Selection of Servo Motors and Drives: Dal Y. Ohm, Drivetech, Inc

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Dal Y. Ohm, Drivetech, Inc.

Abstract: The choice of motor and drive as well as mechanical transducer is a very important step in servo system
design, because non-optimal selection leads to poor system performance and increased installation and
maintenance costs. It is still an iterative process with skill in choice dependant on obtaining correct specifications
and safety margins. Fundamental principles and procedures in selecting proper size motors and amplifiers are
explained, and an example illustrating load analysis and motor/drive selection is included. It also describes
methods of selecting other associated components such as power supplies, transformers etc.


In order to select a motor of an appropriate size, speed and torque requirements have to be known first.
Servo motors should have just enough speed, peak torque and rms torque capabilities, along with optimal gearing
arrangement, to meet the load requirement as well as the cost objective. Equally important is selecting the type and
size of the drive and power supply to meet the system requirements. Unfortunately, there is no simple
straightforward procedure in servo system component selection due to complexity and variety of motor types, power
transmission devices and other peripheral components available in the market. Nevertheless, a basic principle of
analyzing the load and selecting a motor is presented here. It is assumed that the type of motor (brushed DC, PM
synchronous motor, etc.) is already chosen. Refer to discussions on various motor types and their relative merits
and demerits in previous discussion. To simplify equations, SI metric units are used throughout the article.
The load in motion control systems may be either rotational or linear. The load requirement must be
converted to the equivalent load of the motor shaft in order to calculate the total torque requirement for the motor.
If you have freedom in choosing gearing ratio, one desirable choice would be to convert the maximum load speed
into the maximum motor speed. Since the maximum speed of the motor can only be known after the final selection,
and for most motors available torque at maximum speed is smaller than the stall torque, an iterative process has to
be taken. One may start with motor data selected from a rough estimation, verify the result, and then repeat the
procedure with another motor. As a rule of thumb, one may start with a gear ratio that converts the maximum load
speed into to half of the maximum motor speed. With this selection, nearly continuous stall torque is available at
the maximum speed and the motor operates reliably at this speed without requiring frequent maintenance or bearing
life. Some other mechanical constraint may govern the gearing ratio. It is very important that the shaft resonance
frequency [1,2] has to be considered during early part of the design to eliminate unexpected servo performance.
Once your gear ratio is determined, the next step is to determine peak and rms load torque seen from the motor shaft.
For load analysis, it is convenient to convert all torque or inertia into the motor shaft. For rotational motion, the
gearing ratio N is defined as
N = ωm /ωo, (1.1)
where ωm and ωo are speed of the motor and load, respectively. Now, reflected torque and inertia to the motor can
be calculated from load inertia Jo' and torque requirement at the load To' by the following equations,
Jo = Jo' / N2 (1.2)
To = To' / (N η) (1.3)
Here, the efficiency of the mechanical converter is denoted by η. When a linear motion is required at the load, Eqs.
1.1-1.3 can be modified as
N = θm / Xo (1.4)
Jo = mo / N2 (1.5)
To = Fo / (N η) (1.6)
where θm is the angular move of the motor shaft while the load moves the distance Xo, mo is the mass of the load,
and Fo is required force at the load. In Eq. 1.3 and Eq. 1.6, efficiency η is not negligible ( for instance, η = 0.8 - 0.9
for Ball screws) and has to be included for accurate calculation.
The load torque of a motion system has the following components, which are reflected to the motor shaft
TL = TI + TF + TD (1.7)
The inertial torque TI is the torque to accelerate and decelerate the load, while the friction torque TF includes load
thrust torque and static frictions of the mechanical system. TD is the viscous damping torque, which is proportional
to the speed. In most cases, the inertial torque demands the peak torque, while other components are negligible
during acceleration. When total inertia is calculated, inertia of the motor and the transducer must be included in
addition to the reflected load inertia of Eq. 1.2 or Eq. 1.5. In other words, total inertia reflected on the motor shaft is
J = Jm + Jo, (1.8)
and the inertial torque is
TI = J α, (1.9)
where α is angular acceleration, which is the amount of speed change per desired time in case of trapezoidal
velocity movement. Since the total inertia is unknown until motor is selected, one may use data from an assumed
motor inertia and verify the validity after the selection process is done. When the application is to move an end
effector vertically, counter-balancing weight may be added. In this case, total inertia must include the balancing
weight, too. The advantage of counter-balancing is to have zero steady-state torque when the load is stopped. This
advantage is obtained at the expense of increased inertia.
The load motion profiles, usually expressed as the load velocity vs. time, are used to calculate peak and
rms torque. These profiles can be broken into several simple segments such as acceleration, high-speed run,
deceleration, low-speed run (typically a machining segment), dwell, etc. Fig. 1.1 shows an example of a motion

velocity profile

torque profile

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t7 t8

one cycle

Fig. 1.1 Example of a Motion Profile

Peak load torque is simply the highest (motoring) torque demand found in one or more motion segments. The
motor to be selected must be able to supply this peak torque at the desired speed for specified amount of time. The
rms value of the load torque through the entire operation cycle can be calculated as

T12 t1 + T22 t2 + .... + Tn2 t n

Trms = ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ , (1.10)
√ t1 + t2 + .... + t n

where Ti is the load torque in i-th segment and ti is duration of the i-th segment. A more detailed discussion on load
analysis can be found in [3,4].


Now, on the torque-speed curve of the selected motor, one can map calculated peak and rms torques can
determine if the motor is suitable. If not, one can select a different size motor or the same motor with different
winding for repeated procedure. Since motor performance is affected by the drive, it is best to work with system
torque-speed curve. If system curve is not available, one may use motor curve to select the motor first, and then
select a drive. When selecting a drive, it should be able to supply enough current and voltage to the motor to meet
both peak and rms torque requirements. As a minimum, drive should supply peak and rms currents desired for the
system calculated by
I = T / Kt, (2.1)
where Kt is the torque constant of the motor. Furthermore, the drive should be able to supply the voltage of
V = R I + Ke ωm, (2.2)
where Ke is the electrical (back emf) constant of the motor, R is the motor resistance, I is the required motor peak
current obtained from Eq. 2.1, and ωm is the maximum speed of the system. Due to the variation of the load and
possible overcurrent trip, often it is desirable use maximum motor speed and peak and rms torques of the motor
rating instead of calculated requirement of the system.
Servo motors often require modifications necessary to meet the complex requirements of a machine.
Standard options for the various models of servo motors include but are not limited to: fail-safe brakes;
environmental sealing; feedback devices including tachometers, resolvers, and encoders; and connectors. Special
options include modifications to the shaft and mounting surfaces, special windings and fan cooling provisions to
mention a few. See specific product literature or contact manufacturer for availabilities. Operation in ambient
environment other than that for which the motor is rated may require special consideration. Operation in ambient
environment less than the rated temperature will result in a greater continuous torque rating but excessively cold
ambient environment may require a different bearing lubrication. Operation in ambient environment above the
rated temperature results in a derating of the motor continuous torque. The derating will be a factor of the motor
design and its ultimate temperature rating. Some manufacturers offer gearheads as standard options on many motor
models. They provide the convenience of having motor and gearhead sourced and tested from a single supplier.
Gearmotors offer the following advantages to a servo application :
- The ability to operate the motor over its optimum speed range
- Minimize motor size by multiplying torque
- Minimize reflected inertia for maximum acceleration
- Provide maximum torsional stiffness
When selecting a servo drive, its interface with your controller must be checked. Traditionally, analog
velocity command has been very popular. Recently, other forms of interface are available. Pulse type interface
(either A-B pulse format or Pulse & direction format) is now popular. Some drives features position control (either
programmable or non-programmable) function integrated into the amplifier. Considerations for type and resolution
of the feedback device, I/O and other product features must be made.
Another important consideration in the selection of brushless motor amplifiers is the decision for analog or
digital technology. Analog technology has been a standard for brush and brushless motor amplifiers. With analog
amplifiers a voltage reference command results in speed or torque, depending on the mode of operation,
proportional to the command. As well, compensation (tuning) of the amplifier is done by analog circuitry requiring
potentiometer/switch and, or compensation "comp" board changes for different system configurations (mode of
operation and motor & load variations). Digital electronics on the other hand, enhance drive features and minimize
set-up concerns. The command reference for digital drives can be done by either analog or digital inputs. Digital
input options are typically in a pulse format or through an RS 232 or 485 interface. Typically, better regulation of
the system can be obtained by the digital command format. Digital drives also have the feature of tuning through a
digital interface. This greatly benefits the issue of load compensation relative to inertia, friction and compliant
factors which are often difficult and time consuming to simulate under lab conditions. Another benefit of digital
technology is the diagnostics enhancements it offers. Monitoring of internal functions of the drive such as
following error or current can be easily done. Fault diagnostics are typically more detailed than those with analog
drives and fault histories are maintained through power loss.


The power supply in a servo system fundamentally delivers DC power to a servo amplifier. This is done by
the rectification and filtering of AC power delivered from a 1∅ or 3∅ main. Depending on the specific servo
amplifier chosen, the power supply may be internal to the drive, for which no selection process is required, or
external, thus requiring selection decisions. In addition to the basic power sizing requirement, typical DC supplies
for servo amplifiers include shunt regeneration circuitry, which dissipates regenerative energy from the load when
the motor is decelerated rapidly. The following information gives general guidelines for power supply and
regeneration selection.
The power output rating of a power supply must exceed or equal to the combined average power of all
servo drives operating simultaneously. The average power of an individual servo drive is based on the power
calculation of rms torque and speed. Taking into account motor and drive losses, as a general rule, for permanent
magnet servos (DC brush or brushless), 1 kW of input power is needed for every 750 watts (approximately 1 HP)
of output power. In addition, power supplies often supply the logic power for the servo amplifier. The voltage
ratings and ampacity of this power supply must also be appropriate for the amplifiers being supplied.
Consideration should be made for the motor thermal time constant if the on time at a peak torque value is
for any substantial period. Typical complementary amplifiers, having a 2 times peak current rating for 2 to 8
seconds, do not present a problem even for small motors having a short thermal time constant. Problems may occur
however if an amplifier is "oversized" for the motor meaning that the drive continuous current is greater than the
motor continuous rating. In these cases, other evaluation methods can be used taking into account this motor time
Regeneration is the process whereby kinetic energy of a motor and load is converted into electrical energy
during deceleration by a four quadrant servo controller. Regeneration also occurs if motor rotation is opposite to
that of the commanded torque as in an unwind web application. Dissipation of this electrical energy can be done by
one of two methods. These are line regeneration and shunt (resistive) regeneration. Line regeneration is a more
costly approach, which involves the conversion of DC power into AC power, synchronous with the AC source. (In
battery operated systems, regeneration into the battery (recharging) will occur without the need for additional
electronics.) Shunt regeneration is accomplished by the shunting (short circuiting) of the DC bus through a power
resistor. This technique is more common and can handle higher transient loads than line regeneration. Shunt
regeneration is a feature of most low power servo systems as part of the power supply. For decelerating loads, the
amount of regeneration required is a function of the sum of simultaneously decelerating inertial loads where
multiple amplifiers are being operated from a common supply. The loads need to be defined in terms of the system
inertia (load plus motor inertia), maximum speed, and the deceleration time from maximum speed. These
parameters define the kinetic energy that must be either stored or dissipated. The power supply has some capacity
to store some of this energy, and some energy will be dissipated in the motor windings and amplifier circuitry. Any
remaining energy will need to be dissipated in an appropriately sized regeneration system.
Transformers serve two basic purposes in a servo system: voltage matching and isolation from the line.
Voltage matching is fundamental and required for many systems where standard AC line voltages like 115, 1∅ and
230 or 208, 3∅ are not appropriate. Line isolation is required for some products or can benefit other applications by
the reduction of PWM noise for sensitive environments.

An automatic component storage/retrieval system uses at least 3 axes of motion control. The elevator axis
servo system as shown in Fig. 4.1 is to be designed. In order to have zero net torque when stopped, a counter-
balance weight has to be added. It has the following requirements:
Total load mass = 64.2 lbs = 29.121 kg
(End-effector 31.0 lbs, Balance 31.0 lbs, Belt 2.2 lbs)
Maximum load speed = 90.18 in/sec = 2.2906 m/sec.
Friction at constant speed run = 10.0 lbf = 4.536 kgf
Motion profile
total cycle period = 2.0 sec.
accel time ( 0 to max. speed) = 0.2 sec
maximum constant speed run = 0.4 sec.
decel time (max. speed to stop) = 0.2 sec.
pause 1.2 sec.
Pulley: 14 teeth, belt span = 0.5 in = 0.0127 m

[Selection Procedure]
(1) An initial estimated selection indicates that maximum motor speed is about 3000 rpm. Therefore, 1500 rpm is
chosen to find the gear ratio. If gear ratio is selected as 30/16, then
N = (30/16) 2 π / (0.0127 x 14) = 66.2597 rad/m




gear pulley

Fig. 4.1 An Elevator Servo System

which converts the maximum load speed into 151.774 rad/sec or 1449.3 rpm.
(2) Load inertia reflected to the motor shaft can be calculated (including power train inertia of 0.00066 kg m2) as:
Jo = 29.121 / N2 + 0.00066 = 0.007293 kg m2
Assuming that the motor inertia Jm is 0.00150 kg m2, total inertia J is,
J = Jo + Jm = 0.008793 kg m2
(3) Friction torque, neglecting the efficiency, reflected to the motor shaft,
To = 4.536 / N = 0.06846 kgf m = 0.67078 Nm
(4) Peak angular acceleration α and peak torque Tpeak are
α = 151.774 / 0.2 = 758.872 rad/sec2
Tpeak = J α + To = 7.3435 Nm.
(5) Rms torque can be calculated as
Trms = √ (2 x 7.34352 x 0.2 + 0.670782 x 0.4 ) / 2.0 = 3.2978 Nm
(6) After reviewing torque-speed curves of several motors, one ferrite DC motor is selected. Both peak and rms
torque points are marked on the speed-torque curve of the selected motor. Its motor inertia is found to be
0.00167 kg m2. After re-calculation, the selection is confirmed.


Speed Not Allowed

1500 x x
Continuous Intermittent
Region Region

Torque (Nm) 3.0 7.0 10.0

Fig.4.2 Speed-Torque Curve of a DC Motor


For simple geometric structure, it is possible to calculate from its density (ρ) and shape. For example, a
disc shown in Fig. A.1A with its diameter of d, and thickness of t can be calculated by
J = (π / 32) ρ t d4 [kg m2] (A.1)
If the above disc has a concentric hollow of diameter d2 as in Fig. A.1B,
J = (π / 32) ρ t (d4 - d24) [kg m2] (A.2)
For steel, ρ = 7.85 x 103 kg /m3.
When the object is composed of combination of simple geometrical shapes, the total moment of inertia is the
arithmetic sum of all moments of inertia of the components.
t t

d d2

(a) (b)

Fig. A.1
When the geometry is complex, using the calculation may not be a simple task. An alternative method is to
use a one wire hanging method. As in Fig. A.2, an object is suspended on a piece of steel wire. First, an object of
known inertia (Jo) is hung and the period of oscillation (to) is measured. For accuracy in measurement, one may
use a period of 20 rotational vibrations and divide it by 20. Then, the object to be measured (Ju) is hung and its
period (tu) is measured. The recommended torsional angle may be about 45 degrees. Now the unknown inertia Ju
Ju = Jo (tu / to)2 (A.3)

to tu

known inertia unknown inertia

Jo Ju

Fig. A.2 One Wire Hanging Method

d L

Fig. A.3. Two Wire Hanging Method
There is another similar method, which does not require the reference inertia. Suspend the armature with
the shaft oriented vertically using two parallel wires as indicated in Fig. A.3. The wires should be attached
diametrically, equally spaced from the center line of the shaft. The ratio L/d should be approximately 10. Rotate the
armature by a small amount from the equilibrium position and release it. Measure the angular oscillation. The
moment of inertia J [kg m2] is determined from the following formula:
c m d2
J = ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ (A.4)
L f2
where m: armature mass (kg)
c: a constant 6.2 x 10 -2
Refer to [5] for detailed procedures.

[1] B.C.Kuo and J.Tal (Editor), "Incremental Motion Control," pp. 110-128, SRL publishing, 1978
[2] D.Y.Ohm, "Torsional Resonance in Servo Systems and Digital Filters," Proceedings of the 23rd Incremental
Motion Control Systems Symposium, pp. 301-309, San Jose, June 1994.
[3] J. Tomasek, "Selection of a DC Servo System for Optimum Load Matching," Proceedings of the 13th Annual
Symposium on Incremental Motion Control Conferences, Urbana-Champaign, 1984.
[4] NEMA, "Programmable Motion Control Handbook," Programmable Motion Control Group, NEMA Industrial
Automation Group, Nov. 1992.
[5] IEEE Std 113-1985, "IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Direct Current Machines," Institue of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Acknowledgement: The author acknowledges feedback from Mr. Florin Grosu at Omega Optical in Brattleboro,
VT. Calculations on Example IV and several other typos were corrected based on his suggestion.
(Revision 2. Feb. 3,2006)

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