Cir V Gotamco
Cir V Gotamco
Cir V Gotamco
First Division, Yap (J): 6 concurring
Facts: The World Health Organization (WHO) is an international organization whic
h has a regional office in
Manila. As an international organization, it enjoys privileges and immunities wh
ich are defined more
specifically in the Host Agreement entered into between the Republic of the Phil
ippines and the said
Organization on 22 July 1951. Section 11 of that Agreement provides, inter alia,
that the Organization, its
assets, income and other properties shall be: (a) exempt from all direct and ind
irect taxes. It is understood,
however, that the Organization will not claim exemption from taxes which are, in
fact, no more than charges
for public utility services; . . . When the WHO decided to construct a building t
o house its own offices, as
well as the other United Nations offices stationed in Manila, it entered into a
further agreement with the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines on 26 November 1957. This agreemen
t contained provides
that the Organization may import into the country materials and fixtures required
for the construction free
from all duties and taxes and agrees not to utilize any portion of the internati
onal reserves of the Government
(Article III, paragraph 2). In inviting bids for the construction of the building
, the WHO informed the bidders
that the building to be constructed belonged to an international organization wi
th diplomatic status and thus
exempt from the payment of all fees, licenses, and taxes, and that therefore the
ir bids must take this into
account and should not include items for such taxes, licenses and other payments
to Government agencies.
The construction contract was awarded to John Gotamco & Sons, Inc. (Gotamco) on
10 February 1958 for the
stipulated price of P370,000.00, but when the building was completed the price r
eached a total of
Sometime in May 1958, the WHO received an opinion from the BIR Commissioner stat
ing that as the 3%
Taxation Law I, 2003 ( 32 )
Haystacks (Berne Guerrero)
contractor s tax is an indirect tax on the assets and income of the Organization,
the gross receipts derived by
contractors from their contracts with the WHO for the construction of its new bu
ilding, are exempt from tax in
accordance with the Host Agreement. Subsequently, however, on 3 June 1958, the Co
mmissioner reversed
his opinion and stated that as the 3% contractor s tax is not a direct nor an indir
ect tax on the WHO, but a tax
that is primarily due from the contractor, the same is not covered by the Host A
greement. On 2 January 1960,
the WHO issued a certification stating that the bid of John Gotamco & Sons, made
under the condition stated
above, should be exempted from any taxes in connection with the construction of
the WHO office building as
they were informed that there would be no taxes or fees levied upon them for the
ir work in connection with
the construction of the building. On 17 January 1961, the Commissioner sent a le
tter of demand to Gotamco
demanding payment of P16,970.40, representing the 3% contractor s tax plus surchar