Summit Challenge
Summit Challenge
Summit Challenge
Devotional One, Read: Jesus taught how to love others, even those that Devotional Two, Pray: Loving others isn’t always easy. In fact, without
we think might not deserve it. This is hard sometimes, real hard. We need God it is impossible. But thankful Philippians 4:13 is true...I can do all
help from God to help us do it. Read these scriptures and ask God to help things through Christ who gives me strength. How can Jesus give us
you love those you really don’t want to. strength unless we ask. Ask Jesus today to help you love others even when
you don’t want to. In fact, think of one particular person who has maybe
Scriptures to consider: Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:32-35; 1 Corinthians
been mean to you or someone you don’t know and ask Jesus to give you
strength to love that person.
Pray to God asking Him to help you love someone who is hard to love.
Devotional Three, Mold: God wants to continually make us more and Devotional Four, Memorize: Set a goal for memorizing multiple verses.
more like Christ. Christ showed love to so many people that others did- Here’s an idea to help. Make a large “picket fence” drawing able to be
posted on a wall. Write memory verses on each picket when it is
n’t think he should. If we are to be like Christ, then we need to show
memorized, have kids draw a flower in front of the picket.
love. Ask God to mold you to be more like Christ in showing love. See if
you can make playdough look like an act of love towards someone. You’ll Memorize: Matthew 7:28-29 and Q&A from front page
have to get real creative with this one.
Devotional Five, Sing: I love hymns. Hymns are songs that people might have been singing for hundreds of years. One of my favorites is “ Love
lifted me.” With your parent’s help, look up this song on the internet or in a hymn book. See if you can find the story behind the song. Talk about
this song and what it means. A good resource is “,” you can listen and read the lyrics and read about the hymn. See if you can
sing the hymn once you’re finished learning about it.