Tod Brownings Dracula (1931), originally starring Bela Lugosi, was remade in 1992 starring Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder.
Positive feedback on movie review sites, like Rotten Tomatoes, was reported
with an average of 12 percent lower than the original.
In 1925, Lon Chaney Sr. played the role of the phantom in Phantom of the
Opera, and became an influence to the special effects world. Later, in 1984, a
musical was adapted by composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber, which was made
into a movie in 2004, starring Gerard Butler and Emmy Rosum. The movie
turned out to have reviews fifty-nine percent lower than the original film.
Audiences disliked the remake because of the outstanding differences from
the original storyline, and the one later produced. The original was intended
to be a horror mystery, and composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber turned it into a
romance story.
The Wolfman
In 1941, Creighton Chaney (now known as Lon Chaney, Jr.), made the role
of the Wolfman famous as the talented son of Lon Chaney, Sr. Rotten Tomatoes
rating gives it a nintey-four percent positive rating. Then, in 2010, a remake
was made starring Benicio del Toro, Emily Blunt and Anthony Hopkins, which
received a positive rating of thirty-four percent.
It is possible that Universal could live up to their monster fame, but it is
seemingly unlikely due to failures of other famous companies.