Aasr 2012 3 5 2739 2744
Aasr 2012 3 5 2739 2744
Aasr 2012 3 5 2739 2744
Pelagia Research Library
Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012, 3 (5):2739-2744
ISSN: 0976-8610
Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786 004, Assam, India
Biotechnology Division, North-East Institute of Science & Technology (CSIR), Jorhat 785 006,
Assam, India
Alpha amylases have various applications in different industries. Immobilization of alpha -amylase produced by a
strain of Bacillus sp isolated from soil of Dibrugarh District of Assam, India was studied. Partially purified enzyme
with 4062.62U/ml activity was used for immobilization study. 4% Sodium alginate was used for immobilization of
enzyme and the optimum temperature, pH and incubation period for immobilized alpha amylase enzyme were 60C,
6.0 and 10minutes, respectively. The immobilized enzyme was very effective in reducing starch viscosity and the
immobilized enzyme was found to be stable. Activity yield was 86.39%. This immobilized enzyme can be used
commercially as a replacement of free enzyme because it has shown greater operational flexibility and higher
enzymatic activity.
Key words: Bacillus, immobilization, starch
Among bacteria, Bacillus sp. is widely used for thermostable -amylase production to meet industrial needs. An
immobilized enzyme is an enzyme that is attached to an inert, insoluble material. Enzymes can be immobilized to a
multitude of different carriers by entrapment, adsorption, ionic binding and covalent binding. This is a the method
for protecting and stabilizing the enzymes, thereby enhancing their properties and their repetitive utilization either in
batch, or continuous mode. Immobilization of enzymes prevents their deactivation by various physical and chemical
denaturing agents and thereby enhancing their operational stability. Microbial amylases are available commercially,
and they have almost completely replaced chemical hydrolysis of starch in the starch processing industry [6]. In
spite of the wide distribution of amylases, microbial sources, namely fungal and bacterial amylases, are used for the
industrial production due to advantages such as cost effectiveness, consistency, less time and ease of process
modification and optimization [7], [3]. The main use of enzymes includes hydrolysis of starch to yield glucose
syrup, amylase-rich flour and in the formation of dextrin during baking in food industries[12]. Amylases have been
derived from several fungi, yeast, bacteria and actinomycetes but members of the genus Bacillus are heterogeneous
and they are very versatile in their adaptability to the environment[11].Entrapment requires that the immobilized
enzyme should be a large enough molecule to be kept inside the gel matrix but the substrate and product should be
small enough to pass through the pores of the gel Immobilized amylases offer several advantages : it can be reused,
involved processes can be operated continuously with better controls, easy separation of the product(s), simpler
handling of materials and effective reduction in process cost. Sodium alginate beads are widely used in enzyme
immobilization because the gel formation occurs at mild conditions and poses no risk of harm to humans. Physical
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Basabrani Devi et al
Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(5):2739-2744
entrapment of alpha-amylase in sodium alginate beads has shown to be a relatively easy, rapid and safe technique.
Starch molecules are very large, often reaching a molecular weight of 80 million Daltons [5].It is expected that
starch hydrolysis reaction could occur more effectively if enzyme bound to surface. The use of enzymes in a soluble
or free form must be considered as wasteful because the enzyme generally cannot be recovered at the end of the
reaction. A new and valuable area of enzyme technology is that concerned with the immobilization of enzymes on
insoluble polymers, such as membranes and particles that act as supports or carriers for the enzyme activity [10]. In
the present study alpha amylase produced by Bacillus sp was used for immobilization with sodium alginate.
Isolation and Identification of alpha amylase producing bacteria:
Isolation of bacatrial strains from randomly collected soils of Dibrugarh districts were performed as per standard
serial dilution technique and biochemical characterization of bacterial strains were done as reported by[2]. Their
amylase activity was measured using agar cup method [7].5 ml of 24 hrs old culture broth containing soluble starch,
yeast extract, peptone, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl and CaCl2 (Himedia, India) was transferred to 45 ml of the same sterile
medium and was incubated for 35C. The culture was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min at 0C (Refrigerated
Centrifuge, Sigma, Germany). The supernatant was used as crude enzyme.
Partial Purification of the Enzyme
Alpha amylase was partially purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation followed by dialysis and gel filtration
chromatography. The crude enzyme was brought to 50% ammonium sulphate saturation at 4C in an ice bath. The
precipitated protein was collected by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min at 0C (Refrigerated Centrifuge,
Sigma, Germany) and dissolved in a minimum volume of phosphate buffer (0.1M; pH, 7.0). The enzyme solution
was dialyzed at 4C against the same buffer for 24 h at 4C with continuous stirring and three changes of the same
buffer. The DEAE cellulose-ion exchange column was pre-equilibrated with the same buffer. The dialysate was
concentrated through a freeze dryer Freeze dryer (Eyela) and dissolved in a minimum volume of phosphate buffer
(0.1M; pH, 7.0) and applied to the DEAE cellulose column at a flow rate of 0.6 ml min1 with 50 mL linear NaCl
gradient (0 to 1.0M). Fractions of 10 mL were collected and each fraction was analysed for protein concentration
and -amylase activity. The active fractions were pooled and concentrated through freeze dryer Freeze dryer
(Eyela). The final concentrated enzyme solution was taken for comparative enzyme entrapment study. Enzyme
activity of selected bacterial strains was assayed by DNSA method. Blank contained 2.5ml of buffer and 0.5ml of
starch. Standard contained 0.5 ml of Glucose (1mg/ml in Phosphate buffer, 0.1 M and pH 7). Protein was estimated
as per the method of Lowery et al. 1951.
Enzyme immobilization:
Enzyme was prepared as per above said method. Preparation of alginate beeds: 30% of Sodium alginate (Hi Media)
was prepared with phosphate buffer (0.1M; pH, 7.0). A volume of enzyme solution and sodium alginate solution
was mixed to give a 4% (w/v) final concentration. The beads are formed by chipping the polymer solution from a
height of approximate 20 cm into an excess of (100 ml) of stirred 0.2 M CaCl2 (HiMedia) solution with a syringe
and a needle at room temperature. Left the beads in the solution for 3 hrs. The calcium alginate beads containing the
enzyme were thoroughly washed with distilled water and used for further studies.
Immobilized enzyme assay
Enzyme activity of selected bacterial strains was assayed by DNSA method.
Determination of activity yield
Immobilization yield (%) = (I/ A-B) x 100
A = Activity of added enzyme;
B = Activity of unbound enzyme
I = Activity of immobilized enzyme
Pelagia Research Library
Basabrani Devi et al
Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(5):2739-2744
As in the agar cup method the one bacteria showed highest activity with 2.36 was identified as Bacillus sp (MTCC
9402) ,by IMTECH (Chandigarh, India).
India) Specific activity of crude enzyme, Ammonium sulphate precipitation
(50%) and After dialysis were 362.80, 7317.76 and 12310.97 units mg protein-1 respectively . The optimum
temperature, pH and incubation period for purified alpha amylase enzyme were 60C, 6.0 and 10 minutes; which
were similar with the crude enzyme (Data not shown)
Purification steps
Crude enzyme
Ammonium sulphate precipitation (50%)
After dialysis
Protein (mg/ml)
Enzyme activity,U/ml
4 percent
5 percent
six percent
% of Sodium alginate
Fig 1: Activity in immobilized enzyme for Bacillus sp at different concentration of Sodium alginate.
Reusability cycles
Fig 2: Reusability of immobilized alpha amylase from Bacillus sp
Pelagia Research Library
Basabrani Devi et al
Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(5):2739-2744
Immobilization of the enzyme with 4% alginate beads gave a yield of 86.39% with 3312.12 U/ml enzyme activity,
which was a very satisfactory result against 5% and 6 % sodium alginate concentration (Fig 1). Pore size of the
beads should be such that substrate and product can easily diffuse in and out of the alginate get matrix but the
enzyme should retain in the micro environment of beads. Lower the concentration of sodium alginate solution,
greater will be the pore size of the beads and consequently leakage of enzyme from the beads will increase.
Similarly, the pore size of beads will decrease with the increase inconcentration of so
dium alginate solution. Lower
the concentration of sodium alginate solution, greater will be the pore size of the beads and consequently leakage of
enzyme from the beads will increase [1].
Increased sodium alginate concentration interfered the entry of substrate into the beads; that led to the lower
immobilization efficiency [4].
In the reusability study the immobilize enzyme activity (Fig: 2)) was found to be 965.16U/ml with the
immobilization yield of 25.17%. With increase in cycle number, enzymatic activity
activity decreases steadily indicating
enzyme leakage from beads.
The optimum temperature for immobilized alpha amylase enzyme was 60C. The activity was determined at
different incubation time with 1.5 % starch. Experiment was performed upto 80C (Fig 3) where a decreased activity
of immobilized enzyme was observed.
40 degree 50degree 60degree 70degree 80degree
The optimum pH for immobilized alpha amylase enzyme was 7.0. The activity was determined at different pH
(Fig.4) with 1.5 % starch. In acidic and alkaline condition the immobilized enzyme could not showed satisfactory
The optimum incubation period for immobilized alpha amylase enzyme was 10 minutes.
The activity was determined at different
fferent incubation time (Fig.5) with 1.5 % starch. Incubation time was continued
upto 60 minutes. Ten minutes incubation time was sufficient for required enzyme activity.
In the immobilization process, the activity yield should be as high as possible. Very
Very low activity yield indicated a
worthless immobilization process. The 86.39% activity yield for this study should be acceptable. Immobilized
enzyme has shown greater stability in high temperaturei.e.60C, pH 7 and 10 minutes incubation time. Such greater
operational stability has been beneficial from industrial point of view as it will maximize its potential to use in
textile and detergent industry. The enzyme entrapped in alginate beads could be reused.
Pelagia Research Library
Basabrani Devi et al
Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(5):2739-2744
3.8pH 4.5pH 5pH 5.6pH 6pH 6.6pH 7pH
Enzyme activity U/ml
Fig 5: Activity of immobilized alpha amylase from Bacillus sp at different pH
The immobilized alpha amylase from Bacillus sp can be successfully utilized in practical application and this can be
used commercially as a replacement of free enzyme system as immobilized system has shown greater operational
flexibility and higher enzymatic activity.
The authors are thankful to Dr. P. G. Rao, Director,CSIR
East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat,
Assam (India), for support and encouragements and the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India for
research grants.
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Pelagia Research Library
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