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Lab Programs GUI

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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No. 1 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to input two different integers using the function input box to
compare two numbers

Design the Form:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay1 and the Caption
property to Clear.
4. Select the Second Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay2 and the Caption
property to Clear.
5. Select the Third Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay3 and the Caption
property to Clear.
6. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdEnternumbers and
the Caption property to Enter Numbers.
7. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit.
8. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit ' Force explicit declarations

Private Sub cmdEnterNumbers_Click()

Dim num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

' Clear Labels

lblDisplay1.Caption = ""
lblDisplay2.Caption = ""
lblDisplay3.Caption = ""
lblDisplay4.Caption = ""

' Get values from user

num1 = InputBox("Enter first integer", "Input")
num2 = InputBox("Enter second integer", "Input")

' Test the relationships between the numbers

If num1 = num2 Then
lblDisplay1.Caption = num1 & " is equal to " & num2
End If
If num1 <> num2 Then
lblDisplay1.Caption = num1 & " is not equal to " & num2
End If
If num1 > num2 Then
lblDisplay2.Caption = num1 & " is greater than " & num2
End If
If num1 < num2 Then
lblDisplay2.Caption = num1 & " is less than " & num2
End If
If num1 >= num2 Then
lblDisplay3.Caption = num1 & _
" is greater than or equal to " _
& num2
End If
If num1 <= num2 Then
lblDisplay4.Caption = num1 & _
" is less than or equal to " & num2
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

End Sub

9. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button form the tool bar.
10. First input dialog displedy for user input. Input a value before press ok
11. Second input dialog displayed for user input. Input a value before press ok
12. GUI after second input dialog box is closed as shown in figure 2
13. On the File menu, choose Save Project As.
14. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as compare.frm and save the project as


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Result in GUI


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No. 2 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Develop a class average program that will process an arbitrary number of
grades, each time the program is run.


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay1 and the Caption
property to Clear.
4. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdEnterData and the
Caption property to Enter Grades.
5. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit.
6. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

' Class average program '

Option Explicit ' General declaration
Private Sub cmdEnterData_Click()
Dim total As Integer ' Sum of all grades input
Dim counter As Integer ' Number of grades input
Dim grade As Integer ' Current grade
Dim average As Single ' Floating-point average
Dim message As String ' Text displayed in Label

' Initialization phase

total = 0
counter = 0


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' Processing phase

grade = InputBox("Enter grade: -1 to end", "VBHTP")

' Loop until grade has a -1 value

Do Until grade = -1
total = total + grade ' Add grade to total
counter = counter + 1 ' Increment counter
' Input the next grade. When -1 is assigned,
' the loop continuation condition becomes True
grade = InputBox("Enter grade: -1 to end", "VBHTP")

' Termination phase

If counter <> 0 Then ' Prevent division by zero
average = total / counter ' Floating-point division
message = "Class average is "

' Format average and concatenate to message

message = message & average
lblAverage.Caption = message

Else ' counter is 0

lblAverage.Caption = "No grades were entered."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

End Sub

7. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button form the tool bar.
8. Input dialog displayed for user input. Input a value before press ok
9. Again Input dialog displayed for user input. Input a value before press ok and to exit
from Input dialog box enter value -1.
10. GUI after enter -1 and press ok , input dialog box is closed as shown in figure 2
11. On the File menu, choose Save Project As.
12. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as classavg.frm and save the project as


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No. 3 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to find the minimum of three numbers using sub procedures


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay1 and the Caption
property to Enter first value:. And Select next to label TextBox, and set the Name
property to Txtone and the Text property to Clear.
4. Select the Second Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay2 and the Caption
property to Enter Second value:. And Select next to label TextBox, and set the Name
property to Txttwo and the Text property to clear.
5. Select the Third Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay3 and the Text property
to Enter third value:. And Select next to label TextBox, and set the Name property
to Txtthree and the Text property to clear.
6. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to cmdsmallest and the
Caption property to Enter Numbers.
7. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit.
8. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

' Program finds the minimum of three numbers input

Option Explicit ' General declaration

Private Sub cmdSmallest_Click()


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Dim value1 As Long, value2 As Long, value3 As Long

value1 = txtOne.Text
value2 = txtTwo.Text
value3 = txtThree.Text

Call Minimum(value1, value2, value3)

End Sub

Private Sub Minimum(min As Long, y As Long, z As Long)

If y < min Then

min = y
End If

If z < min Then

min = z
End If

lblSmallest.Caption = "Smallest value is " & min

End Sub

Private Sub CmdExit_Click()

End Sub

9. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button form the tool bar.
10. Enter a number in first textbox.
11. Enter a number in Second Textbox
12. Enter a number in Third Textbox and Click on command button Smallest and see the
output on GUI as shown in Figure.
13. On the File menu, choose Save Project As.
14. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as smallest.frm and save the project as



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Program No. 4 Date of Experiment……………….


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay and the Caption
property to Enter a Number.
4. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to cmdrun and the Caption
property to Rum
5. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to cmdclear and the
Caption property to Clear
6. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit.
7. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

Lbldisplay.Caption = "Enter a number"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

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End Sub

Private Sub cmdrun_Click()

Dim intNum As Integer

intNum = Val(InputBox("Enter a number:", "IsOdd Test"))

Lbldisplay.Caption = ""
If IsOdd(intNumIn) Then
Print "The number that you entered is odd."
Print "The number that you entered is not odd."
End If
End Sub

Private Function IsOdd(pintNum As Integer) As Boolean

If (Num Mod 2) = 0 Then

IsOdd = False
IsOdd = True
End If
End Function

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button form the tool bar.
9. Click on command button Run. A InputBox dialogue appear on the screen to input a
10. Enter a number and press Ok to accept the number.
11. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
12. On the File menu, choose Save Project As.
13. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as funproc.frm and save the project as

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.5 Date of


Aim: Program to demonstrate ctrl array


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to cmdTest and the
Caption property to First
4. Copy the first CommandButton, and paste it on the form; the Caption property to
5. Copy the first CommandButton, and paste it on the form; the Caption property to
6. Copy the first CommandButton, and paste it on the form; the Caption property to
7. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Private Sub CmdTest_Click(Index As Integer)

Print " You have Clicked Command Button " & CmdTest(Index).Caption
End Sub

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
9. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
10. On the File menu, choose Save Project As.


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11. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as controlarray.frm and save the project
as crltarray.vbp.

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.6 Date of


Aim: Program to demonstrate dynamic array

Form Design


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay1 and the Caption
4. Select the ListBox and set the Name property to Listarray
5. Select the CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmdrun and the Caption
property to RUN.
6. Select the CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdErase and the Caption
property to ERASE
7. Select the CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the Caption
property to EXIT
8. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Dim myArray() As String

Private Sub CmdErase_Click()

Erase myArray
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Call Listarray.Clear
CmdErase.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Cmdrun_Click()
Dim values As Integer
Dim range As Integer
Dim x As Integer

values = InputBox("How many elements?")

range = values - 1
ReDim myArray(range)

For x = 0 To range
myArray(x) = InputBox("Enter Element")
Listarray.AddItem myArray(x)
Next x
CmdErase.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click()
End Sub

12. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
13. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
14. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name.

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.7 Date of


Aim: Program to demonstrate param array

Form Design:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK..
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmddisp and the
Caption property to Display.
4. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Cmddisp_Click()
Call parray
Call parray(1)
Call parray(2, 3)
Call parray(4, 5, 6)
Call parray(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
End Sub
Private Sub parray(ParamArray x() As Variant)
Dim y As Integer


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Print "Procedure AnyNumberArguments received "

For y = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
Print x(y) & Space$(4);
Next y

End Sub

5. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
6. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
7. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name.

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.8 Date of


Aim: Program to demonstrate function array

Design Form:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK..
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmddisp and the
Caption property to Display.
4. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim v As Variant, x As Integer

v = Array(7, 5, 6, 9, 3, 0)
Print "Variant array values are: ";
For x = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
Print v(x) & Space$(2);
Next x
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v = Array("hello", "bye", "hi")
Print "Variant array values are: ";
For x = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
Print v(x) & Space$(2);
Next x

v = Array(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4)
Print "Variant array values are: ";
For x = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
Print v(x) & Space$(2);
Next x
cmdPrint.Enabled = False
End Sub

5. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
6. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
7. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name.

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.9 Date of


Aim: Program to demonstrate string functions

Design Form


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmddisp and the
Caption property to Display.
4. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Dim stringl As String, string2 As String
Dim answer As String
Dim result As Integer

Private Sub Cmddisp_Click()

stringl = "It was the best of times,"
string2 = "best of times"

result = Len(string2)


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Print result
answer = Left$(stringl, 6)
Print answer;
answer = Right$(stringl, 6)
Print answer;
answer = Mid$(stringl, 8, 8)
Print answer;
result = InStr(stringl, string2)
Print result
answer = UCase$(string2)
Print answer
End Sub

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
9. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
10. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name.

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.10 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Design an application to validate the user name & password & display
appropriate msg using msg box ctrl

Design Form:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select TextBox and set the Name Property to Text1
4. Select TextBox and set the Name Property to Text2 and set PasswordChar to *
5. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmdlogin and the
Caption property to Login
6. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmdcancel and the
Caption property to Cancel.
7. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Dim a, b As Integer

Private Sub Cmdcancel_Click()

End Sub


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Private Sub Cmdlogin_Click()

If Text1.Text = "AAA" And Text2.Text = "BBB" Then
a = MsgBox("sucessful Login", vbDefaultButton1)
b = MsgBox("Unsucessful Login", vbDefaultButton1)
End If
End Sub

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
9. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.

On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form as
with suitable name
GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.11 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate date and time functions



1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first Label, and set the Name property to lbldisplay1 and the Caption
property to Clear.
4. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdEnterData and the
Caption property to Enter Grades.
5. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit.
6. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdExit and the
Caption property to Exit
7. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call lstOutput.AddItem("Current date and time: " & Now)
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Call lstOutput.AddItem("Date: " & Date)

Call lstOutput.AddItem("Day: " & Day(Date))
Call lstOutput.AddItem("Weekday: " & Weekday(Date))
Call lstOutput.AddItem("WeekdayName: " & WeekdayName(Weekday(Date)))

Call lstOutput.AddItem("Month: " & Month(Date))

Call lstOutput.AddItem("MonthName: " & MonthName(Month(Date)))

Call lstOutput.AddItem("Year: " & Year(Date))

End Sub

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
9. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
10. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.12 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate adding and subtracting dates with date add and date diff

Form Design:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the Listbox, and set the Name property to Lstoutput
4. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call lstOutput.AddItem("Now: " & Now)
Call lstOutput.AddItem("Now + 3 years: " & DateAdd("yyyy", 3, Now))

Call lstOutput.AddItem("Days between 1/1/98 and " & "12/31/98: " & DateDiff("d",
"1/1/98", "12/31/98"))
End Sub

5. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
6. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
7. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name

GUI Output:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.13 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate function filter & split


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmdfilter and the
Caption property to Enter Grades.
4. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to Cmdsplit and the
Caption property to Exit.
5. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Cmdfilter_Click()
Dim a(9) As String, b() As String

a(0) = "Java"
a(1) = "Visual Basic"
a(2) = "C"
a(3) = "C++"
a(4) = "Visual Basic"
a(5) = "HTML"
a(6) = "Visual Basic"
a(7) = "Visual C++ "
a(8) = "Visual J++ "
a(9) = "Visual Basic"
Call Cls
Print "Filtering for the string: " & "Visual Basic 6"
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b = Filter(a, "Visual Basic")

Call PrintStrings(b)
Erase b

Print "Filtering for strings other than: " & "Visual Basic 6"
b = Filter(a, "Visual Basic", False)
Call PrintStrings(b)
End Sub
Private Sub PrintStrings(c() As String)
Dim z As Integer

For z = 0 To UBound(c)
Print c(z)
Next z

End Sub
Private Sub Cmdsplit_Click()
Dim x() As String, y As String
Dim z As Integer
Call Cls
y = "This is a sentence with 7 words"
x = Split(y)

For z = LBound(x) To UBound(x)

Print x(z)
Next z
End Sub

6. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
7. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
8. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name


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GUI Output:


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Program No.14 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate timer ctrl


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the first CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdStart and the
Caption property to Start Timer..
4. Select the Second CommandButton, and set the Name property to CmdStop and the
Caption property Stop Timer.
5. Select the TimerButton and set the Name property to tmrTest and set the Interval
property to 250
6. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private mintCount As Integer

Private Sub cmdStart_Click()

mintCount = 0
tmrTest.Enabled = True

End Sub


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Private Sub cmdStop_Click()

tmrTest.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub tmrTest_Timer()

mintCount = mintCount + 1

Print "Timer fired again. Count = " & mintCount

End Sub

7. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
8. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
9. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name

GUI Output:


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Program No.15 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate combo box ctrl

GUI Design:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the ComboBox , and set the Name property to Combo1
4. Select the CommandButton, and set the Name property to cmdAdd and the Caption
property to ADD
5. Select theCommandButton and set the Name property to cmdClear and the Caption
Property to Clear
6. Select the ListBox and set the Name property to List1
7. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Private Sub Cmdadd_Click()

List1.AddItem (Combo1.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Cmdclear_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo1.AddItem "Monday"
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Combo1.AddItem "Tuesday"
Combo1.AddItem "Wednesday"
Combo1.AddItem "Thursday"
Combo1.AddItem "Friday"
Combo1.AddItem "Saturday"
Combo1.AddItem "Sunday"
End Sub

8. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
9. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
10. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name

GUI Output:


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Program No.16 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate pop-up menu

GUI Design:


1. Start a new VB project and invoke the Menu Editor by select the Menu Editor option from the Tools
menu. The Menu Editor screen appears, as shown in figure:

2. For "Caption", type &File For "Name", type mnuFile.

3. Click the "right-arrow" button A ellipsis (...) will appear as the next item in the menu list, indicating
that this item is a level-two item (below "File").

4. For "Caption", type &New; for "Name", type mnuNew, and for "Shortcut", select Ctrl+N. By
specifying a shortcut

5. For "Caption", type &Open; for "Name", type mnuOpen, and for "Shortcut", select Ctrl+O.

6. For "Caption", type - (a hyphen), and for "Name", type mnuFileBar1.

7. For "Caption", type Save &As ..., and for "Name", type mnuSaveAs.


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8. For "Caption", type &Print;for "Name", type mnuPrint; and for "Shortcut", select Ctrl+P.

9. For "Caption", type -; and for "Name", type mnuFileBar3.

10. For "Caption", type E&xit, and for "Name", type mnuExit.

11. Click the "left-arrow" button (The ellipsis (...) no longer appears, meaning we are back to the top-
level items.

12. For "Caption", type &Help; and for "Name", type mnuHelp.

13. Click the "right-arrow" button to create a level-two item below "Help". For "Caption", type &About;
and for "Name", type mnuAbout.

14. At this point, we are done creating our menu entries, so click the OK button. That will dismiss the
menu editor and return focus to the VB IDE.

15. Back in the VB IDE, your form will now have a menu, based on what we have set up in the Menu
Editor. If we click on a top-level menu item

16. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub mnuFileNew_Click()

MsgBox "Code for 'New' goes here."

End Sub
Private Sub mnuFileOpen_Click()

MsgBox "Code for 'Open' goes here."

End Sub
Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click()

MsgBox "Code for 'Save' goes here."

End Sub


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Private Sub mnuFileSaveAs_Click()

MsgBox "Code for 'Save As' goes here."

End Sub
Private Sub mnuFilePrint_Click()

MsgBox "Code for 'Print' goes here."

End Sub
Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub mnuHelpAbout_Click()

MsgBox "Menu Demo"

End Sub


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Program No.17 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate Pull down menu

1. Start a new VB project and place a label on the form. Name the label lblTestText. Set the Caption to
Test Text

2. Open the Menu Editor, and create a top-level item with a Caption value of PopUpFormat and the
Name mnuPopuUpFormat. Also importantly uncheck the Visible checkbox (see the circled item in
figure). In order for a menu to be a pop-up menu, it must be invisible.


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3. Create the following level-two menu items below the PopUpFormat top-level menu. (When creating
these level-two items, keep the Visible box checked.)


Caption Name
Bold mnuBold
Italic mnuItalic
Underline mnuUnderline
- (hyphen) mnuFormatSep
Cancel mnuCancel

5. Click OK to save your changes. Note: When you return to the IDE, we will NOT see this menu on the
form (remember it's a pop-up menu, and it will only be visible when invoked through code).

6. Code the lblTestText_MouseDown event as shown below. Note that the Button parameter is tested
for vbRightButton as is conventional, we only want to pop up the menu if the user right-clicks on the
label. If the user clicks the right mouse button, the PopupMenu statement is executed. It is this
statement that makes the pop-up menu app

Option Explicit
Private Sub lblTestText_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, _
Y As Single)

If Button = vbRightButton Then

PopupMenu mnuPopUpFormat, vbPopupMenuRightButton
End If

End Sub
Private Sub mnuBold_Click()

If mnuBold.Checked Then
lblTestText.FontBold = False
mnuBold.Checked = False
lblTestText.FontBold = True
mnuBold.Checked = True
End If


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End Sub
Private Sub mnuItalic_Click()

If mnuItalic.Checked Then
lblTestText.FontItalic = False
mnuItalic.Checked = False
lblTestText.FontItalic = True
mnuItalic.Checked = True
End If

End Sub
Private Sub mnuUnderline_Click()

If mnuUnderline.Checked Then
lblTestText.FontUnderline = False
mnuUnderline.Checked = False
lblTestText.FontUnderline = True
mnuUnderline.Checked = True
End If

End Sub

GUI Output:


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Program No.18 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Program to demonstrate linear search

GUI Design:


1. Open Visual Basic 6.0. On the File menu, choose New Project.
2. In the New Project dialog box, choose Standard EXE, and click OK.
3. Select the Label and set the Caption to Enter numbers of Elements.
4. Select the Textbox and set the Name Property to Text1.
5. Select the Commandbutton and set the Name Property to CmdEnter and set the
Caption Property to Accept Numbers.
6. Select the Commandbutton and set the Name Property to Cmdsearch and set the
Caption Property to Search.
7. Select the Commandbutton and set the Name Property to Cmdexit and set the
Caption Property to Exit.
8. Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and enter the following code.

Dim A(10) As Integer

Dim N As Integer
Private Sub cmdenter_Click()
N = Val(Text1.Text)
For I = 0 To N - 1
B = InputBox(" Enter the Numbers:")
A(I) = B
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub Cmdsearch_Click()
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Dim FLAG As Integer

FLAG = 0
Key = InputBox("Enter the number to search in a List:")
For I = 0 To N - 1
If A(I) = Key Then
B = MsgBox("Search Sucessful ……..and elements is found at position" & I + 1)
FLAG = 1
End If
Next I
If FLAG = 0 Then
B = MsgBox("Search Sucessful ……..")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub

9. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
10. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.
11. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

Program No.19 Date of Experiment……………….

Aim: Design an application which performs the following operations on the database
form using ADO a) add b) update c) delete


Creating an database using MS Acces

1. Start – Program – Ms office – click Ms Access.

2. create a table as shown in figure
3. Save the table as table1. and save the database as db1.mdb

Creating an ADO Data Control

1. Add the Microsoft ADO DataControl 6.0 (OLEDB) from the Project, Components menu
dialog box, as in Figure 8.13. The ADO Data Control icon should now appear in the VB

2. Place an instance of the ADO Data Control on the form

3. Change the control's Name and Caption from their default values. Set the
ConnectionString property using steps 5–9.
4. Click the ellipsis next to the ConnectionString property in the ADO Data Control's
Properties window to bring up the Property Page dialog box for this property
ConnectionString property.
5. As Source of Connection, choose one of the following three options:


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Acharya Polytechnic, Department of Computer Science

• Use Data Link File. If you choose this option, you will be able to click the Browse On
the Provider tab of the Data Link Properties tabbed dialog box, choose an OLE DB data
provider, such as Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB

6. Click OK to accept the ConnectionString options you have built.

7. Still in the ADO Data Control's Properties window, navigate to the RecordSource
property and click the ellipsis button.
8. On the RecordSource tab (see Figure 8.18) of the resulting Property Page dialog box,
choose the adCmdTable.

• If you chose adCmdTable fill in the appropriate table or stored procedure name in the
Table or Stored Procedure Name drop-down list.

9. Click OK to end the RecordSource dialog box.

10. 10 Place the textbox in form set the name property to text1, set the datasource to adodc1
and set the datafield to slno.
11. Place the textbox in form set the name property to text2, set the datasource to adodc1 and
set the datafield to name
12. Place the textbox in form set the name property to text3, set the datasource to adodc1 and
set the datafield to phoneno.
13. Place the command button, set the name property to cmdadd, and set the Caption
property to ADD.
14. Place the command button, set the name property to cmdupdate, and set the Caption
property to UPDATE.
15. Place the command button, set the name property to cmdelete, and set the Caption
property to Delete.

Private Sub Cmdadd_Click()

End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Adodc1.Recordset(0) = Val(Text1.Text)
Adodc1.Recordset(1) = Text2.Text
Adodc1.Recordset(2) = Val(Text3.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

16. Press F5 to run the application or Click Run button from the tool bar.
17. See the result in GUI as shown in Figure.


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18. On the File menu, choose Save Project As. In the Save File As dialog box, save the form
as with suitable name


Page 43

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