Brain Teasers
Brain Teasers
Brain Teasers
At what time immediately prior to Six O'clock the hands of the clock are exactly opposite to each
Give the exact time in hours, minutes and seconds.
4 hrs. 54 min. 32.74 seconds
It is obvious that between 5 O'clock and 6 O'clock the hands will not be exactly opposite to each
other. It is also obvious that
the hands will be opposite to each other just before 5 O'clock. Now to find exact time:
The hour hand moves 1 degree for every 12 degrees that the minute hand moves. Let the hour
hand be X degree away from 5
O'clock. Therefore the minute hand is 12X degree away from 12 O'clock.
Therefore solving for X
Angle between minute hand and 12 O'clock + Angle between 12 O'clock and 4 O'clock + Angle
between 4 O'clock and hour
hand = 180
12X + 120 + (30-X) = 180
11X = 30
Hence X = 30/11 degrees
(hour hand is X degree away from 5 O'clock)
Now each degree the hour hand moves is 2 minutes.
Therefore minutes are
= 2 * 30/11
= 60/11
= 5.45 (means 5 minutes 27.16 seconds)
Therefore the exact time at which the hands are opposite to each other is
= 4 hrs. 54 min. 32.74 seconds
X pr
cs fr
8 pr
cs (W)
8C1 8C2 8C3 8C4 8C5 8C6 8C7 8C8
a c
64 784 3136 4900 3136 784 64 1
Th s,
a p
ss c
ns ar
= 64 + 784 + 3136 + 4900 + 3136 + 784 + 64 + 1
= 12869
Bran Tasr N
Gvn h f
wng facs
1. Dnsh s
ngr han Far kh an
r han G rm.
2. Jan s
ngr han Chan an
r han Eshra.
3. Am s
ngr han Irfan an
r han Chan .
4. Far kh s
ngr han Bhavn an
r han Hman.
5. Irfan s
ngr han G rm an
r han Jan.
6. Hman s
r han G rm.
s h Y
Eshra s h
Dscar wh
vr ar
r han s
From (1) Gurmit is younger than Dinesh and Farukh.
From (5) Jatin is younger than Irfan and Gurmit.
From (2) Eshrat is younger than Jatin and Chandu.
From above 3 deductions, Eshrat is younger than Dinesh, Farukh, Irfan, Gurmit, Jatin and
From (3) Chandu is younger than Amit and Irfan.
From (4) Hemant is younger than Farukh and Bhavin.
From (6) Gurmit is younger than Hemant.
From above 3 deductions, Gurmit is younger than Farukh, Bhavin and Hemant. Also, Chandu is
younger than Amit and Irfan.
But as seen earlier, Eshrat is younger than Gurmit and Chandu.
Hence, Eshrat is the youngest.
Brain Teaser No : 00722
What do you first give away, then keep?
@ubmitted by : HappyGirl
Your Word/Promise
First you give "your word" then you have to keep "your word".
Brain Teaser No : 00733
Using the numbers 0 to 9 once each, what combination will add up to exactly 100?
Note that you can use ONLY ADDITION.
@ubmitted by : Rich Martin
It is impossible to get 100 using digits 0-9 once each and only addition.
All digits from 0 to 9 add up to 45. Now, take any two digits (and make a two-digit number) and
add it to the remaining digits.
The result will always increase by a multiple of 9. e.g Let's take 1 and 2 i.e. 12 and add all
remaining digits to it, the total is 54
i.e. 45 + 9.
Thus, whatever you do the answer will always be 45 + 9X, where X is an integer. In other words,
we are trying to solve 45 + 9X
=100 for integer value of X.
Thus, it is impossible to get 100 using digits 0-9 once each and only addition
Brain Teaser No : 00736
Always old, sometimes new,
Never sad, sometimes blue,
Never empty, sometimes full,
Never pushes, always pulls.
What is it?
@ m T
Th Moon
Th moon s o, nvr sa, nvr mp an nvr p shs. Thr ar Nw-moon, B -moon,
F -moon. Aso, p s war
s on h arh.
Bran Tasr No 00737
Consr a
am of Towr of Hano (k h on ha o can pa on BranVsa).
If h owr has 2 scs, h as poss movs wh whch o can mov h nr owr o
anohr p
s 3.
If h owr has 3 scs, h as poss movs wh whch o can mov h nr owr o
anohr p
s 7.
Wha s h as poss movs wh whch o can mov h nr owr o anohr p
f h
owr has N scs?
@ m Tm @anrs
Thr ar n mr of was o fn h answr.
To mov h ar
s sc (a v N) from on owr o h ohr, rq rs 2(N-1) movs. Th s,
o mov N scs from on owr
o h ohr, h n mr of movs rq r s
= 2(N-1) + 2(N-2) + 2(N-3) + ..... + 22 + 21 + 20
= 2N - 1
For N scs, h n mr of movs s on mor han wo ms h n mr of movs for N-1 scs.
Th s, h rc rsv f ncon
F(1) = 1
F(N) = 2*[F(N-1)] + 1
whr N s h oa n mr of scs
Aso, on can arrv a h answr fnn
h n mr of movs for smar n mr of scs an
hn rv h parn.
For 1 sc, n mr of movs = 1
For 2 scs, n mr of movs = 3
For 3 scs, n mr of movs = 7
For scs, n mr of movs = 15
For 5 scs, n mr of movs = 31
Th s, h parn s 2N - 1
Bran Tasr No 00738
Can o nam hr consc v as who sn
h wors Mona, T sa, Wnsa,
Th rsa, Fra, @a ra, or
@ na?
@ m H N
A swr
Ysra, T
a, T
r c
m a
s ca ma s g Da-Bf
r-Ysra a Da-Afr-T
, "14 N
vmr, 15 N
vmr, 16 N
vmr" s h va a swr.
Bra Tasr N
s g pa. O 'X' has pac
f h c
r rs. N
'O' has
pac .
s h par ha s pa g 'O' has
p hs frs 'O' s
ha 'X'
s ' w ?
Ass m ha
h pars ar vr g . Expa
r a swr.
@ m Uaghj
A swr
"O" sh
pac h c r.
L's mr h p
s as
I s gv ha "X" s pac
f h c
r r p
. L's ass m ha s a p
w, 's ak ach p
If "O" s pac p
2, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
4, 5
r 7.
If "O" s pac p
3, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
4, 7
r 9.
If "O" s pac p
4, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
2, 3
r 5.
If "O" s pac p
6, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
3, 5
r 7.
If "O" s pac p
7, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
2, 3
r 9.
If "O" s pac p
8, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
3, 5
r 7.
If "O" s pac p
9, "X" ca awas w ch
s g p
r 7.
If "O" s pac p
5 .. c r p
, "X" ca ' w ss "O"
s s
mh g f
sh ;))
H c, "O" sh
pac h c r.
Bra Tasr N
Mark a haf
f a pzza
a. H a haf
f wha was f
T sa a s
. H
w hs par f
w m ch
f h pzza w
h hav a r g h wk?
@ m Ash Krapf
A swr
Mark w
hav a 127/128 (99.22%)
f h pzza r g h wk.
Mark a haf h pzza
a. O T sa, h w
hav a haf
f h rma g pzza
.. 1/4
f h
rg a pzza.
@mar, h w
hav a 1/8
f h
rg a pzza
W sa a s
r h sv as.
Total pizza Mark ate during the week is
= 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + 1/128
= 127/128
= 99.22% of the original pizza
Brain Teaser No : 00765
Three men, including Gianni and three woman, including Sachi are in line at the BrentWood post
office. Each has two different
pieces of business to conduct.
1. The first person is a woman.
2. Carlos wants to send an overnight package.
3. Lau is just ahead of Pimentelli who is the same sex as Lau.
4. Gianni is two places ahead of the person who wants to buy stamps.
5. Knutson - who is the opposite sex than Rendler - isn't the person who wanted to complain about
a mail carrier.
6. The six people, not necessarily in the same order are - Anthony, Donna, the person who wants
to fill out a change-ofaddress
form, the one who wants to buy a money order, the one who wants to send Airmail to Tibet and
the second
person in the line.
7. The four tasks of the last two people in line, not necessarily in the same order are - sending
books fourth class, buying a
money order, picking up a package and complaining about a mail carrier.
8. The person who wants to send books fourth class is just behind a person of the same sex.
9. Mary is just behind a person who wants to send an insured package.
10. The person who wants to send Airmail to Tibet is either two places ahead of or two places
behind the one who wants to
add postage to his or her meter.
11. Anthony isn't two places behind the who wants to pickup a registered letter.
12. Toriseza is two places ahead of the person who wants to pick up a package.
13. Knutson isn't just ahead of the person who wants to send an item parcel post.
Can you figure out where each customer is in the line, his or her full name (one surname is Loti)
and the two things he or she wants
to accomplish? Provide your answer is POSITION - FIRST NAME - LAST NAME - BUSINESS
A very TOUGH puzzle !!!
1 Sachi Loti Fill Out a Change-of-Address Form
Add Postage to Meter
2 Gianni Lau Pick Up a Registered Letter
Send an Item Parcel Post
3 Carlos Pimentelli Overnight Package
Send Airmail to Tibet
4 Donna Toriseza Buy Stamps
Send an Insured Package
5 Mary Knutson Buy a Money Order
Send Books fourth Class
6 Anthony Rendler Complain About a Mail Carrier
Pick Up a Package
Brain Teaser No : 00770
What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
Submitted by : Sam
A Mountain
A mountian has roots that hold it up under the ground, which nobody sees.
It is taller than trees.
It goes up and up as it is so tall, but it never grows.
Brain Teaser No : 00784
The population of an island consists of two and only two types of people : the knights, who
invariably tell the truth and the knaves
who always lie.
One day a stanger in the island, met four inhabitants. He asked the first one whether the second
was a Knight or a Knave. The
reply was "Knave". Similarly, the second inhabitant said that the third was a "Knave", and the third
said the same about the fourth.
Now he asked the fourth inhabitant that what would the first have said about the third. The reply
once again was "Knave".
Who is the fourth inhabitant, Knight or Knave?
The fourth inhabitant is a Knave.
Take two cases.
Assume that the first inhabitant was a Knight. It means that second inhabitant was a Knave as the
first was telling the truth.
Similarly, the third inhabitant was a Knight as the second was lying. Inturn, the forth inhabitant was
a Knave as the third was
telling the truth.
Now the first and the third both are Knight. So the first would have said "Knight" for the third
person. But the forth would have
said "Knave" and he did. Hence, the fourth person was Knave.
Tryout second case yourself i.e. assume that the first inhabitant was a Knave.
Brain Teaser No : 00796
What's filled in the morning and emptied at night, and one day of the year its emptied in the
morning and emptied at night?
Submitted by : Robert Coster
A stocking or a sock
Usually, it is filled with your foot in the morning and taken off (i.e. emptied) at night. But on
Christmas, it is emptied at night so
that Santa can fill it with gifts; and emptied in the morning by children.
Brain Teaser No : 00801
An old tea merchant in New York's Chinatown was trying to figure out how to divide 20 pounds of
tea into 2-pound packets using a
simple balance scale. But this merchant could only find two weights around the shop - one was 5
pounds and the other was 9
Can you figure out how he did it?
Submitted by : Johnny B. Good
There are many ways to do it.
Method I
1. Get 4 pounds of tea using 9-pound and 5-pound weights.
2. Using the balance, divide this 4 pounds of tea into 2 equal parts of 2 pounds each.
3. Using this 2-pound tea packet as a make-shift weight, divide the remaining tea into 9 packets of
2-pounds each.
Method II
1. Using 9-pounds weight, get 9 pounds of tea.
2. Using 9-pounds weight again, get another 9 pounds of tea from remaining 11 pounds.
3. Now we have 2 pounds of tea. Make a packet of it.
4. Using this 2-pound tea packet as a make-shift weight, divide the remaining tea into 9 packets of
2-pounds each.
Brain Teaser No : 00807
How many possible combinations are there in a 3x3x3 rubics cube?
In other words, if you wanted to solve the rubics cube by trying different combinations, how many
might it take you (worst case
How many for a 4x4x4 cube?
@ m @arah F
Thr ar 4.3252 * 10^19 p
ss c
ns f
r 3x3x3 R cs an 7.4012 * 10^45 p
ns f
r 4x4x4
R cs.
L's c
nsr 3x3x3 R cs frs.
Thr ar 8 c
rnr c s, whch can arrang n 8! was.
f s 8 c s can rn n 3 ffrn rc
ns, s
r ar 3^8
gr. B f
g a
f c
rnr c n
sn p
ns an
f 3
f fna
rnr c s p
ss. T s,
a was c
rnr c s can pac = (8!) * (3^8)/8 = (8!) * (3^7)
@mar, 12 g c s can arrang n 12! was.
f s 12 c s can rn n 2 ffrn rc
ns, s
r ar 2^12
gr. B f
g a
f g c n
sn p
ns an
f 2
f fna
g c s p
ss. T s,
a was g c s can pac = (12!) * (2^12)/2 = (12!) * (2^11)
Hr, w av ssna p c s apar an s ck c s ack n pac wrvr w pas.
In ra, w can
v c s ar
n rnng facs
f c s. I rns
can' rn facs n
s c a wa as
f w
c s w r rnng a
rgna p
ns. T s f
g a
c s n pac, r s
n aana c
c f
r m (n
2!). Hnc, w m s v 2.
a ffrn p
ss c
ns ar
= [(8!) * (3^7)] * [(12!) * (2^11)] / 2
= (8!) * (3^7) * (12!) * (2^10)
= 4.3252 * 10^19
@mar, f
r 4x4x4 R cs
a ffrn p
ss c
ns ar
= [(8!) * (3^7)] * [(24!)] * [(24!) / (4!^6)] / 24
= 7.4011968 * 10^45
a r ar 24 g c s, wc
can n
rn n 2
ns (nc n
2^24 / 2).
, r ar 4 cnr c s
pr fac .. (24!) / (4!^6). Y
can swc 2 c s w
affcng rs
f c
n as
4*4*4 as vn mns
(nc n
n 2). B parn
n s s r
a n 4 rc
vr 6 facs, nc
v 24.
Bran Tasr N
Am, Bavn, Hmans an Raks ar sng ar
n a a.
T Ec
ncs Engnr s sng
f Mcanca Engnr.
Amit is sitting opposite to Computer Engineer.
Himanshu likes to play Computer Games.
Bhavin is sitting to the right of the Chemical Engineer.
Can you figure out everyone's profession?
Amit is the Mechanical Engineer. Bhavin is the Computer Engineer. Himanshu and Rakesh are
either Chemical Engineer or
Elecronics Engineer.
Amit and Bhavin are sitting opposite to each other. Whereas Chemical Engineer and Elecronics
Engineer are sitting opposite to
each other.
We cannot find out who is Chemical Engineer and Elecronics Engineer as data provided is not
Brain Teaser No : 00821
Pooja and Esha met each other after long time. In the course of their conversation, Pooja asked
Esha her age. Esha replied, "If you
reverse my age, you will get my husbund's age. He is of course older than me. Also, the difference
between our age is 1/11th of the
sum of our age."
Can you help out Pooja in finding Esha's age?
Esha's age is 45 years.
Assume that Esha's age is 10X+Y years. Hence, her hunsbands age is (10Y + X) years.
It is given that difference between their age is 1/11th of the sum of their age. Hence,
[(10Y + X) - (10X + Y)] = (1/11)[(10Y + X) + (10X + Y)]
(9Y - 9X) = (1/11)(11X + 11Y)
9Y - 9X = X + Y
8Y = 10X
4Y = 5X
Hence, the possible values are X=4, Y=5 and Esha's age is 45 years.
Brain Teaser No : 00825
You·ve been placed on a course of expensive medication in which you are to take one tablet of
medicine A and one tablet of
medicine B daily. You must be careful that you take just one of each because taking more of either
can have serious side effects.
Taking an A without taking a B, or vice versa, can also be very serious, because they must be taken
together in order to be
effective. In summary, you must take exactly one of the A pills and one of the B pills at one time.
You open up the A bottle, and you tap one A pill into your hand. You put that bottle aside and
you open the B bottle. You do the
same, but by mistake, two Bs fall into your hand with the A pill.
Now, you weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it; so you can't tell the A pill apart from
the two B pills. The pills look
identical and they are not marked differently in any way.
You cannot tell which pill is which, and they are very costly, so you cannot afford to throw them
away and start over again.
How do you get your daily dose of exactly one A and exactly one B without wasting any of the
Cut each of the 3 pills in half and carefully separate then into 2 piles, with half of each pill in each
pile. You do not know which
pill is which, but you are 100% sure that each of the two piles now contains two halves of pill B and
half of pill A. Now take out a
pill A, cut it in half, and add one half to each stack.
Now you have two stacks, each one containing two halves of pill A, and two halves of pill B. Take
one stack of pills today, and
save the second stack for tomorrow.
Brain Teaser No : 00825
You·ve been placed on a course of expensive medication in which you are to take one tablet of
medicine A and one tablet of
medicine B daily. You must be careful that you take just one of each because taking more of either
can have serious side effects.
Taking an A without taking a B, or vice versa, can also be very serious, because they must be taken
together in order to be
effective. In summary, you must take exactly one of the A pills and one of the B pills at one time.
You open up the A bottle, and you tap one A pill into your hand. You put that bottle aside and
you open the B bottle. You do the
same, but by mistake, two Bs fall into your hand with the A pill.
Now, you weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it; so you can't tell the A pill apart from
the two B pills. The pills look
identical and they are not marked differently in any way.
You cannot tell which pill is which, and they are very costly, so you cannot afford to throw them
away and start over again.
How do you get your daily dose of exactly one A and exactly one B without wasting any of the
Cut each of the 3 pills in half and carefully separate then into 2 piles, with half of each pill in each
pile. You do not know which
pill is which, but you are 100% sure that each of the two piles now contains two halves of pill B and
half of pill A. Now take out a
pill A, cut it in half, and add one half to each stack.
Now you have two stacks, each one containing two halves of pill A, and two halves of pill B. Take
one stack of pills today, and
save the second stack for tomorrow.
Brain Teaser No : 00828
Santa and Banta are in charge of counting the people who get on and off the elevator in a hotel.
They take turns riding to the top
floor and back down, counting as they go. After two such trips each morning, two around noon
and two in the evening, there is an
average taken.
The hotel manager wants to know today's average.
1. On Banta's noon trip there were 32 fewer people than in his morning count.
2. Santa counted a total of 122 in the morning and noon counts, just one higher than his evening
count, but 24 more than
Banta's evening count.
3. Santa's morning count is the same as Banta's average.
4. Santa's evening count was 37 more than Banta's morning count.
From (2), Santa's evening count was 121 and Newell's evening count was 98.
From (4), Santa's evening count was 37 more than Newell's morning count. Hence, Newell's
morning count was 84.
From (1), Banta's noon count was 32 less than his morning count. Hence, Banta's noon count was
Thus, Banta's total count = (84 + 52 + 98) = 234
Average = 234 / 3 = 78
From (3), Santa's morning count was same as Banta's average. Hence, Santa's morning count was
From (2), Santa's total count for morning and noon was 122. Hence, Santa's noon count was 44
(122 - 78).
Thus, Santa's total count = (78 + 44 + 121) = 243
Average = 243 / 3 = 81
Morning Noon Evening Total Average
Santa 78 44 121 243 81
Banta 84 52 98 234 78
Brain Teaser No : 00832
Consider the following banking transactions. Deposit $50.00 and withdraw it as follows:
withdraw $20.00 leaving $30.00
withdraw $15.00 leaving $15.00
withdraw $ 9.00 leaving $ 6.00
withdraw $ 6.00 leaving $ 0.00
------ -----
$50.00 $51.00
Where did $1.00 come from?
@ mied @ sie
The calc laion done is wrong. The s m of "leaving" amo ns afer ever wihdrawal is no he oal
amo n wihdrawn. The
oal amo n wihdrawn is he s m of all wihdraws, no s m of all alance amo ns.
Brain Teaser No 00836
I have wo ees can' see,
Two fee can' walk,
A eak can' ea,
Two wings, can' fl.
Wha am I?
@ mied G@N
A o ird or a dead ird
A ird have wo ees, wo fee, a eak and wo wings. B onl a o ird or a dead ird can' se
Brain Teaser No 00837
When Rah l finall finished ping his Thesis on ´Crsal Repor Designµ, he was s rprised o
noice ha he n mer of digis he
sed o n mer is pages was exacl a m liple of he n mer of pages in he Thesis.
How man pages does he Thesis conain?
Noe ha his work conains over 1000 pages, fewer han 10000 pages.
Rah l's Thesis conains 1107 pages.
The firs 999 pages of Rah l's Thesis ses
9(1) + 90(2) + 900(3) = 2889 digis
Therefore, (999 + N) pages in Rah l's Thesis will se (2890 + 4N) digis, where 1000 < N < 10000.
Now, i is given ha he n mer of digis sed o n mer pages were exacl a m liple of he
n mer of pages in he Thesis.
Th s,
(2889 + 4N) = K * (999 + N) where K is some posiive ineger.
2889 + 4N = 999K + KN
2889 - 999K = KN - 4N
2889 - 999K = N * (K - 4)
N = (2889 - 999K) / (K - 4)
The aove eq aion is correc onl for K = 3, which means ha N = 108
Hence, Rah l's Thesis conains (999 + 108) 1107 pages.
Brain Teaser No : 00838
Sam and Appu are intelligent mathematicians. Both of them have two prime numbers written on
their foreheads and are told that
any three of them form the sides of a triangle with prime perimeter. They take turns stating
whether they can deduce the numbers
on their own foreheads.
Sam sees 13 and 17 on Appu's forehead and each of them has stated "Don't know" on each of their
first two turns.
It is now Sam's third turn. What are the numbers on Sam's forehead?
The numbers on Sam's forhead are 13 and 17.
Corresponding to 13 and 17 on Appu's head, there are just 3 combinations which satisfy prime
perimeter triangle condition: (7,
17), (11, 13) and (13, 17)
If Sam had 7 and 17, Appu would have guessed 13 and 17 in his first guess as that is the only
possible solution.
If Sam had 11 and 13, Appu had one of the 2 choices to make (5, 13) and (13, 17). But Appu
being an intelligent mathematician
would never had chosen (5, 13) because if that was the case, his counterpart would have guessed
(11, 13) in his first guess.
But since Sam passed on his first attempt, Appu knows it cannot be (5, 13). Incidentally Appu is
not able to guess it in the
second turn also so even (11, 13) as an option is ruled out.
The last option is (13, 17) which like before has 3 possibilities. Since both pass first two times only
that option remains and Sam
guesses it right in his third attempt.
Hence, the numbers on Sam's forhead are (13, 17).
Brain Teaser No : 00839
The secret agent X emailed some code to his head office. They are "RADAR, LEVEL, ROTOR,
REDIVIDER, MOTOR". But four of
these five words have something in common and one is fake.
Can you tell which one is fake? Ignore the fact that four of the code-words are of the same length.
The fake code-word is MOTOR.
All the code-words except MOTOR are Palindromes.
Brain Teaser No : 00844
Scientist decided to do a study on the population growth of rabbits. Inside a controlled
environment, 1000 rabbits were placed.
Six months later, there were 1000Z rabbits. At the beginning of the 3rd year, there were roughly
2828Z rabbits, which was 4 times
what the scientists placed in there at the beginning of the 1st year.
If Z is a positive variable, how many rabbits would be there at the beginning of the 11th year?
@ubmitted by David Johnson
At the beginning of the 11th year, there would be 1,024,000 rabbits.
At the beginning, there were 1000 rabbits. Also, there were 4000 rabbits at the beginning of third
year which is equal to 2828Z.
Thus, Z = 4000/2828 i.e. 1.414 (the square root of 2)
Note that 2828Z can be represented as 2000*Z*Z (Z=1.414), which can be further simplified as
Also, it is given that at the end of 6 months, there were 1000Z rabbits.
It is clear that the population growth is 1.414 times every six months i.e. 2 times every year. After
N years, the population would
be 1000*(Z^(2N)) i.e. 1000*(2^N)
Thus, at the beginning of the 11th year (i.e. after 10 years), there would be 1000*(2^10) i.e.
1,024,000 rabbits.
Brain Teaser No 00849
In the General meeting of "Friends Club", @ameer said, "The repairs to the Club will come to a
total of Rs 3120 and I propose that
this amount should be met by the members, each paying an equal amount."
The proposal was immediately agreed. However, four members of the Club chose to resign,
leaving the remaining members to pay
an extra Rs 26 each.
How many members did the Club originally have?
The Club originally had 24 members.
Assume that there were initially N members.
As 4 members resigned and remaining members paid Rs 26 each, it means that total amount of 4
members is equal to Rs 26
each from remaining (N-4) members. Thus,
4 * (3120 / N) = 26 * (N - 4)
12480 = 26N2 - 104N
26N2 - 104N - 12480 = 0
@olving the quadratic equation we get N=24.
Hence, the Club originally had 24 members.
Brain Teaser No 00850
A teacher writes an integer less than 50,000 on the blackboard.
One student states that the number is a multiple of 2; a second student states that the number is a
multiple of 3; and so on until the
twelfth student states that it is a multiple of 13.
The teacher remarks that all except two of the students were right and, moreover, that the two were
wrong spoke one after the
What was the number that the teacher wrote on the blackboard?
The teacher wrote 25,740 on the blackboard.
Let N be the number that teacher wrote on the blackboard.
Since all the students, except two who spoke one after other, were correct; it can be deduced that
N must be divisible by 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13. This is because if N is not divisible by 2, then it is not divisible by 4
also. If N is not divisible by 3,
then it is not divisible by 6 also. If N is not divisible by 5, then it is not divisible by 10 also. And so
on. All these leaves 7, 8 and 9
as the only possible numbers which do not divide N. Hence, there are 2 cases.
Case I: N is not divisible by 8 and 9
In this case, the smallest number divisible by all other numbers (i.e. Least Common Multiple) is
60,060. But the number is
greater than the one written on the blackboard.
Case I: N is not divisible by 7 and 8
In this case, the smallest number divisible by all other numbers (i.e. Least Common Multiple) is
Thus, the teacher wrote 25,740 on the blackboard.
Brain Teaser No : 00851
Using five zeroes can you make a total of 120?
Note that you can use any mathematical operations.
(0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + 0!)!
= (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)!
= 5!
= 120
Other valid answers are:
(e0 + e0 + e0 + e0 + e0)!
= (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)!
= 5!
= 120
((0! + 0!)(0! + 0!) + 0!)!
= ((1 + 1)(1 + 1) + 1)!
= (22 + 1)!
= (4 + 1)!
= 5!
= 120
(cos0 + cos0 + cos0 + cos0 + cos0)!
= (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)!
= 5!
= 120
Brain Teaser No : 00853
What is it that casts a shadow at midnight but not at noon,
What moves when all is still but not a moment too soon,
What at twilight is three feet tall,
But what at midnight is largest of all?
Can you solve this riddle?
@ubmitted by : Mike Chaney
The Moon
Teaser No : 00854
In the middle of the confounded desert, there is the lost city of "Ash". To reach it, I will have to
travel overland by foot from the
coast. On a trek like this, each person can only carry enough rations for five days and the farthest
we can travel in one day is 30
miles. Also, the city is 120 miles from the starting point.
What I am trying to figure out is the fewest number of persons, including myself, that I will need in
our Group so that I can reach the
city, stay overnight, and then return to the coast without running out of supplies.
How many persons (including myself) will I need to accomplish this mission?
Total 4 persons (including you) required.
It is given that each person can only carry enough rations for five days. And there are 4 persons.
Hence, total of 20 days rations
is available.
1. First Day : 4 days of rations are used up. One person goes back using one day of rations for the
return trip. The
rations remaining for the further trek is for 15 days.
2. @econd Day : The remaining three people use up 3 days of rations. One person goes back using
2 days of rations for
the return trip. The rations remaining for the further trek is for 10 days.
3. Third Day : The remaining two people use up 2 days of rations. One person goes back using 3
days of rations for the
return trip. The rations remaining for the further trek is for 5 days.
4. Fourth Day : The remaining person uses up one day of rations. He stays overnight. The next
day he returns to the
coast using 4 days of rations.
Thus, total 4 persons, including you are required.
Brain Teaser No : 00854
In the middle of the confounded desert, there is the lost city of "Ash". To reach it, I will have to
travel overland by foot from the
coast. On a trek like this, each person can only carry enough rations for five days and the farthest
we can travel in one day is 30
miles. Also, the city is 120 miles from the starting point.
What I am trying to figure out is the fewest number of persons, including myself, that I will need in
our Group so that I can reach the
city, stay overnight, and then return to the coast without running out of supplies.
How many persons (including myself) will I need to accomplish this mission?
Total 4 persons (including you) required.
It is given that each person can only carry enough rations for five days. And there are 4 persons.
Hence, total of 20 days rations
is available.
1. First Day : 4 days of rations are used up. One person goes back using one day of rations for the
return trip. The
rations remaining for the further trek is for 15 days.
2. Second Day : The remaining three people use up 3 days of rations. One person goes back using
2 days of rations for
the return trip. The rations remaining for the further trek is for 10 days.
3. Third Day : The remaining two people use up 2 days of rations. One person goes back using 3
days of rations for the
return trip. The rations remaining for the further trek is for 5 days.
4. Fourth Day : The remaining person uses up one day of rations. He stays overnight. The next
day he returns to the
coast using 4 days of rations.
Thus, total 4 persons, including you are required.
Brain Teaser No : 00855
Angela had a craving for mixed nuts, but all she had in the cupboard was a bag of peanuts and a
bag of almonds (Guess she
needs to do some shopping). Being the smart young lady that she is, she poured all the almonds
into an empty jar and then poured
all of the peanuts on top, which did not quite fill the jar.
Angela thought to herself, "I want mixed nuts." She put the lid on and begin vigorously shaking the
jar up and down in order to get
mixed nuts while watching education television.
After a few minutes of continuous shaking she suddenly realized that the peanuts and almonds
were not mixed at all. In fact, the
almonds were on top! Angela was amazed to see that the almonds rose to the top, even though she
knew that the almonds were
bigger and heavier than the peanuts.
She got to thinking that this is the same thing that happens in boxes of cereal and bags of potato
chips. Why, she wonders, does
the heavier objects shake to the top?
Can anyone out there help Angela figure this out.
Submitted by Russ Schenck
The large objects (bigger and heavier) rose to the top of the jar because the smaller objects slide
through the small gaps
between the large objects to the bottom. Also, the smaller objects fit closer together so that they do
not allow the larger objects
to slide through.
Brain Teaser No 00857
An anthropologist discovers an isolated tribe whose written alphabet contains only six letters (call
the letters A, B, C, D, E and F).
The tribe has a taboo against using the same letter twice in the same word. It's never done.
If each different sequence of letters constitues a different word in the language, what is the
maximum number of six-letter words
that the language can employ?
Submitted by Shelley
The language can employ maximum of 720 six-letter words.
It is a simple permutation problem of arranging 6 letters to get different six-letter words. And it can
be done in in 6! ways i.e. 720
In otherwords, the first letter can be any of the given 6 letters (A through F). Then, whatever the
first letter is, the second letter
will always be from the remaining 5 letters (as same letter can not be used twice), and the third
letter always be from the
remaining 4 letters, and so on. Thus, the different possible six-letter words are 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720
Brain Teaser No 00856
Find the least number which when divided by 35, leaves remainder 25; when divided by 45, leaves
remainder 35 and when divided
by 55, leaves remainder 45.
The answer is LCM of (35, 45, 55) minus 10.
LCM of (35, 45, 55) is 3465.
Hence, the answer is 3455.