Trump vs. The New World Order: American "Exceptionalism"
Trump vs. The New World Order: American "Exceptionalism"
Trump vs. The New World Order: American "Exceptionalism"
Super Tuesday and Super Saturday came and went. As expected, Donald Trump
dominated the competition.
Sort of.
While Trump did exceptionally well in states like New Hampshire, South Carolina and
elsewhere in the South, The Donald has stumbled as of late, coming in second to
Ted Cruz in a number of recent contests.
Trump will likely expand his delegate lead in the coming weeks. However, he wont
arrive at the Republican convention with enough of them to secure the nomination
If that happens, the oligarchs in the Republican party will do everything they can at
the convention to deny Trump that which would rightfully be his.
Its been rumored that Mitt Romney will be called upon by the establishment to save
the Party of Lincoln from being torn asunder. Some Republicans say they simply
wont vote for Mr. Trump. Others suggest running a third party conservative
However it shakes out, if reaction to Romneys anti-Trump press conference held
earlier this month indicates anything, its that refusing the billionaire from New York
the nomination if he has the majority of delegates would literally break the GOP in
Before discussing what a Trump victory would mean for the Republican Party, lets
backtrack a bit and try to put this mans candidacy into context. If possible, a
Catholic context.
American exceptionalism
Since the Second World War but most especially since the early 1990s, a cabal of
intellectuals desirous of global empire have hubristically argued that it is Americas
duty to advance freedom and democracy to the people of the world, all in the
name of bringing about a lasting peace.
Of course, when these men speak of freedom what they really mean is massive
economic inequality and social hedonism. And when these men speak of
democracy what they truly mean is rigged elections with candidates that they and
not the people get to pick. (See the U.S.-backed coup that took place in Ukraine in
February 2014 for evidence of this.)
Despite the lofty language used to trick Americans into supporting this political
pyramid scheme, the reality is that bringing about this so-called peace is a dirty
For one, the U.S. essentially bribes countries into joining NATO. Economically
sanctioning those who refuse to do so.
Two, when leaders from sovereign Middle Eastern nations are no longer viewed as
politically useful, theyre assassinated. Of course, the more diplomatic way to put it
is so and so has to go!
And three, sustaining American imperialism oversees requires the funneling of
billions of taxpayer dollars to Islamic states like Saudi Arabia and providing firearms
to moderate rebels in countries most people cant locate on a map.
As Bishop Athanasius Schneider recently opined in an interview, the powerful of
our world, the Western states support groups like ISIS indirectly.
As a result, civilians get killed, and a prolonged bloodbath between warring religious
factions ensues, thus ruining thousands, if not millions, of lives.
The end game, of course, is to pick off Eastern European countries one by one in
order to expand NATO (something the U.S. promised decades ago they wouldnt do)
so that liberal democracy can be established not only there but also in North
Africa and, most importantly, in Russia.
Persons who espouse this warped ideology are what political scientists refer to as
To put it in Catholic terms, neoconservatives seek to once and for all obliterate the
Social Kingship of Christ by constructing a world order rooted in the Freemasonic
Social Kingship of Man.
For decades neocons have preyed on the patriotism of ordinary Americans to get
them to fight unjust wars on behalf of Arab theocrats and Jewish Zionists, the real
behind-the-scenes power brokers.
While paying lip service to social conservatism, limited government,
constitutionalism and states rights these war hawks hijacked the Republican Party
and surgically transformed it into a weak-kneed, open borders, bloodthirsty
Frankenstein in the service of international elites.
Though insurgent candidates like Pat Buchanan in the 1990s reminded folks about
the direction this clandestine group of war criminals was leading the country, the
monied class acted quickly and decisively. Buchanans warnings about 1) the
looming culture wars 2) the harm cheap labor abroad would have on the American
middle class 3) the problems associated with not securing the border and 4) the
debt and death required with being the policeman of the world were easily tamped
down, thanks in no small part to the help of the corporate media.
Since that time Americans have had to choose between presidential candidates
who, at the end of the day, were nothing more than cogs in the globalists wheel.
Enter Trump
Donald J. Trump has the temperament of an eight year old child. He mocks. He
condescends. He cant give specifics to half the things he talks about. And I dont
trust him on social issues. Put another way, I have the same concerns about Mr.
Trump as American Conservative contributor Rod Dreher does.
For good reason, these facts and many others, have a large number of folks,
including many Catholics, deeply disturbed.
At the same time, much of his public image is an act, and he has turned out be a
shrewder political operator than I expected. No one, and I mean no one, predicted
he would have this much success.
People support Trump not necessarily because of his policies but because of what
he represents. And what he represents is the frustration ordinary, mostly white,
Americans have towards politics in general. More specifically, the antipathy they
have towards the feckless politicians the Republican Party has nominated over the
past thirty years who have largely failed to halt the social and economic decay of
the United States.
Against the neocons
Despite his inconsistency, immaturity and, at times, imbecility, Trump has been
clear on several important policies. Policies that can be appreciated from a Catholic
In an article for the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Daniel Mcadams
outlines where Trump differentiates himself from the war hawks in his party.
First, according to Mcadams Trump states the obvious when he says the Iraq war
was brought to us by the liars of the neoconservative movement and that it was a
total disaster for the rest of us who are forced to pay for their fantasies of world
Second, Trump wants to actually speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin to see
if US/Russia differences can be worked out without a potentially world-ending
nuclear war.
But what I do know is that as of right now Trump appears to have all the right
enemies. Enemies that include the neo-Catholic neocon community. Read here.
Now, dont expect the elites to go silently into the night. The attacks in the coming
days and weeks will only get more vicious. Weve already seen how quickly they
brought up the 1930s. Additionally, more than 100 self identified members of the
Republican national security community have signed an open letter excoriating
Trump for his foreign policy views, adding that they are united in our opposition to
a Donald Trump presidency.
Unsurprisingly, some of them have said they would support Hillary Clinton, a
Democratic neocon, instead of Trump in the general election.
So much for party loyalty.
In brief, a Trump nomination means the internationalists would no longer dictate the
terms of Americas economic and foreign policy. Moreover, if Trump arrives at
the Republican convention with the majority of delegates and is denied the
nomination, it will be clear to all that we live in country that is anything but a
Indeed, far from being a breaking of the GOP in two, wouldnt a Trump victory be
nothing more than a re-calibration of the party to what it stood for historically? A
party that serves the will of the American people instead of the global elites?