome to this informal and pleasant afternoon

Caf Church
Sun. 1st May 2016 at 11.00 at

Cake, singing, stories and activities for all the

of Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot.
The Next Caf Church will be on Sun. July 3rd: A SUMMERS PICNIC
will meet on the Monday, 4th March, 2016 at 46a Bulkington (Phyl Yarde: 828116)
from 2.00 4.00. Bring your own craft item or leave it at home and just come and chat!

The new Archdeacon will be Commissioning new Lay Pastoral Assistants

At 11.00 on Sunday, April 24th at Holy Cross, Seend, our new Archdeacon,
the Venerable Sue Groom, will be visiting our Benefice for the first time to commission
our new Lay Pastoral Assistants who have been authorised and trained for
pastoral ministry within our villages. All are welcome.

Martinas Professional
Cleaning Services
We guarantee the best price in the area for a
perfect job
Regular cleaning - Spring cleaning
Office cleaning - Ironing
Fully insured, Privacy assured
Call Martina on 07859818198

Page 14

Answers To Last Months Crossword

Page 15 of 36


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Seasoned logs and

kindling available

Dont shiver - We deliver

Call James on 07970 781828


Pets Corner
Meet Bertha Hunloke
As you may know, I am a rather superior standard poodle. I'm supposed to be black but my owners
didn't realize that my father was white so I have turned out a dull grey although the colour is called
blue by those that know! Poodles are rather superior because we know that we are almost human.
Other dogs just dont compare, except perhaps collies.We may not be able to read and write but we
use telepathy to communicate. I can make my owners do anything that I want just by looking at them.
I can tell them when I want food or
a walk or a pee. I can tell them
when to wake up and when to go
to bed.
I am in total control.
Although I like them to think that
they are the ones calling the shots,
there are not many things that
happen in our lives that are not
forced by my presence. I don't like
it when they shut doors against
me, or send me to my bed, so I
annoy them by scratching the
doors and peeing on the carpet.
And my timing is much better than
theirs as I make it perfectly clear
when my dinner is running late.
Talking of dinner, I hate tinned
food. When I am given some, I
just starve myself and refuse to
eat. This upsets Kate so much
that soon shell give me human
food, like chicken or cheese, which
I love. Another battle won! My
walks are sometimes on Salisbury
Plain, which I really enjoy, usually when Nicky takes me. Kate doesn't like walking much, so the walks
with her tend to be around Poulshot. She particularly annoys me in the Autumn when she spends the
whole of my walk, dawdling along picking blackberries. I enjoy meeting the other dog inhabitants of
Poulshot, but sadly my main friend and neighbour, Dudley, went to the happy hunting grounds a few
weeks ago. Also my friend Ella the Ridgeback, who lived in West Overton but stayed with me
sometimes, died at the same time as Dudley. I'm a little bit choosy when making new friends so
please dont be offended if I walk on by. I am after all a member of the poodle clan, who consider
themselves superior to all other dogs. I have a little trick which I very much enjoy as humans find it
disconcerting and embarrassing. On meeting new people, I have to check them out in the same way
as I would with dogs by shoving my nose where they do not like it to go. I find their reactions very
funny! So be warned! Poodles are bred mainly for shooting. We are very good at retrieving from
water. When you see a poodle at Crufts (usually winning!), he is clipped in a very particular way. This
is not meant to make us look figures of fun although people often laugh. The extra wool (not hair) on
the body is meant to keep the joints warm in water and the tuft on the top of the head should be tied
with a red ribbon so that the owner can see us as we swim. The fact that we have wool not hair and
have to be clipped, means that we can be owned by people who are normally allergic to dogs.I am not
very partial to shooting as I don't like the bangs. I spend most of the time in Nicky's arms or sitting on
his knee which rather hinders his shooting so he doesn't like to take me. He also says that if you are
going to take a poodle shooting, it has to be better at it than the other dogs. I think I may be a bit of a
disappointment. But I love water especially the sea where I swallow buckets of seawater until I'm sick.
All in all, I am a pleasure to keep and my owners can't manage without me. I am going on 12 now and
my joints are beginning to creak.I think they will be sad when I join Dudley and Ella.Rumour has it that
Dudley's owners are thinking of finding someone like me. Hooray! Another poodle in the village!

The Wiltshire MobileLibrary

The RavenCarPark at12:45
and also
The Well, Bulkington at 11:05
The School, Worton at 13:10.
on the following dates
Monday 08 February, 2016
- Monday 07 March, 2016
- Monday 04 April, 2016
- -Monday 02 May, 2016
- Monday 30 May, 2016
- Monday 27 June, 2016

Chinese Medicine
& other Chinese therapies:- Cupping, Moxibus4on, Guasha, can
be used to treat people of any age and can be combined safely &
successfully with Western Medicine & other therapies
Musculoskeletal:- Acute/Chronic injuries, Back pain,
Mental Health issues:- Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder Stress & fa4gue,
OCD, Phobias, Addic4ons
Gynaecological problems:- Irregular/heavy & or painful periods, PMT, menopausal
symptoms, PCOS/infer4lity
Gastro-intes4nal complaints:- Indiges4on, IBS, Crohns Disease, Ulcera4ve Coli4s
Skin Condi4ons:- Eczema, Psoriasis, Derma44s
Insomnia, Allergies, Sinusi4s, Migraines, Asthma, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Ver4go

Now prac4sing at The Devizes Acupuncture Prac4ce, Monday Market St.

For more informa4on please call EMMA COLE 01985 850928
You may have to leave a message - I will call you back
Page 18

Dates For The Diary






Poulshot Farming Club. Village Hall



Village Hall AGM. Village Hall



Community Fund Panel Mee9ng. Village Hall



Organ Recital by Ashley Grote. Eddington Priory Church



Village Trust AGM. Village Hall



Poulshot Friends and Neighbours



Queens Birthday Beacon & Pig Roast at Barley Hill Farm


All Day

Elec9on Day



Rowdeford Plant & Flower Show. Rowde



Poulshot Friends and Neighbours



Summer Concert at St Peters Church



Poulshot Annual Village Mee9ng. Village Hall


Poulshot Parish Council Mee9ng. Village Hall



Debrillator Awareness Evening - Village Hall



Flag Making. Village Hall.



Flag Making. Village Hall



The Queens Invita9onal XI Cricket On The Green



Kids Kwik Cricket On The Green

Games, Stalls, Music and Fireworks


Church Service On The Green and Street Tea Party



The Vintage Vehicle Gathering on The Village Green

Poulshot Friends and Neighbours


All Day

EU Referendum




Summer Party at Poulshot House




Harvest Supper. Village Hall




Coee Morning At The Old Farmhouse

Village Hall
Available for meetings, functions, clubs
and private parties
Booking fees
Village activities - 6 an hour
Outside users - 10 an hour
All bookings for the hall are taken by
Elizabeth or Jon Martin on 01380 828206
email bookings@MyPoulshot.com


Sing with All Your Heart and Feel Alive!
We Meet Each TUESDAY Everyone Welcome! - Especially Men
Baptist Church in Sheep Street, Devizes 10am-12 Midday Nothing too
difficult and nothing
too serious; just fun, uplifting songs that
everyone loves to sing. To register your interest and have a friendly chat,
please call
Lee on 01373 825058
or 07766 244321

Organist Wanted for St. Peters Church, Poulshot.

St. Peters is a well-loved and well supported, traditional village church which has a
service each Sunday at 9.15, 11.00 or 6.00.
We are seeking to appoint an Organist, who will receive a good remuneration, to
play the organ each Sunday and at Festivals, etc.;
will lead an occasional village choir, play sometimes in other Benefice churches and
help our worship to flourish.
There is a well-maintained Viscount organ. Further information is available from
the Revd. Maureen Allchin on 01380 828931.

Charity Donation from Lent Lunch

St. Peter's Lent Lunch held in the Village Hall on 12 March was very enjoyable and raised much
needed funds for their chosen charity for the Lenten period, which is Alzheimers Support,
Devizes. Thanks to the generous donations from those attending, a pleasing sum of 215 was
collected. This will be added to the monies raised in the lent boxes currently being filled by
members of the congregation, so we hope the final amount will assist the efforts of this worthy
local charity.
Thank you to those who supported the lunch, and special thanks to the magnificent seven who
made the very tasty soups (Kate Amery, Joyce Arnold, Angela Bullen, Kate Hunloke, Janet
James, Suzie Quinn, and Dot Wood), and to Dankay Cleverley for the lovely fresh bread.

Picture Framing
Oils, water colours, prints, photographs etc
Plain or wash lined mounts
Choose from over 50 mouldings
Quick service
Please ring for appointment
Juliet Wilmot
The Garden Lodge, Chi_oe
01380 850314
Darren Sheppard
Traditional, Perfectionist,
Painter and Decorator.
We take pride in our work and have a
real passion for the upkeep of old
English houses and Estates.
Visit www.Sheppard-Decorators.co.uk
Tel. 01380501898 07876433655

For a friendly quote.

Page 22



Cookery Demonstra9on by Stephanie

(Making and Preparing Picnic Food)



Life And Times Of Jack The Ripper -

Stephen Wells



Ou9ng TBA



Garden Party, 32 High Street Worton.

Refreshments Provided



Avebury Manor Reborn. Anne King

(The project to restore the manor
sponsored by the BBC)



Games Evening





Dickens Of A Christmas - A talk on

Victorian Christmas customs etc.



Christmas Meal (an evening out)



Julias House - A talk on the new childrens

hospice due to be completed in 2017

Held on the second

Tuesday of each month
at 8pm in the WortonMarsden Village Hall.

For more info contract

A walk in the world of Italian style - Maura Jane Fisher
Rossini (Talk of fashion)

March Draw of the 100 Club

1st Prize 25 Jimmy Hunter

2nd Prize 15 Geoff Collett

3rd Prize 10 Jackie Herridge

And thanks, once again, to all who support the Village 100 Club.

Edington Arts
An Organ Recital by Ashley Grote, Master of Music at Norwich Cathedral, on Saturday 16th April in
Edington Priory Church, at 7.30pm.
Wonderful music includes Mozart, Bach, Elgar, Walton, Vierne and more.
On Saturday 14th May, An Evening of music and conversation with Claire Jones, the former Royal Harpist.
Tickets for both concerts are 20/15/10 from 01380 831256 or 871549 or through the website,

Page 23

Fully Equipped Cottage sleeps 6 8
Large Garden and Parking
Tel 01380 813092 or 07973 385336

Mobile Hair Dresser

Ladies, Gents and
Children at
competitive prices
and convenience of
being at your home.
Phone 07740 280278
Page 24

Poulshot Friends & Neighbours

Contact Pam on 828151 for more info




Devizes Museum Visit - Please book ahead with Pam



7:30pm Brandy Talk And Tas9ng



Kennet & Avon Canal Trip - Please book ahead with Pam



Garden Visit



Community Get-Together & BBQ

September 20th

Roman Coin Hoard Talk


Worton Flower Arranging Display


November 18th

Jewellery Demonstra9on And Sale


Christmas Party At The Raven


The PF&N held a Dutch Auction in the Village Hall on the 15th March.
We had a real fun evening with lots of laughter as parcels were passed from hand to hand,
shake, felt and sniffed, trying to guess the contents and what they were worth. The parcels
ranged from candles, teddy bear, pot holder, chocolates, biscuits, photo frame, purse, tie and
cufflinks, won by Dankay which we fully expect to see worn at some point!! Lots more items
too numerous to mention warm house socks with a little bear on the side, much prized by
Paulette from Bear Cottage!! The highlight of the evening had to be the parcel that Karen
won, first thought to be a bracelet and passed round for everyone to admire only to be found
to be a magnetic necklace, much hilarity as different styles were tried.
We have cleared funds from this of 45 to be donated to a Charity to be chosen.
April sees us having a visit to Devizes Museum, a few places left. This is on 19th April at
5.00pm at the museum. Please let me know if you would like to join us. Phone number
828151 and everyone in Poulshot is eligible to come on a first come first served basis.
I hope that everyone in the Village realises they are invited to attend any of the functions we
hold. Subs are 10 per year single, 15 per couple or you can attend for a charge of 2.50
per meeting.

Page 25

Edwin Giddings, Devizes

Delicatessan, Coffee Shop, Light Lunches,
Fine Wines and Real Ales.
A hidden gem bursting with goodies
Open MondaySaturday 9am5.30pm.

Tel: 01380 723355

Web: www.edwingiddings.co.uk
Email: edwingiddings@wadworth.co.uk
15 St Johns Street (& 17 High Street),
Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1BD

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Village Contacts

Poulshot Parish Council

Mr Geo Colle_ (828465)

St Peters Church
Priest in Charge
The Revd. Maureen Allchin (828931)

Mrs Elizabeth Mar9n (828206)

email: poulshotparishcouncil@gmail.com

Council Members
Mr Adrian Baber
Mr Nicholas Hunloke
Mr Steve Housby
Mr Tim Coleman
Mr Ben Hamilton
Mr Tim Nixon

Re4red Priest:
The Revd. Jane Knowles (870325)
Mrs Joyce Arnold, Mrs Kate Amery
PCC Members
Mr Nicholas Hunloke (Treasurer)
Lady Kate Hunloke (Secretary - 828333)
Mrs Angela Bullen
Mr Brian Arnold
Mrs Dankay Cleverly (Deanery Synod)

Local Wilshire Councillor

Cllr Jonathan Seed (850696)

e-mail: jonathon.seed@wiltshire.gov.uk

Village Trust
Mr Nicholas Hunloke (828333)

Other Village Contacts

Mr Ray Josey (Secretary - 827010)
email: raydenjosey@gmail.com

Farmers Club
Mr Richard Francis (828232)

Trust Members
Tim Coleman (Vice-Chair)
Mr Brian James (Treasurer)
Mrs Denise Josey (Archivist)

Poulshot Friends and Neighbours Club

Lady Kate Hunloke (828333)
Pam Gillies (828151)
Neighbourhood Watch
Mr Tim Coleman 827095

Village Hall
Mr Ray Josey (827010)

Devizes and District Link

01380 721775

Wiltshire Numisma4c Society
Richard Jeery 01225 703143

Elizabeth or Jon Mar9n (828206)
email: bookings@MyPoulshot.com

Poulshot Website www.poulshot.org.uk

Contact Elizabeth Read 893214 or email poulshotparishcouncil@gmail.com

Page 27


THE SHOP HOURS : Thursday Friday Saturday 12 - 4.00 p.m.
Reliable Volunteers are needed, with an outgoing friendly personality to assist customers purchasing and
ordering goods from the shop. References required.

Fresh seasonal vegetables, this produce will be harvested daily from the House allotments

Garden plants and owers from Erlestoke House Nursery

Bespoke hand craLed furniture from our workshops, including benches, tables, planters, wishing
well, wooden toys, bird tables and many other handmade items. Our workshops will also make
furniture to order. Catalogue available

Free range eggs

A variety of handmade freshly baked cakes. Occasion cakes made to order.

Erlestoke Farm Shop is situated on B3098 between Liale Cheverell and Erlestoke
Erlestoke House Farm Shop is a registered Community Interest Company

Defibrillator Awareness Course

An Heartfelt Evening Of
Shocking Entertainment
As you know we have a defibrillator in a cabinet
outside The Raven.
There will be an awareness evening help at the
Village Hall on Wednesday 25th May 7pm - 8pm
Please come along and find out all about this life
saving equipment - volunteers for resuscitation considered.

"Walking is man'a best medicine". Hippocrates

As we recovered from the challenge of last years moonwalk, choruses of never again were heard
throughout the shire. But like childbirth the memories of the more difficult moments disappeared
almost as quickly as the blisters. And rather like when you are handed that beautiful baby, realising
that we had raised over 3000 and had had a lot of fun in the process the moonwalk didn't seem so
bad as to not try it again.
We also have experience on our side, we know what to expect and how to manage our marathon.
Which is a good thing?
Due to commitments, injury and distance. A firm no from our friend in Spain who suffered with the cold
that evening. Our merry band of walkers are Penny Nixon, Lizzie Hunter, Sara Weeden and Kim
Johnson. If anybody would like to join us, please let a lunar know.
We will be asking for sponsorship like last year and would be grateful for any donations. Every penny
really does help.


The Queens Invita4onal XI

Friday 10th June 6pm All Welcome
Poulshot Cricket Club are delighted to announce that we will
be hos9ng a 20:20 evening of cricket in honour of the Queens
90th birthday. The match will be open to anyone who fancies
a game and the teams will be comprised of mainly novices.
This is a brilliant opportunity to try your hand at cricket in a
safe and enjoyable surrounding and PCC will provide all of the requisite safety
equipment for those over 14 yrs and above. The match will benet from beats, BBQ and
beer so it should be a great evening for all. We will be conduc9ng Kids Kwik Cricket
sessions on Saturday 11th June to ensure our younger village members dont miss out
either! We hope you can join us.

June Russell McCausland 3/7/1939 26/2/2016

Service held at St Nicholas' Church, Brushford on 8th March 2016.
This is a short extract from the Eulogy and Tribute by The Rev. Angela Syer

June Russell-Allen was born on the 3rd of July 1939, two months before the outbreak of the 2nd World War. She
was baptised on September 3rd the very day that war was declared! From an early age, she showed a great
love for animals especially horses. June developed a
great passion for hunting, riding to hounds until her late
teens. Her father was Master and Huntsman of the North
Cheshire from 1934 until 1944, and previously to the
Cheshire Forest.
June was a great reader from a young age, and she
loved her books throughout her life. Her education
began at a small private day school in Stow-on-theWold. From there she progressed to 'Lawnside', a Girls
boarding school at Great Malvern. She proved to be a
very bright pupil, who was also good at games,
representing her school at Hockey. After lawnside' June
was sent for a year to a Finishing School in Lausanne,
Switzerland. When she returned to the UK she took a
job for a short while at an Interior Design shop in
Cirencester, before embarking on a History course, in
preparation for University. However, it was not long
before her plans changed. She found a job in
Cambridge, and it was here that she met and fell in
love with her future husband Dennis. They were
married on 27 th October, 1962, in Cold Aston Parish
Their first son David, was born 10 months later in August
1963. Andrew was born in 1966 and Caroline was born 2
years later in 1968. 1987 marked a change of job for
Dennis. He joined West of England Farmers in Wiltshire
and at last they were able to move south to warmer
climes. Their new house was Manor House, Poulshot.
It was whilst they lived here that Dennis and June became grandparents. With joy they welcomed Ahlia,
Rama, Anna, Arabella, Amara and William into the family. With her children grown up, June decided to explore
the world. She took herself away on separate occasions, trekking through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Sumatra,
Pakistan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Lake Titicaca and the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru, Cambodia and Dubai.
Despite her frequent trips abroad June still found time for her lovely garden, and for hunting, two of her life long
Upon Dennis' retirement June was finally able to choose where to live. It came as no surprise to her family,
that her first choice was their holiday home in Brushford. All 6 grandchildren have fond memories of
'expeditions' with Granny around her beloved Exmoor. In 2008, after many years of visiting Turkey, June and
Dennis decided to buy a villa on the Kas Peninsular, where they would spend the extended summer months with
family and friends.
June's untimely illness (pancreatic cancer) was hard for her to bear, yet she emphasised that her house was 'not to
be a place of gloom', (her words). And it wasn't. The love, dedication and humour of her family shone through
during the coming weeks and Andrew, Rosemary, David, Caroline and Ahliah did a tremendous job nursing her night
and day with the help and guidance of a very special medical team.
We shall always miss June, but her legacy lives on, and her children, and her grandchildren will remember her with
pride for the rest of their lives. Her kindness, generosity, determination, thoughtfulness for others, fantastic sense
of humour, and an energy that never left her until she finally succumbed to her dreadful illness 5 weeks after

In Memory Of Adam Kidd

Heartfelt thanks to everybody associated with making Adams service so
special in every way.
Thanks also to everyone who very kindly attended the service which
supported me so much
With love
Hilary Kidd

The Queens 90th Birthday Beacon

Her Majesty the Queen celebrates her 90th Birthday on Thursday
21st April. Beacons will be lit all over the country to celebrate the
day. As Poulshot did during the last Jubilee, we will be celebra9ng
again with our own Beacon. We have been allo_ed an ocial
Beacon ligh9ng 9me by HMs Pageant Master, Bruno Peek, LVO,
OBE, OPR. Our slot is 7.30pm.
Ben and Charlie Hamilton at Barley Hill Farm have the highest
point in Poulshot. They have very kindly agreed to host us again.
The celebra9ons will start at 6.30pm. There will be a BBQ, a bar,
music and reworks. There will also be parking. Everyone is
The Royal Celebra9ons will con9nue over the weekend of 9th,10th
and 11th June. The Village News will have all the details in the
May Issue.

Page 31

Connect2Wiltshire Bus From Poulshot To RUH Bath

Connect2 provides you with a choice of
bookable journeys from Devizes and
surrounding villages, such as Poulshot,
to the Royal United Hospital in Bath.
Use it to - A_end hospital
appointments; Accompany someone to
hospital; Visit someone you know in
hospital or Get to work at the hospital

Did You Know? Poulshot Village News is also available online at http://
www.scribd.com (search for Poulshot Village News) Send a link to friends,
family and ex-residents

Richardson & Paige

Specialist Upholstery
Come and visit us at our website or our workshop:
Unit 1, Manor House Yard, Poulshot, Devizes SN10 1RY

01380 828228 07974 454747

Traditional, Modern and Bespoke Specialist Upholstery

tailored loose covers; new furniture made to order; antiques; modern
reupholstery; recovering & repairs; free quotes deliveries
Members of the Association of Master Upholsterers & Soft Furnishers

Kids Corner

Can you find your way out of the

maze ???
Page 33

Walk With Me While I Age

I hope this poem has the same eect on you as it did

on me - then my forwarding it will be worth the
eort. Walk with me by the water - worth the read.


BUGGER ......

I forgot the words.


Welcome to the spring term at Townsend
Barn Nursery. March has been a very busy
month for us all and seemed to revolve all
around books which is fantastic as
communication and language development is a
crucial area of development for young
children! We have celebrated World Book
Day with each child receiving a free book
voucher; we then invited the children to bring
their own special books to nursery to share
with each other. We were also lucky to have a
visit from Wendy the librarian from Devizes
Wendy read us lots of stories
relating to construction, which led us onto a visit from Graham Gaiger to talk to the children
about his building company. This prompted the children in to creating their own construction
area in the garden where everyone had to don a hard hat to enter! We also had a visit from
Mr White whose cows produce all of the milk for the Rowdey Cow ice cream. The children
were even lucky enough to have some Rowdey Cow ice cream for their pudding that day. We
now of course have a mix of budding farmers and builders on our hands!
To conclude our book theme we also had a visit from childrens author and creator of The
Whimsy Wood series Sarah Hill. We are lucky that Sarah is one of our parents too so quite
often pops in to read her latest books to
the children.
Throughout the nursery the children have
all been having lots of fun. The Caterpillars
have engaged in crafts, dancing and sensory
activities. Their initial theme was all about
me which is always a good theme to get to
know their new friends. The Butterflies
have enjoyed making a display of their own
faces by using a mirror to study their own
reflections. They have also been learning
about vehicles, ducks and using their senses.
The Barn Owls have been learning about
change and investigating growing. They have also been learning about the story of Jack and
the Beanstalk and planting seeds to stud lifecycles. Our welly walks continue each week in
our woodland garden no matter what the weather as the changing seasons in our beautiful
nursery environment helps the childrens learning and development soar by having a hands on
approach to nature.
Sarah Wheeler, Nursery Manager

The Raven Inn, Poulshot Road, Poulshot. Tel. 01380 828271

As summer is fast approaching there are a few changes to the
Pub Opening times.
From The Easter weekend the Pub will be open
Sundays for Lunch 12-2:30pm & Dinner 6:30 - 9pm
Tuesday to Saturday Lunch & Dinner as usual
Lunch from 12 - 2pm & Dinner 6:30 - 9pm
From Mon 2nd May the Pub will be open Seven days a
week for Lunch and Dinner until October.
Please telephone to book as we are very busy & Happy Easter.

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