Jesus Gives Direction
Jesus Gives Direction
Jesus Gives Direction
and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful Jesus gives direction.
and I know this very well.
Mark 2 : 1-12
“Slugs have 3,000 teeth and 4 noses.”
*Taken from National Geographic Kids Weird But True: 300 outrageous facts
At the Summit, we’re striving to climb to new heights with Jesus. These five devotionals are suggestions of activities to do as a family to help your family to climb closer to Jesus to-
gether at home during the week. This tool is intended to help you lead a family worship time. Please go to God in worship as a family on a regular basis even if you do not use this re-
source. If your family completes one of the devotionals parents can initial in the boxes below and the child will receive a buck for every devotional completed.
Devotional One, Read: Jesus wants to give us spiritual direction. He Devotional Two, Pray: The man and his friends had faith to go to Jesus
wants us to walk correctly. This simply means that He wants us to live our with the need they had (for their friend to be healed). Jesus gave him heal-
lives according to His word. Check out these verses of scripture to under- ing and much more, He was forgiven of sin. Do you have faith that you can
stand what it means to walk in the right way. go to Jesus and ask Him for the things you need? This is what we are doing
when we pray, going to Jesus. Read this to see what Jesus said about ask-
Scriptures to consider: Psalm 139:23-24; Micah 6:8;
ing for things John 16:23-24.
Romans 6:4; Galatians 5:16; Ephesians 4:1; Ephesians 4:2; 1 John 1:6
Go to Jesus in prayer with faith like the men who brought their friend
Devotional Three, Mold: Jesus forgives sin. This is part of the molding Devotional Four, Build: Build a scene from 2 Kings 4:1-7 using Legos,
process. Jesus is making us into the followers He wants so we can be Duplos, Mega Blocks, or some other kind of building toy. See if you can
use these blocks to get all of the details right. Talk with your parents
used by Him. Mold something that shows one of the sins you have done
about how the two stories might relate?
recently. Now take that same lump of playdough and mold it into some-
thing beautiful. Jesus uses us even when we’ve done bad things. He Build a scene from 2 Kings 4:1-7
makes us into useful, beautiful followers.
Mold something to represent sin, now use the same playdough to make
something beautiful
Devotional Five, Sing: I love hymns. Hymns are songs that people might have been singing for hundreds of years. One of my favorites is “ O For a
Thousand Tongues to Sing” With your parent’s help, look up this song on the internet or in a hymn book. See if you can find the story behind the
song. Talk about this song and what it means. A good resource is “,” you can listen and read the lyrics and read about the
hymn. See if you can sing the hymn once you’re finished learning about it.