On The Perils of Replacement Theology (Part 2) .
On The Perils of Replacement Theology (Part 2) .
On The Perils of Replacement Theology (Part 2) .
Part 2.
The Roman Catholic church had replacement theology, blaming the Jews
for the death of Christ. "Replacement theology" was understood to be
rooted in the cursing of the Jews (the cursing of the field of Judas), and
the reason behind their national misfortune. The de facto success of the
State of Israel, and disdain for centuries of anti-Semitism within the
Church, however, led to superficial theological changes.
In 1965, the Catholic Nostra Aetate, stated clearly and plainly 1) The Jews
as a whole were no longer ... responsible for the death of Christ, and, 2)
Above all, they were no longer considered "rejected by God" or "cursed."
The Roman Catholic Church had an alternative "Grafted on" Theology to
fall back on, where the Church is an extension, rather than a replacement,
of Judaism.
Roman Catholicism
Israel in the Old Testament was a Theocracy but Roman Catholicism saw
itself as the new Theocracy which replaced Israel because the majority of
the Jews, rejected Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Unfortunately, even as a
bad tree brings forth corrupt fruit, this false teaching led to much
subsequent persecution of the Jews by the Vatican during the crusades
right unto & including the Holocaust of WW2. However, in 1965, as
previously discussed, the Vatican changed its official stance concerning
Israel & then finally accepted Israel as a nation in 1993.
In this article “The Perils of Replacement Theology (Part 2),” we shall see
that Islam also has a type of replacement theology. They believe that
`God` has finished with Israel, but their type of Replacement Theology is
not based on the Jews rejection of their Messiah, but rather the Jewish
Nation's failure to prevail militarily over Rome.
Islam And The Jews
According to the book, “Islam & The Jews” by Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D ©
2003 (ISBN 0-88419-956-8) [ published by Frontline –A Strang
Company], there are powerful cultural & spiritual forces that explain
Mark A. Gabriel is not someone who merely just researched about Islam,
he lived it for thirty four years. He was also a former lecturer of Islamic
history at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. He also once hated the
Jews with a passion, as he admits in his book!
Islam believes that God has finished with Israel & Therefore
does not have the right to exist.
Islam does not particularly blame the Jews for death of Christ, rather
specifically for its failure militarily over Rome during the lifetime of The
`Prophet `Mohammed, and generally for Judaism's failure to become a
successful world religion. Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ was
Crucified & killed (Surah 4:157), contrary to the eyewitness accounts of
friends, neutral bystanders & Historians, as well as those who were
Christ's enemies (both Roman & Jewish).
The de facto success of the State of Israel, causes similar problems
within Islam, as it does with Roman Catholicism, but this time there is
no theological alternative. The 'right' and 'proof 'of the `legitimacy` of
Islam was originally the Jews misfortune at the hands of Rome and later
Byzantium. When these empires disappeared, Islam itself took on this role.
The Jews lowly status was no longer a fact of circumstance, but an
Islamic right.” *****
Most people assume that the unfortunate animosity between Israel & the ones called
Palestinians is merely due to the rebirth of the nation of Israel on May 14th 1948 &
the influx of Jews from around the world into that area of hotly contested real estate
…BUT … if you want to know the real reason then all you have to do is open the
pages of the Koran, like I have.
Referring to them :
3) As Favoured by Allah who chose all his prophets from them (Surah
4) Those whom Allah will bless if they practice the teachings of their Holy
Books (Surah 5:44, 46-47, 66).
The Jews did not respond in the way that Muhammad had hoped as
they noticed that he did not have the miraculous credentials of a prophet
(like Moses – who performed many Miracles). He wasn't a Jew, as was
Moses & his brethren, neither did all of his writings match up with the
Torah & the Jewish prophets.
• The Jews asked for a sign but Mohammed didn't perform them.
• Mohammed responded by saying that the signs are with Allah, not
with him.
• The Jews, however were not the first to oppose Mohammed & they
certainly were not the first to try to kill him … it was the pagan
Arabs of Mecca.
Surah 5:57
You Have just seen that Surah 5:51 & 57 forbid Muslims making friends
with Jews & Christians, stating that the ones who do are not true Muslims
and are unjust.
The Bible commands Jews & Christians to, "love thy neighbour as
thyself" in Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 5:43-44. Oh, by the way, Neighbours
include the ones who view you as enemies. We are to love those who don't
love us & be courteous to those who are not courteous to us (Matthew
5:45-47). If we are friendly with those who are not Christian we are
obeying God as well as making a difference in this world & will win lost
souls to Christ.
Below is a table of just a few of the anti Jewish verses of the Koran, as
well as verses of Islamic Replacement Theology.
Surah 5:12
Surah 5:70
The Jews were
Exiled by Allah
SURAH 59:2
The Land of
Israel was
conquered by
the Muslims &
given to them of
SURAH 33:26-27
Muslims are to
*Fight against
the Jews & The
**Tax them until
they're subdued.
Jews &
Christians are
under Allah's
curse according
to the Koran.
SURAH 9:29-30
Jews were
turned into
according to the
SURAH 2:65-66
Jews were also
turned into pigs
according to the
SURAH 5:60
Jews are a
according to the
SURAH 5:64
Jews &
Christians are
disbelievers in
the Koran. The
“US” verses
SURAH 2:104-
Jews &
exhorted to
believe Islam
before, “ we re-
arrange your
SURAH 4:47
The Jews are
worse than the
Christians. The
Jews are the
Greater enemy
of Muslims.
(Surah 5:82).
(BELOW) Al-Husayni (center) in a visit to Saudi Arabia in the early 1930s. To his
left is Hashim al-Atassi, who later became president of Syria and to al-Husayni's
right is Shakib Arslan, an Arab nationalist philosopher from Lebanon.
In 1931, al-Husayni founded the World Islamic Congress, on which he was to serve
as president.
In 1933, within weeks of Hitler's rise to power in Germany, the German Consul-
General in Palestine, the pro-nazi Heinrich Wolff, sent a telegram to Berlin
reporting al-Husayni's belief that Palestinian Muslims were enthusiastic about the new
regime and looked forward to the spread of Fascism throughout the region. Wolff met
al-Husayni and many sheiks a month later, at Nabi Musa. They expressed their
approval of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany and asked Wolff not to send any Jews
to Palestine. (See Leni Yahil, The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945,
Oxford University Press, Oxford 1990 p. 676 n. 53). Also (Francis R. Nicosia, Zionism and
Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, pp. 85-87, 196)Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2008 pgs 85-87, 196).
Throughout World War II, al-Husayni worked for the Axis Powers as a
broadcaster in propaganda targeting Arab public opinion. He recruited Muslim volunteers
for the German armed forces operating in the Balkans. Beginning in 1941, al-Husayni
visited Bosnia, and convinced Muslim leaders that a Muslim S.S. division would be in
the interest of Islam. In spite of these and other propaganda efforts, "only half of the
expected 20,000 to 25,000 Muslims volunteered." (The Black Book of Bosnia by Nader
Mousavizadeh, (Editor), Basic Books, New York, 1996, p. 23).
Al-Husayni was involved in the organization and recruitment of Bosnian Muslims into
several divisions of the Waffen SS and other units. The largest was the 13th "Handschar"
division of 21,065 men, which conducted operations against Communist partisans in the
Balkans from February 1944, committing numerous atrocities against their traditional
ethnic rivals the local Christian Serbs.
(See: Hall Amin Al-Husayni: The Mufti of Jerusalem". Holocaust Encyclopedia.
June 25, 2007.
Retrieved 19th 10 2007.
(Below, is the Insignia of the 13th Handschar division).
• Both of these systems teach their people that Israel has been finished
with of God & have been replaced by them.
• Both of them demonize the Jews & always paint Israel as the `Bad
Guy`. Unless you are watching independent media journalism, you
will always see Israel as the bad guy on the news.
• The hierarchies of both these religious systems ordered those within
their flocks to carry out acts of violence against Israel.
• Both have trained militant youth to carry out what they see as acts of
`Holy` war.
The Vatican Is Seeking To Unite With Islam
Since the 2nd Vatican Council, its hierarchy has quite actively sought for religious
unity with Islam & other non Christian faiths. Most notably, John Paul the 2nd was
the first so called `Pope` to visit a Jewish Synagogues & the first to set foot inside a
If we look at the St Paul's Catechism of the Catholic church, under Article 841 of
the catechism we read, .."The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge
the Creator, in the first place are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of
Abraham, and together WITH US THEY ADORE the one, merciful God, mankind's
judge on the last day."
The Nazis & the Grand Mufti of the al-asqa mosque united against their common
enemy – the Jews, in World War 2 & it seems like history is going to repeat itself
John Paul the 2nd With PLO Terrorist Leader Yasser Arafat in
August 2001
`Pope` Benedict Meets with Muslim Leaders
on May 09, 2009
Pope Benedict on Saturday 9th of May 2009 met with the muslim leaders,
university rectors, and the diplomatic corps in Jordan at the King Hussein Bin
Talal Mosque in Amman. During his discourse, he said, “Muslims and Christians,
precisely because of the burden of our common history so often marked by
misunderstanding, must today strive to be known and recognized as worshippers
of God faithful to prayer, eager to uphold and live by the Almightys decrees,
merciful and compassionate, AND consistent in bearing witness to all that is true
and good.”
He said Muslim-Christian co-operation found in Jordan sets an encouraging and
persuasive example for the region, and indeed the world, of the positive, creative
contribution … - Check out this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=OztBBPPqhRY All of these things are leading up to the coming One World
Religion which will be under a Roman capstone – headed by the final antichrist.
Since the Second Vatican Council there has been a tendency of Roman
Catholicism to unite with Islam, yet again on the common grounds that they have
with each other, one of them being Replacement Theology. They both believe that
the Jews don't really belong in that land. Both Islam & the Vatican want Israel for
themselves. Both of them are Israel's enemies & eventually these, along with Russia
will seek to wipe out Israel, but will be destroyed & judged by Yahweh God Himself
when His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ comes to judge them.