CrackTheNac 8 Case For The NAC OSCE
CrackTheNac 8 Case For The NAC OSCE
CrackTheNac 8 Case For The NAC OSCE
Thanks for downloading our free ebook to help you prepare for the NAC OSCE. We definitely appreciate
how stressful preparing for this exam can be and how important a top score is to your residency
applications and eventual practice in Canada. We also understand how there is virtually 0 information
on this exam out there and how secretive the MCC is with any of their exams.
Weve assembled 8 cases to help get you started and begin your prep for the exam. There are no right
answers to these cases; they are simply opening paragraphs, similar to ones you may see in the NAC
OSCE. These should be used as a guide to help you think critically, act, and work your way towards total
preparation. We suggest you read the opening statement and then explore the checklists. Consider what
you would ask, what you would do, and how you would proceed with your exam. Think about common
issues, and the most likely answers to the examiner questions. As well weve added some study tips and
suggestions at the end of each case.
One final piece of advice: practice, practice, practice, grab a friend, a sibling, a colleague and rehearse
every physical exam, rehearse every algorithm for questions, and know your public health and medicolegal guidelines inside and out.
Case 1:
Directions: Rebecca Johnston, A 27-year old woman comes into the office complaining of chest pain.
Obtain a complete history of this complaint. Do not perform a physical exam.
Case 2
Directions: Mr. Lee Vasan a 57 year old male reports to outpatients with a 48 hour history of abdominal
discomfort. He reports he has not passed gas or stool for at least a day. He has experienced 1 episode of
vomiting. Please perform a focused physical exam.
Case 3:
A 16 year old boy with a history of asthma presents to his family doctors office complaining of recurrent
shortness of breath since moving in with his father. (His parents are separated). Obtain a detailed
history and explore possible causes.
Examiner Questions:
Please explain to the patient how to use an aerochamber inhaler?
What tests would you like to perform?
What is the initial treatment for asthma? What other medication can be added to this treatment if
symptoms persist?
Please explain to the patient common asthma triggers.
1. It is important to be well versed on common patient education issues including but not limited
to: using an aerochamber, checking blood sugar, injecting insulin, various forms of
contraception, etc. Dont be surprised if you are asked to counsel a patient on these topics.
2. Know a variety of go to tests for common presentations asthma, chest pain, abdominal pain,
lower back pain, when to order a pregnancy test, urine dip, swab, etc. You may be asked to
refer a patient or to request testing- verbalize all of these during your case.
3. Be aware of basic algorithms for treatment of things like asthma, diabetes, hypertension, it is
unlikely that you will be asked to choose a specific dose or a frequency, but knowing that X is
first line, Y is added to first line, and Z is third in line for treatment is important for both the NAC
OSCE and clinical practice.
4. Practice counselling individuals on a variety of lifestyle treatments diet, exercise, prevention,
etc. You will be asked to do this during the exam.
Case 4:
A 21 Month old female is brought to the clinic by her parents as they are complaining that she has been
having loose stools. Please obtain a focused history from her mother while the nurse evaluates the
childs vital signs.
Examiner questions:
Please list 1 primary diagnosis and 2 secondary diagnoses.
How would you diagnose Cystic fibrosis in this patient?
How would you assess this child for dehydration?
Assuming all of her vaccinations are up to date, what vaccines should she receive at her next visit? When
would you schedule this visit?
1. While it is very unlikely you will see a paediatric patient in the NAC OSCE as they are difficult to
standardize for a national exam, it is likely that you will see the parent/caretaker of a child and
be asked to obtain a history.
2. Being able to take a paediatric history for head to toe is vital to obtain a top mark in this exam.
What illnesses are specific to children? What allergies are most common in children? What
social issues are involved?
3. Know the social and legal issues for paediatric patients inside and out.
4. What is the age of consent in Canada? How does this affect your steps in management?
Consider what happens if a pre-teen/teen requests to not involve their parents?
5. What are the current guidelines for vaccines in Canada? Ages? Schedule? What happens with a
missed vaccine? What happens if a child has a fever or is unwell at a scheduled vaccination
Case 5
Jennifer Stevens is a 17 year old female that presents to the clinic for personal reasons. Please
determine the reason for her visit and conduct a focused history.
Examiner questions:
Please provide 3 possible diagnoses?
Please specify 3 tests you would like to perform?
If a vagina swab is positive for chlamydia, what is your next course of action?
Please counsel the patient on prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
Social cases involving youth/young adults are common in nearly all 4th year OSCEs.
What diseases must be reported to public health?
Does the partner have to be notified?
What are the laws surrounding HIV?
What if the individual reports sexual abuse? Rape? Sex with a minor/adult?
What is the age of consent in Canada?
What if they ask you to not inform their parents?
What are the laws surrounding abortion?
Case 6
Mr. Samuel Jones is a 63 year old man with a 20 year history of diabetes he presents to your clinic today
for his annual diabetic check-up. Please perform a physical exam. Do not perform funduscopic exam.
Examiner questions
Please advise the patient on proper foot care.
List 3 complications of diabetes.
What 3 tests would you like to perform to conclude this annual checkup?
1. Be prepared for classic presentations in classic patients. These cases are developed by
physicians for future physicians. You will not be asked to examine something weird and unique.
Cases will present like a normal day in a family practice so you should be able to examine and
diagnose classic presentations.
2. There are no tricks, if the instructions ask you to perform a foot exam, thats all you are required
to do. There will be no secret malignancy lurking in the case. No secret social issues hidden in a
foot exam.
3. Re-read the instructions if you get lost. They are generally very clear and concise. They will
instruct you what to perform, and what not to perform.
4. Im looking for, Im palpating for, Im listening for these phrases are your friends for physical
exam stations, talk, talk, and talk more so you leave no doubt in the examiners mind that you
know your stuff and you know what you are doing and why.
Case 7
Mrs. Abigail Johnson is brought into to your clinic by her 30 year old son for a renewal of her narcotics
prescription. Please explore the reasons for her visit and address any concerns she may have. Do not
perform a physical exam.
Examiner questions:
What is your diagnosis?
What is your next course of action?
If this patients son is diverting her narcotics how would you manage her pain?
1. The NAC will assess more than your clinical knowledge it will test you on social and legal issues.
2. Be prepared for a variety of social and legal situations. What would you do if you suspected
elder abuse? What is the next course of action if her medication is being misused or sold?
3. Does she really need this level of treatment?
4. This is a common clinical scenario and it is important to know how to effectively manage these
tough presentations.
Case 8
Mrs. Gladys Mortimer, a 72 year old female presents to your clinic with recurrent accidents resulting
in her needing to change her underwear and pants more than once a day. As a result she is now
reluctant to leave the house. Please explore the reason for her visit and conduct a focused history.
Examiner questions:
What is your primary diagnosis, list 2 alternative diagnoses?
What tests would you order for this patient?
1. Paediatrics, geriatrics, and social issues are often tested on this exam. Be well versed in common
presentations and course of action.
2. Demonstrate compassion and understanding, this will count for marks on the exam.
3. Use clear concise language; do not use jargon or difficult terms. This exam is equally as much a
test of your communication skills as it is of your knowledge. You can make up for shortcomings
of knowledge with communication, but you cannot make up for poor communication with
knowing everything.