Vertigo Tarot
Vertigo Tarot
Vertigo Tarot
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1EnErTE KAHn - President &: Editor-in-Chier + PAUL LE v in - Executi,'e Vice President &: Publisher
+ KAREn BE RGE R - fHwcuti\'e Editor - Venigo + SHARo n KAlTUAH - Project Editor + A LisA
KwiTII EY - Text t:ditor + JOE O RLAnD O - Vice President - Creati\'e Director + BRU CE IJRl sTOw
- Vice President - Sales & M:trketing + PATR Ic K C ALoo n - Vice President - Finance & Operations
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Cove r and publi c ui o n de s i gn b)' t)a\'e Mc Kran , Th ank s to Ne il Jonr s a nti Ca thy Pe t ers @ Th e
De s ign Umbrella , Wr lnen by Rachrl Poilld; and ilIU SITated by D3Ve McKean , InIT o tluclion by Ne il
Ga i man , tHE VER-tlco t AR-O'" publi s ht,tl b)' DC Comi c s. Cop)' ri ght 0 199 ; ll C Co mic s. Al l
Right s Re se r ve d . En i c m A is a trademark of Peter Milli gan and [)un c an t' egretl o . V u '..,! i co and
all o lh er charac ter s , [he di s l in c lh' e l i kent' ss es the r eof and r elated i nd icia are tntlemnk s of DC
Comi cs , S AIlD m An c ha racters crealI'd b)' Neil (i a iman , Sam Keith , Mike I)ri nge nberg . ti m O"tH v
H Ullt[ R- and tIn Il oo l(s o r mA G i c cr e alI' d b y Neil Gaiman and John Bollon . [ Il I G JIl A
c r eated b y Pe ter Milli ga n and Duno n Fegredo . tHE VER-t"ic o t AR-Ot" is a DC Comi CS limi[ed
edi ti on r etail p r oduct. lI ardco vcr [e ,~t and V [ R.."t i co t AR..O I card s ar e no t s old s epa ra tcl y. Of.
Com ics , 132S Avenue of Ihe Amer ica s , Ne ..... York , NY 10019 . A dh' is i o n of Warnt' r Bro s , - A Time
Wa r ner En t e rt ainment , Compall)'. lI a rd c over I(' X[ print ed anti b o und in Ca nada .
Co ntEnts
page 8
tH E mA; O R...A~At1A
The fool .. P 21 , The MagidaJI ..p,u, The Iligh Priestess..p 25, The Empress." 27,
The F.mperor..p 29, The lIierophanlP 31, The l.cNen.,p 11, The (lariot.p 35,
Slrength..p 37, The Ilennll..p39. The Wheel of Fortune...p 41, JUStia..p 6 ,
The Hanged Man.p 45, Death .", 47, Temperance.p 49, The Dail..p 51, The Tav.'ef..p 53,
1be ', TheMoon.P 57. The Sun..p59, Judgmenl.p6/, The'l'orkl ..p63.
tH E COv RS C IlRj)S
page 64
page 68
page 78
",Al)l n GS
page 126
of a comic he was doing with Dave Gibbons, called WATCHMEN, and I was stunned. (got Alan to show
me what a comic script looked like, an action that was, in retrospect, going to have many ramifications
for my future.
Lay down a card for Alan. Still somewhere in the Major Arcana: the Hermit, or the Magician.
I went, with Rachel , from Birmingham 10 Milford-on-Sea, a little English seaside town with no
distinguishing marks or features, for a week-long writers' workshop. And it \V'dS there that I had my
first Tarot reading (not by Rachel, but a year later, from author Mary Gentle), and it was there that (
learned most of what ( know that made me any kind of halfway decent writer, and il was there that I got
to be good friends with Rachel. We had a common fondness for really weird arcana. She was the only
other person I'd met who knew the details of what happens when the Messiah comes back (all the
Jewish men have a party in a huge tent and C'dt Behemoth and Leviathan) and she knew details I'd never
heard of (aU the Jewish women are out the back doing the washing up and having baby boys). She told
me the coolest necrophilia joke I'd excr heard. She read comics, and we talked about the relationship
between comics and the Tarot. She was aJso, in company with critic John Clute and author Gwyneth
Jones, the person from whom (learned the most, about rC'dding and about writing, over the course of
that week.
Milford ended. Rachel returned to Amsterdanl. I went home, to my wife and my toddler and my baby.
And 1985 moved from environment into memory.
1986 was a year of odd coincidences and stntnge meetings. In the summer of 1986 I met an artist
named Dave McKean . (He was still at art school , but he was, no doubt about it, an artist.)
Dave is, and wa.<;, dark-haired, bearded, pony-tailed, \vith sharp eycs and a sharp sense of humor. He's
a gentle person, very practical , very funn y, who does not suffer fools, gladly or nthcrwise.
Acard for Dave? That 's a hard one. Dave is, without any doubt, The Artist, if erer there was one, in
archetype and reality. Perhaps The World ...
We got on well, Dave :Uld I, and began to work together.
In 1986 Rachel returned from Amsterdam for the next Milford writers' workshop, and I brought a stol)'
I was working on which would wind up being called Violent C,L'ieS when Dave drew it. More Tarot
conversations; a Bill SienkiC'\\icl Supennan pinup in, if memo!)' serves, ACTION COMlCi #400, prompted
a conversation about doing a Tarot of DC Comiq; charJcters.
Rachel spoke of doing a Tarot of her own, with anists she admired - Hill SienkiewiC"l, for example,
or Dave McKean. A few yC'drs later shc spoke 10 Davc, bUI nothing cver came of it - her lision wa'i
too personal, and she eventually wound up rC'.uizing the only person who could drJw it was her. (It's
called The Shining Woman Tarot.)
nip the cards. Feel them in your hands. Sandman turns up in 1988. Dave painL'i - or builds - or
photographs - the cO\'ers. Mike Dringenbcrg drC'\v the first Sandman Tarot card, one of the illUSlrations
for the text piece in SANDMAl' l #8,
Rachel came to England from Amsterdam whilc I \Va'i working on the BOOKS Of MAGIC limited series,
and she helped me with Madame Xanadu's four-card reading in Book 1\m. (We went into a small Tarot
& Suchlike Esoterica shop in Camden, to pick out a card set fo r me, and I found m~'Self fceling like I'd
just gone into a record shop with someone who, to my surprise, turned out 10 be one of the Beatles,
as Rachel modestly admitted her identity 10 th e lady behind th e counter, and signl'tl autographs.)
I designed four Tarot cards for BOOKS Of MAG IC, whi ch Scott lIamplon painted beautifully in the
comic, and I discovered the joy of designing Tarot cards, a bug which bites and nl.,,cr quite lets go.
Every now and then , people would send me letters, physically or electronically, suggesting that wc do a
Sandman Tarot - some people would even list their suggcstions for char.lcters. rd pass their
suggestions on, butnotiting came of it.
Moments of convergence and confluence. Cards stirred, and brought together. E\"cnL'i and actions and
Rachel wins the Arthur C. Clarke Award fo r Best SF Novel of the Year (fo r her remarkable book
Unquenchable Fire) , moves from Amsterdam to New York Siale, and , throu gh a series of odd
coincidences of her OW11, becomes the writer for DC's DOOM PATROL, a title in Ihe nascent Vertigo line,
succeeding the irreplacC'Jble Grant Morrison. People al DC know that Rachel is an award-winning
writer of mythic scienc e fi cli on. Nobody knows th at she is a god dess of Tarol.
Sharon Kattuah, in charge of gcner.uing DC's own merchandising progrJm, is a Tarot rC'Jder of old a dark-eyed lady who , dressed appropriately, would not look out of place in a Romany caravan . We
met for the first time in Atlanla in 1993 allhe Diamond Distnbutors conference, where we salon high
slools and drank squa'ihed fruit drinks. We talked about Sluff We'd I.o\'e To Sec - a statue ha'ied on
P. CrJ.ig Russell 's drawing of Dream in SANDMAj\i #50, a DC'Jlh Tell1porJ.~' Tattoo, Ihc sil\'er ankh (with
a long thin Death minicomic in the box) , and then 1 mentionl'tl the idea of doing a Venigo Tarot...
I did nol know that Sharon was a Tarot person, although I found out \'ery quickly. J cenain ly didn 't
expect her to go into high, dllrk places, and persuade some \'C!)' skl'plical people in suits that a Venigo
Tarot really would be a cool, prJcticaJ idea, and rC'.tlly, peoplc honestly would buy it. nut she did. (She
also made all the Atlanta Suggestions excepllhe ankh illio rC'Jlity, CH'n Ihe De-Jlh Tel1lpora~' Tattoos.)
I mentioned}o her that Rachel wa<; an honest-to-goodncs'<; Tarot Authority, and scllta pile of books on
the Tarot to Karen Berger, Vertigo Empress (which gives us Karen's card) ; and in the autumn of 1993,
the four of us, Karen , Sharon, Rachel and I. found oursclVl'S in a hOlel suite in New York, surrounded
by a strange collection of Tarol Cards - the Shakespearian Tarol, The M~lhic Tarot, The Amusing Cal<;
Tarol, The Nouvelle CuiSine Tarot and suchlike, saying things li ke "Wcll, if wc're going 10 do it , I hope
it'll be bener than Ihis one. I like their packaging job, Ihough,"
The room wa" on the 24th floor, and 1was astonished to find that the windows opened al l the way,
something which seemed deepl)' unlikely in suicidal high-risc New York. (1\\'0 weeks, later I read in
the newspaper, with a grim IOld,yoll-so satisfaction, that someone had just thrO\\l1 thcmseln'S ou t of
that very selfsame \\indow.)
We all immediately agreed that John Constantine was the Fool. After thaI our opinions were spi rited
and varied...
The actual process, of deciding which of the Major Arcana should be which character, was one it would
be impossible to describe without destroying the sense of magic and mystery which is essential 10 all
true Tarot decks. It is possible thaI Wing-fooled Hennes, in his guise as Tholh of the Egyptians, rC\'C'J.led
himself 10 us, and suggested strongly that, for example, Black Orchid should be Strength. It is equally
possible that some cards were only agreed upon after one or more of the four of us thre'Jtent'<i to throw
him, hero, themselves-, out of the onlyfunctional 24th-floor window in New York. Let your imagi nation
be your gUidc here.
Rachel took Ollr notes and conclUSions, and sent them, togethcr with hackground of her own, across
thc wide Atlantic Sea to Oavc.
Dave McKean began work on the cards. He was fascinatl'<i by the idea of creating Tarot images using
the computer - the blending of streams and traditions, Ihe mixture of old and ncw. And, as printout<;
of the cards began to appC'"Jf, the rest of liS became increa<;ingly excited . What wc Wl'fC getting wa.;;
indeed a Vertigo Tarot, but, more important, it \\~dS a contemporary Tarot. ATarol perfectly appropriate
for the cold and lonely end of the twentieth century. They were as strange, as beautiful, as detailed and
as accessible as we had hoped.
Rachel's text is entertaining, informative, and educati on al - a perfect accompan iment to tht' cards
And il would nevcr havc happened, at lea'll, not in Ihis form , were it not for a succession of odd
coincidences and confluences, of com'ergences and characters. Of whom , I suppose, in retrosp(.'C t, I
am also one. As, now, arc YOII ...
Pick a card. Any card.
The Tarot is an andent teaching disguised as a game. The Tarot is a fortune-teUing device based on
universa1 symbols. The Tarot is an art fonn used for fortune telling. The Tarot is a game disguised
as ancient t~lchings...
People studying the Tarot love to debate its origin. Ilardline rJlionalisl<; insist that the Tarot is nothing
more than a card game, and only a fool (the first card in the deck is called the Fool) would fall for
the idea that it comes from some secret source. Most people, however, prefer 10 think of secrets.
Since the late eighteenth cenlUry, many sweeping theories have arisen regarding the Tarot's beginnings
(how fitting for a Tarot ba<;cd on comics, a medium where every chamcler has a secret origin") .
People have claimed the Tarot originated in ancient Egypt, Atlantis, or with a secret convocation of
spiritual masters in the Moroccan city of Fez in the year 1200. Some Imve suggesled that the Tarot
comes oul of matriarchal witchcraft, Tantric Goddess worship , Romany ( Gyp~y) lore, jewish
mysticism, Chaldean astrology, as well as manyolher sources.
Unfortunately for these theories and their supporters, very little evidence exists to support them.
What we know about the Tarot is that it first appeared in Italy around 1450 (playing cards of any
kind are mentioned in Europe around fifty or so years C'd.rlier). The C'Jriiest known Tarot decks arc
handpainted cards presented as a wedding present between the Sforza and Visconti families (the
Viscontis ruled Milan).
Whether or nOl it was anything else, the early TarOl certainly was a game, the ancestor of bridge and
whist. The Italians called the game tarocchi; when Ihe French adopted it they named it les larols.
People still play it in southern Europe and Nonh Africa.
And yet... Certain images in the Tarot seem to cry oul for a symbolic, even an esoteric, interpretation.
DC'dlh, the Devil, judgment-these all suggest religion. The Magician implies occult wisdom and
pmctices. In another way, so does the Hermit. And what of the image of a Female Pope (predecessor
of the modem card, the nigh Priestess)? Does that ring of heresy? In the 13th century a sect called
the Guglielmitcs predicted that Christ would return in the year 1300 and usher in a golden age, led
by women popes. As the new century approached, they elected a woman named Maria Visconti as
the first woman pope. The church put down the heresy and burned Maria at the stake. Some 150
years later, the first known Tarot deck appeared at a wedding of that same Visconti fam ily. And the
Hanged Man, that mysterious image of a man dangling by one foot- he may have originated in the
Italian practice of hanging traitors upside down , but if so, why does his face appear so f'ddiant?
The evidence for mysterious sources for the Tarot lies primarily in the symbolism. For example, The
Hindu god Vishnu is often shown with four arms, holding a disk, :1 lotus, a club, and a conch. At
least two of these, the disk and the club, correspond to two of the four suits in the early Tarot deck.
Something more directly Europeam.rnany myths and allegories exist around the image of the Holy
Grail, Christ's cup from the Last Supper. Often the stories also tell of a sword, a lance, and a disk.
These four objects are exactly those of the four suits (the lance and the cl ub are variations of Ihe
same suit , now called Wands). Did the Tarot designers borrow them frolllthe Grail stories, or did
both derive from secret symbolism that has been 10SIIOus?
The most compelling connections for the Tarot lie with the complex system of jewish mysticism
known as Kabbalah. Along wilh the four suits, the Tarot contains twenty-two trump cards. Kabbalah
bases much of its ideas on the secret mC'dning of the twentytwo leiters of the nebrew alphabet.
Those fou r suits also find a reflection in Kabbalah. K:lbbaJah describes fou r worlds,' or stages, by
which God cre-dted the cosmos. Each Tarot suit contains len numbered cards, Ace through Ten. In
each of the four Kabbalistic worlds we find a Tree of Jjfe with ten eneq,'Y centers known as sepbirolh.
The sui" also contain four Coun Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Kabbalah (and judaism in
geneld.l) places a great deal of emphasis on God's four-leiter name, known in English as the
There is only.onc problem with aU these examples of symbolic links between the Tarot and esoteric
systems. No actual evidence exists to support any of the theorics. In all the many thousands of pages
of Kabbalistic texts we find no mention of anything resembling the Tarot.
The Tarot deck emerged at the time of the Renaissance. The intellectuals and artists of this time
were very taken with esoteric ideas and symbolism. We find images similar to Tarot in alchemy and
allegorical street processions. Possibly, the cards began as a game, but the designers found it natul"a1
to base the game on spiritual and even secret ideas. And maybe the Tarot does nOi belong to any
particular system. Maybe this lack of any hard ideology is what gives it its stunning resiliency, so that
all systems, all traditions, all mythologies-including the growing m)lhology of a Gertain line of
comic books-can shine so wondrously in this simple pack of cards.
The Kabbalistic interpretation ofrarot, and in fact, the entire occult tradition , began in the late 18th
century when a French occultist named Antoine Court de Gebelin proclaimed that the "Book of
Thoth ," the supposed book of all knowledge (rom ancient Egypt, had not been lost after all, but
existed in plain Sight-as the lowly Tarot. In the late 19th century, another French occultist, Eliphas
Levi (originally Alphonse Louis Constant) carried de Gebelin 's ideas further, with more complete
links 10 Kabbalah.
The links became fully established at the end of the 19th century with the work of a secret occult
group called the Order of the Golden Dawn, based on Freemasonry and ROSicrucianism. Agroup
of ritual magicians, the Order used complex ceremonies and magical devices to mise themselves
to supposedly godlike levels. William Butler Yeats was the most famous member, but there were
many other artists, writers, politicians, and even scientists. The Golden Da\\-TI lasted for about fifteen
years, but its influence continues even today, not just in its actual ideas and practices, but also in
its very image. When we see groups in robes casting mysterious spells in comics, or movies, we
really are looking at a debased version of the Order of the Golden Dawn. As part of their work, they
developed a vast system linking every Tarot card with Kabbalah, astrology, angels, demons, names
of Gods, etc. The astrological attributions on the trump cards of the Vertigo Tarot are based (With
variations) on the work of the Golden Dawn.
Today, the Tarot draws on this complicated occult tradition, but the uses and ideas have expanded.
Modern Tarot creators have linked the cards to various cultures (Native American, Persian, Mayan ,
Celtic, Voodoo, and many others) , specific mythologies (Arthurian , Norse, etc.), abstract pictures
designed to induce psychological states, art for art's sake, goddess worship, alchemy, nature, herbal
mediCine, and science fiction- to name a few.
Once we separate the Tarot from fixed ideologies, we can begin to look at it as a special work of the
imagination. Our culture has a certifn bias against images and fantasies. We believe in systematic
intellectual constructions; we look doubtfully at stori es. But stories and images carry a power that
can outlast the most complex philosophical systems. Thai power is the ability to touch us at a deep
level we cannot explain in normal terms. We feel it in a tingling throughout our bodies, in a sense
of pleasure, or fear, or simply awe. We recognize a truth we cannot pigeonhole or explain. The Tarot
works because when we take away all the books, and theories, and linkages, what remains are the
pictures. Provocative, mysterious, making use of all those traditions without ever gelting stuck in
And something else about the Tarot. We can shuffie it. The Tarot resembles a comic book in that it
contains pictures shOWing ch<lracters doing things. Turn them over one by one, or set them down
by number, and a story may emerge (this is particularly Irue of the trump cards, but it can hold as
well (or the four suits). Unlike a comic book, however, the cards are not physically attached to each
other. We can create a whole new book just by rearmnging the cards.
We can learn a great deal abolltthe cards by looking al their sequence. For example, the fact th<lt
the Devil, card 15 of the twenty-two trump cards, follows Temperance, number 14, and precedes
the Tower, 16, tells us something <lhout the Devil's "me-.ming."
This book, Like most others, examines the cards one by one. But once we have done all that, we can
take the deck: mix the C'J.rds, and then look at them in a whole new way. And new relationships,
new stories, will spring 10 life in front of us.
The great Italian writer Halo Calvino called the Tarot "a machine for telling stories." He described
it this way in the afterword to his book 711e Cas/Ie o/Crossed Des/illies. The narf'Jtor of the novel
tells how he and a group of travelers, all unknown to each other, find themselves stranded in a
castle. Acurse prevents any of them from speaking, but a Tarot deck lies at hand. Choosing cen:tin
cards and laying them down one by one like the panels of a comic----e'Jch tf'Jveler tells his tale.
Only, we do not actually learn what each traveler wanted to say. Instead, we get the narrator's
interpretation of the pictures.
Longtime readers of the Vertigo comic Sandman may recognize a resemblance to the Sandman
story "Worlds' End." There, too, a group of stranded tf'J"elers tell stories to each other. There is one
important difference, however. The tf'Jvelers in the Sandman story can speak. By using words, they
can make their stories more precise (though in fact, like all stories, these may convey messages the
speaker neve r co nsciously inten ded ). Comi c books have wo rds. Tarot cards do not.
The situation of calvino's travelers in itself resembles a Tarot reading. No one can say definitively
just what message a Tarot reading is telling us. We can only point to certain interpretalionsstories-implied by the pictures. Thus, the truth of a Tarot reading does not depend on any absolute
set of meanings. Instead, we create that truth, through the play between the pictu res, the facts of our
lives, and the instincts of our imaginations.
Venigo too explores the possibilities of story. Many of the Vertigo titles have their roots in mainstrC'JIll
super-hero comics, with characters who sometimes go all the way back to comics' so-called hGolden
Age" of the '30s and '405. But just as Dave McKean's an is more complex and sophisticated than the
kind of pictures we're used to seeing in standard comics, so Vertigo has opened the way for
contemporary innovative approaches to fanta<;y and characterization.
Any thoughts that comics and Tarot cards make an odd mix, or that a comic book Tarot somehow
belinles the Tarot's ancient wisdom , would probably stem first of all from the habit of not taking
comics seriously. Of course, we also should remember that many people will dismiss the Tarot itself
as trash, and see a comic book Tarot as a strange aJliance of two kinds of nonsense. Happily, these
kinds of assumptions hav'e begun to change. One of the great openings of our time is the \villingness
to look at despised parts of our culture, especially those considered childish, or ignor,mL It's no
coincidence that the modem blossoming of Tarot has taken place in exactly the same time period,
the last thirty YC'Jrs, a<; the resurgence of comic books.
Both Tarot and comics affect us so powerfully because of the immediacy of thei r form. Whether
they're used for storytelling or symbolic ideas, pictures impress their intensity on us. This is panly
why many religious traditions have used sequential pictures to educate or inspire. Wndu comic
books teach the stories of the gods, a group of chamcters very similar to American super-heroes.
ReligiOUS groups in America publish comics from the Bible, often with more of an emphasis on
mighty deeds (Noah leading the animals, David killing Goliath, Jesus mising the dead) than any
moraJ teachings. Ln ~'rance some years ago I went to look at a small country church dating back to
the Middle Ages. All around the waJls a series of sequential pictures comic-book panels-told the
gospel story of the life of Jesus. There wa<; no narmtion or dialogue, but we can imagine the priest
supplying the missing elements.
The legend mentioned earlier of the Tarot's origin in Morocco in the YC'J r 1200 tells us more about
the power.Qf pictures than it does about history. According to the story, a group of spiritual masters
from around the world met in the city of Fez. Despite their various nationalities, they shared a grC'at
esoteric system of knowledge, originally from Atlantis according to some versions. Unfonunately,
the sages knew that this universal knowledge was in d:mger. The world was fragmenting, and soon
the splits between all the different cultures would m:lke it impossible to ret:tin the genuine tC'Jching.'!.
Every society wo uld adopt its own version. Each tradition would get some things right ,
but other things wrong, llild sliU other things would become covered over by local superstition. The
sages debated oWhatto do and finally came up with an answer. They would encode their wisdom into
pictures, using precise S}mbols disguised as a card game. The uninitiated would play the g.une, but
wiser people would know to look at the symbols. And when all the teachings had become lost, or
confused, the card game would carry the true knowledge forward, available for those with the
wisdom to know, and to understand.
The links between comic books and m}1h, evcn religion, are much greater than many people re-Mizc.
Many people studying mythology or mysticism might trace their interest back to slIch "cosmic"
comic book.'! as Jack Kirby's New Gods, or some of the early versions of Dr. Strange. Many of the
Vertigo titles have deliberately mined esoteric ideas and images for their storylines. For example,
The Salldmllli is famous for its arcane lore from many countries. The writer, Neil Gaiman, has said
that he is nOI an esotericist, that he simply reads widely. In other words, he docs not follow any
ideology or system. He foUows storics.
Another Vertigo writer, Grant Morrison, often uses esoteric ideas in his storylines. In particular, he
borrows images and concepts from the same Kabbalah which Court de Gebelin, Eliphas Levi , and
the Order of the Golden Dawn, described as the secret origin of Taro!. Morrison has, in fact, used
Tarot cards in a number of his comics. We can find similar examples in the work of any number of
other Vertigo writers.
The deepest connection between Tarot and comics may stem from a common source, thai of
shamanism. Probably the oldest form of religion, shamanism is a loose term (the actual word
"shaman" comes from the Tungus people of Siberia) for very direct experiences of ecstasy and
magic. Shamans are found allover the world. They go into trances and travel to the realms of the
spirits, where they get help from the gods, battle demons, and return with speciaJ powers and tools
to help their tribe or co mmunity. Often, shamans will use various devices for divin ati on.
Many people believe that esoteric systems and teachings originally begin \vith shamanic ecstasy. The
resemblan ces are strong. Like shamanism, esoteric religion stresses direct encounters with God.
Jewish mysticism, for example, is filled with techniques for journeying to the "palaces of heave n~ "
As an outgrowth of the esoteric tradition, Tarot teaches us to follow our own path to salvation. II
begins with a Magician, shows images of death and rebirth, and moves through the darkness of the
unconscious to the light of revelation. In short, it gives us a blueprint for our own shamanic journeys.
What is "heretical," and dangerous, about the Tarot is the implied idea that we don't need priest'!
to intercede between us and divine experience.
In recent years, a whole f".mge of comics have drawn on shamanic traditions and im ages. These
have included Vertigo titles as well as wore conventiona1 super-heroes. The shamanic connection,
however, goes much deeper than a series of storylines. The shaman dresses in elaborate costumes.
He travels to oth er worlds. He gains miraculous powers, sometimes based on the qualities of
animals. Using his powers and magical weapons, he fights monsters and malevolent beings with
equally fearsome powers. He further uses his powers to help and protect the community of ordinary
humans. Does all this sound familiar?
I am not suggesting any historic connections between tribal shamans and super-hero comic books.
Instead, it seems to me that some of the same human impulses have given rise to both creations,
that some of the people who first brought up the idea of the costumed hero may have been tapping
into a kind of sublimated version of the energy that in other times and places has drawn the shamans
into their trances.
The Tarot ~lJll sen'e us as a tool for our own journeying. Maybe we will not make actua1 trance visits
to other worlds, but we can let these strange and magicaJ images trigger our own imaginations. The
Tarot cards carry a complex set of symbolic meanings from their long tradition. If we bring to the
cards a whole newgroup of images, with their own collective history, the effect can make the journey
deeper and more intense.
The standard Tarot deck consiSl~ of SC\'cnty-eight cards-"sc1'enty-eight degrees of wisdom," as Charles Williams
called them in ms novel The Greater Trumps. The SC\entyeight furthe r brC'dk down into two parts, the four suits,
C'Jch with fourteen cards (fifty-six in all) , plus the twentytwo trump cards. People using the Tarot for dil'ination
(readings) , or simply stud)ing them fo r their S)moolic mC'dnings, refer to the twentytwo a<; the Major Arcana, and
the fiftysix suit cards as the Minor Arcana. "Arcana" mC'Jns "secrets," so that "Major Arcana" implies stuets of
greater importance and power.
The distinction between the two parts of the deck carries through in the card game. Charles Williams's expression
"greater trumps" derives from the rules of les tarots. [n C'Jch hand, one of the players gel<; to designate a particular
suit a<; "trump" (the same as in bridge). HowL'\'er, if someone plays one of those cards, and someone elsc can follow
y,ith one of the 1\\entytwo Major Arc.rna cards, then this grC'dter trump lIiU triumph ol'er the lesscr one (the word
"trump" deril'es from triOIlf) .
This rule from the game says something about the relationship between the two parts of the deck on the esoteric
level as well. The Minor Arcana signify the daily experiences of life. They show us our joys and our JYJins. At one time
or another, ("Jch of the suits will take precedence-in other words, the qualities S)moolized by Sword<; may dominate
our lives at a particular time, but then a few weeks later, the qualities associated with Cups will take over. The Major
Arcana, however, represent something deeller, something more spiritual, more archetypal. When these kinds of
experiences appear in our lives, they take precedence ol'er the more mundane issues that usually will occullY our
attention. They overtake the mundane in the same way that the World card will trump the King of Pentacles.
The titles of the cards themselves have always made clear the distinction between the twu parts of the deck. The
mysterious or majestic names, such as the Magician, the World, or the Hanged Man, all belong to the Major ArC-JOa.
The Minor cards hal'e had to make do with titles as straightforward as Five of Wands, Seven of Swords, Queen of
The pictures too have ahI"J~'S separated the Major and the Minor, even in the days before Court de Gebelin, when
almost no one thought of the deck as a ~-ym bolic message. In virtually all Tarot decks before the twentieth century,
the artist painted elabor-,lIe, fascinating pictures for the tl','enty1\\o tntmp cards, but only the simplest patterns for
the suits. For example, the Chariot might sholl' a powerful warrior in a decorated chariot drawn by magnificent
horses, one black, one white. Or the Wheel of Fortune might show an ornate wheel surrounded by animals, including
a bear turning the wheel by a crank on the ade. By contrast, the Five of Cups would show little more than five cups
arr.rngcd across the card. The Court Gards, the Pages, Knights, Queens, and King.<;, ("drried more elaoor-Jte pictures,
but they tended just to strike fonnal poses, like an official portrait of the monarch. They could hardly compete with
the Hanged Man, suspended by one foot from a tree br-Jnch, or the naked people rising from their coffins in the
card of Judgment. To this day, many Tarot readers have the most difficulty interpreting the Court Cards, simply
because the pidUres appear so static.
Just as the card game gives p~ominence to the twenty1\\o Major ArcJJla, so have most writers on the Tarors esoteric
s)mbolism. Until I'ery recently, books on the. Tarot have tended to go into great detail interpreting Ihe trump cards,
only to add on a very short chapter at the end describing the suits. It is not UIiUSUalto find a three or four-hundrL'<.Ipage book going into the ti ni est details of the Major Arcana, with 11 0 mention at all of the Minor.
Whal do we mC'JO when II'e say that the Major Arcana represent "spiritual," or "archet)pal" experiences? First of all,
we do not mean that they preach any particular religiOUS doctrine. We have seen how different people have pUl
forward different theories for the Tarot's unoerlying message. But the Tarot eludes a11thesc attempts to pin it down.
InstC'dd. it teaches something more fundanlental.
The cards show us a vision of the universe as alive and libT"dnt at all lel'els. And they show our progress through life
a~ a ioumey of joy and mystery. The Major ArC-dna tell a story, a tale of adventure. It begins with the Fool and takes
him through a series of tesl~ and revelations, until he becomes IT"dnsformcd. /Ie gOL'S out in Iluest of something and
discovers that he himself is the prize.
The tenn "archetypal" refers to images, or story elements, that appear throughout hurmOl history, in many cultures.
Each place 1I~11 gi\'e the archet)pc a local namr, but the underl)ing image will remain the same. Examples of these
archetypes include the wise old man , the benevolent mother goddess, the demon monster, and the miraculous
rebirth. Each of these, as well as others, appear in the Tarot (in order, they are the Ilennit, the Empress, the DCI'il,
and Judgment).
One very powerful arche~pe is the Trickster. Some cultures even bring this figure to life, a~ well as including him in
their stories. Aperson, or a group, will lake on the behavior (and "ild clothes) of the sacred clown, pla}ing tricks
on the , priests or officials, or else undercuttin g the rigid roles of society with their outrageous jokes.
In the Tarol, the Trickster appears a~ the Fool , the wild card (many card historians beliCl'e that the joker in the
modern pla~i ng deck descend~ from the Tarot Fool) . Thosc p(.'ople \\'ho try to establish a fixed sct of S)mools for the
Tarot find themselves arguing OI'er the place of the Fool. Does he go at the beginning? The end? Somewhere in the
middle? l.ike the Vertigo character John Constantine, the Fool docs nOi belong anywhere. lie is an outsider.
subverting the cstaQli.shed order of the detk. We can call the Fool the hero of the Tarot pretisely because he cannot
be pinned dO\\ll. Uelt-J\'els through aU the other cards.
There life archetypal stories as well as imagcs', Think of all the !airy t.ale stories we read as children. Remember how
in so many of them the hero, usually the youngest brother or,si~ler, is described as a good-for-nothing, a simpletona fool. .
Just as we can find a vast range of religiOUS and esOteric teachings within the structure of the Major Arcana, so we
also can find a wide variety of Stories. The Tarot writer Mary K. Greer has taken the Oedipus story, as laid out in the
plays of Sophocles, arid shown how we can map it onto the Major Arcana, card by card. Others have done the same
with King Anhur. One of the stories I have fo llowed through the Tarot is that of the Greek Goddess Persephone, who
was kidnapped by the God of De'Jth, and returned 10 the Ii\ing world through the struggle of her mother Demeter,
Deml1er is often linked to the Empress, while the Star can represent Persephone. In Vertigo, Persephone makes an
appearJrice in the Sandmall story of the Dreamlord's sOn, Orpheus. In the Vertigo Tarot we see hints of her in the
Empress, the card usually connected to Demeter.
The Major Arcana matches so many m}ths and fairy t.ales for the same rC'JSOns that it matches so many religious and
esoteric teachings. Its underlying structure comes' from deep in the human imagination, the same source for a1llhose
ditTerent tales and traditions. As we follow the Vertigo characters through the II'Jrious cards, we will see how these
fi gures too, wilh I~eir many different 9lO ri es, match the images and symbols of the Tarot.
Each card in the Major Arcana acts in (at least) two ways. First, they tC'Jch us individual lessons. The Magician tells
us something about power and consciousness. The Devil exposes our fears and desires. The Empress arouses our
passion for life. But they also fonn a sequence. This is the great story in which aU the smaller, individual stories take
Ibe is an overview of tnat great story The Fool (card O)sets out on his journey. He has to be a fool to give up a
nonnallife and venture into this dangero~ unknown world. He encounters the Magician (I) and the High Priestess
(2) . Each of them possesses power, bUlthey also represent the great prinCiples of existence: light and dark, male and
femal e, conscious thought and the deep well of the unconscious. The Fool encounters nature and society in the fonn
of the Empress (3) and the Emperor (4). The Hierophant (5) attempts to teach him traditional idC'JS, but, being a
Fool, he falls in iove instC'ad. lie emerges from his Lo\'ers (6) experience seemingly more malure and in charge of
his life, able to d~ive his own Chariot (7) . But he knows there are adventures he still hasn 't experienced.
lie finds the Strengtb (B) to give evel)1hing up and become a Hennit (9). Now he seems to have gotten older and
acqUired wisdom, But at heart he remains a Fool. He sees a \'ision of his own destiny in the Wheel of Fonune (10) .
~'C'Jrlessly (another aspect of the Fool is his wild cOu ....<lge) , he accepts the Justice (II ) of who he is. For really the
, first time, he makes the mo,'e from unconscious instinct to conscious selfawareness.
Now comes a turning point. The Fool offers himself on the Tree of Ufe. RC\'ersing evel)1hing society has tried to \(~Jch
him, he litemlly turns himself upside down by hanging by one foot. The Hanged Man (12) is crucial 10 the Tarors
blueprint for enlightenment. lie represents all the ditTerent kinds of initiations devised by all the world's esoteric
traditions, from the ordeals of Siberian shamans and Tibetan Buddhists to the vision quests of the Lakota Sioux to
)p ung Aborigines mecting the spirits in the II'J.'>t deserts of Austra.lia. In the Vertigo Tarot. the Hanged Man is Shade,
the Chahging Man. In his comic book, Shade is attached to a power called the Madness. To the outside world, the
Hanged Man does appear mad, as well as fool ish , for he reverses his whole life to find an inner truth.
The Fool" appC'drS to die. lIanging on his tree, he shows his willingness to sacrifice his very life. Inste-.ui, what dies are
his fears and defenses. After Death (13) , he sees himself reborn as the powerful angel of Temperance ( 14).
Now he faces his greatesl test. With his new powers, he descend~ to the underworld and confronts the DC\il ( IS) .
An e.xplosion des,roys the DC\'iI"s fortres.~, the Tq\\'er ( 16). But in facl, the Devil is rC'a.lly himself, his dark shadow,
and the lightning bolt that destroys the Tower is his own divine enefgy. /Ie finds himself in the dark nigln, \\~th only
the Slar (17) to guide him and give him hope. lie must pass through th ~ st....ange dreamworld of the Moon (18) .
When he emerges into the Sun ( 19) he finds himself reborn yet again, not as a powerlul angel, but simply as a child .
Ill' hears the horns of Judgment (20), telling him to take up his new life. bnally, he returns to t~e World (21).
One way to organize our understanding of the Major Arcana is to see it in groups. If we set the Fool aside as the wild
card, this IC'Jves twenty-one cards, or three groups of Sl...en. Three is a sacred number in mallY cultures. We might
\!link of such trinities as the Father, the Son, and the lIoly Ghost in Christianity, or Maiden, Mother, and Crone in
Goddess worship, or B....Jhma, Vishnu, and Shiva in Hinduism. Seven in many ways sYTllbolizes the physical world.
Yoga teachcs us of the seven chakras in the human body. Each chak ....J glows with a color, These colors
, match the
colors of the rainbow, but only when the body is upside down, another clue to the importance of the Hanged Man.
There arc SC\'en openings in the human head. Our week contains seven dars betause the naked eye can see SC\'en
plJUlcts, including the sun and mooll. Three, therefore, represenl~ the l)Ower of the gods, while seven s}mbolizes
human experience.
The three groups are 1-7, 8-14, alld 1; -21. t::lch of them {,lid.. with a kind of I'ittory over the challenges of that line.
The first ends in the strong will of the Chariot. the second in the calm angel of Tempe.....ulce, and the lasl in the Wurld,
with its \ision of the whole universe as ali\ing organism.
We can 1C'.lm a lot about the cards by comparing them to the ones above and below them, That is, the Magician,
Strength, and the Devil each 'occupy the first position in their IinC5----(:ard.. One, l-:ight, and Fifteen . What do these
three have in common? lIow are they different? In what way does each of them stan a line of development?
We also C-Jll compare cards by their numbers. Five and fifteen suggest a relationship. When we look at the lIierophant
(High Prie~) and the [)c..;l, definite associations might come to mind. In the Vertigo Tarot these two arc old enemics,
Morpheus and Lucifer. But they may be more alike than either one would want to admit. Another number relationship:
the number fifteen is written as a one and a five. If we add these two we get six. This gives us a connection bem'een
the Dc\'j] and the lovers, Traditionally, the m'Ocards signify m'o sides of sexuality, '" pure" relationships "ersus dark
lust. In the Vertigo Tarot the connection becomes reinforced when we lC'drn that the Lovers card shows an angel
from heaven in a lm'e affair with a demon from hell.
Another way people ha,'e approached the Major Arcana is to compare it to other symbolic systems. People have
linked the cards to Hebrew leiters, alchemical signs, Runes (the Runes are a GennaniScandinalian alphabet that
wa'> uSl'<i for di'ination and magic as well as ordinary writing) , I Oling hexagrams, and in panicular, astrology. The
astrological links which most Tarot people consider traditional derive from the Order of the Golden Oawn , with
some modem revisions to bring in the disco"ery of the oUler planets.
On the Venigo Major Arc-JIla cards we can ~ the astrologic-.t.I ~ymbol along the bottom margin , laid over the name.
Dave McKean has mostly followed the Golden Dawn system, but with some interesting variations. Seve ....t.I planets
appear on two cards, suggesting a special link bem'cen them , The Empress and the Star are bOlh Venus. The Emperor
and the Wheel of Fonune arc both Jupiter. Death and the World are both Saturn. In C'.lch case, the higher card (the
Star, the Wheel of Fonune, the World) displays an extra flourish on the planetary symbol. If we wish to think about
what connections these links establish, we might think first of all about the two c-.lrds, what they have in common,
how they differ, in what way could the second one represent a '"higher" \'ersion of the first. And then we can think
a'> weU about the planet and what that S)mbolizes. For instance, the planet Saturn significs limit... DC'dth might mC'Jll
reaching the limits of our ordinary way of living, while the World might symbolize a transcendence of all ou r
The most interesting astrolOgical "link" in the Venigo Tarot comes bem'cen the lIierophant and the Devil. Neither
one bears any astrolOgical s}mbol at all. We alrC'.ldy ha"e seen a connection between these twO cards from their
numbers, their traditional meanings, and their Vertigo characters. Now we can think about what it means that neither
one is linked to any of the stars and planets.
So far, most of the ways we have looked at the Major ArC-JIla come from their traditional s}mbolic images. But what
mak('S this deck unique is the source material for the chamcters on the pictures. Each card linked to a panicwlar
Vertigo character gains a whole new range of mC'Mlings from that character's history and (Iualities. At the same time,
the Venigo line a.. a whole gi,cs a special quality to this panicular Tarot deck.
There is no single Venigo style, but there is a kind of shared Venigo sensibility. The qualities involved include dark
fanta..)', sophisticated charaCterization , a sense of irony, and self-aware \\~t. The Vertigo Tarot brings many of these
same qualities to Tarot tradition. The pictures themselvcs arc phYSically dark. The characters seem to half emerge
from intcnse blackness. Often, they arc panially lit by sharp golden light. Sometimes the light becomes red, as if
turning to blood.
Another featu re running through these cards (Minor as well as Major) is the use of text. We have seen how one
difference between the sequential pictuT('S'Of Tarot and those of comics is the fact that comics have words and Tarot
cards do not. In m:my of these pictures, (}J\"e McKean has added fragments of letters or linL'S of type. In almost every
case, the surrounding images obscure the actual words, making the text unreadable. The effect emphasizcs the
cards' mystery and the inability to pin them down to slx'c ific mC'JIlings.
The Venigo sensibility also comes through in the choice of characters to match the panicular trump canIs. While
in some cases the charaLler and the c-ard fi t perfectly-most obviously, \\~th the use of OrC'.un'5 older sister, DC'dth,
for the card of ne-dth--often the m'Oseem like extreme opposites. For the all-powerful Emperor, who in most decks
sits rigidlyon his throne, we find the Geek, a li'ing doll, who can hardly sit upright. For the ,mgel of Tempcrance,
majcstic in his calm and moderation, we sec Delirium, totally swept up in her own intemperate nature.
These mismatches arc not jusl per.ersc. By undercutting the tr.lditional trump figures, the Venigo Tarot allows us
to Sl'C them in a new way, in much the same way thaI Venigo comics show us fanta!>), from a new perspective. They
sub\"en the standard images in order to give them fresh life.
The various Venigo characters do something else for the C-.lTds as well. They give them a new life, the life of their
own storicl. When wc look at the lIieropham we can think of all the s}ll1bolism associated with the card. We can
think 'a~ well of thc '".lrious tmdilions of high pricsts, from tribal elders to popcs. But now we also can think of
Morphcus. the Lord of Dreams, of all his talcs, of the magical worlds of the IJrt'anling, and of all our own drC'.lms
and fanl:l~ies inspired by rC'dding SlIIulmrlll . The Major Mc;m,L, repository of so many t....lditions, has opened itself
oncc morc, absorbing and adapting a whole new m)1hology.
from "HEII.BLAZER" (Uranus)
Think of the Major Arcana as a comicbook story. After all, it is told in pictures. Like the best
comic books, the Major Arcana begins with a hero, a wild
outsider with strange powers. He is a lone mystery man,
his nose at the universe, looking for adventure. Eventually, he
confront his deepest fears and weaknesses. He will go beyond his
needs to encounter the wonder and strangeness of existence. I
redisco\'cr the childlike freedom which has always been his driving
Finally, hc will return as something greater than he himself could
predicted. And yct, he wHl remain himself, ....ith his own rebellious .
the story of thc Major Arcana, and thc Fool is its hero.
It is also the story of John Constantine: thc cynic who cannot resist
hclp, thc outsider who baules against all authority, even including
the Devil. The Fool's most important ~)mbo[ is his number, O.
outside the sequencc of all the other cards, with their set ,II,'Ges.
Fool remains free because he is nothing, no thing. He does
any hierarchical position. John Constantine has no .
followers. His refusal to settle down costs him his
his friends. Constantine and the Tarot Fool are
tricksters, gelling into and out of trouble
for the experience.
The most famous image of the Fool shows a
man about 10 step off a cliff. Adog or a cat
beside him, and he holds a flower i
Here, Ihe sun becomes a kind of
explosion, the flo wers ha\'e wilted, and the
animal has become a skeleton penetrating his
body. We are seeing the dark side of the Fool,
the price he pays for placing fret'<iom above
all other V'Jlues.
Divinalory meanings--Wildness, laking ri sk~ .
Some kind of lcap of faith. Resisting authority,
following your own path.
Reversed-- Hesitancy, caution . Difficulty
trusting your own instincts.
, cfC'.ltivity. Asense
thing goes right.
pressed energy.
wer responsibly.
shows a powerful,
he traditional Emperor card
man siOing on a throne. Often
he hold.'i a scepter and a globe of
e world. He may wear annor under his imperial robe. As the Empr~ 's
onsort, he brings law and human sociely to her abundant nature. In a \\ der
nse, he signifies the ide-.a of structure, including the la\\'5 of nature, im losing
rder on chaos. Because of his emphasis on law and SOCiety, many people ' him
, a symbol of repression.
he Gcek is wonderfully opposite to all of this. of a rigid figure in nnor and
rincely robes, he is a rag doll, brought 10 life by a <Iuirk of nature. Far fr m a ~)'Jllbol
r structure, he naps about, his head tilted impossibly to the side, and a dazed sweet
xpression on his face. Rather than laying down the rules fo r others to fo l ow, the GL'C k
t 'es, helplessly, to figure out human sociCl)'.
'fe sec him sitting on a rigid throne, but in his own noppy way. In fact, th way his hair
!lreams upward.'i suggests that he has fallen onto his Emperor throne, or
is falling
as! it (remember the traditional Fool stepping off his cliff) . lIis face and
nch, the English puppet. The anns look human, though the hands and fin rs stick
OUI in strange angles. Uis scepter and th rone dangle fro m strings li ke
marionett(!s. Below them, we see actual marionettcs, a rna
and a woman reaching out to C'Jch olher.
MORPHEUS, from 'i llE SA:'l'DMAN"
(no astrological allribution)
The lIierophant used to be called The
Pope, Some modem deck... name him
the lligh Priest, to show that where the
IUgh Priestess conceaJs the inner mysteries,
the Hierophanl reveals the outer truths. In many
ways, Morpheus, also called the Sandman, Dream,
and the Lord of Dreams, is the \'ery image of a IJigh
Priest. Uke a High Priest, Morpheus docs not so much
act in his comic as preside over it. Often, he will not C'o'en
appear for several issues, and yet his presence pervAdes the
story. It also is fitting that the Hierophant for the Vertigo Tarot
be a master of drC'JJJls. Though the various Vertigo titles make
no attempt to fonn a single continuity (or style) , many of them
move in and out of a dreamlike state.
In many Tarot decks, the lIierophant rcpresenl'i orthodox spirituality.
By contrast, Morpheus has seen all religions come and go. He
knows them as spcdal dreJJJlS, and so can lead us beyond specific
teachings to the strJ.Jlgeness and beauty of sacred experience. The
word "hierophant" actually suits him \'ery well, fo r itliter.dly means
"one who shoYis sacred things." In Greece, the hierophant presided
O\'er the Greater M)'S teries of [)cmeter and Persephone (remember
the Empress) .
Morpheus here appears more sensual, C'o'en androg)llous, than we
usually sec him in his own book. We sec the darkness of night in
the card, but also strJ.Jlge colors, suggesting the luminous variety
of dreams. He holds up his hand in blessing, a gesture from the
standard imagery foc the card. The wand he holds looks at (lrst
like the Greek Orthodox triple cross (another standard Hicrophant
image), When we look closer we see that the crosses are wings.
Uke something from a dream thcmseh'cs, the \\ings signify
the trans(onnational power of dreams,
- .,
.' -
char-dcters, tbe
rctlincd much
did in .
because his
dark <on
to become Vertigo
Stranger has
,, ,,une qualities as he
This is
of mystery and
cead pointed 10 the
wo rld of Ve rtigo.
Uennit shows an old
at night on a
. li e holds up a
. The
because he looks
rather than
in the ordinary
like India and
enn' have
or dark forests
10 nlCi
Strange r Is
tered in
or al least dark
silualion s.
or t"'t'ef1 fear. As .
we do not fin d any absolute
easy assumptions of power.
lIennit for the late ty,'entieth
We sec him here struck by the
of his own existence. He
hands. They'
h"cannol. "" I connect .
feelings) to any of the things
The danger of the He.nnit is
person "ithdra,,'S from the
find it \'ery difficult to
hands as posith'e and
dark. The lIermitlooks at
conflicts of life without recl
himself plays a part in
oncc a
he may
see the
without consciou~'control .
ReversedTaking hold of your destiny. Discovcring the causes behind
Divinatory meanings--Struggles
with oppression, Illusions. Dark
feelings or desires, especially
Reversed -- Li beralion.
Bringing things to
STAR (Venus)
The Star begins a
sequence of four cards
unattached to any particular
Vertigo character or storyline. The
l}e\.il took us into darkness, and the Tower
ripped away all our attachments, including language.
Now we move through the deeper archel)pal lC\'els in the
Star and the Moon. We might think of John Constantine having
all the layers of cynicism and despair blown out of him, until, .
Sun, he becomes reborn :J5 an innocent child.
Coming after the cic-.msing lightning of the Tower, the Star USlia
calm after the stornl. The standard image shows a naked woman
pose of openness and peace:J5 she pours out water from two
\'ersion shows us a more disturbing picture, a woman bound
and around her breasts. The bindings hold the urns against her
attach her inexorably to her flmction.
How can we describe these waters? Do they S)mbolize life cnql
The unconscious?The key to this card may lie in the answer
And the answer may change for each person who
Bindings actually playa strong role in this Tarot. Mad
Priestess, is bound across her forehC'dd. The
the same kind of strings he uses to manipulate his
Hanged Man is bound to his
Madness tree .
the Uigh
is bound by ~
. Shade the
nothing back.
, the same as
us two \;sions of
ou tpouring of fee lin gs .
Reve rsed -. Negat ivi ty,
holding back
The narne for this card comes from its traditional
imagery, that of the Christian Last Judgment. Usually, the
picture shows Gabriel blowing his horn as bodies rise up
joyously from their coffins to answer him. E\"cn though the card
uses thaI name, 'Judgment," we get no sense of anyone condemned.
11lis is pan of the Tarot's subversi\'e message, that if you dare to follow
your own path you will go beyond morality and fear to ecstasy.
This is the last of the cards without any Verngo attribution. We might
call this group, beginning with the Star, "deep process" cards, for
the way in which they take us away from our nonnal signposts
(symboli7.ed by the Vertigo character connections) and
through a dark and mysterious journey
to a new beginning.
Jesus said,
F.xcept as you be
like a little child, you
shall not cnler into the
,kingdom of heaven." The baby
\"ho emerged in the Sun card (think
again of John Constantine giving up his
cynidsm and despair) is raised up here by many
hands. They celebrate the liberation that comes from
having completed such a diffi cult pass age .
The previous'card glowed red like the rising Sun, especially
above the baby's hC'Jd. Here the red looks more Uk a
wash of blood. The New Testament also tells us th t the
blood of the lanlb" will wash us dean of ou sins. SUI
we do not need to employ such a religious reference to
understand blood here. Babies are born i a . . .ash of their
mothers' blood. The imagery of ne life continues.
The horns in this version do nO{ belo g to an angel. They
tend [0 look more like funnels of ome kind. But the
essential quality of the card re ains: a call to rise
up, to become a new perso , free and joyous,
without fC'Jr.
Unlike (he greater trumps of (he Major Arcana, (he fOllr suits of the Minor Arcana do not take on any Vertigo
characters. At tile first meetings to plan the deck (held in a Manhattan hotel suite) , the group decided that assigning
a particular scene or character to C' of the fifty-six cards would only restrict Da\e McKeans concepts and
imagi nation . So here, in these stylized images, we arc seeing the pure \'ision of a remarkable artist.
At the same time, the four suits still reflect the particular qualities of Vertigo. We set' that dark fantasy, the scnse of
mystery and strangeness. InstC'Jd of nC'Jtll' explaining the secrets of the universe, as some occult deck.~ have tried to
do, they open us to the fear and wonder of our li\cs. They arc vertigo in the [iterJI sense, disorienting us from our
ordinaJ)' perceptions.
The cards begin with the traditional qualitics of the Minor Arcana, the ~m bolism of elch suit, and then thL'}' take it
to a new place, one that we cannot C'dSily define or explain. Alot of them are distorted in some way, submerged
under .....ater, or behind a wall of mud, or o\'elwhelmed by light. Writing appears, as if to explain, bUI the writing is
unreadable, co\ered O'oer by dOL.., or simply too small, too dense, to make out. People inhabit these cards, butlhey
too become distant from us, made mysterious by diSlonion. Some have no heads, or no anns or legs. On others we
see a face obscured by darkness C'dting into their features. With some we cannot tell if we are looking OIl a man or a
woman. With others we confidently say oh, thars a man, only to see the exact same face a few cards later, but with
different shading, so that we can say, with equal confidence, oh, thars a womlm. We've come a long W'Jy from those
C'Jrly decks, with their Cups or Swords nC'Jt[y sprC'Jd across the card.
The classic Tarol su il~ are Staves, Cups, Swords, and Coins (or Disk...). In Spain, these remain the SUiIS, not only in
Tarot decks, but in ordinary pla)ing cards. In other counlries, Stavcs hecanle Clubs, Cups became ilearts, Swords
became Spades, and Coins became DianlOnds. Some historians say that pla}ing cards descend from the Tarot, while
others claim (hat the t"..o kinds of decks e\"Ohed at around the same time, or else thallhe ordinary deck came first,
:md then someone added on Ihe t.....enty-two trumps to make Ihe special Tarol deck. Uthe Tarot deck is the older
one, Ihen com'entional pl3)ing card<; did nol only drop the Major Arcana, they also abandoned the Knights, IC'J\ing
onlrthe P"dge Oack) , Queen, and King.
(her time, the Stavcs acquired the name Wands. The pictures, howe\er, continued to show a staff, or bmnch of wood,
usually with a few leaves, or buds growing on them. In the Vertigo Tarot the Wands appear like torches, and
sometimes paintbrushl'S.
When the Order of the Golden (}Jwn crC:lted their own Tarol deck, they changed the Coins suit to Pentacles, a name
and emblem that has stayed popular C\'er since. They made this change p'Jrtly because they wanted the suit to signi~'
something "ider than monl')' and commerce, the ob\ious associations of Goins. The Golden Dawn also changed the
fourth suit to Pentacles for a more specific purpose. They wanted the four suits 10 represent the tools of the ritual
magician. In their magical ceremonies, magicians focus the power of their \\ill through a wand, a knife or sword, a
sacred chalice. and finally, the sign of the pcnl:lc1e, often drJwn in the air "ith the point of the knife. In the Vertigo
Tarot, as in many other decks, the card of the Magician shows the four objccl'i laid out before him (actually,
suspended in the air, excepl for the Wand, which he holds).
We can (mce the suit emblems back to legends of the Iioly Gmil. When Perci\w, the Grail knight (a char'Jcter very
like the Foo[); encounters the Gral[ fo r the first time, he docs so in a mysterious castle in a desert, ruled by a
wounded king. Perci\~J.! is eating dinner when a stmnge procession enters the room, a group of women caTl)ing a
cup, a lance, and a sword on a round tr'JY, or disk. Perci\".u bums to ask what purpose these serve, but his mother
had told him nC\er to speak unless spoken to. lie remains silent, and the women leave. A"ise hermit then assails
him. If Percival only had asked the essential question, "Whom docs the Grail sen'e?" the magic ritual could have
continued, and the Gmil would ha\e restored to life both the king and the land itself. Now PerciV'J.! \\ill hu\'e to go
on a quest to find the \'ery Grail that had offered itself 10 him. Many people ha\e compared this story to the journey
of Ihe Fool through the Major Al'C'J.Ila.
Some historians ha\'e offered a more mundane explanation for the origin of the suit emblems. They may simply
represent the different classes in mediC\'aJ society. The pea~anl~ grow staves. The clergy use cups in the mass. The
nobility fiSh l with swords, and the merchants deal in coins.
As described above, almost all Tarot decks before the twentieth century did not show any scenes on the Minor ca rd~ .
:\'en the Golden Dawn deck displayed the suit emblems in decomtivc patterns, though "ith a few S}mbolic touchcs.
The greal change came in 1910, \\ith the publication of the Rider deck, named for ilS original British publisher. The
painter of the deck, P-.unela Colman Smith, revolutionized the Minor Arcana by showing people in action on (.'\ery
picture. For.example, the Eight of Cups shows a man walking up:t hill in the moonlight, Ihe Five of Pentaclcs shows
IWObeggars passing a church, and so on . tor the first time, the Minor Al'C'J.Ila became accessible to interpretation.
Where pmious deck.~ forced us to rely on set fonnu[as when doing rC'Jdings-You \\ill mL'C1a dark man who "ill
gi\'e )"ou a job, or "YOII will go on a SC:I journey," or You "~II suffer a grC'Jtloss-P:unela Smiths Rider C'Jrds
allow us to use our own imagin:ltions :t.>; well as what we find in book....
The most popular Tarot dL'Ck in the world, the Rider canL>; also have influl'flcL'I.l Sl'\er.t.l gener'Jtions of Tarot deSigners.
Some decks foll ow her Minor Mcana so closely Ihat Tarotists (people who study or lise the Tarot) refer
to them as "Pamela clones." [}.l\e McKean's Vertigo cards are strikingly original, but they do sholl' the influence of
the Rider imag~ on a number of the cards. Where it seems appropriate we will compare the Venigo pictures to their
Rider counterpans. For example, Smith's Three of Cups depicted th ~ women mising their cups high in a toast. The
Vertigo version shows three disembodied hands raising their cups against a dark background. We also will cite two
other tmditional decks, the Golden [}.lYoll and the "Book of Thoth" Tarot, created byAleister Crowley and Lady Frieda
Harris. Both of these ga\'e names to each of the Minor cards; occasionally we will compare those names to the
Vertigo pictures.
The Major Arcana gives us a blueprint for spiritual development, from innocence to mystic enlightenment. The Minor
Arcana is both more and less ambitious. While it does not lay out such a grand design, it does show us the \".lriel)' of
daily life. Each of the four suits C'J.ITies its own special qualities, and within each of the s ui!.~ the ten numbered cards
and the four Coun cards show how those qualities emerge in different situations. When we start to cdmbine the C'.lrds
in readings-for instance, when we tum up the Five of Swords next to the Three of Pentacles, or the Queen of W:mds
alongside the Two of Cups-we find ou rselves with a kind of encyclopedia of human experience.
For the moment, we will concentr.lIe on the numbered cards, Ace-Ten, Ie-.lving the four Court card." for their own
section. This is bt.'Cause the Coun cards arc organized in a slightly different way than the numbers. At the same time,
many of the things we say about the suits as a whole will apply to th e Court cards as wel l.
We have secn how the symbol, or emblem, for each suit gives it a particular char.lcter. We also can categorize the
suit"s qualities in terms of the four "elements" which people in the Renaissance and earlier saw as the basis for
existence. Around the world, people have always sought w.l}'S to categorize experience and the different manifCSlations
of the ph}'Sical world. For example both the Cells and many Native Americans broke things down in terms of directions
and primary colors. Europe-J.l1 culture from the lime of ancient Greece has decribed all existence as combinations
of four fundamental elements, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.
Since the Renaissance we ha\'e learned that these four are far from basic. Water, ai r, and earth all contain many
molecules, while fire is a chemical rC'.lction . Nevertheless, the qualities associated lIith the "elements" remain useful.
The elements also prOlide a link 10 astrolOb')', since the twelve signs of the zodiac break down into three signs in
each of the four clements.
The number four is as clear an organizing principle as three and SC\en. There arc four solar points in the ye-dr, the
solstices and the equinoxes. There are fou r natural directions; the two ends of the Earth's axis pro\ide north and
south, while the sunrise and sunset on the equinoxes cre-.lte east and west. Our bodies also CTe-.lte four horizontal
directions; in front, behind, and left hand, right hand (if we add above, below, and center we get Ihe other namra!
number, SC\en).
In Tarol, the elemenl5 match the suits as follows: Fire-Wands, Water-Cups, Air-Sword", Eanh-PenLtcles (some people
argue for a different arnmgement, but this one remains standard). Here arc some of their attributes. Fire represent"
the experience of energy, action, optimism, creative impulse, ad\'emure, sexualily, movement, beginnings. Water
belongs to lo\'e, fantasy, imagination, pa.'1Sivily, the unconscious, relationships, friendship . Air symbolizes mind,
mental activil)', analysis, conflict, pain, quarrels, heroism, sadness, abstraction. Earth signifies work, nature, money,
physical rC'J..Iil)', home, stable relationships, routine acti~ities.
None of these things exist in isolation. In fact, all the elements will contribute in any Significant human activity or
project. When asked about his concepts for his Minor Arcana, D'.lve McKC'J.n said that the four suits represented
aspec!.~ of creativity. So we will look at c reati~il)' as an example. fire gives us the spark and the drive to 1I"0rk on, say,
a painting. Water allows our imagination to come in, providing both the fantasy and the feeling neces.<;ary for any
work of an. Air provides the intellectual strucmre that gi~'es the work a wider meaning than the artist's personal
experience. And Earth gives us the detennination to work at it until we produce a finished object which we can
introduce to the world.
As well as the clemen!.", the suil~ organize themselves around their numbers. Each number contains its own meanings.
For instance, the Aces signify beginnings, and the Tens fulfillm ent. In the Venigo Tarot the Tens all show a face, the
same face in different shadings. The face has a certain dreamlike quality about it, suggesting that this fi gure is
dre-J.ming all the other cards.
The best to understand the connections between the different cards of the same number is to lay them out. Take
all the Twos and set them together, all the Threes, etc. Examine their similarities and their differences. I~ ow does the
d ement affect the number, and ~ice versa? In other words, how does a Fiery Three differ from a Watery Three? And
how do Ih~ ;"pecial qualities of Three affect C'.lch clement?
The Minor card." in this deck appear more abstr.lct than some of the Majors. This is partly because we cannot link
them to specific Venigo char.lcters. They may take a liule lime to explore. As we do so, as we find ourselves going
more deeply into their stl'llngeness and excitement, their stories, coIlL'Cti\'e and individual, will begin to emerge.
Instead of a hand, we sec
what looks like a trcc, v.~th three
branches, each one bC'Jring a Wand.
Sin ce the three branches arc the same
height, we also get a sense of a candelabrum.
Unlike the 1\\'0, the card is far from balanced.
The Wands are scpamted into two and one, gi\ing
us an idC'", of opposition, or of a single person being
isolated from a group. There are many ways people can
find themselves alone and facing a closed group of other
people. We can think of cliques in high school,
to a new neighborhood. BUI the flame by itself facing
the other two also can suggest
independence, or non-confonnity.
In fact, the "tree" docs resem ble a
hand, but witb the fourth finger cuI
off. t\ stream of gold flakes pours out
from where that fourth I'Jrnl!ch might
ha\'e appC'Jrcd, incrC'dSing the fceling
of something removed, or amputated.
(NOIice also the thumblike branch
going off in a different direction
toward.~ the lower right.)
The flames burn brightly, giving us a
feeling of intense energy forcing iL~
way into existence 10 thftllenge the
world. The Fire approach to life
~metimc.s just burns its way through
the world. Other aspects can become
[OSI, or sacrificed along the way.
Divinatory Mean in gs-- Powe r,
independence, divisions between
people. Explorations, heroic
action , pOSSibly involving
people working
Numerologicall)', the number Four
signifies structure, If we think of a
Stluare or a rectangle, we get a sense
of fonnal structure and stability, It lakes
fou r sides to make the simplest solid
structure, the tetrahedron (Sl'C the ~'ou r
of Pentacles). At the same time, the Fire
energy of Wands moves against the idlY.!. of
structure, and certainly of containment. Fire
needs to be free, to move. If we confine a fire
In a closed structure it simply diesunless it
breaks free by burning down the
structure itself.
The tens ion between th e
symbolism of the number and
the natural quality of the suit
produces a d)-namic energy. The
"structure" here is me simplest
possible, four Wands lipped
together. The fourth is not
actually sho\\n, but implied. In
fact, the structure is the actual
one u5l.'(1to make a campfire.
As a rl.'Sult, tbe names burn
together harmoniously. In
contrdSt to the Three, we sec
combined energy, different
people (or forces )
,",,'Orking together for
a unifi ed
The hand returns, but now
the fingers have all become
torches, with their f1anll'S
moving through darknt'SS. The
hand rises up from that dense
bUl the torches, the Wands,
Dirinatory IlIC'Anings- ~~xci teme nt , d)T1amism, movement, using creativity and conflict to break down
an)1hing that is dull Of limiting.
RC\'erscd-ConfliL1 lx.'Coml'S more serious. Anger, and possiblY:l feeling of bct"'J)~t1 .
Cards One through Fi\'c havc
shown the Wands' potcntial, thc
possibilities of t'irc energy and what it
can do. Cards Six through Ten seem to
represent a fulfillment of all that fiel)' power.
'nIe pictures are more delailed and more l'C'.wstic.
'nIe Si.x is especially lush, with an abundance of color
and images. Wc sec a nurry of bright colors, a rush
of what looks likc fC'JIhcrs, matcrial, nowers. It is as if
the energy of the PJ"(.'\;ous cards has suddenly prodUCl'<i
great results. We might think of a painter who spend<; a
long lime dC\'Cloping his themes, finding what he wants 10
do, and Ihen suddenly
produces a \'a5t range of
works. Near the bollom of
the picture we Sl'C a single
eye. It stares out, wide
open, as if aston ished,
The Wands arc all uniform
and we see a singlc name
spread over thc tops of
them . Thc name has a
kind of swee pin g
movemcnt to it so that
their uniformity does nOi
have a static qUality. If
we think again of a
paint e r, we ca n
recognize that artists
who produce a
grC'.!1 variety of
works ohen
will havc
underlying th emes
that move through all
of them.
In general, people who do the most in life u,<;ually
have a scnse that all their different activities arc
connecled by an inner awarcness of what lhev wanl
10 accomplish,
The Six of Wands traditionally mC'.uts confidence and
optimism, as well a<; the posith'e results from having
such a slrong belief in ourselves. IIcre, the confidcnce
is much morc than sclf-assur.mce. It sho....'S a beli(.'/
in your own creativity, and all the things you can
do .....ith your skills and enthusiasm.
In between th e
brightness of the Six and
the many colors of the Eight,
we find a dark, dreamy card,
And yet, it's also the firsllo show
us a face. Faces in !rymbolic art often
suggest consciousness. Here we see
a face beginning to emerge. It seems
to come from that dense background,
The face itself is hazy, not completely
real, like a consciousness,
or self
awareness, that is only beginning to
take shape. We can think of a child
starting to know itself, and
in fact the face does appear
somewhat childlike, We can
think of this card as showing
a deeper level of seIrunderstanding be&inning to
emerge after the burst of
activity seen in the Six.
The Wands appear like horns,
with only a single name
shooting from the center
torch . Again , in stead of
confiden ce, W8 see a tcnta!i\'e
t< of purpo'j;C and identity,
The face appears distorted,
asymmt1rical, with the left side
(righ t half of the picture)
see mingl y longer a nd
narrower, Notice that the right
eye is actually lower than the
left, Atouch of fire illuminates
the left half of the face (right
side of the pit1ure), especially
the eye. If we cover the right
side of the face and look only
at the left, we see somebody
very dreamy, distant from
us, But if we look only at
the righ~ we see someone
animated and wann.
Divinatory meaning s-Unce rtaint y, th e slow
development of awareness.
Quietness, thinking ahout
issues, a purpose Ix.'ginning
to emerge.
Re vers e d - -Mor e
confidence, greater
sc i f - a wa ren eS5 .
\\o;th others.
tlere and in the Nine we can see most c\C'Jrly the connection to paintbrushes.
Tbe Dames on the Wands have bc<:ome the different colors of a painter's palette. They
are parallel and equal , suggL'Sting thai in life as well as in art, there arc many po~ ibiliti es.
VIe do nOI need to choose onc and exclude the olhers. If we hold the card sideways,
with the colored names upright, we get a stronger sense of all th e wonderful choices.
Too often we think we must choose one acthity, one focus, and gi\'Cup all the other things that a!ll"'J.CI
us. But a painting with only onc color becomes \'cry dull , if not incomprehensible. Though some
artists will experiment with works that c.xpiore very deeply the textures and subtletil'S of a single color,
most prefer a wide palette, if just to exprcs..~ the joy of life.
TrJditionally, this card often symbolizes ffim'Cfficnt and "Swiftncss," to use thc Golden Dawn lerm.
Here the Wands seem static at first, but if we look at their base they apJ)C'Jr blurred, as if spinning
\'cry r'Jpidly. They emerge from white into black, and it is only in the black arC'J where we see
color. Creativity and inspiration are
mysteries. They emerge best out of darkness,
creating their own light.
Nine is the last single digit. Therefore, numerologists
often describe Nine as the"completion of a process. 1I0wC'l'Cr,
as we saw with the Four, Fire energy does not go well with
ideas such as completion, finality, stnlcture. ~'ire prefers freedom
and the idea of a new beginning. In this clever use of the nine
Wands, we see eight of them fanning a kind of simplified box, or
cage. The ninth reaches beyond this confinement to draw a trail of
light across the sky.
We have returned here to the image of the hand, now more fully and
rt"3..listicaUy dl"JWIl than before. It is the hand, the ~)mbol of humanity,
thai siretches
box. It holds the Wand like a paintbrush,
Instead of a flame, we see white liglll cutting
an arc through the
darkness. The tip glo....'S,
like the magic wand of
a magician, or like an
angel. II may symbolize
th e liberated spirit, or
creative truth, or release
from da rkn ess and
confusion. In a way, the Nine
docs showthe completion of
a process outlined in the
other cards, but not in the
form of a box that can hold
in the Fire. InstC""Jd, the Nine
of Wands shOl\'S the opposite,
the liberation into pu re
Divinatory meanings--Firrn
act ion , release , purity of
purpose. ASingle action or
piece of knowledge which
ch an ges a s ituatio n
dramatically, especially in tile
direction of li beration .
confUSion, the nl..'Cd for
a fr es h way of
looking at the
situation .
Each of the Tens features a
face , the same one shown in
different ways. The eyes arc closed, ;c;
if the person is dreamiog. We might
describe all the previous cards in each
suit, with their varied expression of the
suit's energy, as the dream of thiS single
figure. He or she is dreaming very
different dreams according to the
clement belonging to each
suil. That is, here the person
is dreaming of Fire, later it
will become Water, then Ai r,
then Earth.
To call something a dre-Jm
docs not dismiss it as triVial,
or unreal. Mystics have
sometimes described the
universe, as well as our
individual lives, a~ dreams of
GOO. Dream,s become trivial only
when the person is tri\ial, when
he or she does not give them
any meaning.
The flame rises up from the
forehead , very large and
bright. The ten Wands spin
above it like a wheel of
fortune.1hey themselves arc
not lit. Ultimately, the fire
of cfC'Jtivity belongs to the
mind, not the tools we
usc to express it. The
name burns like a
flower, balanced and
lovely, recalling the
lotu ses used in
Indian meditation .
1he dense gr.uny material set'Tl on the
other Wand~ cards ha~ not disap(X"MCd.
Some of it C'ien goes across the face. The Fire
of creativity and dream docs not rclea.'ie us
fromour bodies or the world. Instead, it allo ....'S
li S to burn brightly in ollr own li ves.
Divinatory meanings-- Powerful dreams,
int ense belief, de si re , pass ion .
Reversed--Opprcs.'iion, especially selfoppression through do ubt.
Dism issing your dreams as
trivial or impOSSible.
im'oh'cmcnt in the
world, ou r need
10 take action ,
C'J m money,
e tc.
qualiti es of mergin g,
intuition, and love. In the
Chinese orncle, the / Ching,
we learn that yang, the active
principle, naruraUy riSC\ while
yin , the receptive, naturJlly
sinks down. We can say the
same about Fire and Water.
111ercforc, the oraclc tclls us,
wc want ~in above and
below, so that they will mo\c
through C'Jch other instC'Jd
of separating. In the Two of
Cups wc see that same imagc,
the woman abo\c moving
downward<i, the m;m bclow moving up.
Di\'inatot)' meaningsPcople joining in
1o\'C, sharing, a m.'Y" relationship. AJr.u1
from romance, the card mean s
feclin g in perfect harmony with
yourself and the world.
RC'fcrscd--lIolding back from
a rclationship, separ-Juons.
In conlrasllo the spilled and disorderly Cups
of the past two canis, the CUps here Sland in a Il{"JI arrangemCflt
They bring back a sense of peace and serenity \0 the suit. We sec the
same effect in the color, thai intense blue we saw in the Ace. And yet, there is also
a danger in this orderliness. As we have seen, the Cups' qUality of quiet dreaminess can
lead 10 passivity. There is little in this card that speaks of dynamism or action.
The Six of Cups often signifies nostalgia, a habit of looking at the JYJSt, especially childhood, through
a soft (Watery) focus. We see Ihis theme in the photographs, mostly of children. The photos carry an
antique quality, increasing the sense of looking hackwards. Some of them, especially the one on the
lower right, look distorted, implying that these are nol de-df memories, bulmcmories that are blu'rred by
emotion, possibly sentimentality.
At lower left we see what looks like a box, at lower right a frame, or mantelpiece. These are all ways we
kL'CP, or display, old photographs. They emphasize again that sense of stored-up memories, An interesting
detail appcms on the fOl......ard Cup:
it seems to be the figu re of the child (rom the photo
at bonom right. ItowC\'er, if you tum
the card upside down the image on
the Cup resembles an angel wilh a
blank face, holding something, pos.sibl~
a baby, in its arms.
Here again we sec a complex
picture. Most of the Cups appear
blurred, or even physically distorted.
11Ie only one we can sec dearly is
ringed by what looks like copper ....ire,
or maybe the kind of energy Irdcks
made by clemcmary p-Jrticles in hlgh~
speed accelerators. The Cups in the
top half of the run! appC'M splashed
by waler, or maybe golden light.
The effect is that of stability
and movement at the
same time.
The suit of Swords belongs 10 the
clcmcnt of Air, which is related to
thinking. Therefore, ,the Sword
S)moolizcs a clear mind..ofiginality,
analysis. We might think of the
Sword (we imaginc Cups, we think
of Swords) as cutting through
illu sions, or slici ng through
confused ideas. The sharpness of
the blade is said to svmbolil a mind
" "'
capable of making fint?
nut a sword is also a weapon. In
fad , it is probably the first human
creation designed for no purpose
other than killing other humans.
Unlike an axe or a knife, you
cannot use it as a tool. Unlike a
bow or a spear you cannot hunt
very wcll with it. So the Sword in
the Tarot also represems conOid
and pain. At the same time, the
association with battle gives it the
quality of cour.tge.
The ~'word here reaches up from
a dark night to stormy clouds.
Hre below the clouds gh~ them
a reddish tingc. All these images establish the suit
as something harsh and
painful , themes wc will see latcr in such cards as
the Threc; thc Five, and the
Nine. But we also get a sense here of courdge, and the willingncss to confront reality.
The Sword is shown clC'Jrly, not blurred like the Cup. This signifi es the difference betweenthinking and fceling. Thinking is pfl'Cisc, sharp, especially when we ha\'c thc courage to look
at our issues \\ith total honesty and selfawareness.
Oi\inatory mcaningsCouragc, strong emotion, thinking thing.~ through
\'cry clearly, fadng conflict or pain honestly.
RC\cl'SlodConfuscd thinking, difficulty in faci ng
issues, fear of confl ict.
Thc numb er Tw o
suggests dualities, or
opposites , po ssibl y
CXI1'Cl11C differences. Here
we sec a sharp contrast
between the dark and light
arc-AS of the c.lrd. The light
area begins at the woman's
face (th e eye appears
feminine) , but then merges
into whitCf'K."SS, just as the red
on Ihe left of th e woman
merges into black. Red in the
Swords cards suggests bOlh
blood and I1re. Notice thaI the
red/ black area of Ih e card
dominates, ghing an impression of
a face peering into something dark
and frightening.
We do not see a whole Sword in the
picture. One lacks a h,Ulille, the other
a [)Oint (except for the Ten and the
Ace, all the other cards show a
mix1Urc of whole and partial Sword~) .
Thi s suggests in complet e, or
unresolved, issues in a person's life.
The Ace showed a crescent moon in
the sky. Here we see a crescent-shaped sign for "luna
meubles," that is, "moon furn iture." This odd image
intrudes on the face from the dark part of the card.
The first Tarot deck to include a scene or S)Tnbolic
imagery on the Minor Arcana cards was not the Rider deck, as
many people beliC'o'e. One of the earliest Italian decks, knO\\l1 today
as the "SolaBusci' deck, included such scenes when it was painted
sometime in the late fifteenth century, The Rider image of the Three
of Swords derives directly from the Sola-Busci : a picture of the usual
symbol for a heart, pierced by three Swords.
The Vertigo Tarot takes this ancient image in a more literal, and
direction, The red mass in the center of the card
looks like a heart tom from its body and wildly
pumpin g out bl ood,
Tho'Ugh the Swords go in
front of the heart (if that
is what it is) rather
than through it, the
closed eye with
blood across
it increases
the feeling
of great
pain and
violence .
The eye is
closed here, as
if unablc to look
at the sight. Thc
area of thc face is
much smaller than
on the previous card,
Compari ng the two
pictures, we get a sense
of the pain taking over,
driving awa y our
humanity. Anyone who
has C\lcr gonc through a
period of depf(."\.~ion-o r
for that matter, long
ph}'Sical pain- will know
the feeling of becoming less
of a person. Ufe call oc'Corne
boxed- in , CnCOl1l[laS Sing
onlythat onc thing, anguish,
Dhinatory mt'<lIIings-- Pain,
s adne ss , poss ible
cmotional disturpance.
RC'o'crscd--RclC'Jse fJ1)l11
sorrow or depression,
The Golden O'J\\1l called this card
"Rest From Strife." Pamela Smith
depicted that idea as a knight asleep
in a church. The Vertigo Tarot version
picks up on thai image, shov.;ng the face
of someone sleeping peacefully while the
Sword~ appear 10 rise past him or her, into
the darkness. Cards 1\\'0, Three, and Four
form a sequence-the unflinching eye, the
closed eye splashed with blood, the sleeping
figure withdrawn from the conflict. The
expression seems peaceful, even smiling.
The face rests on a splash of red
like the blood on the previous
card. Beyond it we see either a
6re or a golden light. Considering
the sequence of C<lrd~ (including
the Five) , a fire is more likely,
suggesting that the problems
burn out of control while the
person withdraws. At the
same time, however, the
Swords rising into the
air would hint at a
rclC'.lSC from pain,
as if the situation
resol\l.'S ilsclf
on its 0\\11 .
A letler, or some
other kind of
document, SL'C ms 10
be dissolving into the
person's mouth, or else
rising oul of it. Can we
take this as infonnalion,
or knowledge, or ideas, coming to the
person while he or she rcsl~?
Oi\inalory mC'JIlings--Rcst, ....ithdf'd\\"M,
a truce. Prob lems may resolve
themselves on thei r own.
Reversed- Becoming more
involved . Taking aCl ion.
Infonnation that prompts
so meone 10 do
As described above, the
number Five in the Minor Arcana
signiOes loss, or difficulties. If we add
this to the painful imagery of the Swords
suit, we can expect the kind of image*we Sl'C
here, The face is distoned, co\'ered over with a
red substance which is too dense and solid for blood,
but still conveys pain, or anger, Most dramatically, the
only Sword shown in its entirety actually piercl'S the
person 's mouth. Going through both lips as it does, it
eff'ecth'clyseals them shut. The tradition.t! meaning for this
card is "Defe-dl,': . . .ith attendanl ideas of shame and
humiliation. The image of the
Sword through the mouth gil'(~
us a sense of people unable
even to speak about what h'l~
happened to them.
The red material form s a
mask, a little like the Se'ien
of Cups, But here the effect
is more ugly than m~'Sterious.
E\'en under the mask, the
face has become distol1ed,
the way shanlC can di5to11
a person's sense of who
she or he is. The eyes
arc oul or line \\ith the
mouth, The rigllt lj'e
(left side of the
picture ) is
strt'lched, as if
pulled OUI
of shape.
After sewml Guds of pai n, we
sec the other sid(' of the Swords
suit, that of intellect (though books
on Taro\ usually stress their mental
faculty, the actual Swords cards in the
many different decks tend to show conflict
much more than thought). We Sl'C the Swords
poised, a lillie like a fence, bcforecomplicatt-d
images, the productions of the mind .
On the left we sec wheels and r.!tchets, like some
eighteenth-century br...~s clockwork machine. It
could stand for tL'(hnology as a whole, but also
the (eighteenth century) helief in the universe as
a product of pure reason, God's
perfect clock. More prominently in
the card we see a large and vcry
com plex kind of latticework or
geometric diagmm . Again, the effect
is one of thought, in panicular, thought
separated from emotion. The diagmm
may remind us of mooieV'.!! attempts
to fit evcrything in the universc, seen
and unseen, into some perfl'Ct pattem,
di scernible by intellect alone .
And yet, there is a lack of simplicity.
When we attempt to make C\'erything
fit intellectually, with C\'e111hing ha\ing
its place in some gmnd scheme, wc
may become obsessivc, with our
visions becoming more and more
complicated. This is what happened
to the medieval cosmos, with its
descri ption of the universe as
concentric circles moving in
harmony. The card also suggests
that we can never realiy scpamte
from ollr emotions, for the same
colors we havc seen before, red,
gold, and h!;lCk, domin:lle this
card like the others.
Divinatory mC'Anings--inteIlL'l1,
great ideas, seeing how
C\'e111hing fits together. May
me:Ul separ.!ting your idC'...~
fr om your cmotions.
ReliC rscd --Uccom ing
emotional. Possi bly
seeing the naws or
diffic ulti es in
some gra nd
The picture is
stunning in its simple
concept , managing to be
Jitcl".t.l and S)mbolic at the same
time. There are actually two
pictures here, dt'(lCllding on whether
we re-dd it from the top down or the
bottom up. That is, do we see it as a
Sword wrapped and tied up until we
no longer know what it is, or the
opposite, a package unwrapped and
wscO\'ered to Oe a Sword?
The Rider image for this card showed
a woman bound by thick
ropes, fenced in by Swords,
and blindfolded. This version
continues the idea of binding,
but now it is the Sword itself
that becomes confined,
concealed, disguised. How we
re-dd this card depends a great
deal on how we view the
Sword. Docs it mean anger,
aggression ? If so, then the
binding wou ld symbolize
taming, or maybe burying, such
dangerous emotions--and
untying the package would mean
releasing them.
Is it an act of decency, even
civilization, to bury anger?Or is
it repression? Some situations
really do require anger. How
many of us have sw.t.llowed anger
at injustice bCt'ause we learned
as children not 10 "make a
scene"? Yet, consttnt arguments
have killed many relationships.
And what of the other Sword
quality, clear th ought? The
binding of the Sword also can
symbolize confusion, especially
the attempt hyothers to keep us mystified
and unable 10 see our situation clearly.
Then the untying of the Sword would
mean a liberation through thinking.
Divinatory meanings--Concealing or
bUIjing feelings of aggression. Acting
polite or nice when you don 't
necessarily feel it. Allowing other
people to confuse you.
Reversed-- Releasing anger or
other strong emotions. Seeing
things clearly, especially after
a period of confusion .
Thi s powerful and
frightening image returns
us to the Swords' theme of
suffering. The Golden I}d"'n
called this carc.l "Despair
and Cruelt y." Crow ley
shorten ed it simpl y to
"Cnlelty." lntcrcstingly, Smith
showed us someone sWing
up in bed and cf'}ing, so that
the hands cover the face. By
contrast, ~ Vertigo \'Crsion
of ihe Nin e of Swords ,
depicts another eye, clear
and unflinching despite
the Swords poi nted
directly at it.
As mentioned above, the face
here takes on a masculine
quality, despite being the same
face as the "feminine" one on
the Ten of Cups. Traditionally,
the suits are often described a<;
mare--Wands and Swords, and
femare --Cups and Pentacles.
The Sword" arc Sln:1ched across
the space between the face and
the graphic images :Ibo\'e it.
Their curved hilts seem 10
merge into the delicate web
or ratticework stru ctures
behind them.
In contrJst 10 the Six, the
images here are not
cluttered, but ordcrly. On
the righi, we sec a figurc
\litlJin a circle, rtwinding
us of dmwings showing
the human 00dy in classic proportions. Thc
do,m;,""" image is one of perfect circles
connected and interlaced with weblike li nes
producing triangiL'S and other geometric fonn s. At
the end of the suit, the mind gives us the ability to
tmnscend pain through the act of contemplating the
world"s abstmct perfcction.
Oivinatory meanings-- lntel1ect, abstraction,
perfcction of thought, detachment from
emotion or daily worries.
Rl" ..erst.'ti--Confusion, :t flawed vision,
becoming dist....Jctctl by worry or
The element of
E~lrth means realil.ation,
and writing is the most
realized of the arts, the most
didactic, the most explicit and
concl'C{e in its messages. N(){ice. by
the way, that we cannot al1ually read
the particular writings. Their content
does not malter here, Just the fact of
their existence as physical objects.
The Pentacle appears \\ithin :Ul om:ue
disk, a tribute to the suifs okler forms.
Grapevin es decorate the disk.
Traditionally, grapes !1Ilbolize the
abundance and joy of the natural
world. This is partly bet:ause gr.Ipes
are used to make wine, which we
use for celebrations and religious
rituals. Pentacles and Cups (f.arth
and Water) are traditi onally
considered feminin e.
Oivinatory meanings--Security,
abundance, physical pleasu re,
RC\-cr.;ed--Difficulties Qr argulIlllllS
around money. Dissati!>iaction \\;th
J simple security.
The light
Pentacle appears
right side up, the dark
one upside-dO\\ll. lIlC\itably,
this will suggest "whitc" and ..
each other. The Pentacle appears in magic
it represents the human body, Stand
with your anns out 10 the sides, and your legs spread, and )'OU will form a Pentacle. Upside down ,
Ihe genitals are alxwe Ihe head, S)1l1boli7jng sexual magic, but also a state where desire O\'e'1Xlwers
If we turn the card around, then the dark Pentacle lx.'Comcs right side up, and the light
one l'C"ersed. Try it both ways, and SI..'e which Pentacle appears more dPlantiC
in C"dch position.
Ohinatory mcanings.-Balance, exchange of energy, 1ll00'CIllent
between different kinds of work.
Rl'\'ersed--lmbaJance, The nl'tod 10 focus your
energy on one task, or one :lrt"'.! of your
life, l'\'cn if this IIIC'JIlS letting
cooper-J.Uon, success.
RC\erscdMcdiocrity, failure \0
do the ix'st possible,
Four is die number of the physical world. TIlere
are four solar events marking the natural sea~ons-the equinoxes, when light and dark balance, and the
solstices, when light and dark reach their extremes. There are
fOllr natural
shaped by the north and south poll'S of the
Earth's axis
I the dirl'Ctions of sunrise and sunsct on the
, eqUinoxes. Our bodies also
naturally kno\\' four (horizontal)
dirl'Ctions--before us, behind us, to the
right and to the left. The number Four
rool~ us in the physical world, just a~
the suit of Pentacles does.
Traditionally, the Four of Pentacles
,. /1 represents the protection and power
of possessions. This is actually the
only card where we sec the same
ornate I}entaclcs we saw on the Ace.
But even more than the Pentacles
themsclves, writing dominates this
card . We see it in different
directions, different fonn s. ThIIS,
it is not possessions but creativc
work that gi\'l'S powcr.
On the Three we saw those
crude rectangles. A similar
shape appears on the Four, more
adV'Jnced, bm still far from the
pure geometric form. On the
Four, three sides of a more
correct rectangle interscctthe
two Pentacles on the left. And
the Pentacles themselves create
a pctfect square. We have been
moving tOW'Jfd~ the realization
of an ideal, symbolized by
geometry. In
fact, the geometric ideal does not realize itself
in the abstract
dmwings, but in the physical Pentacles. In other
words, in the suit of Earth, we best fulfill our idC'als through the actual
work we produce in the world.
Di\'inatory meanings--Achievement, realization of goals,
power derived from skill or possessions. Structure.
Re\'ersed--Letting things go, lack of concern for
material things, possibly a need for more
structure in life.
,\s we 've already seen, the
number Fi\'e in the Tarot signifies
struggle and loss, In Pentacles this
becomes tl"J,lIsJatoo 10 wh:1I the Gold"'1 D'J,\\11
called "Material Trouble," depiCll'tl .:.:.:.:_ the Rider version as (\0.'0 people,
barefoot and on crutchL'S in the
snow, We get no such graphic
image here, but we do gel a
picture of things torn;: stained,
or disfigured. Notice how cnJdc
the Pentacles arc compared to
the la'it card, They do not have
any circles around them, let
alo ne di sks . Th ey sta nd
exposed, naked, without any
protcct!on agalns~ hardship,
or the power of others, If the
Pentacle represents the
human body, then the
body here stand s
weak, or injured,
The Four
com pleted
a process of
reali za tion
symbolized by
th e variou s
incomplet e
rectangles. We
return here to a
rough state wilh the
large Pentaclc
sCl"dtched around the
other fivc. The linl."'\ do
not all mcct; thl'Y veer
off as if the hand
scl"J.!ching it had slipped.
The figure not only docs
not encompass all the other I'entades, it
docs hot C\'ct! touch one of them: thc one
at upper right, which has a piece of its own
Pentacle body tom off. After the last cArd,
we now get a feeling of starting o\'erpossibly
at a higher 1C\'el.
Oivinatory meaningsLos.'I , money troubles,
possible sickness (though as Tarot readers
we should avoid predicting illness,
particularly se riou s il ln ess , and
p:lrlicul:l rly whcn the readcr b
inexperienced) .
taki n~
the throat
we sec a dark
box, and y,;thin it,
rough li nes and
scrawls. Possibly they
signify imperfectio ns.
~1~r. OF
On this card we gCl the
strongest connection to
the idea of Pentacles as
Coins. The nine Pent.ades
look li ke change dropped
from somebodfs hand, 0 ' ""'liJe
falli ng from what looks like an
em'elope or a book abO\'e them.
On one or two we even can see the
kind of ridges we find on the edges
of American quarters and other coins.
The more literal, less abstract, image
may remind us of tmditional r--'-------,fortune telling, with its
emphasis on inheritance,
sudden fortunes , money
gained, money lost.
The letter/envelope/book
above suggests something
similar. lIow many fortunetelling cards show my'Sterious
letters, with the meani ng
being some thin g like
"uncxpeacd news." As usual,
we C'Annot actually I'C'Jd the
words. Whether we decide
that the leller symbolizes
creative work or simply
messages, it is the object that
mailers, nOI Ihe con tent.
Producing work. Receiving a
message. Pent.acles is the suit
of the concrctc.
The p'Jper apJ>C'J rs either burnt
or tom, p'Jrticulariyon the righl
Docs thiSmean nawed work?A
disturbing message? And what
do the coins symbolize? Money
lost? Wasted? Gi\'en genemusly?
Or sim ply spent, without
judgment on whether or not it
is S]X'flt \\iscIy. Possibly the falling money means
giving up material possessions. Ni ne is the
number of the lIermit in the Major Arcana,
and the lIemlil is the archetype of turning
away from wealth and possess ions .
In many of the older books on Tarot the Court cards represent types of people. Achild with blond hair. A
woman with o1ack hair and eyes. In recent years, many descriptions of the cards haw shifted from physical
types to chamcter t)pes. ASlrongminded older man. Atrusting woman. Aman working in the legal profession.
This categorization of the cards probably comes from the influence of astrology, where each sign is said to
signify a set group of chamcteristics, and people born under a particular sun sign are assumed to haw in
common the various qualities of Ihat sign.
If the Court cards do represent types, then we should recognize that these characters do not belong to any
individual person fo r their whole lives. No one is e\'er a King of Pentacles in the same way that a person born
in C"J.rly September is a Virgo. Someone can "be" a King of Pentacles at a certain time in her life, and then,
a few weeks later, become more like the Queen of Cups. Or else, bOlh aspects of the person can exist at the
same time.
The best way to find out which Cou rt cards might apply to a person is through a reading. And readings
change. One week, the Page of Wands might perfectly sum up what was happening in the person's life. The
next week, as circumstances shift, the Page might have changed to the Knight of Wands, or l'vcn leaped to
the level of the King. And maybe it might show up again, but this lime alongside the Page of Pentacles. Or
the reading might show no Court cards at aI.I. Like the Chinese I Ching, the Tarot forms a Book of Changes.
The variety of people shown in the Cou rt ca rds embody the many possibilit ies of change.
If we try to see the Court cards only as character types we may limit our appreciation of them. As mentioned
above, many people find these cards static and have trouble interpreting them. To give the Court cards more
interest, some modem Tarot designers have changed them, creating such titles as Mother, Father, Daughter,
and Son, or Shaman, Priestess, Son and Daughter, or Child, Companion, Amazon , and Crone. Some decks
give th em identities out of mythology, using gods and goddesses from differe nt countries.
The Vertigo Tarot has gone instead in the direction of abstraction. At first glance, this might make them
harder, not easier, to interpret. HowC\'er, the strict fonn s that Dave McKC'J.J1 has chosen--torsos for the P'J.ges,
horses' heads for the Knights, faces for the Queens and Kings--aI.Iows us to move into a more conceptual ,
more symbolic way of looking and thinking about them.
Even more th:m the numbered suit cards, the Court cards follow a distinct line of development. The progress
from Page to Knight to Queen to King shows, first of all, human growth. Traditionally, the Pages signify
children, the Knights young adults, and the Queens and Kings mature people.
They also show a development of consciousness. Like the Fool , the Pages do not really know themselves.
They are young in )"C'Jrs, but also in the sense of the eternal child, innocent, straightfonvard, unselfconscious.
They connect to the world directly and senSUally. We can see these things in the way the cards show them
without heads, even without arms and feel. Their essential realiry lies in their bodies, nOI an}thing they might
do or think.
The movement from the Page to the Knight is a mO\'ement towards action. The Knight is deflned by his role.
He is a quester, a hero. Unlike the Page, of whom very little is demanded, the Knight must fulfill his
responsibilities. nle use of the horse's fiC"Jd emphasiles the Knighfs function.
The person achieves self-awareness with the maturity of the Queen and the King. The choice of faces for
these cards stresses the importance of knowledge and consciousness. We should not assume that the only
difference between them is that of male and female. nle Queen symbolizes an appreciation and understanding
of the qualities of that particular sUiVelement. The Queen of Wands, for example, will represent a special
feeling for the wild energy of Fire. We can see this in the amazed look on her face, for Fire startles and
excites. By contrast, the Queen of Cups revC'.t.Is her closeness to Water in the dreamlike mist vciling her eyes
and mouth.
In the medieval power structures which supply the basis for this S)1l1bolism, kings rule. TIlerefore, the Tarot
Kings signify being responsible towards the outside world. They must make decisions and recognize that
what they do affects others.
In rC'Jdings, we do not need to think of any of these cards a..<; bound by gender. The Pages have always had
a certjlln androgyny (the jlictures here show female torsos) , but even \vith the others we should remember
that they do not have to signify actual men and women. They represent more the different sides of a person.
Awoman can act out the qualities of a King or a Knight, and a man c:m appreciate life with that intensity
syrnbolized by the Queen.
The torso of the Page rises out of
that woodlike substance swirling
around the torch. it ~tands before
a background of Iight l,)r Dame. The
background also resemble; curtains,
giving the card a quality of a
performance, maybe a magic
pcrfornlance. The the'Jtrical quality
\\il1 become more pronounced with
the King, who ap~ poised 1x10re
This is the same IOrso shown
on the Wands card. Here the shading
~y the gold light, and the appe'J r.mce 6f
cur...ed hips, allow its fem ininity to emerge
more clea r~'. And we right bre-J.~ is shO\m more
obviously. Interestingly, we do nOI really see the
left brC'J.'\1at all. Though mere is no sign of any
wound, we might think 1)f the
Amv.ons, as the Greeks described
them, with the left bl'C'ASt amputated
so that they could pull thei r bows
better. We should. remember thai the
Sworn is a weapon as wfUa<; a ~mbol
of intellect (we might aSk what it sar.;
about our trJdilions that we ~ mboli7.e
mind with an object made for killing).
The Sword is actually morc prominent
in the Page than any of the other three.
It conneclS the headarea and the groin
(though both are. replaced by global
maps) . However much we beJiC\'e that
we think clearly and objt'Cli...ely, muth
of our thinking deri\'L'S from desire,
or jealousy, or simply instinct. This
is especially true at the level of the
Pagc, which emphasizes the body
ralher than the head.
The global maps ~m boljze the world,
but an abstraction of it. It Signifies
how we think or feel about
existence. As a famous ma.xim puts
it, "the map is not the territory."
Swords can be emotional, like Cups,
bUI they dea l wilh emotion s
~namica1ty, compared to the passi\iiy
of Cups. We gel a sense 9f a person
more invol\'oo in the world than the Cups figure, but
in an intellectual WJy. As with the Page of Wands we
see.that suggestion of the right shoulder re-Jching upwards.
The Sword itself di\'ides the body, li ke the split brain
d&:ribcd in modern psychology. We see the hanille where
the face woul d be, and the point by th e gen itals.
Divinatory meaningsSomeone who is active in the
world, but in an intellectual, detached way. Aperson
who believcs himlherself objective, but is driven
by desires or fears.
RC\'erscd-Grcater awareness of your own
motives. l.c&'i i~tellCClual , more instincth'e.
Can mcan suspicion o r
11 2
l ,
A sharp line splits
the card inlO dark and
light. The lighter side
looks morc like icc,
giving Ihe card a cold
detached (]ualitY. Both sides,
howC\'cr, arc tinted grcen, bri nging Pentaclcs
to its links to nature. Ucyond the body we sec
spiraling fOSSils. They will appear more prominently
in the King. The spiral is basic to nature. We do not find
any pure geometric shapes in nature (except for the sky
disks of the Sun and Moon), bllt we do fin d spirals, from
tiny snails and shellfish to entire galaxies.
Dhinatory mcanings--]mu)R'fI1CnI ....;th nature, fascination
....ith the \lurld. Possiblya studCt1t, or thc idea of Slud)ing.
Rcversed--Someonc wh imsical , casily distracted.
11 3
The Knights present us with a
pal""Jdox. In contrast to the I"Jges, ...:hich
showed only hC'Jdless torsos, we now sec heads.
But they are animal heads. S)Tllbolica11y, an animal head
in place of a human one indicates instincl, or desire, governing
our actions in place of human judgment. To somc extcnt, Knights,
as figures of action, and even violence, belong to this instincth'c
animal world, \\ith only the code of chh-alry to anchor them in human
civilization. Morc din..'Ctly, a Knight needs a horse to perfonn his
duties. Therefore, the horse in place of the man emphasizes that the
Knight is
by what he docs in the world, not by who he is. His
sense of self and of his life becomes absorbed in his
work. 'nIis becomes particularly
s\r{:IIlg for Wands, with their
emphasis on activity and
movemcnt, both of which are
qualities belonging to the Knight
The same symbolism leads to
the horse's head signi~'ing the
knight in the game of chess.
Like many other games,
such as dice, or possibly
Tarot, chess may have ilS
origins in some system
of divination . A
complicated modem
form , ca ll e d
Enochian chess,
explicitly links
th e play to
di\in:ttion and
Th e Wand ri ses
from the head like the
hom of a unicorn, an
imaginary creatufC-S)mbolizing perfection,
beauty, and virginity. The card has a certain
purity and idealism. The smail name bums against
that dense matter we ha\'c seen so often in Wands,
but ,also against darkness. Darkness swallows the
neck of the horse. At bottom we sec the word i e.....","
latin for l-:arth, wrinen like a sign. The Knight's heroism,
his courage and vi rtue, keep the name of the unicorn
burning, if faintl y, in the hard world of real life.
l)ivinatory meaningsSomeone cou rageous, idealistic,
\1rtUOll... Can be head~rong, refusing to compromise what
he believcs is right.
RC\crsed....SOmeonc who has tltkcn a lot of risk.., and
possibly st:Ulds in somc d:Ulger. It also may indicate
disillusionmen t and loss of idealism.
Ilere the CUps are de-my visible,
comp'dred to the hidden Cup of the
Page, or the partially conce-.tIed Cup
of the King. In both of these, the Cup
becomes part of the body. The Queen
holds hers like a chalice. Only the Knight
does not actuaUy touch the three Cups that
appear in the picture. These Cups arc taken
from a detail on thc Nine of Cups. Their position
here givcs them a quality of a single Cup falling
in slow motion (though they also look like the
hour marks on a clock face) , The idea of falling
invokes the difficulty of Kniglltly action using Water
energy in any productive way. The
annorcd Knight, heroic "'lamor that
he is, docs not mix very well with
Water, whose basic nature is to }ield
and transform rather than resist.
The Knight of Cups may feci a
contradiction between his own
dre-.uniness and the demands of his
pillce in the world. like a rock throV.T1
in a still pool, action, L'\'en the need
for action, can disturb Wall'r's placid
surface. The figure, and the water
around it, are not just dissohing, like
the Page. They are breaking up,
splalleri ng. There is a quality of
violation here, possibly pain. The
head, and the falling Cups, shaller
the trdnquility of Ihe suit.
Writing appears again, now almost
entirely covered and unre:lliable (we'
can make OUi some words on the
Page of Cups). If the Knight were a
writer, then the demands of the
world make it hard for him to keep
his (Watery) inspiration .
Of all the Knights, only Cups looks
from left 10 rigill. Unlike the others,
tllis Kniglll belongs 10 tllC feminine,
the sec reI depths of Water.
Di..inalory meaningsAdreamer,
whose dreams connict with the
pressurcs and responsibilities
of everyday life. An inconsistent
lover, hc may find il hard to
fully join in a relationship,
Re'o'ersed The dre-dmy, or
in trovencd~ side bi..'COIIlCS
strongcr. lie lIlay n.~nl
demands people
mak e on him.
Ill' is the ultimate Knight, for
after all, the l'mblem of his suit
~ the Knight's great weapon. We
might say that the entire' Swords
suit mo\'(!S around him . As well as
a tool of the warrior, the Sword
relJrl'SCllts pri\ilege, and therefore the
nobility as a class. The Sword developed
as something only a knight could \.\icld
(panly, I suspect, because it SC(\'oo no
practical purpose other than killing).
Therefore, the Knight of Swords indicates
the warrio r, but also the
wmpletely dedicated person,
and pos.'iibly a person with
social advantages.
The Sword here mo\'es
powerfully ac{OS-<; the
card. Thefactthat it
is in com plete
Sl'Cms to make it
stronger, as if it
is too big for
the card .
Unlike the other three, this horse has
reared back his head. He actually appC'Jrs more
energized, more in movement than the suppoSl>dly more
active Knights of Wands and Swords. Those Knights may be
warriors, bUl . are warriors at rest, confident. Uere we see a
action, and more, \iolence. Like the P".tge, the figure
suggestion of
is scratched, as if on rock. Along
with the posture, the result is kinetic.
The lines converging around the eye look
harsh and sharp, like icicles or knivt'S.
The eye itself is scrmched over, as if
wounded. Along the lower right of the
neck, lines cut across the body. We
can see a dmwing like a knife at the
lIery botlom. The Pentacle itself
fo rm s the on ly co mpl ete and
undamaged image.
There is something heroic about this
card, something almost of a manyr.
Even blinded, he will fight to the
end. In some ways, he is most like
a Kni ght be cau se of his
dedication to a cause, even
when the cause is helpless.
BUI what exactly might this
cause be?Tr.lllitionaUythe Knight
of Pentacles is sometimes thought
of as slow and plodding, as a
hardwor ki ng salar yman ,
com milled 10 the unchivalrous
mission of his job or career.
This is because Pentacles signify
money and work. More broadly,
however, they sign ify th e
material world, the unyielding
realities of life. This Knight ~l ntggles again~l harsh
truths. They may include diSC'Jse, or po\'eny, or loss,
or simply nature il~lf. Possibly he cannot win. /Ie may
know that, but he will not surrender.
Divioatory meaoings--Total dedication to a cause,
espedally when the cause is imlX)ssible or los\.
Someone fighting on again st enemies or a
St'qucnce of bad luck.
Re\'ersed--Comprolllisc, the ability to look
at situations more realistically.
consciousness, "'hen we
become aware of oursch'CS
and ou r lives. Through the
Queens, the clement of each
suit can know ilself. The Queens
lIS a group show a ...,ondenncnt,
a~ if the\' see the world brand
new, a~d it amazes them.
Nowhere do we see this more
than in the Queen of Wands.
The face appears both
startling and
startl ed.
Continuing the Golden (}J\\ll
dcsignations, the Queen of Cups
is Water of Water, This makes her the
most realized of all the Cups Qlrds, and
also of all the Queens, She is a Queen of
mystery and imagination, She is the initiate
and the teacher, mistress of secrets and
divination, She rules feeling and lo\'e,
She looks like a carnival Tarot reader, or
maybe like the sort of Tarot reader we
see in Hollywood mO\ics, someone who
is always more than she seems, who
. knows more than she tells,
She appears jeweled, with
suggestions of pearls, and
C'\'(.'I1 a ring through her nose,
She wea rs a veil , like a
II"'.ulitionai High Priestcs..., but
also like that other Hollywood
archetype, the Ambian Nighl..
princess. The \"eil givcs her face
a gauzy distance, the sense of
another world . She seems 10
U\'e in that world of mystery and
our more mundane world at the
same time,
Where the Queen ofW;Uld.. stares
amazed at the universe, this
Queen knows its secrets. She
knows the mysteries of the
cosmos a.. well a.. your own life
and soul. She is larger than life,
but also deeper,
The Cup before her is the Cup
of DI'C'Jlns, or spiritual mystery
and imagination. She seems to
offer it to us, and we can
imagi ne her telling li S to
drink from it at ou r own
risk. We mayfi nd ourselvcs
in the land of Faerie.
Water fills the card bllt she does not dissolve
or brC'dk apart, like the Page, or the Knight, or
the King. She is equal to the challenge of Water's
constantly shifting rcaliry. What givcs her her power is
not just knowledge or instinct. She is the Queen of lo\'e,
Di\inatory meaning.....-A\\ise person, possibly Sl'Crctive
and mysterious. Someone able to 100'e \'CI1' intensely
without losing her or hi s sense of self.
RC\'ersedUncertainty. Someone fC'drful,
cspecially in connection \\ith love. The
possibiliry of drinking too deeply
from the Water of (anta..y.
The sense of myslcl')' and awe deepens with Ihis
Queen, who appears, dim yet powerful, at the center of the world.
Though we cannot actually see her eycs, they still slare powerfully
at us. Even blurred and distant, the face is beautiful. It may be the
same face as the Queen of Pentacles, or even Wands, bill the way
the light-and dark mold it gives it a special elegance and imensi[)'.
The word Tew.!. appears nC'Jr the lOp of the map. lcucred the same
as on the Knight of Wands. She looks up at us from deep Within
T".uhcr a map, an intellectual conslmClion of the Earth.
The label on thecircle surrounding her rt>ads "Circulus
An tarcticus," so that her face
actually looks up from the South
Pole. There is certainlya coldness
in her beauty. As the Queen of
.,,- ,
the Queen of
Pen tacles often
shows a woman in a lush garden ,
surrounded by nowers
and an imals. The Queen sho\,\'n here
life at its deepest level.
The actual Pentacle marks her "third eyc," which is the place of inner kno\\ing. We
might compare this 10 the Pentacles cards where Ihe emblem covers the mouth. We
do not aClUally see the mo uth here. The chemica l bonds overlie it.
Uke the map of the world on the Queen of Swords, these chemical diagrams arc
notlhe actual compounds, but a human diagr-dm , a map, of their shape and
meaning. Red tinges this document, gi\ing it the look of something burning.
Di\inatory mC'J.nings--Solllcone deeply connected to nature. Somcone
intense and silent, imol\'ed with her or his own concerns.
RC\ersed.. Sociability, expression. Aneed for activities
irl\'ohing others.
12 1
The card carrics a ccnain
elegancc not found in
many of me others. Where
the Queen stares ou, in
amazement from her frame, the
King looks poised and
an archway. The structure
suggcsts a Renaissance theater.
Esotericists in the Renaissance
developed a complex system of
associations called the Art of
Memory, which utilized tie image
of a vast imaginary' theater. A
numb er of people have
co mpared thi s imagina ry
structure to the Tarot deck.
The balanced aesthetic setting
enhances the Kingly quality
of being th(!' master of his
element. We -do not sec
an actual Wand
the Fir e
rises from
me head, from
the crown . In
yoga the heat of
th e kundalini
energy rises out the
top of theheuJ, called
the crown chakra .
Before this, it passes
through the third eye,
where we saw the
Pentacle in the Queen of
Above the archway we see
an image oC me cosmos.
me Sun lighting up different
versions of the Earth. The sun
is shown with a human face.
The light comes as much
as it does from the painting. The
face is .rather feminine, in the same way that
the Queen of Wands looks masculine. Together,
they ronn an androgynous whole. The face
looks thoughtfuJ, deep v.ithin itself. It also looks
blurred, like a hologram. Along with the setting,
thL~ hologram gives the card a feeling of sp'.uming
centuries of human cj\ili1.ation.
Divinatory meani ngs--Someone of great
confidence, satisfied with his or her life .
Thoughtful and quiet. Someone with a strong
sense of all and be-.lUty.
Re\'c rsed--Someone charming, but maybe
arrogant as we ll . lie or she can be
The face ~ cs submerged under .....uer,
as ifhis awareness ha'i moved down into
the unconscious, like someone deep in
meditation. A splash rises at the water lewl,
oo'C his head. This splNt fomlS his CfO\\ll. Below
the face we see a heart-shaped jewel. This 100'ely
crC'J tion of human tl'Chnology and imagination seems
to have fallen from above, disturbing the surface, but
then Sinking past the King himself Without being able to
diSlJ"'Jct him from his impersonal serenity.
The King of Cups is a master of emotions and of the inner
life. But often this mastery can mean that he controls, or
submergcs, any feelings, such as anger or fear, that
might lead him to break his outer
tranq uility. Even if something
should disturb him, like th:u splash
on the su rface, he will not show
anything. A mo re posit ive
interpretation would see him as a
true dweller \\ithin the imagination,
not distracted by outer events.
The Cup lies within the eye, almost
sunk dmm out of sight. It rrury~ignify
psychic viSion, but if so, it looks
inward, concerned more with its
own contemplations than any need
to share its understanding with
others. We can compare tltis to the
Queen, who seems to offer her
Cu p to the world . In both the
Wands and Cups SUits, the Queens
appear more acti\'e in the world
than the King....
Writing appc-.trs abovc the watcr.
Wc also see writing 01'<.'( the CUp,
....ithin the eye. The distortion of
the Water makes it almost
impossible to J'C'Jd. The name
Barthes appears, howe\'er,
recalling Roland Barthes, the
French philosopher who spoke
of the author submerged in the
work and il" readers.
Divinatory meanings--A drC'4mer,
someone ....ith a deep inner life. Ue
or she is very calm, but this may
conceal morc diffi cult cmotions.
Rcversed--Somethi ng disturbs a
person's outer tranqUility. Can
mean somC6ne becoming ,'ery
We all know aboul 'FJ.rot readers. We kno~ whallhey look like and what they do. Thcy're the women
in exolid clolhes who lay down a few cards alongside Ih~ r crystal ball, and tell you----evcrything. AU
your secrets, and your entire future. Unfonunately (o'r maybe fo rtpnately) it doesn't work that way.
Tarol readers will gel flashes of insight from looking at the pictures, and sometimes these might
include a sense of something about to happen. Mostly, however, the reader does just that, read the
cards. He or she will' examine their meanings, both individually and together, and will balance these
with what the questioner has asked, as well as the reader's own intuition about the pictures and what
they're saying. And then the reader will attempt to put all these together into a useful message. People
often judge a Tarol reading by onc standard: how a,cellrale was it? II might make more sense to ask,
how me-.Ulingful"was it? How helpful was it?
Tarot reading is much more of an art than a science. This is especially true in a deck based on stories
and abstract symbolic images. When we interpret the cards, we certainly can look up their meanings
in this book. Many Tarot readers, myself included, have started their work with the cards by setting
down a card, looking i! up in the book, setting down the next one, looking that up, and so on. Over
time you will absorb the meanings so that you no longer need to consult the text. This is not just
memorization, in the way we drill ourselves on vocabulary words for a foreign language. The more we
work with Tarot cards, the more their meanings become part of our world.
There also is no reason to stop with the meanings given here. Any lime you see something new in the
cards, a different interpretation of the symbolism, or simply an emotional response, follow it. Sec what
ideas and intuitions it can open up for you. If you are reading for someone else, try out your insights
on them. Mosllikely, they will find your personal interpretations more valuable than the ones given
in this book.
The use of Vertigo characters for the Major Arcana in this Tarot gives us a special opportunity in
re-amngs. Wh~n one-.of.these cards turns up, we can look at it in severJ.! ways . 'irst of all, we can react
just to the picture, ignoring \vhatC\'er we know about the card's meanings, or symbolism, or associations.
We can see what kind of qualities the picture suggests, how we react to it emotionally, if any intuitive
ideas spring up at us. We can then add to this personal response what we know of the traditional
. meanings assoCiated with that card. We can look it up in this book, or, if we know the card's history
from other Tarot dec ks, we can apply that knowledge 10 the questions in the reading.
But then we can bring in another way of looking at it. We can react to the character (rom the comic
book. People who read a comic often will feel a strong attachment to its characters. This holds
esp'ecially for the monthly books, which give us time to build up a sense of really knowing the people
in the stories. Sometimes we may associate personal memories or fantasies with a particular character.
If that character's card comes up in a reading, we can apply some of our own sense of who the
character is, and what she or he has mcantlO us in our own lives.
None of this means that we should say absolutely everything we can about each card in the reading.
We need to be selective :l!1d try 10 sense whit applies to the particular person and situation. What
mailers is 10 allow whatever we know about the card to come into play, and then, from this range of
possibilities, choose what seems appropriate.
If allthis'soufl(L'I very complicated, the actual technique for reading Tarot cards is simple. ~he person
asking the question mixes the cards, face down so that she or he cannot tell which cards are going
where. If the reader prefers 10 use reverse mean ings (some do not, and always read the cards right
side up, no matter how they come out) then the questioner needs to make sure to tum them aU around
several times, so that some cards will end up reversed. When the questioner has finished shuffling,
she or he cuts the deck into three piles, still face down , Once the reader has reassembled them with
thf bollom pile on top, they arc ready to begi n.
Starting from the top card, the reader lays the cards down according to a particular pattern , called a
"spread," or a "layout." There ,are literally hundreds of these spreads. In each case, every place in the
pattern carries its own meaning. These include such topics as "past experi ence," or "influence of
olher people," or innermost desire." The meaning of the card is a com bination of the card itself
and the place where it falls in the reading. For instance, if the Lovers appe-MS in the position of "future
possibilities,'I this would mean something very different than if it showed up in "past experience."
Here are some simple spreads using only three cards.
situation self
other people
situation choice 1 choice 2
Using'only three cards will simplify the most challenging problem for new readers, which is seeing
how the different cards fit together. Notice thai none of these spreads includes a position for
"outcome." Even the tenn "future" means a direction and not a fixed result. No matter how uncannily
a Tarot reading reflects our lives (and be prepared to startle yourself and your friends with the
accumcy of your readings) , it does not take away our free will. Areading mayshow the way things are
heading, but it does not detennine what happens. The real purpose of a reading should be to increase
our choices by increasing our knowledge and understanding.
The use of Vertigo characters for the trump cards gives us the possibility for a special kind of reading
unique 10 this deck. We can call it the Vertigo Spread. Using only the Major Arcana, mix the twentytwo cards in the nonnal way. Then tum them over with the first one in the middle, the second on the
left, and the third on the right.
If one of the cards without any Vertigo connection shows up (Star, Moon, Sun, or Judgment), set it
aside and replace it with the first regular character card you find as you turn over the cards. You
should now have three cards showing characters from Vertigo comic books. This particular reading
works best when we interpret all the cards as right side up, so if they come out reversed tum them
around. Here are the meanings for the positions:
The card in the middle Self-describes some character we are acting out in our lives. It does not
say we are that character, just that at this lime our lives have taken on those qualities. The figure on
the left is our Helper. We can see this in purely symbolic tenns, or we can go in the other direction
and imagine that that figure is actually appearing in our lives to help us get through our current
situation. The same goes for the card on the right, the Teacher. We can see what message the card is
telling us, but we also can imagine what that particular Vertigo character would teach us if he or she
could come to us as a real person.
Here is a sample reading with the Vertigo Spread.
Strength Hennit
The Hennit tells me that at this time I am dealing with issues of being alone. Because the card is the
Phantom Stranger, it says that I am pondering my own mystery, and that I try to help olhers while
avoiding emotional involvements with them. Strength will help me get through this time in my life.
Traditionally, Strength would suggest that I show my emotions more, but with Black Orchid she may
help me keep my emotional distance without becoming cold and unfeeling.
Finally, Morpheus comes in to teach me. The Hierophant is a natura] teacher. He implies that I can
learn about myself and my emotional questions by reading books, or by follOWing traditional ideas.
Because the Hi erophant sometimes means marriage, th e card also hints at formalizing some
relationship. But the presence of the Sandman on the card adds another layer of meanings. Maybe I
should pay special attention to my dreams. Or maybe I can think back on my reading of Sandman and
conSider. my own sense of this character, and from that, what lessons I can learn from him.
We have gone away from fortune telling and found ourselves in the land of story. Using the Vertigo
Tarot we can play with the pictures until we begin to creale new stories, not just from the characters,
but from the confuSion and hope, the fe-ar and the joy, of our own lives.
Good luck.
nEiL GAimAn