Facts Figures

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Compiled by the Office of the Vice President

Istanbul Technical University

Release May, 2010

Questions concerning University Facts & Figures should be directed to

Dr. Ozan Önder Özener, editor, at +90 212 285 30 30 or ozener@itu.edu.tr

ONLINE AVAILABILITY: www.itu.edu.tr/facts

Table of Contents

Message from the President 4

ITU at a glance 5
Vision and Mission 6
ITU Impact 7
History 8
Administration 9
Senior Administrative Personnel 10
Student Profile 2009/2010 11
Faculty Profile 2009/2010 12
Financial Overview 13
Educational Approach 14
Research 15
International Outreach 16
International Campuses 17
International Programs Overview 18
Improvement Projects 19
Information Services 21
Student Life 22
Campus Life 23
Athletics 24

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 3

Message from
the President

he Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
is the oldest technical University in
Turkey providing continuous education
since 1773. Throughout its history, ITU has
established a longstanding tradition of both
defining and creating an innovative approach
to methods of engineering and architecture in

As a modern research University, our University

has a global vision in research and education.
We manage the most productive Technopark of
our country. Recent research projects that we are
involved in include a satellite which is already
in orbit and functioning successfully. We are
also looking forward to another exciting project
which is the completion of an 8-passenger
helicopter which we expect to fly in a years time.
Our engineering programs exemplify our quest
for excellence, as 21 have ABET equivalency
accreditation. We are currently preparing for full
accreditation in 2010 for all programs.

ITU has become Turkey’s foremost university

in its unwavering quest for excellence in
scholarship and research, moving forward in a
steady upward trend that reflects the accelerated
change and progress taking place throughout the

Dr. Muhammed Şahin

Istanbul May, 2010

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 4

ITU at
a glance

Founded in 1773 as The Imperial School of Engineering

Located in a global metropolis
Thirteen colleges and six graduate institutes
Five campuses across financial, cultural and historic districts
39 undergraduate degree programs
144 graduate degree programs
25,000+ full-time students (26% Graduate Students)
2000+ faculty
12:1 student-faculty ratio
346 Labs and 12 research centers

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 5

Vision&Mission Through a combination of its three core
missions of education, research and
development, ITU maintains its leadership
role in science, art and technology as a

Pioneer through the ages.

The Vision
As a research university, to be a focal point
for pioneering studies in science, technology
and arts and humanities on a national and
international scale.

The Mission
To produce graduates who possess the ability to:
compete at the national and international level;
associate their national identity with global
values; engage in continuous improvement;
have a good command of technology; respect
their environment, societal and ethical values;
excel entrepreneurship and leadership qualities.

Conduct research in basic and applied science;

create a breakthrough in national development;
and develop and support leading creative
research groups and faculty working towards this
common goal.

To conduct research studies that will contribute

to science and technology at the international
level, to establish and support research groups
and faculty to carry out such research activities
and to develop and sustain the necessary

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 6

ITU Impact
ITU makes an impact
With a student body of 25.000, ITU is
dedicated to transforming research into value,
empowering the local and global economy
and disseminating knowledge to excel in the
sciences, arts and technology.

ITU turns research into value

The ARI Technopolis is home to the nation’s
top technology and R&D companies,
creating jobs for highly-educated technology
professionals. 346 research labs, and 12
research centers, offer a state-of-the art R&D

ITU creates the intellectual minds

At ITU, students can actively participate in
a broad range of social activities, athletic
programs, clubs and organizations. ITU
campuses are located across the financial,
cultural and historic districts of Istanbul.
Service and contribution to society are highly

ITU students learn by doing

ITU encourages students to augment their
education by participating in international
exchange programs, internships and
professional activities. Students have direct
access to the leading firms and organizations
in the region and the world.

ITU responds to ever-changing needs

At ITU, research and education addresses
current and future needs of society. ITU aims
to create young and talented minds that will
shape the 21st century Turkey and the World.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 7

T 1773
he foundation of ITU dates back to 1773, to
the Ottoman Era. During the Ottoman Empire,
as the “Mühendishane-i Bahr-i Humayun”, Imperial School of Engineering
The Imperial School of Naval Engineering educated
chart masters and naval architects. In 1795, the
“Mühendishane-i Berr-i Humayun”, The Imperial School
of Military Engineering, was established to educate
Imperial School of Military Engineering
the artillery officers of the imperial army. In 1847,
education in the field of architecture was introduced to
the curriculum. In 1883, the institution was transformed
into “Hendese-i Mülkiye”, the Imperial Academy of 1847
Civil Engineering. This transition was the first step in Architectural Education
creating the foundation for the future planning and
implementation of the country’s new infrastructure
projects. 1883
The Imperial Academy of Civil Engineering
Acquiring university status in 1928, the Academy
continued to provide education in the fields of
engineering and architecture until it was incorporated
into ITU in 1944. During university reforms in the 1909
republic era, ITU adopted the continental European Academy of Engineering
technical university (TU) educational system. In
1946, ITU became an autonomous university with the
Colleges of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.
Acquired the university status
Throughout the years, ITU has continuously been a
leader in reform movements, and has assumed pivotal
roles in the reconstruction, modernization, and 1944
administration of the Republic. Istanbul Technical University

With a history stretching back 237 years, ITU’s state-of-

the-art setting, modern facilities and strong academic
staff offer a dynamic, global, high quality, creative and
Adoption of the 4+2 System
communicative approach in education, research and

Internationally Accredited Programs

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 8


TU’s long standing commitment to focus,
strategic planning and continuous assessment
led to a sound administration culture that
is recognized by national and international
counterparts. The administrative approach of ITU is
based on being dynamic, proactive, responsive and
inclusive. The driver of strategic initiatives is the
University’s vision statement — to be a focal point for
pioneering studies in science, technology and arts and
humanities on a national and international scale —
delivering a high-caliber educational experience and
helping build a knowledge-based economy.

Office of the President has 16 branches and 12

administrative centers located on the Ayazağa
Main Campus.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 9

Senior Administrative Personnel
Dr. Muhammed Şahin President
Dr. Ahsen Özsoy Vice President for Facilities & Infrastructure
Dr. Mehmet Karaca Vice President for Research & Development
Dr. Derin Ural Vice President for Student & Academic Affairs
Nevzat Özkök General Secretary

Dr. Yılmaz Taptık Dean of Students

Dr. A. Hamdi Kayran Dean of International Education
Dr. Suat Küçükçiftçi Dean of Continuing Education and Conventions

Dr. Gaye Onursal Dean, College of Civil Engineering

Dr. Orhan Hacıhasanoğlu Dean, College of Architecture
Dr. Taner Derbentli Dean, College of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Hakan Kuntman Dean, College of Electrical Engineering
Dr. İlyas Çağlar Dean, College of Mines
Dr. Sadriye Küçükbayrak Dean, College of Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering
Dr. Ali İhsan Aldoğan Dean, College of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering
Dr. Nil Güler Dean, Maritime College
Dr. Cenap Özben Dean, College of Sciences & Letters
Dr. Öner Günçavdı Dean, College of Management
Dr. Fevzi Ünal Dean, College of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Dr. Emel Önder Dean, College of Textile Technologies & Fashion Design

Dr. Nüzhet Dalfes Dean, Euro-Asian Institute of Earth Sciences

Dr. Serdar Çelebi Dean, Institute of Informatics
Dr. Altuğ Şişman Dean, Institute of Energy
Dr. Ali Demir Dean, Institute of Science & Technology
Dr. Fatma Küskü Dean, Institute of Social Sciences
Dr. Hasan Boduroğlu Dean, Institute of Earthquake Eng. & Disaster Management

Dr. Nebiye Musaoğlu Director, School of Foreign Languages

Dr. Cihat Aşkın Director, State Conservatory of Turkish Music
Dr. Mustafa Yanalak Director, Vocational School

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 10

Student Profile
as of April 2010

Student Enrollment 2010 Total Enrollment 2006-2010 Enrollment by Gender

Level Number Year Undergrad. Graduate Male Female
Undergraduate 17274 18941
2009-2010 6628 Undergraduate 11746 5528
Masters 5205 2008-2009 17513 5590 Masters 3123 2082
Ph.D. 1924 2007-2008 16372 5887 Ph.D. 1136 788
Doctorate 5 14860
2006-2007 6121 Doctorate 0 5
Conservatory 773 2006-2005 14282 6507 Conservatory 466 307
Vocational 798 13342
2005-2004 5104 Vocational 660 115
Total 25979 13031
2004-2003 5286 Total Percentage 66% 33%

Student Enrollment by Department

Department Undergrad. Department Undergrad. Institute Masters Ph.D.
Aeronautical Engineering 390 Information Technologies & Eng. 167 Earth Sciences 21 26
Architecture 908 Interior Architecture 154 Energy 162 35
Astronautical Engineering 262 Landscape Architecture 146 Informatics 127 62
Bioengineering 106 Business Administration 156 Science & Technology 4204 1516
Civil Engineering 1537 Management Engineering 609 Social Sciences 463 123
Chemical Engineering 501 Manufacturing Engineering 283 Earthquake E. & Dis. M. N/A N/A
Chemistry 441 Marine Engineering 383
ITU has over 140 graduate degree programs offered in
Computer Science & Eng. 610 Maritime Trans. & Mngmt. 706 6 graduate institutes. programs are affiliated with the
departments or listed as interdisciplinary and cross-
Conservatory of Turkish Music 773 Mathematical Engineering 437 departmental programs.
Control Engineering 356 Mechanical Engineering 1248
Economics 220 Metallurgical & Materials Eng. 454
Electrical Engineering 660 Meteorological Engineering 300
Electronics & Comm. Eng. 1008 Mineral Processing Engineering 115
Environmental Engineering 343 Mining Engineering 345
Environmental Science & Mngmt. 7 Molecular Biology & Genetics 231
Fashion Design 104 Naval Architecture 360
Food Engineering 239 Petroleum & Natural Gas Eng. 308
Geological Engineering 290 Ocean Engineering 321
Geomatic Engineering 286 Textile Development & Mngmt. 71
Geophysical Engineering 212 Textile Engineering 360
Industrial Engineering 595 Urban & Regional Planning 356
Industrial Product Design 208 Vocational School 798

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 11

Faculty Profile
as of April 2010

University Totals New Promotions in 2009 Faculty by Gender

Rank Number Rank Number Rank Male Female
Professor 427 Professor 42 Professor
284 143
Associate Professor 194 Associate Professor 47 Associate Prof. 121 73
Assistant Professor 365 Assistant Professor 74 Assistant Prof. 207 158
Lecturer 95 Lecturer 2 Lecturer
64 31
Teaching Assistant 828 Teaching Assistant 112 TA 464 364
Specialist 84 Specialist 3 Specialist
40 44
Teacher 168 Teacher 20 Teacher
23 145
Total 2161 Total 300 Total 1203 958

Faculty by College/Schools/Institutes
Professor Assoc. Professor Assist. Professor Lecturer Teaching Assistant Specialist Teacher
Aeronautics and Astronautics 19 7 13 13 35 1
Architecture 46 21 45 10 96 4
Civil Engineering 77 40 55 5 92
Chemical & Metallurgical Eng. 49 11 14 1 56 2
Electrical Engr. & Electronics 37 17 43 5 86
Management 16 10 23 4 47
Maritime 2 1 13 15 13 3
Mechanical Engineering 39 14 32 5 57 2
Mines 41 12 30 2 48 2
Naval Architecture & Ocean Eng. 15 9 10 2 23 1
Sciences and Letters 60 35 53 11 113 4
Textile Technologies & Fashion Des. 8 5 4 2 17 1
Computer Science & Informatics (2010-2011 Academic Year)
Earth Sciences 2 3 1 11
Energy 9 9 9 11
Informatics 2 2 2 9 47 2
Science & Technology 28
Social Sciences 25
Earthquake Eng. & Disaster Mngmt. (2010-2011 Academic Year)
School of Foreign Languages 1 2 156
Vocational School 5 8 2 4
Conservatory 5 6 16 15 20 1
Office of the President 55 12

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 12

Financial Overview
Fiscal Years 2008/2009/2010

University Operating Budget in Functional Classifications

Dollars in Thousands

Class Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

KPI Expenditures KPI Mid-Year Budget Proposed Budget Projected Budget Projected Budget

Educational Services $100,174 $105,943 $115,765 $69,874 $126,676 $118,549 $124,064 $131,707
Public Services $15,203 $13,823 $17,962 $9,864 $18,548 $19,760 $20,618 $22,031
Cultural and Recreative Services $3,345 $3,183 $2,488 $1,522 $2,785 $2,522 $2,477 $2,570
Public Safety $1,003 $1,068 $1,459 $1,184 $1,235 $1,712 $1,762 $1,827
Emergency Management $35 $35 $41 $22 $38 $38 $41 $42
Total $119,760 $124,052 $137,715 $82,465 $149,283 $142,581 $148,962 $158,177

University Operating Budget in Economic Classifications

Dollars in Thousands

Class Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

KPI Expenditures KPI Mid-Year Budget Proposed Budget Projected Budget Projected Budget

Personnel Expenditures $60,539 $60,310 $115,765 $44,980 $66,644 $118,549 $124,064 $131,707
Social Security Expenditures $8,067 $7,534 $17,962 $5,750 $8,404 $19,760 $20,618 $22,031
Service & Property Procurements $23,031 $22,651 $2,488 $14,877 $26,067 $2,522 $2,477 $2,570
Prevalent Transfers $1,318 $1,233 $1,459 $2,630 $4,889 $1,712 $1,762 $1,827
Capital Expenditures $25,720 $32,324 $41 $4,363 $43,279 $38 $41 $42
Capital Expenses N/A N/A N/A $9,865 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total $118,675 $124,052 $137,715 $82,465 $149,283 $142,581 $148,962 $158,177

ITU Revolving Funds Financial Summary ITU Development Foundation Financial Contributions1
Dollars in Thousands Dollars in Thousands
Class Description 2008 2009 Class Description 2009 ITU DF 2009 Technopolis 2010 Projections
Gross Sales $9,560 $8,232 Scholarships $152 $27 $183
Other Income $825 $1,286 Investments N/A $40 $45
Other Profits $5 $20 Faculty Awards $245 N/A $260
Total $10,391 $9,538 Educational Expenses $88 N/A $95
Project Expenses $221 N/A $248
Budget data is converted to US Dollars using
April 2010 average rates: $1= 1.48 TL. Activities $432 $81 $445
[1] The data reflects only the contributions Other $66 N/A $96
to the annual ITU budget. ITU DF and the ARI
Technopolis are currently investing on new Internal R&D N/A $29 $35
projects and land developments. Estimated $1,204 $177 $1,407
annual budget for the ARI Technopolis is
approximately $35M.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 13

TU offers 39 undergraduate and 140+
graduate degree programs ranging from
basic sciences to various disciplines of ITU offers over 140 graduate level programs in
engineering, arts, architecture, planning and 6 graduate institutes. Master level programs are
design. The core objective of all undergraduate designed to equip students with the necessary
and graduate programs at ITU is to create foundation to succeed in their professional
skilled, visionary and talented individuals, lives and utilize cutting-edge technology
lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and the in advanced scientific studies. Master level
technology leaders of 21st century Turkey and curricula include core compulsory courses,
the World. fundamental inquiry courses and a number of
elective courses supporting thesis research.

UNDERGRADUATE ITU Ph.D. programs target advancement

Undergraduate education at ITU aims to of knowledge, scientific progression and
provide its students with the fundamental intellectual exploration with a flexible
academic background to develop the necessary and interdisciplinary curricula, engaging
skills and creative thinking. All undergraduate essential research problems for both current
engineering degrees at ITU have a 4-year and future needs of society. ITU provides a
curriculum as required by the Higher vibrant research environment and a variety of
Education Council of Turkey, ABET and EUA opportunities including academic scholarships,
accreditation criteria: exchange programs and international research-
abroad grants.
25% basic science courses;
25% basic engineering courses; Students in the Ph.D. programs are required
20% humanities and social science courses; to complete a core set of research inquiry
30% engineering design courses. and methodology courses and advanced level
courses during the first phase of their program.
ITU students also benefit from a large selection ITU sets high standards for the dissertation
of elective courses. The curriculum includes phase, requiring internationally acclaimed
compulsory internships and study-abroad research outcomes and both tangible and
programs. ITU labs and research facilities applicable results from the entire research
provide sufficient support for instruction and process.
learning as well as undergraduate research
activities. Successful students have the
opportunity to pursue double-major degrees.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 14


TU is one of Turkey’s leading public
research universities. ITU’s research
policy is to carry out both applicable
and value-added research with a pervasive
impact on improving people’s lives and
producing a new generation of technology
and innovation to drive economic growth.
ITU faculty members conduct world-class
research in fields of engineering, technology,
basic sciences, earth and planetary sciences
and social sciences.

In line with the University’s mission

and values, ITU faculty is committed to
advance scientific knowledge and discovery.
Their dedication has resulted in globally
recognized graduate degree programs and
a vibrant graduate studies environment,
enrolling more than 5000 students.

The ARI Technopolis, KOSGEB Technology

Development Center, 346 state-of-the-art
research labs and 12 research centers, form
a research corridor that links the university
to the world’s outstanding engineering and
technology firms and R&D institutions.

ITU labs are equipped with the

cutting-edge technology, providing
adequate research environments
for the students and faculty.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 15

stanbul Technical University actively Institutional Memberships in
upholds a strong commitment to expand International Networks
relations with select institutions abroad BSUN (Black Sea University Network)
and promotes the international exchange
CESAER (Conf. of European Schools for Adv. Eng. and Research)
of students and scholars. ITU strives to
EAIE (European Association for International Education)
develop new visions, strategies and programs
to adapt to an ever-changing world while OECD/IMHE (International Management of Higher Education)
simultaneously preserving the cultural and EUA (European University Association)
traditional aspects of the university. IAU (The International Association of Universities)
IAUP (The International Association of University Presidents)
ITU has more than 135 international CMU (Community of Mediterranean University)
partnership agreements and is the first TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe)
university to introduce the European Credit
ATHENS (Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Network)
Transfer System (ECTS) in Turkey. ITU has
received the Erasmus University Charter and
became the leading university in Turkey with Selected Partnership Agreements
its involvement in EU exchange programs. ITU University of California, Berkeley
has also initiated Dual Degree Programs with University of Georgia
US Universities, and has nearly 1500 full-time Berlin Institute of Technology
enrollment in 12 programs. Cairo University
Carleton University
ITU welcomes students from over 75 countries
Codarts, University for the Arts
across the globe.
King Saud University
Nagoya University
State University of New York
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Technical University of Lisbon

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 16

One of the leading universities at a global ITU strives to contribute to science and
level, ITU will establish a university in Berlin, technology at the international level with
based on a bilateral agreement between all necessary steps to serve the global
Turkish and German governments. This community. As a direct outcome of
institution will be the first Turkish university this strategic vision, ITU will establish
in Europe which will offer engineering and the Northern Cyprus Campus where it
technology studies. will provide education in engineering,
management and technological studies
ITU and Technical University of Berlin for the global community and the Turkish
will jointly establish a research institute students in Cyprus. ITU Northern Cyprus
specializing in digital communications and Campus will be built on three locations;
information technologies. Lefkosa, Magosa and Yenierenköy.

ITU’s Berlin Campus will come to life through the

visionary partnership of Turkey and Germany.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 17

International Programs Overview
as of April 2010

Erasmus Program Data ATHENS Program Data International Study Supports

Period Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Faculty Period Outgoing Incoming Period # Budget
489 120 19 2010 Fall 20 40 2009 Fall 446 $351K
2008-2009 380 75 18 2010 Spring 20 40 2009 Spring 357 $281K
2007-2008 353 51 28 2009 Fall 14 38 2008 Fall 342 $254K
2006-2007 259 50 53 2009 Spring 18 41 2008 Spring 296 $219K
2005-2006 206 46 14 2008 Fall 13 36 2007 Fall 391 $231K
2004-2005 126 22 6 2008 Spring 5 0 2007 Spring 342 $202K
15 2 0 Total 90 195 Total 2174 $1,53M

Dual Degree Programs Overview

Program University Prep Enrollment Undergrad Enrollment Graduates Total
Civil Engineering SUNY-University at Buffalo 38 137 16 191
Environmental Engineering SUNY-University at Buffalo 13 64 0 77
Information Systems Engineering SUNY-Binghamton 43 124 45 212
Business Administration SUNY-New Paltz 45 106 61 212
Economics SUNY-New Paltz 50 66 62 178
Maritime Transportation SUNY-Maritime College 24 68 21 113
Marine Engineering SUNY-Maritime College 14 52 8 74
Fashion Design Fashion Institute of Technology 36 67 19 122
Textile Development & Marketing Fashion Institute of Technology 21 50 18 89
Bioengineering Montana State University 41 65 0 106
Environmental Sci.&Management Montana State University 3 4 0 7
Industrial Engineering S. Illinois University - Edwardsville 36 64 0 100

Exchange Agreements by Countries (2009-2010)

Country # Country # Country # Exchange agreements are based
on specific collaborations on
United States 10 Australia 1 Nigeria 1 research projects or educational
France 6 Brazil 1 Pakistan 1 programs in undergraduate and
gradute level.
Netherlands 5 Canada 1 Portugal 1
South Korea 4 China 1 Romania 1
Arab Republic of Egypt 3 Cuba 1 Saudi Arabia 1
Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 1 Singapore 1
Italy 2 Germany 1 Spain 1
Japan 2 Greece 1 UAE 1
TRNC 2 India 1 Total 54

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 18


he administration has initiated new
projects for improving the teaching
and research infrastructure of the
university. These projects are essential aspects
of ITU’s 2010 University Strategic Initiative.

The Central Education Facility, equipped with

state-of-the-art classrooms, is a 98,000 ft2
building with a total capacity of 1700. Total
cost of the building, including infrastructure,
is estimated at $6.5 million. The building is
expected to be completed and fully operational
Fall 2010.

The new student center project is designed

as an annex to the 75th Anniversary Student
Complex. The center is a 85,000 ft2 building
with a total cost of $5 million. The center will
provide additional cafeteria space and new
offices for student clubs and organizations.

The National Supercomputing Center is a joint

endeavor with The State Planning Organization.
The project includes both high-performance
computing equipment and a high-tech
facility. The 72,000 ft2 smart-building is under
construction with high-tech control systems.
Total cost for the facility is estimated at $13.5
ITU/National Supercomputing Center provides
high performance computing services for
academic and governmental institutions, banks,
and R&D companies.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 19


ITU Nanotechnology Center is a ITU and central

government sponsored project with a total
budget of $20 million. The project phases include
physical space allocation for the labs and clean
room; participation of industry counterparts;
and establishment of research groups.

Researcher and Scientist Development Program

is funded by The State Planning Organization.
the ultimate goal of the nationwide project
is to recruit and educate future researchers,
academics and technology experts. The $17
million program includes scholarships funds for
incoming Ph.D. students, housing facilities and
research infrastructure support.

ITU and the ITU Development Foundation’s

joint initiative, ARI Technopolis Phase 3
Building and Phase 4 Development are currently
underway. The Phase 3 building, with an area
of 540,000 ft2, will be equipped with offices, a
recreation center, a fitness center, and a food
court for selected R&D firms based in ARI
Technopolis. Phase 4 is a signature project in the
Florya region with a 15 acre land for potential

ITU Nanotechnology Center will provide the

necessary infrastructure for nanotechnology
and nano-materials research for academic and
industry R&D initiatives.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 20

TU offers the necessary IT infrastructure
to its community. Services include
state-of-the art technologies such as
campuswide gigabit ethernet, wireless internet,
VPN, VOIP and interactive user services. ITU
internet bandwidth is 600 Mbit/s provided
through the National Academic Network and
private service providers. ITU is the national
internet access gate for all educational
institutions in Istanbul and the Marmara

ITU Open-Access Labs have up-to-date

computer systems and specific software
for student use. ITU Computing Center
continuously plans and monitors both software
and hardware maintenance for effective and
efficient use.

ITU Libraries hold over 1 million items

including books, periodicals, electronic
resources, digital media collections, musical
recordings, and various documents. ITU
Mustafa Inan Library provides 24/7 access
to ITU community. ITU Music Library has a
unique collection of recordings and materials
on Turkish, Classical and Contemporary Music.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 21

Student Life

TU stretches across five campuses
located in the financial, cultural and
historic districts of the city of Istanbul.
City campuses offer unique opportunities
for students to develop social and leadership
skills while enjoying an urban cultural

With over 100 active student clubs and

organizations on campus, plus the varied
resources of cosmopolitan Istanbul,
student life at ITU is exciting, educational,
interactive and fun.

Student led activities and organizations

include the ITU Solar Car Teams, ITU Solar
Boat Team, pSAT Orbital Satellite Team,
Annual Rock Festival, ITU Spring Festival,
theater performances, ITU polyphonic choir,
and dancing troupes.

ITU campuses host symposiums, student

conventions, art exhibits, screenings and
music festivals.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 22

Campus Life
TU has on-campus housing facilities with
a capacity of 3000, offering high quality
accommodation to its students. ITU dorms
are located in convenient locations allowing
students to enjoy campus life. All facilities
provide access to campus services and are
within close proximity to popular venues around

ITU operates a large scale food services

department offering affordable meals to students,
faculty and staff. Over 60% of the costs are
subsidized by ITU and nearly 3000 students
have free meal plans as scholarships. ITU Food
Services are ISO and HACCP certified and
employ qualified food and nutrition specialists.

The ITU Health Center provides quality programs

of preventive, therapeutic, and primary medical
care services. The primary goal of the center is
to educate the ITU community of strategies for
preserving health and promoting well-being.
The Health Center on the main campus is a
fully-equipped clinic and city campuses offer
emergency services.

The ITU Counseling Center aims to support

students as they grow in their personal and
academic lives. The center offers a range of
services to the university community, including
mental health service to students, consultation to
faculty, administrators and staff.

The ITU Career Center offers counseling services

for the ITU community for linking industry
peers to ITU’s high profile graduates. The center
prepares students for their professional career
through seminars, consulting sessions, career
fairs and guest lectures.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 23


TU has a long tradition of being a leader in
collegiate athletics in Turkey. With its well
established sports and recreational facilities,
ITU offers a variety of programs through ITU
Sports Union and ITU Sports Club that the ITU
community utilizes to exercise, compete, and
relax. ITU has over 30 men and women teams
competing in various levels in the interuniversity
and national leagues.

ITU athletic programs include, basketball,

american football, soccer, volleyball, water polo,
swimming, scuba diving.

2009/10 University Facts&Figures 24

Office of the Vice President PHONE +90 212 285 30 30 www.itu.edu.tr
Ayazaga Campus, Maslak, 34469 FAX +90 212 285 29 10 info@itu.edu.tr

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