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388 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. If a, B, v7, and 5 be the eccentric angles of the four points, the equations to PQ and RS aro and y= [Art. 259.) Since the normals at these points mect in a point, we have, by Art, 412, Cor. 2, Par” cop 2B ot V8 ganm= Poot FP o cot a atBry+d=Qntl) x. 414, Ex.1. If the normals at the points A, B, C, and D of an ellipse meet in a point O, prove that SA. 8B.SC. SD'=2*. S03, where 8 Gs one of the foci and d is a constant. Let the equation to the ellipse be (1), and let O be the point (h, k). As in Art. 411, the fect of the normals drawn from 0 lie on the hyperbola hy _ he tp gato te. Peay =ahy — We .. v(2)e The coordinates of the points A, B, C, and D are therefore found by solving (1) and (2), Bk From (2) we have "=a ey" Substituting in (1) and simplifying, we obtain hate — 2haretad + 22 (a°h?-+ WH - ates) + Dheate — ath? =0...(8)- CONCURRENT NORMALS. EXAMPLES. 389 If m4, a, 25, and x, be the roots of this equation, we have (Art. 2), hs —atet Bysy, Bet ; 2ha® ae Baynes and xyeyeyry=— If 8 be the point (~ae, 0) we have, by Art. 251, SA=aten,. 2s. SA, SB.SC.SD=(a-+exy) (a+ ex.) (a+ex,) (a+er,) sat + ateDay + a%e*Dayty + ae Da Cy, + et Cy hy ft ZI y {(i-+a¢)2+32}, on substitution and simplification, e = G+ S0% Aliter. If p stand for one of the quantities Sd, SB, SC, or SD we have pHaten, ‘ 1 ie. 2=5(p~a). Substituting this value in (3) we obtain an equation in the fourth degree, and easily have 2 PaPaPaPa= Slr)? 12], as before. Bx. 2. If the normals at four points P, Q, R, and 8 of a central conic meet in a point, and if PQ pass through a fixed point, find the locus of the middle point of RS. Lot the equation to PQ be yam te, . and that to RS Yamge ey « If the-equation to the given conic be Aa?+By?=1, we then have (by Art. 412, Cor. 2) A yng =F os (8); and tage vaa(l). Bb If (J, g) be the fixed point through which PQ passes, we have gam fre. (5). Now the middle point of RS lies on the diameter conjugate to it, i.e, by Art. 376, on the diameter i.e., by (3), y= nme... ..+(6)- 390 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Now, from (4) and (5), “=~ Gy 80 that, by (8), the equation to RS is Tae = Bm,” ~B(g—Fm) Eliminating m, between (6) and (7), we easily have, as the equation to the required locus, (Ax? + By?) (gx +fy) + ay =0. Cor. From equation (6) it follows that the diameter conjugate to RS is equally inclined with PQ to the axis, and hence that the points P and Q and the ends of the diameter conjugate to RS are concyclic (Art. 400). EXAMPLES. XLVI. 1, If the sum of the squares of the four normals drawn from a point O to an ellipse be constant, prove that the locus of O is a conic. , If the sum of the reciprocals of the distances from a focus of the feet of the four normals drawn from a point O to an ellipse be Tai rec,’ PEOVe that the locus of Os a parabola passing through that focus. 8, If four normals be drawn from a point O to an ellipse and if the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of perpendiculars from the centre upon the tangents drawn at their fect be constant, prove that the locus of O is a hyperbola. 4, The normals at four points of an ellipse are concurrent and they meet the major axis in G,, G,, Gs, and G,; prove that 2,111 4 6G,* 6G," GG, * Ca, = OG, 4 0G, 406,408,” 5, If the normals to a central conic at four points L, M, N, and P be concurrent, and if the circle through L, M, and N meet the curve again in P’, prove that PP’ is a diameter. 6, Shew that the locus of the foci of the rectangular hyperbolas which pass through the four points in which the normals drawn from any point on a given straight line meet an ellipse is a pair of conics. 7. If the normals at points of an ellipse, whose eccentric angles are a, 8, and y, meet in a point, prove that sin (8+) -+sin (y+a)-+sin (a+f)=0. Hence, by page 235, Ex. 15, shew that if PQR be a maximum triangle inscribed in an ellipse, the normals at P, Q, and R are concurrent. ({Exs. XLVL] CONCURRENT NORMALS. EXAMPLES. 391 8. Prove that the normals at the points where the straight line = y nm ee . aacdat Fiteg=1 moots the ellipse = + 7; =1 meet at the point 9, Prove that the loci of the point of intersection of normals at the ends of focal chords of an ellipse are the two ellipses ay? (L+e)P+0? (eae) (e#ae*)=0. 2 2 10, ‘Tangents to the ellipse 5 y =1 are drawn from any point on the ellipse a tas; prove that the normals at the points of contact meet on the ellipse aa? + Dy?=3 (a? - 6"). Ll. Any tangent to the rectangular hyperbola 4ay=ab meets the cllipse % + 421 in the points P and Q; prove that the normals at P and Q meet on a fixed diamoter. 12, Chords of an ellipse meet the major axis in the point whose distance from the centre is a y/ >; prove that the normals at its ends meet on a circle. 18, From any point on the normal to the ellipse at the point whose eccentric angle is a two other normals are drawn to it; prove that the locus of the point of intersection of the corresponding tangents is the curve zy +besinatay cosa=0. 14, Show that the locus of the intersection of two perpendicular normals to an ellipse is the ewrve 8-48) (2-92) (ay 8222)? (a? — U8) (ay? — BR), )(a-+y%) (ay ey . 540 =1 having each sido parallel to the tangent at the opposite angular point; prove that the normals af 4, B, and C meet at a point which lies'on the ellipse Cat Y=} (PB), 16. Tho normals at four points of an ellipse meet in a point (h, hk). Find’ the equations of the axes of the two parabolas which pass through the four points, Prove that the angle between them is 2tan-12 and that they axe paral to one or other of the equi-con- jugates of the ellipse. 15, ABC is a triangle inscribed in the ellipse 392 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. [Exs. XLVI] 17. Prove that the contre of mesn position of tho four points on the ellipse e+e =1, the normals at which pass through the point (a, B), is the point 18, Prove that the produet of the three normals drawn from any point to a parabola, divided by the product of the two tangents from the same point, is equal to one quarter of the latus rectum. 19, Prove that the conic 2aky=(2a—h)y?+4ac? intersects the parable y=4az at the feet of the normals drawn to it from the point (h, B) 20, From a point (i, ) four normals aro drawn to the reotangular hyperbola zy=c?; prove that the centre of mean position of their feet (i. x i) , and that the four fect are such that each is the orthocentre of the triangle formed by the other three. is the point Confocal Conics. 415, Def. Two conics are said to be confocal when they have both foci common. To find the equation to conics which are confocal with the ellipse (1). All conics having the same foci have the same centre and axes, The equation to any conic having the samo centre and axes as the given conic is 2 oy aR ‘The foci of (1) are at the points (+/a®— 0%, 0). The foci of (2) are at the points (+/A— B, 0). These foci are the same if A-B=0-¥, i.e. if A-a? = B-V'=) (say). . daat+d, and B= 4A, CONFOCAL CONICS. 393 ‘The equation (2) then becomes ey @ai Pan” which is therefore the required equation, the quantity X determining the particular confocal, 1, 416, For different values of d to trace the conic given by the equation oe yo @an* Fax! (). First, lot A be very great; then a?+ and U?+2 are both very great and, the greater that dis, the more nearly do these quantities approach to equality. A circle of infinitely great radius is therefore a confocal of the system. Let gradually decrease from infinity to zero; the semi-major axis Ja? + gradually decreases from infinity toa, and the semi-minor axis from infinity to &. When A is positive, the equation (1) therefore represents an ellipse gradually decreasing in size from an infinite circle to the standard ellipse This latter ellipse is marked J in the figure. Next, let 4 gradually decrease from 0 to -b% The semi-major axis decreases from a to Va?— 0", and the semi- minor axis from 6 to 0. For these values of the confocal is still an ellipse, which always lies within the cllipso 7; it gradually decreases in’ size until, when \ is a quantity very slightly greater than —2%, it is an extremely narrow ellipse very nearly coinciding with the line SZ, which joins the two foci of all curves of the system. Next, let X be less than —6°; the semi-minor axis 6+ now becomes imaginary and the curve is a hyper- bola; when d is very slightly less than — J? the curve is a 394 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. hyperbola very nearly coinciding with the straight lines SX and HX’, u . vy , [As 2 passes through the value — 2? it will be no:ed that the confocal instantaneously changes from the linv-ellipse SH to the line-hyperbola SX and HX'.] As ) gets less and less, the semi-transverse axis Ja?+X becomes less and less, so that the ends of the transverse axis of the hyperbola gradually approach to @, and the hyperbola widens out as in the figure. When \=~a’, the transverse axis of the hyperbola vanishes, and the hyperbola degenerates into the infinite double line YOY’. ‘When 2 is less than — a’, both semi-axes of the conic become imaginary, and therefore the confocal becomes wholly imaginary. 417. Through any point in the plane of a given conic there can be drawn two conics confocal with it; also one of these is an ellipse and the other a hyperbola. Let the equation to the given conic be ® Fon, @ and let the given point be (/, 9). CONFOCAL CONICS. 395. Any conic confocal with the given conic is at a+r If this go through the point (/, g), we have f gf @ar* Ber” This is a quadratic equation to determine \ and there- fore gives two values of A. Put 874+=p, and hence O+h=pt@-Paprae The equation (2) then ome ie. p+ p(@e — f? - 9?) — Pate =0 eee (3). On epplying the criterion of Art. 1 we at once see that the roovs of this equation are both real. Also, since its last term is negative, the product of these roots is negative, and therefore one value of p is positive and the other is negative. The two values of 6°+A are therefore one positive and the other negative. Similarly, the two values of a? +A can be shewn to be both positive. On substituting in (2) we thus obtain an ellipse and a hyperbola. 418. Confocal conics cut at right angles. Let the confocals be eee re ae @+r, 7 Pah 1, and @+dy * Bax h and let them meet at the point (2’, y’). ‘The equations to the tangents at this point are @+h,* Bad, and @+h B+ 396 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. These cut at right angles if (Art 69) a? y? ER) ER) * PER) FI) Oe OD But, since («', y’) is a common point of the two confoeals, we have ya ey @+rA,° P+ By subtraction, we have =1, and a+r, a Laity) +9 (pt = (aan, @sr) *¥ (ex a? (a+) (@ +s) :) The condition (1) is therefore satisfied and hence the two confocals cut at right angles, Cor. From equation (2) it is clear that the quantities B+, and b+, have opposite signs; for otherwise we should have the sum of two positive quantities equal to zero. ‘Two confocals, therefore, which intersect, are one an ellipse and the other a hyperbola, 419. One conic and only one conic, confocal with the conic op atk are Let the equation to the given straight lino be =1, can be drawn to touch a given straight line. weosa+y sina Any confocal of the system is a @+h di ‘The straight line (1) touches (2) if p= (22+) costa + (U2-+2) sinta (Art, 264), te. if d=p?-a@eos*a -d*sin® a This only gives one value for \ and therefore there is only one conic of the form (2) which touches the straight line (1). Also \+a?=p?+(a?-04)sin’a=a real quantity, The conic is therefore real. CONFOCAL CONICS. EXAMPLES. 397 EXAMPLES. XLVIL 1. Prove that the difference of the squares of the perpendiculars drawn from the centre upon parallel tangents to two given confocal conios is constant. 2, Prove that the equation to the hyperbola drawn through the point of the ellipse, whose eccentric anglé is a, and which is confocal with the ellipse, is a et 2p, costa sin?a, 3, Prove that the locus of the points lying on a system of confocal ellipses, which have the same eccentric angle a, is a confocal hyperbola whose asymptotes are inclined at an angle 2a. 4, Shew that the locus of the point of contact of tangents drawn from a given point to a system of confocal conics is a cubic curve, which passes through the given point and the foci. If the given point be on the major axis, prove that the cubie reduces to a circle. 5, Prove that the locus of the fect of the normals drawn from a fixed point to a series of confocals is a cubic curve which passes through the given point and the foci of the confoeals. 6, A point P is taken on the conic whose equation is 2 @n* PER such that the normal at it passes through a fixed point (I, k); prove that P lies on the curve 14 2 ~~ hy — ke" y-k* 7, ‘Two tangents at right angles to one another are drawn from a point P, one to each of two confocal ellipses ; prove that P lies on a fixed circle. Shew also that the line joining the points of contact is bisected by the line joining P to the common centre, 8. From a given point a pair of tangents is drawn to each of a given system of confocals; prove that the normals at the points of contact meet on a straight line. 9, Tangents are drawn to the parabola y®=42,/a?—03, and on each is taken the point at which it touches one of the confocals a oy an * EKA prove that the locus of such points is a straight line, 4; 398 COORDINATE GEOMETRY, [Exs. XLVII.] 10. Normals are drawn from a given point to each of a system of confocal conies, and tangents at the feet of these normals; prove that the locus of the middle points of the portions of these tangents intercepted between the axes of the confocals is a straight line. 11, Prove that the locus of the pole of a given straight line with respect to a series of confocals is a straight line which is the normal to that confocal which the straight line touches. 12, A series of parallel tangents is drawn to a system of confocal conics; prove that the locus of the points of contact is a rectangular hyperbola. Shew also that the locus of the vertices of these rectangular hyperbolas, for different directions of the tangents, is the curve r= ceos20, where 2c is the distance between the foci of the confocals. 13, The locus of the pole of any tangent to a confocal with respeot to any circle, whose centre is one of the foci, is obtained and found to bea circle; prove that, if the circle corresponding to each confocal be taken, they are all coaxal. 14, Prove that the two conies axt+2hey+by=1 and ale? +2hlay +d'y=1 can be placed so as to be confocal, if (a= Dd) 44h? (a! —d'P 44h? “(a e (a@ Curvature. 420. Circle of Curvature. Def. If P,Q, and & be any three points on a conic section, one circle and only one circle can be drawn to pass through them. Also this circle is completely determined by the three points. Let now the points Q and FR move up to, and ultimately coincide with, the point P; then the limiting position of the above circle is called the circle of curvature at P; also the radius of this circle is called the radius of curvature at P, and its centre is called the centre of curvature at P. 421. Since the circle of curvature at P meets the conic in three coincident points at P, it will cut the curve in one other point P’. The line PP’ which is the line joining P to the other point of intersection of the conic and the circle of curvature is called the common chord of curvature. CIRCLES OF CURVATURE. 399 We shewed, in Art. 400, that, if a circle and a conic intersect in four points, the line joining one pair of points of intersection and the line joining the other pair are equally incliied to the axis. In our case, one pair of points is two of the coincident points at P, and the line joining them therefore the tangent at P; the other pair of points is the third point at P and the point P’, and the line joining them the chord of curvature PP’. Hence the tangent at P and the chord of curvature PP’ are, in any conic, equally inclined to the axis, 422, To find the equation to the cirele of eurvature and the length of the radius of curvature at any point (at%, 2a) of the parabola y= ax, If S=0 be the equation to a conic, 7'=0 the equation to the tangent atthe point P, whose coordinates are af#and Yat, and L=0 the equation to any straight line passing through P, we know, by Art. 384, that S+A.L.7'=0 is the equation to the conic section passing through three coincident points at P and through the other point in which L =0 meets S= 0. If \ and L be so chosen that this conicis a circle, it will be the circle of curvature at P, and, by the last article, we know that Z=0 will be equally inclined to the axis with T=0. In the case of a parabola Ssy-4aw, and Tety—x—at, (Art. 229.) Also the equation to a line through (ad, 2at) equally inclined with 7’=0 to the axis is t(y—2at) + «—at*=0, so that Dsty+ «-3at\, ‘The equation to the circle of curvature is therefore y—4aw +d (ty — 2 — at) (ty +e— Sat’) = 0, 1 where 1+APS—-A, ie A= 400 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. On substituting this value of A, we have, as the required equation, a + y?— Qaw (30 +2) + dayt— Bat!=0, ive [w-a (2+ 32) + [y + Qa0*P = 4a? (1 +P). The circle of curvature has therefore its centre at the point (20+ Sat, — 2a) and its radius equal to 2a (1 +e), Cor. If 5’ be the focus, we have SP equal to a + at’, so Je 423, To find the equation to the circle of curvature at the point P(acos , bsin ) of the ellipse ae af The tangent at the point P is that the radius of curvature is equal to” « Yorn 7 cosh + 5 sin b= 1. The straight line passing through P and equally inclined with this line to the axis is 25 $ (we ac0s $) - 229 y —osin g)=0, ie. cos ~ F sin p— cos 26=0. The equation to the circle of curvature is therefore of the form e 2 vo = = 14a] cos +¥sing-1] [20s $— Hsin g — 00s 2¢ | =O. (I). Since it is a circle, the coefficients of 2* and y? must. be equal, so that 1, cop 1 _y sin? a a ar ao boos? b + asin’ f* and therefore = CIRCLES OF CURVATURE. 401 On substitution in (1), the equation to the circle of curvature is a (P cos? + a? sin? (5 eee 1) +(e wf cot P sin? — #28 (1 4. cos 24) + UE (1 cos 24) + cos 24 | =0, de tap (e—wy [POE se $y + a (cos? ¢ — 2 sin’ ) — U2 (2 cos? p — sin’ $) =0. The equation to the circle of curvature is then ° : : F cost Pe fy + oe sin? $f 6g sin? ?— bP r + et —@ {cos? ~ 2 sin? p} +0 {2 cos? — sin? d} , after some reduction. ? sin? +B cos* )* ae The centre is therefore the point whose coordinates are ao-8 eB. at ( ra sin? ) and whose radius is b (asin? $ + bcos? $)) ab Cor. 1. If CD be the somi-diameter which is conju- gate to CP, then D is the point (90° +¢), so that its coordinates are —asin g and bcos. (Art. 285.) Hence CD? = a? sin? $ + b? cos? $, 3 and therefore the radius of curvature p= 22", ab Cor, 2. If the point P have as coordinates a’ and y/ then, since 2’ =a cos and y/=b sin 4, the equation to the circle of curvature is _p BHF (at alt 6-4) Ger) L. 26 402 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Cor. 3. Inasimilar manner it may be shewn that the equation to the circle of curvature at any point (a, y’) of = -%=1is al oy + (v + ose vy = sya + BP at? the hyperbola 424, Ifa circle and an ellipse intersect in four points, the sum of their eccentric angles is equal to an even multiple of 7. [Page 235, Ex. 18.] If then the circle of curvature at a point P, whose eccentric angle is 6, meet the curve again in @Q, whose eccentric angle is ¢, three of these four points coincide at P, so that three of these eccentric angles are equal to 6, whilst the fourth is equal to ¢. We therefore have 30 + $= an even multiple of # = Ina. Hence, if @ be supposed given, i.e. if @ be given, we have gated Giving » in succession the values 1, 2, and 3, we sce Qn-$ 4n—g 6r-$ 3° 38 that 6 equals se, or Hence the circles of curvature at the points, whose = 3 and a all pass through the point whose eccentric angle is ¢. eccentric angles are Also since meet aot, CrP a ade mam even multiple of =, mb Ing br-$ a we see that the points ,and all lie on a circle, EVOLUTE OF A CURVE. 403 Hence through any point Q on an ellipse can be drawn tree circles which are the circles of curvature at three points Py, Py, and P,. Also the four points P,, P,, Ps, and Q all lie on another circle. 425, Evolute of a Curve. The locus of the centres of curvature at different points of a curve is called the evolute of the curve. 426. Evolute of the parabola y= 4as. Let (a, 7) be the centre of curvature at the point (at!, 2at) of this curve. Then =a(2+3¢) and =~ 2at’, (Art. 422.) *. (= 2a) = 2a = 27 ag?, i.e, the locus of the centre of curvature is the curve Bay? = 4 (aw — 2a)’. This curve meets the axis of z in the point (2a, 0). It also meets the parabola where ate = (w— 2a)’, ie. where w= 8a, and therefore ya 42a. Hence it meets the parabola at the points (8a, + 4,/2a). The curve is called a semi- cubical parabola and could be shewn to be of the shape of the dotted curve in the figure. 2 427. Evolute of the ellipse 5 + u= L IE (a9) be the centre of curvature corresponding to the point (a.cos ¢, b sin $) of the ellipse, we have = “cos? and g=— a5 6 sin’ ¢. 26—2 404 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Hence (aa)* + (bg)* = (a — BY! {oos? $ + sin? } = (a? — "Yh Hence the locus of the point (a, g) is the curve (aa)* + (by) =(@ BY This curve could be shewn to be of the shape shewn in the figure where and The equation to the evolute of the hyperbola would be found to be (ae) — (by)# = (a? + 99. 428. Contact of different orders. If two conics, or curves, touch, i.e. have two coincident points in common. they are said to have contact of the first order. The tangent to a conic therefore has contact of the first order with it. If two conics have three coincident points in common, they are said to have contact of the second order. The circle of curvature of a conic therefore has contact of the second order with it. If two conics have four coincident points in common, they are said to have contact of the third order. No conics, which are not coincident, can have more than four coincident points; for a conic is completely determined if five points on it be given. Contact of the third order is therefore all that two conics can have, and then they are said to osculate one another. Since a circle is completely determined when three points on it are given we cannot, in general, obtain a circle to have contact of a higher order than the second with a given conic, The circle of curvature is therefore often called the osculating circle, CONTACT OF DIFFERENT ORDERS. 405 In general, one curve osculates another when it has the highest possible order of contact with the second curve, 429. Equation to a conic osculating another conic. If §=0 bo the equation to a conic and 7’'=0 the tangent at any point of it, the conic 4 =" passes through four coincident points of S=0 at the point where 7’=0 touches it. (Art. 385, IV.) Hence S =)" is the equation to the required osculating conic. Ex. The equation of any conic osoulating the conic acc? + Shay + by®— Bfy =0... (1) +e(2)e at the origin is aa? + Qhay + dy? Bfy + y2=0 For the tangent to (1) at the origin is y=0. If (2) be a parabola, we have h?=a(b-+), 80 that its equation is (ax + hy)?=2afy. If (2) be a rectangular hyperbola, we have a+b+=0, and the equation to the osculating rectangular hyperbola is a(22 98) 4 icy - 2fy=0, EXAMPLES. XLVIIL. 1, If the normal at a point P of a parabola meet the directrix in L, prove that the radius of curvature at P is equal to 2PL. 2, If p, and py be the radii of curvature at the ends of a focal chord of the parabola, prove that ar b+p,8=(2ay-8, 3. PQ is the common chord of the parabola and its centre of curvature at P; prove that the ordinate of @ is three times that of P, and that the locus of the middle point of PQ is another parabola. 4, If p and p' be the radii of ourvature at the ends, P and D, of conjugate diameters of the ellipse, prove that Aner (ait and that the locus of the middle point of the line joining the centres of curvature at P and D is (ax+by)8 + (ax -by)8 pep = (a 08, 406 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. (Exs. 5, Oiis the centre of curvature at any point of an ellipse, and Q and Rare the feet of the other normals drawn from 0; prove that the bets locus of the intersection of tangents at Q and R is ©, + Boh and that the line QR is a normal to the ellipse oy abe a ao ey 6. If four normals be drawn to an ellipse from any point on the evoluite, prove that the loons of the centre of the rectangular hyperbola through their fect is the curve (+ (= 7, In general, prove that there are six points on an ellipse the circlés of curvature at which pass through a given point O, not on the allipse. If O be on the ellipse, why is the number of circles of curvature passing through it only four? 8, The circles of curvature at three points of an ellipse meet in a point P on the curve. Prove that (1) the normals at these three points meet on the normal drawn at the other end of the diameter through P, and (2) the locus of these points of intersection for different positions of P is the ellipse 4 (aa + by?) =(a2— 8), 9. Prove that the equation to the circle of curvature at any point (a, y’) of the rectangular hyperbola «?—y?=a? is, a? (22+ y?) — Ara’? + dyy’? + Ba (a!2+y') =0. 10, Shew that the equation to the chord of curvature of the rectangular hyperbola zy=c? at the point “t” is ty-+t=o(1+¢), and that the centre of curvature is the point ht Bt oot & ae? or) Prove also that the locus of the pole of the chord of curvature is the curve 7?=2c?sin 20, 11. PQ is the normal at any point of a rectangular hyperbola and meets the curve again in Q; the diameter through Q meets the curve again in R; show that PR is the chord of curvature at P, and that PQ is equal to the diameter of curvature at P. 12, Prove that the equation to the circle of curvature of the conie aa? + 2hzy +by?=2y at the origin is a (a? +y") =2y, 18. If two confocal conics intersect, prove that the centre of curvature of either curve at a point of intersection is the pole of the tangent at that point with regard to the other curve. XLVI] ENVELOPES. 407 14, Show that the equation to the parabola, having contact of the third order with the rectangular hyperbola «y=c? at the point («') is (w— yt)? — det (a +y2?) + 80%? =0. Prove also that its directrix bisects, and is perpendicular to, the radius vector of the hyperbola from the centre to the point of contact. 15, Prove that the equation to the parabola, which passes through the origin and has contact of the second order with the parabola y?=4az at the point (ai? 2at), is (4ar— Bty)?+ dad (30 — 2ty)=0. 16. Prove that the equation to the rectangular hyperbola, having contact of the third order with the parabola y?=4ax at the point (at, 2at), is a2 — Qtay — y?+ 2am (2+ Bt) - Qatty + a°tt=0, Prove also that the locus of the centres of these hyperbolas is an equal parabola having the same axis and directrix as the original parabola, 17, Through every point of a circle is drawn the rectangular hyperbola of closest ‘contact; prove that the centres of all these hyperbolas lie on a concentric circle of twice its radius, 18, A rectangular hyperbola is drawn to have contact of the third order with the ellipse “+ g =1; find its equation and prove that the locus of its centre is the ourve (at 5) Envelopes, y +h 430, Consider any point P on a circle whose contre is O and whose radius is a. ‘The straight line through P at right angles to OP is a tangent to the circle at P. Conversely, if through O we draw any straight line OP of length a, and if through the end P we draw a straight line perpendicular to OP, this latter straight lino touches, or envelopes, a circle of radius @ and centre 0, and this circle is said to be the envelope of the straight lines drawn in this manner. Again, if S be the focus of a parabola, and PY be the tangent at any point P of it meeting the tangent at the

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pFad v3 Proxy

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