CDA - by Laws
CDA - by Laws
CDA - by Laws
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Authorized Buildings and uses
4. Amalgamation and sub-division of plots
5. Ban on non-conforming uses
6. Construction of buildings
7. F.A.R, Ground Coverage, Sizes, Heights, No. of Storeys, Stair towers, Type and Natu
development of buildings.
8. Basement, vault, cellar, etc.
9. Distance between the buildings.
10. Servant rooms/ Servant quarters
11. Structures on roofs
12. Set Backs ((compulsory open spaces)
13. Enclosure of plots
14. Underground water
15. Water tanks
16. Number of residential units
17. Excess covered area
18. Area of supported projections
19. Common boundary wall
20. Septic tanks
21. Pools
22. Open stair
23. Repeal and savings
24. Instructions
25. 'A' Zoning bulk and height regulations
'B' Stair towers
'C' Roof projections over public streets
'D' Rates of scrutiny fee etc.
'E' Fines and Charges
ANNEXURE -1 Minimum space standards
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 51 of the Capital Development Authority Ordin
(XXIII of 1960) the Capital Development Authority has been pleased to make the following Regu
being expedient:-
"owner" means the person to whom a residential plot has been allotted or conveyed
Authority or the lawful transferee of such plot duly mutated in the record of the Auth
"parapet" means a dwarf wall, whether plain, perforated or paneled, along the edge
balcony, verandah or terrace;
2.29 "pergola" means a structure of which the roof must be at least 75% open to sky;
2.30 "party wall" means a common wall between two adjacent buildings on independent p
"plinth" means the portion of the building between the level of the street and the lev
ground floor;
"plot" means a single tract of land located within a block and demarcated by the Aut
"prescribed" means prescribed by this Regulation or instructions issued by the Autho
time to time;
2.34 "principal building" means a building in which the principal use is authorized or perm
"principal use" means the use of the principal building for which the plot of land is al
conveyed to the owner as distinguished from a subordinate or ancillary use;
2.36 "public open space" means open spaces including parks, playgrounds, waterways, st
"semi- detached building" means a building abutting a side of the plot line on one sid
having open yards on other sides;
"residential building" means a building authorized for residential occupancy by one o
2.39 "residential plot" means a plot allotted exclusively for residential purpose;
"set back (yard)" means a space compulsory required to be left open between the bu
the plot line without any obstruction;
2.41 "storey" means the space between the floor and the ceiling of a building;
"structural alteration" means any change in the structure of a building i.e. supporting
of a building such as load-bearing walls, columns, beams, slabs etc;
"terraced houses" means contiguous houses constructed on adjacent plots, separate
walls and having no side set backs (yards);
"use" means the purpose for which a plot or building there on is authorized or permi
this Regulation;
"verandah" means a part of a building facing a street or an internal or external open
at least half of the external wall space permanently open to light and air;
3.01 Only the following types of building/structures can be constructed on residential plots in r
sectors of the I.C.T:-
3.02 The plots in the I.C.T shall be used only for the purpose for which they are allotted and c
Small temporary building or structure for construction purposes can be constructed for the durat
construction of the principal building on the same plot. Such buildings or structures shall be rem
immediately after the main structure is constructed and earlier if so directed by the Authority.
3.03 A residential building or apartment may be sued by its residents for “home occupation”
permission of the Authority, provided the residential character of the building/ apartment is not
and not more than two rooms are used for the purpose. Furthermore it shall not constitute in an
nuisance to the neighbor in any form as determined by the authority.
4.01 No plot shall be amalgamated with an adjoining plot or plots for construction of buildings
4.02 a) Only one bifurcation/sub-division of plots will be allowed in respect of plots measurin
sq. yards and above provided each divided portion of the plot is not less than 500 sq. yards. The
division will, however, be allowed on the condition that only one living unit will be permitted to b
constructed on each sub-divided portion.
b) Where plots have been sub-divided, the Zoning and Building Regulations relating to FAR an
backs of the original un-divided plots will be applicable. Thus the combined FAR of both the livin
the sub-divided portions shall not exceed the total FAR permissible for the un-divided plot.
c) Plots which about on one road only can also be sub-divided, provided an independent road
given to the rear sub-divided portion from within the front portion. The area and ownership of th
lane will remain with the rear plot. However, each sub-divided portion should not be less than 50
d) In old cases where approval on a sub-divided portion has already been given for more than
the approval will not be withdrawn. However , for sub-divided portions where the allottees have
submitted drawings for approval , the new rules, i.e. permission to construct one unit on each su
portion, will apply.
5.02 Any building or structure designed or intended for a use not authorized or permitted unde
Regulation or conditions of allotment, shall either be removed or converted into a building or str
designed or intended for a use authorized or permitted under this Regulation or conditions of allo
5.03 A non-conforming use of a residential building may render the owner and the occupant o
building liable, on first conviction, to pay a fine of Rs. 10000/- and in the case of failure to disco
non-conforming use for a period of three months, the owner or, as the case may be, the occupa
liable to be evicted from the building summarily and the allotment/conveyance deed of the plot m
be cancelled.
6. Construction of buildings.
b) In accordance with the building and zoning regulations, or instructions issued by the
Authority in this behalf from time to time.
6.02 Any construction started/carried out without prior approval of the Authority shall be liabl
removed (partly or wholly) at the risk and cost of the owner and or fine as prescribed in schedul
7. F.A.R. Ground Coverage, Sizes, Heights, Number of storeys, Stair Towers, Type a
of development of buildings.
7.01 Except as otherwise prescribed or permitted by the Authority the maximum ground cover
maximum built-up area (Total FAR) of buildings on a plot, the minimum set backs from the plot
maximum number of storeys, the maximum heights, the type and nature of development of buil
size of stair tower shall be as laid down in Schedule “A” Provided that the authority may in excep
cases due to site conditions and circumstance, give directions to the owner of a plot to follow su
deviations from the Schedule as the Authority may consider necessary and the owner shall act in
accordance with such directions.
7.02 Any excess covered area of building beyond the prescribed limits shall be compounded w
as per schedules B & E provided it does not fall beyond the relax able limits as given in item no
8.0 Basements, vaults, cellars and other structures, wholly or partly below the ground level/ap
road level, shall be allowed by the Authority with following conditions:
a) The basement shall not be exposed more than 5’ – 0” above lowest level of front approach
3’ – 0’ from the level of front yard (whichever is less),
b) The areas of basement shall not be counted into FAR provided it has access/approach from
the ground floor. In case it has exclusive external approach and has no internal access from the
floor, the area will be counted into total Far, but is shall not exceed 25% of the permissible grou
c) The national levels of side, rear and front yards (set backs) and other open spaces shall not
raised /lowered down more than 2’ – 0’ from the natural ground level.
d) In case of split level designs, the part of house which has its roof level not more than 5’ –
the lowest level of front approach road level as defined in condition. No. 8 (a), shall be treated
basement and its area will not be counted into floor area ratio. In case the roof of any floor is m
– 0’ above the lowest level of the front approach street/road, its area will be counted into ground
e) In case of abnormal site conditions where the plots are considerable higher than the front a
road, car porch and stair hall shall be allowed at maximum 2’ – 0’ above the road level; remain
can also be allowed by the authority as basement at road level provided the basement is not ex
more than 3’ –0’ from the front yard. However in all such cases no deviation will be allowed fro
approved plans. Natural ground level and road level shall be given on proposed plans by the Arc
such cases.
f) In all cases the building should look like two stored and the total height of building from the
approach road shall not be more than 30’ – 0’
g) External walls below natural ground level/yard level of the basements shall be minimum 9 (
R.C.C walls adequately water proofed and structurally sound and stable against earth pressures,
h) Clear height of the basement shall not be less than 8’ – 6’ and more than 10’ – 6’ , unless s
conditions force for extra heights. However, if the basement is used for habitable purpose, the r
respective space uses will be applied.
i) For detached houses 100% area under the permissible ground floor coverage will be allowed
construction of basement.
j) For terraced houses basement under the plinth area will be allowed provided the adjacent
vacant or basements already stand constructed on adjacent houses. In case only ground floor st
constructed on adjacent plot, a minimum distance of 5’ – 0’ shall be left from the property line o
adjacent plot while constructing the basement. In all such cases, foundations of external walls s
designed and constructed cantilevered.
(k) All necessary precautionary measures shall be taken during construction of basement for s
adjacent structures. In case of damage to the adjacent property, the owner of the plot and supe
engineer/architect shall be jointly and severally responsible for such damages. CDA in no way sh
responsible for such damages.
(j) If services, such as bath and kitchen etc, are provided in the basement, the owner must pr
mechanical disposal from the basement to the upper level in all cases (irrespective of levels of C
so that there is no possibility of back flow in case of corkage of the sewer lines. CDA will not be
for the consequences in any case. Separate arrangements shall be made for the disposal of storm
drainage to the CDA mains from the basement.
(m) In no case the basement will be allowed in the minimum prescribed set backs. Only a brid
maximum 12' - 0" width shall be allowed to land the building with approach road provided the fr
yard of plot is in natural depression. The space under the bridge shall not be used for any habita
purpose in any case.
(n) In all basements, minimum one emergency exit of size 3 ft: x 3 ft: shall be provided with o
When two separate buildings on a same plot are located parallel to each other the minim
distance between the buildings shall be as under;
(a) Buildings overlapping each other upto 12'-0" -------6'-0". (relaxable upto 8'-0"
as prescribed in Schedule "E").
(b) Buildings overlapping each other more than 12’ – 0” -------- 10” – 0” (relax abl
0” with fine as prescribed in Schedule “E”).
Minimum one servant room with a bathroom (w.c and shower shall be provided in each
plots measuring 501 sq yards and above.
Only the following structures of permanent nature may be constructed on roofs provided
designed and built to the satisfaction of the Authority:-
(a) Chimneys, air conditioning and other ducts, vents and wind catchers.
(b) Water tanks suitably designed or not visible from the road.
(d) Parapet walls of 3 feet high. In case of accessible roof, the provision of railing/parapet w
be compulsory.
(g) Other structure which the Authority may, by general or specific order, permit.
12.0 Minimum compulsory open space shall be left around the buildings as set back as per sc
"A", and no building or structure shall be allowed in set backs except:-
(a) Bay window projecting upto 25% in width of the set back would be allowed subject to a
projection upto 2'-6". The area of bay windows shall be counted into F.A.R.
(b) Not more than two bay windows shall be allowed in any set back.
(a) These fall in the rear set backs having a width of 10'-0" and above, and in side set back
towards road/open space in case of corner plots.
(b) The width of spiral stairs shall not be less than 5'-0" and not more than 6'-0" and in the
straight stairs, not more than 3'-3" and not less than 2'-9" (including railing).
(c ) These stairs are provided for servant room located at first floor.
(d) In no case, open stairs in the set back shall be used as main stairs for approach to first
(e) A suitable visual barrier of a height not more than 6’-0” shall be provided alongside the
in front of servant rooms for the privacy of neighboring houses.
12.03 Pergolas.
Pergolas of reasonable size, as approved on the plans, would be allowed, but its size sha
Decorative walls and landscape elements not higher than compound wall and as approved on
building plan.
b) The projections upto above mentioned limits will not count towards Far.
c) In no case the projection shall cover more than half of the width of set back at any floor.
12.06 Porches.
a) The total number of car porches, allowed on a plot, shall correspond to the number of
living units permissible on the plot.
iv) The area of porch within the above mentioned permissible limits sh
count towards FAR.
vi) Roofs of car porches shall not be used as terraces, but there will be
restriction on height of porches.
vii) Projections etc. shall be counted into Ares of porch and the length o
the porch shall not exceed 26’-0” for single porch and 30’-0” for dou
including projections, in detached houses.
viii) Roof of porch in the set back can be of pergola type, however, there
no relaxation in area of porch due to the type of roof.
ix) The porches shall remain open at least from one side in terraced hou
two sides in detached houses and shall not be converted into garage
x) Entry level at gate shall not be more than 1’-6” above the road leve
xi) Drainage from the roof of the porch shall be from within the plot.
a) The set backs of sides facing towards open spaces other than roads, street, lanes, mu
of a plot may be relaxed upto 50 per cent provided Far is not exceeded.
b) The set backs of a plot of irregular shape, odd dimensions etc., may be fixed to give s
allowance in permissible coverage.
c) In addition to above following relaxations would be allowed in set backs in all cases.
However for terraced houses where set backs are 8’ – 0” or less a relaxation upto 10% only wou
allowed with fine.
d) Any excess construction in set backs beyond the above limits will be demolished.
12.08 Balconies.
Balconies as approved on the plans may project upto 3’-0” width in set backs which are
and more and the distance between the buildings on the two adjacent plots is 15’ – 0’ or
A plot shall be enclosed by walls and / or fences in such a manner that the height of enclosure (
wall) shall not exceed 7’-0”. It may either e a solid wall, or upto one foot, it shall consist of solid
and the remaining portion may be of light material such as fence etc. The height of the enclosur
be less than 3’-0” in any case.
No person shall exploit underground water except to the extent and in the manner as many, from
time, be permitted by the Authority.
Height of over-head water tank, parapet wall, stair hall, lift room, etc., shall not be taken into ac
while calculating the overall height of a building.
Maximum number of dwelling houses/residential units allowed with permissible F.A.R on an undi
residential plot.
However sub-division will be allowed only in respect of plots 1000 sq.yds. and abo
An excess in the covered area upto 25 sq. feet shall be exempted from FAR provided this variat
to site errors, adjustment etc. However , any excess beyond this limit shall be penalized.
Area of supported projections on decorative columns shall not be counted into Far provided the p
are otherwise within the prescribed limits and the decorative columns do not fall within the set
Common wall shall not be allowed, However, where an owner has constructed a wall on his plot
owner of the adjoining plot may not construct wall on his plot but shall not make any use of the
constructed on the plot first mentioned without the written consent of the owner of the plot whic
filed with the Authority.
No plot shall be provided with a septic tank or cass pool of any kind whatsoever.
21. Pools.
Swimming and decorative pools and fountains may be constructed with the prior permission of
authority, subject to availability of water.
Open stairs to first floor terrace or roof shall be permitted provided it does not fall in the set bac
and is not used as the main access to these areas.
23.01 The Islamabad Residential Sectors Zoning Regulation, 1985, is hereby repealed:
23.02 The repeal of the Islamabad Residential Sector Zoning Regulation, 1985, shall not affe
provisos operation of the Regulation so repealed or anything duly done, action taken or p
or liability incurred hereunder and any proceedings commenced under the said Regulation
continued or punishment may be imposed as if that regulation had not been repealed:
i) to get their land demarcated by Land Survey Division of CDA before taking posses
ii) to hire a licensed Architect for preparation of their building plans, a list of the sam
obtained from Building Control Section of CDA .
iii) The plans shall be submitted to Estate Management Directorate of CDA in quart d
along with Form A-1 and A-2, pay order of scrutiny fee and tow attested copies of foll
a) Allotment letter.
c) Possession certificate.
iv) After a week of submission of plans, the concerned Architect may contact building
Section in connection with approval of plan.
v) Start the construction only after the plans have been approved by the Authority.
vi) Make sure that mandatory set backs have been left clear when the layout is being
vii) Water connection shall be obtained after giving application on prescribed form alon
copy of approval letter.
viii) Approved plan shall be followed strictly, in case any change is desired revised plan
got approved from the authority.
ix) On completion of plinth and compound wall (plinth) Form ‘D’ shall be submitted an
verification certificate shall be obtained.
xi) If basement is being constructed on your plot, please make sure that proper water p
been done, and all necessary precautions have been taken for safety of adjacent struc
xii) Natural levels of side yards shall not be disturbed by more than 2'-00"
xiii) On completion of the house, notice of completion shall be submitted to Estate Manag
Directorate of CDA on prescribed forms.
xv) On receipt of letter from the Building Control Section the concerned Assistant Direct
contacted for site inspection.
xvi) After 10 days of site inspection the Dy. Director Building Control Section may be co
case no intimation has been received from the Authority.
xvii) In case of any complaints regarding approval of plans or issuance of completion certif
matter shall be brought into the notice of the Deputy Director Building Control Section
Roof projections over the stair tower shall not be more than
2' - 0" relaxable upto 3'-0" with fine @ Rs. 500/- per sq. ft.
Overhead tanks shall be allowed over the stair tower provided
[] these are merged into stair tower and otherwise are not
visible from outside.
Construction beyond plinth without
(1) verification/ survey at plinth
a) Residential Buildings terraced Rs. 10/- per Sft. of plinth area.
Residential Buildings detached
b) Rs. 10/- per Sft. of plinth area.
Non residential and Industrial
c) Rs. 10/- per Sft. of plinth area.
d) Commercial buildings Rs. 20/- per Sft. of plinth area.
Variation in covered area and
(2) Rs. 20/- per Sft. of plinth area.
a) Excess covered area
I) Compounding charges Rs. 7000/-
II) Other charges Rs. 300/- per SFt of excess covered area
excess roof projection projecting
b) Rs. 1000/- per Sft of excess Projections.
voer open area/public land/street.
Excess roof projections in set
c) Rs. 500/- per Sft of excess area.
Less height and width of Rs. 10/- per inch of less height/ width
rooms/baths/porches and garages. per Sft.
less size of rooms/ kitchens/ Rs. 1000/- per Sft. of less area than
baths/ living units. minimum permissible.
f) Excess area of car porches. Rs. 500/- per Sft.
(3) Set backs
Between 5 to 10% deviation on Rs. 300/- per SFt. of area falling in set
sides backs.
Between 10 to 20% deviation on Rs. 300/- per SFt. of area falling in set
front and rear backs
For terraced houses where set
backs are 8" - 0" or less relaxation
of only 10% with penalty @ Rs.
300 per Sft. will be allowed
(4) Less distance between buildings Rs. 300/- per sft.
Less head rooms, less width or Rs. 1000/- per inch of less width/height
stairs and less height of doors etc. from minimum permissible.
Fine for starting construction
without approval of plans
200 Sq. Yds and less Rs. 30,000.00
201 Sq. Yds to 499 Sq. Yds Rs. 40,000.00
500 Sq. Yds. and above Rs. 50,000.00