Grundfos NK

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NK Standard pumps 50 Hz GRUNDFOS we General data a moe Cases fr mecnanical shat 38a Pope 4 ‘sisting bowes Page 7 Technical data ee m4 peony ms Performance ranges Performance curves, 2900 Performance curves, 1450 min” i aoe Page 88 Performance curves, 970 min” a au enunoros General d: Applications ‘Te pup cuts rhe pumping olin, lan anc non-ggresaive tqude without sll parle foes eta Nacsa enateng aren «ane ine pag cone a ean ume Nevsalping segeste conti wie pee ‘all seston po rel Seshange pot and hr ‘The NK pnp nave mensions ane nominal gtr frees according EN729 (10 ar Out te desgnee Tere tnreperaton whrevorthe et ea ype sions TL NG pumps acrrding to EN 2 B88 (18 bar) Sprang pressure are avainsleonssoat Types cutie of tol ONT (200 a) wise ealed “oversize, Dimensons can ater het ther supplre The cuction an dscharge tangos ae secon EN ‘ass PN 10 er 18. Al pumps se dyransany tela scoring to 180 1940 dass 6. and impair se nyasealy balances Pump and motor are route oncorron baseplate baceardace wit EN 23 681 nae sea. Over les awe pots Bat amas vs totnesun design he costeta besng asomhy ing pen i lsat an be etree ‘thou removing the volute casa Ham tne pie Systm Gack pur out eye). Bosse ong od o fe Flexible coupting Standen oF pacar nung whch ows the tmtor fe remain in lace cr tba sbove Mentone Serariig avd svosaquont lane Ine ump housing, moor of teen nt move, ugrmert always neccessary. Bearing assembly with shaft ‘The basing aserbiyincides two str amecon ‘eaving beside Oversize pee wih shat 135 68mm however, Nev open Bestng in gross _Atcwer onthe sat rovents ul rm orton the aang hoses Institing box verson a she preety tse lace tel leave at ne rat el ‘overeat by an sana tse ies ‘ue oe ample sizes of te bearinge and sat he NK ‘umnps ean be diven by abe ie, bt vanatr oF 2 ‘Sova ongine, Hogue ‘Shaft sat “To standard varson is proved with @ mechanical Suipmann shah sal sesorang Yo" DIN" 24. a6 {Gundfostype BAGE. Depending on purged ede peraing eoratons ther types and ering bxae art Sralola Sha sleeves avaiable on request ‘The motor i 9 tty enclosed, fan-coded equcet: age Grate WHG mst cmansned oI publ aon 72a complying win IEG 38 ora DIN 2950. SS — SFT fruston esse —— [FOOT fessor ‘(SEDATE Ema [est accra ONO ns th 60 He motors ane NIKE une win ME (her anes of motor an be mount on equ Surface weatment ‘lstatonary cst ton pars re dipped wih wate. Bese. enon ovens patg. Tre as oh ally, te prot 6 spray panos wth back wate bse eter openynosene paring, To Pikno56 of thea eeatagie 35 ym = 8pm enunpeos xeneral dai a Type key Fstigt in coniguration umber > For unis without motor the motor data. are St out, and feearsaet |e a a feroure shah punpathe coping tndmot ata are freee to a ‘ee —| 6 = Th enrpe dessiiea sank 023603 wan 77am — REL ; Iman cst on win nace gn wt aaae nas PRE Te u so, tia oping an 8 fms | —8 list page 18, fwessate—[—e { Coro for sting box eee tf u ; ‘Coos fo machanial shaft ea west |e f : ofoegaran ys fae i s conunoros Sif ir Configuration number key Each of te_8 dis inthe configuration punter Example: The four git determi the pumps wh fesritges ora or more posse variation nthe Sraout necking awl az which meal Yeon, oneueien oe por an). “To puber lo cour Hom he is stown below anal =I Eeaoane EE ; are fier oa i ae + peered + : pF i pear hr FE : haar oF bs - ear? ao —s aon oe ——— == congnteanmee ao SET ETI] |fararnacseromn f Geeame mp | De priser cme tracert = enunnros Sif feteeslue rte Selection of pumps for various liquids een Se pS a eer itm sl aac wane [oar Se ewer a5 |e] —— peeing ange mpi pedro tat and sie om mi 5 o | i tat eon wey i i a ae ae tH onunoros Si General data Stuffing boxes \Uncootd stutng bx SNE) meh internal barr Pl {erin porong a lea nus n seston eporatono att proseuros up 4 ba. J EE: LS Lnotola stiting Box (ENO) whut intra verter finer ma pumping of han bq In stan ope ‘on or tt prosurs over 4 bar Unease! sting to (SNF wth ester Sa forthe pining of sonamnaiod and malsorous enunoros (erotoe acer fe ‘Mechanical shaft seals uber solons ssl (BAQE), counaracts depois ‘rm he pred ha (ing seal (AQAE?,ubalanosd for hh pressures. (nga (0AOM), btancestor high pressures an Temparatres 12010 160% General d: ‘Sectional drawing ac22004-> 0288.44 toon 10+ 88S: Apt, 00.00 00cm, Noi SE coe tats ; emg | | | i | | | | | I. pe} ‘ ml i S £ | | | | | \ i eeiataliatelenre le anmen 4 oo ee . cenunoros Sf G Gt Sectional drawing 10K 65-915 2-pole, 65.915 “oversza 0-915 2-pol, 80-015 “oversize {00315 “oversie”, 100-00, 125-25 poe, 1-260 "overze', 12-51, 106400, 20 10 oversize” fr] Gel» Legend TL pecammonce pa pat A Ort hyautes bang ox | __eetnon tea [ non teieion Toa 3a ‘ea a1 bao =a Ro Zant sys oo ie [oui Sectional drawing “Oversizes", NK 150-315, 200-500, 250-400, 250-500, is i = y [fe] te da ke fe ke Se : Legend [ roconmande sare ar. or ai [esau rt [Pra sz [nes nse [Grae rise ca? [as 10 _[ roar carr 0 [ary eto [ors ata wow 213 | arte ot rien 0 [Tower 1522 | cate ore ean [ae tose er a [ reer re [couoin a emunpros Sf 2 Sectional drawing “Oversizes" NK 200-400, 250-320, 300-360 ik | 6515 (G16) 4200 67408 wee abe 3in0 Legend (=: Pecormende spare at Bastion ree [emer |e oo Tan [reas sito [prema re nt Frens os taae_[ ori 3i0__[ Ba oeeng sie 7810 [ Res | 3 [ator eie_[eaae 120k 9 saz rere it ose 250 [pe comirrt 0 | ess ea [arie 200 isle ai _[ Gor rst rio eee “ait np aa GHA Tewerse Ga [caning 2512 [inate 55 [ora onunoros Si General data NK Pump material list roan corona 29 |r Sn = ra Raa TaR aa enunoros 26 eneral data [aha Tyrese conunoros Si (erertereit Motors Selection of motors “Tae power aqua to actave ne requested hy cit ‘an be found by means of the power chart belo te pvlarmanoe cart (eoe 40-720). Fra he power cure ceespondrg he requires (Orie (repels between ove. When doting the motor size a salty magn een 01 S198 mus beaded. ‘Amlent temperature 20°C 0 40, ve to the ow densiy and consequent ow coding ‘howe to" or san aude swoaveng 1000" st0¥6 Salve aque a reducbn ofthe ated meta ad ». “Eeweasbawante | ik Spare parts Available spare parts kite 1. Mechanical shaft eal completo Sot paca tinge Bearings Casing estas ards or Fa) ngtler hat Cousin compet or eps) useerjlns ane pl tr coupings 9 Neck rage {ou sper ed inal ky 1.Servi kt containing th above ems = 4 (aczoragf ponp werser). {re carve tame wil ever serve fr wo {ata nara operon conunoros 2 ‘Technical data Electrical data, 2-pole 9» 220-2400/900-418Y Electrical data, 4-pole 9 720-2400/380-415Y sa = Ta B gle)a| s}s|sfa| s/s =|e\ a e/3|3|3)3}3[a)x/s)e\ela|2)2/ala Pisroebertere lac Ete:y Pump dimensions and weights i i ee P= eT as || || *| | fafa] |e || Swany conunoros Ty cal data NK Pump dimensions and weights (ae enunoros > Pump dimensions and weights aa a ay TF nt y e Pump dimensions and weights ah rae] a hae OR CCC CSCS I eRe 4 "a | 4 | i Oversize ‘The EN 753 descrber ony the standard types ‘rena hablo page 20 “Th rang ie tan wh log mod (over ‘ihe orgnor ows and posses, ‘Asa consequence basket cues, mange dimensions {forthe overt pumps canbe deren tom ater ‘wpe, Unit dimensions and weights f : a vm [ise re = echnical data a Tian Te Te [epee] eal Te EEBEBEEEBEEES sl fe B A i i é $ 5 a a & pepe epee] ee Tepe me ion ve i 2] sat TTT eT oo Pca ea SCT ee enunoros i cc Trae BD easel oa slele|s|elelelslalals|elal=|s|s|el 's}3]3{a/s|s|2|3|8|a|s|2}e|s]3|a)e\2/8\a) Technical data ve [i a we wh [lola vo a ” CCI Nk Technical data Quotation drawing NK 32125» 150-400 en aarane DS Pot saa 4208 Pp Se enunpros 6 payor ert fm ) Quotation drawing Overseas” NK 150-315, 20-500, 250-400, 50500, 2auneres, ss % conunpros Si Technical data Quotation drawing *oversies" NK 200400, 250-90, 00:80 © P"Faor sass 4208 ~~ Se Py 7 Technical data Quotation drawing “overszes" NK 250310, Poutouuetily Curve conditions Selection of pumps ‘The guidinas sow spl tthe cones san ine aromanee cnn on 40” 118 “aleranceesocrng 150 2548 Class Caro, + Tae canes show pump pestrmance wh dere apes aotore a he romin! sped “Thabo part of he curves ehow Me recommen: ed operating ange ‘The hn parts show te possible operate ange ‘ute wer effelonoy hare might uggs he 3e- uo toe ik of averesing ow ata eau {mene tow ae stan etboarey ne dodatal ines + Tae cures apply i tne pucing of water a era of 20°C andaromate varoaly ot Te (1 5 ETA: Tha deed nes show elu ne yee staoney of Be pure, + NPSH: The cue show average vals measures Uae na same enone she serormanes oi + nen aenslning te pono a eaaly man btatsaet 3 Performance tests The requsted ty point fr every pump i testa ccofang 180 2348, 2a86C, anon Bane whoat enteaten In ate of pupa ender wth igor sate oty (no equctes dt sin, te amp be ested ot ‘ty pom whch le 28 ofthe mmo fom tthe pubes peremance cuve when erlies fo the Erdoreg moter donate fzcering to ISO 2548, ‘es6C anon), tte utome: gure eine nore pins ont curve tebe eheched oF sarin mm pertormanoas or ‘ota dia measurement rs a made Certificates Conca hav obs conemed for evry order ana According to EN 10208 Cantata troop ‘wen the oder. en sozoe-2 + Punp coiteate EN t0206-22 + wore corteate EN t0206-29, + ispectoncericate EN s0204-21 8 + wspocton cereale ———gN T0204 3.1.6 According to 150 2548, Clas C, annex B + Cortes 8 + ertzate& mth sspromal fol epson, orunoros fi ) Performance ranges afm} | ‘am 480 600 600 €00 1000, 20 . ; ! i ths 5 8 : ; He Phi 5 3 LZ i 3 awe : af e/a . a [.umw ospr IN Bees 3 conunoros Sf [ueulo- So Nene oes tT t ; ; | : Patt ; LN st: ee : ryt * | | I | Ne oe * — | rr T [ T YN 5% ! | ian enunoros Sif NK 92-125. ‘0H, n= 2000" a _& aimn a wf —_] Nese ‘im i + ° g 7 2 2 Glmnn) i NK 92-125: 0H, n=2500 nin” ots 8 8 © mm =m OimK Nese ie) i 20. . i of 8 a we ee ee Omg anunoros 2 co) NK 92-160.1 s0H,n= 2800 lo” fm NK 82-160 “ '80:Hz, n= 2800 rin" * eT. : Po INT sep ttt Nolen Nee Nese ‘er . oe oe om mm 4 Omm « onunoros Si wi NK 92200.1 sti ne coon * ° ‘ 2 2 w ao Ey ® Qlmm) ai es . = NPsH Co a | ea : \ fa | | . i e oF oe am Ee oo 2 = Opn re “wy a west tr i oF 7 = = fom | § it NK 40-125 » sthana one! aa tee aren is | a ae rs b= est ae ar eee eee o™ NK 40-160, TAL Ne pois ENe Ns afew tf ies << ay . ss a © © mo Gp : ce . |NPSH ea | fF ots bes . —T e137 * Za eae 2 i ° o 6 § ” NK 40-200 02 n= 25006 Ginn) nest i} 7 “almm NK 40-250 soften =2500 in” “omen IxoeCoeueMocate ™ NK 50-125 » | ‘50H. m= 2500" ». = ee oe = = «© © © ww wo Oinin VU NK 50-160 soHz,n= 28000" / ® / eRe m NK 50-200 . ‘5082, = 2500 in? oe 2 mo © mm mm He Gimn i Lee * te . rt 8 om | cel = | , ‘ ea nes ro) NK 50-250 ve 502, =2900 ie! ee ee conunoros Si ‘Performance cu 1" im NK 65-125, aie lec oe val NS A eS MN G T ee i E : im NK 65-160 soHz,n= 2800"? ve" watmnt | Gln) NK 65-200 ‘He, n=2200 in" . ee ee ee ee fe iy sao = j 7 a psi [ote tol Tore etree el . eS —| > er er er ee res mance curve: aT NK 65-250 ol raat mae PSK AI a a a ca «. a et * pal : = es = —T “ 1 | : i , ot oe ee ew mF conunoros Si formance cur 0. 10 0 om MO NK 65-315, 180 (ern) 180 On] Pst to to Nk 80-160 ie 0s. n= 2900 mi = = poset | Xs PS Nee oe mmm 4 ow a NK 60-200 of sas, | =e ew me mle 4 [a . i ‘or ® at Te 5 le A = —| . 7s 6 oa ee a Oped esi el PR onunoros Sif NK 80 - 315 240 an} 290 1.90) me 2 280m 240 al@rn) Nese m™ 10 ‘ormance curv NK 100-200 trent Nest ro) Ixoeteneiccerar ince NK 100-250 0H, m= 2900%in"® > « Otmm al Nest ta) = a2 Opn Pout ewceraet NK 100-315 ®t 10200 «250abd 950 Umm) onunocos Sif (Perform: Him 2 202 a en) wo 200 180200 280 00 360 30380 NK 125 - 250 00 anon nest a) 400 amm) nance Mer 145-2 990m NK 150-315 136: ze 120) 15 0-2 200 ee ee ee ee Pan a “#285 rr NPSH tm 10 ‘ormance cu NK 92-125. sot, n= 1450 7in" fy ) 7 : oo» a wt] a ar ae a a eee Toi ee mf] NK 32-125, z ‘5082, a= 450 in" fee ee eee ne ee ee es) a 7 ao esa i ‘me a oo oo afm) i Nps to NK 92-160 5082, 9= 145079" nese WELK APL cet NK 92-200 0H, = 480 in! pa esi (if " os —— ty os ood op bb se ew ee ew Gm Gg NK 40-125 ‘0 Ha,n= 1450 in" Nese 1) 8 Baten piety UrV a NK 40-160, a Bes 2 | “omen “ hese el Sa Lr | | = i oe oF off @ w a 2 ammn i conunoros i 8 o NK 49-200 50H n= 4508" = Grmm = “2B enunoros Sit Mtooarta ce a NK 40-250 = 0H, n= 4801" ee ee ae ae ee ee es) e NK 50-125 50H, n= 14500" [eerye: tm NK 50-160 we so}tn= 1260 nin* ee eo je fon aH . 6 ™ 2 o o 5 Qnty oa i | LT ot amen a ee ra ; i on. ° a 7. ee wwe GF Perfo BEL NK 50-200 04, 1450 in” = almn conunoros Si NK 50-250 we s0z.n= 10m" a er! amaToas ca hae 7 e250 NPSH | ad ‘rl ee i f » 4 7. = wom f mance curves fm NK 65-125, o sot, n= 145070" . s * » «8 wm warm . s * © & © w % mopm onunoros Si o NK 65-160 o. 04 nm tot TOES o ne ooran m wea = a —— eae oe ‘rn SH | ———— : « o 4 See ee we wom fl ' 8 Ines te) \\\ \ ® 8 ‘) conunoros 26 urve: im NK 65-315 = ss, n= 1450 in" ob & mo mw mi Tm atm wi . i om oT os ‘ri Soa wer T® ‘ — 2 Fe [ty > * = & & mm mm Hm Te Gleam NK 80-160 0H, 0=14501ma" ‘0 Ginn) soe amon) conunoros 2 i NK 80-200, 7 ‘50 He, = 1450 min” se - i ae SON . 1 * T 7. «8 =m wom oo » ve eos [Tg in) ae [= : 7 Ceca a CRY GO a 1 60250 es ee eoseneal “eC TSENG XI a & : i . eo 8 = we Oth i im NK 80-315, a T Naas [ee SOAR * 25 - X Ta eee we be ome el oa w a nese: | ia. a . hen | ——— : rt : a pee ee ea ew bm Ce Tt ts] pon tel om Leeann A_| 097 mn ee 5 PSH eo i 1g rr ee ee ee i cenunneos 6 o rmance Cury fo NK 100-200 m wa : LT to es ness , re im ° 2 o © = wm ww im mm ao a> apm 2 NK 100-250 “set Be 5042, m= 1450_in” LSet : rformance curve: tm NK 100-315 © 0H, n= 1450min" oD tert || — I port} PN TPN = Ps |_| i : Ne) ea : [oe ». — 2 & @ we wm oo mo wo aw amo oO Glmnl Seen (es Hor oe 6. w. Pm, 120 169 200 240 NK 100 - 400 zo 320 Gh) nest to | cenunoros 2 os Performance curves ™ NK 125-250 ‘50H, n= 1450mia® a a = sso atm) oem S Nese 17 nr cb W125. 996 a | fecal _ stad | et Hp epee ey 4 IA = . 4 >| Ne “ \ 7 t \ 16: 2 i 5 C | eC ooN t er ee re ee ee i cenunoros 2 Hi SURRRReRESE SETS Pw os. NK 125 - 400 ee eee r LC ais | "2294 mn{] NPSH To im 2570) 6 > 120 160 200 240 280 aa) aG0 400 440 (mm) conunpros if NK 150-200 U © Gn palo Fart econ im — = mee enunnros Performance NNK 160-315 Ye 1 (0 40 e0 120 160 200 240 290 a0 260 a00 440 480 S20 lm] 390 mr NPS 0 40 120 160 200 240 280 20 960 4C0 440 480 SED fm) 00 onunoros Sf NK 150-320 Ginn) 5 Olmnl @. © 40 0 120 160 200 240 200 520 960 400 440 480 S20 Cl) nes 3 7 po] Ne eosessessess 8 & 8 o 40 BD 20 160 200 210 280 S20 960 400 440 400 520 Qf] enunoros fit He sesgeusss a a 200 700 at0 Oimmy oo weno | 30 a nest eam tm 8 6 2 § eo yom enunoros pas NK 200 - 500 sos} ‘mosacne 10055 58 0. 28 485 co fe rote 25 v2 oo 400 sto eto 700 abo so 4005006 700 inn aa to ‘trem Nes i e212 Pena 24-4200; 2. 2 © 100 bo 300 oo 00 eo 700 «am m0 Pan Ey «0 20 Ne © 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 alo oto inn) ine) NesH fm 10 conumoros 36 108 Tk 250 - 399 seston facaed fe © Te si0mm 1 ex 7 1 om 100 200 200 00 500 600 700 900 990 1900 1100 Otmn) 0 330 Bees 8 © 100 200 900 400 500 00 700 @00 900 1000 1100 imal Nes (oy 10 conunoros Sit leteecosuttet SERRVBRSReRRsRESES RES EAE INK 250 - 400 (© 100 200 sto 400 500 60D 700 B10 900 1000 1100 1200 13b0 Ch) [ea0077m | psi nl (© 100 00 900 <00 20 60D 700 600 900 1000 1700 1280 1200 Gram) formance curve: “TTI l NK 250 - 500 wlepenn tits ' i a 4. ; J cof2e ! esl 1 ae 7 7 tt nn ; : & — | 7 CTs « 2 * © 100 200 30400 600 @o0 700 €00 600 1000. Gimm) oo ssn =

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