Modeling The Life Cycle Cost of Jet Engine Maintenance
Modeling The Life Cycle Cost of Jet Engine Maintenance
Modeling The Life Cycle Cost of Jet Engine Maintenance
Ralf Seemann
October 2010
Cost incurred by aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) make up a considerable
proportion of the total life cycle cost of an aircraft. For an evaluation of the economic efficiency
of commercial aircraft, it is therefore crucial to estimate its MRO cost. The largest share of these
cost are incurred by the maintenance of the aircraft engines. Engine maintenance is performed
on-condition in dedicated workshops mainly independent from the regular maintenance check
events of the remainder aircraft. For a consideration of aircraft life cycle cost, it is hence also
necessary to predict the intervals of these engine shop visits.
The present study discusses an approach for estimating the life cycle cost of aircraft engine
maintenance. It provides an extensive review on basic concepts of jet engine MRO as well as on the
primary factors that affect the engine maintenance cost and intervals. Based on these resources,
a database was assembled from historic maintenance data provided by the aviation magazine
“Aircraft Commerce”. Through linear regression analysis of the database, cost estimating
relationships (CERs) describing the correspondence between maintenance cost/intervals and
basic engine specifications were derived. These CERs are complemented by a series of adjustment
factors that were developed in order to reflect additional influential effects, such as operational
severity or engine age. The resulting model demonstrates that reasonable figures for the engine
shop visit intervals and cost can be estimated by considering the engine take-off thrust, engine
dry weight, engine maturity, average flight length, applied derate and environmental conditions as
primary influence factors. Since the assembled database contains only maintenance information
of the currently mature engine generation, the validity of the developed model is limited to the
current engine generation. However, it is assumed that the basic maintenance characteristics
remain unchanged with the next engine generation. Plausibility tests, which compare the model
results with estimates for the maintenance cost of the next engine generation, indicate that the
more advanced engines can be represented by the developed model through the use of technology
The developed model is intended to complement the aircraft life cycle cost simulation tool
(LCC-tool), which is being developed at the Institute of Air Transportation Systems at Hamburg
University of Technology. The LCC-tool uses Matlab as programming environment and enables
the evaluation of technologies under the incorporation of expertise in form of technology factors.
Therefore, the resulting model was implemented into the structure of the existing Matlab
programme sequence.
List of Abbreviations V
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Thesis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Basic Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 The Turbofan Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.1 On-Wing Engine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Engine Overhaul - Shop Visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.3 Engine Time On-Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.4 Engine Maintenance Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3.1 Reflection of EMC in DOC methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3.2 Parametric Cost Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Contents III
Bibliography 77
List of Figures i
List of Tables ii
Appendix ii
B Database iv
B.1 Aircraft Commerce Shop Visit Reserves & Intervals Example Table . . . . . . . . iv
Contents IV
C Regression Analysis vi
C.1 First Interval SH Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
C.2 Mature Interval SH Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
C.3 First Interval MLH Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
C.4 Mature Interval MLH Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
C.5 First Shop Visit Restoration Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
C.6 Mature Shop Visit Restoration Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
C.7 LLP Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aircraft
ACA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aircraft Commerce articles
AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airworthiness directive
BLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Labor Statistics
BPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bypass ratio
CER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost estimating relationship
DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data base
DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct maintenance cost
DOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct operating costs
ECI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Employment cost index
ECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine condition monitoring
EF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Environment factor
EFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine flight cycle
EFH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine flight hour
EGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhaust gas temperature
EGTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhaust gas temperature margin
EMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine maintenance costs
EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine pressure ratio
FADEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full authority digital engine control
FOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foreign object damage
FR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First-run
HPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High pressure compressor
HPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High pressure turbine
IMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect operating costs
IOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect operating costs
IPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intermediate pressure compressor
LCFH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life cycle flight hours
LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life limited part
LM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line maintenance
LPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low pressure compressor
LPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low pressure turbine
MIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance inflation factor
MLH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium-long-haul
MR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mature-run
Contents VI
1 Introduction
The global market for passenger and freight air transportation has tremendously grown over
the past decades and it is expected to keep expanding at a high pace. At the same time, the
airlines see themselves in a more competitive market environment, especially with the emerging
number of low-cost-carriers that has marked a turning point in the market structure. In order
to stay competitive, airlines need to constantly seek cost saving potentials. This ambition is
closely linked to evaluating new technologies and their possible contribution to reducing the
long term costs for owning and operating the entire aircraft system throughout its life cycle. A
considerable share of these life cycle costs (LCC) are expenditures for maintenance, repair and
overhaul (MRO) of the individual aircraft systems. The biggest proportion of the aircraft MRO
costs is incurred by the engine (fig. 1.1).
Components MRO
Engine MRO
Line Maintenance
Airframe Heavy
Most aircraft engines used in today’s air transportation industry are gas turbine engines.
The mechanical complexity of these engines results in considerable labour costs required for
MRO related tasks such as disassembly, inspection, reassembly and test. In addition, the engine
design requires highly tensile and thermo resistant materials, which results in high material costs
for repair and replacement of worn parts. Therefore, engine MRO is considered as cost driver
and it is in the interest of aircraft operators to estimate the life cycle costs caused by engine
maintenance, when making decisions regarding their engine fleet.
1.1 Thesis Objectives 2
In support of the development of the engine MRO model, this thesis is meant to serve as a review
on basic concepts and relationships in jet engine maintenance. The aim of this review is a better
understanding of the decisive characteristics that affect the maintenance costs of aircraft engines.
First Section The first section (chapter 2) includes a brief introduction to gas turbine engines in
general followed by an extensive literature review on engine maintenance and parametric cost
Second Section The second part (chapters 3 and 4) describes the process of developing cost
estimating relationships using a methodical approach introduced in the first section. Therefore,
an adequate database is assembled based on available data sources. The resulting database is then
statistically analyzed in order to establish valid cost estimating relationships. Building on these
relationships and based on the conclusions of the literature review, the considerations that led to
the final engine maintenance model are subsequently described including a demonstration of an
example application. Finally the model is checked for its plausibility using additionally available
independent data and its sensitivity on changes of different input parameters is illustrated.
Third Section The third section (chapter 5) revolves around implementing the developed model
into the existing LCC simulation tool. The model is implemented in an independent sub module
that is integrated in the existing programme sequence. However, the implementation required a
few minor adjustments to the input file as well as to the tool structure itself. All changes are
respectively documented.
2 Literature Review
This chapter is an summary of the reviewed literature and provides a theoretical background for
the present study. It is structured in three sections. First an overview of the working principle
and the composition of aircraft gas turbine engines is given, followed by an analysis of the various
aspects in engine maintenance. The last section reviews relevant concepts for the modeling of
engine maintenance costs.
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 4
2 3
1 4 The Brayto
air combustion exhaust q
2 3
W 1 4
compressor turbine
The working cycle of such gas turbines is called the Brayton cycle. The cycle efficiency depends
EGT [C°]
on the achieved temperature ratio T3 /T1 as well as on the given pressure ratio p2 /p1 . A closer
2 3 2 3 Target
OAT [C°]
W 1 4 1 4
volume temperature
Redline EGT The engine becomes less
EGT [C°]
turbine Figure 2.2: Working cycle of a gas turbine engine efficient, due to wear of
compressor/turbine blades
EGT Margin
There are two ways of generating thrust from this working
Deteriorated Engine principle. On the of
The loss one hand, has
efficiency the
hot high pressure airflow leaving the turbine can be accelerated to high speedto by
be compensated by
a nozzle behind
an increased fuel burn
the turbine. This is called jet propulsion. The other approach is to utilize the kinetic energy of
Engine DMC [$/EFH]
Turbojet The turbojet is the earliest and simplest type of all gas turbine engines [Gun95]. It
SLOATL OAT [C°] of an air-intake an engine core asEngine
consists Time
described On-Wing
above and a nozzle to accelerate the exhaust
air flow. The turbojet is a pure jet propulsion engine, thus the turbine is supposed to extract
just enough energy from the gas flow to drive the compressor,
Installation in Shop Visitso that as much energy as possible
Redline EGT is left in the The
to form the propulsive
becomes less jet. The turbojet engine provides a great amount of
efficient, due to wear of
compressor/turbine blades
Engine Flight Cycles Engine Time
thrust at high speed and high altitude, but has the disadvantage of low thrust at low forward
speeds (i.e. take-off).
Turboprop Turboprop engines consist of the engine core like the turbojet but with the addition
of a propeller output reduction gear and a second propeller shaft, which makes this engine type
more complicated and heavier than other gas turbine engines. Unlike turbojets it is the aim to
extract all the energy from the gas flow in the turbine and convert it into shaft power for driving
a propeller. Hence the turboprop generates only a small amount of jet propulsion. Turboprop
engines are characterized by a high propulsive efficiency at low airspeeds. The engine is therefore
able to develop very high thrust at take-off. However, together with the propulsive efficiency the
thrust falls rapidly at speeds above 800 km/h.
Turbofan Like the other gas turbine engines, the heart of the turbofan engine is the core turbine.
In addition, it has a duct-enclosed fan which is usually mounted on the front of the engine. The
air entering the engine passes through the fan and splits into two separated air streams. The core
stream provides the working fluid for the combustion cycle, whereas the second stream bypasses
the engine core, hence its name, bypass airflow. In the following section, the turbofan engine is
discussed in some detail.
Propfan A recent development of gas turbine engines is a combination of the Turbofan and the
Turboprop. The propfan, also known as ultra-high-bypass- or open rotor jet engine, is featured
by an unducted propeller of radically different design to conventional propellers [OCE91]. There
are two types of propfans, one with the propeller module in the front of the engine and one at
the rear of the turbine module. This design is said to result in a very low fuel consumption at
high sub-sonic speeds.
low exhaust velocity of the bypassed airflow. The sum of these features makes the turbofan
applicable for a wider range of aircraft in comparison to turbojet and turboprop engines. A
more detailed comparison of the three gas turbine engines and their characteristics along with
descriptive diagrams that show the correlation between net thrust as well as TSFC and the
airspeed at sea level and in high altitude is given in [Tre79].
bypass airflow
core airflow
source: GE
Engine Core
Intake Fan LPC LPT Nozzle
[HPC - Combustor - HPT]
The amount of air that is bypassed in relation to the airflow going through the engine core
is called bypass-ratio (BPR). Turbofans can be distinguished in low and high-bypass engines.
The former have a BRP in the range of 0.2:1 to 1:1 and can be found in super-sonic combat
aircraft due to their fuel economy at high speeds [Hue03]. Engines with a BPR of 5:1 and
more are termed high bypass-ratio engines. Today they practically make up all engines in high
sub-sonic military and civil aircraft. Similar to a turboprop, most of the total thrust of high
bypass turbofan engines is produced by the bypass air accelerated in the fan stage, whereas the
engine core primarily acts as gas generator providing the power to drive the turbines. Generally
speaking, a higher BPR leads to a reduced TSFC. However with increasing BPR also the size
and weight of the engine rise. As a result of this, the BPR is somewhat limited by factors like
available ground clearance under the wing or tolerable stress in the wing structure.
The design of conventional turbofan engines can also be distinguished between two-spool and
three-spool configurations. In the more common two-spool turbofan, the low-pressure compressor
(LPC) stages and the fan stages are mounted on one shaft together with the low-pressure turbine
(LPT). The second shaft is hollow and contains the high-pressure compressor (HPC) as well as
the high-pressure turbine (HPT). In order to reach higher bypass-ratios in an effort to reduce
the fuel consumption, fan diameters of turbofan engines have been steadily increased over the
last decades. However, the tip speed of fan blades is limited to less than supersonic, due to
material constraints. Since the fan and LPC of two-spool turbofans are places on the same shaft,
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 7
the rotational speed of the LPC is limited to the tolerable revolutions per minute (RPMs) of
the fan. Therefore, the LPC and HPC need a relatively high number of stages to achieve high
compression ratios. The three-spool concept was developed to overcome this issue. The fan and
the first compressor module in the core engine are mounted on different shafts so that they can
turn at different RPMs. The result of this is an intermediate-pressure compressor (IPC) that
can turn faster then the LPC of a two-spool engine. Since the compressors turn at higher RPMs,
they also require less stages, which leads to a shorter and lighter design and generally to more
durability than two-spool engines of the same size. The configuration with the fan, IPC and
HPC each placed on different shafts and driven by a dedicated turbine also makes it possible
that each spool can turn at optimized velocity. The disadvantage of the three-spool design is the
complexity of its construction [Air08a].
two-spool three-spool
1.1 Engine Systems in General
Figure 2.4: Comparison: two- and three-spool configuration
A turbine engine consists of its main components, which change the state
of the gas flow in the sequence of the thermodynamic working cycle. The Layout and Module
design ofCharacteristics
modern turbofan engines follows a modular concept. Thus a
typical twin-spool turbofan engine, like the V2500-A5 shown in Fig. 1.1,
The design of today’sis turbofan
composed of the following
engines main
follows modules: concept. This modular design essentially
a modular
reflects maintenance•aspects.
Fan module
Each of the modules has its own identity, service history and specific
• Low pressure compressor module
inspection schedules.• During a shop
Core engine or gasvisit, any of the individual modules can be removed from the
engine as an entire •unit
pressure turbine module
disassembling it into its piece parts. Figure 2.5 illustrates the
• Accessory gearbox module
modular structure of aThe
typical two-spool
core engine consiststurbofan
of the highengine
pressure(IAE V2500-A5).
compressor, A short description
the combus-
of each of this maintion section and
modules the high
is given pressure turbine. This modular design of the en-
gine mainly reflects maintenance aspects. During engine disassembly each
Fan Module Low Pressure Core Engine Low Pressure
Compressor Module Module Turbine Module
1.1 The main
2.5:modules of a V2500-A5
The main modules of a V2500-A5 [Lin08]
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 8
Fan The fan is simply a specialized type of a compressor and usually contains one stage. The
fan draws air into the engine, compressing the bypass airflow to produce most of the engines
thrust and supplying air to the gas turbine core. The fan module consists of the fan disk with
fan blades mounted to the low-pressure shaft. Today’s fan blades and disks are made of titanium
alloys. However, more and more blades of newer generation models are also made of carbon fibre
reinforced plastics (CFRP) [Rol07].
Low-Pressure Compressor The main purpose of the LPC is to increase the pressure of the air
through the gas turbine core. In this example, the LPC module contains not only the low-
pressure compressor case and stages, but also the fan case. Large civil gas turbine engines that
are considered in this paper have axial-flow compressors. That means the air is compressed in a
direction parallel to the engine axis. An axial-flow compressor is made up of alternating stages
of rotating blades and static vanes. In order to achieve a high pressure rise, the compression is
spread over a number of stages. Today’s LPC blades and vanes are generally made of aluminum
alloys [Cum97].
Core Engine The core engine module consists of the inner casings, a high-pressure shaft, a
high-pressure compressor, the combustion system as well as the high-pressure turbine. The HPC
is used in conjunction with the LPC and also contains alternating stages of rotor blades and
stator vanes, which further compress the air before it is supplied to the combustor. It is especially
the later stages of a HPC that handle an airflow at considerable higher temperature and pressure,
which is why the blades and vanes are made of more temperature resisting titanium and nickel
alloys. In the combustion system, fuel is burnt with the air received from the compressor modules,
sending hot gas downstream to the HPT. It consists of a combustion chamber, a fuel injector, an
igniter and nozzle guide vanes. The following HPT is made up of one or more turbine rotors as
well as a set of stationary nozzle guide vanes. The HPT converts part of the energy stored within
the hot gas into kinetic energy to drive the HPC and the accessory gearbox. Both combustor
and HPT are exposed to the maximum temperatures that occur in the engine therefore, cooling
air and ceramic coated nickel alloys are used to increase component lives. Generally, in a running
engine, it is the core engine module that is subjected to the most compelling conditions in terms
of temperature, pressure and rotational velocity. Thus, it will be the module that suffers the
fastest deterioration of performance [Ack10].
Low-Pressure Turbine The LPT module is located in the rear of the engine downstream of the
HPT module. It is an assembly of disks with turbine blades that are attached to the low pressure
shaft, nozzle guide vanes and a rear frame. The LPT removes the remaining energy from the
combustion gases to power the LPC module.
Accessory Gearbox The accessory gearbox is attached to the bottom or side of the engine.
The aircraft engine not only provides thrust, but it also supplies power for engine and aircraft
accessories. This includes starters, fuel and oil pumps as well as hydraulic pumps and generators
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 9
for cabin power. The accessory gearbox is where all this mechanical-driven components are
mounted to the engine.
This compound of main engine modules can be referred to as basic engine. However, this basic
engine by itself is not operable and cannot serve all necessary functions. In addition to its main
components the engine needs various systems to become operable. These engine-related systems
include amongst others an air cooling and sealing system, a lubrication system, a fuel distribution
system, an exhaust and thrust reverser system as well as an air inlet and a nozzle [Lin08].
Modern aircraft are equipped with a multitude of gauges to provide the flight crew with feedback
information about the engine condition. The main operating parameters contain the speeds of
the engine spools and the engine pressure ratio (EPR) for performance monitoring, as well as
the temperatures of the turbine gases for health monitoring. A brief description of these key
operating parameters is given below:
N1 and N2/N3 speeds In a jet engine, every main revolving section has a separate gauge to
monitor its RPMs. Depending on the engine type, the N1-gauge keeps track of the LPC and/or
fan speed. The core section is monitored by the N2-gauge, whereas a three-spool engine has
an additional N3-gauge. Due to the high revolving velocities, the RPMs of the engine spools
are displayed as percentage of the design RPM rather than actual RPM. The N1-speed is the
primary indication of thrust on most turbofans [FAA04].
Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) The EPR is the total pressure ratio across the engine and is defined
as the ratio of the pressure at turbine exit (exhaust) to the pressure at the intake. On some
turbofans, it serves as primary thrust indication gauge.
Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) The TIT is the gas temperature from the combustor exit as it
enters the first HPT stage. As the highest temperature inside a gas turbine engine, the TIT is
one of the limiting factors for the power output of an engine. However, it is difficult to measure
therefore, the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is usually the parameter measured.
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) The EGT is the temperature of the exhaust gases as they enter
the tail pipe, after passing through the LPT. It is expressed in degrees centigrade and can be
seen as one of the most important health monitoring parameters. The engine gas temperatures
have to be closely monitored, as exceeding temperature limits may lead to serious heat damage
to the turbine components [FAA04]. In addition, the EGT is a measure of the engine’s efficiency
in producing its design level of thrust. A high EGT may indicate that the engine has suffered
significant hardware deterioration during service. Generally, the EGT reaches its maximum
during take-off or right after lift-off, as the engine operates here at its peak.
2.1 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines 10
engine [Bra04]. Therefore, the EGT margin ischamber
a measure for how well below this limit the engine
2 3
operates in times of maximum power output at take-off. As the EGT of an engine increases over
time, due to hardware deterioration, the EGT margin decreases. Theoretically, an engine can
remain on wing until its EGT margin has become zero. It is normally at its highest level when
the engine is new or has just been refurbished. W 1 4
The EGT margin is furthermore highly influenced by the present outside air temperature (OAT). volume
For a given thrust setting, the EGT rises at a constant rate
compressor as the OAT increases. Figure 2.6
shows the relationship between take-off EGT and OAT.
EGT [C°]
The pictured curve is a result of the power management EGT of the digitalThe
engine controller
engine becomes less
EGT [C°]
(FADEC). It is programmed to provide constant maximum thrust with increasing OAT. due
Asto the
wear of
compressor/turbine blades
OAT rises, the air density EGT Margin Therefore, the throttle has to be increased in order to
maintain constant thrust, which results in an Engine
increase in EGT. However, constant maximum
The loss of efficiency has
to be compensated by
thrust is only maintained up to a certain OAT (corner point). The FADEC is then programmed
an increased fuel burn
to keep the EGT constant for OATs higher then the corner point temperature. This power
management setting is called flat rating and makes
Newsure that the engine operates
Engine with enough
The increase in fuel burn
EGT margin also at high OATs. The constant EGT is maintained by reducing results in a higher
the engine thrustEGT
as the OAT rises beyond the corner point [Air06b]. Without flat rating, the EGT would continue
to rise with increasing OAT as the dashed line in fig. 2.6 [C°] The OAT at which the EGT
would reach the redline EGT, if maximum take-off thrust was maintained is termed sea level
outside air temperature limit (SLOATL). The actual highest permitted thrust setting for a given
EGTM Erosion [C°]
Installation in Shop Visit
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 11
redline EGT and the actual EGT at maximum thrust at the corner point OAT (fig.2.6).
Today’s ECM systems evolved as a result of aviation authorities requiring flight crews to monitor
basic engine performance parameters from the flight deck instruments. The recorded data was
then used by the engineering departments of the airlines to determine the maintenance programme
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 12
for the engine. Therefore, ECM data was historically recorded manually and only during take-off
and once in the cruise. On modern aircraft, ECM information is gathered automatically in
higher number and quality and can even be recorded and transmitted to a ground station in
real-time [Air05a]. The engine performance parameters that are measured can be divided into
two categories. The first consists of parameters that are not heavily influenced by flight conditions
and engine thrust, like engine vibrations as well as oil temperature and pressure. The second type
of parameters comprise those that are affected by flight conditions and thrust. These parameters
include the gas path temperatures like the EGT, EPR, fuel flow as well as the N1 and N2 speeds.
In order to also provide data for indications of the present flight conditions, parameters like
altitude Mach number and air temperature are measured and recorded as well [Air05a]. The
key objective of ECM is to plot the performance trend data, so that it can be compared to a
model of how the engine is expected to behave under the experienced flight conditions. Shifts in
performance indicate hardware deterioration or operational problems. Combinations of specific
parameter changes are known to be indications for specific deviations in the engine. The data
can be further interpreted to find out which part of the engine is inducing the problems. This
analysis of the recorded data is undertaken by specialized ECM software usually provided by
the original equipment manufactures (OEMs). It is expected that future ECM systems will
capture more accurate data and have more elaborated data interpretation capabilities than the
current generation [Air06c]. In addition to the recording and analysis of engine performance
data, ECM also includes monitoring the physical condition of internal engine parts with the help
of inspection borescopes. An inspection borescope is an optical diagnosis tool comprising of a
long flexible tube and an optical lense, that gives an magnified and illuminated view of hardly
accessible areas inside the engine. It allows to inspect internal engine parts for defects such as
cracks, stress fractures and corrosion.
To sum up, ECM allows the concept of on-condition maintenance of aircraft engines. It helps
to manage the timing of both scheduled and unscheduled shop visits and it prevents excessive
hardware deterioration and it provides initial alerts that allow engines to be fixed on-wing
Aircraft engines usually have a design life that exceeds the achieved actual shop visit intervals by
far. This is due to part failures and unexpected damages. For instance, the fan and LPT modules
are often the first areas to suffer environmental damage due to their exposure to birds and
debris [Bur10]. The ECM systems described above, are able to detect such problems and provide
information that help the maintenance engineers to decide if an on-wing repair or replacement
should be conducted. Together with ECM systems, the on-wing repair capabilities are getting
more and more sophisticated. Today, on-wing maintenance includes repairs that historically have
been high-cost shop repairs [Bur10]. However, as a result of progressive hardware deterioration,
an engine overhaul is eventually unavoidable. On-wing repair though, contributes to extend
the engine’s time on-wing as close to its design life as possible, despite unexpected failures or
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 13
damages. Also falling into this category is the replacement of line replaceable units (LRUs).
These are parts that are designed to be quickly replaced on the flight line. They are usually
sealed units like, sensors, pumps, filters or tanks and can be replaced independently from their
On-wing repair and replacement not only has the benefit that it saves the time and money
for engine removal and complete disassembly, but also that there is no need for a spare engine
in order to keep the aircraft in service. In addition, it can be included into the aircraft’s line
maintenance schedule. GE’s On Wing Support for instance, performs flight line repairs like
borescope blending of compressor blades, fan module and gearbox workscopes as well as top case
compressor repairs [GE 08]. Another technique that falls into this category is the so called engine
water wash. It can be done without requiring additional ground time and involves spraying about
a hundred liters of water repeatedly into the front of the turning but not burning engine, where
the engine cleans itself. This procedure reduces fuel consumption by improving the EGT margin
and therefore extends the on-wing intervals [KLM07].
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 3 14
1 4 The Brayton Cycle
air combustion exhaust
parapraphs the primary removal causes are briefly discussed. q
2 3
W 1 4 1
compressor turbine
EGT Margin Degradation The degradation of an engine’s EGTM is one of the dominating
OAT [C°]
The rate of EGT margin erosion normally depends on the thrust rating as well as on how the
EGT Limit on the factors that influence the EGT margin $/ESV
engine is operated. A more detailed discussion
erosion rate is given in the following section 2.2.3. Generally, the rates of EGT margin degradation
are highest during the first 1000 - 2000 engine flight cycles (EFC) after installation. This is
called Installation Loss. The erosion rate stabilizes thereafter and reaches a fairly constant
level until the the engine is removedRestoration
[Air05b]. In the following engine shop visit, the EGT
Installation in Shop Visit $/EFH
margin is restored.
LossHowever, it is normally not possible to fully restore the initial EGT margin
EGT [C°]
efficient, due to wear of
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 15 blades
EGT Margin
Deteriorated Engine The loss of efficiency has
of a new engine. Overhauled engines typically achieve 70%-80% of the initial to EGT margin
be compensated by
an increased
level. This contributes to the fact that an engine’s first TOW is usually the longest achievedfuel burn
during its life cycle. Figure 2.9 shows the qualitative relationship between EGT margin erosion
New Engine
and accumulated EFC’s. Since an engine’s EGTM is constantly monitored, it isThe increase in fuel burn
fairly easy to
results in a higher EGT
determine its actual stabilized EGTM degradation rates. Therefore, it is possible to predict the
point where the EGT margin becomes zero. In other words,
OATEGT margin degradation generally
leads to a scheduled ESV.
EGTM Erosion [C°]
EGT Limit
Installation in Shop Visit
Life Limited Part Expiry Life limited parts (LLPs) are defined as engine rotor and major static
structural parts whose failure could result in hazardous engine effects. Such effects include for
instance uncontrolled fire or complete inability to shut down the engine. The Advisory Circular
(AC) 33.70 [FAA09], issued by the FAA, regulates the standards for the design and testing of
engine LLPs. Life limited rotational parts include disks, spools, spacers and shafts, whereas
static structural parts generally include high-pressure cases and non-redundant engine mount
components. For each LLP, an operating limitation or life limit must be established in order to
ensure that no hazardous effect occurs. The life limit specifies the maximum number of finite
flights or engine flight cycles (EFC) a LLP is allowed to be in service. The life limit for rotating
parts is for example equal to the minimum number of EFC, that is required to trigger a crack of
about 7 mm in length by 3.5 mm in depth [FAA09]. The definition of maximum permissible life
times for certain engine parts is an exception from the general on-condition maintenance concept
for aircraft engines. The life limit of LLPs is defined by the engine manufactures and typically
ranges between 15,000-30,000 EFC. However, some individual parts can have restricted lives,
due to technical issues and imposed airworthiness directives (AD) [Air04a]. Once an engine has
accumulated as many EFC as the shortest life limit of all equipped LLPs, it has to be removed
and sent to a workshop in order to replace the used up LLPs. Hence, LLP replacement can be
scheduled in coordination with the expected point of full EGT margin erosion. LLP replacement
is a major cost driver in engine maintenance and as such it is subjected to several cost saving
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 16
Hardware Deterioration The third main removal cause is the deterioration of the engine hardware.
All engine components are exposed to different kinds of deterioration mechanisms. These include
amongst others, low and high cycle fatigue, thermo-mechanical fatigue as well as corrosion
[MM10]. These mechanisms lead to a degradation of the part lives or in worst case to a part
failure as well as to a loss of engine performance. In contradiction to LLPs, the remainder engine
parts are replaced on an on-condition basis. A safely operating engine therefore relies on a well
functioning ECM system to detect problems related to hardware deterioration. The engine’s
core module, being exposed to the highest temperatures and revolving velocities within the
engine, suffers in particular from the mentioned deterioration mechanisms. These engine failures
are practically not predictable but modern ECM systems are capable of detecting them soon
after they arise and therefore allow to prevent more severe damage. However, if such an engine
hardware deterioration problem cannot be fixed on-wing, it forces the engine to get a premature
unscheduled shop visit.
Other removal causes The last group includes unscheduled removal causes from foreign object
damage (FOD), engine system failures and engine vibration. FOD is engine damage resulting
from ingestion of foreign objects. Foreign objects include birds, ice or ash as well as a runway
debris [Ack10]. Especially the ingestion of larger objects like birds can lead to significant damage
of the fan- and the LPC blades. However, such an incident usually does not affect the safe
outcome of a flight and may not even be noticed by the flight crew [Tur04]. But the ingestion of
foreign objects poses a risk of latent effects, like minor cracks that can propagate by progressive
engine wear. Hence, it is important that the ECM is able to detect the occurrence of FOD. Also
falling into this category is engine system failures. Especially lubrication system problems, such
as leaks or oil pump malfunctions can result in severe engine damage if they are not fixed.
Engine shop visits can generally be categorized by the extend of the conducted workscopes and
the number of modules on which work is performed. The level of the shop visit has a strong
impact on the following removal interval. An extensive shop visit results in a significantly longer
time on-wing before the next shop visit becomes due. As mentioned in, the individual
engine modules are considered independently during a shop visit. This is necessary because
they have different rates of deterioration. Therefore each module normally requires different
workscopes at each shop visit [Air09]. The workscopes are typically performed in dedicated shop
departments, that are specialized on a certain module. It is also not unusual that engine shops
outsource the overhaul of individual modules or parts to shops with more capabilities in this
particular field. Shop visits that include work on all modules can last up to 50-90 days [ACT08].
A shop visit process following the general incoming inspection and the definition of the objected
workscopes is illustrated in figure 2.10. A detailed analysis of the different shop visit stages for
each of the main engine modules is given in [Air09].
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 17
Engine Engine
Disassembly Testing & Release
• Disassembly into
• Testing of the engine
engine modules
on-wing or in test cell
• Full disassembly of
• Updating of engine
modules into piece
parts if necessary
fuel Incoming Shop Visit Management
3 The primary objective of shop visit management
• The Brayton is to Cycle
minimize the long-term engine direct
4 Inspection of engine
exterior and interior
maintenance cost (DMC), expressed in cost per flight hour (USD/EFH) [Ack10]. A more detailed
combustion exhaust • Analysis of engines
breakdown of the composition of theqDMC service
of an engine follows underq2.2.4. A dominant factor
2 3 • Workscope definiton 2 3
that influences the engine maintenance cost is the time on-wing between shop visits. An increasing
Folie 4
TOW will result in increased engine deterioration [Air07a]. Hence, the engine modulesVortrag
more extensive maintenance at each shop visit. This leads to rising shop visit cost as the TOW
increases. W
Generally, the raised shop1visit costs 4are compensated
1 by the extended
4 removal interval,
due to the increased TOW. As a resultvolume
of this, the overall maintenance
temperature costs per flight hour
decrease. However, the increase in engine deterioration accelerates after a certain TOW, with
the result that the required shop visit workscopes extend so severely that the shop visit cost
are raised to a level, where the overall USD/EFH begin to increase again [Air07a]. Figure 2.11
illustrates this relationship between the engine’s TOW and the DMC per flight hour.
Engine DMC [$/EFH]
Redline EGT
High Cost
due to low Increasing cost
utilization due to extended
Take-Off EGT workscopes
The aim is to find a balance between shop visit cost and time on-wing, so that the lowest
cost per EFH are achieved. This is a challenging task, which requires thoughtful shop visit
management. Four key considerations concerning the shop visit management are subsequently
LLP Management The management of the LLPs is essential in minimising maintenance cost,
particularly for engines used on short- and medium-haul operations [Air04b]. In long-haul engines,
LLPs account for a smaller share of total maintenance cost. This is because LLPs have fixed
lives defined in engine flight cycles (EFC). Therefore they can last for many years in long-haul
operating engines, due to the low number of flight cycles (FC) these engines accumulate per year.
Short-haul engines on the other hand, accumulate a considerably more FC each year. Hence,
their LLPs have to be replaced every few years [Air04a]. As stated in LLP life expiry is a
main removal cause that forces an engine into a shop visit. The task of LLP management is to
coordinate the remaining lives of the equipped LLPs with other criteria for shop visit timing.
Ideally, the LLP replacement would coincide with the optimal TOW as illustrated in Fig. 2.11
as well as with the date of full EGT deterioration. However, these events may occur at a time
when some LLPs still have a few thousand EFC left. If not replaced, this remaining life, also
called “stub life”, would limit the subsequent removal interval. In order to prevent an early next
shop visit, these LLPs have to be replaced and scrapped without utilizing all their available life.
However, wasting remaining LLP life raises the average cost per flight hour [Air04b]. It becomes
apparent that a compromise between utilization of the LLP lives and optimal time on-wing has to
be found in order to achieve the lowest long-term maintenance cost. In short-haul engines, where
LLP expiry is the main removal cause and their frequent replacement is a major cost driver, it
is common that the shop visit workscopes are tailored around the LLP lives, so that the shop
visits coincide with LLP replacement [Air99]. Another key consideration is that LLPs should
ideally be replaced during a heavier shop visit, when the engine has gone through a high level of
disassembly [Air04a]. This is because replacing LLPs also requires a high degree of disassembly
and reassembly. Man-hours for assembly works account for a large percentage of shop visit
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 19
cost. LLP replacement during a light shop visit would increase the necessary workscope and
therefore the cost. The lowest maintenance cost per EFH is accomplished when a heavy shop
visit coincides with full LLP utilization [Air04b].
PMA Parts PMA stands for Parts Manufacturer Approval and is a combined design and
production approval for modification and replacement parts. A manufacturer who holds the
PMA is allowed to produce and sell FAA approved parts that are eligible for installation on type
certificated aircraft [FAA10]. Aerospace original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) usually have
a strong monopoly position on replacement parts [Ben08]. This results in generally high prices
for original parts in the aftermarket. The OEMs legitimate the high margins on their parts with
the high level of investment in research and development, required to market a modern aircraft
engine. Parts from approved manufacturers are considerably cheaper and the savings potential
can range between 45%-75% compared to OEM pricing [Air06b]. With the OEMs continuing
to impose yearly price increases of five to six percent for spare parts [Ben08], the PMA market
is expected to carry on growing. However, the engine manufacturers are striving to strengthen
their position, by restricting technical support and warranty coverage when PMA parts are used
in their engines. Yet, the legal status of PMA parts is clear. According to FAA regulations, PMA
parts can be seen as equivalent to parts from the original equipment manufacturers [Hol08].
Parts Repair The increasing development of repairs for engine parts has considerably contributed
to the reduction of the overall engine maintenance cost. The two key objectives of parts repair are
to maintain the on-wing life and at the same time, reduce the shop visit costs [Air07a]. Repair
costs have to be considered against the costs of used parts on the surplus market and new parts
either from PMA or from the original parts manufacturer. Most repairs have been developed for
airfoils such as blades and vanes, since they have the largest economic impact. But repairs are
also developed for other parts that prove to be a major maintenance cost driver as the engine
ages. In general, it takes some time and investment for repairs to be developed for new engine
models. Hence, repairs are rather available for mature engines [Air07a]. Another consideration
is that repaired parts tend to lead to shorter subsequent on-wing life in comparison to engines
where parts were replaced. Generally, the reduction in costs makes up for the shorter following
shop visit interval and so the overall cost per EFH are lower when utilizing repairs. Repairing
parts costs five to 10 times less than replacing them [Air99]. However, the quality of repairs and
their effect on the remainder engine has to be considered, since poor quality repairs may result in
unscheduled removals. On most repairable parts, two repairs can be performed before they are
scrapped at the third removal. In doing so, the costs for the second repair will be higher than
the first. This also has to be considered when planning the parts repair strategy for a shop visit.
EFH (see figure 2.11). However, engines are often forced into shop visits before reaching this
target time on-wing. This happens not only because of unexpected engine damages but also due
to accelerated performance deterioration. The previous section demonstrated how shop visit
management influences the engine TOW. This section discusses the influence factors on the
hardware & EGTM deterioration rates. These factors resulting from the engine built and the
operation conditions also heavily influence the engine TOW. They are summarized as follows:
• Operational Severity
• Engine Age
Normally, there are several thrust ratings for a given engine model. The CFM56-7B for instance,
comes in six different engine variants, all rated at different thrusts. The basic engine build is the
same, the rating is the result of the power control setting of an engine. The engine variants with
a higher thrust1 level generate higher gas path temperatures [Air05b]. This results in a lower
EGT margin and normally also in a more severe EGT and hardware deterioration, due to the
increased thermal stress. Low initial EGT margin and high EGT margin erosion rates will lead
quickly to complete EGT margin degradation. That means high rated engines are more likely to
be forced to get a shop visit because of full EGT margin deterioration than lower rated ones.
Table 2.1 sums up the different engine variants and their EGT related parameters.
Table 2.1: Initial EGTM and mature EGT erosion rates for CFM56-7B variants [Air08c]
As a result of the more severe hardware deterioration, higher rated engines generally also tend
to achieve shorter times on-wing than engines variants with low thrust ratings.
Furthermore an engine’s time on-wing is heavily influenced by its operating conditions. More
demanding conditions will result in greater stress on the engine and therefore increase the wear
of the engine hardware. The major parameters of operating severity include:
• Take-Off Derate
• Environment
Average Flight Time The measurement of time length an engine is operating on-wing can be
quantified in both engine flight hours (EFH) and engine flight cycles (EFC) . A flight hour
represents one hour of flight, whereas a flight cycle represents one sequence of take-off, cruise and
landing. Both measurements can be frequently found in the literature. However, the number of
accumulated EFC is generally the more appropriate measure for engines operating on short-haul
routes, while the time on-wing of engines that are operated on medium and long flight times
should be considered in terms of EFH [Air08b]. During one flight cycle, it is the take-off and
climb phase, where the engine is exposed to the greatest thermal stress and engine wear. The
engine hardware deteriorates considerably less during the following cruise and landing. Therefore,
the number of accumulated EFH is not a representative time measure for an engine operated on
short cycle lengths. Rather it is the number EFC in service, that is an indicator for the engine
wear. On the other hand, for medium and long-haul operating engines the accumulated EFH has
made its way as a common time on-wing measure in terms of maintenance. Figure 2.12 compares
the flight profiles of a short-haul and a medium-haul aircraft. The flight profile of an aircraft can
be expressed by the flight hour to flight cycle ratio (FH:FC), also known as the flight leg length
or flight time. The average FC:FH is an important parameter for the operational severity of an
engine. In general, an engine that operates on a short average flight time will suffer a more rapid
performance deterioration and therefore has shorter shop visit intervals and higher DMC per
flight hour. Conversely, as the the FC:FH increases the engine is exposed to less wear and can
remain longer on wing with reduced USD/EFH. The mean time on-wing between shop visits
is often represented by the shop visit rate (SVR) . This characteristic is analogue to the direct
maintenance cost per flight hour (USD/EFH) in terms of operational severity. It is defined as
3 flight hours
cycle time c
Figure 2.12: Two example flight profiles [Ack10]
EGT [C°]
rity Factor
Redline EGT
EGT Margin 1.4
Increasing Dera
Take-Off EGT 1.2
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 22
the number of shop visits per 1000 EFH for a given engine [SV/1000 EFH]. A mean TOW of
17000 EFH is for instance equal to a SVR of 1000/17000 = 0.0588. Equation (2.1) describes the
conversion from shop visit intervals into SVRs.
SV R = (2.1)
ShopV isitInterval
More severe operation conditions will lead to an increase of both, SVR and DMC. The qualitative
relationship between EFH:EFC and the SVR as well as the DMC is illustrated in figure 2.13.
eration FH:FC = 1.0
ight hours
short long
cycle time cycle time
Figure 2.13: Shop visit rate and DMC in relation to the flight hour flight cycle ratio
Take-Off Derate
EGT Another issue that influences the operational severity is the manual reduction
Severity Factor
of the maximum thrust
1.4 at take-off. This is usually referred to as take-off derate. Derating the
Increasing Derate = Lower Severity
engine during take-off is in the discretion of the pilot. It ranges between 0-20%, and typically
Take-Off EGT 1.2
falls between 10-15% [Air04c]. Derating is used when the take-off weight is below the maximum
Base Point
take-off weight of the1.0
aircraft, a long runway is available or the ambient temperatures during
5% and thus a reduced
take-off are relatively low [Air06c]. The result is a lower EGT at take-off
0.8 10%
rate of engine deterioration and prolonged time on-wing. In general,15%
engines that operate on
short average flight times
1.0 benefit1.5
more from 2.0 take-off 2.5
derate than
3.0 those operated on long-haul
routes. Also, it is generally that the first 5% of derate have a bigger impact in terms of reducing
the operational severity than following derate steps of 5% [Air06d].
OAT [C°]
& Lan
light hours
short long
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance EFH:EFC [h] 23
cycle time cycle time
Severity Factor
Redline EGT
Increasing Derate = Lower Severity
Take-Off EGT 1.2
Base Point
1.0 Derate
0.8 10%
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure 2.14: Example severity curve
Base engine severity: EF H : EF C = 2.0 [h], Derate = 5%
Base data → SV R = 0.05 and Cost = 100
1000 EF H EF H
Therefore the operator can expect 20% reduced SVR and cost, if the engine is operated under
less severe conditions as proposed in the example.
Outside Air Temperature As demonstrated in figure 2.6, the EGT during take-off is directly
influenced by the ambient air temperatures. In order to prevent the engine from operating at
EGTs that could result in severe damage, the digital engine control keeps the EGT and EGT
margin constant at all OATs above the corner point temperature, by reducing the engine’s thrust.
2.2 Aircraft Engine Maintenance 24
However, at OATs below the corner point, the thrust is kept constant and the available EGT
margin increases as the OAT decreases [Air07b]. In other words, low ambient air temperatures
result in low gas path temperatures, which reduces the thermal stress on the engine’s hardware
and thus prolongs engine time on-wing.
A general observation from analyzing engine maintenance data is that older engines remain
on-wing shorter and cost more to maintain than newer engines. In terms of maintenance, engines
can therefore be distinguished in first-run and mature-run phases. There is no clear definition
when an engine’s mature phase starts. Maturity may begin as early as after the first shop visit,
depending on the engine model. In general, first-run engines will achieve considerably longer
times on-wing than subsequent runs, as a result of increasing rates of hardware deterioration as
the engine ages. However, once the engine reaches maturity, the shop visits intervals and cost
stabilize to a relatively steady state [Ack10]. The engine phase also has a significant influence on
the cause of engine removals as previously seen in figure 2.7.
are allowances to reflect general charges for facilities, spare engines and engine leasing, training
of the staff or general engineering and administrative services related to engine maintenance.
Therefore, some DOC methods consider these charges as indirect operating costs and do not
include maintenance burden, as in [Sch98] or [AEG00]. In this context, engine maintenance costs
are often also divided into direct maintenance cost (DMC) and indirect maintenance costs (IMC).
The focus lies in general on the estimation of the DMC since they are the more meaningful
benchmark for comparing two engine designs and they are directly influenced by the aircraft
operation [CFM09]. Section 2.3.1 analyzes the reflection of EMC within common DOC models
in more detail.
The cost breakdown is the foundation of a cost estimating model. The objective is to provide a
reliable structure that includes all elements the cost estimate will cover [NAS08]. The following
structure is based on the DMC breakdown in Ackert [Ack10], expanded to also include indirect
maintenance costs.
While engine line maintenance incurs costs continuously as it is performed in relatively short
intervals on the flight line, shop maintenance takes place after comparable long intervals thus
causeing costs only during shop visits. Due to the different character of line maintenance and
shop visit, they are reflected separately within the engine DMC. The engine line maintenance
is included in the aircraft maintenance planning document (MPD). Thus, it has already been
implemented into the existing LCC-tool. The IMC include maintenance burden also known as
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost 26
Figure 2.15 also illustrates an alternative way of accounting for the shop visit DMC. In contrast
to the traditional separation into material and labour costs, it is also common to divide the
shop visit costs (SVC) into restoration costs and LLP costs [Ack10][Bec09]. Restoration costs
are charges for labour and material related to restoring the engine’s performance, while LLP
costs reflect expenditures for the LLP replacement. The shop visit DMC per flight hour are
then calculated by dividing the SVC by the mean time on-wing. This cost breakdown correlates
with the concept of adjusting maintenance cost via severity factors. It splits up the shop visit
cost in one component that depends on the severity and one that is mainly independent from
the operational conditions. Only the restoration cost are escalated according to the operational
severity. The LLPs are replaced after a hard time independently from the severity of the flight
Whereas many airlines historically performed the overhaul of their engines in their own workshops,
today the engine overhauls of most airlines are contracted to external MRO service providers.
The commissioning of engine overhauls to external shops is based on contracts that contain
all services to be performed. There are generally three basic types of payment methods that
are typically arranged in the contracts [Rup00]. In the so called Time and Material contracts,
the MRO provider issues for each engine a detailed invoice with the required man hours and
materials. The customer pays the bill according to the arranged labour rates and material costs.
In return, the contracted shop guarantees a certain minimum subsequent time on-wing of the
engine. In contrast to this are Fly-By-Hour arrangements, where the airline pays a fixed amount
of money per engine flight hour to the MRO provider. The contracted shop has to finance all
coming shop visits from the received advance payment. This results in a good predictability
of the maintenance cost for the airlines. The third payment method is based on Fixed Prices
for certain shop services to be performed. The arranged workscopes vary from full overhauls to
limited overhauls on certain modules. There are also diverse hybrid forms possible. The airlines
generally try to arrange a customized contract that fits the requirements of the airline and results
in low cost and reliable cost forecasting.
Cost Breakdown Labour C lab Material C mat Input IMC
C LM,lab =
C LM,M at =
TT O : take-off thrust,
a + FbT + F T c · 2
a + b · TT O + c · TT O ·
labRmhr : labour rate,
C EM C = Emat a,b,c,d:regression co-
LH C LM,lab + C LM,mat + labRmhr · Elab efficients, Elab,mat : 7
[TB07] C SV,lab + C SV,mat +
C SV,mat = a · fetops ·
cost escalation factor,
C LLP + C N AC C SV,lab = a · fetops · fe tops: cost factor,
b c d
O · BP R · (year − 1970) · SF: severity factor,
b c d
TT O · BP R · (year − 1970) · FT:flight time
Emat · SF
labRmhr · Elab · SF
The structure of the DOC methods is quite similar. All consist of cost components for labour
and material adjusted by several regression coefficients and cost factors. However, the LH method
sticks clearly out, due to a higher level of cost breakdown and more complex estimation functions.
It is the only method that considers the costs for line maintenance (LM) and shop visit (SV)
maintenance separately. In addition, there are explicit cost estimation functions for the LLPs
(C LLP ) and the engine nacelle (C N AC ). All models include the take-off thrust as major input
parameter, while the LH method also considers severity factors for engine de-rate and average
flight time and even the Bypass-Ratio (BPR) is reflected. The factor (year − 1970)d models the
influence of the age of the engine design.
Based upon the phase that the project/system is entering and the data available to conduct the
estimate, follow the quick reference chart shown in Table 1-3 to select the cost estimating
methodology (or methodologies).
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost 28
Table 1-3. Cost Estimating Methodology Selection Chart
Estimating Collect
“Hypothesis” “Relationship” Evaluate &
Data Normalize Analyze Data
Data for Candidate
(Regression) Test
Analysis Relationships Select Cost
The objective of defining an estimating hypothesis is to identify potential cost driving variables
and to propose logical cost relationships. This demands a good understanding of the technical
character and the requirements of the examined project. The result is a hypothesis of a forecasting
model necessary to develop CERs [Bru96].
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost 29
The assembly of a database is essential when deriving cost estimating relationships. A lack of
valid CERs is often the result of an inappropriate database [Bru96]. The first step in building
up a good database is the data collection. There are generally two types of data, cost and
non-cost data. Non-cost data includes technical information coming from drawings, specifications,
certification documents or direct measurement as well as schedule and programmatic information
that can be obtained from operations departments [BJ82]. Cost data comprises labour hours
or direct cost information extracted from accounting systems or through interviews. The data
typically comes from many different sources. It is important that the estimator judges the quality
of the data origin and identifies the best source [Gal08]. Data can be obtained from internal
sources, such as accounting or workshop databases, programme recaps or engineering notes,
as well as from external sources like professional articles or public record informations. The
disadvantage of external sources is that the user has no knowledge of the procedures used to
collect and process the data. It is further distinguished between primary data that is directly
obtained from the original source, and secondary data which is derived and possibly “sanitized”
from primary data. Hence, primary data is generally considered best in quality and reliability
When establishing a database, it is often discovered that the collected raw data turns out to
be irregular and inconsistent or partly in the wrong format for analytical purposes. Therefore,
adjustments to the raw data have to be made to ensure a comparable and consistent database
[BJ82]. For instance the normalization of raw data adjusts inconsistencies in currencies, mea-
surement units and the scope of the data. Historical data should furthermore be adjusted for
anomalies, improvement in technology as well as inflation. Any kind of adjustment or judgments
used in processing historical data should be fully documented. The data collection, evaluation
and normalization is a fundamental step in generating a parametric cost estimating model. Thus,
a considerable amount of time is devoted to assembling a database [Bru96].
The first stage of the data analysis is screening the database for candidate relationships between
the dependent and independent variables. This process is built on the hypothesis. However, there
may be additional relationships that were not foreseen during establishing hypothesis. Once the
candidate relationships have been established, one can perform a regression analysis to model
the CERs. The objective of regression analysis is to determine the parameters for the function
that fits the set of data best. The data is fit using techniques like:
• Linear Regression: unknown parameters are estimated from the data using linear functions
• Nonlinear Regression: applied for data that is not essentially linear
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost 30
For CERs, the dependent variable is always the cost to be estimated and the independent variable
will be the cost driver [NAS08]. The dependent variable responds to changes of the cost driver
according to the determined regression function. An example would be the hypothesis that
the cost of a product development maybe driven by the weight of the final product. With this
assumption one could plot the historical data on cost over weight, with the possible result of the
chart in figure 2.17.
r(x) = ax + b
linear regression
In this case, a linear regression has already been performed with the aim to fit a straight line
to the data points. The result is an equation that describes the line, expressed by r(x) = ax + b.
In this CER, x represents the weight and r(x) equals the estimated costs. Often, there are
more than one independent variable, that have an effect on the cost. Multivariate regression is
capable of observing and analyzing the effect of multiple independent variables on the dependent
variable, through the addition of possible explanatory coefficients. Usually a computer software
is used to assist in determining the regression coefficients. For a closer look on the mathematical
background of the different regression methods, in context with parametric cost modeling it is
referred to the parametric cost estimating handbook from the US department of defense [Bru96].
After the determination of a CER through regression analysis, it is crucial to evaluate and test
the regression results. Therefore, it is necessary to have a look on more than just one criteria
[Chu08]. Only the consideration of a multitude of factors will give the whole picture of the quality
of the CER. Table 2.3 summarizes the key criteria that should be evaluated when reviewing the
quality of a CER. As for the regression analysis, a computer software is widely used to conduct a
quick and reliable determination of the statistical criteria. For further information on the theory
of probability and statistics, it is referred to the statistics ebook from the UCLA [UCL].
2.3 Modeling of Engine Maintenance Cost 31
The purpose of this chapter is to document the process of developing the cost estimating
relationships needed for the engine maintenance model. The objective is to generate cost-to-non-
cost CERs for the two dependent variables:
The development procedure follows the methodological approach described in the previous chapter
under 2.3.2. This approach is not a fixed single sequence of steps to be conducted. Rather,
it is as an iteration loop as illustrated in figure 2.16 on page 28. The outcome of each step is
evaluated to determine if the next step can follow or if one has to go back a few stages to start
all over again.
1 within the framework of this study, the “weight” as engine specification always means the dry weight
2 “thrust” as engine specification always refers to the take-off thrust
3.1 Database Assembly 33
different engine models. Therefore, the TWR is introduced as first independent variable. From
the DOC methods, it can be derived that the engine take-off thrust TT O is also an important
cost driver. In addition, it is assumed that the engine weight as general measure for the engine
size is directly related particularly to the engine maintenance costs. Table 3.1 sums up these
three independent variables and the corresponding proposed relationships.
Standard technical specifications of aircraft engines, like take-off thrust and dry weight, are
generally no sensitive data. Hence, they can be be obtained directly from the engine OEMs
(website or specification sheets). This is a primary source and it can be considered as very reliable.
It is also possible to find engine specifications in public databases. This has the advantage that
the data for a wide range of engine models and variants is concentrated in one single source. Two
such single sources are the Database Handbook for Turbofan and Turbojet Engines from Élodie
Roux [Rou07] and the Jet Engine Specification Database from Nathan Meier [Mei05]. Even
though these databases are strictly speaking no primary sources, it can be assumed that the
data is still reliable, since it is simply a summary of the primary source without any deviation.
This assumption was also confirmed by a few random comparison checks. Both sources provide a
huge database for a wide range of engine models and variants and their specifications, including
specifications beyond the engine dry weight and take-off thrust.
In contrast to technical engine data, cost and removal interval information are highly sensitive
and well protected by the MRO providers and airlines. Hence, it was not possible to make
primary sources accessible. However, there is a range of secondary data sources, that were
available in the framework of this study. These sources are briefly described in the following
3.1 Database Assembly 34
MRO Prospector Aviation Week is a weekly magazine reporting on the aerospace industry. Part
of their portfolio is the MRO Prospector2 , a online database for fleet data and contract details.
In contrast to the Form 41 database, it provides comprehensive tables with cost data for a wide
range of specific engine models. The problem is that, there is no indication of the engine variant.
However, the thrust rating of one engine model can vary considerably. Since thrust and TWR
are key independent variables, it is necessary to have more detailed maintenance cost information
on engine variant level. Furthermore, there are no informations given about the operational
conditions the data is based.
Aircraft Commerce Archive Aircraft Commerce3 is an aviation magazine published every two
months. It provides intelligence on fleet planning, maintenance costs and aircraft leasing for
the commercial aircraft industry. In regular intervals, it publishes detailed operator & owner
guides dedicated to specific engine models. These articles give comprehensive information about
the engine’s shop visit planning, removal causes, hardware degradation, LLP management and
the influence of the operational severity. They also summarize data about shop visit intervals
and costs in clearly represented tables. In appendix B.1 an example table from the magazine is
illustrated. Usually, there are distinct information about each variant within an engine model
range. The maintenance costs are generally expressed in estimated reserves per EFH or EFC, in
which the reserves are distinguished between restoration reserves and LLP reserves. It is also
indicated how the reserves change as the engine ages, by showing distinct reserves for first, second
and third or mature shop visits. The articles are fairly consistent in their structure throughout
the years. The magazine maintains an online archive with articles of the past ten years. This
enables to collect and summarize the data.
The aircraft commerce archive is clearly the best available source for building up the database,
since it provides information for specific engine variants including indications about the operating
conditions. The disadvantage is that all the articles have to be collected and particularly read
in order to get all necessary information. Another issue is the fact that it is mainly unknown
how exactly the data was collected and the reserves estimates were established. On request,
the editorial office of the magazine stated, that the data is gained directly from maintenance
facilities. Also, it was possible to clarify further questions about the data collection through
3.1 Database Assembly 35
direct correspondence with the editorial staff of Aircraft Commerce. Therefore, it is considered
an adequate secondary source for the database assembly.
3.1 Database Assembly 36
The objective was to determine if one of these additional independent variables can significantly
contribute to the CER development. Table 3.2 displays the basic structure of the colltected raw
data table.
Engine Specifiations First Removal Mature Removal
Thrust Weight EFC:EFH Interval Interval Restoration LLP Interval Interval Restoration LLP
[lbf] [lb] [h] [EFC] [EFH] Reserves Reserves [EFC] [EFH] Reserves Reserves
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
From the previous chapter, it is known that engines designed for short-haul (SH) aircraft have
different maintenance characteristics than medium-long-haul (MLH) operating engines. Because
of this, the DB has been arranged in a way that both engine types are listed in separate groups.
This enables both the combined and separate analysis of the two engine types. Appendix B.2
explains what considerations led to the classification of the database engines into SH and MLH. Inflation
The reviewed ACA were published over a time span of eight years, which makes fluctuating labour
rates and material prices an issue when comparing cost data. Thus, the cost data is normalized
by adjusting it through inflation factors. In general, material and repair & replacement costs
tend to exhibit a higher price fluctuation. This is mainly because of the increasing application
of more advanced and expensive materials and the generally greater imbalances in supply and
demand for these materials. To account for this, two separate economic indices correlating to
both labour and material are utilized to determine the overall inflation factor for each engine.
These indices are the Employment Cost Index (ECI) for aircraft manufacturing wages & salaries
and the Producer Price Index (PPI) for industrial commodities. The proportion of total engine
maintenance costs is in the order of 35% labour and 65% material [Ack10]. The escalation
year and month were set to May 2010. The economic indices for the escalation month and the
respective base month of the engine data were obtained from the website of the US Bureau of
Labor Statistics1 (BLS) . The method used to calcualte the maintenance inflation factor (MIF)
is expressed in the following formula:
3.1 Database Assembly 37
ECIesc P P Iesc
M IF = 0.35 · + 0.65 ·
ECIbase P P Ibase
To balance short term fluctuation, each index is averaged over the three months prior to the
actual month. For each engine of the DB, the corresponding MIF was calculated and the LLP
cost and restoration costs were adjusted accordingly.
As discussed in, both the shop visit DMC and the SVR/mean TOW are influenced by
the average flight time. This effect has to be normalized, if possible. The database contains the
average flight time for all cost and interval estimates. The objective is to normalize this data
to a standard flight time level. Theoretically, this is possible if for each engine of the DB the
corresponding severity curve was available (see figure 2.14). In this case, one could predefine a
standard flight time and calculate for all data points the severity factor that would adjust the cost
and interval data to the level of the standard flight time. The problem is that, each engine model
and even each engine variant has a distinct severity curve. These curves are sensitive information
that could not be obtained from the engine manufacturers. However, it was possible to get
an example curve for a short-haul operating engine (A320) as well as for a medium-long-haul
aircraft engine (Boeing 777). Together with the scattered information on severity factors from
the ACA, it was succeeded in assembling averaged severity curves for both SH engines and for
MLH engines, based on the two example curves. The assumption is made that the entire range
of distinct SH severity curves can be adequately approximated by one averaged severity curve. It
is assumed that the same applies for the group of MLH aircraft engines. This is an assumption
made by the author of this thesis. It results from general observations made while studying
the aircraft commerce archive. The two determined average severity curves are subsequently
displayed in shape of a table for a derate of 10%.
EFH:EFC 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Severity Factor 2.40 1.75 1.30 1.00 0.86 0.78 0.706 0.66 0.63
EFH:EFC 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
Severity Factor 2.20 1.70 1.40 1.23 1.08 1.00 0.93 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80
Table 3.4: Determined average MLH severity curve for a derate of 10%
Since the LLP replacement is mainly independent from the operational severity and the LLP
3.1 Database Assembly 38
reserves were collected in USD/EFC, they were excluded from the flight time normalization.
Therefore, only the restoration cost reserves and removal intervals of the database were adjusted
with these severity factors. Both engine categories have been escalated to the base flight time of
the respective average severity curve (Severity Factor = 1.0). That means the SH engines were
normalized to a flight time of 1.9, whereas the MLH engines were normalized to a flight time of
The deviation of the LLP reserves between the first shop visit and subsequent ones is minor. In
addition, there is no trend detectable. Therefore, the LLP reserves of all available data have
been averaged for each engine. This average LLP reserves serve as basis for the cost analysis.
That means the LLP reserves are not divided into first-run and mature-run data.
According to the previous chapter, there are several other effects which have a significant impact
on the maintenance cost and the time on-wing. Ideally, these effects would be also normalized to
a standard level. The following summarizes these effects and discusses how they were considered
while assembling the database.
Derate The ACA do not clearly state on what derate the estimates are based on. However,
there are often information about the average derate the engines are operated with. Most engines
operate on average with a derate of 10%. Thus, it is assumed that all estimations were based on
this derate. Therefore an adjustment of the data according to the derate level does not apply.
Environment and OAT Since the information about the environment and the OAT are very
scarce, it was not possible to utilize this as foundation for a data normalization. In general, the
estimates reflect a worldwide average and thus it is assumed that all values were established
based on a temperate environment (TE) .
Engine Age The effects of the engine age are already included in the database. The aircraft
commerce guides publish estimated cost reserves and intervals for first and mature shop visits.
This data is represented separately in the database. Therefore it is possible to do a distinct
analysis of first SVs and mature SVs. As mentioned before, this is based on the assumption that
the engines reach maturity in terms of maintenance after the first shop visit. This may vary
especially for engines that have only a few shop visits during their life cycle. However, for these
engines, it is also applicable that the first interval is at most times considerably longer than
subsequent ones.
Improving Technology and Learning Curve When building up a database from historic data, it is
also an issue to consider effects from improved technology and developing know-how. Over the
3.1 Database Assembly 39
past two decades, the trend in engine maintenance went to longer intervals and thus reduced
maintenance costs per EFH. This was a result of improvements throughout the maintenance
process such as better materials, ECM, on-wing repairs and also design for durability. These
effects were clearly visible in the reviewed data sources. However, it was not possible to collect
enough data from older engine models for establishing reliable escalation factors. Therefore, the
database only contains maintenance data for newer generation engine designs based on similar
technology1 . However, neither does the DB contain engines from the latest generation, since
most of these engines have not even been through their first shop visit and thus there is no
historic maintenance data available.
For normalizing learning curve effects, it applies the same as for the technology improvement. For
a few engines, there is data accessible indicating that an early engine built has raised SVRs and
costs compared to later revisions of the same engine model. This is due to improvements in both
design and maintenance as the engine model is in service. However, since available information
was limited, a normalization could not be performed. In order to make sure that these two
effects do not influence the data analysis, data of older engine generations and data from newly
marketed engines was marked and excluded from the general data analysis. However, the existing
data can be utilized as input for a determination of technology factors for the maintenance model.
Number of Spools In section 2.1.2, it was discussed that the spool configuration of an engine
influences the achievable shop visit intervals. The database contains only six engines with a
three-spool configuration, all from the same OEM. As with the learning curve and the improving
technology, it was not possible to collect enough information to adjust the intervals to the level of
two spool engines. However, the accessible data confirmed this effect. Therefore, the three-shaft
engines were also marked and excluded in the interval analysis.
3.1.5 Summary
A lot of findings and decisions made while assembling the database were the result of first data
analysis procedures, which were necessary to evaluate the adequacy of the DB. This process is
not reported into detail, in order to keep this documentation clearly presented. The result of the
database assembly is the foundation for the subsequent extensive data analysis. However, one
has to keep in mind that the collected data is based on only one single secondary external source.
As a result of the inconsistency of the presentation of the shop visit data in the ACA and the fact
that the exact manner the data was collected is unknown, a lot of assumptions had to be made
to fit the data to the defined database structure. The DB is divided column by column in engine
specifications, first-run, mature-run and normalized intervals and cost reserves. The rows are
furthermore split after the engine type. Short-haul and medium-long-haul operating engines are
represented separately. The same applies for three-spool engines and older generation engines.
Noteworthy is also that some engine variants appear repeatedly with varying average flight times.
In appendix B.3, the assembled database is displayed with reduced number of columns. Since
several influential effects have been normalized during the DB assembly, it is important to report
the conditions the final DB is based on. Table 3.5 sums up these base conditions for short-haul
and medium-long-haul engines.
Parameter SH MLH
EFH:EFC 1.9 6.0
Derate 10% 10%
No.Spools 2 2
Environm. TE TE
split according to the structure of the database. The SV intervals consist of intervals for first-
and mature removals, while the SV costs consist of restoration reserves for first- and mature
removals and average LLP reserves for all removals. A further differentiation according to the
engine type is also evaluated. As seen in table 3.6, the minimum number of CERs is therefore
dependent variable. In conjunction with the screening, there is the possibility to conduct a
quick regression
analysis with the highlighted variables as input. This first regression analysis
enables an
30evaluation of the capability of certain variable combinations to model the dependent
variable. 20
The result of this initial screening was, that all additional engine specifications do not
provide any
10 valuable contribution
toBPRmodeling the CERs. Another important result was, that
OPR*OPRStages*HPC Stages
0 analysis turned out to be more complicated. It was not possible to find acceptable
the interval
-10results for an interval analysis of the entire engine range of the database. Therefore,
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5
the separation of the database in SHQuantile
Half Normal and MLH engines was utilized. The shop visit intervals were
Lenth divided in first and mature-run intervals for SH engines and MLH engines. While the
Asterisked terms were forced orthogonal. Analysis is order dependent.
engines with three spool configuration were excluded from the interval analysis, they turned out
P-Values derived from a simulation of 10000 Lenth t ratios.
to beMake
Modelfor the cost analysis. Older generation engines or engine data from newly marketed
Run Model
engines have been excluded entirely from the data analysis. The initial screening confirmed the
assumption that this data could not be modeled adequately together with the remainder data
points. As visible on figure 3.1, the software also automatically evaluates the significance of
variable combinations. This is an useful function, since it is hard to predict how such variable
combination could contribute to the model.
Shop Visit Interval Shop Visit Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Medium-Long- Short-Haul Medium-Long- First Mature
Haul First Mature Haul Mature Restoration Restoration LLP Reserves
First Interval
Interval Interval Interval Reserves Reserves
Table 3.7 summarizes the seven dependent variables for which the respective cost estimating
relationships are developed in the following section.
3.2 Data Analysis 42
0 100 300 500 700 900
LLP Reserves Predicted
P<.0001 RSq=0,95 RMSE=44,13
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,952884
RSquare Adj 0,950528
Root Mean Square Error 44,13013
Mean of Response 254,4868
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 64
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 2363135,5 787712 404,4799
Error 60 116848,1 1947 Prob > F
C. Total 63 2479983,6 <,0001*
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept -115,3133 13,6202 -8,47 <,0001*
weight 0,0194512 0,007095 2,74 0,0080*
thrust 0,0031206 0,001069 2,92 0,0049*
(weight-8608,78)*(weight-8608,78) 2,6924e-6 3,188e-7 8,44 <,0001*
Residual by Predicted Plot
Figure 3.2: JMP regression results example output
LLP Reserves
0 100 300 500 700 900
3.3 Results of the Parametric Cost Modeling 43
weight lb pound
TWR lb
pound-force per pound
Table 3.8: Defined standard units for the input parameters of the CERs
The first removal intervals for short-haul operating engines can be expressed as a function of
T W R, weight and weight2 :
For mature removal intervals the regression analysis showed that the CER is just a function of
the thrust-weight ratio (T W R):
The determined CER for the first removal interval of medium-long-haul operating engines includes
the dependent variables weight, thrust and weight2 :
Mature intervals for medium-long-haul operating engines are, similar to equation (3.1) reflected
as a function of T W R, weight and weight2 :
The restoration cost per EFH for first shop visits have been modeled as a function of the thrust.
This CER is valid for the entire range of engines:
The mature shop visit restoration cost were also modeled with the thrust as only input component:
Eventually the CER estimating the LLP costs of all engines of the database is a function of
weight, thrust and weight2 :
As mentioned earlier, the foundation of a cost estimating model is the cost breakdown, that
includes all relevant costs. The cost breakdown structure from the perspective of this study has
been established in figure 2.15 on page 25. Since the engine line maintenance is already included
in the existing LLC-Tool, the focus here lies on modeling the shop visit costs. Maintenance
costs are normally divided in direct and indirect costs. Therefore, the SV costs can be further
differentiated in SV DMC and SV IMC. Since the collected data reflects calculated prices from
MRO providers, it is assumed that charges for maintenance burden are already included in the
collected cost data. However, the costs for maintaining a spare engine pool or leasing spare
engines for the duration of a shop visit are generally not included. Therefore, spare engine
costs as part of the indirect maintenance costs are considered separately. The objective is to
develop a qualitative maintenance cost model that focuses on estimating the shop visit DMC and
intervals. Charges for spare engines are optionally added based on average leasing rates. The
assembled database and the resulting cost estimating relationships developed in the previous
chapter, predetermine parts of the DMC model structure. However, since the CERs are based on
a normalized database, they do not reflect the impact of major influence factors such as, flight
time, derate, number of spools or environment. These effects have to be modeled subsequent
to the CERs. This chapter summarizes the considerations that led to the final cost estimating
model structure.
4.1 Model Structure 47
Engine Specifications
SV Interval
FR Removal
Thrust Interval
SV Costs
EFH:EFC FR Shop Visit
MR Shop Visit
Environment Cost
*FR: First-Run
*MR: Mature-Run
Figure 4.1 illustrates the maintenance model as black box with a summary of all input and
output parameters. With the model input and output established, the inner structure of the black
box can be generated. In order to match the output parameters, the model contains in general
two separate lines: a cost-line and an interval-line. The results of the CERs are normalized
values for costs and intervals, based on the engine’s weight and thrust. Thus, they do not model
any operational severity effects. These effects are modeled in conjunction with the normalized
values from the CERs. Therefore, the inner structure of the model has been splitFolieinto
3 two serial
Vortrag > Autor > Dokumentname > Datum
modules. The first module reflects the developed CERs, while the second represents all additional
effects influencing the shop visit costs and intervals. The two modules are thus termed as follows:
• CER-Module
• Effect-Module
The CER-Module determines normalized base values for the shop visit costs and intervals. These
base values are then adjusted in the Effect-Module with a series of adjustment factors. The
adjustment factors are determined in correspondence to the respective input parameters. The
entire model structure is illustrated in figure 4.2. The two modules are described in some more
detail in the following subsections.
4.1 Model Structure 48
Severity Factor
Environment Factor
4.1.1 CER-Module
The CER-Module basically comprises of nothing more than the seven CERs developed in the
previous chapter (see blue frames in figure 4.2). With the input of the engine weight and thrust
plus the information if it is a SH or MLH engine, the CER-Module generates five outputs:
Folie 2
Vortrag > Autor > Dokumentname > Datum
• LLP Costs [USD/EFC]
• FR Restoration Costs [USD/EFH]
• MR Restoration Costs [USD/EFH]
These base outputs are valid only for the normalized conditions on which the CER development
was based (see table 3.5). The adjustment to the operational severity is performed in the following
effect-module. For this adjustment, the determined shop visit intervals as output of the interval
CERs have to be converted into a shop visit rate (SVR). In this instance, the SV interval and
the SVC are represented in analogue measurements (both relating to [1/EFH]). This enables the
adjustment of both values with the same factors.
4.1 Model Structure 49
4.1.2 Effect-Module
The Effect-Module, generates the factors necessary to adjust the base costs and intervals from the
CERs according to the input of the operational severity and the number of engine spools. There
are five factors (red frames in figure 4.2), which are subsequently discussed. The output of the
effect-module are adjusted SV intervals and SVC per EFH divided in first-run and mature-run
shop visits. Since the effect-module merges the LLP costs and the restoration costs from the
CER-module, it generates four outputs:
With this output, the absolute shop visit costs can be calculated through multiplying the SVC
per EFH with the respective SV interval.
The concept of severity factors extracted from severity curves has been introduced in 2.2.3.
Severity factors adjusts restoration costs and shop visit intervals corresponding to the average
flight time and derate under which the engine was operated. It was not possible to obtain the
severity curve of each engine in the DB. Therefore, two average severity curves that approximate
the severity curves of a range of engines, have been developed (see These average
curves were already applied to normalize the flight time of the DB engines (see tables 3.3 and
3.4). This normalization did not include an adjustment of the derate, since the DB entries were
assumed to have a constant derate. However, the average severity curves were developed to also
include multiple curves for each of the common derate levels. The two developed severity curves
are fully illustrated in appendix D. These average curves are now the basis for modeling the
effects of flight time and derate on the restoration costs and shop visit intervals as part of the
effect-module. With the flight time and the derate as input, the severity curve simply gives out
the corresponding severity factor which is then multiplied with the restoration costs and the
interval (as seen in the example calculation on page 23).
The time & material factor (TMF) has been introduced to account for the effect, that the
absolute shop visit restoration costs (SVRC) generally increase with increasing TOW. When the
severity factor is applied alone, the absolute SVRC remain constant regardless of the flight time
or derate. This is because the SF adjusts both the interval and the restoration costs per EFH
simultaneously. However, the increased TOW due to raised derate and flight time should result
in increasing SVRC. The time & material factor models this effect. Therefore, one could expect
that the TMF can be expressed similar to the severity factor via multiple curves, only inverted
4.1 Model Structure 50
so that the factor increases with decreasing flight time and derate. Due to lack of data it was not
achieved to develop such multiple curves. However, it was possible to obtain a single example
curve from a contact person in the engine maintenance industry. This curve does not reflect
the impact of the derate. Since the influence of the derate on the TOW is generally less severe
and the accessible data is limited, the contribution of different derate levels was neglected. The
available single curve was considered as basis for developing T&M curves valid for all derates.
As with the severity curves, two curves have been developed. One for all SH engines and one for
all MLH engines. The two curves are subsequently illustrated in shape of a table. A graphical
illustration of the time & material curves can be found in appendix D.
EFH:EFC 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
T&M Factor 0.90 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06
Table 4.1: SH Engine Time & Material factor with respect to the flight time
EFH:EFC 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
T&M Factor 0.85 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.09 1.10 1.11
Table 4.2: MLH Engine Time & Material factor with respect to the flight time
The three-spool factor (TSF) models the extended TOW of engines with a three-spool config-
uration compared to the more common two-spool engines. In general, there was no detailed
additional information on the impact of the three-spool configuration on the achievable SV
intervals accessible. However, since the DB indicates that three-spool engines achieve significant
longer SV intervals, the available data from the assembled DB was enabled to determine a simple
constant factor that models this effect. This factor was determined through averaging the offset
of the original three-spool data points over the generated intervals from the two-spool CERs
with the respective three-spool engine specifications as input. However, it has to be noted that
all three-spool engines of the DB are MLH engines. It is assumed that SH engine are influenced
in a similar manner. The result of the analysis was the following offset factor:
In case the input indicates that the proposed engine is a three-spool engine, the SVRs generated
from the interval CERs are simply multiplied with the TSF = 0.7 to account for the expected
longer TOW of a three-spool configuration. The TSF simply equals 1.0, in case of a standard
two-spool engine. For a qualitative consideration, this simple approach is sufficient to model the
influence of the number of spools.
The environment factor (EF) reflects the impact of the present environmental conditions including
the outside air temperature on engine maintenance. Studying the ACA indicated that the
4.1 Model Structure 51
environment influences the SV intervals and costs considerably. This was also confirmed through
the correspondence with different professionals in the aircraft engine maintenance field. However,
it was difficult to locate clear data on this topic. As guideline for modeling the environmental
impact served a paper from Ackert [Ack10]. Ackert defines three gradual levels of environmental
severity and relates each level to a certain escalation factor. These environment levels and their
correlating EFs are listed in table 4.3. The respective EF is then multiplied with the overall SVR
and SVRC in order to adjust the intervals and costs to the present environmental severity. Table
4.3 also indicates typical regions for each environment level.
Strictly speaking the EFC:EFH ratio is not a factor that is intended to model a certain influential
effect on engine maintenance. The EFC:EFH ratio, as the reciprocal value of the flight time
(EFH:EFC), translates costs represented in USD/EFC into USD/EFH. The effect module sums
up the LLP costs and the restoration costs in order to obtain one measure for the overall shop
visit costs per EFH. However, the LLP costs are generally given in USD/EFC, whereas the
intervals and the restoration costs are based on EFH. Therefore, the LLP costs have to be
converted into USD/EFH in order to enable the summation of LLP costs and restoration costs.
4.2 Example Application 52
estimated with a predefined leasing rate and the information of the duration of the shop visit.
Current engine leasing rates are not sensitive information and can be obtained on request from
engine lessors. In case there are no leasing rates accessible it is proposed to assume an average
leasing rate of 3500 USD/day.
A reasonable average shop visit duration is 80 days. Since the developed SV DMC model considers
the workload of each shop visit as equal, this average of 80 days is established as standard shop
visit duration. Therefore, the total spare engine costs (SEC) for an average shop visit yield to:
If more detailed information is available, the two parameters of this simple approach can be
adjusted at all times. The proposed values here give an idea of the dimension of the costs and
will serve as default values of the model.
Engine Specifications
Engine Utilization
Parameter Input
Parameter Input
Thrust [lbf] 79900
EFH:EFC [h] 8.0
Weight [lb] 14545
Derate 10%
No. Spools 2
Environment Temperate
Application MLH
This input relates to a Pratt & Whitney 4077 operated on a long-haul route typical for a
wide-body aircraft like the Boeing 777-200. With this input, the CER-module first determines the
base intervals and costs, which are subsequently adjusted through a series of adjustment factors.
Since the input parameters are already given in the required measurement unit, a conversion of
the units does not apply.
= 18500 EF H
BaseInterval M R = 34415 − 2759.25322 · − 0.36625 · 14545
+(14545 − 12072) · [(14545 − 12072) · 0.000101795] (4.3)
= 14700 EF H
The restoration cost for FR and MR shop visits are calculated using the eqs. (3.5) and (3.6):
BaseSV RC F R, EF H = 7 + 0.002361887 · 79900 = 194 (4.4)
BaseSV RC M R, EF H = 46 + 0.002886118 · 79900 = 275 (4.5)
= 509
All intermediate results generated through the CERs are summarized in table 4.6.
Interval F R [EF H] Interval M R [EF H] SV RC F R, EF H EF H
Table 4.6: Summary of CER results for the example input parameters
1000 1000 SV s
BaseSV R F R = = = 0.054 (4.7)
BaseInterval F R 18500 1000 EF H
1000 1000 SV s
BaseSV R M R = = = 0.068 (4.8)
BaseInterval M R 14700 1000 EF H
4.2 Example Application 54
In order to obtain the final SVR, the base SVRs are multiplied with the three-spool factor (TSF),
the severity factor (SF) and the environment factor (EF) as illustrated in figure 4.2.
SV R = BaseSV R · T SF · SF · EF (4.9)
The input indicates that both the TSF and EF equal 1.0, since the example engine has two spools
and is operated in a temperate environment. The SF is obtained from the average severity curve
for MLH engines (appendix D.2). For a flight time of 8.0 hours and a derate of 10% the severity
factors yields to SF = 0.88. Therefore, the actual first-run and mature-run SVRs result in:
These final SVRs can be converted back into an interval expressed in EFH, as performed above.
The total shop visit costs per EFH consist of LLP costs per EFH (LLP Cost EF H ) and the
adjusted restoration costs (SV RC EF H ).
The LLP costs are not adjusted by any effect factors. However, since the LLP costs are given in
USD/EFC, they have to be converted into USD/EFH:
LLP Cost EF H = LLP Cost · = 509 · = 64 (4.13)
EF H 8.0 EF H
The base restoration costs from eqs. (4.5) and (4.5) have to be multiplied with the time &
material factor, the severity factor and the environment factor in order to get the final restoration
SV RC = BaseSV RC EF H · T M F · SF · EF (4.14)
The TMF is determined with the respective time & material curve for MLH engines (appendix
D.3). With a flight time of 8.0, it yields to TMF = 1.05. The severity factor and environment
factor are known from before. Thus, the FR and MR restoration costs result in:
SV RC F R, EF H = 194 · 1.05 · 0.88 · 1.0 = 179 (4.15)
SV RC M R, EF H = 275 · 1.05 · 0.88 · 1.0 = 254 (4.16)
With the results from the eqs. (4.15) and (4.15), the total shop visit cost per EFH are then
calculated through eq. (4.12):
4.3 Model Plausibility 55
SV C F R, EF H = LLP Cost EF H + SV RC M R, EF H = 64 + 179 = 243 (4.17)
SV C M R, EF H = LLP Cost EF H + SV RC M R, EF H = 64 + 254 = 318 (4.18)
SV C = SV C EF H · Interval (4.19)
The final output of the cost estimation are first-run and mature-run shop visit intervals and shop
visit costs. The results for the proposed example are summarized in table 4.7.
output parameters of the model is plotted over the respective actual original data points from
the database. Ideally, the resulting points would lead to a graph that equals the standard linear
curve f (x) = x. In this case every predicted value would be equal to the respective actual value.
This ideal linear curve is plotted as a blue dotted line. However, it can be expected that the
plotted data points do not lie perfectly on this line. Furthermore it is possible that the ideal
curve does not even represent the trend line of the data points. Therefore, a linear regression
line that fits the data points is developed and additionally plotted as a red continuous line.
Coinciding red and blue dotted lines indicate that the data points can be fitted by the ideal curve
through linear regression. Clearly crossing lines would indicate opposing trends and thus refer to
a bad reflection of the actual data through the model. In the following tables, the resulting plots
illustrating the comparison of the model output with the original database are displayed. Each
engine application is considered separately. In addition, each plot displays the root mean square
error (RMSE) between data points and ideal curve.
x 10 FR Interval SH-Engines 4
x 10 MR Interval SH-Engines
3.5 2.5
2 1.5
Data Points Data Points
Regression of Data Regression of Data
Ideal Curve Ideal Curve
0.5 0.5
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Interval [EFH] x 10
4 Predicted Interval [EFH] x 10
x 10 FR Interval MLH-Engines 4
x 10 MR Interval MLH-Engines
3 2.5
2 Shaft Data 2 Shaft Data
3 Shaft Data 3 Shaft Data
Regression of Data Regression of Data
Ideal Curve Ideal Curve
0.5 0.5
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Interval [EFH] x 10
4 Predicted Interval [EFH] x 10
Intervals The plots show that the model generally represents the original database intervals
well. In the MLH plots, the three-spool engines have been highlighted. It can be seen that
the three-spool data points follow the trend of the remaining data quite well. This is achieved
4.3 Model Plausibility 57
through the three-spool adjustment factor. In addition, the RMSE values of this analysis relate to
the RMSEs of the regression analysis that was performed to develop the interval CERs (appendix
700 RMSE: 30.7 EF H 700 RMSE: 35.3 EF H
Actual Cost [USD/EFH]
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
Data Points Data Points
Regression of Data Regression of Data
100 100
Ideal Curve Ideal Curve
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Predicted Cost [USD/EFH] Predicted Cost [USD/EFH]
800 800
RMSE: 32.4 EF H RMSE: 52.7 EF H
Actual Cost [USD/EFH]
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
Shop Visit Costs per EFH These plots generally indicate a weaker reflection of the original data
through the developed model. This probably results from the fact that the SVC per EFH are
made up of two independently modeled cost components (SV RC and LLP Cost). Especially the
SH engine comparison reveals a clearly visible deviation between model and database. The data
points here are clustered around a low cost level, while only a few data points reach higher cost
dimensions. The explanation for this is that the database of SH engines mainly consists of small
engines with a thrust level of about 20,000-30,000 lbf. The few data points that stick out are
made up of the CF6-80C2A series engines. These are the only bigger size short-haul engines of
the database. Therefore, the credibility of the model in this region is somewhat limited. It seems
the model tends to predict generally higher costs for such big SH engines. For MLH engines, the
picture is slightly more favorable. The data points are not as clustered around a certain cost
level. The two data points that stick out stand for the PW4074/77 operated on a short haul
route. The model is capable of reflecting this engine sufficiently however, one has to be careful
4.3 Model Plausibility 58
again, since there are only two data points that confirm the displayed trend in the higher cost
level of short-haul operated MLH engines.
3 2.2
RMSE: 1745.2 EFH
2.5 RMSE: 3169.6 EFH 1.8
Actual Interval [EFH]
Data Points 0.6
Data Points
Regression of Data Regression of Data
Ideal Curve Ideal Curve
0.5 0.4
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2
Predicted Interval [EFH] x 10
4 Predicted Interval [EFH] 4
x 10
Intervals At first glance it becomes apparent, that the predicted intervals generally tend to be
longer than the intervals of the AeroStrategy data tables. However, the model clearly reflects the
4.3 Model Plausibility 59
prevailing trend of the reference data table. The resulting RMSE values are in the same scale
like the RMSEs of the other interval analysis plots, which indicates that model relates similarly
to both the Aircraft Commerce and AeroStrategy database.
FR SVRC per EFH - Model vs. AeroStrategy MR SVRC per EFH - Model vs. AeroStrategy
RMSE: 32.4 EF H 350 RMSE: 41.2 EF H
Data Points Data Points
Regression of Data Regression of Data
50 Ideal Curve 100 Ideal Curve
50 100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Predicted SVRC [USD/EFH] Predicted SVRC [USD/EFH]
SV Restoration Costs per EFH Comparing the SVRC per EFH of the developed model with
AeroStrategy also reveals a satisfying picture. The model represents the trend of reference data
points very well and the displayed RMSEs are in an acceptable scale.
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
Data Points Data Points
Regression of Data Regression of Data
Ideal Curve Ideal Curve
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Predicted SVRC [USD million] Predicted SVRC [USD million]
Total SV Restoration Costs The plots that are relating to the comparison of the total SVRC
generally show a bigger deviation between model and AeroStrategy. This is somewhat expected,
since now the combined results of intervals and costs per EFH in shape of the total restoration
costs are compared. It becomes apparent that the model generally predicts higher costs than
estimated by AeroStrategy for engines that require high investment for an overhaul. These
estimations mainly belong to the newest generation engines of widebody aircraft that were not
part of the assembled database. Hence, it can be assumed that new generation engines generally
achieve longer intervals with reduced cost per EFH. This is a trend that has been confirmed
through comparing the older engine generation of the database with the current generation
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 60
engines that formed the foundation of the database. It is likely that this trend continues now,
leading to even longer intervals and lower shop visit costs per EFH for the newest generation
engines. However, the overall deviation is considered as acceptable and these results are still
regarded as confirmation of the developed model.
Table 4.8: Input parameters and their base values for the sensitivity analysis
Based on these parameters the analysis was split into two parts. First, it was examined how the
isolated output of the model reacts to changes on one single input parameter when the remaining
parameters are kept constant. The six analyzed parameters and the values they are held constant
to are summarized in tab. 4.8. The base SH engine values relate to the IAE V2500-A5 (A320
family) and the MLH values are derived from the PW 4077 (Boeing 777). These are two very
common engines in their respective field of application. The environment was assumed to be
hot and dry (EF = 1.1) and the two engines have two spools (TSF = 1.0). The impact of the
environment and the number of spools was only modeled in rough discrete steps, while the model
enables continuous changes of the remainder input parameters. As a result of this, the analysis
of the four continuous parameters - thrust, weight, flight time and derate - was grouped together,
while the impact of the number of spools and the environment is illustrated separately. This
ensures a consistent presentation of the results. The second part is a sensitivity analysis on the
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 61
impact of the six input parameters on the entire SV life cycle cost of an aircraft engine.
x 10
4 Thrust - Interval Sensitivity x 10
4 Weight - Interval Sensitivity
2.8 2.8
First-Run First-Run
2.6 2.6
Mature-Run Mature-Run
2.4 2.4
2.2 2.2
Interval [EFH]
Interval [EFH] 2
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
EFH:EFC = 1.9[h] EFH:EFC = 1.9[h]
1 Derate = 10% 1 Derate = 10%
Weight = 5139[lbs] Thrust = 27000[lbf ]
0.8 0.8
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Thrust [lbf ] 4
x 10 Weight [lbs]
x 10
4 EFH:EFC - Interval Sensitivity x 10
4 Derate - Interval Sensitivity
2.8 2.4
First-Run First-Run
Mature-Run 2.2 Mature-Run
2.2 2
Interval [EFH]
Interval [EFH]
1.6 1.6
Derate = 10% EFH:EFC = 1.9[h]
1 Thrust = 27000[lbf ] Thrust = 27000[lbf ]
Weight = 5139[lbs] Weight = 5139[lbs]
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 5 10 15 20
EFH:EFC [h] Derate [%]
Intervals The results of the interval sensitivity reflect the theory very well. An increase in thrust
would lead to a rapid drop of the achievable SV intervals, while an increase of the weight has
an opposed effect (upper two diagramms in tab. 4.9). This represents the expectation that a
higher thrust rating generally leads to shorter removal intervals. The influence of the derate and
the flight time directly relates to the implemented severity curves (see D). In addition, mature
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 62
SV intervals are generally shorter than first SV intervals, which has also been predicted by the
outcome of the literature review.
Thrust - SVC per EFH Sensitivity Weight - SVC per EFH Sensitivity
200 First-Run
Mature-Run 190 Mature-Run
180 170
120 EFH:EFC = 1.9[h] EFH:EFC = 1.9[h]
Derate = 10% 110 Derate = 10%
Weight = 5139[lbs] Thrust = 27000[lbf ]
100 100
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Thrust [lbf ] 4
x 10 Weight [lbs]
EFH:EFC - SVC per EFH Sensitivity Derate - SVC per EFH Sensitivity
350 210
First-Run First-Run
Mature-Run Mature-Run
300 SVC per EFH [$/EFH] 190
SVC per EFH [$/EFH]
Table 4.10: SH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the SV costs per EFH
Shop Visit Costs per EFH The sensitivity of the shop visit costs per EFH is generally expected
as well. The flight time and the derate affect the SVC per EFH as defined in the severity curves.
An increase of the thrust yields to a considerable linear increase of the costs per EFH, while the
weight affects the costs only to a minor extent. The little effect the weight has on the SVC per
EFH results mainly from the fact that the CER for the restoration costs per EFH only depend
on the thrust (see eqs. (3.5),(3.6)).
The remaining input parameters are implemented as discrete variables. Therefore, their impact
is illustrated in bar plots. Apart from this, the presentation is analogue as seen before. Each
couple of plots relates to one output parameter and each single plot shows the influence of one
changing input parameter, while the remaining parameters are held constant according to tab.
4.8. The following plots illustrate the results for MLH engines using the example of the PW4077.
The effect of the EF and the TSF on the SH engine intervals and costs are practically identical.
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 63
Thus, they are not illustrated explicitly. The results largely reflect the expectations and directly
relate to the implementation of the environment and three-spool factors.
x 10
4 Environment - Interval Sensitivity x 10
4 No. Spools - Interval Sensitivity
2.2 3
First-Run First-Run
2 Mature-Run Mature-Run
1.8 2.5
Interval [EFH]
Interval [EFH]
0.4 0.5
0 0
temperate hot&dry erosive 3 Spools 2 Spools
Environment No. Spools
Environment - SVC per EFH Sensitivity No. Spools - SVC per EFH Sensitivity
550 450
First-Run First-Run
500 Mature-Run 400 Mature-Run
SVC per EFH [$/EFH]
300 250
250 200
50 50
0 0
temperate hot&dry erosive 3 Spools 2 Spools
Environment No. Spools
Table 4.11: MLH Engines - Impact of the discrete parameters on the direct model output
The remaining EFH after the first removal are multiplied with the mature SVC per EFH to
account for all mature SVs. The accumulated engine flight hours of the life cycle (EF H LC ) are
calculated with the number of years in service Y ears LC and the annual utilization U til ann .
The annual utilization of the two example engines has been determined from the aircraft owner
& operator guides of the aircraft commerce archive. According to [Air08d] a Boeing 777 on a
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 64
long-haul route of 6.0 EFH:EFC equipped with a PW4077, typically achieves an annual utilization
of 4500 EFH. An IAE V2500-A5 mounted to an A320 that is flying on 1.9 EFH:EFC short-haul
route is likely to achieve around 2800 EFH [Air06a]. With an estimated life cycle duration of
Y ears LC = 20 years, the total number of EFH in service for the two example engines yields to:
The sensitivity analysis of the total life cycle SVC is analogue to the previous analysis of the SV
intervals and SVC per EFH. The following tables show the effect of the four continuous and the
two discrete parameters. Subsequently it is illustrated through tornado charts what parameters
have the most significant impact. The applied base values relate to table 4.8.
The sensitivity of the influence of the continuous parameters is illustrated for each engine
application separately.
x 10
6 Thrust - LCC Sensitivity - SH x 10
6 Weight - LCC Sensitivity - SH
12 10.1
11.5 10
Life Cycle SVC [USD]
Life Cycle SVC [USD]
8.5 EFH:EFC = 1.9[h] EFH:EFC = 1.9[h]
Derate = 10% 9.4 Derate = 10%
Weight = 5139[lbs] Thrust = 27000[lbf ]
7.5 9.3
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Thrust [lbf ] 4
x 10 Weight [lbs]
x 10
7 EFH:EFC - LCC Sensitivity - SH x 10
7 Derate - LCC Sensitivity - SH
1.8 1.15
Life Cycle SVC [USD]
Derate = 10%
Thrust = 27000[lbf ] 0.9 EFH:EFC = 1.9[h]
Weight = 5139[lbs] Thrust = 27000[lbf ]
Weight = 5139[lbs]
0.4 0.85
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 5 10 15 20
EFH:EFC [h] Derate [%]
Table 4.12: SH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the life cycle SVC
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 65
Short-Haul Engines The results for the range of SH engines largely relate to the sensitivity
analysis of the SVC per EFH in tab. 4.10. However, the reduced life cycle SVC with increasing
engine weight seem to be slightly odd on the first glance. Generally, one would expect that
increasing weight leads to increased total SVC. However, the shown curve is a result of the mainly
constant SVC per EFH and significantly prolonged first intervals with increasing engine weight
(compare with tab. 4.10). From these four continuous input parameters, only the flight time and
the derate can actually adopt a wide range of values depending on the operation of the aircraft.
The engine thrust and weight are depending on the aspired performance level somewhat limited
by design constraints. When observing the plots, it becomes apparent that especially the average
flight time defines the resulting life cycle SVC. For the given example, it ranges from 6 mil USD
in case of EFH:EFC = 4.0 to about 17 mil USD for a short-haul operation with EFH:EFC = 1.0.
x 10
7 Thrust - LCC Sensitivity - MLH x 10
7 Weight - LCC Sensitivity - MLH
3.55 3.45
3.35 3.3
EFH:EFC = 6[h] 3.2 EFH:EFC = 6[h]
3.2 Derate = 10% Derate = 10%
Weight = 14545[lbs] Thrust = 78000[lbf ]
3.15 3.15
7.4 7.6 7.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6
Thrust [lbf ] 4
x 10 Weight [lbs] 4
x 10
x 10
7 EFH:EFC - LCC Sensitivity - MLH x 10
7 Derate - LCC Sensitivity - MLH
5 3.7
Life Cycle SVC [USD]
EFH:EFC = 6[h]
Derate = 10% 3.1 Thrust = 78000[lbf ]
Thrust = 78000[lbf ]
Weight = 14545[lbs]
Weight = 14545[lbs]
2.5 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 5 10 15 20
EFH:EFC [h] Derate [%]
Table 4.13: MLH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the life cycle SVC
Medium-Long-Haul Engines For a better understanding of the sensitivity of the life cycle SVC
for MLH engines, it is additionally referred to the respective tables in appendix E illustrating
the sensitivity of the isolated model output for MLH engines. In general, the results resemble
the previous SH engine plots. Solely, the impact of the weight is opposed. For MLH engines
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 66
the dependency of the life cycle SVC on the engine weight relates to the general expectation.
This results from the fact that unlike with the SH engines, the SVC per EFH of MLH engines
considerably increase with increasing engine weight. Again the life cycle SVC considerably range
with the average flight time.
As with the analysis of the isolated model output, the influence of the discrete parameters is
illustrated only for MLH engines. The resulting plots for SH engines would show the exact same
tendencies just in a different scale.
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
temperate hot&dry erosive 3 Spools 2 Spools
Environment No. Spools
Table 4.14: MLH Engines - Impact of the discrete parameters on the life cycle SVC
Tornado charts are often used to illustrate the sensitivity of a target parameter with respect to
changes on all input variables simultaneously. The typical tornado shape results from arranging
the input parameters in descending order according to the significance of their impact on the
output. In order to show what parameters influence the life cycle SVC most considerably, tornado
charts were generated for both SH and MLH engines. Therefore, it was determined how a
deviation of -10% to +10% around the base values from tab. 4.8 affect the life cycle SVC. The
three-spool factor was excluded from this consideration, since it only provides two discrete steps.
The three discrete steps of the environment factor on the other hand, happen to fit in the chosen
pattern. The EF for hot&dry environments serves as base value, while the two remaining steps
roughly relate to the ±10% deviation, that was applied for the continuous input parameters.
The results are illustrated in the following tornado charts.
Base Result: 12.657
EF + 10%
Weight - 10%
Base Result:
Figure 4.3: Tornado 30.670
chart on the sensitivity of the life cycle SVC of SH engines
Name Low High Delta
Derate 31.021 30.469 0.552
Short-Haul Engines For SH engines
Weight 29.870 the model 1.759
31.629 indicates that especially the average flight time, the
EFH:EFC 32.248 29.255 2.993
thrust and the environmentEF
have a significant
32.952 4.564
impact on the accumulated SVC throughout
the life cycle, while the weight28.130
Thrust and the derate5.065
33.195 play a comparable minor role.
EFH:EFC + 10%
Weight - 10%
Figure 4.4: Tornado chart on the sensitivity of the life cycle SVC of MLH engines
Medium-Long-Haul Engines The tornado chart for the MLH engines reveals a generally similar
picture. However, the effect of the average flight time is considerably less severe, while changes
on the engine weight gained in significance compared to SH engines. The explanation for this is
that the chosen base flight time of EFH:EFC = 6.0 is rather a long-hong-haul route. In long-haul
operations, slight changes on the average flight time generally have a less significant impact on
the engine maintenance (see severity curve in appendix D.2).
5 Implementation into existing LCC-Tool
For the implementation of the model, the engine maintenance was sourced out into a dedicated
function that is called in the main executive m-file lccmain.m of the LCC-tool. Up to this
point, the developed LCC-tool required a fixed predefined number of checks. These checks
included the engine shop visits, while it was assumed that engines generally have three shop
visits in their life cycle. As a result of this thesis, it became obvious that this approach not
necessarily reflects the reality. The number of shop visits can range significantly depending
on the achieved shop visit intervals and on the total flight hours of the proposed life cycle.
Therefore, the programme structure has to be modified to enable a flexible number of checks.
The existing structure dictates that the number of total maintenance checks has to be defined
prior to the utilization module lccmaintutil. Since the generated engine maintenance module
lccmaintengine determines the expected intervals and thus the required number of SVs, it has
to be executed before the call of lccmaintutil. The outsourcing into a dedicated function was
done to concentrate the contribution of this thesis to the existing LLC-tool in one central place.
The objective was to change the existing surrounding structure as little as possible. One main
requirement for the implementation is that the new engine maintenance module enables both the
estimation of shop visits according to the developed model and the predefinition of shop visits
information extracted from available sources. In the following sections, the implementation of
the key functionalities of the developed maintenance module is briefly described. However, it
should be noted that a complete understanding of the subsequent explanations requires basic
knowledge about the existing programme sequence. In case of unclarity, it is also referred to the
commented programme code.
[Maint] = lccmaintengine(Aircraft,...
The various input parameter necessary for the this function are subsequently briefly described:
5.1 Function Definition and Input Modification 69
• Routes Contains all route informations, including flight time, derate and environment
• Maint Maint includes all maintenance data for the aircraft and engine. Thus, it contains all
engine specifications as well as ESV intervals and costs, as they are set in lcc_maintineng.
xml. It holds the key parameters that are applied to account for all maintenance events in
the following programme sequence.
• General Contains general information, like life cycle length and basic utilization parameters
such as, number of curfew hours or flight days per week.
• File Includes the information of the loaded xml files and controls what files are loaded.
The existing global programme structure accesses the Maint struct for the following reflection
of the aircraft maintenance as part of the AC life cycle. Hence, the existing Maint struct,
which is also an input of the developed function, is modified and represents the only output.
The performed modifications result from the outcome of the implemented engine maintenance
model. The model implementation is based on the assumption that the utilization of the aircraft
is constant throughout the life cycle. That means all input parameter that are defined in the
routes branch of the lcc_frame_in_xxx.xml are assumed to be constant for the entire life
The engine maintenance function provides different control settings, which allow the user to
influence the processing of the functions. These settings were implemented with simple true-
false queries. They are summarized as follows:
All these control setting variables have been added to the main xml input file lcc_frame_in_
xxx. In addition, several input parameters that are required for executing the developed engine
maintenance model were not yet defined and respectively had to be added to the input xml files.
This includes, the the derate, environment, engine application, number of spools as well as shop
visit duration, spare engine leasing rate an a few technology factors. Since the developed function
allows to extract the required engine specifications from two different input xml files, both the
5.2 Estimating the Shop Visits 70
engineMroFile and the lcc_frame_in_xxx have been modified. All additional modifications
on each xml file are summarized in the tables 5.2 and 5.3.
Added Parameters in lcc_frame_in_xxx.xml
LLP_cost = −115.31326 ...
+0.0194512.*weight ...
+0.0031206.*thrust ...
Analogue to the developed CERs, the severity and time & material curves are also reflected by
dedicated functions. While the TMF curves can be each implemented by one single vector (see
tables 4.1 and 4.2), the severity curves have to be represented by matrices. According to the input
parameters the output value is then interpolated between the values defined in the curve vector
or multiple curve matrix (see appendix D). The interpolation between two values simultaneously
as required for the severity matrices was achieved by the matlab function interp2. An example
programme code for the implementation of the severity curves is given below:
% Severity Matrix
%rows = [0.5 1 1.5 1.9 2.5 3 4 5 6 ]−−−> FC:FH
%columns = [0% 5% 10% 15% 20%] −−−> De−Rate
severity_matrix = [2.8 2.6 2.4 2.28 2.16
2.10 1.93 1.75 1.65 1.54
1.62 1.47 1.32 1.23 1.14
1.20 1.10 1.00 0.94 0.88
1.06 1.11 0.88 0.83 0.77
0.96 0.88 0.80 0.75 0.71
0.85 0.78 0.71 0.66 0.62
0.78 0.72 0.66 0.62 0.59
0.74 0.69 0.63 0.60 0.56];
With the four effect curve functions the total number of generated functions sums up to eleven.
The remaining effects do not have to be reflected by dedicated functions, since they result directly
from the input. The model branch that is active when the SV intervals and costs are supposed
to be estimated, calls these functions and performs all necessary conversions as dictated by the
model structure seen in figure 4.2. The implementation of the developed model structure is also
represented by the example calculation in 4.2. The input parameters for the CER and effect
functions are extracted either from lcc_frame_in_xxx.xml or from engineMroFile, depending
on the setting of File.input.engInputSource.
%total flight hours of engine life with the factor 0.98 for reducing total
%flight hours due to maintenance events (reduced available FHs)
lcFH = 52*weeklyFH*yearsInService*0.98;
The following estimation of the shop visit number is dedicated to the respective branch. Depending
on the defined or estimated first and mature SV intervals, the number of required SVs is calculated
through a while loop. Noteworthy is that this loop only calculates the number of full shop visits.
This is explained by the following example. The first SV interval is assumed to be 15,000 EFH,
mature intervals equal 10,000 EFH and the LCFH equals 48,000 EFH. In this calculation, the
third shop visit would take place after:
In this pattern the fourth SV would take place after an accumulated flight time of 45.000 EFH.
However, since the life cycle ends already after 48,000 EFH, it is not necessary to perform a
full fourth shop visit that would enable the engine to remain on-wing for another 10,000 EFH
resulting in accumulated 55,000 EFH. In this case, the loop gives out that the engine requires ’3’
full shop visits during the proposed life cycle. The last shop visit is considered separately in a
distinct programme part.
Thus, the last shop visit would have to restore the engine to a level that it can remain on-wing
for another 3.000 EFH. Therefore, the last shop visit is considered as targeted SV with reduced
workscopes. The incurred costs for this targeted SV are calculated with the mature shop visit
cost per EFH (see eq. (4.18)) multiplied with the remainingT OW . If it is assumed that a
mature SV in the previous example costs 3 mil USD, then the matre SVC per EFH yield to:
5.7 Output Generation 74
SV CM R 3,000,000 U SD
SV C M R, EF H = = = 300
IntervalM R 10,000 EF H
Hence, the cost for the last shop visit as indicated in the example result in:
This calculation is performed in both branches with the respective interval and cost data resulting
either from the implemented engine maintenance model or from the predefined shop visit data.
In case Maint.ctrl.engLastSvType is set to ’0’, the programme handles the last shop visit like
all previous SVs as full shop visit regardless of the expected remaining TOW until the end of the
life cycle. This setting should be preferred when selling the engine on the surplus market after
the end of the aircraft’s life cycle is considered.
Table 5.4: Reflection of the engine maintenance costs in the lccmaintcost function
This allocation enables a differentiated adjustment of the restoration cost and the LLP cost
through the existing technology factors for each CheckExpenses category.
6 Summary and Conclusion
The objectives of this work were to review the literature on maintenance of commercial jet engines
and based on that, to develop a qualitative model that estimates engine shop visit costs and
intervals depending on the major influence factors on engine maintenance. Furthermore, it was
intended to implement this model into the existing maintenance module of the LCC simulation
After building up a comprehensive review on the prevailing concepts of engine maintenance, cost
estimating relationships (CER) regarding the engine shop visit costs and intervals were developed
using the methodological approach described in the NASA Cost Estimating Handbook [NAS08].
Therefore, a database that contains numerous current engine model variants and their shop visit
intervals and costs was assembled from an extensive review of the operator & owner guides of
the Aircraft Commerce magazine archive. However, important effects like the environmental
conditions and the operational severity have been normalized for the database assembly, which
led to CERs that do not reflect the influence of these factors. Therefore, the developed CERs
were complemented by a subsequent effect-module that adjusts the results of the CERs according
to the severity of the engine’s operation. The final model relates to six different input parameters:
engine thrust, dry weight, number of spools, average flight length, applied derate and the present
environment. Since the literature review and the assembled database indicated that short-haul
operated engines generally exhibit different maintenance characteristics than engines that are
operated on medium-long-haul routes, the model was split into two separate paths, each dedicated
to one of these engine applications. In addition the model distinguishes between first-run and
mature-run shop visits to account for the generally longer intervals and lower maintenance cost
per EFH of new engines compared to engines that reached maturity.
The resulting model was then tested for its plausibility by comparing the model results with
available cost and interval estimations from AeroStrategy. The conclusion of these plausibility
tests were that the general trend of the developed model and the Aerostrategy estimations
coincide. However, the AeroStrategy estimates for new generation engines tend to lie below the
predicted values of the model. This was not unexpected, since the past has shown that newer
generations engines generally achieve longer intervals and lower maintenance costs per EFH than
the previous generation. Since the database assembly was limited to engines that have been in
operation for the last two decades, the developed model reflects the current generation engines
best. The problem is that there is no reliable data on the average intervals and costs for the
newest engine generation. However, with these information available one could determine a
technology factor that adjusts the model results and enables a better forecast also for the these
6 Summary and Conclusion 76
new engines. The basic engine maintenance characteristics are assumed to remain constant also
with newer generation engines. Therefore, the applied CERs and adjustment parameters could
be also replaced with newly developed relationships that are based on available data for the
newer generation engines, while the rest of the model structure could remain unchanged.
The developed model was subsequently implemented into the LCC simulation tool as an inde-
pendent module. Therefore, the engine maintenance was excluded from the existing maintenance
module. This ensures that the contribution of this thesis to the LCC-tool is clearly separated and
it enabled the consideration of a flexible number of shop visits, while the previous maintenance
module relied on a fixed number of shop visits. Therefore, the new engine maintenance module
estimates the anticipated number of shop visits of the life cycle depending on the utilization
input and the estimated shop visit intervals. Since the developed engine MRO model requires a
few new input parameters that have not been included in the original input files, the xml input
files have been modified accordingly. The existing global structure of the LLC simulation tool
remained unchanged. The new module keeps the functionality that the shop visit intervals and
costs can be predefined if known from reliable data sources. The problem is that the actual shop
visit costs and intervals heavily depend on the engine’s operational severity. That means, the
applied predefined shop visit estimations have to relate to the utilization defined in the input file.
This applies especially for the flight time as major influence factor. Alternatively, the available
maintenance data could also be adjusted with the average severity curves established in the
framework of this thesis.
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List of Figures
List of Tables
2.1 Initial EGTM and mature EGT erosion rates for CFM56-7B variants [Air08c] . . 20
2.2 Comparison of EMC consideration in different DOC methods . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3 Criteria for the evaluation of regression results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1 SH Engine Time & Material factor with respect to the flight time . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2 MLH Engine Time & Material factor with respect to the flight time . . . . . . . 50
4.3 Environment factors for different environmental conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4 Input engine specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.5 Input engine utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.6 Summary of CER results for the example input parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.7 Final output for the example input parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.8 Input parameters and their base values for the sensitivity analysis . . . . . . . . 60
4.9 SH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the SV Interval . . . . . 61
4.10 SH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the SV costs per EFH . 62
4.11 MLH Engines - Impact of the discrete parameters on the direct model output . 63
4.12 SH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the life cycle SVC . . . . 64
4.13 MLH Engines - Impact of the continuous parameters on the life cycle SVC . . 65
4.14 MLH Engines - Impact of the discrete parameters on the life cycle SVC . . . . 66
Maintenance Costs
A.1 CostCost Analysis
Engine MRO
Engine MRO Cost Analysis
HPT aifoils
Repairs Other 21%
3% Fees 28%
12% DAT*
Life Limited Parts
25% US$ 3.9 billion (LLP) Other airfoils
Parts Repair 4% 21%
anfallenden Kosten können im wesentlichen in Stationary parts
drei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden: Kosten für die Combustor 15%
6% PMA Parts
uß, den die Montage/Demontage des Triebwerks, Reparatur-
altungskosten kosten für Einzelteile
60% und Materialkosten für den Life Limited Parts
eines Trieb- Ersatz von nicht mehr reparierbaren
Material Bauteilen. Die
US$ 9.3 billion (LLP)
Verteilung der Kosten auf bestimmte Bauteile und
Reinigungs- 19%
tfernung von Bereiche ist von großer Bedeutung, da sie Rück-
chaufeln und schlüsse auf potentiell erreichbare Kostenreduzie-
stellung der rungen für die einzelnen Bauteile - beispielsweise Used Material
ufbetrieb des durch die Entwicklung neuer Reparaturen - zuläßt. 12% New Material
Kohlepulver *) Disassembly, Assembly, Test 66%
itzt werden. BILD
Source:42007zeigt beispielhaft
AeroStrategy die Repair
Aeroengine Parts Verteilung der
& Material Forecast
nreinigungen Instandhaltungskosten bei einer Überholung auf
s Verdichters die
24 Bauteile,
November 2006 unterteilt nach Materialkosten (blau 4
er reduzierte gekennzeichnet) und Arbeitskosten (rot bzw. gelb
uch die Be- gekennzeichnet). Ausdrücklich sei hier darauf
hingewiesen, dass lebensdauerbegrenzte Teile
(LLP's)Shop VisitmitCost
hier nicht Driver sind.
others 10 % Disassembly
Combustor 2,5 % Assembly 15 %
Cases 5 %
Bearings 2,5 % Airfoils 14 % *LLP cost not included
Blue: material cost
Red: labour cost
Airfoils 30 % Accessories 5 %
vement of MTBSV [Rup00]
ntroduction of Stationary Parts 8 %
ar Coke Cleaning
an Jul Rotating Parts 4 %
Seals 2 % Combustor 2 %
B.1 Aircraft Commerce Shop Visit Reserves & Intervals Example Table
Removal Interval Accumulated Workscope Cost-$ $/EFC LLP LLP cost LLP Total Total
EFC EFC content replacement $ $/EFC $/EFC $/EFH
1st 10,000 10,000 Core 1,200,000 120 - 79 199 111
2nd 7,000-8,000 17,000-18,000 Core & LPT 1,500,000 200 Core & LPT 1,211,000 79 279 155
1st 13,000 13,000 Core 1,250,000 96 Core 785,000 91 190 106
2nd 12,000 25,000 fan/LPC & LPT 1,700,000 142 Fan/LPC & LPT 731,000 91 233 130
1st 16,000 16,000 Core & LPT 1,550,000 97 Core & LPT 1,211.000 87 184 102
2nd 14,000 30,000 Core & fan/LPC 1,700,000 121 Fan/LPC 305,000 71 192 107
1st 17,000-18,000 17,000-18,000 Core & LPT 1,600,000 92 Core & LPT 1,211,000 78 170 95
2nd 12,000-13,000 28,000-30,000 Core & fan/LPC 1,700,000 136 Fan/LPC 305,000 73 209 116
Short-Haul Three-Spool
C.1 First Interval SH1stEngines
Interval adj
Whole Model
Actual by Predicted Plot
1st Interval
adj Actual
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,769685
RSquare Adj 0,740895
Root Mean Square Error 3247,839
Mean of Response 22162,07
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 28
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 846039131 282013044 26,7350
Error 24 253162938 10548456 Prob > F
C. Total 27 1099202069 <,0001*
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 68466,325 5575,065 12,28 <,0001*
TWR -8267,819 942,4547 -8,77 <,0001*
weight -1,004437 0,435151 -2,31 0,0299*
(weight-5407)*(weight-5407) 0,0001212 5,961e-5 2,03 0,0531
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function
Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
Interval f irst,SH = 1 1
68466.325284 −811801410
8267.81904 · T W R −<,0001*
76,9593 1.00444 · weight
weight 1 1 56202317 5,3280 0,0299*
weight*weight + (weight
1 −
1 5407) · [(weight4,1379
43648191 − 5407) ·0,0531
Residual by Predicted Plot
j Residual
st Interval
C.2 Mature Interval SH Engines vii
SE_Data- Fit Least Squares
C.2 Mature Interval SHmature Interval adj
Whole Model TWR
Actual by Predicted Plot Leverage Plot
25000 25000
Leverage Residuals
mature Interval adj
20000 20000
mature Interval
adj Actual
15000 15000
10000 10000
5000 5000
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,
mature Interval adj Predicted TWR Leve
P<.0001 RSq=0,79 RMSE=2112,5
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,790264
RSquare Adj 0,783909
Root Mean Square Error 2112,513
Mean of Response 14305,73
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 35
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 1 554897670 554897670 124,3409
Error 33 147269489 4462711,8 Prob > F
C. Total 34 702167159 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 11,6996
Lack Of Fit 31 146461838 4724575 Prob > F
Pure Error 2 807651 403825 0,0817
Total Error 33 147269489 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 40684,376 2392,421 17,01 <,0001*
TWR -5022,812 450,443 -11,15 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function
Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
Interval mature,SH 1
= − 5022.8116
554897670 124,3409
40684.37633 · TWR
Residual by Predicted Plot
mature Interval
adj Residual
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
mature Interval adj Predicted
C.3 First Interval MLH Engines viii
BE_Data_wo_3s- Fit Least Squares
C.3 First Interval 1st interval
MLH Enginesadj
Whole Model
Actual by Predicted Plot
1st interval
adj Actual
14000 18000 22000 26000
1st interval adj Predicted
P<.0001 RSq=0,91 RMSE=969,3
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,911592
RSquare Adj 0,88949
Root Mean Square Error 969,2997
Mean of Response 18937,16
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 16
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 116253879 38751293 41,2449
Error 12 11274503 939541,89 Prob > F
C. Total 15 127528381 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 1,1345
Lack Of Fit 5 5046845 1009369 Prob > F
Pure Error 7 6227658 889665 0,4233
Total Error 12 11274503 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 22539,976 1210,754 18,62 <,0001*
thrust -0,314694 0,078371 -4,02 0,0017*
weight 1,4329074 0,496822 2,88 0,0137*
(thrust-76305)*(thrust-76305) 3,4421e-6 4,789e-7 7,19 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function
Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
Interval f irst,M LH = 22539.9757 + 1.4329 · weight − 0.3147
thrust 1 1 15149153 16,1240 0,0017*· thrust
weight 1 1 7815403 8,3183 0,0137*
thrust*thrust 1 − 48533396
+1(thrust 76305) · [(thrust − 76305)
51,6564 · 0.0000034421]
Residual by Predicted Plot
C.4 Mature Interval MLH Engines ix
BE_Data_wo_3s- Fit Least Squares
C.4 Mature Interval3rd
MLHinterval adj
Whole Model
Actual by Predicted Plot
3rd interval
adj Actual
12000 15000 17000 19000
3rd interval adj Predicted
P<.0001 RSq=0,80 RMSE=880,27
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,798364
RSquare Adj 0,766527
Root Mean Square Error 880,272
Mean of Response 14805,49
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 23
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 58293477 19431159 25,0764
Error 19 14722696 774878,73 Prob > F
C. Total 22 73016173 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 1,4314
Lack Of Fit 12 10460068 871672 Prob > F
Pure Error 7 4262628 608947 0,3263
Total Error 19 14722696 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 34415,709 3013,422 11,42 <,0001*
TWR -2759,253 485,7675 -5,68 <,0001*
weight -0,366246 0,06245 -5,86 <,0001*
(weight-12072)*(weight-12072) 0,0001018 1,816e-5 5,61 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function
Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
Interval mature,M LH = 34415.70939 − 2759.25322 · T W R<,0001*
TWR 1 1 25001151 32,2646 − 0.36625 · weight
weight 1 1 26650979 34,3937 <,0001*
weight*weight 1 −24347698
+1(weight 12072) · [(weight
31,4213− 12072) · 0.000101795]
Residual by Predicted Plot
C.5 First Shop Visit Restoration Costs x
Base_Data- Fit Least Squares
250 250
Leverage Residuals
200 200
100 100
50 50
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,925128
RSquare Adj 0,923535
Root Mean Square Error 20,53848
Mean of Response 122,1495
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 49
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 1 244971,87 244972 580,7369
Error 47 19825,98 422 Prob > F
C. Total 48 264797,85 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 1,3960
Lack Of Fit 30 14101,817 470,061 Prob > F
Pure Error 17 5724,161 336,715 0,2371
Total Error 47 19825,979 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 7,1451068 5,602079 1,28 0,2084
thrust 0,0023619 0,000098 24,10 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
thrustRCostf irst1 = 7.14511
1 + 0.002361887
244971,87 · thrust
580,7369 <,0001*
Residual by Predicted Plot
adj Residual
1st cost
50 100 150 200 250
1st cost adj Predicted
C.6 Mature Shop Visit Restoration Costs xi
Base_Data- Fit Least Squares 2
C.6 Mature Shop Visit mature cost adj
Restoration Costs
Whole Model thrust
Actual by Predicted Plot Leverage Plot
400 400
350 350
Leverage Residuals
mature cost adj
mature cost 300 300
adj Actual 250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 20000 50000
mature cost adj Predicted thrust Levera
P<.0001 RSq=0,81 RMSE=38,591
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,807809
RSquare Adj 0,804709
Root Mean Square Error 38,59068
Mean of Response 190,3113
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 64
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 1 388089,29 388089 260,5955
Error 62 92332,90 1489 Prob > F
C. Total 63 480422,19 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 2,8211
Lack Of Fit 41 78144,940 1905,97 Prob > F
Pure Error 21 14187,961 675,62 0,0065*
Total Error 62 92332,901 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 46,528678 10,12921 4,59 <,0001*
thrust 0,0028861 0,000179 16,14 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction FunctionSource Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
1 = 46.52868
1 260,5955 · thrust
+ 0.002886118
388089,29 <,0001*
Residual by Predicted Plot
adj Residual
mature cost
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
mature cost adj Predicted
C.7 LLP Cost xii
LLP- Fit Least Squares
C.7 LLPResponse
Cost LLP Reserves
Whole Model
Actual by Predicted Plot
LLP Reserves
0 100 300 500 700 900
LLP Reserves Predicted
P<.0001 RSq=0,95 RMSE=44,13
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0,952884
RSquare Adj 0,950528
Root Mean Square Error 44,13013
Mean of Response 254,4868
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 64
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 2363135,5 787712 404,4799
Error 60 116848,1 1947 Prob > F
C. Total 63 2479983,6 <,0001*
Lack Of Fit
Sum of F Ratio
Source DF Squares Mean Square 1,6362
Lack Of Fit 48 101360,93 2111,69 Prob > F
Pure Error 12 15487,16 1290,60 0,1780
Total Error 60 116848,09 Max RSq
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept -115,3133 13,6202 -8,47 <,0001*
weight 0,0194512 0,007095 2,74 0,0080*
thrust 0,0031206 0,001069 2,92 0,0049*
(weight-8608,78)*(weight-8608,78) 2,6924e-6 3,188e-7 8,44 <,0001*
Effect Tests
Sum of
Prediction Function
Source Nparm DF Squares F Ratio Prob > F
weight= − 115.313261 + 0.0194512
LLP Cost 1 · weight 7,5152
14635,69 + 0.0031206 · thrust
thrust 1 1 16609,48 8,5288 0,0049* −6
+ (weight −1 8608.78125)
weight*weight 1 · ((weight
138881,53 − 8608.78125)
71,3139 <,0001*· 2.69234 · 10 )
Residual by Predicted Plot
D Model Parameters
Derate: 0%
2 Derate: 5%
Severity Factor
Derate: 10%
1.5 Derate: 15%
Derate: 20%
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Cycle Time [h]
D.2 Averaged Medium-Long-Haul-Engine Severity Curve xiv
Derate: 0%
2 Derate: 5%
Severity Factor
Derate: 10%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cycle Time [h]
T&M Factor
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Cycle Time [h]
EFH:EFC 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
T&M Factor 0.90 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06
T&M Factor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cycle Time [h]
EFH:EFC 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
T&M Factor 0.85 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.09 1.10 1.11
E Model Analysis
x 10
4 Thrust - Interval Sensitivity x 10
4 Weight - Interval Sensitivity
2 2.1
First-Run First-Run
1.9 Mature-Run Mature-Run
Interval [EFH]
Interval [EFH]
1.5 1.5
EFH:EFC = 6[h] EFH:EFC = 6[h]
Derate = 10% 1.3 Derate = 10%
1.3 Thrust = 78000[lbf ]
Weight = 14545[lbs]
7.4 7.6 7.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6
Thrust [lbf ] 4
x 10 Weight [lbs] x 10
x 10
4 EFH:EFC - Interval Sensitivity x 10
4 Derate - Interval Sensitivity
2.4 2.1
First-Run First-Run
2.2 Mature-Run Mature-Run
Interval [EFH]
Interval [EFH]
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.5
E Model Analysis xvii
Thrust - SVC per EFH — Sensitivity Weight - SVC per EFH Sensitivity
380 First-Run First-Run
Mature-Run 360 Mature-Run
SVC per EFH [$/EFH]
EFH:EFC - SVC per EFH Sensitivity Derate - SVC per EFH Sensitivity
550 400
First-Run First-Run
500 Mature-Run Mature-Run
SVC per EFH [$/EFH]
SVC per EFH [$/EFH]
300 300
Derate = 10% EFH:EFC = 6[h]
200 Thrust = 78000[lbf ] Thrust = 78000[lbf ]
Weight = 14545[lbs] 250 Weight = 14545[lbs]
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 5 10 15 20
EFH:EFC [h] Derate [%]