Diabetes Case Presentation
Diabetes Case Presentation
Diabetes Case Presentation
R.C is a 57-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes first diagnosed two years ago. Other
medical problems includeobesity and hypothyroidism. He has a history of heavy
alcohol use but quit drinking alcohol 2 years ago. Hepresents now for routine followup and is noted to have a blood pressure of 168/100 mmHg. He
isasymptomatic.Physical exam reveals a height of 58 (172cm), weight of 243
pounds (110kg), blood pressure of 160/100mmHg, and a regular pulse of 84 beats
per minute. There is no retinopathy or thyromegaly. There is no clinicalevidence of
congestive heart failure or peripheral vascular disease.Laboratory evaluation
reveals trace protein on urinalysis, a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level
of 134mg/dL, a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level of 35mg/dL, a
triglyceride level of 460mg/dL and a totalcholesterol level of 240 mg/dL, blood urea
nitrogen of 14mg/dL, serum creatinine of 1.2mg/dL, random serumglucose of 192
mg/dL, a glycosylated hemoglobin level of 9.5%, normal electrolytes, and normal
thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. A 24-hour urine collection reveals a urinary
albumin excretion rate of 250mg daily.
Subjective and Objective Findings Patient is asymptomatic PMH of alcohol abuse
(quit 2 years ago), obesity, and hypothyroidism Pertinent vital signs and Lab Values
o Blood Pressure: 168/100 o Regular pulse: 84 bpm o Serum Creatinine: 1.2mg/dL
Creatinine Clearance calculated at 105.6mL/min or 65.7mL/min (Based on ABW and
IBW, respectively) o BMI was calculated to be 36.94kg/m2 Possible relation to
hypothyroidism o Albumin excretion of 250mg/day (normal levels between 50 and
80mg/24hrs) o LDL: 134 mg/dL Diagnostic Tests: HgA1C of 9.5%Assessment Related
Complications o High blood pressure o Dyslipidemia o Nephropathy manifested as
proteinuria Risk Factors o Obesity (BMI greater than 25) o A1C >/= 5.7% o Blood
pressure >/= 140/90; Hypertension Therapeutic Goals o Tight glycemic
control:Reduce A1C to less than 7% without causing hypoglycemia o Prevention of
cardiovascular disease Diabetes Case SOAP 1
2. Goal blood pressure for patients with diabetes is <130/<80 Reduce CVD
risks by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. LDL goal should be <100 No current
medications were mentioned. There is a need for therapy in order to lower A1C and
manage the patients diabetes and related conditions.PlanFurther Tests and WorkUp Liver function tests Repeat blood pressure to confirm hypertension CBC to rule
out and monitor for infections More detailed history needed o List of medications
(current and failed therapies)
o Previous immunizations o Medication Regimen adherence and barriers to
adherenceTreatment Recommendation:To manage his diabetes, I recommend that
the patient be started on Metformin 500mg once daily in additiontothe initiation of
lifestyle modifications. This dose may be increased to twice daily dosing as needed
or astolerated every 1-2 weeks with a maximum dose of 2 grams daily. In the
management of diabetes for thispatient, drugs that may cause the patient to gain