Presentation On Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Presentation On Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Presentation On Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Organizational Structure:
Human side of The Business…
Core Values:
Trust and reliability to the products
Quality in manufacturing according to the rules of the WHO
Hiring competent branch of people
promoting new products through research and bringing cost
Sense of responsibility to keep the highest standards of products
Accounting Basis-
The financial statements have been prepared on the Historical Cost
Basis except land, building and plant and machinery, and therefore,
do not take into consideration the effect of inflation.
Reporting Currency-
The financial statements are prepared and presented in Bangladesh
Currency (Taka), which is the company's functional currency. All
financial information presented have been rounded off to the nearest
Taka except where indicated otherwise.
Reporting Period-
The financial period of the company covers one calendar year from 1st
January to 31st December consistently.
Accounting & Finance…
Going Concern-
The Company has adequate resources to continue in operation for the
foreseeable future. For this reason, the directors continue to adopt going
concern basis in preparing the accounts.
Current Tax:
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the
year, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of
previous years. The company qualifies as a “Publicly Traded
Company”, hence the applicable Tax Rate is 27.50%.
Accounting & Finance…
Deferred Tax:
The company has recognized deferred tax using balance sheet method in
compliance with the provisions of IAS 12 : Income Taxes. The company's
policy of recognition of deferred tax assets/ liabilities is based on
temporary differences (Taxable or deductible) between the carrying
amount (Book value) of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purpose and its tax base, and accordingly, deferred tax income/expenses
has been considered to determine net profit after tax and earnings per
shares (EPS).
Foreign Currency Transactions:
Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the applicable rates of
exchange ruling at the transaction date.The monetary assets and liabilities,
if any, denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are
translated at the applicable rates of exchanges ruling at that date.
Exchange differences are charged off as revenue expenditure in
compliance with the provisions of IAS 21 : The Effects of Changes in
Foreign Exchange Rates.
Accounting & Finance…
The Board of Directors has recommended 10% cash and 20% stock
dividend for approval of the shareholders for the year ended 31
December, 2008.
Mr. A. S. F. Rahman, Director of the company retires by rotation as per
Articles 126 and 127 of the Articles of Association of the Company
and being eligible offers himself for re-election. Mr. A.B. Siddiqur
Rahman, Director of the company retires by rotation as per Articles
126 and 127 of the Articles of Association of the Company and
being eligible offers himself for re-election being the nominee of
Beximco Holdings Ltd. Advocate Ahsanul Karim, Director of the
Company also retires by rotation as per Articles 126 and 127 of the
Articles of Association of the Company and being eligible offers
himself for re-election being the nominee of Bangladesh Export
Import Company Ltd.
Accounting & Finance…
5. Other Income -
This is arrived at as follows:
Interest Income
Exchange gain (loss) on retention quota (F.C.) accounts
Gain on Sale of shares in Bextex Ltd.
(Loss) / Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets
6. Foreign Exchange Earned
7. Account Receivable-
This is unsecured, considered good and is falling due within one year.
8. Selling old equipment & accessories.
Accounting & Finance…
Distribution of fund-
1. Production
2. Cash paid suppliers & employees
3. Interest paid
4. Income tax paid
5. Investing activity (Acquisition of property, plant & equipment)
6. Creditors & other payable
7. Maintenance of plant, machinery & other accessories.
8. Administrative expenses.
9. Selling, Marketing & Distribution.
10. Contribution to workers welfare fund.
11. Dividend paid
12. Social welfare activity, etc.
Accounting & Finance…
Ratio Analysis-
Current Ratio = Current assests/Current liabilities
= 2861891654/ 2602032267
= 1.09
Working Capital Ratio = Working Capital/ Current Liabilities
= 259859387/2602032267
Quick Ratio = Quick Assets/ Current liabilities
= 1,505,288,093/2602032267
= 0.58
International Business
Beximco Pharma maintained standard quality in every sphere of their
organization. Here we have some recommendations to improve policies
of BPL, Bangladesh.
The company should follow both on-the-job and off-the-job training
method when they are training their employees.
As a learning organization BPL should keep their practices of flexibility
to encourage innovation for the times of much needed change.
Since, BPL’s business strategy is to focus on particular segments of the
total market they should be operating with the view to becoming the
market leader of those areas. In the mean time, they should look forward
to grow their business as much as possible both in national and
international market.
In order to ensure more prospects in the import and export activities of
raw materials BEXIMCO needs to negotiate to adjust several business
laws and regulations with the Government.