The Penguine Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
The Penguine Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
The Penguine Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
David Wells
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Acknowledgements VI
Introduction Vll
The Puzzles
Bibliography 373
Index 379
Please note that detailed sources for puzzles are given at the end of
each puzzle solution, where appropriate.
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the following:
Dover Publications, Inc., for permission to reproduce material from:
Stephen Barr, Second Miscellany of Puzzles (1969); A. H. Beiler,
Recreations in the Theory of Numbers (1966); Angela Dunn (ed.),
Mathematical Bafflers (1980), and The Second Book of Mathematical
Bafflers (1983); L. A. Graham, Ingenious Mathematical Problems and
Methods (1959), and The Surprise Attack in Mathematical Problems
(1968); J. A. H. Hunter, More Fun with Figures (1966); F. Mosteller,
Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability (1987); F. Schuh, The
Master Book of Mathematical RecreatIons (1968); George J. Summers,
New Puzzles in Logical Deduction (1968).
I will also note here that although the original Loyd and Dudeney
books are long out of print, two collections of Loyd's puzzles, both edited
by Martin Gardner, are pu blished by Dover under the titles Mathematical
Puzzles of Sam Loyd and More Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd, and
they have also reprinted Dudeney's Amusements in Mathematics.
Robert Hale Ltd, for permission to reproduce 'Room for More
Inside', from Gyles Brandreth, The Complete Puzzler (1982).
McGraw-Hill, Inc., for permission to reproduce 'The True!', from
David Silverman, Your Move (1971).
Weidenfeld and Nicholson for permission to reproduce the Tangram
puzzles from E. Cuthwellis (ed.), Lewis Carroll's Bedside Book (1979).
John Hadley for the translation of Alcuin's Propositiones ad acuen-
dos juvenes, and David Singmaster for lending me his copy, as well as
giving me the run of his library of mathematical recreations. John
Hadley's complete translation has subsequently been published in the
Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 76, No. 475, March 1992.
Finally, I should like to thank the staff of the British Library for their
courteous help.
magical and mysterious as any number can be, but was especially
easy for the Egyptians to handle, because they multiplied by repeated
doubling, and 7 = 1 + 2 + 4. Put these factors together, and you
naturally arrive at two similar puzzles.
Egyptian Fractions
The Egyptians could easily handle simple fractions, but with one
remarkable peculiarity. The only fractions they used were i and the
reciprocals of the integers, the so-called unit fractions with unit
The Rhind papyrus contains a table of fractions in the form 21n for
all odd values of n from 5 to 101. They also had a rule for expressing
i of a unit fraction as the sum of unit fractions: to find i of t, multiply
5 by 2 and by 6: i of t = rl; + ~. Similarly, i of i is -k + is. Curious
though this treatment of fractions may seem to us, no doubt it
seemed both natural and easy to them.
Thus their answer to the problem, 'divide seven loaves among ten
men' was not 7/10 of a loaf each, but the fraction t + t.
Can all proper fractions be expressed as the sum of unit fractions,
without repetition? Yes, as Fibonacci showed, also in his Liber Abaci,
where he described what is now called the greedy algorithm. Subtract
the largest possible unit fraction, then do the same again, and so on.
Sylvester proved in 1880 that applying this greedy algorithm to the
fraction plq, where p is less than q, produces a sequence of no more
than p unit fractions.
condition that all the denominators must be odd. There are just five
ways to represent 1 as the sum of the smallest possible number of
Egyptian fractions, with odd denominators. Which has the smallest
largest denominator?
5. What is the smallest fraction 3/n for which the greedy algorithm
produces a sum in three terms, but two terms are actually sufficient?
The sum of the series 1 + 112' + 113 ' + 114' ... = x'/6, so the sum
of different Egyptian fractions whose denominators are squares cannot
exceed x'/6, but might equal, for example, 1.
Think of a Number
7. Problem 29 of the Rhind papyrus is not quite so clear, but it is
plausibly the first ever 'Think of a Number' problem. It reads, 'Two-
thirds is to be added. One-third is to be subtracted. There remains
to.' In clearer language that reads: 'I think of a number, and add to it
two-thirds of the number. I then subtract one-third of the sum. My
answer is 10. What number did I think of?'
8. 'If the scribe says to thee, "10 has become j + to of what?'" is the
Egyptian way of saying, in effect, 'I think of a number. Two-thirds of
the number plus its tenth make to. What was the number?'
9. 'A number, plus its two-thirds, and plus its half, plus its seventh,
makes 37. What is ,the number?'
Readers will naturally wish to express the answer in Egyptian
10. 'A hundred loaves to five men, one-seventh of the three first men
to the two last.'
The meaning is: 'Divide 100 loaves between five men so that the
shares are in arithmetical progression, and the sum of the two smaller
shares is one-seventh of the sum of the three greatest.'
11. 'If it is said to thee ... the area of a square of 100 is equal to that
of two smaller squares. The side of one is f + i the side of the other.
Let me know the sides of the two unknown squares.'
The Babylonians
Babylonian mathematics was arithmetical and algebraic and far in
advance of Egyptian mathematics of the same period. They could
solve all the problems in the Rhind papyrus and many more besides.
The Babylonians counted in a sexagesimal system. Instead of
counting in tens and hundreds and using tenths and hundredths, and
so on, they used multiples of 60, so 6,30 means 6 + (30/60), or 61,
and 11,22,30 means 11 + (22/60) + (30/3600), or 11i.
Dividing a Field
12. A triangular field is to be divided between six brothers by
equidistant lines parallel to one side. The length of the marked side is
6,30 and the area is 11,22,30. What is the difference between the
brothers' shares?
This problem is much like Problem to, which required the construc-
tion of an arithmetical series to fit given conditions. Other problems
were far more advanced. Thus a tablet from about 1600 Be, contempor-
The Puzzles 7
ary with the Rhind papyrus, leads in modern notation to the solution
of two equations of the form:
bx' cy'
xy=a -+-+d=O
y x
which leads to an equation in x·, x' and a constant.
13. This is from about 1800 Be:
'An area A, consisting of the sum of two squares, is 1000. The side
of one square is 10 less than two-thirds of the other square. What are
the sides of the squares?'
Pythagorean Triples
The Babylonians, unlike the Egyptians, not only knew Pythagoras's
theorem, but they were also familiar with Pythagorean triples, triples
of whole numbers such as 3-4-5 which are the sides of right-angled
triangles. Their investigations of Pythagorean triples started a trail of
discovery, leading through Diophantus to Fermat, to the present day.
'Plimpton 322' is the name of a clay tablet dating from between 1900 Be
and 1600 Be. It contains fifteen numbered lines with two figures in each
line which are the hypotenuse and one leg of a right-angled triangle.
Although the lengths given seem to vary in an apparently irregular
way from one line to the next, in fact their ratios increase steadily
from 169/119 = 1.42 in the first line to 106/56 = 1.89 in the last.
The Greeks
Archimedes' Cattle Problem
16. 'If thou art diligent and wise, 0 stranger, compute the number of
cattle of the Sun, who once upon a time grazed on the fields of the
Thrinician isle of Sicily, divided into four herds of different colours,
one milk white, another glossy black', the third yellow and ,the last
dappled. In each herd were bulls, mighty in number according to
these proportions: understand, stranger, that the white bulls were
equal to a half and a third of the black together with the whole of the
yellow, while the black were equal to the fourth part of the dappled
and a fifth, together with, once more, the whole of the yellow.
Observe further that the remaining bulls, the dappled, were equal to a
sixth part of the white and a seventh, together with all the yellow.
These were the proportions of the cows: the white were precisely
equal to the third part and a fourth of the whole herd of the black;
while the black were equal to the fourth part once more of the
dappled and with it a fifth part, when all, including the bulls, went to
pasture together. Now the dappled in four parts were equal in
number to a fifth part and a sixth of the yellow herd. Finally the
yellow were in number equal to a sixth part and seventh of the white
herd. If thou canst accurately tell, 0 stranger, the number of cattle of
the Sun, giving separately the numbe~ of well-fed bulls and again the
number of females according to each colour, thou wouldst not be
called unskilled or ignorant of numbers, but not yet shalt thou be
numbered among the wise ...
'But come, understand also all these conditions reg~rding the cows
of the Sun. When the white bulls mingled their number with the
black, they stood firm, equal in depth and breadth, and the plains of
Thrinacia, stretching far in all ways, were filled with their multitude.
Again, when the yellow and the dappled bulls were gathered into one
herd they stood in such a manner that their number, beginning from
one, grew slowly greater till it completed a triangular figure, there
being no bulls of other colours in their midst nor none of them
'If thou art able, 0 stranger, to find out all these things and gather
them together in your mind, giving all the relations, thou shalt depart
crowned with glory and knowing that thou hast been adjudged
perfect in this species of wisdom.'
The 'most complete' version contains the extra conditions that follow
the ellipsis. These conditions are ambiguous: because the bulls are
longer than they are broad, the condition that the white and black
bulls together form a square does not necessarily mean that their total
is a square number; it could be merely a rectangular number.
It is plausible that the more difficult interpretation is intended.
Archimedes dedicated the problem to his friend the great Alexandrian
astronomer Eratosthenes, which suggests that it was extremely diffi-
cult, and Archimedes' interest in very large numbers is evident from
his Sandreckoner, in which he calculated the number of grains of
sand needed to fill a sphere whose centre was the centre of the earth
and which extended to reach the sun. Also, in classical antiquity a
difficult problem was often described as a problema bovinum or a
problema Archimedis, such was his fame. If this is so, then the
solution is indeed complex and extraordinarily lengthy. A. Amthor
calculated in 1880 that the total number of cattle in this case is a
number of 206,545 digits. Further details will be found in Sir Thomas
Heath's A History of Greek Mathematics, p. 319.
If, however, the latter conditions are ignored, and the reader is
willing to be judged merely 'not unskilled' in the art, rather than
perfectly wise, then the answer will be found in the Solutions section.
Loculus of Archimedes
Several ancient sources refer to this puzzle, which is described in an
Arabic manuscript, The Book of Archimedes on the Division of the
Figure Stomaschion.
10 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
17. How can this figure of an elephant be composed from the pieces
of the Loculus?
19. From the Greek Anthology, c. 500 AD: 'I am a brazen lion; my
spouts are my two eyes, my mouth and the flat of my right foot. My
right eye fills a jar in two days, my left eye in three, and my foot in
four. My mouth is capable of filling it in six hours; tell me how long
all four together will take to fill it?'
21. Find two rectangles, with integral sides, such that the area of the
first is three times the area of the second, and the perimeter of the
second is three times the perimeter of the first.
12 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
22. In a right-angled triangle with integral sides, the sum of the area
and the perimeter is 280. Find the sides and the area.
24. Two numbers are such that if the first receives 30 from the
second, they are in the ratio 2:1, but if the second receives 50 from the
first, their ratio is then 1:3. What are the numbers?
25. The sums of four numbers, omitting each of the numbers in turn,
are 22, 24, 27 and 20, respectively. What are the numbers?
26. 'To find three numbers such that, if each give to the next
following a given fraction of itself, in order, the results after each has
given and taken may be equal.
'Let the first give! of itself to the second, the second give i of itself
to the third, and the third give t of itself to the first. What are the
The Puzzles 13
Square Problems
27. Find three numbers such that the product of any two added to
the third gives a square.
28. Find three numbers such that their sum is a square and the sum
of any pair is a square.
30. 'Given a long string, with which to enclose the maximum possible
area against a straight shore-line, how should the string be disposed?'
31. This frame is composed of four rods that ar'e hinged to each other
at their ends. When will the area enclosed by the frame be a maximum?
32. This figure shows the corner of a room with a screen, composed
of two identical halves hinged together, placed to cut off a portion of
the corner of the room. How should the screen be placed to enclose
as large an area as possible?
33. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides of length 10, hinged
together. What is the maximum area of the triangle?
34. '''Best of clocks, how much of the day is past?" There remains
twice two-thirds of what is gone.' (Problem 6; the day is counted as
lasting for 12 hours.)
35. This tomb holds Diophantos. Ah, how great a marvel! the tomb
tells scientifically the measure of his life. God granted him to be a boy
for the sixth part of his life, and adding a twelfth part to this, He
clothed his cheeks with down; He lit him the light of wedlock after a
seventh part, and five years after his marriage He granted him a son.
Alas! late-born wretched child; after attaining the measure of half his
father's life, chill Fate took him. After consoling his grief by this
science of numbers for four years he ended his life.' (Problem 126)
36. 'I desire my two sons to receive the thousand staters of which I
am possessed, but let the fifth part of the legitimate one's share
exceed by ten the fourth part of what falls to the illegitimate one.'
(Problem 11)
Arabic Puzzles
37. A woman dies, leaving her husband, a son and three daughters.
She also leaves t + j of her estate to a stranger. According to law, the
husband receives one quarter of the ~tate and the son receives double
the share of a daughter, but this division is made only after the legacy
to the stranger has been paid. How must the inheritance be divided?
39. Three Squares into One Dissect three equal squares into one
40. Dissect two identical larger squares plus one smaller square into
one square.
42. Given three identical triangles, and one smaller triangle similar to
them in shape, how can all four be dissected into one triangle?
Indian Puzzles
47. Twenty men, women and children earn twenty coins between
them. Each man earns 3 coins, each woman It coms and each child t
coin. How many men, women and children are there?
18 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
48. 'Three puranas formed the pay of one man who is a mounted
soldier; and at that rate there were sixty-five men in all. Some (among
them) broke down, and the amount of their pay was given to those
that remained in the field. Of this, each man obtained 10 puranas.
You tell me, after thinking well, how many remained in the field and
how many broke down.'
49. 'Two market-women were selling apples, one at two for 1 cent,
and the other at three for 2 cents. They had thirty apples apiece. In
order to end their competition they formed a trust, pooling their
stock and selling the apples at five for 3 cents. This was to their
advantage, since under the new arrangement they took, in total, 36
cents, while under the old system they would have received a total of
only 35 cents.
'Two other women, who also had thirty apples apiece, and who
were selling them at two for 1 cent and three for 1 cent, also formed a
trust to sell their apples, at five for 2 cents. But instead of the total of
25 cents which they would have taken in operating separate enter-
prises, their trust grossed only 24 cents. Why?'
50. 'One night, in a month of the spring season, a certain young lady
... was lovingly happy along with her husband on ... the floor of a
big mansion, white like the moon, and situated in a pleasure-garden
with trees bent down with the load of bunches of flowers and fruits,
and resonant with the sweet sounds of parrots, cuckoos and bees
which were all intoxicated with the honey obtained from the flowers
therein. Then on a love-quarrel arising between the husband and the
wife, that lady's necklace made up of pearls became sundered and fell
on the floor. One-third of that necklace of pearls reached the maid-
servant there; one-sixth fell on the bed; then one-half of what remained
(and one-half of what remained thereafter and again one-half of what
remained thereafter) and so on, counting six times [in all] fell all of
them everywhere; and there were found to remain [unscattered] 1,161
pearls; and if you know ... give out the measure of the pearls.'
51. 'In how many ways can different numbers of flavours be used in
combination together, being selected from the astringent, the bitter,
the sour, the pungent, and the saline, together with the sweet taste?'
The Puzzles 19
54. Two pillars are of known height. Two strings are tied, one to the
top of each. Each of these two strings is stretched so as to touch the
foot of the other pillar. From the point where the two strings meet,
another string is suspended vertically till it touches the ground. What
is the length of this suspended string?
are taken, was addressed to his daughter, or perhaps his wife. It ends
with this delightful paragraph, typical of the Indian style of the
Joy and happiness is indeed ever increasing in this world for
those who have Lilavati clasped to their throats, decorated as
the members are with neat reduction of fractions, multiplication
and involution, pure and perfect as are the solutions, and tasteful
as is the speech which is exemplified.
56. 'A snake's hole is at the foot of a pillar which is 15 cubits high
and a peacock is perched on its summit. Seeing a snake, at a distance
of thrice the pillar's height, gliding towards his hole, he pounces
obliquely upon him. Say quickly at how many cubits from the snake's
hole do they meet, both proceeding an equal distance?'
62. 'If five oxen and two sheep cost 10 taels of gold, and two oxen
and five sheep cost 8 taels, what are the prices of the oxen and sheep
63. 'There are three classes of corn, of which three bundles of the
first class, two of the second class and one of the third make 39
measures. Two of the first, three of the second and one of the third
make 34 measures. And one of the first, two of the second and three
of the third make 26 measures. How many measures of grain are
contained in one bundle of each class?'
The following puzzles are from the ninth and last section of the book,
and all concern right-angled triangles and the Gougu theorem, as the
Chinese called what we call Pythagoras's theorem.
In contrast to later problems in Diophantos, these are all set in
remarkably realistic contexts, realistic that is if a mathematician
happened to notice a reed breaking the surface of a pool, or a chain
hanging from a pillar.
64. 'There is a pool 10 feet square, with a reed growing vertically in
the centre, its roots at the bottom of the pool, which rises a foot
above the surface; when drawn towards the shore it reaches exactly
to the brink of the pool; what is the depth of the water?'
65. 'A chain suspended from an upright post has a length of 2 feet
lying on the ground, and on being drawn out to its full length, so as
just to touch the ground, the end is found to be 8 feet from the post;
what is the length of the chain?'
67. 'What is the largest circle that can be inscribed wlthm a right-
angled triangle, the two short sides of which are respectively 8 and
68. 'Of two water weeds, one grows 3 feet and the other 1 foot on
the first day. The growth of the first becomes every day half of that
The Puzzles 23
of the preceding day, while the other grows twice as much as on the
day before. In how many days will the two grow to equal heights?'
71. 'There are three sisters, of whom the eldest comes home once
every five days, the middle in every four days, and the youngest in
every three days. In how many days will all the three meet together?'
Liu Hui (263 AD), in the Hai Tao Suan-Ching, or Sea-Island Arithmeti-
cal Classic, poses this simple puzzle:
72. What is the size of a square inscribed in the corner of a right-
angled triangle to touch the hypotenuse?
Yang Hui (c. 1270 AD) wrote an 'Arithmetic in Nine Sections', which
contains the very first extant representation of what we in the West
call Pascal's Triangle (from an earlier Chinese source, c. 1000 AD).
His book was called, apparently, Hsu Ku Chai Chi Suan Fa (1275). It
contains the following magic configuration:
75. Arrange the numbers 1 to 33 in these circles so that every circle
and eve"ry diameter has the same total.
76. 'An ox ploughs a field all day. How many footprints does he
leave in the last furrow?' (Problem XIV)
'A man has 300 pigs, and orders that the pigs must be killed, an odd
number each day, in three days. Say how many pigs must be killed
each day.'
This is Problem XLIII. The answer is: 'This is a fable. Nobody can
solve how to kill 300 or 30 pigs in three days, an odd number each
day. This puzzle is given to children to solve.'
This could be cruelty to little children, but it is also an early
recognition that some problems simply cannot be solved.
77. 'Two wholesalers with 100 shillings between them bought some
pigs with the money. They bought at the rate of five pigs for 2
shillings, intending to fatten them up and sell them again, making a
profit. But when they found that it was not the right time of year for
fattening pigs, and they were not able to feed them through the
winter, they tried to sell them again to make a profit. But they
couldn't, because they could only sell them for the price they had
paid for them ... When they saw this, they said to each other: "let's
divide them". By dividing them, and selling them at the rate they had
bought them for, they made a profit. How many pigs were there, and
how could they be divided to make a profit, which could not be made
by selling them all at once?' (Problem VI)
78. 'A kmg ordered his servant to collect an army from thirty
manors, in such a way that from each manor he would take the same
number of men as he had collected up to then. The servant went to
the first manor alone; to the second he went with one other .. .' How
many men were collected in all? (Problem XIII)
79. 'If two men each take the other's sister in marriage, what is the
relationship between their sons?' (Problem XI)
80. 'A father, when dying, gave to his sons thirty glass flasks, of
which ten were full of wine, ten were half full, and the last ten were
26 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
empty. Divide the [wine] and the flasks, so that each of the three sons
receives equally of both glass and wine.' (Problem XII)
The next three classic problems, like the last two, appear for the first
time in Alcuin.
81. Three Friends and their Sisters 'Three men, each with a sister,
needed to cross a river. Each one of them coveted the sister of
another. At the river, they found only a small boat, in which only two
of them could cross at a time. How did they cross the river, without
any of the women being defiled by the men?' (Problem XVII)
82. A Man, a Goat, and a Wolf 'A man takes a wolf, a goat and a
cabbage across the river. The only boat he could find could take only
two of them at a time. But he had been ordered to transfer all of these
to the other side in good condition. How could this be done?'
(Problem XVIII)
83. A Very Heavy Man and Woman 'A man and a woman, each
the weight of a loaded cart, with two children who between them
weigh as much as a loaded cart, have to cross a river. They find a
boat which can only take one cartload. Make the transfer, if you can,
without sinking the boat.' (Problem XIX)
84. 'A dying man left 960 shillings and a pregnant wife. He directed
that if a boy was born, he should receive three-quarters of the whole,
and the child's mother should receive one quarter. But if a daughter
was born, she would receive seven-twelfths, and her mother five-
twelfths. It happened however that twins were born - a boy and a
girl. How much should the mother receive, how much the son, and
how much the daughter?' (Problem XXV)
85. 'A stairway consists of 100 steps. On the first step stands a
pigeon; on the second, two pigeons; on the third, three; on the fourth,
four; on the fifth, five; and so on every step up to the hundredth.
How many pigeons are there altogether?' (Problem XLII)
The Puzzles 27
Liber Abaci
Breeding Rabbits
Fibonacci is best remembered for the following problem, which leads
to the Fibonacci sequence:
88. 'A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all
sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be ,produced from
28 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair begets
a new pair which from the second month on becomes productive?'
89. 'A lion would take four hours to eat one sheep; a leopard would
take five hours; and a bear would take six; we are asked, if a single
sheep were to be thrown to them, how many hours would they take
to devour it?'
90. 'A man left to his oldest son one bezant and a seventh of what
was left; then, from the remainder, to his next son he left two bezants
and a seventh of what was left; then, from the new remainder, to his
third son he left three bezants and a seventh of what was left. He
continued in this way, giving each son one bezant more than the
previous son and a seventh of what remained. By this division it
developed that the last son received all that was left and all the sons
shared equally. How many sons were there and how large was the
man's estate?'
91. 'A man entered an orchard [with] seven gates, and there took a
certain number of apples. When he left the orchard he gave the first
guard half the apples and one apple more. To the second guard he
gave one half of his remaining apples and one apple more. He did the
same to each of the remaining five guards, and left the orchard with
one apple. How many apples did he gather in the orchard?'
92. Serpent Climbing out of a Well Dell'Abaco (c. 1370) discusses
this famous puzzle. A serpent lies at the bottom of a well whose depth
is 30. It starts to climb, rising up 1 every day and falling back t at
night. How long does it take to climb out of the well?
93. The Best View of a Statue From what distance will a statue on
a plinth subtend the largest angle? (See figure opposite.)
If you are too close, the statue will appear greatly foreshortened,
but if you walk back too far, it will just appear small.
This problem was originally posed by Regiomontanus (1436-76) in
1471 to Christian Roder, as a question about a suspended vertical
rod. It is notable as the first extremal problem since the days of
antiquity and Heron's problem about the ray of light bouncing off a
The Puzzles 29
The same problem has been re-invented many times, most recently
in this practical form:
According to the rules of rugby union football, a conversion of a
try must be taken on a line extending backwards from the point of
touchdown, at right-angles to the goal-line. From which point on this
line should the conversion be taken, if the aim is to maximize the
angle subtended by the goal-posts? This problem applies only when
the try is not scored between the posts.
95. There are eight nuns, one in each cell, making a total of three
nuns along each side of the courtyard. How can they be rearranged
so that there are four nuns along each side?
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
Nicolas Chuquet was a doctor by profession, and also the best French
mathematician of his time. These two problems are from his Triparty
en La science des nombres, published in 1484.
98. Josephus, during the sack of the city of Jotapata by the Emperor
Vespasian, hid in a cellar with forty other Jews who were determined
to commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of the Romans. Not
wishing to abandon life, he proposed that they form a circle and that
every third person, counting round the circle, should die, in the order
The Puzzles 31
in which they were selected. In other words, the count was: 'One,
two, three out, four, five, six out . . .' Where did he place himself, and
a companion who also wished to live, in order to ensure that they
were the last two remaining?
~ ~
~ ~
101. Two white knights and two black knights are placed at the
opposite corners of this portion of a chessboard. How can the white
knights take the places of the black knights, and vice versa, moving
according to the rules of chess?
Niccoli> Fontana (c. 1499-1557), nicknamed Tartaglia (the Stammerer),
was the brilliant mathematician who discovered how to solve the
cubic equation, only to have Cardano wheedle the solution out of
him and publish it himself.
These problems are from his General Trattato of 1556 and Quesiti
et Inventioni Diverse of 1546.
102. A man has three pheasants that he wishes to give to two fathers
and two sons, giving each one pheasant. How can it be done?
remaining in the barrel is of half its former strength. How much wine
did the barrel originally hold?
105. A person chooses secretly a number, and trebles it, telling you
whether the product is odd or even. If it is even, he takes half of it, or
if it is odd, he adds one and then takes one half. Next he multiplies
the result by 3, and tells you how many times 9 will divide into the
answer, ignoring any remainder. The number he chose is - what?
106. The subject chooses a number less than 60 and tells you the
remainders when it is divided by 3, 4 and 5, separately, not succes-
sively. The original number is - what?
this. It was natural to wonder how many weights, and which weights,
were really necessary to weigh a given quantity. Bachet asked:
108. What is the least number of weights that can be used on a scale
pan to weigh any integral number of pounds from 1 to 40 inclusive, if
the weights can be placed in either of the scale pans?
109. What are the sides and area of the unique Heronian triangle,
one of whose altitudes and its three sides are consecutive numbers?
110. What are the three Heronian triangles, which are not right-
angled, whose area and perimeter are equal?
112. Arrange three knives so that they 'hang in the air without being
supported by anything but themselves'.
Variants 111 Victorian puzzle books demanded how three knives might
be used to support a drinking glass, in the ample space between three
other drinking glasses placed on the table with more than enough
space for a fourth glass to be placed on the table between them.
Several of the following problems also appear two centuries later
as popular Victorian amusements.
113. How can a stick be made to balance securely on the tip of a finger?
114. You have a strong staff, and a bucket almost full of water.
Required to support the bucket over the edge of the table.
116. What shape of bung can be used to plug three different holes,
one square, one triangular and one circular?
117. How maya man have his head upwards and his feet upwards at
the same time?
36 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
118. Two men ascend two ladders, at the same speed, and yet they
get further apart. Explain.
121. How can an oval be drawn with one turn of the compass?
122. Two horses were born at the same time, travelled the world,
and then died at the same time, but did not live to the same age. How
was this possible?
124. Why must there certainly be at least two people in the world
with exactly the same number of hairs on their head?
Pierre de Fermat (1601--65) was a lawyer by profession and an
amateur mathematician of genius who contributed to the development
of the calculus and the invention of analytical geometry, and who
leapt beyond Diophantos to found the modern theory of numbers.
He posed the following problem to Torricelli, Galileo's famous
pupil, who invented the barometer:
125. Find the point whose sum of distances from the vertices of a
given triangle is a minimum.
This problem has a natural appeal, because it can be interpreted as
asking for the shortest road network that will join three towns at the
vertices of the triangle. The next problem occurs first in Urbino
d' Aviso's treatise on the sphere (1682):
126. A strip of paper can be transformed into a pentagon. How?
127. What IS the largest cube that can be passed through a square
hole cut in a given cube?
In 1693 Samuel Pepys the diarist and Secretary for the Navy wrote to
Newton with this query, a natural question for a gambler:
129. Which is more likely, to throw at least 1 six with 6 dice, at least
2 sixes with 12 dice, or at least 3 sixes with 18 dice?
132. The Knight's Tour How can a knight make a complete tour of
the chessboard shown on p. 38, visiting each square once and only
once, and ending up a knight's move from its starting square - so that
the circuit is continuous?
38 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
133. Is it possible to go for a walk, crossing each bridge once, bur not
crossing any bndge twice?
This was the first ever problem in what is now called graph theory. A
graph is a set of points, called vertices or nodes, joined by a set of
lines, called edges. A vertex where an odd number of edges meet is
called an odd vertex, naturally. Graph theory poses many problems,
some of them very simple and simply puzzling:
The Puzzles 39
138. 'A person remarked that upon his wedding day the proportion
of his own age to that of his bride was as 3 to 1; but fifteen years
afterwards the proportion of their ages was 2 to 1. What were their
ages upon the day of their marriage?'
than 1000 years old. Question 51 was also old. The solution noted
that the problem appeared in Diophantos, Book V.
In contrast the next three problems have a modern feel:
140. What is the least number which will divide by the nine digits
without leaving a remainder?
8 5
5 8
3 3
42 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
143. The top square has an area 8' = 64. The same four pieces,
when reassembled to make the lower figure, form a rectangle 5 x
13 = 65. Where has the extra square come from?
147. 'If from six ye take nine, and from nine ye take ten
(Ye youths, now the mystery explain),
And if fifty from forty be taken, there then,
Shall just half a dozen remain.'
148. 'Place the nine digits, so that the sum of the odd digits may be
equal to the sum of the even ones.'
150. 'Place in a row nine (digits] each different from the others.
Multiply them by 8, and the product shall still consist of nine
different (digits].'
151. You have 12 pints of wine in a barrel and you wish to divide it
into 6 pints for a friend and 6 pints for yourself, but you only have
containers holding 7 and 5 pints. How can you succeed?
153. 'With the numbers 1,2,3, ... , to 16, to form 34 every way.'
154. 'A Cheshire cheese being put into one of the scales of a false
balance, was found to weigh 16 lbs, and when put into the other only
9 lbs. What is the true weight?'
156. 'Divide a circle into four equal parts by three lines of equal
159. 'There are three remarkable places on the globe that differ in
latitude, as well as in longitude; and yet, all of them lie under the
same meridian.'
165. The hour and minute hands of a watch coincide at noon. When
will they once again coincide, during the next 12 hours?
166. 'We are told by Father Sebastian Truchet, of the Royal Academy
of Sciences, in a memoir printed [in) 1704 ... that having seen during
the course of a tour which he made to the town of Orleans, some
square porcelain tiles, divided by a diagonal into two triangles of
different colours ... he was induced to try in how many different
ways they could be joined side by side, in order to form different
figures. [Such tiles) form the object of a pastime, called by the French
Jeu de Parquet ... a small table, having a border round it, and
capable of receiving sixty-four or a hundred small squares ... with
which people amuse themselves in endeavouring to form agreeable
How many figures can be formed by three squares if the colours of
the two halves are black and white and if an edge is placed against a
complete edge?
The Puzzles 47
172. A man has two wines, one of which sells at 10 shillings per
bottle, and the other at 5 shillings. What is the mixture that would
sell at 8 shillings a bottle?
173. What is the largest rectangle that can be cut in one piece from
this triangular piece of timber?
174. Given any irregular polygon, the mid-points of the sides are
joined in sequence, and this process is then repeated, again and again.
'It is required to find the point where these divisions will terminate.'
175. 'Given two lines and a point within the angle formed by them,
to find the smallest triangle by area that can be cut off.'
which simplifies to
With that explanation, how can the cells of this square be filled so
that the cells in the middle of each side and the centre cell are each
the harmonic means of the numbers sandwiching them? The central
number is sandwiched, of course, in four different ways.
177. One player chooses a number less than 11. The second player
does likewise and adds his number to the first player's number. The
The Puzzles 49
first player again adds a number less than 11, and so on. The player
who reaches the grand total of 100 or more is the winner. Is there a
winning strategy?
This problem was first posed by Max Bezze!, wntlng under the
pseudonym 'Schachfreund', in the chess magazine Berliner Schachzei-
tung, in 1848. To find all the solutions is extremely difficult, because
of the size of the board. An easier problem is:
179. How can 4 (5,6) queens be placed on a 4 x 4 (5 x 5, 6 x 6)
board so that no queen attacks any other?
183. 'Place twelve counters in six rows in such a manner that there
shall be four counters in each row.'
184. You have to divide the number 45 into four parts. To the first
part you add 2, from the second part you take 2, the third part you
multiply by 2, and the fourth part you divide by 2, so that the sum of
the addition, the remainder of the subtraction, the product of the
multiplication, and the quotient of the division are all equally and
precisely the same. How is this possible?
185. 'Having placed eight coins in a row, as under, show how they
can be laid or placed in four couples, removing only one at a time,
passing over two each time.'
2 3 4 5 678
186. 'Draw six lines as under, add five other lines, and make the
whole form nine.'
(There is also a French version of this puzzle: add three lines to make
189. 'Of five pieces of wood, or paper, cut in the following shapes,
form a cross.'
52 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
196.• A carpenter had to mend a hole in the floor which was two feet
wide and twelve feet long. The board given him to mend it was three
feet wide and eight feet long.'
How can he achieve this feat, cutting the board into only two
197. How can this board, marked as shown, be cut into four identical
pieces, so that each piece contains three of the marks, and no mark is cut?
o o o
o o
o o o
198. Cut a hole in a visiting card large enough for a person to climb
199. Place ten coins in a row upon a table. Then, taking up anyone
of the series, place it upon some other, with this proviso, that you
pass over just two coins. Repeat this till there is no single coin left.
203. How many strokes are necessary to draw this figure, without
going over any line twice? A stroke ends as soon as you lift your
pencil from the paper.
The Puzzles 55
205. Here are three squares, each composed of four matches. Make
them into one by taking one match away, and moving only three
206. Here are the same three squares of matches.
Move three matches to show what matches are made of.
which remain between the fingers of each hand, exactly as you picked
it up. How is this possible?
1 8 7
2 9 6
3 4 5
The Puzzles 57
210. How can four triangles be made with just six matches?
211. These twelve counters are arranged to form six equal squares.
Remove just three counters to leave just three equal squares.
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
212. Upon a piece of paper draw
The three designs below;
I should have said of each shape four,
Which when cut out will show,
If joined correctly, that which you
Are striving to unfold -
An octagon, familiar to
My friends both young and old.
58 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
216. Quibbles
(a) Add the figure 2 to 191 and make the answer less than 20.
(b) How can I stretch my hands apart, having a coin in each hand,
and without bringing my hands together, cause both coins to come
into the same hand?
(c) How must I draw a circle round a person placed in the centre of a
room so that he will not be able to jump out of it, though his legs
should be free?
(d) If five times four are thirty-three, what will the fourth of twenty
217. A box has nine ears of corn in it. A squirrel carries out three
ears a day, and yet it takes him nine days to carry the corn out. How
is this explained?
218. 'A person let his house to several inmates and, having a garden
attached to the house, he wished to divide it among them. There were
ten trees in the garden and he desired to divide it so that each of the
five inmates should have an equal share of the garden and trees. How
did he do it?'
! !
60 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Professor Hoffman's real name was the Reverend Angelo John Lewis.
His most famous book, Puzzles Old and New (1893), was chiefly
devoted to the many popular mechanical puzzles but he also included
other Victorian favourites. He also wrote on magic and conjuring.
220. How can this rectangle with two tabs be cut into two pieces to
make a complete rectangle?
223. 'A man goes into a shop and buys a hat, price one guinea. He
offers in payment for it a £5 note. The hatter gets the note cashed by
a neighbour, the purchaser pocketing his change, £3 19s, and walking
off with the hat. No sooner had he left, however, than the neighbour
comes in with the news that it is counterfeit, and the hatter has to
refund the value.'
The Puzzles 61
224. 'Fifteen matches being laid on the table so as to form five equal
squares, required, to remove three matches so as to leave three such
squares only.'
225. How can three matches be taken away to leave a total of seven
triangles behind?
226. An old gentleman was asked who dined with him on Christmas
'Well, we were qUite a family party,' he replied; 'there was my
father's brother-in-law, my brother's father-in-law, my father-in-Iaw's
brother-in-law, and my brother-m-Iaw's father-in-law.'
It afterwards transpired that he had dined alone, and yet his
statement was correct.
How could this be?
62 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
227. What is the difference between six dozen dozen and a half a
dozen dozen?
228. Five herrings were divided between five persons. Each had a
herring, and yet one remained in the dish. How was this possible?
w B
The Puzzles 63
a b c
d e f
9 h •H G
64 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
- -
- -
The Puzzles 65
Voie in cul-de-sac
Voie principale
237. Every day at noon a ship leaves Le Havre for New York and
another ship leaves New York for Le Havre. The trip lasts seven days
and seven nights. How many New York-Le Havre ships will the ship
leaving Le Havre today meet during its journey to New York?
The year after its publication, the following story was published,
not by Lucas, to explain the puzzle:
In the great temple at Benares, says he, beneath the dome
which marks the centre of the world, rests a brass plate in
which are fixed three diamond needles, each a cubit high and
as thick as the body of a bee. On one of these needles, at the
creation, God placed sixty-four discs of pure gold, the largest
disc resting on the brass plate, and the others getting smaller
and smaller up to the top one. This is the Tower of Bramah.
Day and night unceasingly the priests transfer the discs from
one diamond needle to another according to the fixed and
immutable laws of Bramah, which require that the priest on
duty must not move more than one disc at a time and that he
must place this disc on a needle so that there is no smaller disc
below it. When the sixty-four discs shall have been thus
transferred from the needle on which at the creation God placed
them to one of the other needles, tower, temple, and Brahmins
alike will crumble into dust, and with a thunderclap the world
will vanish.
The puzzle is to say how many moves are needed to transfer all
sixty-four discs.
239. 'A bag contains one counter, known to be either white or black.
A white counter is put in, the bag shaken, and a counter drawn out,
which proves to be white. What is now the chance of drawing a white
241. 'Three points are taken at random on an infinite plane. Find the
chance of their being the vertices of an obtuse-angled triangle.'
242. 'I have two clocks: one doesn't go at all, and the other loses a
minute a day: which would you prefer?'
243. The Chelsea Pensioners 'If 70 per cent have lost an eye, 75 per
cent an ear, 80 per cent an arm, 85 per cent a leg: what percentage at
least must have lost all four?'
246. 'A rope is supposed to be hung over a wheel fixed to the roof of a
building; at one end of the rope a weight is fixed, which exactly
counterbalances a monkey which is hanging on to the other end. Suppose
that the monkey begins to climb the rope, what will be the result?'
247. 'Put down any number of pounds not more than twelve, any
number of shillings under twenty, and any number of pence under
twelve. Under the pounds put the number of pence, under the
shillings the number of shillings, and under the pence the number of
pounds, thus reversing the line. Subtract. Reverse the line again.
Query: what was Carroll's conclusion?
252. The Tangram, this dissection of a square into seven pieces from
which any number of shapes can be composed, goes back at least as
far as the middle of the eighteenth century in China.
Sam Loyd
Sam Loyd was born in Philadelphia, but his parents soon moved to
New York, where he attended high school. He considered being an
engineer, but gave up the idea when he started to make money from
his puzzles. Loyd was a prodigy whose chess problems alone made
him famous. He was just fourteen when he started to attend a chess
club with his brothers Thomas and Isaac, of whom Isaac also became
a noted problemist. Sam's first problem was published in the same
year, and by the age of sixteen he was problem editor of Chess
Monthly, co-edited by Paul Morphy. But by his late teens he had
already produced the stunning puzzle of the riderless horses, which
the circus owner and showman P. T. Barnum bought from him and
sold as 'P. T. Barnum's Trick Donkey'. Loyd had taken the old puzzle of
the two dogs (problem 188) and given it a brilliant new twist.
Many years later he produced an even more amazing puzzle, the
'Get off the Earth' paradox. This is how he described the circum-
stances of its creation, in the Strand magazine (January 1908, reprinted
in Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems, p. 113).
Unfortunately, it came out in a bad year and did not achieve the
success of some of the others. It was developed under rather odd
conditions. My son, who thinks I can do anything, said to me
one morning, 'Here's a chance, Pop, for you to earn $250,' and
he threw a newspaper clipping to me across the breakfast table.
It was an offer by Percy Williams of that amount for the best
device for advertising Bergen Beach, which he was about to
open as a pleasure resort. I said I would take a chance at it, and
a few days later I had worked out the Chinaman puzzle. It
The Puzzles 71
Cut out the three rectangles and rearrange them so
that the two jockeys are riding the two horses.
.9 • •
•• 4 •
• • 4 •
• •• •
'I went to Lakewood the other day to attend an auction sale of some
land, but did not make any purchases on account of a peculiar
problem which developed. The land was advertised as shown in the
posters on the fence as 560 acres, including a triangular lake. The
three plots show the 560 acres without the lake, but since the lake
was included in the sale, I, as well as other would-be purchasers,
wished to know whether the lake area was really deducted from the
'The auctioneer guaranteed 560 acres "more or less". This was not
satisfactory to the purchasers, so we left him arguing with katydids,
and shouting to the bullfrogs in the lake, which in reality was a
'The question 1 ask our puzzlists is to determine how many acres
there be in that triangular lake, surrounded as shown by square plots
of 370, 116 and 74 acres. The problem is of peculiar interest to those
of a mathematical turn, in that it gives a positive and definite answer
76 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
256. Rearrange the six pieces to make the best possible picture of a
'Many a good puzzle idea has come from just such a tip. So, with
my scissors and a piece of silhouette paper, I speedily improvised the
accompanying figure of a horse.
'It would be a simple matter to improve the parts and general form
of the old horse, and I did modify it in the version which I afterwards
published, but somehow I love the old nag best as first devised, with
all its faults, so I now present it as it actually occurred ro me.
'The world has been moving rapidly during the last decade, and
puzzlers are much sharper than they used to be. In those days very
few, probably not one out of a thousand, actually mastered the
puzzle, so it will be a capital test of the acumen of the past compared
with that of the present generation ro see how many clever wits of
today can solve it.
'Trace an exact copy of the figure as shown. Cut out the six pieces
very carefully, then try to arrange them to make the best possible
figure of a horse. That is all there is to it, but the entire world
laughed for a year over the many grotesque representations of a horse
that can be made with those six pieces.
'I sold over one thousand million [sic] copies of "The Pony Puzzle".
This prompts me to say that whereas I have brought out many
puzzles, patented numerous inventions, and devoted much time and
money, to my sorrow, upon the "big things", more money is made
from little things like "The Pony Puzzle", which do not require a
five-dollar bill to promote and place on the market.'
257. How would you cut this gingerbread dog's head into two pieces
of the same shape?
78 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
259. '''What is the age of that boy?" asked the conductor. Flattered
by this interest shown in his family affairs, the suburban resident re-
'''My son is five times as old as my daughter, and my wife is five
times as old as the son, and I am twice as old as my wife, whereas
grandmother, who is as old as all of us put together, is celebrating her
eighty-first birthday today."
'How old was the boy?'
260. An Odd Catch 'Ask your friends if they can write down five
odd figures that will add up to fourteen. It is really astonishing how
engrossed most people will get, and how much time they will spend
over this seemingly simple problem. You must be careful, however, to
say "figures" and not "numbers".'
261. Casey's Cow '''Some cows have more sense than the average
man," said Farmer Casey. "MyoId brindle was standing on a bridge
80 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
the other day, five feet from the middle of the bridge, placidly looking
into the water. Suddenly she spied the lightning express, just twice the
length of the bridge away from the nearest end of the bridge, coming
toward her at a 90-mile an hour clip.
'''Without wasting a moment in idle speculation, the cow made a
dash toward the advancing train and saved herself by the narrow
margin of one foot. If she had followed the human instinct of running
away from the train at the same speed, three inches of her rear would
have been caught on the bridge!"
'What is the length of the bridge and the gait of Casey's cow?'
262. The Missing Link 'A farmer had six pieces of chain of five
links each, which he wanted made into an endless piece of thirty
links. If it costs eight cents to cut a link open and eighteen cents to
weld it again, and if a new endless chain could be bought for a dollar
and a half, how much would be saved by the cheapest method?'
'In the history of France is told an amusing story of how the Dauphin
saved himself from an impending checkmate, while playing chess
with the Duke of Burgundy, by smashing the chessboard into eight
The Puzzles 81
hour regardless of which pair is riding it. What is the shortest time
for all three men to make the trip, assuming, of course, that they use
the most efficient method of combining walking and cycling?'
268. The Trapezoid Puzzle How can these five pieces be variously
assembled to form a square, a Greek Cross, a rhombus, a rectangle,
and a triangle? All five pieces must be used for each assembly.
84 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
• ~~!11
••••• 1I1. ...0.;: • • •
Loyd asks for another way to reassemble the same four pieces which
will lose a square.
273. Popping the Question 'Danny went over to urge Kate to name
the day.
'''This is entirely unexpected," gasped the maiden; "but I will
marry you when the week after next is the week before last."
'''Had I received this promise yesterday," said Danny, "the waiting
would have been six days shorter."
'Can you tell on what day of the week Danny popped the ques-
275. Everything Free 'A little girl visited the food show and ate
seventeen different kinds of breakfast food and gathered 10 pounds of
sample packages. Then she stepped on the free weighing machine and
found that her weight had increased 10 per cent, whereas if she had
eaten twice as much breakfast food the gain would have been 11 per
cent. What was her weight when she arrived at the food show?'
278. The Same Again, Almost 'Pass the Queen over the centre
points of all the squares in fourteen straight moves, returning to the
starting point.'
('Straight moves' are not limited to the ordinary Queen moves in
chess. Any move in a straight line will do.)
281. From the Start. In the first number of the American Chess
Journal Loyd introduced the series of chess puzzles based on the
ordinary line-up of the pieces which has since become so famous.
'It will not be amiss,' he wrote, 'to have a little impromptu
exhibition, bearing upon conditional positions produced from the
position of the forces as arranged for actual play. I find two by
Breitenfeld, one by Max Lange, some from "Sissa", Dr Moore, etc.,
but as all can be solved in less moves than intended by the authors, I
give them under one heading, without authorship, and I have thrown
in a few similar ideas that occurred to me, elucidated in a sketch.'
The Puzzles 89
(a) If both parties move the same moves, how can the first player
mate in four moves?
(b) If both parties make the same moves, how can the first player self-
mate on the eighth move?
(c) Fmd how discovered checkmate can be effected in four moves.
(d) Find how a stalemate might result in ten moves.
(e) Find a game wherein perpetual check can be forced from the third
Henry Dudeney
Henry Dudeney was born in the village of Mayfield in Sussex. His
paternal grandfather was a self-taught mathematician and astronomer
who started as a shepherd and raised himself to the position of
schoolmaster in the town of Lewes. Dudeney's father was also a
schoolmaster, but Dudeney himself did not go to college and was also
a self-taught mathematician.
He enjoyed games and was a good chess player, though, like Sam
Loyd, he was a better problemist, as might be expected. He also
played croquet, a game that might have been designed for puzzlists,
and entertained children with displays of magic and legerdemain.
He started composing puzzles under the pseudonym 'Sphinx', and
for a while he collaborated with Sam Loyd. When their collaboration
ended, Dudeney published under his own name in a variety of
magazines: the Strand, Cassell's, the Queen, TIt-Bits, the Weekly
Dispatch and Blighty. So, like modern television stand-up comedy
writers, he had to keep up a constant flow of ideas. Sam Loyd was in
the same position. This makes it all the more astonishing that their
levels were so consistently high. Loyd showed greater ingenuity in
exploiting his puzzles, especially for advertising. He had an uncanny
knack for appealing to the public. Yet Dudeney was much the better
mathematician, and his puzzles are more mathematically sophisti-
cated, without requiring any mathematics beyond the most
elementary. *
Dudeney was interested in the psychology of puzzles and puzzle-
solving. In the original preface to A Puzzle-l\1i,ze he asserted that 'The
fact is that our lives are largely spent in solving puzzles; for what is a
puzzle but a perplexing question? And from our childhood upwards
we are perpetually asking questions or trying to answer them.'
But he was also a man of his age. In the same preface he remarks
that 'The solving of puzzles consists merely in the employment of our
reasoning faculties, and our mental hospitals are built expressly for
those unfortunate people who cannot solve puzzles.' Elsewhere he
remarks that 'The history of [mathematical puzzles) entails nothing
short of the actual story of the beginnings and development of exact
thinking in man.'
Half a century later we are more aware of the roles of insight and
imagination, and the 'Aha!' response, which are more than the
exercise of logic or reason. Dudeney also supposed that puzzles had
great value in training the mind, a natural assumption in the days
when many educational theorists still believed in the idea of mental
training. We would put that rather differently: it is mathematics
teachers today who most exploit puzzles and mathematical recreations
to entice their pupils and to illuminate mathematical ideas.
Fortunately, just as an artist may have a naive theory of their own
art, so Dudeney's puzzles are not limited by his own interpretations
of them. They exhibit a wealth of imagination and ingenuity, even
artistry ...
283. The Spider and the Fly 'Inside a rectangular room, measuring
30 feet in length and 12 feet in width and height, a spider is at a point
in the middle of one of the end walls, 1 foot from the ceiling, as at A;
and a fly is on the opposite wall, 1 foot from the floor in the centre,
92 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
- 140
loc )(1
The Puzzles 93
284. Catching the Hogs 'In the Illustration Hendrick and Katrun
are seen engaged in the exhilarating sport of attempting the capture
of a couple of hogs.
'Why did they fail?
'Strange as it may seem, a complete answer is afforded in the little
puzzle game that I will now explain.'
[Dudeney instructs the reader to represent the Dutchman and his
wife, and the two hogs, by four counters, on squared paper.]
'The first player moves the Dutchman and his wife one square each
in any direction (but not diagonally), and then the second player
moves both pigs one square each (not diagonally); and so on, in
turns, until Hendrick catches one hog and Katrun the other.
'This you will find would be absurdly easy if the hogs moved first,
but this IS just what Dutch pigs will never do.'
Lady Isabel's Casket This puzzle is the first appearance of the idea
of a 'squared square', that is, a square dissected into distinct smaller
squares, though Dudeney has to resort to a narrow rectangular strip
to fill a portion of the surface.
287. 'Sir Hugh's young kinswoman and ward, Lady Isabel de Fitz-
arnulph, was known far and wide as "Isabel the Fair". Amongst her
treasures was a casket, the top of which was perfectly square in
shape. It was inlaid with pieces of wood, and a strip of gold ten
inches long by a quarter of an inch wide.
'When young men sued for the hand of Lady Isabel, Sir Hugh
promised his consent to the one who would tell him the dimensions
of the top of the box from these facts alone: that there was a
rectangular strip of gold, ten inches by 1I4-inch; and the rest of the
surface was exactly inlaid with pieces of wood, each piece being a
perfect square, and no two pieces the same size. Many young men
failed, but one at length succeeded. The puzzle is not an easy one, but
the dimensions of that strip of gold, combined with those other
conditions, absolutely determine the size of the top of the casket.'
The Puzzles 95
288. The Fly and the Cars A road is 300 miles long. A car, A, starts
at noon from one end and goes throughout at 50 miles an hour, and
at the same time another car, B, going uniformly at 100 miles an
hour, starts from the other end together with a fly travelling at 150
miles an hour. When the fly meets car A, it immediately turns and
flies towards B.
(1) When does the fly meet B?
The fly then turns towards A and continues flying backwards and
forwards between A and B.
(2) When wiII the fly be crushed between the cars if they collide and it
does not get out of the way?
289. Crossing the Moat 'I [the King's Jester, still adventuring) was
now face to face with the castle moat, which was, indeed, very wide
and very deep. Alas! I could not swim, and my chance of escape
seemed of a truth hopeless, as, doubtless, it would have been had 1
not espied a boat tied to a wall by a rope. But after 1 had got into it 1
did find that the oars had been taken away, and that there was
nothing that 1 could use to row me across. When 1 had untied the
rope and pushed off upon the water the boat lay quite still, there
being no stream or current to help me. How, then, did 1 yet take the
boat across the moat?'
290. The Crescent and the Cross 'When Sir Hugh's kinsman, Sir
John de Collingham, came back from the Holy Land, he brought
96 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
292. The Cigar Puzzle 'Two men are seated at a square-topped table.
One places an ordinary cigar (flat at one end, pointed at the other) on
the table, then the other does the same, and so on alternately, a
condition being that no cigar shall touch another. Which player should
succeed in placing the last cigar, assuming that they each will play in
the best possible manner? The size of the table top and the size of the
cigar are not given, but in order to exclude the ridiculous answer that
the table might be so diminutive as only to take one cigar, we will say
that the table must not be less than 2 feet square and the cigar not more
than 4t inches long. With those restrictions you may take any dimen-
sions you like. Of course we assume that all the cigars are exactly alike
in every respect. Should the first player, or the second player, win?'
295. A Puzzle with Pawns 'Place two pawns in the middle of the
chessboard, one at Q4 and the other at KS . Now, place the remaining
fourteen pawns (sixteen in all), so that no three shall be in a straight
line in any possible direction.
bus was himself a master of the game, and he once proposed this
'They had nine holes, 300, 250, 200, 325, 275, 350, 225, 375, and
400 yards apart. If a man could always strike the ball in a perfectly
straight line and send it exactly one of two distances, so that it would
either go towards the hole, pass over it, or drop into it, what would
the two distances be that would carry him in the least number of
strokes round the whole course?
'Two very good distances are 125 and 75, which carry you round in
twenty-eight strokes, but this is not the correct answer. Can the
reader get round in fewer strokes with two other distances?'
297. The Noble Demoiselle 'Seated one night in the hall of the
castle, Sir Hugh desired the company to fill their cups and listen
while he told the tale of his adventure as a youth in rescuing from
captivity a noble demoiselle who was languishing in the dungeon of a
castle belonging to his father's greatest enemy ... Sir Hugh produced
a plan of the thirty-five cells in the dungeon and asked his companions
to discover the particular cell that the demoiselle occupied. He said
that if you started at one of the outside cells and passed through
every doorway once, and once only, you were bound to end at the
cell that was sought. Can you find the cell? Unless you start at the
correct outside cell it is impossible to pass through all the doorways
once and once only.'
The Puzzles 99
298. The Trusses of Hay 'Farmer Tomkins had five trusses of hay,
which he told his man Hodge to weigh before delivering them to a
customer. The stupid fellow weighed them two at a time in all
possible ways, and .informed his master that the weights in pounds
were 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120 and 121. Now, how
was Farmer Tompkins to find out from these figures how much every
one of the five trusses weighed singly? The reader may at first think
that he ought to be told "which pair is which pair" or something of
that sort, but it IS quite unnecessary. Can you give the five correct
299. Another Joiner's Problem 'A joiner had two pieces of wood of
the shapes and relative proportions shown in the diagram. He wished
to cut them into as few pieces as possible so that they could be fitted
together, without waste, to form a perfectly square table-top. How
should he have done it? There is no necessity to give measurements,
for if the smaller piece (which is half a square) be made a little too
large or small, It will not affect the method of solution.'
100 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
300. The Rook's Tour 'The puzzle is to move the single rook over
the whole board, so that it shall visit every square of the board once,
and only once, and end its tour on the square on which it starts. You
have to do this in as few moves as possible.'
301. The Five Pennies 'Every reader knows how to place four
pennies so that they all touch one another. Place three in the form of
a triangle, and lay the fourth penny on top in the centre. Now try to
do the same with five pennies - place them so that every penny shall
touch every other penny.'
would immediately give him another that would give a like result by
addition or multiplication.'
What was Dudeney's method of doing this?
305. The Six Pennies Lay six pennies on the table, and then arrange
them as shown overleaf, so that a seventh would fit exactly into the
central space. You are not allowed the use of a ruler or any other
measuring device, just the six pennies.
102 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
307. The Bun Puzzle 'The three circles represent three buns, and it
is simply required to show how these may be equally divided among
four boys. The buns must be regarded as of equal thickness through-
out and of equal thickness to each other. Of course, they must be cut
into as few pieces as possible. To simplify it I will state the rather
surprising fact that only five pieces are necessary, from which it will
be seen that one boy gets his share in two pieces and the other three
receive theirs in a single piece. I am aware that this statement "gives
away" the puzzle, but it should not destroy its interest to those who
like to discover the "reason why".'
308. The Cardboard Chain 'Can you cut this chain out of a piece
of cardboard without any join whatsoever? Every link is solid, without
its having been split and afterwards joined at any place. It is an
interesting old puzzle that I learnt as a child, but I have no knowledge
as to its inventor.'
309. The Two Horseshoes 'Why horseshoes should be c~nsidered
"lucky" is one of those things which no man can understand. It is a
very old superstition, and John Aubrey (1626-1700) says, "Most
houses at the West End of London have a horseshoe on the threshold."
In Monmouth Street there were seventeen in 1813 and seven so late as
1855. Even Lord Nelson had one nailed to the mast of the ship
Victory. Today we find it more conducive to "good luck" to see that
they are securely nailed on the feet of the horse we are about to drive.
'Nevertheless, so far as the horseshoe, like the Swastika and other
104 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
emblems that 1 have had occasion at times to deal with, has served to
symbolize health, prosperity, and goodwill towards men, we may
well treat it with a certain amount of respectful interest. May there
not, moreover, be some esoteric or lost mathematical mystery con-
cealed in the form of a horseshoe? 1 have been looking into this
matter, and 1 wish to draw my readers' attention to the very remark-
able fact that the pair of horseshoes shown in my illustration are
related in a striking and beautiful manner to the circle, which is the
symbol of eternity. 1 present this fact in the form of a simple problem,
so that it may be seen how subtly this relation has been concealed for
ages and ages. My readers will, 1 know, be pleased when they find the
key to the mystery.
'Cut out the two horseshoes carefully round the outline and then
cut them into four pieces, all different in shape, that will fit together
and form a perfect circle. Each shoe must be cut into two pieces and
all the part of the horse's hoof contained within the outline is to be
used and regarded as part of the area.'
310. The Table-Top and the Stools 'I have frequently had occasion
to show that the published answers to a great many of the oldest and
most widely known puzzles are either quite incorrect or capable of
improvement. 1 propose to consider the old poser of the table-top and
stools that most of my readers have probably seen in some form or
another in books compiled for the recreation of childhood.
'The story is told that an economical and ingenious schoolmaster
once wished to convert a circular table-top, for which he had no use,
into seats for two oval stools, each with a hand-hole in the centre. He
instructed the carpenter to make the cuts as in the illustration and
then join the eight pieces together in the manner shown. So impressed
was he with the ingenuity of his performance that he set the puzzle to
his geometry class as a little study in dissection. But the remainder of
The Puzzles 105
Send More Money Loyd was the first inventor of the cryptarithm,
in which some or all of the digits in a sum are deleted, and the sum
has to be reconstructed, but Dudeney first replaced the mi!>sing digits
with letters to make a meaningful message - he called it Verbal
Arithmetic - a rare example of Dudeney hitting upon a popular point
that Loyd missed.
311. This is a correct addition sum, in which each different letter
stands for a different digit, zero possibly included. What is the
original sum?
106 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
The Eight Spiders Just as Dudeney and Loyd used many old puzzles,
often adding new ideas of their own, so their puzzles have been
exploited by others. The problem of the spider and the fly (problem
283 above) has been especially fruitful in variations. This one is due
to Maurice Kraitchik.
314. The Boat in the Bath Tommy was floating a boat in a tub of
water. The boat was initially loaded with a small metal cannon, but
then the cannon fell into the water and sank to the bottom, leaving
the boat floating as before. No water got into the boat while this
Did the level of the water rise, fall, or stay the same, as a result of
the cannon falling overboard?
315. How can the digits 1 to 9 be placed in these circles, so that each
side of the triangle sums to 20? How can the sum be made to equal
108 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
316. The Axle Poser Why does the front axle of a cart usually wear
out faster than the back?
321. The Overhanging Bricks (2) With the same supply of bricks
and a table-top, what is the greatest projection possible, over the edge
of the table, using only four bricks?
The bricks may be arranged in any manner, but the maximum
projection is measured as the maximum distance from the edge of the
table to the end of a brick.
322. A Leap in Age The day before yesterday I was 13 years old.
Next year I shall be old enough to get married. When is my birthday,
and what is the date today?
323. The Cylindrical Hole A hole 6 inches long is drilled through the
centre of a solid sphere. What is the volume of the sphere remaining?
324. The Lost Pound Three diners on finishing their meal are
presented with a bill for £30, which they agree to split between them.
They each gave the waiter £10, not knowing that the waiter had
rechecked the bill and found that it was only £25. At this point it
occurred to the waiter that £5 would not divide equally between the
three, and anyway they did not know that there had been a mistake.
So he returned to the table, apologized and gave each diner £1,
keeping the other £2 for himself.
The diners have each now paid £9, making £27 in all, and the
waiter has £2 in his pocket, a total of £29. Yet they originally gave
the waiter £30. Where has the missing pound gone?
326. 'This diagram [overleaf] shows a cube with a piece cut off. Your
problem is this: can you tell from this diagram if the slice ABCD
could be a Rat slice? That is, could the points, A, B, C and D lie in a
110 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Hubert Phillips
Hubert Phillips was a prolific composer of all kinds of puzzles who
had some strikingly original ideas, as well as producing many varia-
tions in particular themes, especially inference and deduction.
He often wrote under the pseudonyms of 'Caliban' in the New
Statesman, and 'Dogberry' in the News Chronicle. He was also editor
of British Bridge World and twice captain of England at contract
bridge, a humourist and the creator of the Inspector Playfair detection
In his mathematical puzzles he collaborated with his friend Sydney
Shovelton, and others. In the Introduction to The Sphinx Problem
Book he explained his conception of a good inferential-mathematical
puzzle: in particular, 'the line of approach must be as well concealed
as possible. I have put a good deal of thought into the construction of
problems which at first blush appear to be insoluble, through inad-
equacy of the data. The invention of such exercises, and the solving
of them, both give a great deal of pleasure, since their construction
can involve - and in my view should have reference to - principles of
artistry which embody an aesthetic of their own.'
In Question Time he also commented on his criteria for a good puzzle:
'Does its statement involve, not only the labour of working out the
answer (which for many has a very slight appeal) but also the excitement
of first discovering how the answer is to be arrived at? My main
pleasure, in constructing puzzles, lies in seeking to provide this "kick".'
I am reminded of the great mathematician G. H. Hardy's talking in
his Mathematician's Apology of 'the puzzle columns in the popular
newspapers. Nearly all their immense popularity is a tribute to the
drawing power of rudimentary mathematics, and the better makers of
puzzles, such as Dudeney or "Caliban", use very little else ... what the
public wants is a little intellectual "kick", and nothing else has quite
the kick of mathematics.'
The first two problems are based on an idea which first occurs in his
'Problems for Young Mathematicians' in The Playtime Omnibus:
330. What Colour was the Bear? A man out hunting, spotted a bear
due east. Taken by surprise, he ran directly north, and turned to see
that the bear had not moved. Steadying himself, he took aim and shot
it, by aiming due south. What colour was the bear?
112 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Phillips also originated the 'liars and truth-tellers' theme, which has
subsequently lent itself to endless variation:
332. Red and Blue The island of Ko is inhabited by three different
races - the Blacks, who invariably tell the truth; the Whites, who
invariably lie; and the Muddleds, who tell the truth and lie alternately
(though one cannot tell, in talking to a Muddled, whether his first
remark is truthful or the reverse).
'In a certain school in Ko, a Black, a White and a Muddled were
sitting side by side - in what order is not known. An inspector came in
carrying a number of cards, some of them red and some blue. Taking
a card at random, he asked each of the youngsters in turn: "What
colour is this?" Then, taking a second card, he put to each of them in
the same order, the same question. The six answers he received were:
(1) Blue, (2) Blue, (3) Red, (4) Red, (5) Blue, (6) Blue.'
What colour were the cards chosen by the inspector?
The next puzzle has also led to many variants, one of which follows im-
333. 'Two schoolboys were playing on the toolshed roof. Something
gave way, and they were precipitated, through the roof, on to the
Roor below.
'When they picked themselves up, the face of one was covered with
grime. The other's face was quite clean. Yet it was the boy with the
clean face who at once went off and washed .
•How is this to be explained?'
334. The Three Wise Men Three Wise Men were taking a nap
when a practical joker marked a cross on the forehead of each, with
charcoal. The joker then hid behind a pillar and yelled loudly. At
once they awoke and each started laughing at the plight of the others,
until suddenly one of them stopped laughing and felt his own fore-
head, having realized that he was a victim of the same trick.
How did he draw this conclusion?
The Puzzles 113
335. The Ship's Ladder 'The good ship Potiphar lay at anchor in
Portsmouth Harbour. An interested spectator observed that a ladder
was dangling from her deck; that the bottom four rungs of the ladder
were submerged; that each rung was two inches wide and that the
rungs were eleven inches apart. The tide was rising at the rate of
eighteen inches per hour .
•At the end of two hours, how many rungs would be submerged?'
339. Falsehoods 'Messrs Draper, Grocer, Baker and Hatter are (ap-
propriately enough) a draper, grocer, baker and hatter. But none of
them is the namesake of his own vocation.
'When 1 tried to find out who is who, four statements were made
to me: (1) "Mr Draper is the hatter." (2) "Mr Grocer is the draper."
(3) "Mr Baker is not the hatter." (4) "Mr Hatter is not the baker."
But clearly there was something wrong here, since Mr Baker is not
the baker.
'I subsequently discovered that three of the four statements made
to me are untrue.
'Who is the grocer?'
The eight animals were asleep in a row, and the children began to
guess which was which. "That one at the end is Mr Tove." "No, no!
It's Mrs Jabberwock," and so on. I suggested that they should each
write down the names in order from left to right, and offered a prize
to the one who got most names right.
'As the four species were easily distinguishable, no mistake would
arise in pairing the animals; naturally a child who identifi"ed one
animal as Mr Tove identified the other animal of the same species as
Mrs Tove.
'The keeper, who consented to judge the lists, scrutinized them
carefully. "Here's a queer thing. I take two of the lists, say, John's
and Mary's. The animal which John supposes to be the animal which
Mary supposes to be Mr Tove is the animal which Mary supposes to
be the animal which John supposes to be Mrs Tove. It is just the
same for every pair of lists, and for all four species.
116 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
344. Wheels around Wheels How many times does a coin rotate
in rolling completely about another coin, of the same size, without
346. Too Many Girls In a far off land where warfare had raged for
many years, the number of men was too few for the number of
women who wished to marry them. While nothing could be done
immediately about this sorry state of affairs, the King was determined
that in future there should be more boys born and fewer girls, in
anticipation of the ravages of war.
With this aim in mind, he decreed that every woman should cease
to bear children as soon as she gave birth to her first daughter,
reasoning that while there would be some families which would have
only one daughter, or even one son and one daughter, there would be
many with seyeral sons followed by a single daughter, producing an
overall surplus of sons.
Where did his ingenious scheme go wrong?
347. Forty Unfaithful Wives 'The great Sultan was very much wor-
ried about the large number of unfaithful wives among the population
of his capital city. There were forty women who were openly deceiving
their husbands, but, as often happens, although all these cases were a
matter of common knowledge, the husbands in question were ignorant
The Puzzles 117
350. The Heads of Hair There are at least 50 million people living
in the United Kingdom, and no human being has more than a million
hairs on their head. What is the least number of inhabitants of the
United Kingdom who must have, according to the information,
exactly the same number of hairs on their head?
118 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
351. Quickies (a) 'Have you ever seen anyone running along the pave-
ment and placing their feet on the ground in this order: right foot,
right foot, left foot, left foot, right, right, left, left ... ?'
(b) 'By suitably placing a six-inch square over a triangle I can cover up
to three-quarters of the triangle. By suitably placing the triangle over
the square, I can cover up to one-half of the square. What is the area
of the triangle?'
(c) 'When is it polite to overtake, or pass, on the inside only?'
(d) '''Don't forget you owe me five pence!" said Fred.
'''What!'' replied Tom, "Five pence isn't worth bothering about."
'''All right then," said Fred, "you can give me ten pence."
'What is the logic behind Fred's reply?'
too far. They fail to appreciate that when you are being hotly
pursued by a Minotaur, you must take every opportunity to turn left
or right to escape the beast, however quickly you might otherwise
escape in a straight line. Naturally Theseus, who entered by the south
entrance to the palace, wanted to get to his beloved Ariadne, who
was waiting just outside the north entrance, as quickly as possible. What
was his shortest route If he was to evade the Minotaur?'
355. Rice Division 'Mr and Mrs Lo Hun were poor peasant farmers,
so when Mrs Lo Hun accidentally smashed the measuring bowl
which she used for measuring out the rice, she was very upset.
Fortunately, her husband was skilled in the traditional art of sword-
fighting, and she brightened considerably when he took a strong
cardboard box of rectangular shape and, with the minimum necessary
number of clean plane sword cuts, produced a substitute for her bowl
which actually measured out one, two, three or four measures of rice,
according to her choice.
'How many cuts did her husband make, and what shape was the
final article?'
eventually she managed to make the mon by using fewer pieces. How
many separate pieces did she use?
357. Knot these Cubes What is the shortest knot that can be tied in
three dimensions using only face connected cubes? All the cubes are
the same size, the knot must be continuous with no loose ends, and
the cubes must be connected by complete faces.
358. These twelve matches form one square and four triangles. How
can half of them be moved to form one triangle and three squares?
The Puzzles 121
359. Two Squares in One Each of these four pieces has two right-
angles, so it is hardly surprising that they can be fitted together to
form a square in more than one way. In how many, precisely?
362. The Convivial Visitor '''There are only four pubs in this
village," the visitor was informed, "one in each street. The village's
four streets meet at the crossroads at right-angles. This street is the
High Street.
'''To reach the Blue Boar from the Griffin you must turn left. To
reach the Dragon from the Red Lion you have to turn right."
'The visitor entered three of the pubs; he arrived at the crossroads
three times during this pilgrimage, turning left the first time, going
straight across the second, and turning right the third time. He spent
the night at the Blue Boar.
'Which pub stands in the High Street?'
366. The Picnic Ham 'Three neighbours gave $4 each and bought a
ham (without skin, fat, and bones). One of them divided it Into three
parts asserting that the weights were equal. The second neighbour
The Puzzles 123
declared that she trusted only the balance of the shop at the corner.
There, it appeared that the parts, supposed to be equal, corresponded
to the monetary values of $3, $4 and $5, respectively. The third
partner decIded to weigh the ham on her home balance, which gave a
stilI different result. This led to a quarrel, because the first woman
kept insIsting on the equality of her division, the second one recog-
nized only the balance of the shop, and the third only her own
balance. In what way IS it possible to settle this dispute and to divide
these pieces (without cutting them anew) in such a way that each
woman would have to admit that she had got at least $4 worth of
ham if computed according to the balance which she trusted?'
368. Near Neighbours Trevor the travel agent has a map of Europe
on which every major town is joined to the town nearest to it. The
distances between towns are always different, when measured suffi-
What is the largest number of other towns to which anyone town
can be connected?
124 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
369. Guarding the Gallery The new art gallery has twenty walls,
each wall being at right-angles to its adjoining walls. Without know-
ing the precise design of the gallery, what is the least number ·of
guards that will guarantee that all the walls can be kept under
observation all the time?
370. Batty Batting Frank had an excellent first half of the season,
averaging comfortably more runs per innings than Paul. Moreover he
had started the second half of the season very well, and he looked
forward to once again picking up the club trophy for best overall
batting average.
At the end of the second half of the season, Frank had indeed once
again beaten Paul's average, yet for the whole season, to Frank's
disgust, Paul was ahead, and took the trophy. How was this possible?
372. Back to the Start A billiard ball is struck without side so that
it strikes all four cushions and returns to its starting position.
In what direction is it struck, and how far does it travel?
373. Lies, Almost All Lies Here are ten numbered statements. How
many of them are true?
1 Exactly one of these statements is false.
2 Exactly two of these statements are false.
3 Exactly three of these statements are false.
4 Exactly four of these statements are false.
5 Exactly five of these statements are false.
6 Exactly six of these statements are false.
7 Exactly seven of these statements are false.
8 Exactly eight of these statements are false.
9 Exactly nine of these statements are false.
10 Exactly ten of these statements are false.
cover of the first volume, it bores its way through to the back of the
back cover of the third volume.
If the front and back covers of each volume are t cm thick and the
pages of each volume are 7 cm thick, how far does the bookworm
When you have changed the H to 0, how many moves does it take
to get back from 0 to H?
376. Inverted Triangle This triangle contains ten coins. What is the
smallest number that must be moved to make the triangle point down-
377. Paradoxical Dice Alan, Barry and Chris were playing at dice,
using three fair dice which they had each marked with their own
special numbers. Alan consistently beat Barry, and Barry's dice consist-
ently beat Chris's. What was surprising was that Chris's dice neverthe-
less consistently beat Alan's.
How was this possible?
126 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
378. The Obedient Ray Two mirrors are joined at a fixed angle at
0, and a ray of light is shone into the angle between them, parallel to
one of the mirrors. It bounces a number of times, strikes the lower
mirror at right-angles at X, and then re-emerges along its original path.
What is the distance between the original ray and the lower mirror,
to which it is parallel?
379. The Balloon 'Mr Tabako's little boy sits in the back seat of a
closed motor-car, holding a balloon on a string. All the windows of
the car are closed tight. The balloon is full of coal gas and is tethered
by a string, which prevents it from touching the roof of the car.
'The car turns left at a roundabout. Does the balloon swing left,
swing right, stay upright, or do something else? And why?'
380. Which Contains the Beer? A grocer has six barrels of different
sizes, containing 15, 16, 18, 19,20 and 31 litres. Five barrels are filled
with wine and only one is filled with beer.
The first customer bought two barrels of wine, and a second
customer also bought wine, but twice as much as the first. Which is
the beer barrel?
381. Blackbirds
'Twice four and twenty blackbirds
Were sitting in the rain.
Jill shot and killed a seventh part.
How many did remain?'
382. The Two Girlfriends John is equally devoted to his two girl-
friends, one of whom lives uptown and the other downtown. He
therefore decides to catch the first bus to arrive, whichever direction
it is going in. Since all the buses run at equal intervals, and his own
The Puzzles 127
A 2 3 B
How many cards must you turn over to check whether my additional
claim is correct?
385. The Cigarette Ends A tramp collecting cigarette ends from the
street can make a new cigarette out of four ends. He collects in one
morning, thirty-two ends. How many cigarettes can he smoke that
386. Coin Catch I have only two coins in my pocket. They add up
to 15 pence and yet one of them is not a 10 pence piece. What
denominations are they?
128 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
387. Beer from a Can You are drinking beer from a can. When the
can is full, the centre of gravity of the beer and can together will be in
the centre of the can, as near as makes no difference. As you start to
drink, the centre of gravity falls, but by the time the can is empty it is
back to the centre of the now-empty can.
At what point did the centre of gravity reach its minimum
389. The Lily in the Pond A water lily doubles in size, that is, in the
area of the leaf lying on the surface of the pond, every 24 hours. If it
takes 30 days to cover the pond completely, after how many days did
it cover exactly one half of the pond?
396. Up and Down John Smith leaves home every morning, from
his flat at the top of a tower block, and takes the lift to the ground
floor, walks to the bus stop and catches the bus.
On the way home, however, he gets off the bus, walks to the tower
block entrance, takes the lift to the seventh floor and then walks the
rest of the way. Why? It may help you to know that he is extremely
healthy, and is not in need of exercise.
130 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
397. Three into Two You have a frying pan which will take only
two slices of bread at a time, and you wish to fry three slices, each on
both sides. Since each slice takes 20 seconds for each side, you can
certainly fry them all in 80 seconds, by doing two pieces together and
then the third.
But can you fry them more efficiently?
398. The Jigsaw Puzzle 'In assembling a jigsaw puzzle, let us call
the fitting together of two pieces a "move", independently of whether
the pieces consist of single pieces or of blocks of pieces already
assembled. What procedures will minimize the number of moves
required to solve an n-piece puzzle? What is the minimum number of
moves needed?'
399. The Ladder and the Box A ladder, 4 metres long, is leaning
against a wall in such a way that it just touches a box, 1 metre by 1
metre, as in the figure. How high is the top of the ladder above the
The Puzzles 131
400. The Crossed Ladders Two ladders, 20 and 30 feet long, lean
across a passageway. They cross at a point 8 feet above the floor.
How wide is the passage?
401. Odd Corners The regular tetrahedron and the regular dodeca-
hedron both have vertices at which an odd number of edges meet, but
they have an even number of such vertices.
Is it possible for a polyhedron to have an odd number of vertices at
which an odd number of edges meet?
402. Where does Mr Jones Live? Mr Jones has moved to a new house
in a rather long street, and has noticed that the sum of the numbers up
to his own house, but excluding it, equals the sum of the numbers of his
house to the end house in the road. If the houses are numbered
consecutively, starting from 1, what number does Mr Jones live at?
404. The Breakfast Egg Mr Oval started every day with an egg,
lightly boiled, with a slice of toast, yet he never bought an egg,
neither borrowed nor stole his eggs and did not keep chickens. Please
405. A Riddle Two legs sat on three legs when along came four legs
and stole the one leg, whereupon two legs picked up three legs and
threw it at four legs, and got his one back. Explain, please.
406. The Bottle and Cork A bottle and its cork cost 21 pence and
the bottle costs 20 pence more than the cork. What is the cost of
407. The Mixed-up Labels You are given three boxes containing,
respectively, chocolate drops, aniseed balls, and a mixture. Unfortu-
nately, every jar has been wrongly labelled with the label that ought
to have gone on one of the other jars.
What is the least you need do to discover which jar is which and
restore the labels to their correct jars?
409. The Circle and Saucers 'Our table top is circular and its
diameter is fifteen times the diameter of our saucers, which are also
circular. How many saucers can be placed on the table top so that
they overlap neither each other nor the edge of the table?'
410. Balls in a Box What is the size of the smallest cubical box
which will just contain four balls, each ten inches in diameter?
414. A Moving Poser Place three coins in a row, like this, so that
each touches the next:
A 8 c
The puzzle is to move coin A so that it is between coins Band C,
without touching either B or C.
415. High Stakes 'Mike sat down and started shuffling the cards.
"What stakes?" he asked.
'''Let's make it a gamble," Steve replied, putting a few bills and
some coins in the table. "The first game, the loser pays 1 cent, the
second 2 cents, and sopn. Double up each time."
"'Okay," laughed Mike, checking his cash, "I've got only $6.01
and I'm not playing more than ten games anyway."
'So they played, and game followed game until at last Mike stood
up. "That's my last cent I've just paid you," he declared, "but I'll
have my revenge next week."
'How many games had they played, and which did Mike win?'
416. Some are Less Equal than Others 'A pencil, eraser and note-
book together costs $1. A notebook costs more than two pencils, and
three pencils cost more than four erasers. If three erasers cost more
than a notebook, how much does each cost?'
418. The Broken Stick (1) A stick is broken into three pieces. What
is the probability that they will form a triangle?
To make what we have in mmd a little clearer, let's say that two
points are chosen at random on the stick, each choice being independ-
ent of the other, and the stick is broken at those points.
The Puzzles 135
419. The Broken Stick (2) A stick IS broken into two pieces, at
random. What IS the average length of the shorter piece?
422. Multiple Ages A man and his grandson have the same birthday.
For six consecutive birthdays the man is an integral number of times
as old as his grandson. How old is each at the sixth of these birth-
423. Grandfather and Grandson 'In 1932 I was as old as the last
two digits of my birth year. When I mentioned this interesting
coinCidence to my grandfather, he surprised me by saying that the
same applied to him too. I thought that impossible .. .'
What were their ages?
425. Equal Areas How many regions of equal area can you see in
this figure?
426. A Great Day for the Race 'Fred Bretts noticed that there were
nine runners in the big race and asked his bookie what odds he was
'''3-1 on Bonnie Lass, 4-1 on Golden Stirrup, 7-1 on Two's a
Crowd, 9--1 on Greek Hero and 39-1 the field," he replied.
'Fred thought for a few moments and then astounded the bookie
by placing a bet on each of the nine horses, all to win. No each-way
nonsense for fearless Fred. And all on credit, of course.
'''You might as well give me my winnings now," said Fred.
'''The race hasn't been run yet, Sir," smiled the bookie.
'''That doesn't matter," said Fred. "When it has, you'll owe me
£200. "
'And he was right.
'How much did he stake on each horse?'
427. Find the Centre How can the centre of a circle be found,
accurately, by the use of a set-square only?
429. Popsicle Polygons The figure shows how five iced-lolly sticks,
called popsicle sticks in the United States, can be used to make a
triangle that can be picked up and handed round without falling
431. Eight Heads and Eight Tails Lay down sixteen coins, heads
and tails alternately as shown. The problem is to rearrange the coins
so that those in each vertical column are alike. Two coins only, may
be touched.
138 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
435. A Moving Problem Jack and Jill are moving to a new flat and
their grand piano presents a potential problem. Fortunately, it will
just pass round the corridor without being tipped on its end or being
436. Square and Add The number 3025 has the curious property
that if you split it into two parts, add the two parts together and
square the result, the original number is recovered:
30 + 25 = 55 and 5SZ = 3025.
What is the only other number, consisting of four different digits,
with this property?
The Puzzles 139
438. Dud Coins by the Boxful Mr Jones has plenty of coins, ten
boxes of them in fact, but unfortunately one box contains duds which
are all 2 gm short in weight. Even more unfortunately, he has forgot-
ten which box contains the duds. If all the other boxes contain good
coins, weighing 40 gm each, how many weighings on a weighing
machine are necessary to decide which box has the duds?
440. A Sound Bet? 'I will bet you one pound,' said Fred, 'that if you
give me two pounds, I will give you three pounds in return.'
'Done,' replied Jack. Was he?
441. Sealed Bids 'Red and Black each stakes a 5 pence piece. Now
each competes for this pool by writing down a sealed bid. When the
bids are simultaneously revealed, the high bidder wins the stakes but
pays the low bidder the amount of his low bid. If the bids are equal,
Red and Black split the stakes.
'How much do you bid, Red?'
442. Sharing the Sandwiches Jones and Smith were sharing a jour-
ney, and when they felt hungry they prepared to share their sand-
wiches, of which Jones had brought five and Smith had brought
However, seeing a stranger, who turned out to be Mr Watson,
eyeing their sandwiches, they offered to share them with him. Watson
140 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
accepted, and they shared the sandwiches equally, after which Watson
insisted on contributing £2 to the coSt of his lunch .
Jones immediately suggested that they split the money in proportion
to their contributions, Jones taking five parts, or £1.25, and Smith
taking three parts, or 75p. But Smith objected, insisting that this
would not be just. Who was right, and how much did each receive?
443. Pulling a Pint ' A stranger walked into a public bar, put ten-
pence on the counter and asked for half a pint of beer. The barmaid
asked whether he would like Flowers or I.P.A. The stranger asked for
'Another complete stranger entered the bar, put tenpence on the
counter and asked for half a pint of beer. Upon which the barmaid
immediately pulled half of Flowers. How did she know what the
second man, who was a stranger to her, wanted?'
445. Mid-point with Compass Only You are given two points which
may be thought of as the ends of a line segment, except that the line
isn't there. How can you find the mid-point of the imaginary segment
using only a pair of compasses? No ruler, no straight-edge are
allowed, and no folding to get a straight line by stealth.
446. Tricky Tumblers Here are six tumblers, three full and three
empty, arranged in a row.
What is the smallest number of moves needed to leave the tumblers
alternately full and empty? Every time a tumbler is picked up, that
counts as a move.
447. Turning Tails There are eight ways to arrange three coins in a
row, each coin showing either head or tail. Starting with three heads
showing, and changing only one coin at a time, can you in just seven
The Puzzles 141
Note: One of the 'across' numbers is the same as one of the 'downs'.
This is the only case of identity, though one number in the puzzle
(relating to something quite different) happens to be the area in roods
of the rectangular field' known as Dog's Mead. Equipped with this
information and the homely items that follow, the reader is invited to
discover that jealously guarded secret, the age of Mrs Grooby, Farmer
Dunk's mother-in-law.
Readers may like to know that 1 acre was 4840 square yards, and 1
rood was one quarter of an acre. Also there were 20 shillings in £1 ster-
Across Down
I. Area of Dog'~ Mead 111 square 1. Value 111 shillings per acre of
yards. Dog's Mead.
142 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
449. Fours into Nine 'This is the grid for a children's crossword, in
which no word of more than four letters will be used. Apart from this
restriction, the grid will obey the usual rule that the black squares do
not separate any part of the puzzle completely from the remainder.
453. Mothers and Fathers First Only one large piece of cake re-
mained, in the shape of a triangle. 'Equal shares for all!' announced
Lilly, the tiniest.
'Agreed!' replied her mother. 'We shall all have pieces of exactly
the same shape,' and so saying she cut the triangular cake into five
pieces, all the same shape, two large and identical pieces for Father
and herself, and three smaller identical pieces for the three children.
How much more cake did Father have than Lilly?
454. Arithmetic in Pictures Anyone can see that 5' + 10' = 11' +
2', both being equal to 125. But can you demonstrate this by
geometry? Specifically by dissecting each of these figures into the
other, using of course as few pieces as possible?
455. Dollars into Cents 'When Mr Smith cashed a cheque (for less
than $100), the bank clerk accidentally mistook the number of dollars
for the number of cents, and conversely. After Mr Smith had spent 68
cents, he discovered that he had twice as much money as the cheque
had been written for. What was the amount for which the cheque had
been written?'
144 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
• • •
• • •
• • •
456. Four through Nine Taking your pencil, can you cross out all
nine of these dots with four straight lines, without lifting your pencil
off the paper?
457. Sixteen Out Taking your pencil, cross out all sixteen of these
dots, in a sequence of straight strokes, without lifting your pencil
from the paper and ending up at the point where you started. How
few strokes are required?
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
458. The True! 'After a mutual and irreconcilable dispute among
Red, Black and Gray, the three parties have agreed to a three-way
duel. Each man is provided with a pistol and an unlimited supply of
ammunition. Instead of simultaneous volleys, a firing order is to be
established and followed until one survivor remains.
'Gray is a 100 per cent marksman, never having missed a buWs-eye
in his shooting career. Black is successful two out of three times on
the average, and you, Red, are only a 113 marksman. Recognizing the
The Puzzles 145
459. The Hurried Duellers 'Duels in the town of Discretion are rarely
fatal. There, each contestant comes at a random moment between
5 a.m. and 6 a.m. on the appointed day and leaves exactly five minutes
later, honour served, unless his opponent arrives within the time
interval and then they fight. What fraction of duels lead to violence?'
461. Seven Up These seven cups have to be turned the right way
up, but each move must consist of inverting three at a time. You can
choose the three from anywhere in the line, they need not for
example be adjacent, and a cup may be inverted on one move,
inverted again on the next, and so on.
How many moves are necessary? How many moves would you
need if the rules specified that four cups be inverted at each turn?
464. Cutting the Cake Only Jane and her three closest friends are
to cut her birthday cake. If they each make one vertical cut, what is
the maximum number of pieces that they can cut?
If not all the slices have to be vertical, which is alright because the
marzipan on top makes Patrick sick anyway, how many pieces of
cake can the four of them cut?
466. Two proof readers are checking two copies of the same manu-
script. The first finds thirty errors, and the second finds only twenty-
four. When their completed proofs are compared, it turns out that
only twenty errors have been spotted by both of them.
How many errors would you suspect remain, not detected by either
of them?
467. How Many Mistakes? How many mistakes are there in this
sentence: 'This sentance contanes one misteak'?
What is the answer to the same question for this sentence: 'Their
are three misteaks in this sentence'?
469. Siting a Central Depot 'The street plan of a city consists only
of straight streets intersecting at right-angles, and at an odd number
of the junctions there are kiosks. The figure gives, as an example, a
plan with ten streets and three kiosks. The occupants of the kiosks
now wish to draw their wares from a common central depot. How
should this be located so as to give a minimum total length for single
trips to the depot from each individual kiosk? The breadths of the
streets may be neglected.'
470. Nobel Prizes 'On the occasion of receiving his second Nobel
prize, Dr LinUS Pauling, the chemist, remarked that, while the chances
of any person in the world receiving his first Nobel prize were one in
several billion (the population of the world), the chances of receiving
a second Nobel prize were one in several hundred (the total number
of living people who had receIved the prize in the past) and that
therefore it was less remarkable to receive one's second prize than
one's first.'
What is the flaw in Professor Pauling's joke argument?
471. All Horses are the Same Colour Here is a proof that all horses
are the same colour. One horse is certainly the same colour as itself.
Now assume that the title statement is true of any set of N horses.
Then it follows that it is true for any set of N + 1 horses, by the
following reasoning:
Remove one horse from the set of N + 1 horses, to leave a set of N
horses who are all, by our assumption, the same colour. Next, replace
that horse and remove a different horse, to leave another set of N
horses, all the same colour. By this argument, the two horses removed
each have the same colour as the other N - 1 horses in the set.
Therefore, all N + 1 horses have the same colour.
Where is the fallacy in this argument?
148 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
472. Father and Son Mr Smith and his son were involved in a
terrible accident at the factory where they worked. Mr Smith was
killed outright, and his son was rushed to the emergency unit of the
local hospital, and prepared for immediate surgery.
The surgeon on duty came into the operating theatre, saw the
patient and exclaimed, 'That's my son, I can't operate!' and sent for a
Explain, please!
473. Father's Son Lord Elphick was showing his guest the family
portraits. Pointing to one, he remarked: 'Brothers and sisters have I
none, but that man's father is my father's son.'
Who was represented in the portniit?
476. Three Digits What is the largest number that can be written
with just three digits, using no other signs or symbols at all - and
what are its last two digits?
477. The Five Couples 'My wife and I recently attended a party at
which there were four other married couples. Various handshakes
took place. No one shook hands with himself (or herself) or with his
(or her) spouse, and no one shook hands with the same person more
than once.
'After all the handshakes were over, I asked each person, including
my wife, how many hands he (or she) had shaken. To my surprise
each gave a different answer. How many hands did my wife shake?'
478. For the Love of a Good Woman Sir Pumphret and Sir Limpney
both loved the Lady Isabel and resolved to have a race, the winner to
take her hand in marriage. Knowing that Lady Isabel was opposed to
all forms of competition, they chose to have a loser's race, the one
whose horse came in last being the winner.
The first race was, predictably, a farce. They started very slowly,
then went backwards, wandered off the course, and never came
within sight of the finishing line.
The second race was quite different, both knights racing their
mounts to the finishing line. Why?
150 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
481. Common Tangents Here are three circles and six common
tangents which meet in pairs at three points, X, Y and Z. It appears
that XYZ is a straight line.
When this was first shown to Professor John Edson Sweet, a famous
American engineer, Professor Sweet paused for a moment and said,
'Yes, that is perfectly self-evident.'
What was Professor Sweet's reasoning?
482. Polygon Products The figure shows how three regular dodeca-
gons can be dissected, most elegantly, into pieces which assemble into
one, larger, regular dodecagon.
Your problem is a little simpler. How can these three hexagon stars
be cut up and reassembled into one star of the same shape?
The Puzzles 151
483. Dodecagon into Square This IS a regular dodecagon and a
square, of equal area.
Your puzzle is to dissect each of them into six pieces that will
reassemble to form the other. Because of a hidden - well, it's not that well
hidden - feature of the two shapes, this is not as difficult as it might seem.
487. The Magic Hexagram Twelve circles have been placed at the
vertices and intersections of this star. How can the numbers 1 to 12
be placed, one in each circle, so that the sums of the numbers in every
row, and also the sum of the six vertices, are equal?
The Puzzles 153
488. The Two Bookcases 'A room 9 by 12 feet contains two book-
cases that hold a collection of rare erotica. Bookcase A B is 8f feet
long, and bookcase CD is 4! feet long. The bookcases are positioned
so that each is centred along its wall and one inch from the wall.
c 4i FEET D
8 A
D c
489. Put the Cherry in the Glass This diagram represents a cocktail
glass, composed of four matches, and a cherry.
~, J
By moving only two matches, place the cherry into the glass.
491. The Mystic Square This square has occult properties. For
example, careful study of the square will reveal the missing symbol
which should go into the empty cell. What is it?
\(J C5 11
M C3
The Puzzles 155
156 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
498. The Island in the Lake The figure shows a small island, on
which is a tree, in the middle of a large and deep lake, which is 300
yards across. On the shore is another tree.
499. A Present-able Poser Five pigeons are flying over a field in the
form of an equilateral triangle, of side 100 metres. Each pigeon, as it
The Puzzles 157
flies, makes a small deposit, as pigeons are wont to do. Explain why
at least one pair of these small deposits must be at most 50 metres
501. Six on Five How can six matches be placed on a table so that
each of the matches touches all the other five matches?
502. The Last Match More and Less were playing a simple game.
They had a pde of twenty-one matches in front of them on the table
and they took turns to remove up to, but not more than, three
matches. The loser was the person who took the last match.
So far, Less has been less successful than More. Can you recom-
mend a strategy to Less which would make him more successful than
More, or at least guarantee that the games were spin more or less
evenly between them?
504. How Many Triangles With three line~ only one mangle can be
created, With four Imes only fOUL How many can he created With SIX
straIght Imes?
158 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
This figure shows four countries, each of which borders the other
three. However, only three of the countries are the same shape. Can
you remedy this defect by drawing a map of four countries, of
identical shape and size, so that each borders the other three?
Tbe Puzzles 159
507. Heads over Tails Layout eight pen Illes in the circle, all heads
up. Start at any coin of your choice, count four as you touch four
coins in succession, and turn over a head. Choose one of the remaining
heads, count to four, starting with the chosen coin, and turn over the
fourth coin, to show tails up. Repeat until all but one of the coins are
tails up. Remember, you must start each time with a head, and the
fourth coin must be a head until you turn it tails up.
509. The Maximal Product 'What is the largest number which can
be obtained as the product of positive integers which add up to 100?'
513. Delightful Discounts Buying from your favourite store you are
offered a discount of 5 per cent for payment in cash, 10 per cent as a
long-standing customer, and 20 per cent because it is sale time. In
what order should you take these discounts in order to pay as little as
possible for your purchase?
514. Fold and Fold Again Taking a large rectangular piece of thin
paper in your hands, you fold it in half once, and then in half again.
Repeating the same action, you fold it fifty times, each time in half.
After a few folds it is noticeably thicker. How thick is it after fifty
To be more precise, suppose that the original sheet is one-tenth of
a millimetre in thickness.
518. The Square and the Triangle These five pieces can be as-
sembled to form a square and a triangle. How?
520. Friends and Strangers At a small dinner party, which for the
purposes of this problem means a gathering of exactly six people,
there will always be either three people who are mutual friends, or
three guests who are mutual strangers. True or false?
521. Up and Down the Garden Path Lady Merchant's garden con-
sists of square plots of flowers surrounded by low box-hedges, with
paths between the plots.
Lady Merchant enters at the gate to the left and walks along the
paths to the summer house at the right-hand corner, every evening
taking, as far as possible, a different route.
162 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
For how many successive days can she avoid repeating herself if
she is always moving towards the summer house?
o o o o
o o o o o o
3 o o o o o o
6 o o o o
523. Tick and Cross There are twelve pentominoes, each composed
of five identical squares edge to complete edge. You will notice that
two of them resemble a V and an X, which we have called a Tick and
a Cross. How can an enlarged copy of each of these two figures, three
times as wide and three times as tall, be assembled each using nine of
the pentominoes?
z F L p N
524. Animals in the Cage Just as there are twelve distinct pentomi-
noes, so there are also, coincidentally, just twelve little 'animals' that
can be composed of six equilateral triangles fixed edge to complete
~ ~ Signpost
Crown ~ IV\/\/
~ ~ Butterfly
Hook Lobster
How can these twelve animals be packed into the rhombus which is
six units along each edge?
What is the smallest polyomino which will tile the plane, such that
each piece interlocks individually with each adjacent piece? And what
is the smallest polyomino tile if the condition is only that the
tessellation as a whole is interlocking, even if individual pieces are
527. Two Children 'I have two children. They aren't both boys.
What is the probability that both children are girls?'
Now suppose that I have two children of whom the elder is a boy.
What is the probability that both are boys?
528. Pearls and Jars 'Mrs Tabako has fifty natural pearls, fifty
cultured pearls and two Ming jars. If she uses all the pearls, how
should she distribute them in the two jars in such a way that when
Mr Tabako enters the room and picks one pearl out of either jar at
random he will have the best possible chance of picking a cultured
530. Reptile Repeat It is quite easy - well, fairly easy - to cut this
rectangle-with-a-corner-misplaced into two identical pieces, as the
dotted lines show.
L ____ _
166 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Can you, however, cut it into three identical pieces? Three whole
pieces, that is; none of the pieces may be made up of smaller parts.
531. The Sphinx This shape, named for obvious reasons, can be cut
into four whole pieces, all identical in shape and all the same shape as
the original Sphinx. Curiously, the extra lines drawn total one half of
the perimeter of the original figure in length. How is it done?
533. Simple Sums Take any four-digit number, arrange the digits in
ascending and descending order to form two numbers, and subtract
the smaller from the larger. Repeat the same process with the answer.
What is the result - eventually?
its mail and then walked to to, then back to 2, then all the way to 9,
and so on, zig-zagging up and down the road, and ending up at No.
6, where he was always offered a cup of tea and a bun, after walking
100 x (9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 4500 metres.
One day, however, it occurred to him that he might do 'worse'
than start at No. 1 and he planned an even longer route, which still,
however, ended up at No.6. What was it?
536. Bemusing Bolts Hold two identical bolts against each other, as
in the figure, and rotate them around each other, as if you were
'twiddling your thumbs'.
537. Packing Triangles I have two triangles, one larger than the
other. The longest, middle and shortest sides of the smaller are
shorter than the longest, middle and shortest sides of the larger, respec-
Can I be certain that the smaller triangle can actually be placed
inside the larger, without overlapping its edges?
• • • • •
The figure, which is merely illustrative, shows how an army of
only eight men can send one man to the third rank beyond the
starting line.
Your problem, as General, is to decide just how far the army is
able to march. You are allowed, of course, to choose the size of the
army and to dispose your men in any manner you choose.
540. Points in a Square This is a square lattice. The pOints are all at
the vertices of identical squares, and you have to imagine, of course,
that the points are infinitely small. This is an essential point - pardon
the pun - because the problem is to decide whether it is possible to
draw a square on the lattice which contains exactly seventeen lattice
points in its interior and no lattice points on its perimeter.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • •
The Puzzles 169
541. The Squirrel and the Hunter A hunter sees a squirrel in a tree,
and walks towards it. As he does so, the squirrel disappears round
the far side of the trunk, and as the hunter circles the tree the squirrel
keeps out of sight on the other side, circling also. As this curious
chase continues there is no doubt that they are both circling the tree,
but, are they circling each other?
William James, the famous psychologist, posed this problem in his
book Pragmatism. What is your pragmatic response?
544. Cooked Turkey 'An old invoice showed that seventy-two tur-
keys had been purchased for "-67.9-". The first and last digits were il-
How much did each turkey cost?
547. The Lost Paddle 'A man went upstream from his dock In a
motorboat. As he passed under a bridge one mile from the dock his
emergency paddle fell overboard, a loss which he did not discover
until 10 minutes later, whereupon he went back downstream to
retrieve his paddle, and caught up to it directly opposite his dock. If
he travelled at constant water speed and lost no appreciable time
turning round, what was the rate of the current of the river?'
549. The Burning Candles 'On Christmas Eve two candles, one of
which was one inch longer than the other, were lighted. The longer
one was lighted at 4.30 and the shorter one at 6.00. At 8.30 they were
both the same length. The longer one burned out at 10.30, and the
shorter one at to.OO. How long was each candle originally?'
550. The Heavy Boxes 'Five equal cubical boxes, each with an A on
its top side, stand together as in the first figure.
'The boxes are to be brought in.o line, but they are so heavy that
they can be moved only by tipping them over about an edge. With
these conditions, it proves to be impossible to bring them into line
with all the A's the same way up, and the arrangement finally
achieved has the plan view shown in the second figure. Which box
was orIginally in the middle?'
554. Short-list
'1. The number of the first true statement here added to the number
of the second false statement gives the number of a statement
which is true.
2. There are more true statements than false.
3. The number of the second true statement added to the number of
the first false statement gives the number of a statement which is
4. There are no two consecutive true statements.
5. There are at most three false statements.
6. If this puzzle consisted of statements 1 to 5 only, then the answer
to the following question would still be the same.
557. Hot Cross Buns 'The hot cross bun man cried:
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,
One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns,
If your daughters don't like them
Give them to your sons!
Two a penny, three a penny, hot cross buns,
I had as many daughters as I have sons
So I gave them seven pennies
To buy their hot cross buns.
How many children were there if they were all treated alike and if
there was only one way in which to purchase the buns?'
558. White to Play This looks like the position after White has
made a rather unusual first move, yet it is, in fact, the position after
Black has just played.
What is the smallest number of moves that could have been played, in
order to reach this position with White to play?
The Puzzles 175
559. The Unwound Clock 'I have no watch, but I have an excellent
clock, which I occasIOnally forget to wind. Once when this happened
I went to the house of a friend, passed the evening in listening to a
radio concert programme, and went back and set my clock. How
could I do this without knowing beforehand the length of the trip?'
560. Tom's House 'John is trying to find out where Tom lives, and
all he knows is that it is in a street where the houses are numbered
from 8 to 100 (inclusive). John asks, "Is it greater than 50?" and Tom
answers, but lies. John then asks, "Is the number a multiple of 4?"
Again Tom answers, and again he lies. Then John says, "Is it a
perfect square?" Tom answers and this time he tells the truth. Finally
John asks "Is the first digit 3?" After Tom has replied (truthfully or
not we do not know!) John tells him the number. He is wrong! What
was the number of Tom's house?'
561. The Same Sister Is it possible for two men who are completely
unrelated to each other, to have the same sister?
563. A cylinder can be 'squared' with the usc of only ten square pieces.
How can squares of edges 30, 27, 25, 17, 15, 13, 11, 8, 3 and 2 be
fitted together to fill the space between two parallel lines, in such a
way that when the opposite edges are joined, it forms a 'squared'
176 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting P.uzzles
565. The Murderess 'Three women, named Anna, Babs and Cora,
were questioned about the murder of Dana. One of the three women
committed the murder, the second was an accomplice in the murder,
and the third was innocent of any involvement in the murder.
'Each of the following three statements was made by one of the
three women:
1. Anna is not the accomplice.
2. Babs is not the murderess.
3. Cora is not the innocent one.
I. Each statement refers to a woman other than the speaker.
II. The innocent woman made at least one of these statements.
III. Only the innocent woman told the truth.
Which one of the three women was the murderess?'
Which of the ten digits does G represent?
down on Wardie and Myrtle yesterday. He's hardly sold a car this
'Ben smiled. "A lot of them are having a tough time," he said, "but
maybe I'm lucky. We've done well so far this month - each week
more sales than the previous week."
'''What's that in actual numbers?" asked Bob, who's a great one
for facts.
'''I'm not sure about the last few days," replied Ben, "but we sold
fifty-six cars the first three weeks. And here's something to amuse
yourself with." He thought a moment. "The difference between the
numbers we sold in the first and second weeks, multiplied by the
difference between the second and third weeks, comes to the same as
the number we sold the first week."
'The shapely waitress leaned over his friend just then to take their
order, and Bob rather lost interest in car sales. But how many cars
would you say Ben sold in the third week?'
4. Each of the five solutions has nine terms. 1 = 113 + 115 + 117 +
119 + 1111 + 1115 + 1135 + 1145 + 11231 has the smallest larger
denominator, 231.
[Gardner, 1978a]
7. 9.
[Peet, 1923, p. 63]
8. 13z\.
[Peet, 1923, p. 65]
10. 11 + lOB + 20 + 291 + 38i = 100. This problem was also solved
by false position. The scribe first artificially constructs the series 1 +
6t + 12 + 17t + 23 = 60, which has the property that the first two
terms sum to one-seventh of the last three. Each term is then multi-
plied by Ii to change the 60 into 100.
[Peet, 1923, p. 78]
11. 62 + 82 = 100.
[Gillings, 1972, p. 161]
15. Given that a, band c are integers, such that a' + b' = c', either
a or b is even; suppose that a is even.
Then there are integers p and q such that a = 2pq, b = p' - q'
and c = p2 + qZ.
The evidence that the Babylonians used this formula is simple: the
values of p and q which fit the numbers on Plimpton 322 are all so-
called 'regular' numbers whose factors are powers of only 2, 3, and 5
or products of such powers.
The ratio cia = t(plq + qlp). The Babylonians could now find
suitable values of p and q by referring to the standard reciprocal
tables which they used for multiplication anyway. We lack such
The Solutions 183
The approximate ratio 1.54 in the problem was taken from the
figures 3541 and 2291 in Plimpton.
[Neugebauer and Sachs, 1945, pp. 38-41; Eves, 1976, p. 37)
16. Let the letters X, Y, Z and T denote the numbers of white, black,
dappled and yellow bulls respectively, and x, y, z and t denote the
number of white, black, dappled and yellow cows, respectively. Then
the conditions of the problem give seven equations in these eight
(1) X - T = 5/6 Y (4) x = 7/12 (Y + y)
(2) Y - T = 9/20 Z (5) y = 9/20 (Z + z)
(3) Z - T = 13/42 X (6) z = 11/30 (T + t)
(7) t = 13/42 (X + x)
From the first three equations, X, Y and Z can be found in terms of
X = 742/297 T Y = 178/99 T Z = 1580/891 T
Since 891 and 1580 possess no common factors, T must be some
whole multiple -let us say G - of 891. Consequently,
X = 2226G Y = 1602G Z = 1580G T = 891G
If these values are substituted into equations (4), (5), (6) and (7), the
following equations are obtained:
12x - 7y = 11214G 20y - 9z = 14220G
184 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
18. Suppose that Mary alms for point P on the river bank. Reflect
Mary's original position in the line of the river bank. Then the
distance SPT equals the distance S'PT and the latter will be a
mimmum when S'PT is a straight line. It follows that P IS the point
such that SP and PT make the same angle with the line of the river.
Heron used exactly the same argument by reflection to conclude
that when light is reflected, the angles of incidence and reflection are
equal. This is one of the earliest solutions to an extremal problem. As
The Solutions 185
one Greek commentator remarked on Heron's solution, expressing a
view which has haunted and inspired scientists ever since, 'for Nature
does nothing in vain nor labours in vain.'
19. 'My right eye fills 118 jar in 6 hours [taking a day to be 24 hours,
where the Greeks might have taken it to be 12], and my left eye fills
1112 in 6 hours, and my foot 1116. Thus all four fill the jar 1 +
118 + 1112 + 1116 = Iii times in 6 hours. So the jar will be filled once
in 6 x 48/61 hours, or 47 minutes and 13 seconds, approximately.'
[Sandford, 1930, p. 216]
21. Suppose that the given ratio is n rather than 3. Then, if u,v and
x,y are the sides of two such rectangles, the equations can be written:
u + v = n(x + y) xy = nuv
and Heron's solution runs parallel to the general solution:
x=2n 3 -1 y = 2n 3
u = n(4n 3 - 2) v=n
which leads Heron to his solution: the rectangles are 53 x 54 and
318 x 3.
[Thomas, 1980, p. 505]
186 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
22. There is no very simple solution to this problem. The sides are
20,21 and 29, and the area is 210.
[Thomas, 1980, pp. 507-8)
23. 20.
[The quotation from Xylander is from Ore, 1948, p. 195)
30. The string must form a semi-circle. Imagine that it takes the form
in the figure, and reflect the shape in the shore-line. Then the entire
closed curve will be the curve that encloses the largest area, for
double the length of string. This is a circle, a fact which follows from
the theorem that the polygon with a given number of sides, with
188 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
\ I
\ I
\ I
, I
" I
',......... ///
31. The area is a maximum when the ends of the rods lie on a circle.
This conclusion is suggested by the thought that if the quadrilateral is
adjusted so that its vertices do lie on a circle, which is certainly
possible, and the four arcs of the circle are then also hinged at the
vertices of the quadrilateral, and the figure moved, then the area
surrounded by the four circular arcs cannot be a maximum since they
no longer form a circle: yet the areas between the arcs and the sides
of the quadrilateral have not changed - only the interior area of the
quadrilateral changes when the figure is moved about its hinges.
The area can be calculated by a formula that was discovered by
Brahmagupta but also apparently known to Archimedes. If half the
sum of the sides, a, b, c and d, is s, then the area is given by
(If one of the sides has zero length, then the quadrilateral becomes a
triangle, which is automatically inscribable in a circle, and this
formula becomes Heron's formula ~)(s - b)(s - c) for the
area of a triangle with sides a, band c; s is half the of the sides.)
32. Reflect the original figure in both walls, and then reflect a third
time, to get this complete figure.
The area enclosed by the screen will be a maximum when the area
of the entire octagon is a maximum, and this will be so when it is a
regular octagon. So the screen must be placed so that it meets the
walls at two angles of 67}0 each.
The Solutions 189
33. Reflect the isosceles triangle in its third, variable, side, to form a
rhombus. The area of the rhombus will be a maximum when it is a
square, and so the area of the isosceles triangle is a maximum when
the angle between its equal sides is a right-angle.
37. If the estate remaining after payment of the legacy is divided into
twenty parts, the husband receives five, the son six and each daughter
three. The stranger receives 15/56, so Al-Khwarizmi divides the
whole estate into 20 x 56 = 1120 parts. The stranger receives 300,
the husband 205, the son 246, and each daughter 123.
38. Abul Wafa gave five different solutions. Here are three of them.
Let one vertex of the equilateral triangle be at D. Construct N so
that ABN is equilateral. Mark F on AB so that AB = BF, and draw
an arc cutting ABF so that FN = FG. Then G is one of the other
vertices, and the last vertex is easily found on BC
190 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
[Berggren, 1986]
The Solutions 191
39. Abul Wafa's solution bisects two of the squares and places them
symmetrically around the third. Joining vertices by the dotted lines,
the larger square is found. The four small pieces outside it fit exactly
the spaces inside its boundary.
40. The same solution works if the two larger squares are bisected.
Their size is irrelevant.
192 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
41. Dissect the larger hexagon into six identical triangles, as here,
and then arrange them around the smaller hexagon. The dotted lines
complete the dissection.
[Wells, 1975]
42. Arrange the three larger triangles round the small similar tri-
angles, like this, and join the vertices as indicated.
[Wells, 1975]
43. Mark AC equal to the fixed radius, and draw two arcs, with
centres A and C, to construct D, the third vertex of equilateral
triangle ACD. Extend the line CD and mark off E, so that DE = CD.
Then AE is perpendicular to AB.
The Solutions 193
A c B
each person alive today had at the start of the Christian era, which
happens to be about sixty-four generations ago. The ratio of 2'4 to
the actual population of the earth at that time is therefore a measure
of the amount of unintentional interbreeding that has taken place.
[Kasner and Newman, 1949]
48. Fifty soldiers broke down and fifteen remained in the field.
[Mahavira, 1912, p. 112]
49. If bla and dlc are the original selling prices, then the average
price is Hbla + die). The trusts set the price to be (b + d)/(a + c).
Comparing these two expressions, and simplifying, it follows that the
trust price will be advantageous only if a > c and bla > dlc, that is,
if the original prices are unequal and the denominator of the higher
price is greater than that of the lower price.
[The theme of this problem occurs in Mahavlra; this version is
taken from Kraitchik, 1955, pp. 35-6]
50. After: and! have reached the maid-servant and the bed, one half
remain. These are halved again and again, six times in all, leaving
11128 = 1161. The total number of pearls is therefore the improbable
[Mahavira, 1912, p. 73]
51. There are six ways of choosing a single flavour, and (6 x 5)/2 =
15 ways of choosing a pair of flavours. Similarly there are (6 x 5 x
4)/(3 x 2) = 20 ways of choosing three flavours, and (6 x 5 x 4 x
3)/(4 x 3 x 2) = 15 choices of four flavours. This last figure is equal
to that for a choice of two flavours because choosing four flavours is
the same as choosing two whIch you will not include. By the same
reasoning there are six ways of choosmg five flavours.
The total of all these answers, including the single way in which all
the flavours can be rejected is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64, because
each flavour can be either rejected or accepted.
[Mahavira, 1912, p. 150]
196 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
52. Let the value of the purse be x, and the wealth of the three
merchants, p, q and r. From the equations
p + x = 2q + 2r
q + x = 3p + 3r
r + x = 5p + 5q
it follows that p: q: r = 1: 3: 5, and the solution in smallest integers is
that the merchants originally had 1,3 and 5 in money, and the value
of the purse was 15.
54. Mahavira does not state the distance between the pillars because
this need not be known. The height reqUired is one half of the
harmonic mean of the given heights, that is, if the heights of the
pillars are P and Q, then the required height is
(P + Q)
(The point at which the string touches the ground divides the horizon-
tal distance between the pillars in the ratio of their heights.)
The Solutions 197
Mahavira also solves the problem in which the strings are attached
to the ground at points outside the bases of the pillars.
[Mahavira, 1912, p. 243]
56. From the figure, X, = 15 ' + (45 - Xl' from which x = 25. Alert
readers might spot at once that the triangle is just the enlarged 3--4-5
58. Let the value of each blue gem be b, of each emerald, e, and of
each diamond, d. Then,
12b + 2e + 2d = 6e + 2b + 2d = 4d + 2e + 2b
It follows that the ratios b: e: dare 2: 5 : 10, and these are the
simplest possible integral values for their worth, which cannot be
determined more exactly.
198 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
4 9 2
I + o
I 3
66. 4¥0 feet. If the height of the break is x, then x' + Y = (10 - x)'.
[Midonick, 1965, p. 184]
67. The circle has diameter 6. Liu Hui, the author of the Sea-Island
Arithmetical Classic, demonstrated this solution by a dissection.
68. 2f., days, when both grow to the same height of 4ll feet.
[Mikami, 1964, p. 18]
69. There were sixty guests. The rule given by Sun Tsu is 'Arrange
the 65 dishes, and multiply by 12, when we get 780. Divide it by 13,
and thus we obtain the answer.' This follows from the fact that if
there were x guests, then I + J + i = 65.
[Mikami, 1964, pp. 31-2]
72. If the lengths of the shorter sides are a and b, the side of the
square is ab/(a + b), as Liu Hui proved by this beautiful figure, similar
to the figure he used to solve problem 67:
The Solutions 201
1 1
1 1
I 1
1 1
- ____ -11
1 ","1 1
I ".'" I I
I ," I I
I.,' I I
~.~____~__~~I ~________ L_____ J
cl_ ~I- ~I
74. If the numbers of cocks, hens and chicks are c, hand 5 respec-
tively, then the conditions are:
c + h + 5 = 100
5c + 3h + 15 = 100
which together imply 7c + 4h = 100.
These equations are indeterminate - there are not enough condi-
tions to fix the values exactly. However, given that only whole
numbers of birds were sold, and some were sold of each kind, there
are just three solutions:
c = 12 h=4 5 = 84
c = 8 h = 11 5 = 81
c=4 h = 18 5 = 78
77. Alcuin answers: 'First there were 250 pigs bought with 100
shillings at the above mentioned rate, for five fifties are 250. On
division, each merchant had 125. One sold the poorer quality pigs at
three for a shilling; the other the better quality at two for a shilling.
The one who sold the poorer pigs received 40 shillings for 120 pigs;
The Solutions 203
the one who sold the better quality received 60 shillings for 120 pigs.
There then remained five of each sort of pig, from which they could
make a profit of 4 shillings and 2 pence.'
78. If the servant is not included in the count at each stage, then he
would arrive at the first manor having collected no men, so would
collect none there, and so on; the total collected would be zero!
Therefore the servant must include himself as the first soldier, and
the numbers on leaving each manor are 2, 4,8 ... , and on leaving the
thirtieth manor, 230 = 1,073,741,824.
79. They are cousins twice over, each having a parent who is sibling
to a parent of the other, in two ways.
80. 'To each son will come ten flasks as his portion. But divide them
as follows; give the first son the ten half-full flasks; then to the second
give five full and five empty flasks, and similarly to the third.'
81. Alcuin's solution, abbreviated, is: 1 cross with my sister, leave her
on the other side, and return. The other two sisters then cross, and
my sister brings the boat back. Then the other two men cross and one
returns with his own sister. Then he and 1 cross over, leaving our
sisters behind, and one of the women takes the boat back, and picks
up my sister who is carried over to us. Finally, the man whose sister
remains on the first bank, crosses over and brings her to us.
This takes a total of eleven crossings, which is more than necessary,
as the translator points out. A shorter solution is: 1 and my sister
cross, 1 return; the other women cross, my sister returns; 1 and my
sister cross again and 1 return; the other two men cross, and my sister
returns; 1 and my sister cross over. This is a total of nine crossings.
82. 'I would take the goat, and leave the wolf and the cabbage. Then
1 would return and take the wolf across ... and take the goat back
over; and having left that behind 1 would take the cabbage across; 1
would then row again and having picked up the goat take it over
once more. By this procedure, there would be some healthy rowing,
but without any lacerating catastrophe.'
83. 'First the two children get into the boat, and cross the river; one
of them brings the boat back. The mother crosses in the boat, and her
child brings the boat back. His brother joins him in the boat and they
go across, and again one of them takes the boat back to his father.
204 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
The father crosses, and his son ... having boarded, returns to his
brother; and both cross again. With such ingenious rowing, the
sailing may be completed without shipwreck.'
85. Alcuin solves this much as Gauss solved, when a small boy in
school, the problem of quickly summing the integers from 1 to 100.
Alcuin explains: 'Take the one which sits on the first step, and add it
to the 99 which are on the 99th step, and this makes 100. Also the
second and the 98th, and find again 100. So for each step ... will
always give 100 between the two. The fiftieth step is on its own, not
having a pair, and similarly the 100th is on its own. Join altogether
and get 5050.'
87. Let S be the original sum and 3x the sum returned equally to the
three men. Before each man received a third of the sum returned, they
possessed !S - x, tS - x and 1S - x respectively. Since these are the
sums that they possessed after putting back !, t and! of what they
had first taken, the amounts first taken were 2(S12 - x), 1(S13 - x)
and 1(S16 - x), and these amounts sum to S.
This gives the equation 7S = 47x, which is indeterminate, as is
inevitable from the original conditions, which only concern propor-
tions with no stated fixed amount.
The Solutions 205
88. Assuming that the rabbits are immortal, the number of new pairs
produced per month follows this sequence (Leonardo omitted the
first term, supposing that the first pair bred immediately):
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233
This is the famous Fibonacci sequence, so named by Lucas in 1877.
Each term is the sum of the previous two terms. For many of its
wealth of properties, see the Penguin Dictionary of Curious and
Interesting Numbers, p. 61 et seq.
Binet proved in 1844 that the nth Fibonacci number is given by the
F = (1 + Js)" - (1 - Js)"
" 2" x Js
90. Suppose the last son received N bezants. The last-but-one son,
who also received N bezants in total, received (N - 1) + ~ of the
remaining bezants at that stage. There were therefore seven bezants
remaining after he had taken N - 1, so there were N + 6 bezants to
be distributed after the previous son had received his share, and these
N + 6 bezants make the two shares of N each taken by the last two
sons. Therefore N = 6 and, working backwards, the father left an
estate of thirty-six bezants, which was divided between six sons.
[Eves, 1976, p. 230]
91. He took 382 apples. The numbers left after he gives one half and
one apple more to successive guards, are (382), 190, 94,46,22, 10,4,
and 1 for himself.
[Eves, 1976, p. 231]
206 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
93. Draw a circle through the highest and lowest points of the statue,
so that it touches a horizontal line through the eye of the spectator.
The spectator should stand with his or her eye at that point.
goal line
The Solutions 207
94. The speeds of the couriers are 250/7 and 250/9, so their speed of
approach to each other is 250 (1/7 + 1/9) = 250 x 16/63 and they
will meet in 63/16 = 3* days.
95. Place two nuns in each of the corner cells, leaving the middle cells
2 2
2 2
96. He worked for eighteen days and did not work on twelve days.
[Eves, 1976, p. 235]
97. Fill the 5 jar and fill the 3 jar from it, leaving 2 pints in the 5 jar.
Empty the 3 jar back into the cask and pour the 2 pints into the 3 jar.
Next, fill the 5 jar and fill the 3 jar from it, which takes 1 pint,
leaving 4 pints exactly in the 5 jar.
• Full
o Empty
From the circular figure, It is trivially easy to read off the moves
that must be made: any piece may make the first move, in either
direction, and the other pieces then chug round the circle in the same
The Solutions 209
104. Let the barrel originally contain x pints of wine. After one
removal and replacement, its strength will be (x - 3)/x, and the
amount of wine removed on the second removal will actually only be
3(x - 3)/x, and on the third removal, the wine removed will be
3(x - 3 - 3(x - 3)/x)
The total wine removed is one half the original quantity, and the
equation simplifies neatly to 2(x - 3)3 = xl, or x = (3 X 2'/3)/
(2'/3 - 1) = 14.54 pints.
108. Tartaglia (and Fibonacci before him) had considered the problem
of the weights required, if they can only be placed on one side of the
balance, and concluded that the best solution has weights in the
sequence of powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. This is the same
as saying that each integer can be represented uniquely in the binary
Bachet gave the solution 1, 3, 9 and 27 when both pans may be
used. The basic idea is that every number is one more or one less than
a multiple of 3. Thus 32 = (3 XII) - 1 = 3(3 x 4 - 1) - 1 =
3(3 x (3 + 1) - 1) - 1 =3' + 3' - 3 - 1. Therefore 32 Ibs can be
weighed by placing the 27 and 9 Ib weights in one pan and the 3 and
lIb weights in the other.
It is plausible that Bachet's solution is in some sense best possible,
merely because it is so simple and elegant. This was proved in 1886
by Major MacMahon, who used the method of generating functions
discovered by Euler to show that there are eight possible sets of
weights, apart from the one-scale solution, 1,2,4 ... 32. Denoting the
number of each weight by a superscript, they are:
140 ; 1,313; 1\ 94 ; 1,3,94 ; P\ 27; 1,34 ,27; 1\ 9, 27; 1,3,9,27.
Thus Bachet's solution does indeed use the fewest weights and is also
the only solution in which all the weights are different.
The Solutions 211
5 9
Here are a 5-12-13 and 9-12-15 triangle fitted together. The resulting
triangle has altitude and sides 12-13-14-15, and is the only possible
such triangle. The area is 84.
110. The right-angled triangles 5-12-13 and 6-8-10 each have area
equal to perimeter. The three proper Heronian triangles with this
property are 6-25-29; 7-15-20; 9-10-17.
111. In the solution to 109, place the same two triangles so that they
overlap. The obtuse-angled triangle with sides 4-13-15 has area
54 - 30 = 24.
Proofs of these results are not so simple; one method is to write
Heron's formula in the form
112. Each knife blade goes under the blade of one other knife and
over the blade of the third. So arranged, they can easily support a
glass of water well above the table surface.
113. Force the tips of three knives into the stick, so that the knives
hang well below the finger. The centre of gravity of the entire
arrangement will then be below the finger tip and will be stable.
115. Bend the straw and insert into the neck of the bottle, which can
then be lifted.
The Solutions 213
118. Van Etten gives the same solution - they are at the centre of the
earth, and ascending in opposite directions. However, it is also true
that if they ascended two vertical ladders on the earth's surface, they
would also be moving apart, albeit by a minuscule amount.
120. Place the point on the surface of a sphere and draw a circle,
which will be smaller than the circle drawn by the same compass on a
plane surface. Alternatively, place the point of the compass at the
apex of a circular cone, and draw a circle on its surface.
121. Wrap the paper on which you are to draw the oval round a
cylinder. The compass will then draw an oval.
122. One horse travelled east and the other travelled west, the first
gaining in the number of days it lived, and the second losing.
123. First they sold their apples at 1 penny each, then later in the day
they sold them at 3p each. A sold 2 @ Ip and 18 @ 3p, making 56
peace. B sold 17 @ 1 P and 13 @ 3 p, and C sold 32 @ 1 p and 8 @
3p, each also making 56 pence.
124. The number of individuals in the world far exceeds the number
of hairs on the head of anyone of them. Therefore if you start to pick
out individuals with given numbers of hairs on their heads, you will
be forced to pick an individual with a number of hairs that you have
already counted once, long before the population of the world is ex-
This is the first known example of the 'pigeonhole principle',
which says that if you have N + 1 objects to place in N pigeon holes,
then one hole must contain at least two objects.
125. The sum of the distances will be a minimum when the lines OA,
08 and OC all meet at 120°. (This is a general principle that applies
to all such minimum networks of 'roads'. If one of the angles is
greater than or equal to 120°, the point sought is at that vertex.)
To construct point 0 with ruler and compasses, draw equilateral
triangles outwards on each side of the triangle, and draw the circumcir-
cles of each new triangle. These circles will pass through a common
point, which is O. This construction works, because of the property
that the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral sum to 180°. Choos-
The Solutions 215
In this figure, the square hole cuts the top face along the lines
EFGH, the bottom face along ABCD and the two vertical edges at X
and Y, as indicated by the dotted lines.
129. It might seem that the chances are equal, because the proportion
of sixes required to the number of dice thrown is constant. This is not
'The chance of getting 1 six and 5 other outcomes in a particular
order ismW 5 • We need to multiply by the number of orders for 1 six
Similarly, the probability of exactly x sixes when 6 dice are thrown is
x = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
x = 0,1, ... , n
1- (~)G)O(D6 ~ 0.665
'When 6n dice are rolled, the probability of n or more sixes is
x 6 6
1_ 'i (6n)(~)X(~)6"-X
X 6 6
Clearly Pepys will do better with the 6-dice wager than with 12 or 18.
When he found that out, he decided to welch on his original bet.'
[Mosteller, 1987, problem 19]
132. These two solutions have the features of simplicity and sym-
[Fisher, 1973]
The Solutions 219
133. No, it is not. The map of the river can be represented schemati-
cally like this:
The problem is now to trace out this figure with a pencil, passing
over every line once, and no line twice, without lifting your pencil
from the paper. This is only possible if the figure to be traced
contains either no vertices at which an odd number of edges meet (in
which case you may start at any point you choose, and trace the
figure so as to return to your starting point), or just two such
vertices, in which case you can only trace the figure by starting at one
and ending at the other.
The reasoning IS simple: in arriving at a vertex and then leaving it,
two of the edges meeting at the vertex are 'used up'. Therefore, any
vertex at which an odd number of edges meet (all of which must be
traversed) can only be a starting or an ending vertex, of which there
can be at most two.
All four vertices in the figure for the Bridges of Konigsberg are
'odd', and so the figure cannot be traversed.
134. Every edge has two ends, so the total number of edge-ends IS
even. But the number of edge-ends is also the total of the number of
edges meeting at each of the individual vertices, which must therefore
include an even number of odd vertices, since an odd number of odd
vertices would give an odd grand total.
This was one of the points established by Euler in his original
135. This is one solution. Typically the same letters are knight's
moves apart from each other, and the patterns formed by the shading
are similar.
220 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
A B C 0 E
E A B C 0
0 E A B C
140. 2520 = 5 x 7 x 8 x 9.
141. This is the solution by Mr J. Hill: 'Call the number of hogs any
[one] woman bought x; the number her husband bought x + n;
money laid out by the woman is xx shillings; money laid out by the
husband is xx + 2nx + nn shillings. Equation
xx + 2nx + nn = xx + 63
143. The extra square has actually become the long and very thin
parallelogram formed by the 'diagonals' of the second figure, as
exaggerated here.
8 5
5 5
5 8
145. The rowers move at 4 miles per hour relative to the water, so
they approach each other at 8 miles per hour, and will close the 18
miles between them in 21 hours. If the water were still, their meeting
would be at the mid-point, 9 miles from each town. But due to the
current, their meeting place will have moved at H miles per hour,
over the 21 hours, downstream from Haverhill towards Newburyport,
a total drift of 3~ miles. So they meet 5i miles from Newburyport.
146. 99~.
147. SIX IX S
From IX take X leaving I
7 5
7 5
2 5 5
2 3 7
9 3
9 3
4 5 3
4 7
6 5 1
6 6
152. If cells are filled with the numbers (reading left to right, top to
bottom) 7, 0, 5; 2, 4, 6; 3, 8, 1, then the square is magic in the usual
way, by addition of the rows and columns. If each number is replaced
by the matching power of 2, then it is magic by multiplication of
rows and columns. So, one solution, reading the rows from left to
right, top to bottom, is: 128, 1,32; 4, 16, 64; 8, 256, 2.
4 9 5 16
15 6 10 3
14 7 11 2
1 12 8 13
The Solutions 225
154. Jackson merely states that the true weight is the mean propor-
tional (or geometric mean), that is, the square root of 16 x 9 or
Suppose that the long and short arms of the balance are of length p
and q respectively, and the true weight is W. Then Wp = 16q and
Wq = 9p, from which W'pq = (16 x 9)pq and the conclusion
155. A shoe.
157. Draw it on a sphere, taking, for example, one of the poles and
any two points on the equator which are separated by one qu~rter of
the earth's circumference (taking the earth to be spherical).
158. 0 is the centre of the circle. With the compass open to the
radius of the circle, mark off the points C, X, and B in succession.
Then with radius BC, and centres A and B, draw arcs to intersect at
Then DO is the length of the side of the required square. Marking
AE so that AE = DO, and similarly marking F, produces the square.
226 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Also, since AOE = 90° and AOC = 60°, COE = 30° and CE is one
side of an inscribed dodecagon.
159. 'Suppose one place to lie directly under either of the poles, a
second 10 degrees on this side, and a third 20 degrees on the other,
under the same meridian circle, then they will all differ in latitude,
and likewise in longitude, since the pole contains all degrees of longi-
The figures chosen by Jackson are, of course, quite arbitrary.
161. The reference to Naples and the situation of the village in a low
valley are mere Rim-Ram, worthy of Sam Loyd. The fact is that any
place on earth, the poles apart, varies daily in distance from the sun
because of the earth's rotation, being a maximum for places on the
equator, and a minimum of zero for the actual poles. 3000 miles is
jackson's estimate of the variation for Naples, based on the earth
having a radius of about 4000 miles.
163. The Christian sets off from the Jew's abode, travelling East, and
the Turk does likewise, but travels West. When they meet again at
the Jew's, by their own reckoning, having respectively lost a day and
gained a day while travelling round the world, they will each be able
to celebrate their own sabbath on the same day in the same place!
164. The traveller's journey has been right round the world. His head
is about 6 feet from the ground, and so the radius of the giant circle
travelled by his head is about 6 feet greater than that of the circle
travelled by his feet. This difference in radius produces a difference in
circumferences of about 27t x 6 feet, or about 36 feet = 12 yards.
Jackson attributes this idea to Whiston's commentary to his edition
of Euclid.
l/1SJ21 NZ1SJ
rsrsN l/1/1/1
tsN/1 l/1/lSJ
228 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
169. The two smaller squares in the Pythagoras figure will tessellate
also, and by joining corresponding points together, an infinite number
of dissections of the smaller squares into the larger are found. In
every case, the pieces require only to be slid, without rotation, into
their new positions.
--- --;7 /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
~/_------------~/ ,,
,, /
", //
,, /
,, /
,, /
,, /
,V /
230 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
171. Let the radius of the base be R and the height H. Then the total
surface area is nR 2 + 2nRH, and the volume, which is fixed, is V =
~ = R
2 and R = 3
172. The bottles must be mixed in the proportion of 3( = 8 - 5) of
the first to 2( = 10 - 8) of the second, that is, 3 bottles of the first
costing 30s and 2 bottles of the second, costing lOs; total, 5 bottles
costing 40s, or 8s a bottle.
173. The largest possible rectangle has its base on one side, and its
top edge joins the mid-points of the other two sides. Its area is then
one half of the area of the triangle, and therefore it makes no
difference which is chosen to be the base of the rectangle: three
different maximum-area rectangles have equal areas.
174. Imagine that equal weights are placed at the vertices of the
original polygon. Then replacing these equal weights by an identical
set, placed at the mid-points of the sides, will not change the centre
of gravity of the arrangement. Therefore the centre of gravity is
unchanged by any number of repetitions of the process, and the
sequence of polygons contracts to a point that is the centre of gravity
of equal weights at the original vertices of the polygon.
176. Ozanam gives the solution square in this algebraic form, so that
any numbers can be substituted for a, band c.
a -a+c c
2abc abc
b 2ac+ab-bc ab+ac-bc
177. The secret is to make the sum, after one of your turns, equal to
a number in the sequence 1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 100. Once
you have achieved this (which is easy enough if you start the game -
you just choose 1 as your first call), then you can keep to the
sequence by calling out the difference between 11 and your opponent's
last call.
If your opponent starts the game, and knows the trick, then of
course you must lose, but only alternate games!
There are twelve basic solutions on the full chessboard . Each can
be described by a single 8-digit number, by reading off the position of
each queen in each column, starting from one end . With this notation,
the twelve solutions are: 41582736; 41586372; 42586137; 42736815;
42736851; 42751863; 42857136; 42861357; 46152837; 46827135;
47526138; 48157263. [Rouse Ball, 1974, p. 1711
179. Using the same notation as solution 178, there is one basIC
solution on a 4 x 4 board: 3142. There are twO basic solutions on a
5 x 5: 14253 and 25314; and one on a 6 x 6: 246135.
On a 7 x 7 board there are six basic solutions.
The Solutions 233
* * '*
* * *
* * *
* * * 0 * * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
182. Plant three of the trees at the base of a steep mound, at equal
distance from each other, and plant the fourth tree on top, at equal
distance from the other three.
l~·N N E
-~---j---I--- VII
188. This puzzle was the basis for one later made famous by Sam
236 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
191. This problem has reappeared many times, often in its simplest
guise - an L-shape formed from three-quarters of a square, and the
demand that it be dissected into four identical parts.
The Solutions 237
192. Fold one edge of the square on to its opposite edge to get a
middle line. With the middle line horizontal, fold one lower corner on
to the middle line, so that the fold passes through the other lower
corner. Repeat, using the other lower corner. These two folds and
one edge form an equilateral triangle.
[Tom Tit', n.d.]
193. 'Roll the paper into a short compact roll. Make two parallel
cuts across the roll, each being about one half an inch from the other
end. Then make a long cut parallel to the axis of the roll and
terminated by the cross cuts. This will produce a gap in the roll.
Holding the roll lightly in the fingers ease out the ends of the first
strip, which lies at the bottom of the gap, then, taking the strip with
the teeth and holding the roll lightly by its two ends, slowly draw the
strip out of the gap ... the whole inside of the roll will be drawn
through the gap, the connecting parts of the successive strips being
twisted. The final result will be a series of paper strips which serve as
rungs of a ladder, whose upright sides are formed by the twisted
194. Trace round a shilling and cut out the circle to make a circular
hole. This hole cannot be increased in size as long as the paper is Rat,
without tearing the paper. However, if the paper is folded across a
238 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
diameter of the circular hole, and a larger coin - the half-crown was
just the right size - is placed within the fold next to the hole, then by
bending the paper without tearing, the hole can be enlarged suffi-
ciently to allow the larger coin through. The maximum diameter of
the hole when the paper is bent is fl, or very slightly over 1.4, times
its original diameter.
Bisect the shorter sides, and draw a circle, centre at the centre of
the rectangle, passing through A and B, to cut the other sides at a pair
of opposite points, C and D. Join ABCD. This is the front of the
envelope, which is just covered completely at the back, when the four
outer triangles are folded inwards.
196. Like this (the principle can be used to cut any board in the same
or related proportions):
I 2
The Solutions 239
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
198. Fold the card in half, and make cuts with scissors as shown.
Finally cut down the original central fold, omitting the two end
portions. The card is now reduced to a strip which may be opened
out and passed over a person.
204. Scratch the table cloth and the 20p coin will emerge from under
the edge of the tumbler.
The Solutions 241
207. Before picking up the handkerchief, fold your arms. Then pick
up the handkerchief, and unfold your arms. The 'knot' which was in
the folding of your arms is transferred, as it were, to the handker-
208. Fold the piece of paper on which the sum is written, like this, so
as to obscure the figure 300, and so that the other two lines form the
new number 707. The new sum has the same total as the old.
o o o
o o o o
o 0
242 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
213. Jane, Ann, Joe, Bet, Rose and Jim earn, respectively, 3s 2d,
2s 7d, 15 11d, 15 5d, 1s 1d and 8d per week.
215. The four figures are 8888, which on being divided horizontally
along the middle line become a row of zeros, or nothing.
(b) Place one of the coins on the table, then keeping the hands
apart, take it up with the other hand.
(c) Draw it round his body.
(d) 8!.
217. The squirrel takes out each day one ear of corn and his own two
The Solutions 243
222. The original puzzle states that the two digits transferred are 28.
The answer is 285714, which is the period of the decimal fraction t =
This period has the property that any circular rearrangement of the
digits is a multiple of the period of t, 142857.
223. The reply of most people is, almost invariably, that the hatter
lost £3 19s Od and the value of the hat, but a little consideration will
show that this is incorrect. His actual loss was £3 19s Od less his trade
profit on the hat; the nett value of the hat, plus such trade profit,
244 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
224. c=====~.. .
~ .'~ .'~ .~
~ ~ •
225. Remove the dotted matches, and three small triangles, three
medium-sized and the outer triangle are left, a total of seven triangles
remaining. In the original figure there are a total of thirteen triangles.
226. The old gentleman was a Widower with a daughter and sister.
The old gentleman and his father (who was also a widower) married
two sisters (the wife of the old gentleman havmg a daughter by a
former husband); the old gentleman thus became his father's brother-
in-law. The old gentleman's brother married the old gentleman's
step-daughter; thus the old gentleman became his brother's father-in-
law. The old gentleman's father-in-law married the old gentleman'S
sister, and the old gentleman thus became his father-in-Iaw's brother-
in-law. The old gentleman's brother-in-law married the old gentle-
The Solutions 245
230. However the dogs run, the distance between each dog and the
dog he is chasing will be reduced from the initial 100 yards at the rate
of 3 yards per second. They will therefore meet in 33! seconds, and by
symmetry they will collide at the centre of the field.
231. De Morgan was born in 1806, and so was 43 in the year 1849 =
234. Yes. Move B one square to the right and move A round the
circuit to the right of B. Interchange C and D by moving round the
shaded cells and then shunt B-A to the left.
235. First, train B advances, and backs its rear half into the cul-de-
sac, uncouples it, and moves well forward of the junction. Second, A
passes the junction, backs, and joins to the rear half of B, which it
then draws out of the cul-de-sac and backs to the left. Third, the
front half of train B backs into the cul-de-sac. Fourth, train A
uncouples the rear half of train B and proceeds on its way. Train B
can now leave the cul-de-sac and join its rear half and proceed.
246 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
236. No. The planks can be used together, provided that their length
is at least
where W is the width of the moat (with a little allowance for the
planks to overlap each other and the bank).
x w
2J2 x 10
Since 8 < the given planks will not suffice.
New York~~::::"-:-::~':::""~::;"'::""::"4":::";:~::"':::'''''::::''"""T-r
o 1234567891011121314151617 days
The Solutions 247
238. The principles are the same whatever the number of discs.
Suppose, therefore, for simplicity, that there are eight discs to be
moved, from peg A to peg B. Number the discs 1 to 8 from the top
downwards. The simplest rules are: .
1. Always move an odd numbered disc, on its {irst move from peg A,
to peg C, and an even numbered disc, on its {irst move from peg
A, to peg B.
2. Move disc 1 every second move, disc 2 every fourth move, disc 3
every eighth move, and so on.
Following this rule, the sequence for eight discs will start: l-C, 2-B,
I-B (the first two discs have now been transferred to peg B, solving
the problem for just two discs); 3-C, I-A, 2-C, l-C (leaving discs 1
to 3 on C); 4-B, I-B, 2-A, I-A, 3-B, I-C, 2-B, I-B (leaving the first
four discs on peg B).
Notice that disc 1 visits the pegs repeatedly in the order C-B-A-C-
B-A ... ; disc 2 visits them in the order B-C-A-B-C-A so that its
visits 'rotate' in the opposite direction, and similarly for the remaining
The next move is to place disc 5 on to peg C and repeat the process
so far, to leave all discs up to 5 on C. Then place disc 6 on Band
repeat to get all discs up to 6 on B, place disc 7 on C and repeat to get
all discs up to 7 on C, and finally put disc 8 on peg B and repeat the
entire process to transfer the seven smaller discs from peg C to peg B.
The number of moves taken to move n + 1 discs is one more than
twice the number needed to move n discs. It is therefore 2" - 1. In
Lucas's original story the number of moves required is therefore
264 - 1, which at one move every second amounts to more than
500,000,000,000 years.
'Take the longest side of the triangle and call it AB; and on that
side of it on which the triangle lies draw the semicircle AFB. Also,
with centres A, B, and distances AB, BA, draw the arcs BDC, AEC,
intersecting at C.
Then it is evident that the vertex of the triangle cannot fall outside
the Figure ABDCE.
'Also, if it falls inside the semicircle, the triangle is obtuse-angled; if
outside it, acute-angled. (The chance of its falling on the semicircle is
practically nil.)
area of semicircle
'Hence required chance = - - - - - - - -
area of Fig. ABDCE
~n - J3 8
3 n
[Carroll, 1958, problem 58]
242. The clock that is losing time is correct once every two years,
whereas the stopped clock is right twice a day, every time that 'its'
time comes round!
[Carroll, 1961, p. 6]
243. Ten. Adding the four percentages together, the total is 310 per
cent. Distributing them as evenly as possible, three of each of the 100
250 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
per cent total, there remains at least 10 per cent with all four disabili-
[CuthweIlis, 1978, p. 9)
244. ~ minutes.
[Cuthwellis, 1978, p. 9)
245. When the traveller crosses the International Date Line, which
was internationally agreed with just such a purpose In mind, but only
in 1884, long after the question had first troubled Carroll.
[Carroll, 1961, p. 4)
246. Provided friction is neglected, the weight at the other end of the
rope rises also, to match the monkey. Given friction in the pulley
wheel, the weight will move up less than the monkey, or indeed not
at all, if the pulley is sufficiently stiff.
[Carroll, 1961, p. 268)
247. The answer is always £12 18s lId, whatever the initial sum
[Carroll, 1961, p. 269)
248. Assume, as is necessary but also implied, that when one basket
is within reach of the window, the other is at ground level. Raise one
basket, place the weight in it and lower the weight, raising the second
basket, into which the son steps and descends to the ground.
Lower the top basket, containing the weight. The son steps into
this basket at ground level and the daughter descends in the other
basket, raising the son and the weight.
Lower the weight again; the son descends against it, and the
daughter gets into the same basket as the son. The queen gets into the
basket containing the weight and descends against the weight of son
and daughter.
The daughter steps out at the top, before the queen steps out of the
bottom basket; the son remains and descends against the weight. The
son steps out and the weight descends to the ground. The son gets in,
and the daughter descends against son and weight.
Finally, the son gets out, the weight descends, and the son goes
down in the other basket, against the weight.
[Carroll, 1961, p. 318)
The Solutions 251
249. The amounts are equal. Moreover, it makes not the slightest
difference whether the water and brandy were stirred a little or a lot,
or whether the glasses contained equal quantities of liquid initially.
The quantity of liquid in each glass at the end is the same as at the
start, and therefore what one has lost, the other has gained.
[Hudson, 1954, Appendix A)
250. 'A level mile takes i hour, up hill}, down hill t. Hence to go and
return over the same mile, whether on the level or on the hill-side,
takes! an hour. Hence in 6 hours they went 12 miles out and 12 back.
If the 12 miles out had been nearly all level, they would have taken a
little over 3 hours; if nearly all up hill, a little under 4. Hence 3! hours
must be within! an hour of the time taken in reaching the peak; thus,
as they started at 3, they got there within t an hour of t past 6.'
[Carroll, 1958, p. 77)
251. For simplicity of calculation, turn the amounts given into modern
pence, so that the customer has 120, 24 and 6; the shopkeeper has 60,
12 and 1; and the friend has 48, 30, 4 and 3.
Then the customer gives 120 + 6 to the shopkeeper and 24 to the
friend; the shopkeeper gives 60 to the customer and 12 + 1 to his
friend; and the friend gives 30 + 4 to the shopkeeper, and 3 to the
customer. On balance the friend has gained or lost nothing, and the
shopkeeper is 87d better off, so the customer has given the shopkeeper
7s 3d.
[Carroll, 1961, p. 317)
253. 'The cat wins, of course. It has to make precisely 100 leaps to
complete the distance and return. The dog, on the contrary, is
compelled to go 102 feet and back. Its thirty-third leap takes it to the
99-foot mark and so another leap, carrying it two feet beyond the
mark, becomes necessary. In all, the dog must make 68 leaps to go
the distance. But it jumps only two-thirds as quickly as the cat, so
that while the cat is making 100 leaps the dog cannot quite make 67.
'But Barnum had an April Fool possibility up his sleeve. Suppose
that the cat is named Sir Thomas, and the dog is female! The phrase
"she makes three leaps to his two" would then mean that the dog
would leap 9 feet while the cat went 4. Thus when the dog finishes
the race in 68 leaps, the cat will have travelled only 90 feet and 8
[Loyd, 1959, Book 1, No. 14]
254. 853
[Loyd, 1959, Book 1, No. 41]
255. 'In this remarkable problem we find that the lake contained
exactly 11 acres, therefore the approximate answer of "nearly 11
acres" is not sufficiently correct. This definite answer is worked out
by the Pythagorean law, which proves that on any right-angle triangle
the square o( the longest side is equal to the sum of the squares of the
other two sides.
E I---------'~
The Solutions 253
256. 'The black pieces of paper are nothing but a delusion and a
snare. The pieces are placed to make a little white horse in the centre
as shown.
'It was this trick of the White Horse of Uffington which popularized
the slang expression, "Oh, but that is a horse of another colour!'"
[Loyd, 1959, Book 1, No. 45]
[Loyd, 1959, Book 2, No. 69]
261. If we let x be the bridge's length in feet, then the cow stands
!x - 5 from one end and !x + 5 from the other. The train is 2x from
the nearest end. The cow can travel (ix - 5) + (fx + 41) in the same
time that the train travels (2x - 1) + (3x - 1). These two periods of
time reduce to (x - 1) and 5(x - 1), so we see that the train is five
times faster than the cow. With this information we write the equa-
2x - 1 = 5(fx - 5)
This gives x, the length of the bridge, a value of 48 feet. The actual
speed of the train plays no part whatever in this calculation, but we
need to know it in order to learn the speed of the cow. Since we are
told that the train travelled at 90 miles per hour, we know the cow's
gait to be 18 miles per hour.
[Loyd, 1959, Book 2, No. 166]
The Solutions 255
262. The cheapest way to make an endless chain out of the six five-
link pieces is to open up all five links of one piece, then use them for
joining the remaining five pieces into an endless chain. The cost of
this would be $1.30, which is 20 cents cheaper than the cost of a new
endless chain.'
[Loyd, 1959, Book 2, No. 25)
264. 'Let 1 be the length of the army and the time it takes the army
to march its length. The army's speed will also be 1. Let x be the total
distance travelled by the courier and also his speed. On the courier's
forward trip, his speed relative to the moving army will be x - 1. On
the return trip his speed relative to the army will be x + 1. Each trip
is a distance of 1 (relative to the army), and the two trips are
completed in unit time, so we can write the following equation
1 1
x-I x+l
1 1 2
x-I x+l Jx2=1 =
This can be expressed as the fourth degree equation: X4 - 4x' -
2Xl + 4x + 5 = 0, which has only one root that fits the problem's
conditions: 4.18112. This is multiplied by 50 to get the final answer of
209.056 miles.'
[Loyd, 1959, Book 2, No. 146)
The Solutions 257
270. Call the two to-galion cans A and B. This is Loyd's solution, in
tabular form:
A B 5-qt 4-qt
10 10
5 10 5
5 10 4
9 10
9 10
4 10 5
4 10 2 4
8 10 2
8 6 2 4
10 6 2 2
273. 'On Sunday, the first day of the week, Kate promised to marry
Danny "when the week after next is the week before last". Therefore
she will marry Danny in 28 days after her promise. Had she promised
a day earlier, then on Sunday, 22 days later, her promise would have
fallen due.'
[Loyd (lnr), 1928, p. 27]
275. 'The girl weighed 11 H pounds when she arrived. She ate 1~
pounds of breakfast food and gathered 10 pounds of samples, which
increased her weight by 10 per cent.'
[Loyd (lnr), 1928, p. 33]
276. The historical incident was 'the dropping of the tea into the
sea', otherwise known as the Boston Tea Party.
[Loyd (lnr), 1928, p. 47]
260 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
277. The Queen can be placed initially at any of the turning points in
the path.
i'.. ,I "- t7 1/
"- ~ ~ ~1
/ IL
~ ~ lX1
[7 X~ ~
1/ "/ 1
7 ~ fSJ ~
1/ /
,7: 1"'- ~ ""-
I~ "I"- K
# "I"-
[White, 1913, p. 42]
~ !A
"- \ I2V
"-IZ J
!L ~ rs
u l{
1/ "t-. I~
The Solutions 261
• 3 4
6 _8 . ..ft.
v .;,r
1h 12
14 1$
13 16 17 18
[White, 1913, p. 52]
[White, 1913, p. 52]
(e) 1 f4 e5; 2 Kf2 Qf6; 3 Kg3 and Black can force perpetual
[White, 1913, pp. 58-9]
282. 'The illustration will show that the triangular piece of cloth may
be cut into four pieces that will fit together and form a perfect
square. Bisect AB in D and BC in E; produce the line AE to F making
EF equal to EB; bisect AF in G and describe the arc AHF; produce EB
to H, and EH is the length of the side of the required square; from E
with distance EH, describe the arc H1, and make 1K equal to BE;
now, from the points D and K drop perpendiculars on E1 to Land
M ...
o t.
1 2 A
~ • -.---~~!~--.
... • t
3 1> ~t;..
.... I 4) f&'" "
. .... FLOOR
[ •
positions of the spider and the fly, and the straightened course which
the spider must take without going off the cardboard. These are the
four most favourable cases, and it will be found that the shortest
route is in No.4, for it is only 40 feet in length. It will be seen that
the spider actually passes along five of the six sides of the room!'
[Dudeney, 1907, No. 75]
284. 'A very short examination of this puzzle game should convince
the reader that Hendrick can never catch the black hog, and that the
white hog can never be caught by Katrun.
'Each hog merely runs in and out of one of the nearest corners and
can never be captured. The fact is, curious as it must at first sight
appear, a Dutchman cannot catch a black hog and a Dutchwoman
can never capture a white one! But each can, without difficulty, catch
one of the other colour.
'So if the first player just determines that he will send Hendrick
after the white porker and Katrun after the black one, he will have no
difficulty whatever in securing both in a very few moves.'
[Dudeney, 1907, No. 78]
285. 'The diagram shows how the piece of bunting is to be cut into
two pieces. Lower the piece on the right one "tooth" and they will
form a perfect square, with the roses symmetrically placed.'
286. The diagram shows how seven of the planks are used to 'round
off' the corner, so that the eighth plank can be used as a bridge to the
other side.
The Solutions 265
[Dudeney, 1907, No. 40]
266 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
289. 'No doubt some of my readers will smile at the statement that a
man in a boat on smooth water can pull himself across with the tiller
rope! But it is a fact. If the jester had fastened the end of his rope to
the stern of the boat and then, while standing in the bows, had given
a series of violent jerks, the boat would have been propelled forward.
This has often been put to practical test, and it is said that a speed of
two or three miles an hour may be attained.'
[Dudeney, 1907, No. 52]
The Solutions 267
The crescent is in the form of two equal straight lines, a and b, joined
by two identical circular arcs. Making the cuts in the first figure, the
four pieces will form the square in the second, which is then dissected
by the dotted lines into the Greek Cross, with a total of ten pieces.
[Dudeney, 1907, No. 37]
292. 'The first player must place his first cigar on end in the exact
centre of the table. Now, whatever the second player may do through-
out, the first player must always repeat it in an exactly diametrically
opposite position.' In this way the first player can be certain of
always placing the last cigar.
[Dudeney, 1917, No. 398]
293. Dudeney placed the marks at 1,4,5, 14, 16,23,25 and 31 inches
from one end. He also gave another solution, with the marks at 1, 2,
3, 4, 10, 16, 22 and 28 inches from an end.
[Dudeney, 1926, No. 180]
298. 'Add together the ten weights and divide by 4 and we get
289 Ibs, as the weight of the five trusses together. If we call the five
trusses in the order of weight, A, B, C, D and E, the lightest being A
and the heaviest E, then the lightest 110 Ibs must be the weight of A
and B, and the next lightest, 112 Ibs, the weight of A and C. Then the
two heaviest, D and E, must weigh 1211bs, and C and E must weigh
1201bs. We thus know that A, B, D and E weigh together 2311bs,
which gives us the weight of C as 581bs. Now, by mere subtraction,
we find the weights of the other five trusses, 54 Ibs, 56 Ibs, 59 Ibs and
621bs, respectively.'
[Dudeney, 1917, No. 101)
299. This beautiful solution requires just five pieces and only two
cuts. The distance AB is equal to one half of the hypotenuse of the
triangle. The triangle should not be too large - Dudeney notes that if
it is larger than the square in area, then a dissection requires six
, I
-__ ,I
300. Only sixteen moves are required, and these are the only two
possible minimum solutions.
II -.1, :
: :I
:, :
I I I I !
: I
I L.., - . I
!.. I
L --- -- _.
I 11 --- ~-- -,I
L-! --- - :
1 -L
L --- -- _. I
I --- ~ -- --- 1- -- J
!... --- 1---1 -- r--I --- --- J
301. Three coins are placed as on the left, each touching the others,
and then two coins are added as in the second figure.
302. De Morgan was born in 1806 and was 43 in the year 43' = 1849
(see problem 231).
Jenkins was born in 1860, was SZ + 6 2 = 61 in the year 54 + 64 =
1921, and 2 x 31 = 62 in the year 2 x 31' = 1922, and 3 x 5 = 15
in the year 3 x 54 = 1875.
[Dudeney, 1926, No. 23]
N (1 + -1)
N =--
305. Arrange the six pennies as in the first figure. This can be done
exactly. Next move coin 6 as in the next figure. This is also exact.
Finally slide out 5 and place it against 2 and 3, and move 3 to just
touch 6 and 5.
307. 'The secret of the bun puzzle lies in the fact that, with the
relative dimensions of the circles as given, the three diameters will
form a right-angled triangle, as shown by A, B, C. It follows that the
two smaller buns are exactly equal to the large bun. Therefore, if we
give David and Edgar the two halves marked D and E, they will have
their fair shares - one quarter of the confectionery each. Then if we
place the small bun, H, on the top of the remaining one and trace its
circumference in the manner shown, Fred's piece, F, will exactly
equal Harry's small bun, H, with the addition of the piece marked G
- half the rim of the other. Thus each boy gets an exactly equal share,
and there are only five pieces necessary.'
308. 'The reader will probably feel rewarded for ~ny care and pa-
tience that he may bestow on cutting out the cardboard chain. We
will suppose that he has a piece of cardboard measuring 8 in. by 2!
in., though the dimensions are of no importance. Yet if you want a
long chain you must, of course, take a long strip of cardboard. First
rule pencil lines B Band C C, half an inch from the edges, and also
the short perpendicular lines half an inch apart. Rule lines on the
other side in just the same way, and in order that they shall coincide
it is well to prick through the card with a needle the points where the
short lines end. Now take your penknife and split the card from A A
down to B B, and from D D up to C C. Then cut right through the
card along all the short perpendicular lines, and half through the card
along the short portions of B Band C C that are not dotted. Next
turn the card over and cut half through along the short lines on B B
and C C at the places that are immediately beneath the dotted lines
on the upper side. With a little careful separation of the parts with
the penknife, the cardboard may now be divided into two interlacing
ladder-like portions; and if you cut away all the shaded parts you will
get the chain, cut solidly out of the cardboard, without any join.
'It is an interesting variant of the puzzle to cut out two keys on a
ring - without join.'
~r------- ________________________________
1 ~8~'~~ ____ ~A
Bf--· .. ··,--· .... r - - ..... r - - ..... - .... _ .... r-- ..... - .... &
D~ __________________________________________ --J~
309. 'The puzzle was to cut the two shoes (including the hoof
contained within the outlines) into four pieces, two pieces each, that
would fit together and form a perfect circle. It was also stipulated
that all four pieces should be different in shape. As a matter of fact, it
is a puzzle based on the principle contained in that curious Chinese
symbol the Monad.
310. 'One object that I had in view when presenting this little puzzle
was to point out the uncertainty of the meaning conveyed by the
word "oval". Though originally derived from the Latin word ovum,
an egg, yet what we understand as the egg-shape (with one end
smaller than the other) is only one of many forms of the oval; while
some eggs are spherical in shape, and a sphere or circle is most
276 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
'The dotted lines in the table are given for greater clearness, the
cuts being made along the other lines. It will be seen that the eight
pieces form two stools of exactly the same size and shape with similar
hand-holes. These holes are a trifle longer than those in the school-
master's stools, but they are much narrower and of considerably
smaller area. Of course 5 and 6 can be cut out in one piece - also 7
and 8 - making only six pieces in all. But I wished to keep the same
number as in the original story.
'When I first gave the above puzzle in a London newspaper, in
competition, no correct solution was received, but an ingenious and
neatly executed attempt by a man lying in a London infirmary was
accompanied by the following note: "Having no compasses here, I
was compelled to improvise with the aid of a small penknife, a bit of
firewood from a bundle, a piece of tin from a toy engine, a tin tack,
and two portions of a hairpin, for points. They are a fairly serviceable
pair of compasses, and I shall keep them as a memento of your
puzzle" ,
[Dudeney, 1917, No. 157]
312. 'The first step is to find the distance travelled by the spiders.
We use the formula
DIStance = Velocity x Time.
According to our stated conditions, the velocity is 0.65 miles per
hour; but we want to get this in inches per second, since the time in
our problem is given in seconds and part of the distance in inches. Cal-
0.65 (mile) 0.65 x 5280 x 12 41,184 (inches)
1 (hour) 60 x 60 3600 (seconds)
That is how far each spider travelled. But we were asked to find the
dimensions of the room. Therefore, now, let us spread out its walls,
ceiling, and floor onto a plane, much as if we were to open out the
six faces of a cardboard box to make one flat piece. Since there are
278 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
F E A H \\ G 8 F ,, E
\ I
\ I \
\ , ,, ,I
, ,,
\ I
\ ,
I \
,, ,
'\ , c
" f
, I
o c
several possible paths, this must be done in all possible ways, keeping
the wall from which the spiders start fixed, and laying down the
others in such a way as to keep every face attached to another along a
common edge (see diagram). We can then see that the following eight
paths are possible:
The Solutions 279
D,stance = J( h2
- +-
w h2
+ 80)' + ( 1 + - +-
w - 80)'
h + w
whence 1 + - - = 640.
108,900 = 330'
whence h + w = 500 (III)
From half the sum of equations (I), (II) and (III), we get
1+ h + w = 890
from which we obtain, by subtracting (III), (I) and (II) in turn,
I = 390, w = 240, h = 260'
313. This is essentially the only solution. Note the rough symmetry
about the central column when the hexagon is in this orientation.
314. The level fell. As long as it was in the boat, the cannon
displaced its own weight of water. After it sank, it displaced only its
own volume, which is a smaller quantity of water.
[After Williams and Savage, 1946]
The Solutions 281
315. The sum can change because the three numbers at the vertices,
and no others, are counted twice.
316. The front wheels are usually smaller in diameter than the back,
and therefore turn a larger number of times, and wear and tear on the
front axle is greater.
[Perelman, 1979, No. 65]
317. No it is not, because the single small cube at the centre of the
original large cube has six faces, and a separate slice is needed to
create each of those faces. Therefore six cuts is a minimum.
[Perelman, 1979, No. 122]
282 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzz/ps
318. They had counted the same. Tom, as he walks to and fro, will
meet some passers-by sooner, because he is approaching them, and
others with a delay, because he is walking away from them, but by
the time he returns to Mike, everyone who passed Mike will have
passed Tom also.
[Perelman, 1979. No.4]
319. 'We shall indicate the divisor by D, the quotient by Q, the digits
of the divisor by d" d ..... , d" and those of the quotient by
q" q .. ... , qlO' Hence, it is given that q. = 7, while it is clear at once
that qR = O. The digits ql and q7 must both be larger than q. (hence
larger than 7) and less than q. and q,; consequently, ql = q7 = 8 and
q. = q, = 9. From q7 = 8 it follows that 8 x D is less than
10,000,000 and at least equal to 10,000,000 - 97,999 = 9,902,001;
hence D must be less than 1,250,000 and greater than 1,237,750, so
that d, = 1, d. = 2, and d1 = 3 or 4. From this it follows further
that qs = 8. Since the fourth digit of qs x D, thus of 8 x D, is a 7,
this shows that d. = 4 or 9, and that d, is at most 4. The assumption
that d1 = 3 leads to d. = 9 (because D is greater than 1,237,750),
from which it follows (in connection with the third digit of q. x D
being 7) that we must have q. = 2 or 7. From the thirteenth row of
the division sum it is evident that (800 + q. + 1) x D is a ten-digit
number. However, 803 x d,d 7 is less than 803 x 1,240,000, hence
less than 995,720,000, so that q. = 2 drops out, and only q. = 7
remains to be examined. The second digit of the product obtained
when 7q'0 (that is, the number written with the digits 7 and q,0) is
multiplied by D is a 7; but we have
7q'0 x 1,239,7d,d7 = 86,779,000 + (q,0 x 1,239,7d,d7) + (70 x d,d7)
the second digit of this number is not 7 for any of the possible values
1, 2, ... , 8 of q,0, so that q. = 7 is not possible, either, which makes
d 1 = 3 drop out. So we must have d 1 = 4, and D = 1,24d.,7d,d7
(where d. = 4 or 9). The third digit of q. x 1,249,7d,d7 is not a 7 for
any of the possible values of q., so we must have d. = 4. From the
fact that the third digit of q. x 1,244,7d,d7 is a 7 it follows that q. =
4. The second digit of
4q'0 x 1,244,7d,d7 = 49,788,000 + (q,0 x 1,244,7d,d7) + (40 x d,d7)
is a 7, from which it follows that q'0 = 6. The seventh digit of
898,046 x 1,244,7d,d7 = 1,117,797,856,200 + 898,046 x d,d7 is a 7,
from which we can deduce (since d,d 7 is less than 50) that d,d 7 =
The Solutions 283
320. Arranged as in the diagram, the top brick overhangs the second
brick by one half of a brick length. The centre of gravity of the two
284 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
321. With the method of the last puzzle, an overhang of at most If.- is
possible with four bricks. In the following arrangement the overhang
is (15 - 4j2)/8, or a little over 7/6, and thus a little more than in the
previous puzzle.
--------------+- C-+
___________.....JI+- a -+ +- b -+
[Ainley, 1977, p. 8)
323. Neither the diameter of the cylinder or of the sphere are given.
If the problem is genuine, therefore, and not impossible to solve, it
must be because the diameter of the cylinder and the diameter of the
sphere are irrelevant. In other words, if a cylindrical hole of length 6
inches is to be cut out of a large sphere, then the two ends of the
hole must be close to an 'equator' of the sphere, and the hole very
wide, the small amount of material left will be equal in volume to
that left if a very thin and narrow cylinder of length 6 inches is cut
from a sphere which is only slightly over 6 inches in diameter. If this
is so, then you will get the same result if you cut a cylindrical hole of
no width at all from a 6-inch sphere. Suppose therefore that the
cylinder has zero diameter, so that the diameter of the sphere IS 6
inches, then the volume remaining when the zero-diameter cylinder
has been drilled out will be the original volume of the sphere, 11tY =
The Solutions 285
324. The suggestion that the sums named ought to add up to £30 is
nonsense. The diners have spent a total of £27, of which £25 was for
the dinner, and £2 for the waiter.
325. On submersion, the lead and the iron weights will be supported
by the water, according to the quantity of water they displace. Since
iron weighs less than lead, the iron equal in weight to the lead will
displace more water. The iron will therefore rise and the lead sink.
326. 'If the slice is a plane one, then since the top and bottom faces
of the original cube are parallel, the two lines ac and bd will be
parallel. However, to discover whether two lines are parallel in a
perspective drawing is not trivial, so a little more cunning is required.
a c
\ f
\ /
\ I /
286 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
329. Mary suggested that she take white in one game and black in
the other. She then played as white the moves that were played
against her by the master taking white, and for her replies in the same
game, she played the moves that the master playing black made to
her. The masters thus played each other, in effect, and in between
laughing managed to play a decisive game, giving Mary her 50 per
cent score.
[After Kraitchik, 1955]
330. The man must have shot the bear from the North Pole. The
bear was therefore a polar bear, and its colour was white.
The Solutions 287
331. Mrs Agabegyun might live at the North Pole. However, it is also
possible that she is living in Antarctica, rather near the South Pole.
Walking 5 miles south, she is very close to the pole, so near that her 5
mile walk in an easterly direction takes her a whole number of times
round the South Pole, bringing her back to the point she reached by
walking 5 miles south: the finalS miles north returns her to base.
In this case, there are an infinite number of solutions, because the 5
mile journey east may take her once round the South Pole, twice,
three times ... !
332. One red card and one blue one. It is not possible to say,
however, whether the red card or the blue was shown first.
[After PhiIIips, 1937, problem to]
333. The boy with the dirty face sa"w his companion with a clean
face, and suspected nothing. His companion, seeing the other with a
grimy face, assumed that his face was also dirty, and went to wash it.
[Phillips, 1932, 'Time Tests of Intelligence', problem 12]
334. He sees that the other Wise Men are both laughing. But if they
could see that his face was clean, they would realize at once on
looking at each other that they were victims themselves. Since they do
not, he must suppose that each is laughing at him. Therefore his
forehead is marked too.
335. Four rungs remain submerged, because the ladder rises with the
ship, which rises with the tide.
[PhiIIips, 1936, problem 0.1]
338. '1. There are five lodgers; hence the number of rashers originally
on the dish must be 5, or 10, or 15, etc.
2. The number is 5. For the greatest possible original number would
be reached in the following way: Smith takes f rasher; Jones takes 1,
total t; Evans takes 3, total ~; and then either:
(a) Brown takes 1/, total ¥; Robinson takes i, total *t.
(b) Robinson takes i, total 6; Brown takes If, total ¥.
'Both these are less than 10; hence the original number of rashers is five.
3. Since Evans always leaves at least one rasher he cannot immediately
precede Smith; so there are three possibilities:
(a) Jones precedes Smith and takes 1 rasher; total i.
(b) Brown precedes Smith and takes i rashers; total 2.
'In both these Evans must take three rashers, leaving only f or for
the other two; this is impossible.
(c) Robinson precedes Smith and takes f rasher; total 1.
'Evans must precede Robinson; for if not he must take 3 rashers,
Jones must take 1, and there will be none left for Brown. Let Evans
take x rashers, then either:
(1) Jones takes 1 rasher, total x + 2; Brown takes ~ + t, total¥- +¥.
'For this to be 5 we must have x = i.
(2) Brown takes j + 1. total ¥ + 2; Jones takes 1, total ¥ + 3.
'For this to be 5 we must have x = t.
'Hence Evans takes one and half rashers of bacon.'
[Phillips, 1934, problem 20, contributed by j. W. Frame]
The Solutions 289
342. A flat tax of 25s for each window, plus Is 6d for every square
foot of window.
[Hadfield, 1939, 'Puzzles and Problems by Caliban', problem 3)
It has been proved that no more than five fourfold matrices can
satisfy (I) and that (when the elements are real) three of them have
positive squares and two negative squares. More usually the theorem
is stated in the form that, with fourfold matrices, there cannot be
more than five mutually anti-commuting square roots of - 1, and
that three of them are imaginary and two real.
An actual set satisfying (1) and (2) is:
The Solutions 291
[~ n[~ JJ[~ n
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 -1 0 0 -1
0 0 0 1 -1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 JJ[ ~
o -1
1 0
0 -1
0 ~J
A non-diagonal element signifies a mistake of species. Thus the
only list with any names right is the second - a boy. He got two pairs
right, but interchanged the sexes of the other two pairs.
The answer is therefore:
(1) three nephews, two nieces
(2) a boy
(3) 4 completely right; 4 wrong sex.
(There are 'five other possible pentads besides the one given; but
they all have the same characteristic, that there is only one diagonal
matrix and it has two elements + 1 and two - 1. The sign of any of
the five matrices can be reversed. The answer is unaffected by these
Appended is a specimen set of five lists which fulfil the conditions.
B T b r
R J R b i B
t b t i b i
b B R T R
r B J b
J r T
346. On average half the women wIll bear a gIrl first, and half will
bear a boy, so on first bIrths, the numbers of boys and gIrls will be
equal. The women who bore a girl will then have no more children,
while the half who bore a boy will continue to bear, havmg as second
children, half boys and half girlS, so that the balance of boys and girls
is preserved.
Among the third children to be born within familIes, there will also
be a balance of boys and girls, and so on.
The Solutions 293
The fact is that the number of families which consist of only one
girl, which amounts to no less than one half of all families, will
exactly balance the much smaller number of families containing
several boys followed by a girl. Indeed, this amounts to no more than
the factthat! = 1 + i + to + ...
This solution assumes that the ratio of births of boys to girls is
indeed one to one; the ratio actually favours boys very slightly, but
this ratio in itself will never produce the surplus that the King
requires, and his ingenious scheme will be of no help at all.
[Gamow and Stern, 1958, p. 20, communicated by Victor
Ambartsumian, the eminent physicist]
• "I follow you so far," said the vizier, "but how about the case of
three or more unfaithful wives?"
• "Well, from now on we have what is called mathematical induc-
tion. I have just proved to you that, if there were only two unfaithful
wives in the city, the husbands would have killed them on the second
night, by force of purely logical deduction. Now suppose that there
were three wives, Abdula's, Hadjibaba's, and Faruk's, who were
unfaithful. Faruk knows, of course, that Abdula's and Hadjibaba's
wives are deceiving them, and so he expects that these two characters
will murder their wives on the second night. But they don't. Why? Of
course because his, Faruk's, wife is unfaithful, too! And so in goes the
dagger, or the three daggers, as a matter of fact."
• "0 Great Sultan," exclaimed the vizier, "you have certainly
opened my eyes on that problem. Of course, if there were four
unfaithful wives, each of the four wronged husbands would reduce
the case to that of three and not kill his wife until the fourth day.
And so on, and so on, up to forty wives."
• "I am glad," said the Sultan, "that you finally understand the
situation. It is nice to have a vizier whose intelligence is so much
inferior to that of the average citizen. But what if I tell you that the
reported number of unfaithful wives was actually forty-one?" ,
[Gamow and Stern, 1958, pp. 21-3]
-- .............
Round about the bottom of each loop, the point is moving in the
opposite direction to its general motion. Therefore at anyone
moment, portions of the bottom of every wheel on the train are
moving, albeit temporarily, back to Bristol.
It is also possible, but less certain, that portions of a rapidly
moving wheel within the driving motor could be moving back to
Bristol, without even being flanged.
The Solutions 295
349. The bicycle moves backwards. However, the pedal moves for-
wards, relative to the bicycle, so that the pedals as a pair are rotating,
as would be expected, in the opposite direction to that required to
move the cycle forwards.
351. (a) Yes, you have, if a child skipping can be described as run-
[Wells, 1983-6, Series 1, problem 97]
(b) The maximum overlaps in each case have the same area, so three-
quarters of the triangle equals half the square, and the area of the
triangle is 24 square inches.
[Wells, 1979, problem 57, part 3]
(c) When passing on a spiral staircase, where the insides are narrower
and more difficult to walk on.
[Wells, 1979, problem 58, part 2]
(d) Tom thinks that Fred will not mind being five pence short, so
presumably Tom will not mind being five pence short himself, which
is what he would be if he gave Fred ten pence - which will naturally
also satisfy Fred.
[Wells, 1979, problem 57, part I]
353. I had dashed on to the platform at the rear end of the first train;
I knew that the exit at my destination station was at the front end of
the train, so I walked down the platform and reached the other end
just as the next train arrived, and I got into the front carriage. Result:
I had quite simply walked the length of the train at the first station,
instead of at my destination station, and no time was wasted at all.
[Wells, 1979, problem 50]
354. Four men and four women were present. If you mark points for
individual men and women, joining dancing partners by lines, then
you will construct a skeleton of points and lines in which every region
has four edges and three edges meet at every point. All skeletons with
these properties are equivalent to either a single cube or to several
entirely separate cubes. Since the soiree is described as intimate, it is
reasonable to suppose that the skeleton is one cube only. There is one
person for each of its eight vertices.
[Wells, 1979, problem 42]
The Solutions 297
355. This is the shape her husband produced. The size and propor-
tions of the base are irrelevant as long as the base and sides of the
box are rectangles. It will be possible to choose the height of the cut
at each corner, and then make the cut with just one stroke of the
sword, so that by using the appropriate corner, either one, two, three
or four measures can be poured out. The technique is to fill the box
so that the rice has a level surface, just comes up to the lip of the
chosen corner, and leaves the opposite corner of the base rectangle
just showmg.
356. Two pieces, cut as shown. These two squares can be interlaced
to form the mono
," '.
,,' ............
" ,
.. )
The Solutions 299
359. Three, one of the squares being the hollow square in the middle.
360. He lost. Winning multiplies his stake by 11; losing halves it. So
three wins and three losses In any order multiply his original stake by
So he loses of his £1, or 58 pence to the nearest penny.
[After Adams, 1939, problem B5]
363. It can be done in fourteen moves: (1) C-a; (2) B-d; (3) E-b-B-c;
(4) C-E-b-B; (5) A-c-C-a; (6) E-A; (7) C-c; (8) B-B-b-E; (9) C-B-d;
(10) E--c-B-b; (11) C-B-c-A-c; (12) E-B-c; (13) D-b-B-d; (14) B-b.
[After Adams, 1939, problem C170]
364. Whatever the shape of the original triangle, the central triangle
is ~ of it, in area.
The simplest solution is based on the idea that it is possible to
shear the original figure so that it becomes equilateral, without
changing the relative sizes of its constituent triangles.
'Draw dotted lines as in the figure. We use the proposition that
triangles with the same altitude are in proportion to their bases. Call
each of the three smallest triangles the unit of area. Then each of the
300 hnguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
triangles marked 3 has three times the unit area. Of the four remaining
triangles, mark the central one y and the others x. Then by the above
proposition, x + y + 3 = 3 (x + 1) and 2x + y + 7 = 3 (x + 5),
when x = 8, y = 16. Since the whole triangle = 52, the central
one = 4/13 of the original. (By comparing triangles, we also find that
each line from a vertex to the division point of the opposite side, IS
divided in the ratio 4: 8: 1.) By substituting n for 4 in this solution, we
find similarly that the central triangle = (n - 2)'/(n ' - n + 1) of
the original (and each internal line from a vertex is divided into the
ratio n: n(n - 2): 1).'
[Graham, 1963, problem 52]
366. The dispute can be settled in the following manner: We give the
priority of choosing the piece of ham to the third co-owner. She will
choose, of course, the piece which according to her home balance is
not less than either of the remaining two pieces. That is the piece
whose value, according to her opinion, is not less than $4.00. Such a
piece must exist because, by division of the whole into 3 parts, one of
the parts cannot be less than t of the total weight.
'Afterwards the second woman chooses her piece. She must also be
satisfied because, after the third woman took her share, there re-
mained at least one piece which, according to the balance in the shop
on the corner, corresponded to a value not less than t.
'The first woman, who receives the remaining piece, must be
satisfied, since she considered all the pieces to be of equal weight.'
[Steinhaus, 1963, problem 49]
The Solutions 301
367. The same. It is perfectly possible for the shortest giant and the
tallest midget to be one and the same person. Indeed, if the men
formed an array of k columns and m rows, then any man who has at
least k - 1 colleagues shorter than himself and m - 1 taller than
himself, can be in that double position, for a suitable arrangement of
the men.
[After Steinhaus, 1963, problem 59)
368. Five. Suppose that it were possible for one town to be connected
to six other towns. It is connected to one other town which is the
closest town to itself. The other five connections are all to towns for
which it IS the closest other town. But if six points are arranged
round a central point, the central point can.only be equal closest to
the other points, when they are arranged at the centre and vertices of
a regular hexagon. As soon as the distances are adjusted, even very
slightly, to make them all different, one of the ring of points will be
nearer to another point than it is to the centre of the hexagon,
contradicting the information given.
[After Steinhaus, 1963, problem 71)
370. Very easily! Here are some especially composed sample figures
to illustrate what can happen, adapted from Chapter 4 of Hugh
ApSimon's Mathematical Byeways in Aylmg, Beeling and Ceiling
where there is a full discussion of the 'paradox'.
Paul Frank
First half of year Runs 252 84
Times out 4
Average 63 84
302 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Note the uneven distribution of Frank's scores and the fact that if his
scores for the first and second halves of the year had been switched,
then Paul would have led in the first half of the year, Frank in the
second, and the result would not seem at all paradoxical.
[ApSimon, 1984, p. 23)
Suppose that it starts from pocket A, that the sides are integers p
and q, as marked, and that 1 unit of distance is the length of the
diagonal of one square.
Then, in travelling back and forth between the left-hand vertical
edge and the right-hand vertical edge, the ball travels q, 2q, 3q ...
units, while in travelling back and forth between the top and bottom
edges it travels p, 2p, 3p ... units.
Therefore when a multiple of p first equals a multiple of q the ball
will have travelled a whole number of times between the vertical
edges and a whole number of times between the top and bottom
The Solutions 303
372. It must be struck parallel to one of the diagonals, and its total
path back to its starting point is double the length of a diagonal.
373. All the statements contradict one another, and therefore at most
one of them can be true, in which case the other nine statements will
be false, which is what statement nine asserts. Therefore statement
nine is the only true statement.
375. If a-be means move coin a to touch coins band e, then five
moves are reqUired from H to 0: 1-56, 3-14, 4-58, 5-23, 2-54. But
no less than seven moves are required to get back from 0 to H:
[Brooke, 1963, No. 40]
304 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
I \
" --~ /
A 6 1 8
B 7 5 3
c 2 9 4
If Alan's dice have the numbers in the first row, with opposite faces
of the dice showing the same number, and if Barry takes the numbers
in row B, and Chris those in row C, then A beats C, beats B, beats A,
each with the odds of 5 to 4. They could just as well take the columns
[Berlekamp, Conway and Guy, 1982, p. 778)
378. The distance is equal to OX. This IS obvious when the mirrors
are at 45° and the incoming ray is instantly reflected at right-angles to
the lower mirror, but the same result is true whatever the angle
between the mirror, provided that that angle is an integral fraction of
45°. If it is not, then the ray cannot emerge along its initial path.
[Mackie, A. G. and Jellis, G. P., in The Games and Puzzles
Journal, No.4, March-April 1988, p. 58)
The Solutions 305
379. The balloon swings left with the car. This is most easily under-
stood by considering that it is the air within the car that is heavy, and
the coal-gas in the balloon relatively light, and naturally it is the
heavier air that swings outwards, forcing the balloon inwards.
[Morris, 1970, p. 203, communicated by Gerald Stonehill]
380. The 20-litre barrel contains beer. The total quantity of wine is
divisible by 3, since it was bought in two parts, one double the other.
The total of the tens digits in the quantities is a multiple of 3, but the
sum of the unit digits is 29. Therefore, the barrel containing the beer
contains a multiple of 3, with 2 remainder. The 20 litre barrel is the
only possibility.
The first customer bought the IS-litre and 18-litre barrels, and the
second took the 16-litre, 19-1itre and 31-litre barrels.
381. 'Twice four and twenty' could be either 28 or 48, of which only
the first number is divisible by 7. Therefore Jill shot seven birds, and
it was these seven who remained, as the others flew away.
[Morris, 1972, problem 39]
382. The buses do indeed run very regularly, and at equal intervals,
every bus in one direction arriving, say, 1 minute after the previous
bus in the opposite direction, and many minutes before the next bus
in that same direction.
383. 16/64, 26/65, 19/95 and 49/98. There are many other such
cancellations with larger numbers, such as 143185117018560 = 1435/
170560 and 4251935345/91819355185 = 425345/9185185.
[Domoryad, 1963, p. 35]
384. You need turn over only two cards. The first card shows a
vowel, and so you must test whether it has an even number on the
reverse. The third card shows an odd number, and this would
contradict my claim if the letter on the other side were a vowel, so
you must test card three also. Neither of the other cards can affect my
claim either way.
385. He makes eight cigarettes and smokes them, leaving eight ends
from which he makes two more cigarettes, a total of ten.
386. 5 pence and 10 pence. One of them is not a 10 pence piece, but
the other is!
306 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
387. If the level of beer in the can is above the centre of gravity, the
centre of gravity can be lowered by drinking more beer. Likewise, if
the level of the beer is below the centre of gravity then the centre of
gravity could be lowered by replacing some of the beer, to increase
the amount of beer below the centre of gravity line.
Therefore, the centre of gravity will be a minimum when neither of
the above cases applies, that is, when the surface of the beer and the
centre of gravity coincide.
The exact position of this can only be calculated when more data
are given about the size and weight of the can, and the density of the
390. Every time a pair of delegates shake hands, the total number of
handshakes made increases by two. In other words, the total is
always an even number. If an odd number of delegates shook hands
an odd number of times, then however many shook hands an even
number of times, the grand total would be odd, which is impossible.
Therefore the conclusion of the puzzle follows.
391. No. The second man has not been placed anywhere.
393. It is only necessary for the lines to cross on the shoe. This is a
simple and symmetrical solution.
The Solutions 307
394. The woman was buying individual house numbers from an iron-
395. 'Since motion is relative, consider the hoop as fixed and the
poor girl whirling around. The original point of contact on the girl
traverses the diameter of the hoop twice, and this is the required dis-
396. John is a young lad and too short to reach the lift button for
any storey higher than the sixth.
397. Call the slices A, Band C. Fry A and B on one side each, and
then swop B for C and fry A on the other side and C on its first side.
Now swap A for B and fry the second sides of Band C at the same
time. Total time, 60 seconds.
From the diagram, 900 - z' = 400 - y', from which z' - y' =
500. We represent this last identity by a triangle, as in this figure,
from which it is readily seen that cos A + cot A = 500(z + y)1 zy,
which from the previously derived relation equals %0/8 or 2.795l.
We now merely look up a trig table, or use a calculator, to find the
angle whose cosine and cotangent add up to the figure, and get A =
27° 38' 30" approximately, from which z = %o/cos A = 25.24 and
the required value of x = J900 - (25.24)' = 16.2 feet." ,
[Graham, 1968, problem 6]
401. The total number of edges meeting at all the vertices, if summed
vertex by vertex, is double the number of edges, and therefore an
even number. If an odd number of vertices had an odd number of
edges meeting at them, then the grand total would also be odd - a
contradiction. Therefore the answer to the question is 'no'.
402. If the street contains more than 100 houses but less than 1000,
then Mr Jones lives at No. 204, and the street is numbered from 1 to
[After Beiler, 1964, p. 297, problem 23]
407. Take a single sweet from the jar wrongly labelled MIXED. You
know that this jar is not mixed and so whatever sweet it contains tells
you its correct description. Suppose that it contains aniseed balls.
Then the jar wrongly labelled ANISEED BALLS must contain chocolate
drops and the other jar contains the mixture.
Finally, empty one of the jars, fill two of the jars in succession with
their correct contents, and replace the contents of the third jar, which
is almost certainly much easier than switching the labels round.
409. 'We can build concentric hexagons containing 1, 6, 12, 18, 24,_
30, 36, and 42 circles.
'When Rlr (the ratio of the radius of the table to the radius of each
circle) becomes sufficiently large there will be room for extra circles
1J3 +
Rlr~ -_-J3---::'3 i.e .• f Rlr~ 13·9
R' R
i.e. if 0 :::;; - - 14 - - 15
r r
i.e. if Rlr ~ 15
Hence in the example given three "outsiders" can be accommodated.
'The number of saucers that can be placed on the table is:
1 +6+ 12 + 18 + 24 + 30 + 36 + 42 + (3 x 6) = 187'
[Kendall and Thomas, 1962, problem e12]
410. Two of the balls should be placed along one diagonal of the
lower part of the cube, and the other two along the other diagonal in
312 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
the upper portion, so that the balls are at the vertices of a regular tetra-
Looking down on the cube at the balls in the lower layer, the
length of the diagonal of the square is 2(5 + s.J'i), so the length of
one side of the cube is .J'i(S + s.J'i) or 10 + s.J'i, approximately
17.07 inches.
By symmetry, the remaining two balls will fit as described in the
top layer, just touching these two balls.
411. This beautiful argument is due to Guy David and Carlos Tomei.
Here is a full box. The calissons pointing in the three directions
have been shaded grey or black, or left white.
414. Move A a little way away, and press down on coin B to stop it
moving. Flick A against Band C will move away, allowing A to be
placed between Band C.
415. 601 is less than 2 10 but more than 2 9 , so they played ten games.
The gross total of stakes was 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2 9 = 1023
cents. If the gross winnings were Steve x cents and Mike y cents, then
x + y = 1023 and x - y = 601; solving, x = 812 and y = 211.
Only the stakes in the first, second, fifth, seventh, and eighth games
add up to 211 cents. So those are the games that Mike won.
[Madachy, 1966, problem 7, p. 177]
314 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
417. From the numbers given it is clear that the number chosen
cannot start with a O. The number of allowable pandigital numbers is
therefore the total number, including initial zero, less the number
starting with a zero: it is 10! - 9! = 9 x 9!
There are 9,000,000,000 numbers in the range, so the probability is
(9 x 9!)/(9 x 10') = 362,88011,000,000,000 = 0.00036288, or less than
1 in 2500.
419. One quarter of the length. The breaking point of the stick, since
the break is made at random, is equally likely to occur anywhere
along the stick, and so the shorter of the two pieces is equally likely
The Solutions 315
to be any length from zero to one half, and will on average be a quar-
(The stick can hardly be said to be broken if the break is at one
end, but the probability that it will be broken exactly at an end is
zero, and equal to the probability that it will be broken exactly at the
half way point.)
[Mosteller, 1987, problem 42]
420. There are five equal gaps between six strikes, so the time
between strikes is 3 seconds. When striking 12 there will be 3 x 11 =
33 seconds between the first and last strikes.
421. Let the distances of the four towns along the road, from some
fixed point, be a, b, c and d, in the order in which they are named.
Then the first instruction takes the treasure seeker to t(a + b) and the
second to Ha + b) + He - !(a + b)) = l(a + b + c).
By a similar calculation, the fourth instruction takes the seeker to
Ha + b + c + d), and this symmetrical expression can be calculated
without knowing which town is which.
In fact, it is the centre of gravity of the four points, and from the
distances given, is located at X, which is 1 mile from Band 7 miles
from C.
[NCTM, 1965, problem 91]
423. The grandson was born in the twentieth century, in 1916, anc
was 16 years old in 1932. The grandfather was born in the nineteent~
century, in 1866, and was 66 in 1932.
[Perelman, 1979, problem 5]
425. The circles are equally spaced and their areas are 1,4, 9, 16,25
36 and 49. Since 9 = 25 - 16, and 25 - 1 = 49 - 25, the inside of
circle C is equal In area to the annulus between circles D and E, and
the region between circles A and E equals in area the annulus
between E and G.
316 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
426. 'Fred's bets were in the proportion 11(3 + 1), 11(4 + 1), 11(7 +
1), 11(9 + 1) and 11(39.+ 1), the last being placed on each of five
horses. These fractions add up to 0.8, and no matter which horse
wins, the winnings plus the returned winning stake total 1.00, i.e. the
profit is 0.2. Hence Fred's total stake was £800 and his profit £200.
'It's no use trying it yourself - real bookies fix the odds better than
Fred's stakes were: £250 on Bonnie Lass, £200 on Golden Stirrup,
£125 on Two's a Crowd, £100 on Greek Hero, and £25 on each of
the five others.
[Eastaway, 1982, p. 94]
427. Place the set square so the vertex at the right-angle lies on the
428. 'Let A be the angle in minutes between the hands, with the
minute hand ahead of the hour hand. If the hour hand moves through
two-thirds of angle A, the minute hand must move through (60 - A) +
:tAo Since the minute hand moves twelve times as fast as the hour
hand, 12(M) = 60 - M and A = 6H minutes. The elapsed time is
12 x ~ x 6H = 55A minutes.
'It is very interesting that if the hour hand only moves through one-
third of the angle so that the minute hand ends up ahead of the hour
hand, an identical result is obtamed. While the hour hand moves
through one-third of the angle B, and the minute hand moves through
(60 - B) + 1B. Proceeding as before, 12(~B) = 60 - iB and B = 13M
The Solutions 317
429. Nine stlcks are sufficient, the same number required to make a
431. 'Put your first and second fingers on 1 and 2, bring them round to
the corresponding position on the right-hand side. Then push the six
coins bodily to the left, leaving coins 1 and 2 in the position shown.'
or -R' = r'
R' r'
9 8
-R =
-r ~ 0.354 r
3 4
433. Take a rectangular sheet of paper and use the ruler to draw two
parallel lines, as in the figure. Then placmg the ruler as indicated, the
angle BAC will be 30°.
434. XY is the given segment. Draw two lines parallel to it, as in the
figure. Take any point A on the second line and join it to X and Y,
and then draw XB and YC to meet in o. Then the line AO passes
throught the mid-point of XV.
435. The piano will present the greatest difficulty when it is symmetric-
ally wedged into the corner. Two corners will then touch two sides of
the corridor, and the inner corner of the corridor will touch the
opposite side of the piano. The area of the piano being a maximum
when viewed vertically, this reduces to the problem of the largest
rectangle that can be cut from a triangle. In this case, the base of the
triangle is double its height, and so the piano has the same propor-
tions: it is twice as long as it is wide.
The Solutions 321
436. There are two other four-digit numbers with this property, 2025
and 9801, of which only 9801 has distinct digits.
437. 'Calling the unknown lengths of the scale-arms a and b, and the
parcel's true weight x ounces, by the principle of the lever
bx = 28!a
ax = 36b
from which Xl = 1017
438. One weighing IS enough. Take one coin from the first box, two
from the second, three from the third, and so on, up to ten coins from
the tenth box. Then the weight of all these coins will fall short of the
total if they were all sound, by 2 gm times the number of the box
containing the duds.
2 3 10 4 5 6
2 3 11 7 8 9 10
4 7 10 3 6 9 12
322 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
440. Yes. Jack accepted Fred's bet and handed over two pounds.
Fred welshed on his bet, and handed over one pound, making a profit
of one pound.
441. This table shows the payoffs for Red, according to Black's
response. The only bids for Red which prevent Black from winning
are Sp and 6p, and of these 6p is the better: if Black foolishly bids
high, then Red will make a profit of 1p with his 6p bid, but would
break even by bidding Sp.
3p 4p Sp 6p 7p 8p
3p 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
4p 2 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
Sp 2 1 0 0 0 0
6p 2 1 0 0 1 1
7p 2 1 0 -1 0 2
8p 2 1 0 -1 -2 0
The Solutions 323
443. Flowers cost lOp, whilst I.P.A. costs less than lOp. The first
stranger put down a lOp piece on the counter. The second man put
down a 5p piece, and five pence in copper coins.
[Kendall and Thomas, 1962, problem A9]
/ \
I \
I \
324 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
three arcs to find C, the opposite end of the diameter BAC. With
radius CB and centre C, draw an arc to intersect the circle centred on
B at D. FinaJly with radius AB and centre D, draw an arc which wiII
intersect AB at E, the mid-point of AB.
The isosceles triangles DBE and CDB have the same base angle at
B, and are therefore similar. Since DB is one half of BC, BE is one
half of BD = BA.
[Graham, 1963, problem 11)
446. One move. Pick up the third tumbler from the left and pour its
contents into the last tumbler.
[Always, 1965)
There are three ways to set out from HHH on your journey, and
two choices of route after your first stop. Thereafter, the rest of the
route is forced. This is one solution:
'Shillings per acre' begins with 3, ... price per acre is between £15
and £20; and there are 8 acres .
... 4 d. is 142 and 1 d. is 355.
The 'down' number that = an 'across' number must be 10 d. And
11 times Farmer's age cannot = 352 .
... it is 792.
Finally, we want a square for 2 d., 7"*6. This can only be 84 2 or
86 2 • But 84 2 = 7056, which will not do for 5 ac.
".2 d. = 7396
and Mrs Grooby's age is 86.
449. Every row and every column must contain at least one black
square, so solutions with eighteen squares are easy and numerous.
The pattern on the left exploits the knight's move, to produce a
solution in seventeen squares, and no doubt for a sufficiently large
initial board this solution or its reflection will be maximal. However,
326 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
and multiplying by 4, so that the next figure to the left is 6, with 1 to
Multiplying the 6 by 4 and adding the carry, the next figure is 5, with
2 to carry:
and, since (4 x 5) + 2 = 22, the next is 2 with 2 to carry:
(2 x 4) +2 = 10, so place 0 and carry 1:
(0 x 4) + 1 1, so place the 1, with no carry:
This is the solution.
452. The most likely total is 13. For every way in which you could end
up with a total of 14 or more, there is a way of ending up with 13: all you
have to do is to throw one less, and this is certainly possible because you
cannot first exceed 12 and arrive at a total of 14 or more by throwing a 1.
Therefore the number of ways of reaching 13 is at least as great as
the number of ways of reaching any higher total. But there are also
ways to first exceed 12 and reach 13, for example by starting With 12
and throwing a 1, which do not have any matching throws for higher
totals. Therefore there are more ways of getting to 13 and the
probability is greatest that your total will be 13.
[Honsberger, 1978, p. 42)
453. About 73 per cent more. The figure shows the shape of the
triangular cake and how it was cut. The original triangle and all its
parts have angles of 1200 , 30 0 and 30". The ratio of a larger to a
smaller piece IS J3.
328 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
[Eastaway, 1982, p. 123]
455. Let the original cheque be for x dollars and y cents. Then
lOOy + x - 68 = 2(lOOx + y)
or 98y - 68 = 199x
The original instructions did not forbid going outside the original
square, so that is clearly allowed.
457. This is the unique and elegant solution, again ignoring rotation,
which produces just one other solution.
458. 'At nobody. Fire your pistol in the air, and you will have the
best chance among all three truellists!
'Certainly you don't want to shoot at Black. If you are unlucky
enough to hit him, Gray will polish you off on the next shot. Suppose
you aim at Gray and hit him. Then Black will have first shot against
you and his overall probability of winning the duel will be ~, yours t.
Not too good. (The reader is invited to confirm Black's winning
probability of $ by summing the infinite geometric series: j + mm
m+ mmmmm+ ... )
'But if you deliberately miss, you will have first shot against either
Black or Gray on the next round. With probability j, Black will hit
Gray, and you will have an overall winning probability of ~. With t
probability Black will miss Gray, in which case Gray will dispose of
his stronger opponent, Black, and your overall chance against Gray
will be t.
'Thus by shooting in the air, your probability of winning the truel
is M or about 40 per cent. Black's probability is fr or about 38 per
cent. And poor Gray's winning probability is only ; (about 22 per
'Is there a lesson in TRUEL which might have application in the
field of international relations?'
[Silverman, 1971, problem 79)
The Solutions 331
460. This is one solution. Numbering the matches 1-15 from left to
right: move 5-1, 6-1, 9-3, 10-3,8-14,7-14,4-2, 11-2, 13-15, 12-15.
The diagram shows the position after the first five moves of the solu-
~ ~
~ ~ ~
~~~~2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
461. Three moves are sufficient. Numbering the cups 1-7, in any
order you choose, you could invert 1,2 and 3; 3, 4 and 5; 3, 6 and 7.
If however, the rules specified that four had to be inverted at each
turn, then the problem is impossible, because after each inversion
there will always be an even number of cups the right way up, and
never an odd number, such as 7.
not possible to follow instructions, which Peaky had the misfortune
to point out to the teacher.
[Adapted from NCTM, 1978, problem 115)
463. Since the problem rejects solutions which produce a square with
thickness, it must be intended to take the cube as its surface only. By
cutting along suitable edges the surface of a cube can be flattened into
one piece, in fact into a hexomino, in eleven different ways, all of
which can then be dissected into a square, though some require more
than four pieces.
This 'z' shape makes a cube and requires only four, by standard
methods. The top figure is composed of six identical squares. The
slanting line passes through its centre at approximately 54·7°. (Varia-
tion from this figure will produce a rectangle rather than a square.)
The Solutions 333
The second figure is composed of the two portions of the first figure
rearranged. The line through the centre of this figure is perpendicular
to the sloping edges. These pieces are then rearranged to form the
third figure.
[Games and Puzzles Journal, No.3, 1988, page 41]
464. With four vertical slices, and assuming that Jane's cake is not of
some extraordinary shape, a maximum of eleven pieces is possible.
If the cuts need not be vertical, then the first three cuts can create
eight pieces, for example by slicing twice vertically at right-angles,
and making the third cut horizontal. The fourth cut can then slice
through no less than seven of the eight pieces, making a total of
fifteen pieces. For example, take the plane cut which passes through
the mid-points of six edges and six eighth-cubes, and displace it
465. Sunday.
[Abraham, 1933, problem 10]
466. Suppose that there are E errors in total and that the first proof-
reader, A, finds } of the errors, and the second, B, finds ~ of
them. Then ~ = 30 and ~ = 24.
Of the ~ that A found, B will have found ~, and so from the errors
found by both
- = 20
467. Four. The sentence contains three spelling mistakes, plus the
false claim that it only contains one mistake, making a total of four
The second question, paradoxically, cannot be answered. It con-
tains only two spelling mistakes but claims to contain three mistakes;
therefore that claim is wrong and it actually contains three mistakes -
except that if it contains three mistakes then the claim that it contains
three mistakes is correct, and so it only contains the two spelling
mistakes, in which case ... !
468. 'Let n be the number of steps visible when the escalator is not
moving, and let a unit of time be the time it takes Professor Slapenar-
ski to walk down one step. If he walks down the down-moving
escalator in 50 steps, the n - 50 steps have gone out of sight in 50 units
of time. It takes him 125 steps to run up the same escalator, taking
five steps to everyone step before. In this trip, 125 - n steps have gone
out of sight in 125/5, or 25, units of time. Since the escalator can be
presumed to run at constant speed, we have the following linear
equation that readily yields a value for n of 100 steps:
n - 50 125 - n
50 25
469. The best location is at X, on a vertical line which has one kiosk
to its left and one to the right, and on a horizontal line which has one
kiosk above and one kiosk below. Moving the kiosk to Y, for
example, would reduce the horizontal distance travelled by the owner
of one kiosk while increasing the distance travelled by two of them.
x y
The Solutions 335
471. The fallacy is exposed when you use the argument of the
problem to prove that any two horses are of the same colour.
Removing each of the horses in turn only leaves the other one horse,
and the set of N - 1 horses which are all of the same colour as each
other, and the same colour as the horses removed, has one member.
If only it were possible to conclude that any pair of horses were the
same colour, then it would indeed - and very obviously - follow that
any three, four, five, etc., horses were of the same colour.
475. Supply four more identical triangles, and you will see that the
marked dots are on the diagonal of the completed square:
1 9
2 81
3 29
4 61
5 49
6 41
The Solutions 337
7 69
8 21
9 89
\0 01
11 09
Very conveniently, 910 ends in 01, and the cycle starts again. So
9387.420 .• 8., which IS 9" multiplied by a power of 910 , ends in the same
pair of digits as 9", that is, 89.
By a similar argument, based on the repeating sequence of the last
three digits, the last three digits of the power could also be calculated.
477. 'Among the five married couples no one shook more than eight
hands. Therefore if nine people each shake a different number of
hands, the numbers must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The person
who shook eight hands has to be married to whoever shook no hands
(otherwise he could have shaken only seven hands). Similarly, the
person who shook seven hands must be married to the person who
shook only one hand (the hand of the person who shook hands only
with the person who shook eight hands). The person who shook six
must be married to the person who shook two, and the person who
shook five must be married to the person who shook three. The only
person left, who shook hands with four, is my wife.'
[Gardner, 1977, p. 69, problem 5, contributed by Lars Bertil
478. Between races, they agreed to swop horses, so that each was
then mounted on the other's horse, and determined to leave his own
horse trailing second.
479. 'Start the 7- and II-minute hourglasses when the egg is dropped
into the boiling water. When the sand stops running in the 7-glass,
turn it over. When the sand stops running in the II-glass, turn the 7-
glass again. When the sand stops again in the 7-glass, 15 minutes will
have elapsed.'
[Gardner, 1981, p. 190, problem 8.1, contributed by Karl Fulves]
482. This is the solution given by Harry Lindgren and Greg Frederick-
son, in their marvellous book Recreational Problems in Geometric
Dissections and How to Solve Them.
Since the final assembled star must have an edge length times J3
that of the original stars, it is natural to join the vertices of a smaller
star to the centre, because that radius IS indeed J3
times the edge
length of the smaller stars.
[Lindgren and Frederickson, 1972, pp. 104-5]
483. The hidden feature is that the side of the square is equal in
length to the line joining a vertex of the dodecagon to the next-
vertex-but-three. Such simple relationships between polygons of equal
The Solutions 339
484. The smallest in area, and measured by the length of the shortest
side, is 3 x 7. This is one solution with attractive symmetry: the
knight starts at 1 and moves to 2, 3, .. . in sequence.
9 6 3 20 17 12 15
4 1 8 11 14 21 18
7 10 5 2 19 16 13
For the tour to have rotational symmetry, the board must be at
least 6 x 6. There are five such tours on the 6 x 6 board, of which
this is one:
486. Right-handed.
487. There are eighty magic hexagons, in twelve of which the ourer
vertices also sum to the magic constant, 26.
488. 'Eight swmgs are enough to reverse the two bookcases. One
solurion: (1) Swmg end B clockwise 90 degrees; (2) swing A clockwIse
The Solutions 341
489. Slide the horizontal match to one side, by half its length, and
then move the unattached match to form the remaining side of the
cocktail glass, which now contains the cherry .
• r
, 'I
490. Assemble the matches in this order, using long kitchen matches
in preference to the shorter kmd.
4 i
492. The number of balls in a square pyramid is the sum of the layers
from top to bottom, which are the square numbers, 1,4,9, 16,25 ...
The number on the triangular pyramid is likewise the sum of the
triangular numbers, there being 1,3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28 ... balls in each
layer from the top downwards.
To satisfy the conditions of the problem, a triangular pyramidal
number is one more than a square pyramidal number. By simple
addition, this first occurs when the square pyramid contains 55 balls
and the triangular pyramid, 56.
Since it does not occur again for any reasonably small sizes of the
two pyramids, this must be the solution.
(The formula for the number of balls in a square pyramid of side
n is in(n + 1)(2n + 1), and for the triangular pyramid, in(n +
l)(n +2).)
493. The sum of the areas of the given squares is 31152 which is not
a perfect square, but does equal 177 x 176, and it IS possible to
assemble them into the near-square shown opposite.
It is possible to assemble distinct squares into one large square, but
at least twenty-one pieces are required.
The Solutions 343
j 34
494. Yes, you can, because one of the books has to contain no words
at all, and another contains just one word. If the number of books in
the library IS N, which is greater than the number of words in any of
them, the numbers of words must be N - 1, N - 2, N - 3 ... all
the way down to 3, 2, 1, O.
Since the problem states that there are 'books' in the library, you
can safely assume at least two books, but not more.
[Mensa, 1975, problem 27]
B'. The centre of gravity now lies on the line B'B, dividing it in the
ratio, however, of 1: 3. So their intersection Y is indeed the centre of
gravity, and it divides AN in half and BB' in the ratio 3: 1.
498. He ties the rope round the tree on the shore, and then carries the
rope on a walk round the island. As he passes the halfway mark, the
rope starts to wrap around the tree on the island, and when he
reaches his starting point he ties the other end of the rope to the tree
on the shore and pulls himself across on the rope.
[Gardner, 1983, Chapter 8, problem 35]
Dissect the field into four equilateral triangles, each with sIdes of
50 metres. The pigeon-hole principle says that if five objects are
placed in only four boxes, then one of the boxes contains at least two
In the present case, one of the triangular 'quarters' contains at least
The Solutions 345
502. If More starts, then Less has the perfect strategy of taking
enough matches to bring his take and More's last take up to the
magic number four. So if More takes two, Less takes two, but if
More takes three, then Less takes one, and so on.
This ensures that after five turns each, twenty matches will have
gone, and More loses by taking the last.
When it is Less's turn to start, he can only hope that More does
not know the winning strategy and will allow Less sooner or later to
take a number which brings the total taken up to a multiple of four.
If More does know the trick, then at least they will win alternate
346 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
504. The maximum possible number with six lines is 20 which is just
the number of ways of choosing three lines out of six to be the sides
of the triangle.
505. These are probably the simplest solutions, and are easily
sketched on hexagonal or triangular paper:
[Gardner, 1989]
The Solutions 347
Mark E' on AC so that E'BC = 20°. Then the three triangles EBC,
BE'C and DE'B are all isosceles. Therefore BEE' is equilateral, and
triangle EE'D is isosceles. But DE'E = 40°, and so BDE + 40° = 70°
and BDE = 30°.
[Tripp, 1975]
507. Suppose you start with coin 1. Count 1,2,3 and turn 4 tails up.
Count 6, 7, 8 and turn 1 tails up. Count 3, 4, 5 and turn 6 tails up.
Count 8, 1, 2 and turn 3 tails up. Count 5, 6, 7 and turn 8 tails up.
Count 2, 3, 4 and turn 5 tails up. Count 7, 8, 1 and turn 2 tails up.
509. 'Cleary 1 would not appear as a factor, and any 4 could be replaced
by two 2's, without decreasing the product. And if one of the factors
were greater than 4, replacing it by 2 and n - 2 would yield a larger
product. Thus the factors are all 2's and 3's. Moreover, not more than
two 2's are used, since the replacement of three 2's by two 3's would
increase the product. The largest number possible is therefore y2 x 22"
[Dunn, 1980, p. 84)
510. 'He must pick up seven shirts to tide him over until the following
Monday. Hence he must deposit seven shirts each Monday. Counting
the shirt he wears on Monday, the required total is fifteen. (Note that
he cannot get by with only fourteen by exchanging his Monday shirt
for a clean one and turning it into the laundry, as he will be caught
short the following Monday.),
[Dunn, 1983, problem 84)
The strip is folded at 45° to bring it to the left (top figure) and then
back across the triangle, and so continues in a clockwise direction.
[Madachy, 1966, p. 124, problem 23)
The Solutions 349
513. The order makes no difference, the final price is the original
price multipled by (95/100) x (90/100) x (80/100), or 68.4 per cent.
514. The thickness will be 250 x rl; mm, which is rather more than
70,368,681 miles, 'or more than two-thirds of the distance from the
earth to the sun'.
[Tocquet, 1957, p. 109]
517. Label the rectangle ABCD. Fold AC on to AB, td form the edge
CE, and then fold BD on to CE, to form the crease FG. Finally fold
BD towards A, so that the new crease passes through F and so that
BDA is a straight line.
AB is then equal in side to the square whose area is equal to the
original rectangle. This is Abraham's proof:
'Let AB = x = y and AC = x - y. Then area of ABCD = Xl - yl
and AB - AC = 2y.
'First - Fold the short edge AC up on to the line AB as shown in
the first figure. CB is therefore equal to 2y.
'Second - Fold BD over to CE on line F and open out these folds.
BF is therefore equal to Y, and AF = x.
'Third - Fold DB about the point F, so that ADB is a straight line.
We now have the triangle AFB, and DBF is a right-angle. As AF = x,
BF = y, S is the side of a square which has an area equal to ABCD.'
[Abraham, 1933, problem 99]
350 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
518. The pieces will only form a hollow triangle within a square:
519. True. Label each person with the number of friends he or she
has at the party. If there are N people, the labels will be numbers
from 0 to N - 1. However, it is not possible for both 0 and N - 1 to
appear as labels, because if someone knows no one at the party, then
another person cannot know everyone. Therefore there are at most
N - 1 labels for N people and one of the labels must appear twice.
520. True. Consider anyone person at the dinner party (call this
person 'Tom' for convenience), and his relationships to the other five
present. Of these five, either at least three are friends of Tom, or at
least three are strangers to him.
If they include three friends of Tom, then either these three are
all strangers, or one pair are mutual friends and form with Tom a
group of three mutual friends. Similarly, if they include three strangers,
they are either mutual friends, or two of them and Tom are mutual
521. In this diagram the intersections of the paths have been marked
with the numbers of ways in which Lady Merchant can reach the
intersection. For each intersection this number is the sum of the
numbers at the previous intersections from which the intersection can
be reached by walking along the side of one plot.
The Solutions 351
The numbers, in fact, are the numbers in Pascal's Triangle, and the
summer house can be reached in a total of seventy different ways.
o 0
If the 'square' mcludes the middle dot on one side, as in the middle
figure, then the next smaller square wiII leave two larger triangles
overlapping, as in the right-hand figure, and the addition of one extra
352 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
dot allows the triangles to be separated. (If even smaller squares are
taken in this case, then the pair of equal triangles will overlap in a
larger triangle, and by adding that number to the original triangular
number, a similar dissection occurs.)
527. For two children in general there are four equally likely events:
boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl and girl-boy. Since boy-boy is ruled out,
the chance of girl-girl is !.
Taking the same four events in older-younger order, both girl-boy
and girl-girl are ruled out, so the probability of two boys is t.
[Kordemsky, 1972, problem 236]
528. Mrs Tabako should place one cultured pearl in one jar, so that
if Mr Tabako chooses that jar his chance of success is 100 per cent,
and place all the remaimng pearls, forty-nine cultured and fifty
natural, in the other jar, so his chance will be 49/99.
[Morris, 1970, p. 136]
354 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Consider first that the positions at which the chord meets the circle
are not important but the angle at which it meets the circle is, so
consider the chords through a given point on the circle. Comparing
their lengths with the equilateral triangle with a vertex at the same
point, the chord will be longer than the triangle-side if it falls within
the central angle of 60°, and the chance of this is 60/180 = !.
The Solutions 355
Next, consider the idea that the direction of the chord does not
matter - it is sufficient to consider all possible positions of the chord
parallel to a given direction. If the chord falls within the central band it
will be longer than the triangle side, otherwise not. But then length XY
is one half of the diameter of the circle, so in this case the probability is t.
A random chord can have its centre anywhere at all within the
circle, but only a chord whose centre lies within the circle inscribed in
the equilateral triangle will be longer than the triangle side. So the
required probability is the ratio of the areas of the smaller circle to
the larger, which is 1: 2', or i.
[Northrop, 1960, pp. 169-70. Other methods of interpreting the
qualification 'random' produce more different answers. Thus
Hunter and Madachy, 1963, p. 102, produce the answer~]
530. The figure can be divided into any number of identical pieces
(including two) by repeating the matching shapes of the ends.
531. This shape is the only known pentagonal reptile of order 4, that
is, which divides into identical quarters.
Divide the first figure about the vertical line of symmetry, and
bisect its other two tiles similarly, to get the second figure.
536. Neither. The distance between the heads does not change.
Think about it by imagining that only one bolt moves about the
other. It will either move towards the other or move away depending
on the direction of the screw on the bolt and the direction of rotation.
No matter what happens with the bolt you are holding, the
opposite will happen when you hold the first bolt still and move the
second around it. Therefore, when you 'twiddle' them, the two
motions will cancel each other out.
[Lukacs and Tarjan, 1982, p. 170]
538. She takes eight stockings and is assured of at least one pair.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • •
• •
358 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
Trial and error may well convince the reader of this impossibility,
which can be proved by the following beautiful argument, which
depends on picking a target square on the fifth rank, to which you
hope to despatch a man, and labelling it and surrounding squares as
in the figure below.
(ll et (li 0 2 0 1 0 02 03 04 05
06 05 04 03 02 0 02 03 04 05 06
07 06 05 04 03 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 07 06 05 04 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 08 07 06 05 04 05 06 07 08 09
eJ° 09 08 07 06 05 06 07 08 09 eJ°
eJ° 0 9 08 07 06 07 08 09 eJ°
eJ° 09 08 07 08 09 eJ°
eJ° 09 08 09 eJ°
eJ° 09 eJ°
Here, the letter 0 stands for !(.j5 - 1), so that 0 has the property
that 0' + 0 = 1, and - this is the point of the labelling - every legal
move consisting of a solitaire jump leaves the sum total of the values
of all the squares occupied unchanged. For example, if a man occupy-
ing 0 7 jumps over a man occupying 0' it will be into a square
labelled 0 5 , and 0 7 + 0' = 0 5 •
Now consider the total value of all the men in the initial army
below the starting line. This value must at least equal 1 if one man is
finally to reach square 1.
However, the sum of all the men in the first row below the starting
line is less than
(05 + 0' + 0 7 + ... ) + (0' + 0 7 + 0" + ... )
05 0' 0 5 0'
=-- + - - = -+ - = 0 3 + 0 4 = 02
1 - 0 1 - 0 0 ' 0'
Similarly, the sum of all the men in the second row is less than 0 3 •
Continuing, the sum of all the men in the initial army is less than
The Solutions 359
0 2 +03 +04 + ...
1- 0
Therefore no man can reach the fifth rank. If, however, just one cell,
no matter where, is allowed to be occupied by two men, then the fifth
rank is within reach.
[Beasley, 1989, pp. 86-7. John Beasley, who has also written
The Ins and Outs of Peg Solitaire, comments that 'Solitaire
offers many lovely problems, but this is one of the loveliest']
The general answer is 'Yes' also. An intuitive proof can start with
the idea that if you have a square which surrounds exactly N - 1
points, then by keeping the same centre and orientation you can
increase the size of the square until either one point lies on its
perimeter, in which case a sufficiently small further increase will
bring that point inside without putting any more points on the
perimeter, or several points appear on the perimeter at once, in which
case you retreat slightly, give the square a very slight movement, and
increase the size again until this time just one new point appears on
the perimeter.
[Honsberger, 1973, p. 121, where Honsberger gives Browkin's
watertight proof of this conclusion]
541. James's book was published in 1907, two years after Einstein
published his first paper on his special theory of relativity, so it is
appropriate that the answer is relative - it depends what you mean by
the verb 'circle'.
It is a well-known fact that the moon always turns its same face to
us, and that its distance from the earth was once less than it is now.
360 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
543. There are eight possible sets of crossings at the three intersections
and only two of these create a knot, so the probability is 114.
545. 'On the first day, the chauffeur was spared a 20-minute drive.
Thus Mr Smith must have been picked up at a point which is a 10-
minute drive (one way) from the station. Had the chauffeur proceeded
as usual, he would have arrived at the station at exactly 5 o'clock.
The 10-minute saving means that he must have picked up Smith at
4.50. Thus Smith took 50 minutes to walk what the chauffeur would
take 10 minutes to drive. From this we see that the chauffeur goes five
times as quickly as Smith.
'Now, on the second day, suppose that Smith walks for 5t minutes.
The distance he covers, then, would take the chauffeur only t minutes
to drive. Accordingly, Smith was picked up this time at t minutes
before 5 o'clock, that is, at 60 - t minutes after 4 o'clock. However,
starting at 4.30 and walking for 5t minutes, Smith must have been
picked up at 30 + 5t minutes after 4 o'clock. Hence 30 + 5t = 60 -
t, and t = 5. Therefore the chauffeur was spared a 5-minute drive
(each way), providing a saving of 10 minutes this time.'
[Honsberger, 1978, problem 6]
The Solutions 361
546. The train takes 30 seconds to travel 1 km, plus 3 seconds for the
complete train to pass any point, making a total of 33 seconds.
547. The paddle, being unpowered, does not move relative to the
water, and since the boat has a constant speed relative to the water,
regardless of that speed, it will take the boat as long to get back to
the paddle - 10 minutes - as it did .to get away from it. Since the
paddle (and the water) moved 1 mile in that total period of 20
minutes, the current must have been 3 mph.
[Graham, 1968, problem 24]
548. It is not true that if one sees two sides the other will see three. In
most positions, they will each see two sides. A quick sketch will show
that the chance of seeing three sides at once is rather small, and only
approaches fifty-fifty as the spy recedes to an infinite distance from
the building.
549. Let the longer candle be x inches originally, and burn at r inches
per hour. Then the shorter candle was originally x - I inches long.
Let s denote its rate of burning. At 8.30, the longer candle has burned
for 4 hours and the shorter for 2t hours, and they are the same length:
x - 4r = (x - 1) - -
550. The second box from the right was originally in the middle.
'If the boxes are thought of as dice with numbers on them (convention-
ally arranged so that pairs of numbers on opposite faces add up to 7)
the sum of the numbers for the upper, front and right-hand faces of
any of the dice is an odd or even number according to its orientation;
for instance the diagram below (assuming the face with the A has one
pip on it) we have
362 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
1 + 2 +3= 6 (even)
2 + 6 +3= 11 (odd)
4 + 2 +1= 7 (odd)
In this way we can call the orientation of a box either odd or even.
The class of orientation changes each time a box is tipped over on an
edge. This diagram shows this for two cases - where the first box is
tipped over backwards, or to the right. The result follows in the
general case from the fact that each tipping over of the box leaves
two of the previous numbers to be considered again, while the third is
replaced by its difference from 7 and thus becomes odd if it was even
before, and conversely. So the sum of the upper, front and right-hand
faces changes in similar fashion - the box goes from an odd orienta-
tion to an even one, or vice versa. It is not in fact difficult to show
that successive tipping operations can indeed produce any even orienta-
tion on any square of unchanged colour and any odd orientation on
any square of altered colour.
o o o o 0 o
o o 00
o o o o
'If all the boxes in position A are taken to have even orientations,
only the second from the left in position B has an odd one; so the
latter must have been tipped over an odd number of urnes, and the
rest an even number of times.
'Now we assume that all this takes place on a floor which is
chequered like a chessboard, where each box exactly covers one
square. Every time a box is tipped over, this changes the colour of the
square which it covers; so each box stands on one colour in all its
even orientations, and on the other colour in all its odd ones. Suppose
that the first, third and fifth boxes are on black squares in position B;
then they were on black squares in position A also. The second box
in position B, which is now on a white square, must in view of its
new odd orientation have been on a black square, earlier, in position
A. So we recognize these four boxes as those which occupied four
like-coloured squares in position A - i.e. the outer ones. The second
box from the right in position B, with an even orientation on a white
The Solutions 363
551. Call the trains A and B. A runs one third of its length in 1
second and B runs one quarter of its length, so they separate by 1 +
1 = n of the length of either in 1 second. To pass each other, they
must separate by twice the length of either, which will take 2 x ¥ =
¥ = 3~ seconds.
[Workman, 1920, p. 406, exercise 7]
A c
The answer can also be found by visualization: break the base of
the triangle, and slightly separate the lines going into each corner.
Continue to bend the two halves of the base and to separate the same
lines until the figure is transformed into a grid of squares. Each
original triangle to be counted corresponds to a rectangle, at least one
of whose sides lies along the edges AB and Be. The number of such
rectangles is the total number of rectangles in the figure, less the
364 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
553. He asks either of the warders, 'Does the warder who is guarding
the road that leads to freedom tell the truth?' If the warder he asks
replies 'Yes', he goes through that warder's door. If the warder
replies 'No', he walks to freedom through the other door.
554. Consider the puzzle with statements 1-5 only, and denote '2 is
true' by 2T, and so on.
2T implies ST implies 4F (since 4T, ST would make 4F).
4F implies two consecutive true statements, which is impossible.
Therefore 2F. 2F implies 4T (since 4F would have to be true),
which implies 3F and SF. Thus IF 2F 3F 4T SF, and the answer to
this shortened puzzle would be '4 alone'.
But adding the statement 6, if 6T then its removal would affect the
answer, and therefore 6F. Thus since 6F, the answer cannot be 4
alone. 2T can again be ruled out making 2F. Hence again 4T so 3F
and SF. The only combination left which works and does not give the
answer '4 alone' is IT 2F 3F 4T SF 6F. Statements 1 and 4 are true.
[Eastaway, 1982, p. 15]
557. Three boys and three girls each received one :1 cent and two 1
cent buns. There could also have been only one boy and one girl, but
then the purchase could have been made in ten ways instead of the
single way required.
[Beiler, 1964, p. 298, problem 32]
558. Black can only have moved his knights, which are back on their
original squares (having possibly swopped places), and his rooks
which can only have moved to the original position of a knight and
back again, and so Black has made an even number of moves.
Similarly White's knights and rooks have only made an even number
of moves. Therefore, to account for the odd single move by the White
pawn, the White King or Queen must have made an odd number of
moves between them, and this is most briefly accomplished by the
White King moving seven times, for example Ke1-f2-e3-f4-g4-g3-
366 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
560. Tom lived at No. 81. The diagram shows the successive groups
of numbers that emerge from the answers to the first three questions.
Consider the last question that John asks. There is only one group
(16, 36) that would enable John to determine the number, whether
the answer had been YES or NO. The answers that John received
therefore must have been (in order) NO, YES, NO. Since Tom lied to
the first two questions, the correct answers should have been YES, NO,
YES, leading to the unique answer of 81.
greater than 50
51,52 .. 8,9 ..
.. 99,100 .. 48,49
~ multipleof4 1
52,56.. 51,53 .. ~1~. al0 ..
.. 96,100 .. 98,99 .. 44,48 .47,49
'EsA~e~fect square 1
Y~ Y? _.~ Y~ Y~10,11..
64,100 52,56 .. 81 51,53.. 16,36
8,12.. 9,25,49
.. 92,96 ..98,99 .. 44,48 .. 46,47
562. Suppose B's statement is true. Then A's statement would be true
and C would be a Pukka. But this is not possible, for all three would
then make true statements.
Therefore B's statement is false, and A is not a Pukka.
Therefore neither A nor B is a Pukka, and so C is a Pukka.
Therefore A's statement is true, and so A must be a Shill i-Shalla,
and B is the Wotta-Woppa.
Conclusion: A is a Shilli-Shalla; B is a Wotta-Woppa; C is a Pukka.
[Emmett, 1976, problem 21)
563. The squares, as assembled here, wrap round so that the left and
right edges match.
11 13
17 15
564. 'Let a be the amount A had and b be the amount B had before A
and B bet. Then, from [1), after they bet A had 2a and B had b - a.
'Let c be the amount C had before he bet with B. Then, from [2),
after Band C bet, B had (b - a) + (b - a) or 2b - 2a, and Chad
c - (b - a) or c - b + a.
'Then, from [3), after C and A bet, Chad (c - b + a) + (c -
b + a) or 2c - 2b + 2a, and A had 2a - (c - b + a) or a - c + b.
368 Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles
6 6 6 666
and G represents 6.'
[Summers, 1968, problem 34]
567. 'Sales: third week, x cars; second week, y; first week, (56 - x - y).
From data x 2 - (55 - y)x - 2y2 + 57y - 56 = O.
This is an "indeterminate equation of the second degree", i.e. two
unknowns, including the square of one or both. Solution depends on
the fact that both unknowns are whole numbers. We treat it as an
ordinary quadratic, in this case in x:
(55 - y) ± Jr-(9- y 2-_-33-8-y-+-3-2-49-)
x = ~--~----~~------~------
where k is any whole number that will satisfy the square condition.
Treating this as an ordinary quadratic, we get
169 ± J(9k 2 - 680)
Let 9k' - 680 = t', where t is any whole number that will satisfy the
square condition.
Then 9k' - t' = 680, i.e. (3k + t) (3k - t) = 680.
Taking the factors of 680, we have:
680 = 340 x 2,or170 x 4,or68 x 10,or34 x 20.
Now tabulate these alternatives, coupled with (3k + t) and (3k - t),
where (3k + t) must be greater than (3k - t).
3k + t = 340 or 170 or 68 or 34
3k - t = 2 4 10 20
so ~ = 342 174 78 54
2t = 338 166 58 14
k 57 29 13 9
t = 169 83 29 7
making y 0 28 22 18
whence x 28 23 or 40 23 or 14
But, x > y, and x *- y, so x = 23.
Hence they sold 23 cars the third week, sales being:
First week: 15 or 11
Second week: 18 or 22
Third week: 23 23'
Wells, D. G. (1983--6) Can You Solve These?, SerIes 1,2 and 3, Tarquin Publtca-
Wells, D. G. (1987) HIdden Connections, Double Meanings, CambrIdge
University Press.
WhIte, Alain C. (1913) Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems, Whitehead and
MIller, Leeds.
Wllltams, W. T. and Savage, G. H. (n.d.) The Strand Problems Book,
WIllIams, W. T. and Savage, G. H. (1946) The Third Penguin Problems Book,
Workman, W. 1'. (1920) The Tutortal AYlthmetlc, UniversIty TutorIal Press.
Numbers refer to pages, not to the numbering of the puzzles.