HST-3140 Final 2010
HST-3140 Final 2010
HST-3140 Final 2010
Please take answer the question below by writing a six-page essay. Do not use any direct quotes;
provide an omnibus note [please use endnotes or footnotes and proper CMS citations] at the end
of each body paragraph that accounts for the material you used in that paragraph; attach a
bibliography [again, use CMS formatting] at the end of your essay to account for all the works
used; adhere to all formal writing guidelines; use one-inch margins; twelve-inch font; page
numbers; double-space, and put your name and “HST-3140 Final” in the upper left-hand corner
before stapling your pages together.
I EXPECT you’ll make use of the Painter text, the documents we discussed, and lecture material.
Under no circumstances are you to use internet tools such as: Wikipedia, Encyclopedia
Britannica Online, etc…, if you employ anything other than your notes and the readings you are
subject to failure.
You must state a thesis, use the aforementioned material as sources of evidence that prove your
argument, and offer up an analysis of historical significance. The most successful essays will
demonstrate meaningful organization of historical evidence, sound grammar, strong sentences,
and clarity of thought.
During the Progressive Era Americans attempted to come to terms with, and direct in a positive
fashion, the complex society bequeathed to them by the Gilded Age. Your job is explaining how
progressives did so; answer both of the following questions in the process:
1. What mindset defined the character and spirit of progressivism thinking, what were its
essential beliefs?
2. Please describe the ways that three types or groups of people used progressive thinking
to address the day’s social complexity and assess their efforts.