DHHL Booklet

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The document outlines the application process and requirements for obtaining land through the Hawaiian home lands program. It provides an overview of eligibility, the types of documents needed to prove genealogy, and the application review process.

The Act was passed in 1920 to restore homelands to native Hawaiians. It reserved over 200,000 acres of land to be used for homesteading by native Hawaiians in an effort to revitalize the Hawaiian population.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have at least 50% native Hawaiian ancestry. They must provide documentation proving their genealogy meets this requirement.


Ka ‘Aina
Applying for
Hawaiian Home Lands

Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

State of Hawai‘i
Aloha kakou!
Welcome to the Hawaiian home lands program. The program

has its roots in the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, as

amended. It provides native Hawaiians with several benefits that we

hope will assist you and your ‘ohana for generations to come. Entry

into the program, however, depends largely upon you. In the course of

applying for a homestead, you may find yourself embarking on a jour-

ney of discovery into your family’s history. While it often takes time, for

most people it is a process well worth the effort.

This booklet is designed to make your entry into the program as

smooth and fruitful as possible. Like the ‘ulu tree, the Hawaiian home

lands program can provide sustenance for generations to come.

We look forward to serving you.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Me ka malama `ana, ulu pono ke kumu la`au
`ulu i kanu `ia a ho`opa`a `ia ma ka `aina ola mau.
Ho`olako ke kumu la`au o`o
i na mea `ai i na kanaka e `ai i kana hua.

The breadfruit tree, planted and rooted in life sustaining land,

grows strong when it is cared for.
Year after year the mature tree provides nourishment to all who eat its fruit.
Table of Contents
2 Introduction
3 Eligibility Requirements
3 Tracing Your Genealogy
4 Primary Documents
7 Secondary Documents
9 Birth Certificates (Adoption)
9 Inconclusive Documents
9 Variation in Names or Single Names
10 Reasonable Basis for More Documentation
10 Where to Get Your Documents
10 Application Processing
12 Types of Homestead Leases
12 Homestead Lease Availability by Island
13 Available Residential Awards
13 Benefits of a Hawaiian Home Lands Homestead Lease
14 Applying for a Homestead Lease
15 Change in Applicant's Genealogical Information
15 Designation of Successor (Application Process only)
16 The Applicant's Responsibilities
18 Commonly Asked Questions by New Applicants
20 Commonly Asked Questions by Applicants Who Are
on the Waiting List
21 Joining the `Ohana
23 Appendix
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole


In the early 1900's Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole and his

supporters sought ways to revitalize the Hawaiian people. Prince
Kuhio's vision of ‘aina ho‘opulapula or "restoration through the land"
resulted in the passage of the "Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of
1920" (HHCA) by the United States Congress. It was signed into law on
July 9, 1921, by President Warren G. Harding.
The Act reserved 203,500 acres, "more or less," of public lands in
the Territory of Hawai‘i for homesteading by native Hawaiians. These
lands were called Hawaiian home lands. Today, the Department of
Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) is responsible for administering the
Hawaiian home lands' program. DHHL continues to strive for Prince
Kuhio's vision of returning the Hawaiian people to the land through the
many benefits and programs it offers.

❧ ❧ ❧

In order to make the application process as smooth as possible, there
are certain things you need to know and do as an applicant. Since the
land benefits offered by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(DHHL) are very valuable, it is important to understand that DHHL is
responsible for maintaining the integrity of the HHCA in administering
its programs. An essential element of this responsibility is requiring
applicants to demonstrate, through documentation, that they are eligible
for the program.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply for a Hawaiian home lands homestead lease,

you must meet two requirements:

❧ You must be at least 18 years of age; and

❧ You must be a native Hawaiian, defined as "any descendant of
not less than one-half part of the blood of the races inhabiting the
Hawaiian Islands previous to 1778." This means, you must have
a blood quantum of at least 50 percent Hawaiian. This
requirement remains unchanged since the HHCA's passage
in 1921.

Tracing Your Genealogy

The general rule of thumb in determining 50 percent blood quantum

is to submit enough documentation tracing your genealogy to your full
Hawaiian ancestor(s). Some applicants need only go back two
generations – that is, to their grandparents.
Others may need to go back further, gathering pieces of information
which eventually grow into a large family tree with roots beginning with full
Hawaiian ancestors.

However, before starting your search for acceptable documents, kuka, or
consult with your `ohana. They are an invaluable source of information.
Once you've "talked story," you should be better prepared to begin gathering
the documentation needed to show eligibility for the program.
There are two categories of documents used in determining eligibility:
primary and secondary.

Primary Documents
The primary documents used to show you are of age and a qualified
native Hawaiian are:

❧ A certified copy of Certificate of Birth;

❧ A certified copy of Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, including

testimonies; or

❧ A certified copy of Certificate of Delayed Birth.

You will need the certified birth certificates for:

❧ Yourself;

❧ Your biological father; and

❧ Your biological mother.

The state Department of Health (DOH), Vital Records Section,

records documents by island and district (geographically) and by the date
of the event (chronologically).
If your biological parents' documents don't clearly prove that you
have at least 50 percent Hawaiian ancestry, you will also need certified
birth certificates for:

❧ Your biological father's parents; and

❧ Your biological mother's parents.

Sample of the PREFERRED birth certificate:

Certificate of Live Birth


SAMPLE of Completed DOH
"Request For Certified Copy of BIRTH Record Form"


(This is a fictitious sample.)

In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is
found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or
green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of
Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate
of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated
Certification requires additional verification by DHHL.
When requesting a certified copy of your birth certificate from the Vital
Records Section of DOH, let the clerk know you are requesting it "For
DHHL Purposes," and that you need a copy of the original Certificate of
Live Birth and not the computer-generated Certification. If mailing in your
request form, please fill in "For DHHL Purposes" in the "Reason for
Requesting a Certified Copy" section. (See example on page 6.)
Please note that DOH no longer offers same day service. If you plan on
picking up your certified DOH document(s), you should allow at least 10
working days for DOH to process your request(s), OR four to six weeks if you
want your certified certificate(s) mailed to you.
In the event the Vital Records Section does not have a birth certificate for
any of your parents or grandparents, they will issue a "No-record" certification.
"No-record" certification means after searching its records, the DOH cannot find
the requested birth certificates. Please submit this "No-record" certification with
your other documents to DHHL.
If you are adopted, your biological birth record is probably sealed. In this
instance, DHHL staff may be able to assist you in getting the ethnicity of your
biological parents. Additionally, depending on your particular circumstance the
Family Court may be able to help you get the information you need. If your
adoption occurred in the State of Hawai‘i, you may be able to get a copy of your
original birth certificate. Access to out of state adoption records, however, vary
according to the respective jurisdiction.

Secondary Documents
There are times when the birth certificates for yourself and/or your parents
or grandparents are not available and you have gotten "No-record" certifications
from DOH. DHHL may accept secondary documents which assist in
establishing family ties or blood quantum in place of primary documents.
The following are some of the secondary documents which may be
used. The list is in the preferred order of priority:

❧ Certified marriage certificates for your biological parents,

grandparents, etc. (If these are not available, you will need a
"No-record" certification from the Department of Health.)

❧ Certified death certificates for your biological parents,

grandparents, etc. (If these are not available, you will need a
"No-record" certification from the Department of Health.)

❧ Family history charts and documents such as marriage, divorce

and death records from the State of Hawai`i Archives, state
courts, public libraries or U.S. Census records;

❧ Official baptismal records from your church or other church

documents showing your race or the race of your ancestors;

❧ Official records from the files of military services, schools or


❧ Employment records;

❧ Written statement from your physician or, in the case of a

relative's death, a written statement from the mortuary which
handled the burial;

❧ Newspaper clippings from Obituaries and Vital Statistics


❧ Affidavits, meaning sworn and notarized statements, from

knowledgeable persons who can verify an individual's ancestral
claims. These would primarily be from parents, grandparents
and other close relatives.

Birth Certificates (Adoption)

If you are adopted, you must establish proof of your native Hawaiian
ancestry through your biological parents, not your adoptive parents. In
the past Family Court records regarding adoptions have been sealed.
Under current Hawai`i State law, however, there are procedures by
which an adopted individual may obtain information contained in the
sealed records. In some cases DHHL staff may be able to assist you with
this process. (See Sections 578-14.5 and 578-15, Hawaii Revised

Inconclusive Documents

Sometimes an applicant may be confused by DHHL's request for

more documentation. Usually, if a request is made for more
documentation, it is because a question regarding a person's application
or genealogy has been raised. For example, the document presented may
refer to the applicant as "Part-Hawaiian," "Caucasian-Hawaiian,"
"Hawaiian-Chinese" or "Portuguese-Hawaiian." Often an applicant will
interpret statements like this to mean the individual is 50 percent
Hawaiian. In fact, because the percentage of Hawaiian is not specified,
additional documentation will be required to identify the full-blooded
Hawaiian ancestor(s). Once this ancestor(s) is identified, the blood
quantum amount is brought forward to the current generation, dividing
the blood quantum amount in half with each new generation. The
amount of Hawaiian blood an applicant has is identified and documented
through this process.

Variation in Names or Single Names

If a document shows a variation in names, such as the difference

between a name on a birth certificate and a marriage certificate, more
documentation will be requested to explain the difference. This also
holds true if the document in question shows only a surname or a single
Reasonable Basis for More Documentation

DHHL staff may ask for additional documentation if, for example, a
nontraditional Hawaiian surname of "Bennett" is listed with the race
given as "Hawaiian". Another reason why more documentation might be
requested is if the age of the applicant doesn't match the age presented
on the document in question.

Where to Get Your Documents

The state Department of Health, the state Archives, and the state
Bureau of Conveyances are just a few places where you can look for and
obtain primary and secondary documents. Certified copies of records
can be obtained for a fee.
The addresses, telephone numbers and office hours for several of
these sources can be found in the Appendix of this booklet.
Other sources are the state Circuit and Family Courts, the state
libraries, hospitals, schools, religious organizations, and the LDS Family
History Centers operated by the Mormon Church. Although personnel at
the History Centers will assist in your research, they will not do your
research for you.
You may also use copies of documents in DHHL's files of a relative
who is a homestead lessee or applicant. However, you must obtain
written permission from your relative in order for DHHL to use that
relative's genealogical information for your application.

Application Processing

DHHL will return an incomplete application, along with instructions,

advising the applicant to produce further evidence to verify his or her
Hawaiian ancestry. If an applicant disagrees with the action taken by
DHHL on his or her completed application, he or she has 30 days from
receipt of the written notice to petition DHHL for an appearance before
the Hawaiian Homes Commission to address the action taken on the

Ho `akoakoa na hanauna o neia `ohana---
he mala ia, piha i ka na`auao
a me ke `oko`a maika`i.

Generations of family are gathered here---

a garden, abundant in its wisdom and diversity.
Types of Homestead Leases
Once you have your documents proving your native Hawaiian
ancestry in order, you'll need to decide what kind of homestead lease
you would like to receive.
There are three kinds of homestead leases:
residential, agricultural and pastoral.
You may apply for one of the following:

❧ One residential lot;

❧ One agricultural lot;

❧ One pastoral lot;

❧ One residential lot and one agricultural lot; OR

❧ One residential lot and one pastoral lot.

You may not apply for all three types of homestead leases. Nor may
you apply for both an agricultural lot and a pastoral lot.
Although you may apply for leases on separate islands, you cannot
hold leases on separate islands. Say, for example, the first lease you
obtain is for a residential lot on O`ahu. You also applied for
agricultural land on Maui. At the time you are offered the agricultural
lot on Maui, you will have to decide which island you are going to
homestead, because you cannot have leases on two islands.

Homestead Lease Availability by Island

Island Type of Available Homestead Lease

Hawai`i Residential, Agricultural and Pastoral

Kaua`i Residential, Agricultural and Pastoral

Lana`i Residential

Maui Residential, Agricultural and Pastoral

Moloka`i Residential, Agricultural and Pastoral

O`ahu Residential and Agricultural

Available Residential Awards
The homestead program offers a range of residential awards that
include, but are not limited to:

❧ Fully improved lots with new homes on them.

❧ Fully improved vacant lots.
❧ Vacant lots with minimal improvements.
❧ Rent-to-own homes.
DHHL recognizes that beneficiaries come from diverse financial
backgrounds. As a result, DHHL has formed cooperative partnerships with
several nonprofit and governmental organizations to provide beneficiaries with as
many housing options as possible. For example, both self-help housing and
Habitat for Humanity homes have been constructed on Hawaiian home lands.
If you are selected for an award and you choose not to accept it for whatever
reason, please kokua and let DHHL know as soon as possible that you are
deferring the award. This gives the next qualified applicant an opportunity to get
a homestead lease.

Benefits of a Hawaiian Home Lands Homestead Lease

Perhaps you're still considering applying for a homestead lease.
Here's something to think about---the advantages of being a Hawaiian
homestead lessee. Among the many benefits are:

❧ Annual lease rent of $1.00 per year;

❧ 99-year lease;

❧ Lease term which can be extended for an additional 100 years,

allowing you to pass your homestead from generation to generation;

❧ Seven-year exemption from real property tax;

❧ Complete exemption of tax on land;

❧ Minimal real property tax after the first seven years (applies only
to County of Kaua`i and City and County of Honolulu, O`ahu);
❧ Taxing of assessed value of improvements on property (Hawai`i and
Maui counties only);

❧ Homeowner's exemption (to be filed with respective county's real

property tax office);

❧ Low interest government loans (contact DHHL for more

information); and

❧ Ability to use the equity in your property to obtain loans (contact

DHHL for more information).

Applying for a Homestead Lease

Once you are ready to apply for a homestead lease, you may either call or go to
the DHHL Application's Office in Honolulu or the DHHL District Office closest to
you and ask for a homestead application packet. (See Appendix for the directory of
DHHL District Offices.)

The homestead application packet contains the following:

Letter of Welcome

❧ Application for Lease of Hawaiian Home Lands

❧ Addendum to Application

❧ Designation of Successor to Application Rights for Homestead Lease

❧ Kumu `Ohana Worksheet

❧ Consent for Release of Information

There are two ways to submit an application. You can mail in the completed
and notarized form, along with certified copies of the necessary documentation.
These certified copies will be returned to you. You may also submit your
application in person. Due to the increasing demand for homestead leases, an
appointment is necessary.

Please call one of the six DHHL district offices listed on page 1 of the
appendix to schedule an appointment, then bring in the necessary documentation
to the Application's Office in Honolulu or any of the five district offices on the
neighbor islands. You may have your documents notarized at any district office
free of charge.
Once your application is completed and accepted, it is time stamped, signed
by a DHHL representative, and filed in the order it is received. A confirmation
letter with a copy of the application will be mailed to you.

Change in Applicant's Genealogical Information

Based on the information provided to DHHL, a determination may be made

that an applicant meets the 50 percent blood quantum and is eligible for the
Hawaiian home lands program. That applicant is then placed on the appropriate
waiting list.
It has been DHHL's experience that sometimes new information becomes
available after an application has been accepted. When this occurs, DHHL and
the Hawaiian Homes Commission have a fiduciary responsibility to carefully
examine the new information and insure that the applicant does indeed qualify
for the program. Consequently, DHHL staff may ask for further documentation
concerning an applicant's 50 percent blood quantum.

Designation of Successor (Application Process ONLY)

As an applicant, you are encouraged to designate a qualified successor to

succeed your application rights upon your death. This is done by completing a
Designation of Successor to Application Rights for Homestead Lease form.
It is important to give a copy of the Designation of Successor to your
designated successor.

To qualify, your successor must meet the following requirements:

❧ The successor meets the minimum 50 percent blood quantum

requirement (DHHL encourages applicants to provide docu-
mentation of their successors' native Hawaiian blood quantum);

❧ The successor is at least 18 years of age; and

❧ The successor is your spouse, child*, grandchild, father or mother,
widow or widower of a child, brother or sister, widow or
widower of a brother or sister, or niece or nephew.

*"Child Successor" as interpreted by the Office of the Attorney

General for the State of Hawaii, includes:

❧ A legitimate, biological child; and

❧ A legally adopted child who has presented and established

sufficient documentation which shows the child is at least 50
percent Hawaiian based on biological genealogy.

The Applicant's Responsibilities

Once you have successfully completed the application process for a

homestead lease and you are on the island-wide waiting list of your
choice, you're probably wondering, "Now what?"
Well, as an applicant, you have some important responsibilities.

❧ It's very important to keep your address current with DHHL.

❧ If you move, immediately notify DHHL in writing so there won't

be needless delays when your waiting list number comes up. It
isn't enough to notify the post office of your change in address.

❧ Designate a qualified successor to your application and let that

person know you have designated him or her as the successor to
your application.

❧ Start getting your finances and credit reference reports in order.

For example, start limiting monthly expenses. Put money into a
savings account on a regular basis. It may also mean delaying
the purchase of a new car, television or sound system. This
way you will be ready to financially qualify for a home when a
homestead lease is offered to you.

E pulama i ka `aina.
Ho mai i ke ola.
E hi`ipoi i ka `ohana.
Ho mai i ke ola ho'i.

Cherish the land. It gives life.

Cherish the family. It, too, gives life.
Commonly Asked Questions by New Applicants

Where can I go for help with my genealogy?

In the Appendix of this booklet there is a list of state agencies where
you can go for help with your research. Other sources include the state
libraries; the LDS Family History Centers, operated by the Mormon
Church; hospitals; schools; religious organizations; and reputable

Where may I have my application notarized?

You may have your application notarized free of charge at DHHL.
There is at least one notary public in each DHHL District Office. You
may also have your documents notarized at your financial institution, or if
you have an attorney, he or she may have a notary public on staff.

How many applications may I submit?

You may submit applications for a maximum of two types of leases
---residential and agricultural OR residential and pastoral. You cannot
submit applications for both agricultural and pastoral lots.

May I submit residential/agricultural or residential/pastoral

applications for each island?
No. Your application(s) should be for the island you most likely want
to live on when you get your award.

How long does it take to get my lease?

Lease awards depend upon the Hawaiian Homes Commission's
development goals, DHHL resources, and location and availability of
lands, among other factors.

Which island has the shortest waiting list?

Molokai. However, when choosing an island you should consider
employment opportunities and where you want to ultimately live, rather
than making a selection based on the length of the waiting list.

Will my chances be better if I choose a shorter waiting list?
Not necessarily. It would depend on your employment opportunities
on that island, the quality of available lands, and the design and
construction projections for that island.

What is the difference between residential, agricultural and

pastoral leases?
A residential lease is for the home that you live in.
An agricultural lease is primarily for farming.
A pastoral lease is for ranching.
You may also build a house on an agricultural or pastoral lot.
However, if you already have a house on your residential lot and you
want to build a house on your agricultural or your pastoral lot, you must
surrender or transfer one of the two leases because you may only have
one residence.

How much will a residential house and lot cost?

The amount varies depending on the project.

Can you own a non-homestead home at the time you apply for a
Hawaiian homestead lease?
Yes. Owning non-homestead property does not disqualify you from
receiving a lease. However, should you receive a residential homestead
lease, you must be the owner-occupant.

Why do I have to submit more documents than my brother (or

sister) who already has an award?
In the past, fewer documents may have been required when your
relatives applied. Over the years, however, DHHL's procedures have
become more refined as errors and omissions surfaced. Therefore, any
additional information you are asked to provide may be used to complete
your relatives' files, with your authorization.

Is the 50 percent blood quantum requirement going to be
Presently, DHHL does not have plans to lower the 50 percent blood
quantum. DHHL's first obligation is to those on the existing waiting list
and the many qualified native Hawaiians who have yet to apply for a
homestead. Any changes in the blood quantum requirement will require
state legislative and congressional action.

Commonly Asked Questions by Applicants Who Are on

the Waiting List

What is my number on the list?

Your number is established on the date your application is accepted
by DHHL. This number changes when applicants ahead of you are
removed from the list per their request or are awarded leases.
Waiting lists are available for review at DHHL district offices and
select branches of the state library.

Why does my number keep getting higher instead of lower?

Numbers may increase as a result of actions taken by the Hawaiian
Homes Commission (HHC). The HHC is authorized to approve
adjustments to the waiting lists. For example, during the Acceleration of
Awards Program (1984 - 1987) DHHL awarded leases to unimproved
lots. Once the lands became improved, the lessees had one year to
construct a house on a residential lot. Some lessees have not been able
to meet this requirement for a variety of reasons. Therefore, they have
requested that the HHC rescind their leases and reinstate them back to
the waiting list according to the date of their original application. An
action like this may affect your number, if you are an applicant on the
waiting list.

May I change (transfer) my application to a different island?

Yes, but you are placed on the island list you are transferring to as of
the date your transfer request is received by DHHL and not your original
application date.

How come I wasn't given an award, yet I know someone who
applied after me already has a lease?
There may be a number of reasons. For example, a lessee may have
received a lease as a result of a transfer from another lessee or through
successorship from a deceased relative.

Does DHHL make loans to applicants?

DHHL does not make loans to applicants. DHHL does, however,
make loans to lessees. These loans are generally reserved for lessees
who are not able to secure financing from an outside lender. For more
information contact DHHL.

❧ ❧ ❧

Joining the `Ohana

As the part-Hawaiian population grows, substantiating one's

eligibility requirement of proving 50 percent or more native
Hawaiian ancestry is more challenging. There are many
resources available to assist you in establishing your native
Hawaiian blood quantum. DHHL stands ready to help you
through the application process.
New developments are being planned and "raw" land is
constantly being prepared for homestead use. DHHL
encourages you to become a part of the Hawaiian Home Lands'

❧ ❧ ❧

Ma mua o kau huki `ana i ke kalo,
Ma mua o kau lawe `ana i ka i`a,
Ma mua o kau `ako `ana i ka `ulu---
E nonoi mua i ka `ae `ana no ka mea,
ho`ike ia i ka mahalo no na mea ola apau loa.

Before you harvest the taro root,

before you catch the fish,
before you pick the breadfruit---
you must first ask their permission
for this shows respect for all living things.

i Hawaiian Home Lands' District Offices

ii Document Resource Centers

iii LDS Family History Centers

iv Sample "Application for Lease of

Hawaiian Home Lands"

v Sample "Designation of Successor to

Application Rights for Homestead Lease"

vi Sample "Kumu `Ohana Worksheet"

vii Sample of Completed "Kumu `Ohana Worksheet"

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
7:45 AM to 4:30 PM

East Hawai`i District Office Maui District Office

Street and Mailing Address:
Street and Mailing Address:
Pu'uone Plaza, Room C-206
160 Baker Avenue
1063 East Main Street
Hilo, Hawai`i 96720
Wailuku, Hawai`i 96793
Tel: 974-4250
Tel: 984-2120

West Hawai`i District Office Moloka`i District Office

Street Address:
Street Address:
Maunaloa Highway
Mamalahoa Highway
Kalama‘ula, Hawai`i
Kamuela, Hawai`i 96743
Mailing Address:
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 2009
P. O. Box 125
Kaunakakai, Hawai`i 96748
Kamuela, Hawai`i 96743
Tel: 560-6104
Tel: 887-6053

O`ahu Office
Kaua`i District Office
Homestead Applications Branch
Street and Mailing Address:
Street Address:
3060 Eiwa Street, Room 203
1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1230
Lıhu`e, Hawai`i 96766-1886
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Tel: 274-3131 Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 1879
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96805

Tel: 586-3830 or 586-3831


Vital Records Section Circuit Court

State Department of Health Ka`ahumanu Hale
777 Punchbowl Street
Mailing Address: Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
P.O. Box 3378
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96801 Tel: 539-4300
Street Address:
Legal Documents Division
1250 Punchbowl Street, Room 103
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Hours: M-F; 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM

Tel: 586-4533 File Room

Hours: M-F; 9:00 AM - 12:00 N
Hours: M-F, 7:45 AM - 2:30 PM 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Hawai‘i State Archives Family Court

Kekauluohi Building Ka`ahumanu Hale
`Iolani Palace Grounds 777 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813

Tel: 586-0329 Hours: M-F; 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM

Hours: M-F; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central Registry/Documents

Tel: 539-4496
(Records and Photographs retrieved
until 4:00 PM.) Matrimonial Actions
Tel: 539-4496
Bureau of Conveyances
Adoption Records
State of Hawai`i Tel: 539-4496
Public Reference Room 123
1151 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Kalaupapa Settlement
P.O. Box 4444
Tel: 587-0314 Kalaupapa, Hawai`i 96742

Hours: M-F, 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM Tel: 567-6320

(Search the WorldWide Web at www.familysearch.org for
more center locations and information. Please call individual
centers for hours of operation.)

Honolulu Hilo
1560 S. Beretania Street 1373 Kılauea Avenue
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96826 Hilo, Hawai`i 96720
Tel: 955-8910 Tel: 935-0711

Honolulu West Kailua-Kona

1723 Beckley Street 75-230 Kalani Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96819 Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i 96745
Tel: 845-9701 Tel: 329-4469

Kane`ohe KAUA`I
46-177 Halaulani Street Lıhu`e
Kane`ohe, Hawai`i 96744 4580 Ehiku Street
Tel: 247-3134 Lıhu`e, Hawai`i 96766
Tel: 246-9119
55-600 Naniloa Loop MAUI
La`ie, Hawai`i 96762 Kahului
Tel: 293-2133 25 West Kamehameha Avenue
Kahului, Hawai`i 96732
Mililani Tel: 871-8841
95-1039 Meheula Parkway
Mililani, Hawai`i 96789 MOLOKA`I
Tel: 623-1712 Kaunakakai
35-100 Kamehameha Highway
Waipahu/Makakilo Kalama‘ula, Hawai`i
94-210 Kahuali`i Street Tel: 553-5296
Waipahu, Hawai`i 96797
Tel: 678-0752

"Application for Lease of Hawaiian Home Lands"

"Designation of Successor to Application Rights
for Homestead Lease"

"Kumu `Ohana Worksheet"

"Kumu `Ohana Worksheet"

Department of
Hawaiian Home Lands
Chairman's Office
1099 Alakea Street, Suite 2000
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Telephone: (808) 586-3800
FAX: (808) 586-3899

Information and Community

Relations Office
Telephone: (808) 586-3840
FAX: (808) 586-3843

Michele Lum Molina

Reiko N. Tom

Design & Production:

VideoPoint Productions, Inc.

Pacific Printing & Publishing

Hawaiian Language Translator:

Carol Silva

Mahalo to the State Department of Health

Office of Health Status Monitoring
for its continued support and assistance.

*This booklet is meant to assist you with the application process for obtaining
Hawaiian home lands. It is not an administrative rule book. If you wish to
view the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands’ Administrative Rules, please
contact the district office in your area.
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
State of Hawai`i
August 2000

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