The document is a rubric that assesses musical performance across 4 levels based on accuracy and expressiveness in various areas. It evaluates rhythm, pitch, articulation, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, tone quality, intonation, form/phrasing, and chord structure/voicings. For each category, level 1 demonstrates limited accuracy/effectiveness, level 2 demonstrates some accuracy/effectiveness, level 3 demonstrates considerable accuracy/effectiveness, and level 4 demonstrates a high degree of accuracy/effectiveness.
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The document is a rubric that assesses musical performance across 4 levels based on accuracy and expressiveness in various areas. It evaluates rhythm, pitch, articulation, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, tone quality, intonation, form/phrasing, and chord structure/voicings. For each category, level 1 demonstrates limited accuracy/effectiveness, level 2 demonstrates some accuracy/effectiveness, level 3 demonstrates considerable accuracy/effectiveness, and level 4 demonstrates a high degree of accuracy/effectiveness.
The document is a rubric that assesses musical performance across 4 levels based on accuracy and expressiveness in various areas. It evaluates rhythm, pitch, articulation, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, tone quality, intonation, form/phrasing, and chord structure/voicings. For each category, level 1 demonstrates limited accuracy/effectiveness, level 2 demonstrates some accuracy/effectiveness, level 3 demonstrates considerable accuracy/effectiveness, and level 4 demonstrates a high degree of accuracy/effectiveness.
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The document is a rubric that assesses musical performance across 4 levels based on accuracy and expressiveness in various areas. It evaluates rhythm, pitch, articulation, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, tone quality, intonation, form/phrasing, and chord structure/voicings. For each category, level 1 demonstrates limited accuracy/effectiveness, level 2 demonstrates some accuracy/effectiveness, level 3 demonstrates considerable accuracy/effectiveness, and level 4 demonstrates a high degree of accuracy/effectiveness.
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Carvallo’s Performance Assessment Rubric
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
50-59 60-69 70- 79 80- 99 Accuracy of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates rhythm limited some accuracy considerable high degree of accuracy accuracy accuracy Accuracy of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates pitch limited some accuracy considerable high degree of accuracy accuracy accuracy Accuracy of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates articulation limited some accuracy considerable high degree of accuracy accuracy accuracy Expressiveness Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates through limited some accuracy considerable high degree of dynamics accuracy accuracy accuracy Expressiveness Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates through tempo limited some accuracy considerable high degree of accuracy accuracy accuracy Expressiveness Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Through limited some accuracy considerable high degree of phrasing accuracy accuracy accuracy Tone quality Applies concept Applies concept Applies concept Applies concept of tone quality of tone quality of tone quality of tone quality with limited with some with with high effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of effectiveness effectiveness Tuning Applies the Applies the Applies the Applies the (intonation) concept of concept of concept of concept of intonation with intonation with intonation with intonation with limited some considerable high degree effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness (drummers Limited Some Considerable High degree of only) form and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and phrasing understanding understanding understanding understanding memorized e.g. #of bars per section/ tempo markings (Guitar and Limited Some Considerable High degree of piano)Chord knowledge and knowledge and Knowledge and knowledge and structure/ application application application application voicings