The patient reported acute pain when urinating due to a urinary tract infection. A nursing assessment found the patient experiencing facial grimaces, restlessness, and a temperature of 37.3°C, pulse of 82, and respiration of 19. Nursing interventions included assessing pain, encouraging increased fluid intake, investigating reports of bladder fullness, and providing comfort measures. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient's pain was expected to be relieved or controlled.
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The patient reported acute pain when urinating due to a urinary tract infection. A nursing assessment found the patient experiencing facial grimaces, restlessness, and a temperature of 37.3°C, pulse of 82, and respiration of 19. Nursing interventions included assessing pain, encouraging increased fluid intake, investigating reports of bladder fullness, and providing comfort measures. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient's pain was expected to be relieved or controlled.
The patient reported acute pain when urinating due to a urinary tract infection. A nursing assessment found the patient experiencing facial grimaces, restlessness, and a temperature of 37.3°C, pulse of 82, and respiration of 19. Nursing interventions included assessing pain, encouraging increased fluid intake, investigating reports of bladder fullness, and providing comfort measures. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient's pain was expected to be relieved or controlled.
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The patient reported acute pain when urinating due to a urinary tract infection. A nursing assessment found the patient experiencing facial grimaces, restlessness, and a temperature of 37.3°C, pulse of 82, and respiration of 19. Nursing interventions included assessing pain, encouraging increased fluid intake, investigating reports of bladder fullness, and providing comfort measures. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient's pain was expected to be relieved or controlled.
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SUBJECTIVE: Acute pain After 8 hours of Independent: After 8 hours
“Masakit ang related to nursing Assess pain, Provides of nursing pagihi ko” as biological interventions, the noting location, information to interventions, the verbalized by the factors such as patient’s pain intensity (scale aid in patient’s pain patient. trauma or will be of determining will be activity of relieved or 0 – 10), choice or relieved or Objective: disease controlled. duration. effectiveness of controlled Facial process interventions. grimace. Encourage Increased Restlessness. increased fluid hydration V/S taken as intake. flushes bacteria follows: and toxins. T: 37.3 Investigate Urinary P: 82 report retention may R: 19 of bladder develop, BP: 120/90 fullness. causing tissue distention ( bladder or kidney), and potentiates risk for further infection. Provide comfort Promotes measure like relaxation, back rub, refocuses helping patient attentio may assume enhance position of coping abilities. comfort. Suggest use of relaxation technique and deep breathing exercises. Encourage use of Promotes sitz baths, warm muscle soaks to the relaxation. perineum. Collaborative: Administer Reduces antibacterial as bacteria present prescribed. in urinary tract and those introduced by drainage system.