1-6-1 - Amilase-Mikroba
1-6-1 - Amilase-Mikroba
1-6-1 - Amilase-Mikroba
Abstract: Amylase is one of the most important enzymes widely used in paper, textile, pharmaceutical industries etc. In the present
investigation a thermostable, alkalophilic amylase was isolated from underlying soil samples of domestic wastes, and was screened on
starch agar medium. The amylase activity was measured using colorimetric method at 540nm. Among forty five isolates, thirteen
demonstrated clear zone of hydrolysis around the colonies when flooded with Gram’s iodine solution. Maximum zone of hydrolysis was
8 mm, and tentatively identified as Bacillus alcalophilus. Its maximum activity was 9.210 + 0.14 U/ml at pH 9 and 80°C temperature. It
retains 70% activity after 1 h at 80°C and 60% activity after 1 hour at 90°C. With these promising features B. alcalophilus may be
utilized in starch processing, detergent manufacturing brewing, and sugar production.
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Author Profile
Roshan Kumar received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
in Biotechnology from R. T. M. University, Nagpur in
2005 and 2008, respectively. From 2008 till date, he is
pursuing Ph.D. in Department of Botany, Dr. H. S. Gour
University and also is a recipient of Junior research
fellow of UGC.