Pancha Pakshi Book

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(Mysteries of Panch Pakshi)

A Treatise of Five Elements (Tatvas) Feathered in a Native (Jatak)

Introduction ii
Author's Preface ix
1. Introduction of the Subject 11
2. Fundamentals Explained 21
3. Common features and conventions 34
4. Significations for the bright half of Moon 39
(Gross and abstract Tables for bright half
period of Moon)
5. Significations for the dark half period of Moon 115
(Gross and abstract tables for dark half
period of Moon)
6. Conclusions 129
7. Good or Bad 185
8. Success or Failure 187
9. Travel 188
10. Coronation 192
11. Sickness 196
12. Puberty 201
13. Horary Elemental Astrology 205
(Panchapakshi Arooda)
14. Horary Elemental Astrology 215
(Panchapakshi Arooda Through Stars)
15. Panchapakshi and Sexology 233 1

Introduction of the Subject

I.The Scientific Basic of Panchapakshi, [BIO-RHYTHlVIS]

Every human being is after pursuit of happiness in the, world. Nobody intentionally accepts sorrow and misery. As a matter of fact, life consists of more sorrow and grief than happmess.

Right from the dawn of civilisation, great thinkers and Saints were in the true pursuit to find out ways and means to get pure happiness without any trace of sorrow whatsoever. After continued research and penance for centuries, they have to come to the conclusion that only spiritualism leading to self-realisation is the way to enjoy and experience everlasting bliss. In this effort and path, ancient Tamil Sidhas stand in the fore front. They have formulated a "GOLDEN KEY" to un-lock the doors of the bosom of super-intelligence and see face to face, this everlasting bliss.

These Sidhas were not only great spiritualists to the core, but also, were great scientists, physicians and psychologists, who analysed life in its fullness both on Mundane and Abstract levels and dictated scientific principles leading man to success of both levels. On the gross plane, if one Ii ves in accordance with the nature, life becomes blessing which in the long run leads to spiritual well being also. In such a seeking, the mysterious PANCHAPAKSHI is one of the sciences which


Biorhythms of Natal Moon

Introduction of the Subject


helps man progress simultaneously on par, and; in accordance wit.h the nature and both the planes and get enduring bliss.

In a nutshell, the following is the essence of this science as enunciated by ancient Siddha Saints. The soul, the body it dwells in, the feelings etc., are resultant. of collective forms of the vibrations of five basic elements consisting in various proportions. When an individual's vibrations are repelling with those in Macrocosm, suffering begins. Conversely, when the elemental vibration of an individual is in tune with' those in Macrocosm, the individual gets satisfaction and happiness.

In the fanner conditions, there will always be failures and sufferings and in the latter, there will always be success and comforts. Similarly, when the individual tunes up his elemental vibrations in the abstract plane with those of the superintelligence, he gets emancipation in the spiritual field. This is the basis of P AN CHAP AKSHI.

These great Tamil Sidhas found out that the planetary movements, the waxing and the waning periods of the Moon due to its relative cyclic distance from the Sun and due to the radiation of these planets progressing through the ecliptic consisting of 12 apartments called SIGNS and 27 HINDU constellations evenly spread over these signs, produce a specialised elemental vibrative force at each of the time-situations.

They also found that these elemental vibrations differentially function in 5 ways during the periods of waxing and waning Moon cycles in 5 different gradations. When an individual is ushered into this world, the cosmic vibrations, emanations from the peculiar pattern of the NINE planets by virtue of occu pat ion of their particular and angular position in the ecliptic make a collective imprint in the eub-conscious. They are unified wilh the elemental vibrations Occurring in the path of the compartments of the 27 constellations in the ecliptic. 'The horoscope can thus be defined. as Iil symbolic representation of this imprint. Being controlled/directed by this imprint, the individual is helpless, but to. live in a peculiar

individual way accordingly. If we can identify the basic laws behind formation of this imprint and the functional pattern of our elemntal vibrations, we can adjust ourselves and function in such a way so that our indulgence in any action during a time-situation whenever elemental vibrations are at the highest ebb we will be crowned with supreme success. This is the fundamental of this PANCHAPAKSHI.

2. How the Panchapakshi Functions?

These·5 elemental vibrations act in 5 gradations of faculties for stipulated time intervals called (YAMAS) consisting of 2 hrs. 24 mits. each (6 Ghatikas each) over the 5 YAMAS in the day and 5 YAMAS in the night, thus spread over evenly in 24 hours. These functional patterns vary, during waxing and waning Moon cycles, and also during the week days. These elemental vibrations of 5 gradations function in such a way that when one elemental vibration is at the highest ebb, the other four function proportionately in diminishing order, thus the last vibration is a dormant or a'death'. These 5 elemental vibrations are personified as P AKSHIS or BIRDS and the gradations of their faculities are named as 5 activities. The 5 birds are named as follows:-


2. OWL.




The 5 activities of the birds are named as follows:-






Each bird performs these five activities during each day and in night over the week days and during waxing and


Biorhythms of Natal Moon

I ntroduction of the Subject


waning Moon cycles during the 5 YAMAS in day and 5 YAMAS in night in a stipulated order which arc explained in the text in the proper context.

but remain wondering at the scientific observational keenness of our ancients who were actually real scientists of life, in formulating and discovering this great truth of PANCHAPAKSHI.

It is to be noted that the activities of Dying, Sleeping, Walking, Eating and Ruling are stronger than the previous ones in the order given. Thus, the Dying and Sleeping states are very weak and unsuitable for any action, the Walking state is stronger, being of medium strength. The next stronger is the Eating state and stronger still and most powerful is. the Ruling state. Thus, the Eating and Ruling activity periods will be suitable for all the actions of day to day lile to consummate into success.

3. The Five Activities and Their Relevance as Basic Concept with Regard to Functioning of the World

Basically, t.he concept. of life on earth consists of these 5 activities only viz., Eating, Walking, Ruling, Sleeping and Dying. All animate things, in the world, do these 5 activit.ies regularly without any exception in the process towards the progress of life.

EATING: This activity is nothing but renewal of body cells, and thereby renewal of functional energy is thus ef-_ fected.

WALKING: To eat, bread has to be earned. For earning, movement is necessary. This movement is the Walking activity.

4. How the Elemental Bird is Decided?

RULING: The process of earning itself is the activity of Ruling.

SLEEPING: After eating, walking and ruling, the system gets exhausted due to prolonged exertions resulting in the need to relax. This relaxing process is the Sleeping activity.

DYING: By repeat.ed process of these four activities, the body in which the soul resides, completely degenerates and reaches an extreme point when functioning of these four activities is no more possible. At this stage, the soul departs from the old body to take and enter into another new suitable body by way of reincarnation. This is called the activity of dying and the cycle again begins.

The ancients have also found out that these 5 activities including dying occur daily through out our life in gross and subtle forms. Actually, this is the true philosophy of life which forms the basis of P AN CHAP AKSHI. From this it can be seen that a fundamental basic truth of life is enunciated by our great ancients for application in our day to day life. We cannot

This is done in two ways:-

(i) Birth Ascendant: According to birth time of an individual, the bird and its activity are decided just as ascendant is decided in the case of computing horoscope in astrology. This will be the individual's birth bird. This is helpful only in determining the trend and nature of one's life, as is analysed in the case of horoscope from the rising sign and other features. The example with regard to calculating one's birth bird has to be war.ked out separately. As this aspect does not form t.he subject matter of t.his book, the same will be brough t out, i 11 a subsequent volume.

(ii) Birth Star: According to birth constellation (Hindu star) and as per the phase of either waxing or waning Moon cycles, the bird is decided. Thus, groups of 5 or 6 stars beginning from Aswini, are allocated and distributed among the 5 birds in a stipulated way. When once the bird of an individual is decided according to his birth star, either in waxing or waning phase of Moon, the same will be his permanent stellar bird for both the phases of the Moon cycle. Only this bird is taken into consideration for all practical purposes in day to day life. u is this aspect, which forms the subject matter of this book.


Biorhythms of Natal Moon

Introduction of the SUbject


5. Sigmficationa

The ancient Sidhas have ascribed different significations (Karakathwas) for animate and in-animate things of the world. The significations comprise of sound, light, form, place, things, number, metal, strength, colour, clothing, directions etc. etc., allotting the significations for each of the 5 birds pertaining to the 5 elements. This will be useful in Horary Astrology where Elemental Astrology is applied.

6. Reasons for Personifying Elemental

Vibrations as Birds

Sidhas have personified the elements as' birds identifying each element under which an individual is born, or with the situation of time gaps, when these elements are all functioning differentially during each time gap. Also, the birds cover all the elements. Elements being 5 in number, the birds, too are five: on the earth, in the air and in ether (Akasha) and in water and fire which transforms them in the abstract form. It is known that the nature and function of elements vary from each other. The birds which personify such elements also imbibe the major portion of the nature of that element. Hence, they are personified as birds for practical purposes of identification and application.

More over, unless these elements are personified, the vibrations of each of the elements, their gradations etc., cannot be individualised, named, quantified and manipulated for each of particular time situations or conditions.

yama works out to 2 hI'S. 24 mts. of our modern time. Thus, the distribution of 5 yamas will be as follows during day and night:

First Yama Second Yama Third Yarna Fourth Yama Fifth Yama

6 A.M. to 8.24 A.M. 8.24 A.M. to 10.48 A.M. 10.48 A.M. to 1.12 P.M. 1.12 P.M. to 3.36 P.M. 3.36 P.M. to 6 P.M.

The cycle repeats similarly for the night. It should be noted that the modern time cycle at its lower division also follows sexagenery time cycle, since the hour consists of 60 minutes and a minute consists of 60 seconds which explains the reason behind following this sexagenery time cycle by our ancients. It is to be noted that the beginning of the day is reckoned from Sun rise to Sun set in Hindu system. Similarly night is reckoned from Sun set to Sun rise on the following day, thus consisting of 24 hours for one day. Taking standard:

Sun rise as 6 AM., the placement of time gaps or yamas are variable to the extent of difference that occurs latter or earlier to 6 AM. due to difference in Sun rise or Sun set.

7. Division of Time

. Our ancients have always followed sexagenery time cycles, thus the day comprising 60 ghatikas, each ghatika can. sisting of 60 vighatlkas, In the Panchapakshi system each bird is allotted 5 main time gaps (yamas) of6 ghatikas each for the day and similarly for the night. Ghatika is the name of the time unit in Hindus similar to hour of nowaday's use, but equivalent to only 24 mts, for each ghatika. In this way, one

8 .. Panchapakshi and Occult Powers

It is well known that mental powers can be channalised and used in positive 01' negative ways for specific purposes by Occultists. The former being called White Magic and the latter as Black Magic respectivey. Our ancients have formulated ways and means t.o employ bot.h White and Black Magic in the field of Panchapakshi to yield definite results both on constructive and destructive ways. However, our ancients have always warned that Magic should never be employed for destructive purpose unless it happens spontaneously due t.o the destiny of the other beings. The Panchapakshi occultism comprises of conjuring of various forces when the elemental vibration of the bird of an individual is at. the highest aimed at persons whose elemental vibrations are at lower level. They have also formulated ways and means to employ these vibra-

Introduction of the Subject



Biorhythms of Natal Moon

(c) Similarly, when one falls ill the same will be light or detrimental according to the intensity of the higher gradations of elemental vibrations vice versa performed by the bird of his during the start of the illness. This also falls under the control of destiny. Herealso, the bird applied will be the birth stellar bird. These can be tried by readers.

II. Those which al'e under one's own control

If one selects a time which has the highest gradation of vibrational force of his birth stellar bird being in either Eating or Ruling, if he engages in entering of various activities such as entering the new house, starting to build a new house, perform ing marriage, starting j ourney, to proceed to court. his/her fiance, to start any endeavour, to accept new ventures and positions to go into war activities, to weal' new clothings, to engage in speculations, to start to meet VIPs, to go to court for legal purposes etc., he will be crowned with great success.

Such timings of the five gradation and sub gradation of vibrative forces of all the 5 birds are computed into 2500 entries of 100 tables, covering both lunar cycles, are furnished in this book with necessary explanations. Here also, the bird refer to is the stellar or birth bird of a person or persons.

As has been already said repeatedly, individuals are warned that this PAN CHAP AKSHI should be used only on the constructive plane and not on the destructive side. Accord. ing to eternal law of karma, every action has an equivalent opposite reaction. Based on this cannon if Panchapakshi is used for negative ends the performer meets with the negative ends himself due to repulsive reaction of his deed. Hence readers may avoid such uses of this system.

tions and other cosmic mental powers within the purview of this field which produce definite results both positively and negatively.The Scientific back ground of this Manthric oecultism and other aspects of this [eaiure of Pancha Pakshi can be well explained, but does not fall within the planned outlay of this book, hence details are n.ot given here.

9. The other Aspects and Uses of


We have so far explained that the whole world for that matter the universe is functioning due to actions and inter actions pf the five elements. Everyone's birth time or star gets vibrational force of one of the five elements. That element is the prime element which is personified as bird. The world is functioning under the influence of these 5 birds only. When an element is at its nigh vibrational force of Ruling or Eating, the other elements are subdued.

10. Usage of Panchapakshi ill Life

Based on the gradational differences in elemen ta1 vibrations so far explained, the Panchapakshi is used in the following ways:

(i) Th9se Which Are not in One's Control but Happen ac60rdingto Destiny.

. (a) An individual is born in this world under the vibrational force of anyone of the 5 elements with anyone of the 5 gradations. Accordingly, if a malt is born when a Pakshi (Element) is at its high vibrational ebb, he lives better or if he is borri under its lower gradation of vibration, the life proportionately falls down to misery and diffiCUlties ... Hence, this is under the force of destiny as in a horoscope.

(b) In the same way l if girls attain puberty when their bi I'd is at its high vibrational ebb, their life thereafter will be happy. This is also under the control of destiny. But the bird that should be employed here, shall be the stellar birth bird which had been explained earlier.


From what has been said so far, it could be seen that this Panchapakshi science is also a real and down to earth practical science as any other science will be and at the same time, if employed righteously and virtuously in stages, both in


Fundamentals Explained

As has been explained in the Introduction, man is born under the influence of one of the 5 elements which is personified as his stellar birth bird in the Elemental Astrology of Tamils, This bird is called his birth Stella Lunar bird. The birth of each individual is decided in two ways. One, according to the ascendant as in Astrology, and the other is decided based on the birth star or the constellation of the individual. For the present, the former is not taken up now. Only the latter is ex~lained which suits all practical purposes for applying the same in day to day life.

In Hindu Astrology, 27 stars are considered mainly which spread over the twelve signs of the Zodiac, occupying a space of 13° 20' for each star and thus the 27 stars are evenly distributed over the 12 signs of the Zodiac at the rate of 21 stars in each sign.

Birth star is the constellation occupied by the Moon during birth time. The Moon traverses the space of each star roughly in one day (13° 20' space): Each of these 27 stars goes under a Hindu name and each day is ruled by a star thus traversed by the 'planet Moon. These periods are generally

given in Indian Almanacs. '

By referring to the ephemeris, one can find the longitude of the Moon at birth and thus locate the birth star according to the Table No. 1. Once the birth star' is known, the birth bird can easily be located.


Biorhythms of' Natal Moon Table No.1

Fundamentals Explained

The 27 stars and their Pakshis or Birds on the Ecliptic

Sl: Name of Identified by Birds of Star

No. Star Colebrooke with Space on Ecliptic Bright Dark

~~~ &If &If

Sl. Name of Identified by Birds of Star

No. Star Colebrooke with Space on Ecliptic Bright Dark

~~~; &If &If

18. Jyesta Alpha 226" - 41' - 2400 - 00' Cock Owl Scorpionis

19. Meola Lambda 240" - 01' - 253" - 20' Cock Owl Scorpionis

20. Purva- Delta 253" - 21' - 2660 - 40' Cock Owl

shada Sagittarii

21. Uthara- Tan- 2660 - 41' - 2800 - 00' Cock Owl

1. Aswini Alpha Arietis 0° - 0' - 13° - 20' Vulture Peacock

2. Barani Musca 13" - 21' - 26° - 40' Vulture Peacock

3. Krithika Pi 'I'auri 26" - 41' - 400 - 00' Vulture Peacock

4. Rohini Alpha Tauri 400 - 01' . 53° - 20' Vulture Peacock

5. Mriga- 8irsha


Lambda or lonis

53" - 21' - 66" - 40'

Vulture Peacock

22. Sravana

6. Aridra

660 - 41' - 800 - 000

Owl Cock

Alpha or Ionis


Owl Cock

23. Dhanistha


25. PurvaBhadra


7. Punarvasu

800 • 01' 930 - 20'

8. Pushya Delta Caned

9. Aslesha Alpha 1 & 2 106" - 41' 120"· 00'

93" - 21' 106" - 40' Owl




Caneri 10. Makha Alpha Leonia

11. Purva Delta

Phalguni Leonis



Alpha Delphini

Lambda Aquirrii

Alpha Pegasi


1200 - 01' - 1230 - 20' Owl


Bhadra Andrinex

27. Revathi Zeta Piscium

1230 - 21' . 1460 - 40' Owl


280" - 00' - 2930 - 20' Cock


2930 - 21' 306" - 40' Cock


3060 - 41' - 3200 - 00' Cock


3200 - 01' - 3330 - 20' Cock


333" . 21' - 3460 - 40' Cock


3460 - 41' - 3600 - 00' Cock Owl

12. Uthara Beta 1460 - 41' - 160" - 00' Crow Crow

Phalguni Leonis

13. Hastha Gama or 160°'· 01' - 173" - 20' Crow Crow

Delta corvi

14. Chitra Alpha 1730 - 21' - 1860 - 40' Crow Crow


15. Swathi Alphas 1860.41' - 2000 - 00' Crow Crow


16. Vishakha Alpha or 200" - 01' - 2130 - 20' Crow Crow

chi Librx

17. AnuradhaDelta 213" ·21' - 2260 - 40' Cock Owl


Readers should always bear in .mind that the Moon's longitude of one's birth should be arrived at in the sidereal Zodiac or the fixed Zodiac of the Hindu Astrology which is called Nirayana Moon's position at birth, by deducting the precision of equinoxes or the Ayanamsa 8.9 it is called, for the particular time of birth from the Tropical Zodiac longitude of the Moon or the Sayana longitude as it is called. Since Lahiri Ayanamsa is Universally accepted and adopted in India, the same is given separately in Table No.2 for the period from 1900 to 2000 A.D.


Table No.2

Biorhythms of Natal Moon

Fundamentals Explained


being 1968 and the longitude of the Moon at his birth wa~ 2300 42'. Now 'we have to deduct the Ayanarnsa, the precision of equinoxes for his birth year from this tropical position of the Moon first.

Year Ayanamsa Year. Ayanamsa Year Ayanamsa Year Ayanamsa

190122" 28' 33" 192622049' 30"195123" 10'24" 197623031' 18"

02 22 29 24 27 22 50 20 52 23 11 12 77 23 32 6

03 22 30 14 2822 51 11 53 23 12 0 78 23 33 0

04 22 31 4 29 22 52 1 54 23 12 54 79 23 33 48

05 22 31 54 06 22 32 45 07 22 33 35 08 22 34 25 09 22 35 16 10 22 36 6 11 22 3656 12 22 3746 13 22 38 37 14 22 39 27 15 22 40 17 16 22 41 7 17 22 41 58 18 22 42 48 19 22 43 38 20 22 44 28 21 22 45 19 22 22 46 9 23 22 46 59 24 22 47 49 25 22 48 40

30 22 52 51 3122 53 41 3222 54 32 3322 55 22 3422 56 12 35 22 57 2 36 22 57 53 37 22 58 43 38 22 59 33 39 23 0 24 40 23 1 14 41 23 2 4 42 23 2 54 43 23 3 44 44 23 4 34 45 23 5 24 46 23 6 14 47 23 7 4 48 23 7 54 49 23 8 44 50 23 9 30

55 23 13 42 56 23 14 30 57 23 15 24 58 23 16 12 59 23 17 6 60 23 17 54 61 23 18 42 62 23 19 36 63 23 20 24 64 23 21 12 65 23 22 6 66 23 22 54 67 23 23 48

80 23 34 42 81 23 35 30 82 23 36 18 83 23 37 12 84 23 38 0 85 23 38 48 86 23 39 42 87 23 40 30 88 23 41 24 89 23 42 12 90 23 43 0 91 23 43 54 92 23 44 42

68 23 24 36 93 23 45 30

69 23 25 24 94 23 46 24

70 23 26 18 95 23 47 12

71 23 27 6 96 23 48 6

72 23 27 54 97 23 48 54

73 23 28 48 98 23 49 42

74 23 29 36 99 23 50 36

75 23 30 30 2000 23 51 54

Those who do not want to fall into the confusion of finding out their birth star can find out their birth bird by locating the longitude of Moon at their birth in the Fixed Zodiac as given in the Table No.3 that is followed which shows the space covered in the Zodiac for each of the bird during waxing and waning periods of the Moon.

Now we will work out some examples. Suppose Mr. Omprakash wants to find his birth stellar bird, his birth year

Table No.3

Space of Ecliptic Showing the Longitudes of the Moon of One's Birth for Five Birds

Birds lor Those Born Space in Ecliptic from Birds for Those Born
During Bright Half (J' to 360" During Dark Half of
of the Moon Cycle From To the Moon Cycle
l. V ulture 0" 66" 40' Peacock
2. Owl 66" 41' 146" 40' Cock
3. Crow 146Q 41' 213" 20' Crow
4. Cock 213" 21' 280'" 00' Owl
5. Peacock 280" 01' 360" 00' Vulture Referring to Table No.2, Lahiri, gives 23°.24'.36" for the year 19G8 as Ayanamsa. Now by deducting this from 2300.42' (- 23°· 24' - 36" = 207Q - 17' - 24". Hence this 2070 - 17' - 24" is the longitude of the Moon at his birth in the fixed or Nirayana Zodiac.

Now, referring to Table No.1, we find that this falls within the range of 200°-01' to 2130 • 20' which is the space of stars Visliakha. Hence, his birth star is Vishahha, for which the bird is Crow. Strangely enough for the stars from Uthara Phalguni to Vishaka viz., from 1460 - 41' to 2130 - 20' in the fixed Zodiac, the bird is the same for both the waxing and waning periods of the Moon viz., it is Crow (See table again).

Brigb t Half or Dark Half

Suppose if Ornprakash's longitude of the Moon at birth in the Tropical Zodiac is 2670 - 32', we have to find his birth bird the situation will be different. First, we have to deduct the precision of equinoxes viz., Ayanamsa for the year 1968 from the longitude of the Moon at birth, thus 2670 - 32' (-) 23° . 24' . 36" = 44° - 01' - 2". By looking at the table again, you find that this falls under the star Moola which extends from 2400 • 01' to 2530 - 20'. Hence his stellar bird, if he was born


Biorhythms of Natal Moon

during bright half period of Moon it will be Cock and ifhe was born during dark half period of Moon it will be Owl. Thus, his permanent stellar birth will be Cock for his birth in bright half and will be the same for both the periods- for all practical purposes. Similarly, his permanent stellar birth bird will be Owl in case his birth is during dark half and it will be the permanent birth bird for both the periods for all practical purposes. Similarly, other cases can also be worked out. (Refer to the table).

However, if you do not want to fall into the confusion of identifying your birth star (of Hindu Astrology), after arriving at the longitude of the Moon at birth in the fixed Zodiac, you can look into the Table No.3 where the range of longitudes of the Moon, in the Zodiac for all the 5 birds, for both the periods of the Moon are given. This way of identifying birth bird is very easy and once the bird is identified, in accordance with the period of the Moon cycle at birth, this will be your permanent stella lunar birth bird for both the periods of the Moon for all practical purposes. Now by referring to the Table No.3 in the case of Ist instance, the assumed and the arrived longitude of the Moon of Om prakash is 2070• 17'.24" which falls within the range of the bird Crow for both the periods of the Moon which extends from 1460• 41' to 2130 • 20'.

Similarly for his assumed birth in the 2nd instance, the longitude of the Moon in the fixed Zodiac being 2440 • 07' . 24" falls within the range of 2130 • 21' to 2800 • 00' pertains to the bird Cock in bright half and to Owl in the dark period of Moon. Thus, had he been 'born in bright half, his parmanent bird will be Cock for both the periods of Moon and it will be Owl for both the periods, had he born been during dark half period of Moon which will be his permanent bird for both the periods.

Others' Bird

Now, we have to apply this, for various purposes during various conditions in our day to day life. In so doing, we have to identify the stella lunar birth bird of others also, whom we are dealing with or with whom we have to combat, compete or reconcile with, as the case may be. But it is almost always not possible to know the birth data of such other individuals. For

Fundamentals Explained


this purpose, our ancients have evolved a l1leth~d. of identifying the birth bird of other indivi?uals by. racogmsmg the first vowel sound that shoots out while uttermg the name of such individual. Table No.4 gives this system. Here, we have to be very careful in identifying the first. vowel sound. (and not the first vowel letter) of the other man's name. In this system, the vowels referred to are ofthe Dravidian Origin TAMIL and do not indicate the Englishvowel sounds. This should always be borne in mind. For this purpose, I have given the parallel sound letters in the Indian Devanagari script also (along with English) which are also common for. Hindi w.hich is universally known to some extent. (when birth star IS not known).

Explanation: For Table No.4.

In this table you "';'m find. in the middle column the vowels . are repeated. This shows the short a.nd ~ong sound Of. these vowels in the Dravidian language which is psculiar to Itself.

It can be understood that the 11 vowels of the Drayidian Tamil language are distributed among the 5 birds. These vowels and consonants' formed by them are to be identified from the first letter of the name of a person to locate his bird.

Table No.4

Identification of Birds from First Sound of the First Letter of the Name of the Person

Bird in Bright Half of the Moon

First Vowel Pertaining to the First Sound of the Name

Birds in Dark Half of the Moon


A, ('3{), M, ( 3fT ). I, ( g), OW, (Jtt ).



E, ( ~ ), EE, (~. ).



"'VU, \ \3" ), VUU, \. 0i ).



EA, ( "C!; J. EAA, (Q- ).


0, ( 0TI ). 00, ( 0TI J.


'" short vowels


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