Ten Tips To Survive Law School
Ten Tips To Survive Law School
Ten Tips To Survive Law School
1) Do the reading.This sounds simple, but up until the time I started law school, I'd always been able to fly by the
seat of my pants even when I hadn't quite finished an assignment. Socratic method does NOT work for seat-fliers.
2) Have friends outside the school. Law school students feed on each other's stress. The best thing I did for myself
was to find other friends. This doesn't mean never spending time with law school people, but it DOES mean you
need another outlet. Don't become isolated in that little world. It's not the real world and you need to remember that
fact at all times.
3) Make sure you sleep. Again, sounds simple, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't do it. Staying up
until 2:00 a.m. studying does not actually help. It makes you sleep deprived. The best rule I had was to get a
minimum of 8 hours sleep every night before an exam or presentation. I honestly think it's what made my grades
higher than some of my supposedly smarter classmates'.
4) Eat right.See #3. My 1L class lost two girls to eating disorders. One was anorexic and one was bulimic. Your
health is important. Don't let the stress control your eating habits.
5) Take at least one night a week completely off studying. This doesn't mean you can't study on Saturday if you take
that night off. It means at 5:00 on Saturday you are DONE and you have FUN. See a movie. Go to a bar. Just take
time for you. (Frankly, I always kept all day Saturday free from work. But I'm a fast reader, so I could catch up on
Sunday without having a stroke.)
6) Learn to use the commercial outlines. They aren't perfect, but they really do make your life easier. I never would
have passed Civil Procedure if I'd used the outline I tried to make
7) Read outside the law. Read novels. Read magazines. Read comic books. Your brain needs other stimulus or it
atrophies into legal goo from which many lawyers never recover.
8) Realize that first year is NOT typical, even for law school. It's the hell year. Your classes will be too big to be truly
functional learning experiences (I think anything over 20 students is too big), you will be absorbing too much
information to remember it all, and you will be learning to write and think in a whole new way. Second and third year
are cake in comparison. And the actual practice of law is cake with ice cream compared to all three years.
9) Don't stress about the Bar yet! Too many people start stressing about this way too early. You have enough other
stuff to stress over. DON'T DO IT.
10) Only join a study group if you truly think it will help you.And find one where the people are not obsessive
compulsive. I started out in a study group that stressed me out so much it was unreal. Nothing was enough and they
all studied 24-7. This made me so nervous I couldn't take in any information. I found that I'm just NOT a group
studier. I do things my own idiosyncratic way, and I'm better by myself in a corner. You need to find what works for
you and stick with it, no matter who pressures you to study another way.