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(Other Tiles inthis Series THE ACTOR AND THE TARGET Decl Donnan The Piya Tning of the Aor Awe Denti The Pycho Phys Approak to Actor Raining ela Mein A Sey Sep Ge fr Aa HOUSE OF Ganees Mating Thre fm Bere fe ns obras Jean Newel John Daly THE MONOLOGUE AUDMON ‘even Kobase (OTHER PEOPLE'S SHOES Tough on Acting Ang Gale t Commedia Tengo tarry Grats ‘Otanda Cook S0 YOU WANT TO BE A THEATRE DIRECTOR? Siepen Uren STAGE MANAGEMENT The Een ands Gulla SwAstmuciLNG ‘A Seyi Ge the Art of Stage Comber Rehan Lane ese THROUGH THE BODY ACTIONS The Actors’ Thesaurus MARINA CALDARONE and MAGGIE LLOYD.WILLIAMS NICK HERN BOOKS| Thanks ix Foreword by Terry Johnson xi Introduction xii How to Action the Text sil How to Use The Actors’ Thesaurus xxv Sample Scenes xaxvit ACTIONS. AL 1 Emotional Groups Nurturing Words 147 Using Words 151 Damaging Words 155 c fe} N i 1 re oy iSNate + This i ast of eansitive verbs primarily for stor, directors and practitioner. isnot necessarily for academe reference, nor i it technically warerighe. Language is subjective and chee is certin pete licence in the lss hich follow. However al ofthe wors can be ‘played by actor n performance, * (PL) afer an en indicates where an setion works best when played to more dan one person. For example, Asse, Sepa, Unite * 1, 2,3 afreran enry indicates where mone than one meaning ean be attbated to thet, * Ina few instances, wits X = ¥, it doesnot slays follow that Y = X. For example, Conquer (sisted an ation under the main enty Bucher, bat the reverse does not work sufficient wel + This ists the fs of is kin and should vole and develop as used. Add any actions that you my fee! are missing. sggestions for fare caiions would be graeflly received and should be addressed to the publisher (One thought ~ One sentence ‘One breath ~ One ation Abandon Desert, Discard, Dich, Drop, Dump, Forsake, Jil, Leave, Reject, Relingtis, Renotnce, Shun, Sob, Sumender Abduct Capture, Earsp, Kidnap, Pluck, Seize, Snatch Abet Advocate, Aid, Asist, Back, Boost, CCondone, Encourage, Endorse, vox Fonard, Foster, Farther, Goad, Help, Patonise, Promote, Provoke, Second, Srengthen, Succous, Support Abide Bear, Endre, Obey, Stomach, Sule, ‘Tolente Abjure Discard, Renounce Abolish Anna, Destroy, Dismiss, Exadicate ly Abrilge Condens, Encapsulte Absolve Aequit, Clea Discharge, Excalpate, Exempt, Exonerate, Forgive, Liberate, Pardon, Purge, Pai Redcem, Release Vindieate Absorb Consume, Digest, Envelo, Incorporate, Process Abuse Assi Aueck, Bert, Blemish, Braise, Censure, Cus, Damage, Decry, Defame, Deprave, Depreeate, Dispaage, Exploit Harangue, Harm, Hare, Impaig impugn, Injure, Ins, Jes, Knock, Libel, Mag, Malceat, Manhandle, Mag, Misapply i employ, Mistear, Misc, Moest, Oban, Perecute, Fever, Rebole, Rel, Ru, Sander Tore, Use, Wy Viole, Wong Accelerate Masten, Huy, Quicken, Sut “StiuleneAccess Reach Actaim Appland, Approve, Chees, Commmend, cal, Gloiy, Hal, Honou, Laud, Prise, Welcome Acclimatise Adapt, Ads, Season Accommodate,” Adape, Adjust, Customise Accommodate, 2- Contam, Fase, Howse, Lodge, Place, Shelter Accommodate, Aid, Equip, Favour, Obige Accompany _Auend, Chaperone, Escort, Follow Lead, tack Arcos Actac, Conon, Impugn Accuse Arai, Blame, Challenge, Charge, Cte, Defame, Denounce, Disarage, Expose, Impeach, Ind, Ineeiminate, Prosecute Accustom Acqusine, Condition, Faia, Habitat, Season Acknowledge Accept, Ate, Admit, Beliend, eet, Hail, Notice, Resse, Recognise, Tibute Aequaint Accustom, Advise, Appraise Belind, Enlighten, Familias, inform Acquire Aeain Acqult Absolve, Clea, Diver, Discha Disencambes, Exempt, Eonette, Excuse, Forgive, Liberate, Pardon, Release, Vindicte Activate Animate, Aros, Awaben, Cue, Deploy, Elect, Energie, Even, Gaivanise, Generate, tmp, kate, Inspiit, tnstigae,ivigrate, Mobis, Motivate, Pompe, Rowse, Stimulate, Sti Tigges, Vitalie, Wen Adapt Acclimatise,Aecormmodste, Alter, ‘Amend, Change, Convert, Et, Emend Prepare, Remede, Shape, Tio: Ail Agje,Dluddle, Confise, Distt, Dizzy ‘Adress Ackoowledge, Approach, Gree, Hal, Invoke, Name Adjure Command ‘Adjust Acelimatise, Convert: Admire Deify Esteem, Honous Ili, Laud, Pralse, Respect, Revere, Venere Admit Accepe, Acknowledge, Adulte, Embrace, compass, tate, lol, Perit Recognise, Receive Admonish Advise, Cation, Rebuke, Reprimand, Reprove, Repeoac, Wa Adopt Accept Appropriate, Embrace, Espouse, Receive, Wekome Adore Adknive, Adlate, Cherish, Dey, Enshrine, Eat, Moise, Revere, Tessie, Venenste, Worship Adorn Beauty, Bedec, Crown, Deck, Decorate, Distinguish, Emblazon, Eich, Festoon, Gree, Idlise, Omament Adulte Admit, Adore, Cherish, Dei, Enshrine, Exaile, Laud, Revere, Aeasure, Venere, Worship Adulerate Basar, Bowdlerse, Contamina Cont, Debase, Dele, Dilute, Diy, Doctor, Pollut, Taint, Wesken Advise Acquaint, Adonis, Alert, Appraise, ‘Appise, Caton, Counsel, Dissuade Doct, Educate, Encourage, rlighen, Gade, Inform, Instat, Nol, Prompe, Teach, Wam Advocate Abet Aid, Approve, Rock, Boost, Champion, Encourage, Endorse, Four, Forward, Further, etonise AMloctAllict, let Change, Dist, Inffuence, Interest, Medi, Move, Si; Say Affirm Approve Authors, foes, Back, Cray Champion, Confitm, Endorse, Favs, Rati, Recommend, Santon, Spor Affe Anchor, Fx, Pin, Secure, WedgeAnimate Acdivae,Arouse, Awan, Boos, Brighten, Cher Blt, Eleni, Elevate, Embolden, Encourage, Enlven,Fneryice, oct, Ely, Fee, Galvani, Hearn, impel, nce, Inflame, tsp, Inspit,tavigoate, Mobilise, Mrvate Move, Nerve, Raise, Rally, Revive, Rouse, ‘Shock, Spark, Spus Stimulate, Thal, Urge, Up, Vials, Vis, Wake, Warm Annitilate Abolish, Cancel, Demelish, Destoy Ehminate, Pradiemt, Excise, Farce, Espunge,Esterminate,Extingush, Excitpte, Finish, Kl, Massacre, Murder Neate, Null, Oberst, Raze, Slaughter, Slay, Terminate Annoy Aggravate, Amagonise, Badger, Bait, edevi Bother, Bug, Displease, Distress, Disrarb, Prasperate Fret, Goal, Haass, Harry, Hassle, Hinde, i Itt, Maden, Nog, Nar, Needle, Nee, Niggle, Peeve, Poster Plague, Provoke, Rattle, Rl, Ruffle, Trouble, Ve, Weary, Worry Anoint Bless, Consecat, Hallow, Orda, Senet AntagoniseAggravte, Annoy, Exasperte arss, Hasse, Incense, sul lk Fntate, Nick, Outrage Provoke, Repel Ave | Copy. Feho, imitate, Mimor Paro, Reflect Avpall” Disgust, Dismay, Pighten, Hor, Scandals, Shock, Sicken Appease Alay, Aleit, Assuage, Cal, Comfort, Conia, Content, Disburden, Eas, Hush, Indulge, Molly, Paty, Pacate, Propitate, Quiet, Reconcile, Relax, Relieve, Satis, Sothe, Sil, Sweeten, Hanguilse Applaud Acclaim, Approve, Cheer, Commend, nt Ase, Atha, Commision, aoe Designate, Elect, Employ, Engg, Els, Eel, He, Nominate Orlane Sele Appraise Act, Ais, ae, Ase Pps, Cicer, Esiate, Pe avg, ie ese, Arerchendt As Appehend, 2 Conse, Recopsse Arise die, Coun, Ey Event Engen, rm, stat, Tn, Tor Approach Aes, Broach, ice propia op, Clam, Conquer, Deon, err tn ap taper ‘ee, Ova Pod Put er, Beutel Arprove ee, Acs, Aone, em “opin, acorse, Chapin, nme, Conde, Conf, Endo, Fr em ay, Saco Arbre” Adj, ge, Meine, ele pi sm Bee, Deen, Empower au eres Prepare, ine Protect, Segihen Aros Act, Ate Anat, Avie courage, Eng, kind Ene tact, a, Pi, Gani, Gea Gong, nt, flan: pte, Interest, Intoniat, Inge, Invigorate, Kindle, Move, Prod, Prowl, Revive Rouse, Spark, Spay Stimte, Stig Tl, Tite, Vise, Vivi, Wien, Warm Arvaign —Aecuse, Blame, Charge, Denounce Indice Arrest, 1 Alle, Assi, Captivate, Charm Enamous, Enchant, Engage, Engoss, Engl, Fascnate, ImpressArrest 3 Append, ree, Ua, mobi Numb ae Stop Si Awaits, Ares, Ass, Atak, Bomba, ‘Cage, pag, vad Pee Teme Avs Asil, tack, Rates Bombo, Bhi, Chllege, Chane, cmb, Danae, Debit, ig Ham, Hi Imphal Pach Ral Rape, Sg, Stor Sie, Mite Assemble PL) Cong Ray Assess Ana, Appa oon, Cake, ise, Ete, Baa “Measure, Test, Vale * Assign Appoin, Abode, C Asi "Abet Ai, a,b Cale Encouraged, Pea Road Farther Hel, tp, Nae, Pe ‘oe: Rotr Sr Sa Save So, Senge, Suns, Sppon, San Tutor ad ‘Assnage Aly, lee, Appesse, aim, Cimio Conse, ae, Dn fae, Lge, Lal Mali Pay Pe en, Rl, ee, Sas Sote Sal mes Tanga Assure Comite, Ente, E 2, Eacourge, eanen, Ip, esta, Ree Sea, Set, Sele, arnt Astonish Ais, ASound, Beles Canound, Daze, Dude, Dmbound i, ace, Habeas, For Jl Myst, Stock, Sage Ste, Ste, Seu, Spt, Sune ASiound "Acs ets, Balle, Bevider nsign, Delegate, | | | Auack Abe, Aocost, Asal, Assault, Bate, ‘erste, Blas, Bomba, Hox, Cente, Challenge, Charge, Combat, Cries, Denounce, Dispraise, Fight, Hawk Inmpugp, Indi, Inf, Invade, Knack, ‘Lash, Libel, Malig, Maul, Mug, Persecut, Raid, Ram, Savage, Slander, Stor, Ske, Tackle, iy Attain Acquie, Procure, Reach, Secure, Win Attend Accompany, Chaperone, Esco, Seve Usher Ate Clihe, Dress Attract Allure, Heckon, Bewitch, Captiva, ‘Charm, Delight, Foamous, Enchant, Ender, Engage, Ensc, Faseinate, Impress Induce, Inge, tnvite, Lure, Magnes, Pall, ives, Seduce, Temp, Talla, Win Auction Prostitute, Sell Audion Appraise, Asses, Test Augment Bostes, Boost, Flevate, Encourage, lange, Fee, Fc, Heighten, Inflate Reinforce, Suengthen, Sustain, Sell Authorise Aim, Approve, Back, Comission, ‘Contin, Delegate, Empower Enable Endorse, En, Favour, Legimise, License, Permi, Qualify, Rasy, Sanction, suppor, Warr . Avenge Punish ‘Aver Alin, Back, Favous, Recommend, Suppor ‘Avert Delle, Diver, Patty ‘Avoid Crcurwent, Delle, Disegznd, Dodge, ude, Escape, Evade, Nelet, Ostacs, Pay, Shit, Shun, Sidestep Awaken Activate, Ale Animate, rouse, kndle, Elven, Este, Fre, Galanise, Generate, Ignite, Incite, Inflame, Inspize,Award Bequest, Bestow; Endow, Envch, Furnish, Grant, Honour, Pie, Reward wil . Axe Ampatte, Chop Buck Abet, Advocate, Aim, Ald, ASS, Authors, Aves, Champlon, Commend, CCondone, Canfem, Catv, Eneourage, Endorse, Espouse, Favour Help, Promote, Ratify, Recommend, Sanction, Second, Sponsog Sacco: Support, Sustain, Uphold, Warant Badger Annoy, sig, Bog, Bully, Dist, Fes, ‘Goad, Has, Hiey, Hasle, Held, Hectos, ound, Nag, Psecue, Fete, Plague, Taunt, Tease, Tonble, Torment, Vex, Worry {Baffle Amaze, Bamboozle, Budde, Bewik Confuse, Confound, Dae, DDumbfound, Ehud, Faze, Foo, Flamm, Foil Fonestal, Prastate, Myst, Our, Perplex, Pus, Stump alt Aggrvnte, nmoy, Bathe, Decoy, Entap, Hara, Hassle, Heck, Hoard, Ite Ink, Joes Lave, Nar, Needle, Pesecute, eso, Provoke, Taunt, Tease, Torment Balance Counteret, Equalise, Ground, Level, Regulate, Sele, Stabile, Steady Ramboocle Balle, Confound, Confuse Deseive, Defsd, Delude, Dupe, Hntap, Fool, Gull, Hoax, Hoodwink, Myst, Puzzle, Sin, Swindle, Tick Ban Bas, Banish, Block, Baycodt, Censor, Debar, Disallow, Disqualify, Exclude, Tonbid Hamper. Impede, Indic, Ite, ‘Ouida, Probl, Rest, Stop, Suppress Bong Bash, Bat, Beat, Bel, Bam, Bust, lobe, Cat, Hammes Bi, Koock, Pound, Pumme, Slam, Slap, Smack,tach, Ese, Bxpe, Fire, Intent, Oust, url, Osuacs, Reject, Sack, Spurs Baptise Cleanse, Name Bar Ban, Barcade, Block, Boyot, Dillon, Exclude, Forbid, Hamper, Hinder, Impede, Invent, Obstet, Probie, Restrict, Stop Barricade Bar ori, Obst, Protect, Secure ash Bang, Baer Bes, Ht, Punch, Siam Bastardse Adulte, Bowles, Cortpt Rat Bang, Hr, Punch, Rap, Slug, Smack, Sick, Swat, Thump, Wallop aster Assat, Bsh, Beat, Borba, Brel, Bruise, lobe, Calf, Cash, Dash Demolish, Destoy, Hamner, i, Hur Injue, Las, Maal, Pel, Pound, Pure Ruin, Share Shag Smash, Site, Sock, Sitke, Thrash, Thump, Thwack,tesh, Wallop, Whack. Battle Asse, Ack, Bede, ax, Challenge, Comba, Conon, Fight, Hit Bear, Curry, Convey, Hasbout, Shoulder Suppo, Sosa Tanspor Rear, 2. Abide, Brave, Ende, Stand, Stomach, Salles, Support, Tolerate Beat, 1 tang, Bish, Bauer, Belt, Brea, rls, Cane, Chasse, Chin, lobe, Clout, Conquer, Crs, Cull, Call, Deck, Defeit, Demolish, Fagllate, Fail, Flog, loos, Hammes Hit, Knock, Lash, Mal Felt, Pound, Pavers, Pummel, Pach, Quash, Scour, Shake, Slap, Slag, Smack, Sock, Spank, Stap, Ske, Swipe, Tan, ‘Thump, Thvack, Thrash, Thsmple, Wllop, ‘Whack, Whip eat, 2 Better Defeat, Outdo, Outi, Outwit, Overwhelm, Simpas,Thnce, Vanish ecko Allure, Ata, Bid, Cll, raw; Entice, Invite, Late, Pull, Sigoa, Summon Bedeck dom, Heatly, Deck, Decorate, ‘Enrich, Festoon, Omamest Redevil Alli, gga, Annoy, Confornd, Distress, Frustate, Maras, Hany. se, In rte, Beste, Plague, Touble, Ve Worry efoul Poison, Pellute Berend Ackvowledge, Acquaint, Aid, Aly CConined, Encourage, Favour, Help, toni, Suppor, Upold Befulle Ade, Bate, Hewier, Cosa ‘Gonfound, Confise, Disorientat, ambfound, Jumble, Mudd, Mysy, Ferplex, Parle, Stamp Beg. Beseech, Enteat, Implore, Import, Pay, Sollee Provoke Beget Generate, inci Reguile Amsse, Belt, Bewtch, Cle, CCaptte, Cham, Cheat, Coax, Con, Cour, Deeive, Deisud, Delight, Dupe, Enamou Bachant, Engage, Enmpe, Enh, Entice, Fneance, Fescinate, Fate, Fol, Hoodwink, Hypaotise, jue, lve, Kid, Lure, Mesmeise, Mislead, Seduce, Spellbind, Tc hold Conjure elite egile, Cheapen, Decry, Demean Discelt,Disprase, Hume, Knock, ele Bang, Heat, Clobber, Cul, Hog, Harmer, Hi, Slog, Site, Soe, Srp, Wallop, Whack emuse Bevlder, Confuse, Daze, Dstt, lummox, Puddle, Mule, Pepe, Preoccupy, Stan, Stapely Bend Break, Contort, Distort, Pervert, Twist,equa Agent Bore Abuse ack, Cage, Conse, Chasse, Deigate, Denounce, ey, Krk, Lambs Reb, Reet eprimand epoac, Ss Vly Bercoe Alc, Deve, Dispose Besech Bey Ene plo, Salt Bosege aig lock, Bots Con, Eni ncompis, Haas Hay, Mase Hound Nag, eter Swamp, Surround Besmear Contre, Dee, Diy ou, Pole, mea Sol Sum, esr Rose. Wal este Avert Betray” Dect, Bese, Disa, Tsk, lee etd "Bnd, Coot, Eape Heer, 1 Ainend, Bem, Clee, Diy Improv, Mend, Rem, Sopene Bote, 2 Beat, Dee, Oui, Ont Ouatp Sumas op Beviler”“Anuce, Aso Astin, Bl, elude, Remse Confae Cod Das, Fz, For Hummes, Nay ple, Pee, sac Sum uy SiupesySeprse Bevith Alle, Atay, Regul, Capa Catch, Charm, Cuts, Deigh, Eng Enchant, ‘sw, pe Ent, ance cine, Hypnonse, Mein, Spend, tarpon Bid clon, Comme ind 1 hewth, cement, Cn, Coma Ep eae Fi, Resi, Re sere She, Te Bind. 2” Capea, Charm, Enea Eng ‘Bind, 3 Chain, Confine. Constra,, ienee Birch Cane, gel, Hog, Step, Tan, Whip Bisect Divide, Split, Sunder Bue Champ, Chew, lamp, Cran, Cat, Guavi, Nip, Tear, Wound Blacken Damn, Deery, Defame, Defi, Denigate, Dishonour, mpage, Libel, Malgn Slander Smeas, Smich, Ssin, Tain, Tenis, Haduce Vili Blackmail” Bribe, Coerce, Compe, Peece, Innimidste, Terie. Threaten Blame Accuse, Araign, Censure, Charge, CCondema, Cries, Disparage, Impeach, Incriminate, Indice, Reprchend, Reproach Blast Attack, Castigt, Censute, Cats, Cuss, Demolish, Dees, Desc, Fire, Fay Impugn, Shater Blazon Deconte, Honour Blemish Abuse, Comupt, Damage, Deface Impat Max Sea, Ting, Valse Bless Anoint, Consecrate, Glo, Hallow, Prise, Sanctly, Thank Blight Contaminat,Inpai tnfect, Ma, Tint ‘Blind Blu, Deze, Dazzle, Deceive, isact lock Arrest, Ban, Bae, Capure, Confound, Confront, Cat, Dey, Deter, Elude, Forest, Prustste, Gag, Halt, Hamper Handicap, Hindes Impede, inhibi, Inercepr, Interdit, Obsrac, Probie, Proseribe, Retain, Rest, Stop, Samp, “Thware Bludgeon —Cudgel, Destroy, Flog. Lambs, Thrash Bluff Blind, Deceve, Del, Delude, Fol Hoax, Misgude, Mislead Bolster Aid Assit, Augment, Boost, i Encourage, Feed, Fuel, Nurtre, Reasure, gy ie: taneyBoost Abet, Advocate, Agrandise, Aid, Animate, Augment, Bolster Brigh Cheer, Compliment, Distend, Eat Flevate, Encourage, Ene, Ex Fxhilrate, Expand, Favour Forward, ester Further Heaten, Heighten, Hetp, Improve, Inte, tnteasfy Invgorate, Lit, Nous, Nurse, Promote, Ra Relnforce, Remand, Rous, Spay, Stimulate Saengihen, Support, Sel, Tougher Upli, Urge Boot Hest, Kick Bother AM, Aggrvate, Annoy, Blt, Bese, ‘Bug, Burden, Concern, Distac, Distress Distr, Faz, Fase, Fe, Fase, Har, Hassle, Inconvenince, Peta, Pests, Tease, Trouble, Unseule, Upsee, Wory Bovsdlerise Adulerse,Bastardse, Commune Bos, 1 Aso, Antack, Bate, Challenge, CClobbe,Cuf Fight, Hi, Sock, Whack Box,2_ Bind, Comes, Consta, Tsp Boycott Ban, Hanis, tar, Exlode, Esl Ignore, Ostracie,Probibit, Reject Brace "Arm, Bolster Reinfore, Stengihen, ‘Suppor Braimwash Indocinate Brand Ban, Grade, Macc Brave Best, Endure, Face, Sule, Sus, ‘Weather, Withstand Break, 1 Pater, Beat, Bend, Bust, Bust, Crack, Cripple, Crumble, Crash, Damage, Dees, Demolish, Destroy, Disable, Dsunie racture, Fragment, Har, pov Tncepacitate,Injure, Pulveise,Reice Seve, hatte, Smash, Snap, Splinter Spl, Site, Tear, Warp, Wound Break, 2 Demoralse, Disprt, Enervae, rif Inform, Prepare, Prime Brighten Animate, Boost, Cheez, Fae, levate, Enliven, Exe, Exit Gladden, Hearts, Ignite, Inspire, spi, invigorate, Tse, Rowse, Snulte, Uli, Vise Broach, 1 Approach, Tackle Broach, 2 Penetae, Pierce Brombeat Bully, Cide, Cie, Harss, Henpeck, Nag, Peser, Sold, rise Assault, Bans Beat, Crus, Damage, Injure,lnsul, Offend, Pavers, Wound rush ul, Caress, Groom, Kis, Soke, Touch Bruuatie Abuse, Bully, Bulldoe,lvimidate, Misteat,Pressurse Buf Brosh, Fb Bug Annoy, Badge, Bother, re, Hay, Hasle, Plage, Terent, Vex Bultdoce Bruise, Bally, Demolish, Flaten, Pressure, Ras, Squash Bully ge, Beowbes, Brutal, Hulldoze, Chie, Frighten, Hass, Hector, Henpeek, Hound, Innit, Menace, Nag, Oppress, Pesecute, Bester, Repres, Terie, Threaten, Torment, Tyannis, Vieimise Bump Bang, Crowd, How, Hustle, Jab, Jose, Knock, Nudge, Push, Shoek, Soules, Soe, Suke Barden Bother, Encumber, Hamper, Handicap Hinder. mpede, Ineoavenlence, Obstrac, Oppress, Oveoad, Saddle, Trmmel, THouble, Weary Burn Brmd, Imola, ncinerate, Burst Bang, Break, Crack, Shute, Split uy Deluge, Down, Submerge oeGage Confne,tprison, tneareerate CCajle Weguile, Cows, Cot, Eee, Fate, Iuveile, Lure, Pesuade, Pressure, Stoke, Tempt Caleulue Assess, Estimate, Meare Call Beckon, Command, Evoke, Incite, Name, Calm Alay, Allesae, Appease,Assuag Comfort, Compose, Disburden, Ease Hush, Lessen, Lighten, Lull, Mol, Pcl, Placate, Quell,Quleten, Relax, Rock, Sedat, Sete, Silence, Smoot Sober Soothe, Sil, Temper Ranculise Cancel Annibilate, Destroy, Eee, Fradicae, cise, Expunge, Expat, lvaldate CObleree,Raze Rescind Cane Beat, Bich, lage, og, Sap, Tan, Whip Capactate Empower, Enfxnchise Captivate Allee, Arest, Act, Bele, ewitch, Bind, Catch, Charm, Daze, Delight, Fnamour Enchant, Ende, Engage, Engrs, Eorapee, Enthal, Entrance, Eset, Fascinate, Fate Hypoorise,Inmgue, Mesteise, Ravish, Rivet, Seize, Spellbind, Talat, Win Capture Abdu, Arrest, Block, Catch, Catch, Ensnare, Gab, Hack, Hold, Kidnap, Nab, Nall, Net, Nick, Overmaster, Pic, Snare Snatch, Subjgte, Win Caress Brush, Cuddle, Embrace, Fodle, Hu, ‘Kis, Lek, Massage, Nuzze, Fat, Pa Fe, Rub Stool, TaekCostigue este, Censure, Chase, ‘Chasse, Cide Cndemn, Cte, Denomce, Hage, Hog Lamba, Pani abe epee, Reprd eps, Repro, Sl, Seap. an, Whip Castate Viseponer Engst Soe Gath “anes, Rowe, Capa, Cpe harm, Detect chant, Eee snare ange, Gb, kN Phu, Snare Shh, Tp Catedise Croseonmine, Question, Que Canton Ais, Ac, lr Coe Dscourge,Distade, Repro, Ware Cement 1) Bs, Bend Gens Ei, tment Sas Geni, 2 ta, Exe biter, Poi Censure Abuse, Atack, Bane, Ber, ast, Caste, Chast, Condenn, Coe Decry, Deseues, impugn, Kar Lambs Lec, Rel epina Reprove, Scold m Gare Foes, Groen Gary, 1 Ali, Canin, Quay Geril.2 Secon Cain ind, Catine, Cons, Const, Bcunbee Esl eer or Hamp Hol, took, Sana, Pon Re ei, Sete eke Chalege ces, Ast tac, Bale, Bo, Contin. Cones, Cass xine, Di Deh mal, Fight, lng, Oppose uetion, Hest, Rv, Te Tzewes Champion Advocate, Aen, Approve, ommend, Cofim, Back Det, Encourage, Fav oer, tg Fane Ponot, Ps Ray Second Chaperone Accompany, tend, Escort, Protect, Safeguard, Shepherd Charge, 1 Alon, Aaalgn Asal, Astult, ‘Attack, Blame, Mob, Raza, Stuike Change, 2 Accuse, Command, Disparage, Fuel ‘impeach, Intiminae, indi, Peosecute Charge, 3 Fuel, Revive Charm’ Allure, Amuse, Arrest, Atract, Beguie Bewitch, Bind, Capdinte, Catch, Court, Delight, Enamour, Enchant, Endeae, Engage, Enhall, Entrance, Emapeise, Fascinate, Flate, Hypnots, Intrigue Inveige, Mesmers, Please, Rash, Spellbind, Tae, Win Chase Follow, Hunt, Purse, Stal, Hck, Tall hasten Casiace, Chasse, Discipline, Humble Chasse Best, Berate, Cesigate, Censie, Chast, Chide, Correct, Discipline Hog Punish, Rebuke, Reprehend, Nag, Scold Cheapen Belle, Debace, Degrade, Dems, Denigae, Devalue, Diseredt, Dsparage Disp, Lower Cheat _Beguile, Con, Deceive, Defra, Deu Diddle, Dupe, eee, Fol, Gull, Hoa, Boodwink, Ouvwit, Rob, Swindle, Tick, Wrong : Check, 1 Comect, Bait, Emend, late, Inspect, Monitog Sertinise, Search, Study Check, 2 Fes, Nee Check, 3 Consol, Hinder Stop CGheer,1 Ams, Animate, Appa, Boost, Brighten, Comfort, Console, Delight, Fae Eerate, Embolden, Encourage, Enea, Enliven, Excite, Fire, ony, Gladden, Hearten, Inspite, Isp, Ivigorate, Jolly, Lighten, Please, Rally, Reassure, Refresh,Cherish Adore, Adulte, Conserve, Enshrine Immonalse, Numa, et, Poze, Treasure, value hide Bromibeat, Bly, Castgate, Chats, lise, Curse, Haas, Hector, Henpeck, Inuinidte, Lecture, Nop, Rebu, Rebuke Reprelend, Repeimand, Reproach, Reprone, Sold Chill” Cool, Depres, Dscourage, Dishearten Numb hip Dent, Nick, Notch Choke Const, Gag, Obstnct, Smother le, Strangle, Suflocste,Throte Choose Designate, Hect, Nominate, Pik, Select Chop Axe, Cut, Hack, Sash Chuck ing, Sing. Throw Churn Agia, sts Circe Greumserbe, neice, Enclose, Encompass, Enfokd, Eneiop,Sumound Greumserbe Circle, Cover, Endre, Enclose Encompass, Enfold, Enelop, Hedge, Pen, Surround, Wap Graanvent Avoid, Confound, Defet, Diver, Dodge, Flue, Escape, Evade, Fe, Fol Forest, Frustnte Hedge, Outan, Shi Shan, That Giitise Coach, Culivate, Develop, Discpine, Ely, Educate, Enlighten, Improve, Infor, Instruct, Polish, Refine, Schoo, Sophisticate, Teach, Tan, Titor Claim —Aypropiae, Own Clasp Cinch, Clutch, Embrace, Eafe Envelop, Emwrap, Hold, Pass, Sie, Squeeze, Swathe, Wrap Class Categorse, Classi Grae, Label, Name, Rank, Rate, Vue Cassify Class, Grade, Order, Rate, Rank, Tag, ar. 1_Absive, Ai, change, Digg, Dcnange cts. Eamecte ee ear 2 ep, ietage, Lien, elie, Unblock, Unbn ean, Ca cash ong, Hak ace Stash, cSt, per Ceane2 (0 "Dee, Sep Sec. Spl Sener ind” Cs, Emi, Ho, Sue ip Cot i, Sack tier Bg ter Bet el, Bex Cal Thames Hooks Lanbas, Sp Sg Sock, Sc Sis, Wilp, Whack go Boe. Cong, Crop tren; Hanes Hap, des ge Oe, Ops On ed Cie ie Dre ind 1" ete, Che, Cot, Dison, ina Mode Cand 2 Din Engh, bse nt Be lip, Smack Gch Cae Clap, Ena, Gia, Gasp, ip, Hod Puck Se, atch Con” Cie, Cline, evap, Disp, il Bl Edt gh Fama, ats Grom, Ge, pe nde I, stn, rp, Scoala Thin ir Cane" Alte elon, ele, Cale Ene, Fate ge etd Sep Cite ety, Snot Gaoe_Blcka Compl, Contain Dominate Donita Comb Ast, ck Pate, ox, Eat Ti ambi (1) Uy Unite ae eee eae enn peue Auwane,Galen, Hearen, Moly, Nourish, Paci Quieten, Reasre, Relax, Relieve, Revie, Rock, Soothe, Saengihen, Satan Command Aadjere, Bd Call, Charge, Compe, Control, Diet, Dominate, Govern, Instruct, Master, Ose, Re Commend Acclaim, Applaud, Approve, Back, Betfiend, Champion, Compliment, Honour Prise, Promote, Recommend Support Commission Appoin, Authorse, Delegate, Empower Enable, Engage, Enlise, Hire iense, Ordan, Want Commit (PL Betoth, bind, Engage, Obtigate, Pledge Compel Blackmail, Coetce, Command, CConstain, Dive, Enforee, Entrance, Esto, Fascinate, Force, Impl, Instruct, Mesmerise, Motiate, Obligate, Oblige, Pres, Urge Compensate Recompense Restite, Reward Compliment Boost, Commend, Congratulate, alt, Exo, Felciate, Flatter, Geet, Honous, Esto, Lad, Praise Compose Align, Cai, Harmonie, Sete, Sober, Soothe Compromise Discus, Fmbroil, Eacumber, Endanger, Ensnare, permeate, Risk, Threaten, Undemnine Begule, Chest, Deceve, Dead, Dede, Dida, Dupe, Emap, Fool, Gul, Hoax, Hoodwink,Inveige, tae, Swindle, Tice Concentrate Focus, Strengthen Concern Rother, Dsquict, Distess, Distr, Ferutb, Nouble, Worry Concliate Appesse Eoin, Molly, Pa Placat, Propite, Soothe Condenm Blame. Castinee Cenaur. ( con Indoctrinat Condition caso, abi Stopes an Conde” tt cep poe Back Ee Tog ten nc Conte, Die, Goes, Cte, Con al mg, Manco fe, Sephed fe", Cg, Como, i tn, tncwmbe Ese, ee tet ol, Lint, Mane, ey Pilon, Reps, Resa, Res, ick, ‘ested anf nm pov, oie, ak, Cry, Champion, Enos, Fr TecomedSe, ely Cajon es, Ath, Ad, Safle, Toned, ale, Bt, eve, Mock, Gam, Conf, Conf Gath Case, Deer, Deg, is Dutton, Ede nb Ease, Mabe Foe Flor el est ad, yy, Os Pople, Pde San Stamp, Sn, Sons, tol Uhing, Vane Conf Bot, ae, Back Chale, Da, Dey is, Eile, Eero al Me, Obs ce, Frsta Resist, Taelde Confuse Addl, Agitste, Hale, Bamboo, devi, Befudde, Bemus, Beales, loud, Confosnd, Daze, Discompose Disconcert, Diorienat, Dist, Dizzy, nuangl, Faze, Fummos, Fuster, Fudd Jumble, Mule, Myst Peeplex, Pear, Parde, Stamp, Trouble, Unuing, UUnnerve, Unsetde Confite-Confound, Crush, Expose, NegateConjoin (PL) Rally, Unity, Late Conjure Behold, Engen, Evoke, Invoke, Raise, Summon Conquer Appropriate Best, Crus, Defeat, Demolish, Dethrone, ler, Overcome, Overmaster, Overpowes, Overthrow, Overwhelm, Prstate, Quel, Repress, ule, Subjugate, Ving Consecrate Anoin, Bless, Enshine, Honour, Immoral, Ordain, Sancti, Beare, Vencrate Conserve Chedsh, Eosbine, Immonals, Keep, Resin, Treasure Consider Analyse, Apprehend, Contemplate, Evaluate, Examine, Gage, Judge, Measane, Weigh Consign Assign, Entrust Console Assuage, Cheer Comfort, Embo'den, Encourae, Hearn, Reasute, Relieve, Soothe Constrain, 1 Compe, Cab, Eno Constain,2 Rind, Bax, Chin, Cree CConfine, Constct, Conti, Cramp, ncumber, Fetes, Hamper, Init, Necesitate, Obligate, Press, Pressure Resin, Restiet, Stop, Te, Consirict Chain, Choke, Conine, Constaa, Gund, Encurber Fete, Hamper, Restit, Tighten, Tne Conse Absoab, Chew, Devou,Fogul. Eavelop, Overwhelm, Swallow, Swamp Comin Accommodate, Cont, Cr, Enclose, compass, He Subsume, Staround Conteminate Adulverae, Bestest, Blight Damage, Debase, Dele, Diy, Doctex, Foul, Impaler, Poison, Poll Spoil, Stain, Tain, Vii. i, Poses, Content Appess, Ease, Gladden, Gray Humour Molly, Placa, Please, Reconcile, Satisfy CContst Challenge, Question Contort Bend, Distr, Mishape, Modi Paver, Tt, Wap Contract Employ, Engage Contradct Negae, Oppose, Resist Control Check, Command, Conduct, Cnstai, ‘Contain, Curb, Diect, Domina Dominoes Encompass, Engineer, Govern, Keep, Manage, Manipulate, Manoeue, Master, Moderate, Order, Organ, Possess, Programme, Restisin, Shepherd, Subsive Convert Ads, Aajus, Ale, Chang, Indocenate, Shape, Tsfonn, Tarn Convey Bear, Transport GonvierAnest, Conde Convince Assure, Persuade, Win Cool Chil, Relies, Sober Copy Ape, Fedo, Fula, Impesonats, iat, Mimic, Miro, Pat, Reflect Gomer Box, Tap, Monopolse Corre Amend, Chastise, Check, Et, Emend, improve, Moderate, Reform, Repemand, Reprove CorvoborateStrengjhen, Suppor Gorrade Crumble, Dissolve, Frode Comupt Adklerte, Bastards, Blemish, Bowes, Bribe, Damage, Debase, Deflowes, Degrade, Deprave, Demoralse, Inmpig, nfect, Pervert, Poison, Pole Tait, Violate, Viare Coset Mallee, Pamper Smother Counsel Aiise, Apprise, Caton, Ea educate, Enlighten, Gude, Inform, Instruct, each, Tato, WaraCow robe, os, comps ul, eS, Stoun Covet Desire, Envy bated? rk, 1 ea, lst, Bas, Pact, hae Sa Splinter, Split, Strike ° Gu, 2 Deco Crile sin Cshon, Hol, Lal Nese Pet, Rock, Support se Cramp “Clog, Contin, Consn, Ecumber anpe Hands inder mpd Toh Ln, Opps, Resas ‘Tammei me “ene ace Vang rt Entct, Honours Thank ple tral Dag, De, Delt Denote, Dee Day, Dae ns, Hoc He inp Incl, pone, noe Inept, Min, Mange, Man cesittb Ho , staage Ween vise. Anne tpmices eee Blame, Bae Bret, Caps ensue, Chie, Condems, Decry, Desde Hats Hees Hepa, smBtch Se Se revomine Cane Chilly, Gi lcm, nee inet: Pb : Pump, Question, Quiz " ond Bim, om Hempck, Hs Push, Shove. ao. Grom Aas Pevfect, Reward mn Grown 2 te cre Grey Sec, Recut Grumble Re, Co, de, agent, Sates Crumple Crush, Rumple : ™ Guth pene Bee Heromer, Humble, Huma, Mange, Mash, Opprss, Overmastr, Overpowe, Overthrow; Overohelin, Pes, Pulers Quast, Repress, Rout, Ruin, hate, Slaughter, Smash, Squash, Subd, Suppress, Bpannise, vanquish, Wallop Gadde "Cares, Embrace, Encl, fol, Fondle, Hold, Hog, Pet, Squeeze CCadgl est, Hhadgeon, Hit, Knock Cue’ Activate, Prompt, Tiger Gaff Bang, Bate Heat, Bl, Box, Clobber Hi Knock, Smack, Sock, Ste, Whack Gulkivate Ald, Assist, Bac, eter, Cs, (Coach, Develop, Discipline, Dal, Encourage, Edi, Educate, Elevate, Enlighten, Enrich, Foster, Improve, Inform, Instruct, Nurse, Perfect, Polish, Raise Rea, Refine, School, Teach, Tain, Tutor up Hold Garb Block, Confound, Con Contain, Contol, Papen, Delay Discourage, Encumber, Fetter, Ga Hamper, Handicap, Hilt, Hinde, Hold Impede, Inhibit, Moderate, Muze, CObsirace, Oppress, Quiten, Repress Restrain, Restle, Silence, ill, Stl, Swbdue, Suppress, Throw, Tamme (Cure Heal, Improve, Mend, Regenerate, Relieve, Remedy; Replenish, Restore, Teat Curse Abuse, Afi. Anahemaise, Bevitch ide, Condemn, Confound, Cues, Dam, an, insult, Plague, Profane, Thteaten, Torment Cushion, 1 Shield Cashion, 2 Deaden, Mull, Sifle radle, Defend, Protect, ReiseCut, 1 Amputate, Bite, Chop, Cleave, Di Guu ct tent ace a ferent soe Sone Cut, 2 Distegard, Humbe ; Pierce, Prick, ‘Dab Pat, Press, op, Touch Damage "Abuse, Assault, Blemish, Drea, use, Cripple, Contamina, Comipt, Deface, Defame, Def, Derive, Harm, i, Host, mp Ejure, Mai, Males, Mar Mistsat, Mult, Nick, Rain Sabotage, Savage, Sratch, Spo, Tan, ‘Weaken, Wound Dann Anatemise, Blacken, Curse, O28, ‘Condems Dampen Cab, Deaden, Depress, Dicourege, Disp, Dissuade, Dull, Mate, Wet Dangle Suspend Dare Challenge, Confront, Provoke uate, Smas, Serke “Asound, Balle, ‘lind, Confuse, Dasle Distt, Dumbfound, Faz, Faber, lone, Heples, Poze, Shock, Stages Sale, tun, Stupely Suprise azele Amaze, Astonish, Blind, Captivate, Daze, Fascinate, Fabberas, Hypnotise, Impress, Overpovser, Overwhelm, Stupely Deactivate Anaestetise, Anathema, Disable Deaiden Anaesthetse, Dampen, Diminish, Dall, Mule, Numb, Palyse, Quel, Quiet, Reduce, Smodhes, Sil, Suppress, Hanquiise, Wesken Debar Ban, Disallow Pxciude, Forbid, Hinds, ‘Obstrct, Prohibit, Refuse Debase, 1 Degrade, Disgrace, Dishonowt, Humble, Hunt, Lower, Reduce, Sharne, Ween Debase, 2 Adulterate, Cheapen, Comtaminate,Dehauch Assault, Defi, Deflowes,Demorls, Deprave, Moist, eve, Polite, Rape, avis, Shame, Wreck, Viole Debiltate Cripple, Depleve, Depeve, Deval, Dizinish, Disable, Drain, Enasculate, Enesate,Enfecble, Faas, Fu, Impoversh, Ineapactat, Invalid, Farabse, Reduce, Resmi, Sap, Tie, Under rine, Unbinge, Unnere, Weaken, Weary Debrief Inform Deceive Bamboozle, Regie, Betz, Bin, Bll, Chet, Con, Defraud, Delude, Dupe, Ensnate, Entrp, Fiddle, Fler, ol Hoax, Misguide, Mislead, Swindle, ‘Tick Decipher Crack, Ungel Dech, 1 Adoen, Beauty, Bedeck, Erich, Festoon, Omatnent Deck, 2 Beat, Hor, Hit Decline Deny, Refuse Deconstrct Analyse, Dismantle Decorate Adom, Bedeck, Reutiy, Blzon, Grown, Emilazon, Enc, Festoon (Omament, Wreathe Decoy Allue, Bit, Fnsuare, Entice, Entap, laveigle Deeriminalise Nonmalse, Revert Decry Abuse, Btinle,Racken, Blame, Blast, Censure, Condes, Cticse, Denounce, Discedit, Disprige, Dispet eface Blemish, Damage, Impal,Injure, Mar Defame Abuse, Accuse, Blame, Damage Denigrate, Denounce, Dscredt, Disgrace, Dishonout, Disparage, Dspit, Dispaise, Knock, Libel, Malign, Shame, Standen Tarnish, Vii Defeat Beat, Break, Confound, Conguey, CCipple, Crush, Dethrone. Finish, Floor, Foil Nally, Outdo, Ovepower, fad, Champion, Cason, eo ee Guard, Patrontse, Protect, Safeguard, Ste, Sibel Sop le" Dosnes sen, Conan, ve Damage, Debase, Debauch, Deflower, Duce, Diy ed, np a Shame Scat San ln, vom / bef Dee, Dapp, Dison ee Dispirit, Humble, Humiliate, Milk, ete it Cc, Ps, te Intercept, Misdirect, Obstruct, Rebuff, - DefiaeCoap, Deh Del Mos, Tape th . Dero np Ms, ee, Ro Cet he Lr Dec, Dt, ue, Dupe Fl, fk Hon, Sl Tk Deft Dap tw Boe: Chaleng, Conon, Cb Dok Pe ee Sm Teen eee ee ‘Demean, Demote, anes Se Dwg, ob Dehua fone Dass Aor,As se, teammate, everest ony Deja Dea Der, ig, haen ely ot Cu, Dj, Dein, Baas Dl Th tyalight Allure Amuse, Auract,Begile, Bewiteh, Capvate, Charm, Cheex Enamour Enchant, Engage, Ennapeue i Enterain, Endl, Entranes, Exe Ehlue, Fescinac, Gladden, Gra Pleas, Pleasure, Sedvce, Spellind, Til Deliver _Aest, Discharge, Disencumbey Disenthrall, Fmancipate, Free, Liberate Redeem, Release, Rescue, U | Unieter, Unsbactle Pelude Bamboode, Bull, Chest, Con, Decive Defraud, Dupe, Foo, Gill Hoon, Hoodwink, Kid, Miguide, Mi Outwit, Swindle, Trick Deluge Bury, Drown, Engl, Eavelop, Overwhelm, Seem | Demarcate Dowoprade, Limit Demean Bele, Chespen, Degeide, Deval Hamble, Hamiate sea, tm sn movie oak ee | Pebsuch, Defect, Deprave, Depress Dismay, Disin, Enervat,Impaiy Sap, Undermine, Weaken Demote Deve, Depose, Detalue, Downgride, Humble, Punish, Reduce, Shame Penigrate Verse, Blcken, Cheapen Detane Disered, nse, Revie Denounce Anathematise,Aecus Atack, erate, Casigae, Censure ‘Condemn, Criticise, Decry, Delage. Deny Dan ee Deiat, eve, Dsl, Pe mash, Din, Emp, Eee xa, Fas In lore tee km eon ploy, Us, le Dep Ace, E=pen - Depose Demote, Dethone, Disbar, Oxs = ‘Overthrow, Sack,, Suspend, Topple Degree" Ase, Ca, Bese, Debaich Degree, Deore, ener fine nor lise, Desolate, Ss Chil, Papen, Der Dscouae Peaen, pi, OPP, Sein se Cpl Danae, Debs, Dep, aa Devitalise, Dilute, Enfeeble, Expropriate Fac, pt: inpvetb, spac tse, Rec, oy Sp, Ween rail" Desi Dernge Ane, Cnfoud, Desa, ety, Dicone, Dy a Mle er, Peers Pu, es Using, Unsteady, Use erie ck de, Sore Dena Del Ve, Pin i, Loe ser Abandon, ey, Toa Ps Maroon, Neglect, Reject, Relinquish, Shun, sp Desigte Appin, Chose, et, Nomi ek Set Desa Depress ol Dest, Dest Har rans, Rape ao Date Reve Sc S DatabiseDe Derg, ohn Use Bes ii ae Ba “Budon, Beak, Cand, pple, CrTecinerate, Kil, Mange, Murder, Nall, Oblierae,Pndex, Quash, Quel, Rawge, Rese, Rout, Rui, Shae, Slghtes, Sas Tash, Vindale, Vanquish, Wieck, Zap Detach (PL) Isole, Separate, Wrest Peiain Delay, Hinder, Hold, prison, Inhibit, Reset, Retain, Stop Detect Catch, Discover, Expose, Unmask Deter Block. Dscounge, Dsptt, Dissuade Fighen, Hamper Hinder Impede, Invimidate, Obstract, Probie Deibwone Conquer, Crash, Defet, Depose, Dispossess, Overthrow, Topple Devalue Aduiterate, Cheapen, Della, Demean, Demote, isredit, Dovgrade, Reduce, Sham, Suboninate, Weaken Pevasiate Demolish, Despil. Destoy, Pu Ravage, Raze, Rout, Ru, Sack, Shater, Smash, Wieck Develop Chllse, Conch, Culdvate, Discipline, Dull, Elly, Kaucate, Enlighten, Foster, Improve, instruc, Ret, Refine, School, Teach, Bai, Tutor Deviate Derange, Pervert Twist, Warp Deviate Deblitae, Demoraise, Dope, Derive, Disbe, Diminish, Drain, Faervite, niece, Exhaus., Eig, Incapactat, Jae, Paralyse, Sap, Te Undermine, Unbinge, Weaken Pevour Appropriate, Consume, Gobble, Guzzle Diddle Cheat, Con, Deland, Fleee, Feo, Hoax, Hoodwink, Swindle Dig Jab, Pot Digest Absorb, Process Dignity Argrandise, Bete, Crown, Hlevae, Ennoble, Ea, Glen, Grace, Honoun, night, Revere, Sancti, Venerate ite Aduiterate, Deprive, Sap, Weaken Dim Cloud, Eclipse, ice, Baise, Obscure, Shuoud 38 t iminish Deaden, Debiliate, Dept, Devise, Drain, Enfeeble, Exhawst, Fatigue, Impoveish, Lessen, Lowes, ert, Undermine, force Disarm, Enervate, Enfeeble, Sn ne tse ap eer, age Sp Udo Dron te eo ache Disappoint Deflce, Picourge,Disooncer, Dislason, Disp, Diss Jade Disarm Disible, Discov, Melt, Thaw, ‘inner, Weaken, Win Dishar Depose, Feet, Exclude Disheliee Mistnst soe Dishucden Alay Alleviate, Appease, AS ‘Cal, Comfort, Ease, Lighten, Molly aay, Quiten, Relax, Rlleve, Soo, Sail, Tanguilise Discard Abandon, Abjure,Betmy, Discharge Discaim, Disldge, Dismis, Drop, Evacuate Expl, rake, Leave, Oust Reject, Relinquish, Renounce, Sack, Spam Discharge Absobe, Aqui, lest, Deve, Disencumber, Disengage, Disentangseta, Dic, Dla, Hc Ean, Et, Eni Frc onente, pel Fee e, ve, ao, een, Ree, Sa Ushorden,Unste, Une Disple "Chase, Char, Cis, Cc, Cultivate, Develop, Dril, Edify, Educate, Enlighten Roser Gove deen lor, osm Mel, Pi, Ste, Sab tne, ch a or Pci Ds Dis, Rule, Re, Pheomft Apa Conte, Dicom compose, Dacor, Dae Disb Eber Foe ses Peru, fl Shane, User Dam nba, For ey Ele, Txbl, Upset compere "Conte, Dzone D Pass; Dstt, Fs ter, Shame Dixonet Agate aie, Conte, Def Deg, Dippin, Diemer Mats Discompose, Floor, Fluster, Frighten, ‘ent, Ral, Tole Une Unset Oper Disconnect 1) "ole Piusarage Caution iC, Dane, Det, Demonte, Dep, Deer Disppoin, Daten, Damay, Dep Dissuade, Hinder, impede, Inhibit, . Obs. Opp, Opes, Po buf pes, Supe Disover “Des tm Pherae Bele, Caren, Day, Define, Deyn, Desig Dente, Doge Libel, Slander, Villy, Wrong rome Disc “Ana, sain, pet, Pe Pienpower” Cotte Fate 0 Disenchant Disillusion, Sour Disencumber Aeguit, Alleviate, Deliver Discharge, Disengage, Disenane Disenthval,Emancipae, Enfanchise, Fre berate, Rescue, Release, Relieve, Unburden, Unchain, Unlenes, Unleash ‘Unshackle, Unie Disengage Clea, Discharge, Disencumbes, Disentangle, Disentheall, Emancipste, Fre, Liberate, Release, Unburden, Unebain, Undo, Uneter, Unhook, Unshaelde, Unie Disentangle Cle, Discharge, Disenctambes, Disengage, Disentrall, Emancipate, Pre, Liberate, Redeem, Release, Reliew, Uniden, Unchain, Undo, Unfeter, Un hook. Unleash, Unrel, Unshacke, Unie Disendhrall Deliver, Discharge, Disencumber, ‘Dsengage, Disentangle,Emancipate Eafichise, Free, Liberate, Rescue, Release, Unburden, Unehain, Une, Unleash, Unshaelde, Unie Disgrace Debase, Delame Discredt, Humble, ‘uma, Shame, Taint Diagust Appall, Hora, Nauseae, OMlend, ‘Outrage, Repel, Repulse, Scandals, Sock, sicken Dishearten Chil, Deject, Demoralise, Depress, Discourage, Dismay, Dist, Enervate Insimidate, Oppess, Repress, Sadden Dishonour Blacken, Debase, Defane, Disparge, Poste, Shame, Int, Wo Disluson Alienate, Disallect,Disenchant, mbit, Sour Dishedge Discard, Dismiss, Disposess, ect ‘Bvacuate,Expel, Fire, Oust, Remove, Stl Disnantle Deconstuct, Demolish Dismay Appall, Demoraise,Discourge, Dishearen, Disp, Enervate, Sadden Dismember Mutlate k aDismiss Abolish, Banish, Discard, isch Dlg, Ht ne Fpl Remove, Sick : Disotey Delf Disegad, hore Disorenate bead, Cloud, Confuse Disowm Disc, Reject, Repudit, hun Dispurage Abuse, Acuse, Blame, Charge, ‘Cheapen, Dery, Defame, Denounce Dishonous Impeach, ibe, Reproacy Slander, Vity ; Disprt trek, Cheapen, Crush, Dampen, Dear, Des, Pfs, Den Depress, Deter, Disppoint, Discourage, Dishearten, Dismay, Enervste,Inmidate, Opps, Sten Dinplce Banish, Ee, Ovni Dipl Age, Amoy Desmpe Des De, Oe rs rm “Bach ie Dal cia, il, Espa, Exppi, (Oust, Sack eee Pupase Muck, Rlie, Deane, Deoune ne Denne, Disque, rie Dat Agnte, Con, 9 se, Conn, Dy, Pe Diregind Av, Cr Deobey Do Ovelonk, Rj Reps See Dp Ds, ampere pede inerap Sage Up Disa De poi, Dompos,Dsese Disturb, Upset enn Dist" abe, Scns, Say, ke Disseminate Destroy oN Dissolve | Cortote, Crumble, Di rumble; Dis, ode, Me Pismaie “Adve, Cation, Danpen, Deer ete Dscouae iee pice ete Disco Distinguish Acorn, Elevate, Glen, Grace, Distorted, Consort, Deform, Mange, Misshape, Pervert, Warp Distract Addl, Bemuse, Blind, Borer ‘Daze, Disconcer, Divert, Muda Puscle, Throw, Upset, Worry Distress Aft, Agate, Alam, Annoy, Bedev, other, Concer, Discompese, Disconce, Disturb, Flaster, ret, Morty, Sadden, Trouble, Unnerve, Upset, Vex, Worry Disturb Addl, affect, Agizte, Alem, Annoy, ‘Badges, Bother, Compromise, Concer, ‘Confoune, Confront, Confuse, isplease, Disrupt, Dist, Distress, Diy, Enbi,Fze, Floste, Pet, Harms, Haty, Haunt, Mudie, Pexplex, Prt, Peseg, Plague, Race, Roek, Rule, Shock, Sig ‘Trouble, Unset, Upset, Nex, Wobble, Wory Disunite (PL) rea, Cmble, Divide Fragment, Satter, Spline Spit, Unie Diteh Abandon, Drop, Forake, Ut, Reject Divert, Avert, Distt, Intercept, Obsiuct, edie, Sal Diver, 2 Circomvent, Tater, Royale Divide PL) Bist, Cleave, Split, Sunder Divorce Foal, Reject Digg Addie, Agtte, Confuse, Dernge, Disturb, Disque, Fhster, Rall, Unsetde Decor, 1 Advise Dacor, 2. Aduterate, Contaminate Dovge’ Avoid, Greuravent, Elude, Escape, ade, Fle, Out, Sieh, Shun, Sidestep Dominate Coerce, Command, Control, gage Enter, site, Separate,Dose Da Png Sak We Pent, te Inde ite Bai Spe Wa Drenden aces ‘Wet : Dress Cae, oom Dwi “Cc Ct Dok ly ace, Engen, Bene, ‘School, Teach, Thain, Tator nt,2 Pex Pee Dump, He, Eliminate, Exclude, Expl See ome Roe Plunge, Sink, Submerge ™ at “ste Quieten * Deni Anes, soho al Befudlde, Confound, Daze, Flabbergast, Floor, Perplex, Puzzle, Stagger _ Dupe Bamboo, Bele, Chea Con De De Dee ea a soc Monit Cun Sa Aid, Alay, Alleviate, Appease,Assuage Fase Cala, Comfort, Content, Disburden, Lighten, Molt, Pai, Quieten, Relax, Rliew, Sedat, Sete, ‘Smoot, Soothe, Hanguilise cho Ape, Copy, Minor, Pers, Rll alps, 1 Dim, Exinguish, Obsoue, Shroud, Felipe, 2. Exceed, Excel, Outdo, Outshine, COvershadow, Surpass, Tnscend Baify Appaise, Glise, Coach, Couns Galva, Develop, Dsiline, Dall, ducae, Elevate, Falghten, Eccs, Foster, Guide, Improve, Invdetn Inform, Insiuct, Nute, School, Teach, Tai, Tutor Edit Adapt, Amend, Censor, Chee, Comet, mend, Improve Bducate Advise, Apprise, Crise, Coad, ‘Counsel, Cultivate, Develop, Discipline, Dail, Fly, Elevate, Ealighten, Enc, Fest, Groom, Guide, Impros, Indoc trina, Infonn, Instruct, Mould, Nurture, Refine, School, Shap, Teach, Tu, Tain ffce, 1. Cancd, Desnoy,Eradicte, Baise, spunge,Extirpate, Obliterate, Kaze ffce,2- Dim, Humble, Lower ject Banish, Boot, Disbar, Discharge, Dislodge, Demise, Disposess, Drop, Fliinate, Emit, Exclude Elle, Expel, Extra, Fire (Oust, Rejer, Remove, Sack, Spun Hlate Animate, Boost, Brighen, Ches, Elevate, sete, Edilarate, Gladden, Heater, ‘eoiee Romee Lolilec Appoint, Choose, Designate, Endorse, Pick, Select, Hlectrify Activate, Amaze Animate, Astonish [Enerise, Enlven, Excite, Fire, Galense lnspiit, Insight, Jl, Motivate Quicken, Rouse, Shock, Stare, Simla, Stig Thi, Valse lots, 1 Calva, Fly Educate, Empower Enlighten, Grace, Heighten, Improve, Inform, Insicuce, Nuire, Refi, Schoo! Teach Hlovate,2_Augment, Aggrandis, Digi, Disinguish, Emobe, Bale Glo Honou, Promote, Raise, Stenger, Swell, Upgrade, Upit Hleate, 3” Anite, Bost ghten, Cheer, late, Exal,Esite,Exhilaate,Heeren, os, Rouse limite, 1 Barish, Distegnt, Drop, Het, rele, Eepe, Reject Himinate,2 “Aniblae, Deswoy, Eradicate, rcenninate, Kil, Murder Slay, Tonninate ‘Huds, 1 Avoid, Crcunvent, Dodge, Escape rade, Flee, Fo, Forel, Hedge, Outre, ‘Outwits, Shun, Sidestep Hlude, 2 Balle, Block, Confound, Pasta Prurze, Stump, Taye Pmancpate Delve, Discharge, Disencuamber Disengge, Disensnge, Died, ten his, Fre, Liberue, Release, Rescue, Une ‘hain, Untoter, Unleash, Unshaelde, Une Pmascdate Caste, Cippe, Debiliate Disempowe, Enenate, Impovetish, Unman, Weaken Embarrass Discomfort, Discompose, Fuster Huila, Shame Enbatle Challenge, Combat, Cnffont Embed Pant, Root Embiter An Pb 1 Alo, crt, manent Fnllegn 2 fx Gy Ld, re, rockin, per abn ima Ase, Che, Como, Cava, cog, es Rl aren cele aspen, Inopoe Neve Ral Res tow sie, Simla St Sten, Sie, Ve Badace I Cre Ch, Ce hc, Chi, nce, Ec, Ease, > Ee emp ald, Eve Gat ral. ug, Ste res Scar Sc, Sate, Endre 3 hve, Aly A, Ej, Taps, jt ene Enda” Compote ino, Ds, Tame ae, Engl tnt tte Mae Sore mend" eter Cea Check, Come tain more lsh Daca et ply Appi, Con, Depa, ops ato ie cc, Rec, Rt Us vie oer Am, Aho, pc enrol, ete, tn tee, Pe Sn tng" Depa, bows aa tmnt Cory ft tae, Aas, Commis, Dee, Pn ue, Plt, ence Pom ol Smcon a nama le, Anes, Aa, Ree apes (Captivate, Charm, Delight Ercan, Enen Egy, Epi Enh rane ct ses ae Pay7 Delight, Enamou Endeat. Engage Enapture, Entra, Entrance, Fasclnate, Hold, Mesmeris, Myst, Ravish, Spl. hind, Win Prcirle Besiege, Cute, Gaeumscibe, Confine, Cada, Embrace, Enclose Encompass, Enfok, Ent, Envelop, Enwrap, Grasp, Hug, Sumound, Wreathe Endasp Embrace close Cirle, Crcamseribe, Contin Contain, brace, Encl, Ewa, Ff, Envelope, Hold, He Surround, Swathe, Wrap Encompass Desiege, Circle, Crcumscibe, Contin, Conte, Covey Embrace, Enc, Enclose, Enlld, Eogulf. velop, Eawrap, Embrace, Hold, Hug, Inchde, Incorporate, Invobe, Subst, Suround, Swath, Wrap Encounter Confont, Engg, Face, Fight Met Encourage Aber, Advise, Advocate, Ai, Animate, Applaud, Arouse, Assist, Assure, ‘Augment, Back, Befriend, Bolster aos, Champion, Cheer, omfore, Conse, Cleve, Drive, Embolden, Enhearten, Enthuse, Favour, Feed, Fire, Foti, Forvard, Foster, Fuel, Farther Galvani, ond, Heartea, Help, inte, lnlame Influence, tnspire,laspic, igor, if ‘Motivate, Nerve, Nourish, Nurse, Nu, Futons, Pesuade, Pend, Promote, Rally Reassue, Revie, Rouse, Spi, Stimulate Sti, Stoke, Strengthen, Seecouy Support Sustain, Uphold, Uige, Viaise, Will Encumber Bind, Haden, Chain, Clog Compromise, Confine, Contain, Conseit, Contain, Cramp, Cu, Dea, Enmesh, Enlave, Essar, Entangl, Fetter Memes Gee Eatangle Restan, Restrict, Retard, Saddle, Shackle, Tie, Trammel Endanger Ambush, Compromise, Impei Impliente, Tenors, Threaten Endear tna, Bind, Captivate, Charm, Enamour, Enchant, Engage, Esp thrall, Entrance Endorse Abet,Advornte, Air, Approve, Authorise, Bock, Confim, Elect, Ete, Favour Permit, Rati, Recommend, Sanction, Suppor, Sestain, Vindiete, Warne Endow Award, Ensich,Fevous, Fumish Endure Abide, Bear, Bave, Saller, Support, Tolerate, Weather, Withstand rerglse Activate, Animate, rouse, Elect ‘Ege, Enlven, Generate, Goad, Heazten, Inspr, Instigate, lnvigorate, Mociate, Quicken, Refresh, Regenerate, Rouse, Sola, Sue, Spur, isle Enerate Break, Copple, Debits, Demoralise, Devitalise, Disable, Dishearten, Dismay, Dist, Dal, Enasculate,Enieble, Exhaust, Fatigue, Impoverish, Incapactate, Jade, Pras, Recuce, Rest, Sap, Tite, Weaken feeble wreak, Deilitate, Deplete, Deprive, Devas, Disable, Diminish, Dra, erate, Exhaust, Fatigue, tneapacate, Jade, Paralyse, Restrict, Sep, Te, UUndercut, Undemnine, Using, Unnere, ‘Weaken Enfold Circle, Caeumbserbe, Clasp, Cue Embrace, Fncicle, Enclose, Encompass, nga, Envelop,Enwnap, Hold, Hug, Shroud, Surround, Svat, Wrap, Wresthe re Compel. Consieain, ObligateTre, Liberate, Release, Uuchain, Unfettx, Unshaelde Engage, 1 Ata, Are, Anest, Beguie, Betoth, Captivate, Chann, Delight, Divers, Dray, Enamour Enchant, Encounies, Ende, Energise, Engros, Enapran Enthra, Entrance, Fasciste, Grip, Hold, Hook, Hypnos, Increst,Ivole, Mesmerise Engage, 2 Appoint, ind, Commission, Commit, Contact, Employ Eis, Fol, ire, Obligate, Occupy, Recut, Rea, Usiise Prgincer Cont, Manipulate, Mnoucvse, ‘Work Engrs Ames, Cape, Engage, Engull Entrance, Envelop,Fascinate, Fate, tip, Hold, Interest, Involve, Monopois, Seca, Rivet, Spelbind Enguf Arrest, Consume, Deluge, Drown, Encompass, Eloi, Engoss,Eaweop, Hold, tnvobe, Overwhelm, Preooxpy Swatnp Enhearen Boost, Cheer, Comfort, Encourage aus, Fee, Galanise, Generate, Heat, Inspire, Insite Frjoin Cocrce, Concise, Embrace, tckude, Teorporate FEnkindle arouse, Awaken, Face, Fee ‘Generate, igsite, Incite, inflene, lps Invigorat, Kindle, Provoke Prange Avgmene Enlighten Aogusint, Advise, Apprse, Chlise, Coach, Counsel, Caltvate, Develop, Discipline, Dail, Elif, Fducate, Elevate, ester Gude, Improv, thorn, Instruct pS ary Negara Fnlinan Activate, Amise, Animate, Arowse, Awaken, ighten, Chee, Hetil engi, Ete, Exlarae, Fire, Freshen, Generate, Gladden, Hearten, Inspire, Ispit, Insigorte, Light, ‘Motivate, Quicken, Refesh, Restore, Revive, Rouse, Stimulate, hive, ‘iallse, Wien Bamesh Catch, Embrol, Encumber, Ensnare, Entangle, Entra, implicate, valve, Snare, Tammel, ap Pnnoble Aggrandse, Digi, Hevte, Ente, Bal, Glo, Honour arage Aggrvate, Impasson, Incense, Ince, infrite, Maden, Outage, Tafa Provoke Emapture Beguile,Bewitch, Captivate, Charm, Delight, Enamour Enchant Endesr, Engage, Entertain, Endl, nance, Fascia, Hypnotse, Mesmerise, Rash Spelltind, Theil rich, Adorn, Award, Beautify, Hedeck, Dedk, Decorate, Fst Festoon, Furish, (Ornament, Revaed Enrich, 2 Calvate, vce, Endow Enrol Appoint, Engage . Bhrine Adore, Alte, Cherish, Cohsecrae, Conserve, Honour Idlise, Immartalse, Prise, Treasure, Value, Venera, Worship Faslave Bind, Chat, Confine, Ecumb, Fetter Hold, Manacle, Pinion, Shale Fnsnare Ambush, Capture, Cte, Conf Deceive, Decoy, Encumber, nme, Entangle, Emre, Hijack, Hook, lumpia, Induce, Involve, Lae, Nab, Net Seduce, Snare, Trammel,Pnlertain Ams, Delight, Dv, os, Intrgu, Reale Enthralegule,Bewteh, Captivate, Charm, Delight, smo, chant, Ende, Eng Enrapanre, Entrance, Fascnate. Hypmovie Inrigue, Mesmerise, ve, Spelbind Enthuse Encourage, Eobesren, Exit, Rally Entice Altre, Attics, Beckon, Bepuie,Cajole, osx, Cost, Deco, Entap,Fascinate, Induce, Ivegi, Lin, Persad, Perse, Seduce, Temp, Woo Enide Authorse, Deeg, Empower Indorse, Ennobie, License, Permit, Qualify, Santon, Warrant Entrance Bepul, Bewiteh, Capa, Charm, Compel, Delight, Enamout Enchane, Endear,Engros, Enthral,Enrapere, Fascinate, Hol, Hypnotise, Inolve, Mesmerise, Rash, Spellind nt Abvduct, Bit, Barnbooske, Con, Deceive, Decoy, Entice, Hoa, Hook, Inde, laveigle, ture, Net, ick Enireat Beg, Reseech, Conjure, Implore Importune, Peon, Solicit, Urge Entrust Consign, Credit Enovine PL) Joi, Link, Ti Brvelop Absorb, Ce, Ccumbsexe, Clasp, Consume, Deluge, Brown, Binbrace, Encirle, Flas, Encompass, Enfld Enguif Engioss, Enwrap, Hold, Hg Overwhelm, Stood, Stroud Sinp, ‘ape, able, Swathe, Wrap Beno Alienate, Disa, Embiter, isn Sour Enmerap Clasp, Embrace, Encvele, Enclose, Encompass, Enfld, Enelop, Hold, Shroud, Swathe, Wrap Equal Match qualise Balance quip Accommodate, Arm, Faris, Prepare Eradicate Abolish, Anna, Banish, Caneel, Destroy, Eface, Himinite, Excise, Expunge, Exterminate, Extnguish, uapate Kl, Oblterte, Raze Frode Crumble, Dissolve scape Avoid, Crcurvent, Dodge, Ehud, ade, Fle, Frusuate, Out, Shit shun scort Accompany, Atend, Chaperone, Cour, Defend, Guard, Gide, ead, Safeguard spouse Accept, Adopt, Back, Embrace, Matry Suppor, Wed, Welcome teem Adie, Respect, Revere, Vale Estimate Analyse, Appraise, Assess, Calla, Examine, Gatige, Measure, Value Facute Discard, Discharge, Disodge, Disposses, Fject, Ele, Bape, Os Rernone Pade Avoid, Cireurmvent, Dodge, Elude Shik, Sun, Eseape, Fle, Outrun, Pas. sidestep, Stall evaluate Analyse, Appraise, Assess, Consider, CComtemplae, Estimate, Gauge, Measure, Weigh vohe Reckon, Call, Conjure, Rowse, Summon Fxacerbate Agave . alt Acclaim, Adore, Adalat, Agra Boost, Compliment, Dei, Dg, Elevate, Ennoble, Glo, Hal, Hearen, Heighten, ono iolise, Lif, Praise, Promote, Raise, Slut, Stengihen, Sel, samine Analyse, Consider, Contemplate, Disoc, Estima, Gauge, Pense, Sean, Sensis, Study, Test, Wig Fuasperate Agate, Annoy, Antagons, Incense, Ifurae, Itate, Provoke, Weary Fsceed Netter, clips, Exel, Ondo, Oushie Surpass, Tanscend cel Eclipse, Exceed, cise Annthlate, Cancel, Destroy, Dim, face, Eadicate, Etipate, Oblitrte Reree ‘Buite Animate, rouse, Astonish, Awake, Boost, Brighten, Captivate, Cheer, Delight Ele, ect, Kewate, Enkin, Ealven, Enthuse, Exhizae, Fan, Fire, laser Galvanise, Hearten, mpassion, Ince, Infect, inflame, Inspire, Insp, Itoncate, Invigorate, fol, Kindle, Motivate, Quicken, Provoke, Rouse, Shack, Spark, Sate, Stimulate, Stoke, Suengthen, Til Tillate, Up, Vitalie, Wilken, Weer Bxcde Dan, Banish, Bat, Boycor, Censor, Debar Disallow, Dsbat, Disregard, Disqualiy, Drop, Kec, Eliminate, Fxemps, Expel, Forbid, ignore, Obstrct, Ostrace, Outta, Prokbi, Refuse, Reject, Spin Exeulpate Absolve, Exonerte, Farge, “Liberate, Pardon Fxcuse Acquit, Clear, ondone, Exempt, xonerte Fongve, Pardon, Spare Yindicate ecewe Annie, Destny, Exerminate, Finish tmpale, Kil, Lynch, Murder, Shoot, Sy, tome, Terminate Exempt “Absole,Acquit, Exclude, Excuse, Spare uercse Drill, Fall Improve Exhaust Debiltate, Deplte, Devtals Diminish, Disable, Dan, py, Enenate, Enfeebe, Fuge, impoversh, Imeapucitae, Jade, Mil, Reduce, Sep, Te, Unhing, Weaken, Weary Eshilarate Animate, Boost, Brighten, Delight, late, Elevate, Eniven, Exit, Fi, laden, Heat, Infante, Inspie Inspici, Intact, tnvigorte, Ome hort Tre Ged, Hang, Has, pe In, Rule, aly fe" anh, toe, Dini, Dias, Dopostan Bese Banat Osta, oust rronerte Abs, Aa, less Disha, Theat, acs, oe, et Pare Fag, Pty Rese, Md spond Bost, De ie Pape Rens, Das, ih Dam, Dspmas, Drop Et Et, Era Ende, rd, Fe mpl Osc, Ot, Propel weet en apt oe, Manip, Mise, Seid pose Aca, Cone, eet, ame, Skin, Seip, Uncover sprite Dep, Dips yung Anaae, Cace, soy, Ele re, Ext, Obie Estee ste, nce Dest lm te, act, nh Masa bite, Remon Sager Estngsh Anna, Coa, Ep ica Ose Sube, eae sare Estipte Aan, Cancel, Des Est Appian, Complies, Eien, iy avd Pie, Pci, pet stat Cone! Bt Dr Pall tae Bet, pelFace eave, Confont, Encountes, Meet Fuclate Enable Familiarize Accastom, Acquaint, Conch, Habiuae, Instruct, School, Season, in Foon Agiate, rouse, Ext, Provo, Rouse, stimulate Fescinate lore, Ar sgl, Bewiteh, Capa, Chas, Compl, Daze, Delight, Enamouz Enchant, Engage, Engoss, Eneapure, Ents, Enniee, Entrance, Hold, Hypnots, Influence, tnt, Inge, Mesmers, 1, Act, Rivet, Title Father Foster, Mother, Parent, Ras, Rear Fuigue Debiltae, Deplewe, Deprive, Deities, Diminish, Drain, Enerate Enecbe, shan, Haris, Incapacitate Jade, Sap, “he, Uninge, Wesken, Weary Fimour Aber, Accommodate, Advocate, Afi, Ald, Approve, Assist, Authors, Aver, Back, eliend, Boost, Champion, Confim, Encourage, Endowse, Endo, Enrich, Fonvard, Foster Grace, Grail, Help Honour Indulge, Oblge, Pamper,” Paronise, Promote, Ral, Recommend, evar, Sanction, Spoil, Stegten Faze Agate, Balle, Rewilder, other, Confuse, Daze, Daze, Disturb, Flammox, Fist Jumble, Madele Mysty, 8 Puzzle, Unset Feed _Augment, Bolstes, Encourage, Foster, Pe Nourish, Nutr, Steneter, Cas, Coane, Cons onsit,Ca, Erembe s, | Hope ek Mae, Paom, Resin, | ese Shc Te Mana Ite Deve Swe’ Fikes tack Rte, Box, Chailenge, Combat, coum He ick Appi, Nsom, Mise Ni ls Pinch, Pi, Ra, Se spe In tad, Repensh,S, Sao, Sen Stee Swe Bock ie mpeg Py. Sep, Fash 1 Aone, Dele, Desay, ete, Tee, Rt, a, ome nh 2 Compe Fr 1 Aste, ae, a Che Esti Pin nome, Eo Enkin, Ene ae, ne, a Gavan, Gene, lac een tei inde fie nmi, ha, Igoe, Kd Lau Moth, Pv oe, Que tac Soot, Stub, te, Sentry, oa “age Wien uae Pr, 2 “anh, change Dia, Ds Dispose, et ape, teen sa 1A Arcos ind ond, Ch, Pi, See, Te We 12 Anco Men oper Fate Capua ngs Memes Fabtopas Anace,Asoish hcend, intound Da ac, Duend, Shock Sos San, Supe agit eat ch, Cae Cig, Fog Tash, Spank, Stap, Tan, Thrash, Whip ait Bea, Thrash Flatten Bulldoze, Demolish, Flot, Knock Raze, Squash, Triple 1 Fu, 2 se _ FF [Matter Beguile, Bute, Caole, har, Coss, Compliment, Deceve, Humour, vege Ret Flay Blast, Pee, Skin, Uncover lee Cireunwent, Dodge, Elude, Fscape, Evade, Lee, Outrun Blackasil, Chest, Defiaud, Dil, Ranseck, Rob, Skin, Strip, Swindle Fick lp, Hi, Jab, Peck, Rap, Tap, Ts, foe Fling Chuck, Pitch, rope, Sing, Throw, Tass Flip. Hick, Snap, Theo, Toss, Twist Flog. Beat, Bl, bzch, Bludgeon, Casegate, Chast, Fagellat, Hanmer, it, Lambast, Lash, Ponch, Rap, Scourge, Siap, Slug, Smack, Smite, Sock, Soap, Tan, Thrash, ounee, Wallop, Whack, Whip Foor, 1 Amaze, Astonish, Astound, Bale Bewilder, Confound, Deck, Defies, Discomi,Disconcet, Dumbfound Perples, Puzle, Stump, Throw Flor, 2 Beat, Conquer, Defeat, Demolish, Fl Flaten, Overthrow, Raze Hummax Safle, Bemase, Bewider, Cnfound, Confuse, Daze, Fae, Stump, Peles, Pure luster Agia, Bother, Confuse, Discomiit, Discompose, Diseoncer, Diss, Dist, Dizy, Emharass, Fe, Hassle, Huy, Pani, Petar, Rattle, Rll, Unnerve, Upset, Ves Focus Conte, Concentrate, Diet, Ground Foil, tale, Greurvent, Confond, Ede, strate, Ovewt,Puzle, Thwart Parry Foil, 2 Defeat, Null, Stop, Stump Follow, 1 Accompany, Chase, Pursue, Sal Tak, Tal Follow, 2 Emulate, Sere Fleece Unset,Fondle Cares, Cul, Grope, Hug, Manipulate, Mou, tt, Fr, Pet, Stoke Fool Bamboorle, Beg, Buf, Cheat, Con, Deseive, Dftaud, Delade, Diddle, Dupe, Gill, Hoax, Hoodwink, Kid Mislead, (Ourwit, Tease, Tick Forbid Ban, Bar, Fselude, Debus, Disallow, hibit, neds, Outlaw, Pech Pookibit, Prose Torce Compe, Drie, Exhort, Hustle, tmp, Obligate, Press, Pressure, Pressure, Push, Thrust, Urge, Wrench Forestall Tale, Block, Cheuimvent, Fade, Frastrate, Hinder, Pay, Stop, Stamp, Twat Forgive Absolve, Acquit, Condone, Eculpae, Excuse, Exonerste, Purdon Form Create, Mould, Work Forsake Abdon, Betay, Desert, Discard, Dich, Divorce, Drop, Dump, lt, Leave, Relinquish, Renounce, Surender Torward —Abet, Advocate, Aid, Asis, Bost, Champion, Encourage, Favour Further, Holp,Patonise, Promote, Push, Spas, nen, Suecour, Suppor, Upgrade Uphold, Urge Forewarn lect, Wan Forify, 1 Darcade, Hades, dnure, Proves Reinforce, Secure, Strengthen, Suppo Toughen Tort; 2 Cheer, Ebon, Encourage, Hearen, lvigoat, Renssue, Sustain Foster Abet, Accommodate, Aid, Boost, Coach, Cultvate, Develop, Discipline, ay dvcate, Encourage, Elighten, Fathes, vous Feed, Help, Motes, Nourish, Nurse, Nunta, Raise, Rear, Suppor Sustain, Teach Foul Besmeat, Contamina, Defle, Diy, Polite, Smear, Soll, Sain, Taine © Pructure Break, Crack, Splinter Spit Fragment Break, Crumble, Dist, Shate, Splines Splie Free Clas Discharge, Dele, Disecumber, Dis engi, Disetange, Dental, Emancpate Enfranchise, Liberate, Pacem, Redeem, Re lev, Release, Rescue, Unbutden, Unchaln, Undo, Unfeter Unleash, Unshackl, Unie Freeze, Numb, Rehigerste reese, Arrest, Immobllis, activate, Parse, Pei, Stun Freshen Enliven,Galvanis,Invigorat, Relies, Restore, Revialse, Revive, Rowse Stimulate, Tievate, Uplit Fret Aggie, Agitate, Aunoy, Belge, Bother, Bug, Distess, Distr, Feu, ester, Provoke, ile, fle, Tease, Trouble Ups, Vex FPrighien Aight, Alamo, Appl, Bully, Deter, Disconcer, Haunt, Hor Intimidate, Menace, Panic, Pei, Seaze, Shock, Spook, Sane, Te, Temorse Frisk Foil, Chek, Inspec, Search Prastate Aageavate, fl, Bedi Greumvent, Cofound, Confront, Cipple, Defeat, Disappoint, Elude, Escape Fol, Foresal, Hal, Haras, Hinder Ib, Neuralie, Sli, Torment Puddle Bemuse, Coatus, Intoicate Fuel” Augment, Bolster Change, Encourage, Feed, Fir, Ince, inflame, Nur, Stoke, Siengien, Sustain Furnish Award, Ende, Decorate, Endo Enrich, Bauip| Further Abet, Advocate, Aid, Assist, Boos, ‘Champion, Encourage, Forward, Help, Patrons, Promote, Push, Sp Stengthen hus, Upgrade Succour, Support, Fuse Bond, Join Fuse Bother, Nigge oGag. Block, Choke, Cub, Hinder, Mule, Mote, Muzzle, Quicten, Repres, Restrain Silence, Sle, Suppress, Thole Gabvanse Activate Animate, Ause, Awaken, Animate, Elec, Encourage, Ensen, cite, Fie, Freshen, Generate, Jolt, Incite, Inspite, Inspr, Invgorte, Moswate, Move, Provoke, Quicken, Rouse, Shock, Spur Stare, Ssimulae, Sa Thal, Vise, Wake Gash Cleave, Cut, Gouge, nese, Lacerate, Stash, St Tear, Wound Gauge Appraise, Assess, onside, ‘Contemplate, Estimate, Fate, Famine Judge, Measure, Monto, Rank, Rate, Weigh Generate Activate, Agate, Arouse, Avan, eget, Energise, Enheartn, Enkin Enlivn, Fite, Gabnise, Inet, Inlame, Inspire, Ieest,ltrgb,Ilgoat, Kinde, Move, Prompr, Provoke, Qh Raise, Revive, Rowse, Spat Stimulate, So, ge, Vise, Ween Gladden Arms, ight, Cheer, Comer, Content, Delight, Eat, Elven, Eahilarate, Gray, Heart, Jolly Lighten, Pease Gorfy claim, Agpandise,Appland, Bess, Digafy, Distinguish, Hlevate, Embizzon, Emeble, Ext, Excl, Hal, Hono Idols Lad, Prise, Prelaim, Revere Sancti, Toast, Worship Goad Abe, Annoy, Arouse, Badges, rivePressure, Pro, Prompt, Prope, Pash, Quicken, Rush, Spur Sizaalae, Sting Tease, Une Gouge Cleave, Ct, Gash, Hack, cise, Kn Lacerate, Mau, Pek, Sas, St, pit, Teac Wound Govern Command, Conduct, Conte, Direc, Discipline, Dominate, Dominer Guide Lea, Manage, Mater, Onder, Re, Stet Grab Capeure, Coed, Cluich, Embrace, Gaip, Pack, Pll, Seize, Sate, ag, Wench, Wiest Grace Avorn, Beautify, Dignity, Distinguish, Hevae, Grade Brand, Cas, Csi, Rank, Rate, Value Grasp Clotch, Embree, Encl, Grab, Gap, Seize Graify Arsase, Content, Delight Gladden, Famous, tng, Peas Pleasure, Saily Greet Ackuoedge, Address, Approach Complimen, Hal, Meee Receive Recognise, Sale, Welcome Grill Cross-examine,Interogue, Ques Quiz Grip, 1 Clasp, hatch, Gab, Grasp Grip, 2 Engage, Engsoss, Hold Invabe, Mesmerise, Seize, Spelbind Groom Brush, Coach, Diss, Dil, Edict, Instruct, Nut, Prepve, Pine, Sophisticate, Teach, Tain, Tato Grope Fond, sal, Paw Ground Yalance, Cet, Focus, Level NNeauuise, Pant, Regulate, Root, Secure, Settle, Stabile Steady Guard Detend, Escon, Safeguard, Sec, Shelter, Sie, Proeet Guide, 1 Advise, Coach, Counsel, Dict, Ey fale, Schoo Shepherd, Sues Tench ior ude?" Conder, icon, Peele, Lad Shepherd, User Tunboose Get, Com, Dele, Dupe, foo, Mou Hon i, Misa, ‘Ourwit, Swine, Hck ultHabluate Accastom, Condition, Famiarse, ‘season Hack Chop, Cleave, Ct, Gouge, Laceate are, Slash, un ail Acclaim, Adknowledge, Adres, Applud, Cheer, Exalt, Glory, Greet, Honour, Pre, Salute, Welcome Hallow Anois, Bless, Praise, Sancfy alt Ames, Block, Contr, Cab, ‘ristte, Immobilise, impede, bstrut, Palys, Resta, Stl, Stop Hammer Bang, Baer, Beat, Belt, Clobber, Crush, Fog, Hit, Knock, Pound, Purmel, Panch, Slug. Sock, Spank, Ske, Thump, ‘iallop, Whacle Hamper Bo, Ba, Block, Burden, Chain, Clog, Confne, Constian, Const, Camp, Curb, Dee, Diseupr, Encumber, Feet, Handicap, Hinder, pai Impede, Inconvenence, Lime, Obstrucr, Oppress, (Overlosd,Restan, Restrict, Rear, Saddle, Stull, Thwart, Te, Hammel Handicap Burden, Clog, Cramp, Curb, Encumber, Hamper Hinde, Impof, Impede, Ineonvenience, Limit, Obst, (Overload, Restrict, Retard, Saddle ‘Trammel Hearangue Abuse, Exhort, Lash, Lecture, Hlarass Aggeavate, Agate, Annoy, Aniagonise, alge Bt, Bcewil,Beseg, Bombard, Bother, Browbeat, Bully, Chide, Cesc, Disturb, Exhort, agus, Frustate, Goad, ee ae Gee eePovo, ete, Tin Trouble, Upset, Vex, Worry ° Haru Wet, Pet Sd Harden er ioe, Rene, Se, Sen ‘Strengthen, Toughen . Farm Abie, sil rea, Damage Fr np jure Nal Mar Misia suomi Die nd, ag leone Alan, He Campos, tconle Settle, Soothe a Mary Aonoy Bags eet, Besg, boy Depo Disb, Hares, Has Heed, Se Opps, Reet Tears Toes Pursue, Tease, Torment, Trouble, Vix ase Agparae,Agta, Satay Assi Badger, Bait, Rede, Besege, Bother, Bag, Fs, rs, ay Hd, Neg, Nile Poe lacie Torment, Houle Vee Win) Masten “Accent Gin, Harty He, Pes wah Gace, te lune Case, Dist, he, Tb, Woy Se ee Move, Hot Hak? Poms te a2 Harmonise, Rona, See, Soothe Care, Help, Mend, Regenerate, Remedy, Rep, Restor, areat Here ote sre ves Gh: Cin, Cone ine So, a Balen ae Bute Eee ee "ery hen, nine pes i i igen ese ae Renu, Revie ne Rae Vitalise shes aoe Meat Dales at, Ds, Han, Hen “ec ie, ees ee Hector _Aggrwate, Badges, Browbeat, Bully ‘Chide, Critics, Haas, Helle, Henpeak, Inia, Jer, Nag, Pests, Plague, Provoke, Scold, Teste, Torment, Worry Hedge | Ccumbscribe, Circomvent, Eide shirk Heighten Auggment, Boost, leva, at, Lf Raise, Srengthen, Swell Help Abst, Aid, Alleviate, Assist, Bock, Beliend, Boost, Encourage, Favour, Forward, ester Farther, Ge, Heal, Nurse, Patonice, Promote, Relieve, Remedy, Restore, Serve, Stengihes, Seco, Support, Tete Henpeck Bully, Browbeat, Cide, Crise, Crowd, Haras, HecoItimidate, Nog, Niggle, Hester, Sold, Tormen Hijack Capture, Ensnare, Kidnap, Phock, Seize cach, Steal, rors, Threaten Hinder Annoy, Ba, Block, Burden, Cheek, ‘Clog, Cratp, Caipple, Cu, Debs, Del, Deter Detain, Disable, Discourge, encumber, Forestall, Frustat, Gag, Hamper, Handicap, Impai Impede, Inconvenience, Mat, Obstuct, Opps, ‘Overload, estan, Restrict, Retard, Sade, Thar, Tamed, Wing Appoint, Commission, Ezploy Engle, els, Retain Assault, tang Bash, Bat, Bates, Bate, Beat, Bal, Box, Clip, Clobbber, Cou, Crown, Cdgel, Cf, Damage, Deck Fight, Fick, Flog, Hammer, Knock, Punch, Rap, Slap, Slug, Smack Smite, Sock, See, Swat, Thump, Wallop, Whack, Zap Tamboote, Bll, Cheat, Can, Deosive, Defsud, Delnde, Diddle, Dupe, Enenp, Fool, Gl, Kid, Mislead, Our, Swindle, Trap, Tick,Hog Appropriate, Hota, Monopolise Hoist Fete, Lit, Raise, Upif. Uprise Mold, 1 Carry, Clasp, Catch, Cradle, Cuddle Cup, Embrace, Encompass, Fnfeld, Eng Enelop, Enwrap, Grip Hug, Shoulder, Sbsume, Seppore Mold, 2_Arrest, ind, Capsure, Chain, Confine, Contain, Cun, Detain, Enclose, Enslne, Fetter, Harbour, Hog, tmrison, Keep, Manacle, Poses, Retain, Shale, Srop ‘Hold, Enchant, Engage, Engrs, Eneanee, isinate, Occupy, Prenocupy,Transfie Honour Acca, Admive,Agprandse Applaud, Avard, Blazon, Commend, Compliment, Conseerte, Credit, Coown, Digni Distinguish, Elevate, Ennoble, shrine, Exal,Favous, Golf, Hall Onis, Pras, Prize, Respece, Revere, Reva, Salute, Toast, Teasure, Value, Yenerate Hoodvink Waanbooce,Heguile, Chest, Con, Delud, Diddle, Dupe, Foo, Gl, Kid. Mise, Swindle, Tick Mook Catch, Eogage, Ensnare, Entap, Soave, ap Horny Altigh, Alas, Appl, Disguse, Frighten, Nawsete, Outage, Rely Repel, Shock, Sieken, Teri Tenonse Host Entertain Mound Dadger, a, Besiege, Borabard, Bly Goat, Hares, Hany, Hassle, Hane, Nap, Persecute, Pst Putsue Vex Howse Acconimodate, Safeguard, Shelter Shield ug. Caress, Clinch, Cuddle, Embrace, Encicle, Enclose, Encompass, Enfol nvelop, Fawrsp, Fond, old, ren Squeeze, Surnound ‘Humble Chasten, Crus, Debase, Delt, Degrade, Demean, Deinoe, Disgrace, , Downgrade, Ee, Hui, Lome Role, Shine, Su, Se uit Rlte, Crh, Ct, Debs, Daflte, Dee, Dement, Dig Enbrel, Rel, Shame mou" Anse, Conte, Pate Gt mates ‘Smooth dug, Mel Pompe unt» Cas, Hak, Hound Pure, tal tk tury Accent, Hse Goal, Hae, , aml, Incite, Push, Quicken, Rush tr Shs, Alli, Agate, Ae, sim Da Dsl Ha Male aw Impl are, nl ' Mes, ing, Weaker, Wonnd, Wig tush appease, Cl, Ll Mali Me, utse, Qulten, Sle, Sot, Sl, Stibe ae mo in a en nny, se Move, Neng, Ph, a Shove, Thrast, : epule, Bewitch, Capivate, Cham, Hypmotse Bos Dazale, Engage, Ensim, Enda, trance, Fascnace, Magnetic, Mesmesse, Rive, Spllbind, Tanstocalse Adore, Amie, Ador, Adulte, Defy TEnsine, Ex, Glory Praise, Revere Sancti, Treasure, Venerate, Worship Ignite Awaken, Brighten, Enkindle, Fe Inflre, inspire, Kindle, Light, Spar, “Tigger i Iguore Boycort, Disobey, Disegad, Exclude, | "Neglect, Omit, Overlook, Reject, Say Spurn Imbue "Drench, Fill fas, Sarurate Fmitate Ape, Caricature, Copy, Emulate, Trmpersonate, Mimic, Mor, Parody, Paot Inmablse Arrest, Cripple, Disable, Freeze, Nim Palys, Pete, Pinion, Stop Stun Immlate Buen, temerate alt, Inacivate,Incapacta Immoraise Cherish, Consecrate, Conse, Dei Enshine,Teasure Impair Abuse, Aggrvste, Blemish, Bight ‘Cloud, Contarinaze, Comp, Cpe, ‘Damage, Debace, Deface, Defi, Deform, Demoralise,Deplee, Depive, Derange | Disable, Hamper, Handicap, Horm, Hinder ort, lure, Maim, Mar, Mal, Msshape Modi, Retard, Ru, ‘Warp, Weaken Impale Execute, Knife, Lance, Pierce, Priel Pancrure, Skesver Spl, Stab Impassion Arouse, Enape, Excite, Het, aflame, Insplnit, Rouse, Simulate, Sti 1p, Spal, Taint, ree, Denounce, ee aines nore, ner, ei temp, Obert Opes, Ove, Rexone ean Rest Retard Sel Sp, iy, Tha sel Inet “Aeiae,Age,Aiate Compl Dr, Eko Expl, ace, Ge, Ine nap, tga, Motte, Mone Pera, Pes, Ps Pr, Fema Bape Pah Rou Spr si ie Imperi”Cmponie, Ese Jepad, ts, Tieaea me Imperato, tate, Mi Implate "Compose isu, Ea, acum Eng; Enmes, Ee, Eng cnn, ie nae Tap Impl eg, Bese Enea, ein, Ps, sole Importing Feat, Pe Slt Impundiprcn, naete est, este Impovrh ea, Cpe Dei, Dee, ep, iin, Dri, Pmalre, Ect, Est Rees Ran, Sp Ween Impregte ite, Rnee, Pome, Ee Ingress As, se, Dae Tier Mors, ch Imprion "Cie, ean, Hell, pond, Ino, Res Tap Improve A, And, ei, Bee Rei Boos, Cie, Coch, Cre Cla ue, Develop, Ei Ec, Fest, Deve Een nlghen, fee, Ge Mod Nae, oh ee, ee, Fehr, Rene Schon Shape Inaetivate Freeze, immobise, Numb, Stop Thcapactate Break, Cripple, Debiltate, Depive, Devils, Disable, Drain, Frente, Enfeeble, Exhaust, Fag, Immobilise, Pray, Rest, Sabotage, Sap, Tire, Unnerve, Weaken Incarcerate Cage, Impound, Imprison, Restrain, Resuict Iroense Antagonis, Enrage, Eisperate, Teflame, infurate, Madden, Ouage, Vox cnerate Burn, Destroy, Immolte Thctse Cleave, Cat, Gash, Gouge, Lacerate, Slash, Sit, Spi, Teas, Wound Incite Agha, Animate, Aouse, Avaken, eget, Call, Embolden, Encourage, Enkindle, Enrage, Fite, chor, Foe, Galanise, Generte, Goad, Hurry, mp Induce, flame, tniluenc, Inspire, spin, rnstgnte, Invgotate, Kindle, Motte, TPersuade, Prod, Propel, Provoke, Quicken Rly, Rouse, Spar, Spas Stimulate, Stig une Include "Encompass, Enjoin, Icomporate, Toegiat, Inve Incomvenience | Hothes, Burden, Encumbe, Hamper, Handicap, Hinder, Impede, (Overload, Retard, Saddle, armel Imeorporate Absorb, Embrace, Encompass, joi, Ince, Integrate, Jon, Subsume Ineriminate "Aecuse, Ble, Change, Impliate, vole Indie Accse, Arign, Aac, Ban, Blame, ‘Charge, Denounce, Impeach, Prohibit Prosecute Indocrinate-Besinwash, Coxch, Condition, ‘Convert, Discipline, Dil, Pay, Educate, School, Teach, Tals, Tor leduce Altre Atreact, Bewuile, Bribe, Ensnaze,Induct tite Indulge Appease,Favout, Grail, Hemou Moliycodle, Pamper, Pacate, Pease Pleasure, Reale, Reward, Sas Spoil, “oleate Imebriate Incaieate, Stapely, Unbalaoce, Unhinge Infect Blight, Contaminate,Comape, Exit Inattentive, ‘Penetrate, Swamp . Vane fein A Ais, foe, tabs, Eng Tings ce lane ie Inet dp Male, Nem Re, Sima Ste Siphon, ie’ "aun Sa Iota cng Fh, Go Manip, Morte, Open, Pema ‘Steer, Tempt, Urge, Work " Ign, Gace, os Ney In, en, Ourge i ae i Infse Drench, imbue, Satuate, Soak, Suse, esp, Inhibit Block, Conseain, Cramp, Cur, Detain, Discourge, Forbid, Frastnte, Obstet, Prohibit, Restain, Stop Inlate Activate, Admit, Inde Injure Alnise, Bate, Break, Braise, Cipple, ‘Damage, Deface, Harm, Hur, Imp, Insult, Misa, Mar Mise, Rn, Spo ‘Weaken, Wound, Wrong Iocadate Prot, Saleguard Inspect Check, Frisk, Investig Scrtinise Search Inspire Animate, rouse, Awaken, Brighten, ‘Cheer, Embolden, Encourage, Enea, Enléndle, Elven, Face, Eerie, Fire, Galanise, Generate, Hearen, Het, lite, Impel, net, tlle, Influence, Insp, tavigorste, Kindle, Motivate, Propel, Provoke, Rally, Rouse, Spark, Spur Stimulate, Sig, Vieise Inspirit Act, Animate, Assure, Brighten, Chee, Electr Embolden, Encourage, Energise, Enbesreen, Eniven, Ex haat, Fie, Glvanise, Hearten, Heat, Timpasion Inst, Inlame, inspite Tevigoate, Motiace, Nerve, Raise, Rally Reassure, Regenerate, Revie, Rouse, Stimulate, Stig, Strengthen, Upht, Vise Insiruct Advise, Appise, Bid, Cvs Cone, ‘Command, Compel, Counsel, Catvae, Develop, Discipline, Dail, Fly, Educate, Elevate, Enlighten, Fanlarise, Groom, Gide, Inform, Lect, Onde, School, Teac, Tain, Tutor Insulate Protec, Safeguard Insult Abuse, Aon, Antagonise Bruise, arse, Cass, Degrade, Denigae, Hurt Injre, Jee, Libel, Mock, Offend, OutageInstigate Activate, Energise, tmp incite, Monivate, Prompt, Quicken, Stimulate Intercept Block, Check, Delet, Diver Impede, Obsinct, Sop Interdit Ban, Bash, Ba, Block, Fob, Impede, Prohibit, Rest, Stop Interest Ate, Arm, Arouse, Diver, Engage, Engoss, Faciate, Gener, Impress, Intrigue, Invobe Interrogete Challenge, Coss-examine, Gril Interview, Probe, Pump, Question, Quiz Interview Crose-cxamine. Interrogate Question, Quiz Inerrape Disc, Impede Integrate Include, Ineorporate Intinidate Blackmail, rts, Bully, Chie, Deter Dishearen,Disint. Frighten aru, Heetar, Menpeck, Menace Repress, Tronic, Threaten, Toxment, Frise Intxicate Arouse, Ute, Exile, Fd, Inbriate,Inlame, Invigorte, Unbakance Intrigue rouse, Acact,Captvte, Charm, [Enteran, Enhzl,Fascinate, Generite, Invest, Rivet Imudate Ssaenp Inure Rony, Harden, Reinforce, Strengtien Invade Assi, Assault, Atack, Inet, nfitate, enetat, ermeate, Raid, Ravage Invalidate Cancel, Debate, Disable, Negte, Nill, Over, Overule, Revoke, Undereu, Weaken Inveige Allure, Begile, Cajoe, Charm, Com, ‘Con, Court, Deeoy Entice, Entra, Platter hue Investigate Analyse, Cros-examine, spec, Probe, Question, Serasinise Invigorate Activate, Animate, Aros, Bost, Tighten, Chee Fleer, Embokden, Encourage, Energie, Enkin, Enliven, , ite, Eilat, re, Fotify Freshen, Galvanise, Teflame,lospive,laspint, Inox, Jl, hy crate, Heaven, Incl Fe, Mowe Nene Promote | Sinton Resse ees eens ' atte ne: Roe, Shek, Sten wate, Su Senge, Sava Uh tnt tsk, Wcone te Alo, one Peon Samm Take ht ie seme, cbs Fogg, mos. Esl Foes Eason, Ete, Enso, Cin pare tne, note tenia, nes, Pocey vi ate, Amy, tons Bal oe a, pee tne, Nec RE, ‘ese, Plague, Provoke, ile, Rifle, Vo Weary ‘ 2, Antagonise, Balt Irate Apgravate, Annoy devi, Exasperat, Hars, Ik, Madden Nag, Neck, Needle, Nete, Nig, ve: ester, Plague, Provole, Rate, file, Tease, Torment, Vex Isolate (PL) Dexa, Disconnect, Maroon, ‘Seppe, Separate !Jab Bump, Dig, bow, Hick, Knock, Nudge Poke, Prod, Punch, Touch Jade Devtalse, Disappoint, Drain, Eneeate Enfeebe, Exhaust, Fatigue, Sap, Tre, Weary Jeer Abus, Bait, Heele, Hert Isl Je ‘Mock, Peter, Ridicule, Taunt Jeopandise "Imperi, Threaten, Terie jie" Heed, eer Rieu, Tas, Taunt “tte Absvion, Betray, Desert, Ditch, Dp, Tera, Lene, Refer, Rlinguish [Join (PD) Ally, Entvine, Fuse, Incorporate ink, Many, Match | Jolly Cheer, Gladden, Heasten Jolt Amaze, Astonish, Elect, Exe, Pre Galeaise, vigrate, Rouse, Shock, Sal, Semulte, Stir Jose Bump, Czowd, Elbow, tose, Nudge, Pash, Shove Judge, 1 Analyse, Appraise, Consider, Gags, Measste Judge, 2 Adjueate, Aiea, Assess, Referee, i ‘iy, Unite Jumble Agate, Befudle, Conse, Faz, ake, atKeep Conserve, Control, Hold, Possess, Retain Kick Boot Kd Segue, Delude, Foo, Gull, Hosx, oodwink, Mock, Ridicule, Tease, ck Kidnap” Absuce, Capture, Hijack, Seize Kil Avalilat, Butcher, Destroy, Eliminate, aie, Execute, Exterminate, Lynch, ude, Serie, Sa, Terminate, Zap Kindle Arouse, Awaken, Bar, Enkin eet Fie, Gener, lite, nc, Faflame, Inspire, lvigorat, Light, Rekinle, Spare Soke, Waken iss Brush, Cres, Peck, Tosh Knife Cut, Gouge, Impae, Pierce, Skewes, Sash, i, Stn, Wound Knight Dignfy Kock, 1 Attack, Bang, Beat, Bump, Clbber ‘Cul, Call, Defame, Demolish, EBbow, Flaten, Hasumer, Hit, Jab, Lambast ‘Nudge, Panch, Push, Rap, Shove, Sing, Sock, Wallop Knock, 2 Abuse, Atac, Beli, erate, ‘Censare, Crise, Rebull, SlanderLabel Class, Marke Lacerate Cleave, Cut, Gash, Gouge, Hack, Tacise, Rip, Slach, Shi, Tex, Wound Lambast Beat, Brae, Budgeon, Casi, ‘Censure, Clobber, Hog, Knock, Rebuke, Reprimand,Scold, Sock, Whack Lampoon Satiise Lance Cat, lnpale, Pierce ash, 1 Atac, Bates Beat, Hagel, Ho, Harangue, Strike, Tan, Whip Lash, 2 Secure, Sip, The Laud Aecsim, Adie, Ala, Apple, Compliment, Emblazon, Extol, Glory Prise, Revere, Trumpet Launch Fie, Galvanise, Propel, Shoot ead Acconipany, Conduct, Direct, Escort Gover, Guide, Motivate, Precede sisepher, tet, Usher Leave Abandon, Desert, Discard, Drop, Fe, i Fora, lk, Rlingush, Renounce Lecture, 1 Censure, Cide, Haring, ‘Reprimand, Reprove, Seold, Tier Aectre, 2 Instruct, Teach Legiimise Authorise essen Alleviate, Cal, Deptive,Diminis, Lower, Reduce, Subordinate, Wesken Level alae, Ground, Snooth, Steady Libel Abuse, tack, Bhcken, Defame, Disc, isparge, Insult, Magn Slander Liberate Abslve, Ac, Deliver, Demobilis, Discharge, Disencumber, Disengae, Disentangle,Disennall, Emancpst, TEnfamchise, Exculpate, Eannerate Fre, Prdon, Redeem, Release, Rescue, Save, Spare Uaburden, Unchain, Unfeter, Unshacle, Unlesh, UntieHicense Authors, omission, Empower, Enable, Ente, Permit, Quali, Sanction, Wr - Lek Cates fe Bost, Herat, Eacourage, Ea hilt, Hearen, Heighten, Hoist, ghten, Raise, Reve, Sel, pile “ight _Enven, Ft, Inte, Inlame, Kindle, Tiger Highton Alay, Aleve, Assuage, Cal, Chee, ‘Cea Disbunden, Fase, Gladden, Heaven, if, Rel, Relive, Soothe, Tianullise Limit Confine, ramp, Demareate, Hamper, Handieap, Rest - Link (PL) Eine, join Uiigaetrpeach, oad Fil Stat Lobly Pressurse Locate Orlente, Pace Lock Chain, Seeie, Te Lodge Accommodate, Wedge ower Cheapen, Debase, Dinh, Devimgrie, Lace, Humble, Lessen Reduce, Subordinate , all” Alay, Assuage Calm, Cdl, Hush, Paci, Quel, Quite, Rew, Silence, Soothe, Tanai are Alle, Aura, Bat, Beckon, Beg, Cajole, Con, Exsnar, Entice, Entap, Induce, neigh, Magnets, Tempe Jynch Es es Kl, Murder 7, Madden Annoy, Frage, Incense, Inlame, Infrae, late, Outrage, Provoke, Unbinge, Upset Magnetise Attcs, Hypnotic, Lure Mesmesse, Pll Rivet, Maim Cripple, Damage, Disable, Imps, Mange, Mar, Wound Maintain» Suppor, Satin Malign Abuse, Atac, Blacken, Defame, Lib ‘Slander Malteat base, Aggravate, Damage, Horn, ort, Injure, Mishandle, Mistreat, Misuse, Moles, Pesccue, Torment, Wound, ‘Wrong Manacle Chain, Confine, Encurber, Enslave eter Hold, Pinion, Shale Manage Conduct, Conte, Direct, Gover, Gilde, nucnee, Manipulate, Manoeuvre, Operate, Organise, Police, Stet, Work Mangle Butcher, Cripple, Crus, Destroy Distr, Maim, Maul, Moriae, Wreck. Manhandle Abas, Molest : Manipulate, 1 Fone, Massage, Mul, Touch Manipulate, 2 Control, Engine, Expat, Tnluence, Manage, Manoeuvre, Operate, Stet el, Wok Mamoeavie Coneit, Cont}, Dect, Engineer, ‘Gude, Manage, Manipolte, Navi Ser Mar Abuse, Bight, Blemish, Damage, Detice, le ut, Imps Inte, Mair, Hare, Hi ‘Sea, Spl, nt, Tash Mark, 1 Label Mark, 2 Brand, Ser_ — — UL _ Mange Ca, CM 5, Maspte Mold es, hoe, ach Maser Conan, Cot tina, ove, Owes Ona ees Rule, Subdue, Vanguish * Mach Ea om are ‘sopistone Mai Aa, Sty Dea, endl, Gouge, Gop: npl Mage Mal Senge oun esas Aopie, ses, Cae, Coser ner Etats, Bs ne Judge, Weigh 7 Mott Aun, Abie, Unie Se Receive, Welcome . ator Sane - _ Menace” Aighe sam aly Pee Innit Sane Tae en Mend Aen eer Cae he, fe easel, Rn, Restore, Theat - Meer, vic ape char mee Ena faa = np, Ena Eom Fea, a Spain ibe i “Dalit, De aha Mini Caters, Coy El, ni Imperettey aet _. rr Moaprly Abuse, Appropdicte, Miapprepans Misemploy : Misapproprate Appropsiat, Pc, Misaply, Pinch, Puro, Stal Misdvect Deficet, Misgide, Mislead Misemploy Abuse, Misapply Misguide Whi, Deeive, Dela, Misdiret, Mislead Mishandle Malet, Mistweat Migudge Underestinate Mislead guile, Blu, Deceive, Delude, Foo}, Gall, Hoa, Hoodwink, Misdnect, Misguide, Pervert, Tick Misshape Conor, Distr, Impalt, Moai Mutilte, Tat, Warp Mistreat bse, Bratlse, Damage, Harm, Hu, injure, Maleeat, Mishandle, Misuse, Moles Misuse Abuse, Appropriate Expt leh, Malueat, Mista, Perv, Use Mob Assit, Charge, Overwhelm, Passe Mobile Acct, Animate Mock Derde, lsu, er, Ku, Fan, Parone Ridicle, Satie, Shame, Sigh, Tau, Tesse Moderate Control, Correct, Cath, Rega, Temper Weaken Modify fet, Alter, Amend, Contor, pal Tinprve, Misshape, Perver, Reform, is ‘arp, Weaken Moles Abuse, Alli, Assault, Debauel Dellower, Harm, Malueat, Mankandle Mises, Persecite, Rape Molify Appease,Assuage, Calm, Combo, CConslate, Content, Dishurden, Ease, Humous Hush, Pai, Plcate,Propitiae, Quel, Quite, Relay, Sothe, Sweeten, Temper Mollzodile Codate, Cosst, Indulge, Pamper, Te, Spal Monitor Chock, Guage Monopole Corner, Dominste, Engross, Hog 89Mortfy Distress Motivate Activate, Animate, Compl, Dirt Drive, Elect, Encourage, Eerie, Enliven, Escite, Fre: Gabe, Gn, Iipel, Incite, Induce, fence, Isp, Inopinig Instigate, lvigoate, Lead, Prod, Provoke, Push, Quicken, Sp Stimulate, Un, Viale Mother “ther, Foster Nurture, Parent Mould Discipline, Educate, Frm, Massage, Sculpt, Shape Move, 1 Animate, rouse, Galvanise, Generate, Hust, tmpel, Impress, Propel, Pll, Stimulate, Se, Tog Move, 2 Alet, influence, Touch Mudile Befudde, Bemuse, Cloud, Confound, Confuse, Dezange, District, Dist, Embroi,Entange, Fixe, Jumble, Perley, Peru, Touble Muifle Coves, Cushion, Deaden, Gag, Mute, Muze, Quieten, Repress, Smother, Silene, Stange, Site, Suppress, Wep Mug Assault, Atatk, Rob Murder Annllte, Destroy, Hate, Fnecute Kl Iyneh, Sluighter Say. Terminate Mute Cover, Dampen, Hush, Muze, enc, Stile, Stop Mutiate Butcher, Cpple, Damage, Dern, Dismember, Hack, Mange, Misshape Mucele Curb, Gog, Hush, Mule, Mute Quien, Silence, Ste, Sop, Suppress Mystify Amaze, Asconish, Rafe Bembocle, Befuddle, Hewikder,Confound, Comfne, chant, Fee, Perple, Puce, Stump 25, Mull, 2 Nab Ares, Cpt, Enstre, Net Nek, ck Snatch Nag “Annoy, Bag Bs, Drown, Bally Chasse Che, ite, Hare, Hany le, Hen ene Hod, it Nat Neel, Nee, Rg, Rts, ag, Prove, ale, Sn, Tome ox Nall Ares, Cpt, Cah, See Name "kes, Bape, Call ls Natt Aggaat, Any, Angi, Pal, tte Nag, Neel, Re, Ups, Vex Naweate Dat Hon, fed opel ep, Sil Nevgit Die, Manse Nedle Agmte,Amoy a ars, Tae, Nag ar, Net, ge, Petes rl hd, Pook, le, ll, Sing Tat, ese Negeri, Conf, Condi, ore, wii Pi sega nr, eer, Usher [Nerve Animate, Embolden, Encourage, eaten, inflame, Insp, nvigorte, Reassure, Rows, Stimulate, Se, Stengihen, Valse Net Capture, Ensnare, Ent Tap [Netde Aggravate Annoy, tate, Nag, Neel, Plague, Ral, Vex Newtraive Ground, Normalise Nibble Nip, Peck. Ick, 1 Chip, Cot, Damage, Seat, Wound Nick, 2 Arest, Cape, Nab ‘Nick, 3 Stes, Blch, Pinel, Piller, Purdon, Swe Enrap, N2, aNigale Annoy. Fass, Hassle, Henpec, ate, Nag, Needle, Ptr, Woey Nip_ Bie, Nibble, Pac Nominate Appoin, Assign, Choose, Designate Pek, Select, Normatise Demebilise, Neutls, Rogularise, Stahilse Notch Oxe, Chip Novify Advise, Ar, lforen, Warn Nourish Boost, Comfor, Encourage, Feed, Tost, Nurse, Nurure, Support, Satta, Wean Nudge Bump, Crowd, bow, Hustle, Jb, Jost, Knock, Poke, rod, Pash, Remind, ‘Shoulder, Shove Nallify Abolish, Annihilate, Defeat, Desuoy Foil Invalidare, Negate, Renounce, Rescind Numb —Anaestheise, Anst, Chill, Deaden, Dull, Freeze, immobile, Inaecivate, Parlyse, Stl, Sun, Stapey [Nurse Aid, Assist, Boost, Encourage, Fst Help, Nourish, Nurture, Support. ‘Nureure, 1” Caltivate, Ely, Educate, leat, Encourage, Enlighten, Fostes, Groom, Guide, Improve, Inform, Schoo, Sustain, Teach, Tain, Uphi Nurture, 2 Bolter Cherish, eed, Fue, Mother, Nourish, Nurse, Raise, Rea, Saengthen, Suppor, Sustain, Senghen, Tou, Wean Nuzdle Caress, Embrace 2 Obey Abide, Oblge, Serve Obligate Commit, Compel, Constain, Enforce, Engage, Exise, Fore, Obige Oblige, 1 Accommodate, Favour, Obey, Pledge, COblige,2 Compl, Enforce, Obligate Obliterate Anise, Canel, Censor, Demolish, Destroy, fice, Erte Expunge, Exerminat, Expats, Naz, Submerge Obscure Cloud, Di, Kelp Orershatow, Sheol, Yel Observe Study Obstract Ares, Bax Bara, Block, Burde, Choke, Clog, Conftont, Cub, Debs, Deflet, Deter, Discoumge, Dive, Eneunber Exchide, Halt, Hamper Handicap, Hinder, Impede, Inhibit, Intercept Pany, Prohibit, Retard, Rest, Stop, Stull. Tawar, Txmmel ‘Obtain alist, Possess Occupy Engage, goss, Hold, tabi xing, Preoceupy, Retain 7 Offend Brune, Diss, Displease, Insult ‘Nawseate, Outage, Repel, Repulse Sicken, Slight, Soub, Upset Operate Guide, influence, Manage, Manipulate, Sec, Work Oppose Challenge, Contadit, Discourge, Rebull Oppress Aili, Bully, Burden, Clog, Cramp, CGrosh, Ca, Depress, Discourge Dishearten, Disp, Encurnbe, Hames, Harass, Hacry, Hinder Impede, Overlon’, COverpomer, Overwhelm, Persecue, Plague Repress, Sade, Squeeze, Sues, Sub, 3Suppress Terris, rammel, ample | Tyramise, isimise Ordain Anon, Appoin, Commission Conserate, Honour Onder “Casi, Command, Cool, Gove, losin, ies, Regulate Organise Cont, Manage Oriente Dive, Loeate, Pace ‘Orament Adom, Haut, Bedec, Deck, Decorste,Embison, Engh, testoon Ostracise Aveid, Banish, Boye, Exchde, ale, Fxpel, roi, Shun, Soul (Oust Banish, Depose, Discard, Discharge, Dislodge, Dismiss, Dispossess, Eject. Fue, Ble, Eel, Fe, Sack Oubid Outdo Oudo ves, Deet, ipse, Exceed, Oui, Ourwit,Oushine, Outsma, Surpass, Top, Wansced, Tramp Outlaw Ban, Banish, Condemn, Exclude, Forbid, rob Outrage Alon, Anagonise, Dig, Enrage, Hoc Incense, Inf, Isl, Macken, Offend, Scanalie Shock, Sander Quorn —Circunwent, Dod, Elude, Esape, Evade, Fee, Shun, Sidestep Oushine Eclipse, Exceed, Outdo, Surpass, “Tp, Tansee Ouismart Beer, Outdo, Out, ep, Tap, “ip. Timp usp et, Beer uot Taft, Best, Cheat, Conound, Det, Dupe Ede, Fol Fol, Gull, Hoax Ouido, Oatsmary, Samp, Tht, Tp, Tp, Wick, Tp, Trump Overcome Conger, Masict Overwhcln, Prostate Rpress,Sumoune Overhand Repair Restore Mata akegcns, | ts, Se se, cree Ss Do "pointe, Dorin Maser Opp Orc veil et ck pss We over Dips cae Oren "Ee: Oh, Sao Cree A, Comes Cho, Dena es Bene Cn ro Ont Dench, Ont, ecb | ts th Ope roe Crone Quah ne Se ove pes hin, esacy Ally, Appease,Assoage, Calm, Comfort, Concise, Disburden, Fase, Lal, Molly Placate, ropa, Quel, Quieten, ooele, Relax, Relive, Satis, Set Soothe, Sweten, Hanguillse Pamper Cost, Favour, Hamout, Indulge, Mollycodale, Pet, Spo, eat Pan Cite, Disprais, Mock, Seom Panic Aghte, Alan, ste Feighten, Scare, ‘Teri, Unnerve i Paralyse Anaesthetise, Artest, Bemuml ripple, Desden, Debate, Devise Disable, Enervate,Enfecle, Freeze, Halt, Innmodlise, Incapactte, Numb, Puy Sap, Sova, Trl, Tenshi, Unnere Pardon Absalve, Aegit, Dischang, Excalpate, aense, Exonerat, Forge, Fe, Liberate Parent Father, Mother Parody Camsatore, imitate, Mim, Saise 1 Parrot Ape, Copy, Eco, Imiate, Mimic, Mir any Avert, Avoid, Beg, Evade, Fl, Forest Match, Obstruct, Resist, Sill, Thwart at Caress, Dab, Fone, Ba, Stoke, Tp, Touch 7 Patronise, 1 Abet, Advocate, Betiend, ‘Champion, Encourage, Favour, Forward Famer, Help, Promote, Protect, Push, Support f Futrnise, 2 Beit, Degrade, Mock | Paw Caress, Fondle, Maul, Pa, Stoke, Touch Pay Reoompense, Rernnerate, Reward Peck Plck, Kiss, Nibble, Touch Peel Flay, SlanPomme Ste, Thrash, Thiow, Wllop Pen Circumnscribe. Cnfine, Enclose Pesetrate Broach, lmpregnate, nes, liste, Invade, Permeat, Pee, Price Probe, Ravage, Sib Refect Crown, Cultsate, Develop, Refine Poforate Pierce, Prick, Pancuze, Sad Permeate Assi, Impregnate, nba, uence, vide, enetrate Permit Accept, Admit, Approve, Authors Empower Enable, Endorse, Ende Lense, Qualify Sanction, dete Warant Ferplex Balle, Blue, Remuse, Bewier, Confound, Confase, Daze Disturb, Dumbfound, Fae, Hoor, Flamer, arass, Jumble, Myst, Made Stump, Toabte Perseewe Abuse, Alle, Atak, Badge, Bally Harass, Harry, Hound, Maltese, Moles, Oppress, Plague, Pursue, Toren, Torture, yramnise, Vex, Vieimise, Worry Persuade Alt, Assure, Cale, Coon Convince, Encourage, Entice, Exhort, Goad, mpel, Incite, Induce, Pes, Prod, Rouse, Urge, Win Perturb Agia, Alarm, Bother, Concer, Confuse, Derange, Dison, Discomfort, Discompose, Disconcen, Dspleae, Disqulet, Distr, Face, Flite Fret, Mule, Rie, Houble, Unneee, Unsetle, Upset, Vex, Wry Peruse Tsamine, Study Pervert Abuse, Bend, Cont, Coup, Debase, Debauch, Deo, Degrade, Dehumanse, Deprae, Detange, Desecrte, Deviate, Dison, Mislead, Misuse, May “Tansform, Tur, Tit, Warp wale, 9% Pick, 1 Appoint, Choose, Designate, Elect, =o ten Nik, Pantin, i Calm, Concili vate Ale, Ape, Asa, Ci PM Cores, ale, Moly ay, Pes, Propane, cone, Saty, Souhe Mae ecoptodate, Alot ae — Pogue Anny, Bag, dl, Bese, i urb, Harass, Harry, Hassle, Conse, Cuss, Ds ser 1 I Tersecute, Pst Terrie, Torment, Thouble, Vex, Weary, Worry ate, Nag, Neue, Oppress, eyPlant Timbed, Ground, Root Please Armuse, Charm, Cheer, Content Delighe, Gladden, Get Indulge, Placate, Plesswe, Satisfy Pleasure Delight, Gray tne Pledge Commit, Obige Pluck Abduct, Capen, Cate, Clutch, Gab jac, Nab, Remove, Seize, Snatch Plunder Approprite, Demolish, Destro Devastate, Ransack, Ravage, Rob, Shae, Wired Punge Douse, Drown Poison Alisate,Befol, Contaminate, Comp Disafet, Ember Envenom, infect, Pollut, Sous Tint, Vite " Poke Jab, Nudge, Probe, Prod, Pash, Shove , ease Prlice “Manage, Order, Regulate, Restan, le Safeguard Polish Civlise, Cultiate,Emend, Improve, Refine Pollute Adulterte, Bef, Bess, Coneesinate, Corup, Debase, Debach, Defile, Din, Dishonot, Infect, Poison, Smear, Soi, Soi, tin, Taint, Vote Possess Contain, Conco,Hold, inhabit Keep, Obtain, Ow, Seize ; Postpone Delay, Impede Pound Bag, Bes eit, Hammes, Pulerise, Slug, Squash, Wallop Praise Acclaim, Admire, Aplowd, Bese, ‘Commend, Compliment, C Emblazon, Beal, Esl, Gly Hal, Fallow Honour Woise, Laud, Reed, Sali, Thank, Toast, Trumpet Precede Guide, Lead Prevecupy Bemus, Engl, Hold, Involve Occupy Prepare Adapt, Amn, Biel, Conch, Equip, ‘Grom, Worn Pease 100 Press, Astte, Compe, Consteain, Dab, Fone, Goal, Hasten,Inpe,Impore, Imporcune, Rrsuade, Pressure, Pressure, Push, Quicken, Rush, Urge res, 2 Clasp, Cris, Embrace, Hug, Squash, si Pressure Cajle, Force, Goad, Press, Pressure Presanse rsa, Blldoze, Constain, Enforce, Force, mp4, Lay, Press, Pressure, Push, Sess rick Cut, lmpale, Needle, Penctate, Prforste, Pere, Punct Spi, ting rime Am, et, Groor, Prepare, Season Prize Award, Cherish, Ensrine,flonou, Revere, Treasure, Value, Venerate Probe Crose-esamine, Dissct, Interogt, Investigate, Renenate, Poe, Prod, Pump, Query, Question, Seance, search, Test Process Absorb, Digest Prodaim Glory, Emblazon, Fxtol, Trump Procure Attain, Enlist, Recut Prod, 1 Dig, Flow, Gosd, ab, Nude, Poke, Probe, Push, Reming, Shove, Sting Prod, 2 Aroase, Encourage, Goad, impel Incite, Motivate, Needle, Psu, Shove, Spi, Stila, Urge Profane Cars, Desecrate, Violate Prohibie Ban, Bar, Block, Boycot, Censor, ‘Dehar, Deter, Disallow, Disqualify Discourige, Exiude,Fobid, Indic, se Inf, Interdit, Negate, Obst. Osteacise, Outlaw, Resa, Rest, Stop Programme Consol Promote Abe, Aggrandlse, Asi, Back, Boost ‘Champion, Commend, Flevae, Encourage, alt, Favour, Forward, Farther, Help, Invigoate, Patronize, Provoke, Push, Raise, Spe, Suppor, Upgrade 10Prompt Activate, Advise, Cue, Generate, Goad Impel, nsigate, Remind, Spa. Stmulae, Digger Propel Driv, Expl, Hing, Goad, mpl, nce, Inspire, Launch, Move, Ps, Slam, Sing, Stimulate, Throw, Thre, Proliate Appease,Concilat, Moly, Pai, Plate, Reconcile, Soothe Prosecute Accuse, Charge, Enforce, Indie Prostitute Auction, Hawk, Psp, Sl Prostrate Conquer Overame Protect Arm, Bancade, Chaperone, Cashion, Defend, Forty, Guan, Harbour inocula Insuluee, Insure, Patrons, Saeguard, Seren, Secure, Shield, Strengthen, Suppor, Wrap Provoke, 1 Abe, Aone, Agraate, Annoy Antagoise, Bat, eget, Dare, Def, age, Exaspenite, Fin, Fre, Hee, Gabanie, Genente, Hara, Hectt Ince, ait lastgae, nk, las, Maiden, Motivate ‘Nag, Needle, Promote, Quickea, Taunt, ‘Toxment, Tigger, Wie, Vor Prowoke,2_ Arouse, Avaten, Eakin, Excite Inspire, Kindle, Raise, Spar, pus Stimulate, Si, Tanase, Tee, Tickle, Trlate, Vtlise Prune Cut Pall” Attract, Beckon, Dra, Extract, Gab Magnetse, Move, Pick, Tag, Wench, Wrest, Yank Pabverise Best, Break, Bris, Cash, Demolish, Minec, Pound, Shattt, Smash, Thnsh Pummel Bang, Utter Best, Hammer hele “Thump, Wallop Pump _Cross
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