HD-MO Guava

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The key takeaways are that high density and meadow orcharding systems can significantly increase guava production and productivity compared to traditional orchards.

The advantages are higher yields, returns and cost-benefit ratios. Planting densities of up to 5000 plants per hectare are recommended which is much higher than traditional systems.

The steps involved in establishing a high density guava orchard are land preparation, selection of dwarf varieties, planting at spacings of 3x1.5m or 3x3m, canopy management, fertilization and irrigation practices.




¥~ Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture
Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori
Lucknow- 227 107

. HighDensityand


¥~:r Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture
Rehmankhera, P.o. Kakon
Lucknow- 227 107
Extension Bulletin- 35
Copyright ~ Director &Author, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow
All rights reserved. No part of this bulletin may' be reproduced without permission in

First edition, November, 2008

Published by
Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture,
Rehmankhera, P.O.Kakori, Lucknow - 227 107

Edited by
. Publication Committee
Dr.D.K. Tandon,Dr.R.M. Khan, Dr. S.K. Shukla,
Dr. (Mrs.)Anju Bajpai, Shri Dhiraj Sharma,

Bibliography citation
Singh, Gorakh (2008). High Density and Meadow Orcharding of Guava, 20 p.

Cover designed & Photographs by

Dr. Gorakh Singh


Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH)

P.O. Kakori, Rehmankhera, Lucknow- 227 107
Telephone: (0522) 2841022, 2841024 Fax: (0522) 2841025
EMail: director@cish.emet.in

. I

Printed at: Army Printing Press, 33 Nehru Road, Sadar Cantt., LucknowTel: 0522-2481164

Fruits fonn the mainstay of human life. They are considerably

important owing to their nutritional and medicinal values. In the yesteryears,
fruits have become more important on account of awareness and
improvement in the standard ofliving. Keeping in view the significance of
, fruitsin humanlife,scientistshavebeenextensivelycarryingoutresearches
to improve the productivity and quality offruits.
The Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera,
Lucknow under the a~gis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi has been one of the principal players in the horticultural
development of the country. It has contributed significantly in improving the
scientific production of fruit crops. The Institute is having more than 100accessi(;m.of guava in its
field gene bank apart from 7 guava species. Allahffi:>ad Safeda and Sardar are the main varieties
cultivated throughout the country. The Institute has developed quality varieties of guava named
Lalit and Shweta for commercialization.
The Institute has also developed high density and meadow orchard systems of guava to
increase the production as well as productivity. Several trainings vis-a-vis demonstration trials on
these technologies were organised across the country in general and Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra
in particular. These technologies have helped the orchardists to improve their economic condition.
Fanners across the country have shown keen interest inboth the technologies.
Taking into account the production and productivity statistics, these technologies are
considerably better than the traditional one. If these technologies are adopted widely, there is no
denying the fact that the production and productivity will increase. It will also add to the gross
domestic-product of the country. I hope this publication will be highly beneficial to one and all
engaged in guava cultivation and research.

~(B.M.C. Reddy)
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Present Scenario 01

Commercial and Improved Varieties 01

Advantages of Dwarf Tree 03

Concept of High Density and Meadow Orcharding. 03

Establishing High D({nsity Orchard 04

Establishing Meadow Orchard 07

Fertilization 11

Irrigation 11

Weed Control 12

Insect Pests 13

Production 17

Cost and Returns from Meadow Orcharding and High Density Planting 18
Demonstration at Farmers' Fields 20




High Density and Meadow Orcharding of Guava

Guava is an important fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the country due to the
hardy nature of its tree and prolific bearing even in marginal lands.Its cultivation requires little care
and inputs. But, of late, this crop has exhibited a paradigm shift in the production system, from
subsistence farming to commercial production. The traditional system of cultivation has often
posed problems in attaining desired levels of productivity due to large tree canopy. Hence, a need
arose to improve the existing production system, besides increasing its productivity. Currently,
there is a worldwide trend to plant fruit trees at higher density or meadow orcharding to control tree
size and maintain desired architecture for better light interception and ease in operations such as
pruning, pest control and harvesting. The high density or meadow orcharding facilitates enhance
production and quality offruits.
Present Scenario
The fruit is in demand in domestic as well as iiUernational markets and is traded in more than
60 countries. Major guava producing countries are India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Jamaica,
Kenya, Cuba, United States ofAmerica~ Egypt, Thailand, Columbia and Pakistan. The international
trade of guava is currently limited to processed products which are exported to United States, Japan
and Europe. In India, guava is well adapted in almost all the states and principally produced in
Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Guava contributes 4 per cent of the total fruit production which is around 18.23 million
tonnes from 182 thousand hectares. The productivity is around 9.9 MT ha-J. Maharashtra is the
leading guava producer both in area and production followed by Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. But its
productivity is highest in Karnataka followed by Punjab, Bengal and Gujarat. However, overall .
productivity is far from its actual potential.

Commercial and Improved Varieties

Allahabad Safeda and Sardar (L-49) form the mainstay of Indian guava industry owing to
their high yield, quality and wide market acceptability. Even Lalit, a variety suitable for both
processing as well as table purpose, is also gaining popularity. The area under this variety has
increased significantly inMaharashtra,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Some other improved guava varieties, viz. Shweta, Pant Prabhat, Dhareedar, Arka Mridula,
Arka Amulya, Safed Jam, Kohir Safeda, Hisar Surkha, Hisar Safeda and Allahabad Surkha have
been released byICAR Institutes/SAUs
. in different states for commercial
- cultivation.


A brief descriptton ofimportant varieties is given below:

Allahabad Safeda

It is the most important variety of guava used for table as well as

processing purposes. The tree is medium to tall in size, upright growth
habit, heavy bearer, dense foliage and has a tendency to produce long
shoots. Crown is broad and compact, often dome-shaped and rarely loose.
Fruit is of medium size, round in shape with smooth skin and white flesh.
The fruits are relatively soft with less seeds. Its keeping quality is good.
Tree is vigorous, spreading and profuse bearer, heavy branching type
with flat crown. Fruit is large, round to ovate in shape, primrose-yellow skin
colour, white flesh and seeds are in plenty and harder than that of Allahabad

It is a high yielding pink fleshed guava variety released by Central

Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow for commercial cultivation
in guava growing areas ofthe country. Fruits are of saffron yellow colour
with red "blush weighing 185-200 g fruif1. Its flesh is firm and pink with a
good blend of sugar and acid. It is suitable for both tabJe and processing
purposes. The jelly made from this variety has better flavour and attractive
The variety recently developed by Central Institute for Subtropical
Horticulture, Lucknow is suitable for commercial cultivation. Tree is semi-
vigorous with medium height and is a prolific bearer. It is a variety with
medium size globose fruits"creamy white skin with red spots or blush and
snow-white flesh. Fruits are attractive and have good nutritive value.
It is an outstanding variety oflarge uniform pink fruit with deep pink
flesh. The plants produce up to 120 kg fruits in the sixth year of fruiting.
Trees are vigorous, dome-shaped and compact. The fruit is sweet and
strongly flavouredwith a few seeds. .


Advantages of Dwarf Tree

. Harvesting is easy and the cost of picking is reduced.
. The ratio of fruiting shoots to supporting ones is higher.
. Ease in sprayingof chemicals forpest and disease control.
. Possible to plant more trees per unit area leading to higher income.

Concept of High Density and Meadow Orcharding

There is a shift in farmers' perception from production to productivity and profitability which
can be achieved through high density planting. Recently, there is a trend to plant fruit trees at closer
spacing leading to high density or meadow orchard. Higher and quality production is achieved from
densely planted orchards through judicious canopy management and adoption of suitable tree
training systems.
The Meadow Orchard is a modem method of fruit cultivation using S' . Ior dwarftree
with modified canopy. Better light distribution within tree canopy increases the 1lumberof well
illuminated leaves. It alsopromotes rate of photosynthesis that leads to high yield per unit area.This
system of guava planting is going to revolutionize the guava industry by enhancing productivity
coupled with reduction in production costs. The meadow orchard system of guava accommodates
5000 plants ha-I,planted at 2.0 x 1.0 m spacing and managed with regular topping and hedging,
especially during initial stages.Topping and hedging in guava arehelpful in controlling tree size and
extending fruit availability. A comparison between meadow orchard system and the traditional
system of fruit growing is necessary to evaluate the potentiality ofthis technique.
Comparison between traditional and meadow orchard systems of guava growing
Attributes Tra4itiona.systern l\;Ieadowsystern
Bearing - After two years From first year
Production Average yield is 12-20 t ha-I Average yield is 40-60 t ha-I
Management Difficult to manage due to Easy to manage due to small tree size
large tree size
Labour requirement Requires more labour Requires less labour
Production cost Higher cost of production Lower cost of production
Harvesting Difficult Easy
Quality Large canopy, poor sunlight Small canopy, better air and sunlight
penetration and poor quality penetration, minimum disease incidence and
fruits. high quality fruits with good colour



Establishing High Density Orchard

Orchard establishment is a long-term investment. Ploughing the area once or twice is
suggested followed by two-three harrowings to pulverize and expose the soil completely. It can be
best done during dry season. Rectangular system of planti~g/layout is preferred as it facilitates
orchard operations. Planting can be done any time during the year provided irrigation facilities are
available. However, planting in December-January should be avoided as frost may cause severe
damage. The pits of about 75 x 75 x 75 cmor 50x50x50 cmor40x40x40 cm are dug as per layout ...

plan. After 7 to 10days, eachpit is filled with soil mixed with 10to 15kg organicmanure and 500 g
of single superphosphate.
Standard spacing for guava is 6 x 6 m, which accommodates 277 plants ha-1.It is important to
shape the tree after planting. Spacing of the plants in the system depends on fertility of the soil,
availabilityof water, intensity of sunlightand wind exposure.
As guava responds very well to pruning, the following plant densities have been
recommended by Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow for early, higher and
quality guavaproduction:
A. 3.0 m (row to row) x 1.5m (plant to plant) accommodating 2222 plants ha-1
B. 3.0m (row to row) x3.0m(planttoplant) accommodating 1111plantsha-1
C. 6.0 m (row to row) x 3.0 m (plant toplant) accommodating 555 plants ha-1

High Density Planting in Guava
Canopy Management !
Untrained or ullpruned guava trees become huge and unmanageable after a couple years of I
growth. The bearing area is reduced and the interior ofthe plant becomes entirely devoid offruiting.
Trees are pruned to increase the yield of quality fruits by eliminating crowded and criss-cross
branches. Pruning begins at an early stage of plant growth to develop single trunk trees with well-
spaced scaffold branches to form the frame work. Apical growth"is to be controlled within the first
year of planting for better canopy architecture. Trees are topped to a uniform height of 60 - 70 cm
from the ground level, two-three months after planting to induce the emergence of new growth


Early shoot management Enhancement of flowering through

for better canopy and production shoot pruning

below the cut point. As a result,

new shoots emerge. Three to four
equally spaced shoots are
retained around the stem to form
the main scaffold limbs of the
tree. These shoots are allowed to
grow for4-5 months after topping
until they attain a length of about
40 - 50 em. The selected shoots
are further pruned to 50 per cent
of their length for inducing
multiple .shoots from the buds
below the cut end. Newly
emerged shoots are allowed to
grow up to 40-50 cm and are
pruned again for the emergence
of new shoots. This is mainly
done to obtain the desired shape. Initialcanopymanagementto Confined growth of trees
The pruning operations continue maximizefruitingunderhigh through pruning after 8 years
during the second year after . densityplanting of planting
planting. After two years, the .
short branches within the tree canopy produce a compact and strong structure. All the plants are
confined to a hedge shape of2 m inter row width and 2.5m height for which pruning is performed in
January-February and May-June every year.

Field planting
(3.0 x 105m;3.0 x 3.0m and 6.0 x 3.0m)

Top the trees at a height of 60 - 70 cm from the
ground level after 1-2 months of planting
New shoots emerge below the cut point
Retain 3 to 4 shoots
(equally spaced)
Prune the shoots after 3 - 4 nwnths of shoot emergence
(Cutting back to 50% oft,heir"totallength)
New shoots emerge below the cut end
Further prune the shoots after 3-4 months of emergence
(Cutting back to 50% oftheir tott'Uengtb)
Continue shoot pruning during the second year
for desired tree shape
After second-year

Shoot pruning is done

/ \ .

Continue shoot pruning (50%) on the tree every year to maintain the
tree shape and size I


Establishing Meadow Orchard

Meadow Orchard System is a new concept of guava planting which has been developed for
the first time in India at Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow. The planting is
done at 2.0 m (row to row) x 1.0 m (plant to plant), which gives a density of 5000 plants ha-1.
Initially, the trees are pruned and trained to allow maximum production of quality fruits during the
first year. A single trunk tree with no interfering branches up to 30 - 40 cm from the ground level is
desirable to make dwarf tree architecture. After a period of 1-2 months of planting, all the trees are
topped at a uniform height of30-40 cm from the ground level for initiation of new growth below the
cut ends. No side shoot or branch should remain after topping. This is done to make a single trunk
straight up to 40 cm height. After 15-20 days of topping, new shoots emerge. In general, 3~4 shoots
are retained from below the cut point after topping. As shoots mature generally after a period of3-4
months, they are reduced by 50 per cent oftheir total length so that new shoots emfrge below the cut
point. This is done to attain the desired tree canopy architecture and strong fr tmework. The
emerged shoots are allowed to grow for 3 - 4 months before they are again pruned oy 50 per cent.
After pruning, new shoots emerge on which flowering takes place.

Planting at a spacing of 2 x 1 m Topping at a height of 30-40 cm Growth after topping

from the ground level

Growth after second pruning Growth after third pruning Flowering after third pruning

It is emphasized that shoot pruning is done thrice a year. This leads to desired canopy I
development. Though fruiting starts in the same year, one can not expect fruits on each and every I
shoot. Pruning is continued so that plants remain dwarf. After a year, pruning operation is done
especially in May-June, September-October and January-February.

\ .


Initiation of new shoots and Re-pruning (above the fruiting point) New shoots emerge after re-pruning
flowering after shoot pruning of shoots for initiation of new shoots and flowering takes place

Pruned trees in flowering and fruting I

.I I


Meadow orchard after 5 years of planting Overview of meadow orchard



Harvesting of fruits is
generally done in January-
February from' the May-June
pruned shQots. After harvest, the
1 pruning is done above fruiting
j points. New shoots emerge after
pruning of shoots during January-
February. On these shoots,
flowering takes place and fruiting
is obtained during July-September.
Second time pruning is done in
May-June. After pruning, once
again shoots emerge and flowering
take place, which yields fruits
during December-February. These
shoots are further pruned for the
third timein September- October.
It is done primarily for better.
canopy architecture. As a result of
pruning in October, fruiting is
obtainedin March - April.This is
the technique for maintaining a .
meadow orchard for optimum
production and dwarftree size. The
height of plants is restricted to 1.0
m, while an average production of
~ 10-12 kg fruits planr1 is obtained
every year.As harvesting is easy in
a meadow orchard, no damage
occurs to the fruits. Seven guava

varieties, viz. Allahabad Safeda,

Sardar, Shweta, Lalit, CISH-G-5,
CISH~G-6 and hybrid (Lalit x
Shweta) evaluated under meadow
orchard system showed pos~tive Overview of different guava varieties planted
under meadow orchard
impact of the technology.

Top the trees at a of 30 to 40cm from the
ground level after 1-2 months of planting


Retain 3-4 shoots oidy

Multiple shoots emerge below cut end

Shoots initiate and flowering takes place

, . " ~ '. .

1 Cn.ti...Jli<>ntJ!lil'$g
150'/'}""'~""" ,y'"

Fruiting """
. March-April

~ ~
Continue shoot pruning (50%) every year up to 4 to 5 years to maintain tree.shape and size.

--- -

The amount offertilizers to be applied in high density /meadow orchard of guava depends
I on the age of tree, condition of plant and type of soil. For proper growth and higher yield, following
i<'~ fertilizer doses shouldbe applied:
For spacing of 3.0 x 105m(2222 plants ha-1);3.0 x 3.0m (1111 plants ha-1)and 6.0 x 3.0m
(555 plants ha-1)

I Year _=~Ur£.~jgnl!nr~L
"September-"--'-='" - J.ol;-'--
1st 182 78 375 100
2nd 364 156 750 200
3rd 546 234 1125 300
4th 728 312 1500 400
5th & above 910 390 1875 500

For spacing 2.0 x 1.Om (5000 plants ha -1),

Year Urea (g planrl) S~f (g }!lanril ~OP (g plant-I) .
June September September - - June --
1st 90 40 185 50
2nd 180 110 370 100
3rd 270 115 555 150
4th 360 150 740 200
5th & a150ve 450 190 900 250

Newly planted plants should be watered at the time of planting, every second day during the
first week and afterwards once or twice a week during the initial months. During long dry periods,
..!. newly planted young guava plants (first year) should be watered twice a week. Once the rainy
season sets in, irrigation is done as per the requirement.
For the plants of 2 years or above, irrigation becomes beneficial for growth and fruiting
during prolonged dry periods. Irrigation is required at intervals of 7-10 days in summers and at 25
days in winters.

Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation is an essential input for increasing productivity and quality of fruits.
Response to drip irrigation in relation to yield and water-use-efficiency has been found very
effective. The basic concept underlying the drip irrigation method is to supply the amount of water
needed by the plant within a limited volume of the soil rather than flooding, as often as needed.

Increase in yields up to 40 per cent along with saving in

water to the tune of 40-50 per cent can be obtained..
Adequate moisture is required during the vegetative
growth for optimum flowering and fruit development. In
high density planting, On-Line drip is preferred, while #;1
In-Line is suited in meadow orchard system. The
maximum yield is obtained when irrigation is given at 60
per cent OPE replenishment. The following schedule of ~I
irrigation through drip is recommended for guava:

Drip irrigation coupled with polyethelene mulch

A. For spacing of 3;0 x 1.5rn; 3.0 x 3.0 ill and 6.0 x 3.0 rn
Year Drip irrigation (liters day-l planfl)
1st 4 to 6
2nd 8 to 12
3rd 15 to 20
4th 25 to 30
5th and above 35 to 40

B. For Meadow Orchard (2.0 x 1.0rn)


Weed Control I
It is crucial during the first 2-3 years of orchard establishment, after which trees give enough
shade to arrest the growth of weeds. There are various methods to control weeds. Mulching at the
base of trees can be done using 100 micron (400 gauge) black polyethylene sheet and organic
residues such as straw, dried grass and banana leaves. Mulching with organic materials should be
12- 15 cm thick to arrest the weed growth and simultaneously permit rain water penetration to the
root zone. Black polyethylene sheets prevent soil surface evaporation and conserve water, enhance
growth, besides controlling weeds.


Mulch with Polyethylene Mulch with banana leaf Mulch with straw Mulch with dried grass

Insect Pests
Number of insect pests affect guava crop. The symptoms and control measures of important
pests are given below. '
Fruit fly
Symptom and damage
Fruit fly, the most serious threat to guava production particularly during rainy season, lays
eggs singly in ripened fruits just below the epicarp which eventually results in appearance of minute
depressions with dark punctures. Maggots, after hatching, feed on pulp and make fruit unfit for
consumption. They pupate in soil and takes about 12 to 18 days to complete its life cycle during
July-August (main season).

. Management

Collection and destruction of infested fruits followed by ploughing around the tree basins to
expose pupae to sun and natural enemies.
. Spraying of protein hydrolysate and Malathion (0.1-0.25% + 0.05%) on host trees for killing
ofqdult flies.
!., . Hanging of wooden block traps soaked in ethanol, Methyl eugenol and Malathion (6:4: I) for
72 hrs on trees @ 10 traps ha-l during fruiting period.
Bark eating caterpillar
Symptom and damage
The pest feeds on the bark of main trunk, stem and branches. Infestation is associated with the
presence of irregular tunnels and patches covered with silken thread entangled with excreta and
chewed particles on shoots, branches, stems and main trunk. Shelter holes are common at thejoints
of shoots and branches. In case' of severe infestation, young infested shoots get dry and die above
the point of girdling, giving die back like symptoms.

. Orchard should be kept clean and healthy.
. Killing of caterpillars mechanically by inserting iron spoke in shelter holes at an early stage
t I
of infestation followed by inserting cotton wool soaked in Dichlorvos (0.25 - 0.5%) in the
borer hole and plugging with the wet soil.
. Application of conidial suspension of Naturalis - L (0.40%) in the borer hole is also

The Pomegranate butterfly'

Symptom and damage
The insect attacks both rainy and winter seasoncrops. Its incidence is at peak in the months of
August (rainy season crop) and November-December (winter season crop).The violet brown
female butterfly lays shiny white eggs singly on cal~ of flowers and fruits. The larva bores the fruit
and feed on the flesh and seeds, making the fruit hollow from inside.
. Regular collection and destruction of infested fruits.
. Cultivation of pomegranate in vicinity of guava orchards should be discouraged.
. Carbaryl (0.2%) or Ethophenprox (0.05%) spray at the beginning of fruiting season and
before ripening offruits.
Castor capsule borer
Symptom and damage
It is a major pest of castor but attacks guava also and has been commonly recorded from the
guava growing regions of North India, particularly in rainy season crop. The moth is of medium '"
size, yellow with numerous black spots on the body. Larvae of this moth mainly bore fruits but it
may also attack buds and tender shoots. Larvae feed on pulp and seeds of fruits resulting in rotting
and premature drop of fruits. The affected fruits are generally deformed at the point of entry of
larva. The pest completes its life cycle between 25-33 days. The borer is managed as per the
management systems ofthe Pomegranate butterfly
Stem borer
Symptom and damage
. .

Infestation of the pest is visible in the form of small holes (1-1.5 em) found at the distance of
20-30 em along with straw coloured pelleted faecal matter at the base of the plant. Severe
"'-' ---"'-"~- -'-'-'-- ~" ~-


infestation results in leaffall and drying of twigs and branches and finally leading to plant mortality.
Eggs are laid in .the bark by making an inverted U shaped punctures on the branches and main
trunks. Grubs initially feed on the bark and later on enter into the wood, making zig-zag and single
long tunnels. Its life cycle is annual.
. Mechanical destruction of beetles.
. Removal of infested branches and its destruction by burning during December~February.
. U shaped markings and eggs should be destroyed with sharp knife during September-
. Injection of5 ml Dichlorvos (0.1 %) in case of severe infestation.
Symptom and damage
The plants begin to die backwards from top of the branch. Twigs, petiole and young leaves
are also attacked resulting into leaf fall virtually leaving the twigs dried and naked. Fruit and leaf
infections are generally seen in rainy season crop. Pin head spots are first seen on unripe fruits,
which gradually enlarge. The infected areas on unripe fruits become corky and hardy, and often
develop s:;racksin case of severe infection.
. Sprays of Bordeaux mixture (3:3:50) or Copper oxychloride @ 0.3 per cent at 7-10 day
. Monthly spraying ofDifolatan (0.3%) and Dithane Z-78 (0.2%).
~ . For post harvest treatment, dipping the fruits in 500 ppm Tetracycline solution for 20
Symptom and damage
The appearance of canker on green fruits is evidenced in the fonn of minute, brown or rust
coloured, unbroken, circular, necrotic areas, which later tears open the epidennis in a circimite
manner. The canker remains confmed to a shallow area and does not penetrate deep into the flesh of
the fruit. In severe cases, larg~number of cankerous spots develop. Small rusty brown angular spots
also appear on the leaves. During winter season, the cankerous spots.are common but in rainy
season minute red specks are fonned.


. Three to four sprays of one per cent Bordeaux mixture or lime sulphur at 15 days interval.
Phytophthora fruit rot
Symptom and damage to
Disease appears at the stylar end offallen fruits or the ones touching the ground and covered
. with foliage or stored in the form of whitish cottony growth which spreads very fast as the fruit
ripens and covers the entire surface within 3-4 days during humid weather. Fruit skin below the '1
whitish cottony growth becomes a little soft, turns light brown to dark brown and emits unpleasant
smell. The diseased fruits generally retain their normal shape unless they are invaded by
saprophytes which cause rotting. Immature fruits, if infected, shrink, turn dirty brown to dark
brown, remain hard in texture, either remain intact as mummified fruit or drop.
. Spraying of Diathane 2-78 (0.2 %) or Aliteofungin (10 ppm) are found effective in
controlling the disease.
Stylar end rot
Symptom and damage'
The first symptom is the discoloration in the region lying just below and adjoining the
persistant calyx which gradually increases in size, turn dark brown and becomes soft. Affected
region becomes pulpy and light brown in colour in contrast to the bright white colour ofthe healthy
ones. At an advanced stage fruit shrinking occurs and concentric wrinkles develop on the skin.
Finally, the entire fruit is affected and covered with pycnidia.
. Spray of Copper oxychloride (0.3 %) at 15 days interval
. Two sprays ofCarbendazim (0.1 %) at 15 days interval in such a way that last spray falls 12-
15 days prior to harvest. f
Symptom and damage
Yellow discol~uration and curling ofleaves of terminal branches appear initially. Later on
plants show yellow to red discolouration ofleaves. Subsequently, there is pre-mature shedding of
leaves. Fruits of all the affected branches remain under developed, hard and stony. Later the entire
plant defoliates and eventually dies.
. Management
. Proper orchard sanitation and severepruning of affectedparts.
. Incorp9r~tionofFYM mixed withAspergillus niger strainAN 17@5.0kg pie.
,,-,,~ ""<=" "-


Guava rust
"Symptom and damage
Foliage, young shoots and fruits of guava are commonly affected. Typical symptoms include
'" the distortion, defoliation, growth reduction and eventually plant mortality.
Sprays of Bordeaux mixture (1.0%) during active growth period followed by monthly

The production of guava in high density planting (1.5 x 3 m.O m) is 26 tonnes ha-I in the third
year. The yield goes up to 47 tonnes ha-I in the fifth and 55 tonnes ha-I in the seventh year of growth.
In the density of 6.0 x 6.0m, the yield is 6 tonnes ha-I. The meadow orchard system is mbre
beneficial than any other system. In this system, the production starts in the first year itself giving an
average yield of 13 tonnes ha-I which doubles in the next year. In the 3rdand 5thyear yield is
approximately 40 and 60 tonnes ha-I, respectively."This clearly shows that the meadow orchard
system is better than other planting systems.

Ist year 2nd year 3rd year

4th year 5th year After 5 year

Growth pattern and fruiting under meadow orchard


Guava yield obtained under different densities (tonnes ha-l)

,4i&en;iti~. tI\&q.~eat
1.5 x 3.0m 26.0
3.0 x 3.0m 18.0 26.0 30.0 35.0 38.0
6.0 x 3.0 m 11.0 17.0 24.0 28.0 31.0
6.0 x 6.0m 6.0 12.0 15.0 19.0 27.0
Yield under meadow orchard system (tonnes ha-l)
Density 1st year Znd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year ~I
2.0 x 1.0m 13.0 25.0 . 40.0 50.0 60.0

Cost and Returns from Meadow Orchardingand High Density Planting

The inital expenses right from land preparation and planting till crop comes to harvest is
considered as the establishment cost of an orchard. The estimated operational cost for maintaining an
orchard from I st year (Meadow orchard) or the beginning of3rd year (High density planting), when
crop comes to the production, is given below:
Economic analysis of establishing, maintaining and returns from one hectare meadow
orchard spaced at 2.0 x '1.0m (5000 plants ha-I)
Year Estimated expenditure Total Production Gross Net Cost
Labour Material Contingencies expenditure (tonnes) return income benefit
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) . (Rs.) ratio
1st 34000 112530 14653 161183 13 78000 0 0
2nd 18700 18310 3701 40711 25 150000 109289 2.68
3rd 24500 25215 4971 54686 40 240000 185314 3.38
4th 28500 32870 6137 67507 50 300000 232493 3.44
5th , 30500 39450 6995 76945 60 360000 283055 3.67

Economic analysis of establishing, maintaining and returns from one hectare high density
planting spaced at 3 x l:Sm (2222 plants ha-I) 4

.." .~ 75S0
1,6,.500 15888~ 3239 . 35627 0 0
3rd d2~00.; 2,2987;' 5549 61036 .15600'0 94964
4th 45300 30818 7612 83730 I 2280QQ 14427Q
5th 49100" 37863 8,696 95659 _282QOO 186341
6th 51700 38163 '8986 98849 -312000 213151
7th 51700 38163% 8986 98849 330000 231151


Economic analysis of establishing, maintaining and returns from one hectare high density
planting spaced at 3 x 3m (1111plantsha-I)
ur :Production Net
to nting :~~(tonnes)
Areo' '

","'~,\I, ,JRs.l ffl,,~.)

9898 27248 3715 40861 0 0 0 0
2 11550 7944 1949 21443 0 0 0 0
3 23750 11494 3524 38768 18 108000 69232 1.79
4 33710 15409 4912 54031 26 156000 101969 1.89
5 36370 18932 5530 60832 30 180000 119168 1.96
6 44190 19082 6327 69599 35 210000 140401 2.02
7 47190 19082 6627 72899 38 228000 155101 2.13

Economic analysis of establishing, maintaining and returns from one hectare high density
planting spaced at 6.0 x 3.0m (555 plants ha-I) .
Year Estimated expenditure Total Production Gross Net Cost
Labour Material Contingencies expenditure (tonnes) return income benefit
(Rs.) (Rs.) ffl,s.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) ratio
1 9065 13612' 2268 24944 0 0 0 0.00
2 10578 3968 1455 16001 .0 0 0 0.00
3 21751 5742 2749 30242 11 66000 35758 1.18
4 29957 7698 3765 41420' 17 102000 60580 1.46
5 3'6393 9457 4585 50435 24 144000 93565 1.86
6 43555 9532 5309 58396 28 168000 109604 1.88
7 45387 9532 5492 60411 31 186000 125589 2.02

Economic analysis of establishing, maintaining and returns from one hectare high density
planting spaced at 6.0 x 6.0m (277 plants ha-I)
Year Estimated expenditure Total Production Gross Net Cost
Labour Material Contingencies expenditure (tonnes) return income benefit
ffl,s.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) ratio
(Rs.) ffl,s.)
1 12166 6905 1907 20978
2 13000 3734 1673 18407
3 24500 4556 2905 31961 6.0 36000 4039
4, 31000 4716 3572 39288 12.0 72000 32712 0.83
5 37250 8335 4559 50144 15.0 90000 39856 0.79
6 39180. 8335 4752 52267 19.0 140000 87733 1.67
7 42175 8335 5051 55575 27.0 162000 106425 1.91

Sale offruits @6.0 kg-l

G "'''' ,,"'?t ~', ,'W' ""'" ~



Demonstrations at Farmers' Field
Field demonstration of meadow orcharding system was taken up in variqus states of the' I
country where farmers showed keen interest in the system. Demonstration trials were imparted in
different areas of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kamataka, Jharkhand, 'c
etc. After the demonstration trials, the technology has gained immense popularity amongst I
the farmers across the country. In Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, an average yield of
15 tonnes ha-l was obtained during the first year. As a result, the demand of plant material for
establishing meadow orchards has gone up considerab~y.The area under meadow orchard across
the country is increasing day by day. Apart from meadow orcharding, demonstration on high
densityplantings (3.0 x 1.5 m; 3x3.0 m and 6.0 x 3.0 m) were also taken up in different states. After I
demonstration, the techniques of high density planting and canopy management gained popularity
among the farmers. I



Orchardists in discussion with scientist on meadow orchard at Bhilawadi and Malegaon in Maharashtra

Meadow orchard in farmers' field at Bhilawadi and Theur in Maharashtra

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