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DDM AIR HANDLING UNITC CONTENTS ) PAGE 4. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 2. DESIGN FEATURES 2 3. OUTLINE & DIMENSION 4 4. FAN SPECIFICATION "1 5. FAN MOTOR SPECIFICATION 15 6. BELT AND PULLEY SPECIFICATION 16 7. COIL SPECIFICATION 18 8. AIR FILTER 23C 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ) INTRODUCTION ‘Tho new OM Air Handling Unit design is based on modular paneling concept to offer @ wider range of units, versatile and suitabte for any comfort or industrial application. The OM series consists ofa total of 24 unit sizes with alow ranging fiarn 1190 CMH to 70500 CMH (700 CFM fo 41500 CFM) and up toa total stalic pressure of 1500 Pa (6° W.G,) ‘Tha high strength extruded aluminium pentapost construction and injection fiber plastic comer forms a rigid frame forthe new air handling unit, OM models, The external cp method to hold the double skin PU insulation panel is easily _sccessibe for maintenance while being airight ‘The cooling col can be chiled water or DX-type which is fabricated by copper tubes with aluminium or copper fins. For heating. hot water cot or electric heaters can be used ‘This technical manual wil provide only basic technical information of the new OM Air Handing Unit For unt selection to ‘meet your project requirement, please refer to any’ sales personnel. The computer based selection wil provide ‘an gplimum solution to you with technical detais, tint size and weight, NOMENCLATURE, OM 1-10 13 5 — | Lo Une Whine ode Nome 04 =800 mn Dabie Skin Malar 971100 mm 30— 1400 mm 13-1700 mem ‘Und Height Modular 45~ 1900 mm one tcgameen Bast tnciase re noorm || Seder pegr Sforwoomm = | | E-Baemn posers Scam arson [2rsnn ‘S20 tecanonn = | 3022490 nn | Boos ee2. FEATURES ) CABINET (BASIC UNIT) ‘The igh strength extruded, 2.5mm thick aluminium pentepost with 3legged injection fer plastic comer piece forms the rigid frame ofthe unit. The wails ofthe unit is made up by Double skin polyurethane foam (PU) insulation pane! with 0.5mm high strength pre-painted stee! as external skin and 0.5mm galvanised (Gi) steel as intemal skin. The PU foam insulation thickness can be 25mm or 60mm with density 40 kgin’, which provides an overall thermal conductivity k = 0.017 WINK. This cabinet construction significantly reduces the sound love fom the fan of an Alr Handling Unit The panels are secured tothe frame by locking system made of an extruded aluminium clip and they are removable, ‘This fastening method with the pentapost gasket ensures good air tightness. Unit section is mounted on 3.0mm thickness galvanized steel boted base frame fo assure overall unit stably and pert easy ling, handling and positioning at site. Unit delivered in sectional spit shall be provided with gasket and sealing material as well as, ‘connection clamps to permit quick and airtight assembly FAN Fan shall be double inlet double width, forward curved or backward curved or afl centfugal fans. Fan wheel shall be statically and dynamically balanced for smooth quiet operation. Fan housings and frame shall be of galvanised steel material ll units shall have one fan and is driven by one moter. ‘The fan wheels are made of galvanized sheet for forward curved fans. The backward curved and airfoil fans are ‘made of high quaity mild steel treated and painteg). Top qualy fan bearings are used and selected for low noise: level. These ball race type shaft bearings are hermatically sealed, pre-greased and self aligning. These bearings are mounted on a rubber demper for fan size upto 710. For larger fans, they are mounted on cast iron suppors. The ‘zerodynamicaly shaped fan inlet is made of galvanized material forall forward and backward curve fans. COILS Cooling cos are manufactured from copper tubes with aluminium fins; pressure bonded tothe tubes through ‘mechanical expansion and all housed in galvanized steel frames. Headers have threaded male pipe connections. and include drain and vent. Co's are tested to 2400 kPa (350 psig), with a maximum standard design operating pressure of 1700 KPa (250 psi The ol conection is Nee a canbe done al he side or ight ide ofthe cabinet MOTOR AND DRIVE PACKAGE Fan drives or motor and drive packages (belt type) are factory selected and installed to meet the required performances. Motor is of TEFC/TEFV type with Class F insulation and IPSS protection éiemelewaaie). The motor assembly Is installed on the same base frame support with the fan and i isolated from the unt structure by a sping 'solator. For smaller units, rubber mounting wil be used instead. Flexible connections are also provided between fan discharge and casing for noise reduction. As for the drive package pulley, the compact taper lock type is used for ‘case of Installation and dismantling DRAIN PAN ‘The sloped drain pan is designed to discharge the condensate water quickly and to reduce microbial growth, Its fabricated by galvanized steal sheet and protected with powder coating paint (or optional staniess steal). Under the Grain pan, itis covered with Tornm PE insulation to prevent any occurrence of condensation, For stagger col, ‘adcitional dip pan fabricated also from galvanized sheet will be installed between the two colsFILTER Filter section to house the fllowing option is provided: = Flat ters or Pre-fiters of washable type (75% to 90% arrestance) or cisposable type (92% arrestance) which 210 arranged in the galvanized sliding rails for side removal = Secondary iter, bag type with 85% or 95% efficiency and 533.4 mm (21 inch) depth housing ‘The fier section is accessible from either side with access door. Other fiters lke odor removal fiter, 4° depth panel {iter and supported pleat fiter can be supplied as optional ites. MIXING BOX DAMPER Ar intako, mixing box dampers comes with opposed rotating blade with driving shaft for servomator operation oF level actuator for manual control, The standerd galvanized blade wll turnin counter-action providing a smooth ‘operation requiring no lubrication. PACKING ‘Al ADM Ar Handling Unit is packed in the section knock down form with PVC fim wrapping. The section with total height or depth exceeding the container height or width willbe delivered in complete kiock down (CKD) form. No stacking is allowed, All units and sections can be packed in CKD form upon customer's request. MAINTENANCE ‘Service work on the ADM Ar Handling Unit can be easly carro out as all units are provided with side aocess pane! ‘F door. Al ntemal components can be easily accessed with the removal ofthe access or door for servicing, inspection, cleaning and replacing of motor, fan, col, filters and drive package. | |C 3. OUTLINE & DIMENSION HORIZONTAL TYPICAL CONFIGURATION ‘ , | © i OF | F 2 | = [a2 | ; ; Type Type [Model [040 | 0407 [0470 0ata | O7OT [O70 | OAS | OTS | 1010 | TOTS | AOS | 101e aS Gr Se a re oe oe one a fae or ase gr are ae asf ae fe ee er eer aoe Coe Dae oe Cae Ca Model 4021 | 1315 | 1319 | 1321 | 1519 | 1521 | 1819 | 1827 1823 | 1827 | 2027 | 2233 cae fee a ar a se Se ae [a aera gre Fp ae oo ge aaa zee Fi ae a sag Fe 8 a sere re ee | Ta 2 ee ae sae ee eee ee von 1) Please add 100mm for model using coil (8 Rows & above). 2) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement. 3)__Dimensions in mm. 4) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the 50mm insulation panel.Type 3. Type 4. [Model_[ 0404 [0407 [oat [oai3 [over [orto | oris | ris | i010 [7013 | 1016 | 1010 cm {2326 | 3697_| S069 | 6440 | 6012 | e240 | 10469 | 11956 | 11408 | 14494 | 16553 | 20668. Height | 804 |" s04 [804 [804 [1104 | 1104| 1404 | 1104 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404, Width “| 804_| 1104 [1404 | 1704 | 1104 | 1404 | 1704 | 1904 |~1404_|~1704 | 1904 | 2304 Length ‘A | 904 [904 | 7004 | 7004 | 1004 | 1004 | 1204 | 1204 | 1204 3 [| 1308 [1308 [1308 | 71308 | 1308 | 1308 | 1308 | 1308_| 1308 C [aie | 2212 | 2312 [2312 | 2312 | 2312 | 2512 | 2512 | 2512 ras Een ese et 7 5 : BL : = = 4 fe] 04 [704 | 704708 | 708 oy - | - | - | [avos | 4708 [1908 | 1908 | 1908. E | iia | arte | ate | zie | e4r2 [2412 | 2612 | 2612 | 2612 Model | 1021 [1318 [tate | 13et | 1610 | 1621 | tate | ian | aes tea? [2007 | 8 ‘OM —| 2272s | 20728 | 2058 [27778 | 77st | 30798 | 3444s | 37a72 | 41303 | asiet | S1972 | 7018S Height_| 1404 |-170a | 1708 | 1704 | 1904 | 1904 | 2204 | 2204 | 2004 [2204 | 2404 | 2604 Wisin [2504-1804 | 2304 | 2604 | 2304 | 2504 | 2304 | 2504 | 2704 | 3108 | 3104 [3704 Length | a Tao | a6 | 766 | Tene | eae | eae [eo [aoa [aoe [aon ae] 3 [Bi 1306-| 1308 [1308 | 1308 | 1308 | 1308 [%s08 | toe 10a tans |-1306 | co fare Paria [erie | gore | 2si2 | 2012 | 2012 | riz | sia | aaa | asia | oz AL = [= [= [160d | 1604 [1604 [1604 [rene [reo | 2004 | 2008 [2208 B || Fs |-i708 [i708 |i708~|i706—| 708 veo [-te06- [1608 Cope Pee ee pe pe Bf pia -2 08 | 3108 PP E [ere [aor [ete | sia | see aera | Bas] we | ae | awa | ee | OTD Note 1) Please add 100mm for model using coil (8 Rows & above), 2) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement. 3) Dimensions in mm. 4) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height f using the 50mm insulation panel | | | |Types Tes [Rodel ome [aor Torrone | orer Lorie [ore ors [1010 io [owi —[-pa2e | 3ee7_| soee | ea0-[ eora wza0 | 10460 | 11068 [11408 20868 Height | 04 [aoa | oa [80a ri0e [1108 | 1104 Troe] Taos 1404 wih [oe [roe | aoe 1704 | 1404 | toe [-1704 | Taos | tao Zid Length : so} aoe rane | 1208 | Ta0e-raoe [aoe | rane rane | rae [a8 708 | -1s08-| 4508 | 1608 | Te08 | 1608 | 1008 | Taos | i808~| 808 | 1608 2008 € [arve-[27i6 | zeve_[ 2516 | sore [gore | sa1e-| seve | aove_| ate 316 AT = [=P tooe t00e"| 1008 [00s | 208 [120 [1208] 120 “aot a es 1204 [retain [aiae- 2208 | 2008-2208 | 2208 | 2408| 2408-2408 | 2408 2608 ode [T0RT 13s [are [Tae AsTS [eH | BT Teas TORT | BOT | aS Cart| 22785 [aazze | asase [27774 | Drest | 30008 | Baas aia03 | aster | 81372 | TOI Height 1404 [ 1704 | 170d | 1709 | 1004 | 108 | 2204 za04 | 2204-| 2408 | 2604 wiih | 2504 | rao | 2008 [ 2804 | 2308 [ 2504 | 2308 7704] B04 | 108 | 3704 Length a AT = [gor [ree [oor ree raoe_[ra0a 2068 008 2208 | fst} os [604 e0a_[ 604-004 ~e0a|-604|-c08 004 5 [e| aaoe--is0e | ys0e-[as08 [1708 | 1705 | 1708 |-t708-|-¥708"| 808 | 1808 Te08 ER € [aie [a510 | sie [are [sore | sore | sore | ave | ave | ear | aT wer A [iaba | aoe [1404] 1004 | 1608 [te0e| 604 [ too | te0a 2002 | 2008 | 208 6 [1B [toe [204 | 4208 | ta0e [r204 | toe | t204 | tz0e | tz04 | 1208 | 208-1204 ¢ | 2608 | 2608 | 2608 | 2808 | 2808 | 2808 | 2608 | 3008 | 3008 |"3208 [3208 | 3408 Note 41), Please add 100mm for model using coil (8 Rows & above), 2) The dimensions are subject fo change without any notice for future improvement. '3) Dimensions in mm. 4) Piease add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the SOmm insulation panel. | | |‘Type 7. Type 8. Wedel [aaa | oor [oao [Ons [OTE OO | Ors [Oris | ToT | ors | Tos | oT ‘cet —['2326-|-s607 | s060_| e4a0-| e012 | 8240 | toaee'| t1os6 [11408 | 14404 | Tess | 2068 Height | 204 [-e0¢ | soa [-s04[t1oe_[ 1104 | tioa-| toe [1404 | ‘ao4—|-taoa_ aoa (wat Tae [a0 Pane [700 [410 1408 [1704 to0e | taoe [70a | teoa [230 Length ee B | =—[-e08_[te08-| toe [1e08 | 1a03 | ta08 7 Le bao08 F2 | 704 704 | e [are zn oe wor oe | we | ae AT foos | 1204" | 20d [1204 [1200 | 1404 [108 Bt ‘aoe | ¥204| aod | Yo0a| 1204 | t204_| 1208 8 [el er 70a {704 |-704|- 70a “| Toa | 704 |708 D210 sea ee =| 2812 nol ae Lae bom aie wae ae Model [OO | TSH [ABTS | SBT ABTS [SEA Toe Aaa | esa a2 ‘Cu [22725 | a022e | 25058 [zrrre| 27654 | aoaas | Basa | B7B7D | aso | aBtet | S172 | TOTS Height | 1404-[-1704 | 1704 | 1704 | Teo | 1004 | 2004 | Z204 | 208 [2904 | 2a04-| 2008 wich | 2604-1004 [2308 [2804] 2a0d-[ 2504 | 2304 | 2508 | a7oa| stot sod 1 70d Length 7 iaoa [aoe [ane [rer [60a ree [60m | a0 [rane [Zoom | ao0a | 30a [| 4e08-[-re08-|-1808-| 1808 |Te0e | toe | teoe| Taos | toe” |- 1808 [1608 ta03 7fepe =e | [eo a = een ene lana ee oe | ae | ae | se aa | aoe | waos | 1404 | 1404] Tee | 1904 [-1e0e] 1604 | 1804 | 1600 | 2004 | 2008 | zo08 [-B-[-120e [Yad [4204 [-r204 | 908 [1204 | 0d | aoe | ra0a_[-rz0e| 120d | 1208 8 Le} roa[ 608 [aos | e04 | 1008] 400u-| 1008 toas | tood [10g [ 110 | 110 ean tan ar er ee ee ee oe oe ee ae ae] Note 1) Please add 100mm for model using coll (8 Rows & above), 2) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement. 3). Dimensions in mm. 4) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the SOmm insulation panel | | |F > {io C| , {o} C| N N A o | ¢ {| 10 Type 8. Model T0404 T 0407 | 0410 | 0413 | 0707 [6710 o7is | 1010 | 1013 [ 7075 | 1019 ‘Cw [2326 | 3697 | 5069-| 6440 | 6012 [8240 11956 | T1408 [74404_| 16553 | 20668 Height | 804 | 804| 804 | 804 | 1104 | 1104 Ti04_|-1404 | 1404 [1404 | 1404 width [804 | 4104 | 1404 [1704 [ 1104 [1404 Tg06~|"1404-[-1704| 1904 [2304 Length 7 aL- = 1204 | to04 [aoa | 120a_| 404] a0 ter 1204 | 1204 | ~1204_| 1204 | 1204 | 1204 9 [ce } i208 [208 | 7208 [208 | 1408 | 1408 | 1408 [1408 [1408 | “1408 | “1408 | 1408 | 2008 | 2008 | 2108 | 2108 [ats [aos |= fs e | a2ie [3216 | 3316 | sate | 3516 | 3516 | sate | 3616 | 3816 | sate | are | A076 Model_[ 1021 [ 7315 | 1310 [1327 | tere | eon | tata [ear [1603 | ve27 | 2007 | aoa, ‘CMH —_[ 22723 | 20226 | 25ese | 27774 [27554 | o020e | 3444s | 37672 | 41303 | 46167 | 51372 | 70135 Height | 1404 | 1704 | 1704 | 1704 [ 1904 | 1804 | 2204 [2204 | 2904 | 7204 | 2404 | 2604 ‘wistn [2504-1904 [2304 | 2504 | 2304 | 2504 | 2304 | 2508 | 2704 [3104 | 3108 | 3704 Length A | 1404 | 1404 | 1408 | 1604 | 1604 | 1604 [T604 "o4_| 2004 | 2008 | 7204 | 1204 | 1204 | 1204 | 4204 | 1204 | 1204 | 1204 *204_| 1204] 1204 | 1204 9 [c [1408 [1508 | 108 | 1508 | 1708 [1708 | 1708 *708_| 1608 | 1808} 1808 € [wore [arte [aire [ate [ast [ase | were [are | arie | 6016 | S016 | 216 Note: 1) Please add 100mm for model using coil (8 Rows & above). 2) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement. 3). Dimensions in mm. 4) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the 60mm insulation panel.VERTICAL TYPICAL CONFIGURATION Type 2 Model —|~0404~ | “0407 [0a 0ns [0707] -o70]_-O7S_]_O7IS cuit ‘3697 [5060 | ~6440_|~012 | 240 | odes | 11956. With ‘i104 | 1404 [~t704~[ 1104] 1404] 1704 | i908 x aoa | food | ~jo0a | fo0a [904704 [2 : 5 = [tia [tia] 104 om 5 : = [tia [4104] “t08 D 71608_| “7608 | “i908 | “2208 | “2208 |~2208 A "1004 | “1004 | ~i00a~| 1004] ~1204 | 1204 a 508 —| 50a | roa | roa | 70a | ~704 lec "1505 | “1508 | ~1708 | 1706 | “1906 | 1908" D 806 —| 804 | ~1708| “i108 | “1108 —| “1108 é 5 5 = [110d [“t104 [4104 F 7608 | “7608 | “7908 | “2208 |~2208 | 2208 710 | 10s] “TS 51-2 EL EAT 740s_| Tad0a| 10553 zares_| 20226 | 25058_| Brrr “1404 [1704 | 1904 2504 | 1904 | 2304 | 2504 iaoa_[ i204 [Had yaoa_| tad 4a0a | f00a ‘1404 | ~140a | “1404. 404—| ~1704| 1704 | 1704 108 | “1206 | “1404 ‘aoa | 1404 | “i604 | 1604 2508 | 2608 | 2608 2a08 | ~3108 [3908] 3308 ‘204 | 1204 | 1404 “40a 1404] 1404 | 1604 Toa —|~ 704 —|~ 704 “704 | 804 | 804 | 804 1908| ~i90a|-2108_|2 ios | ~2208~|~z208~| “2408 ‘aod | 140d | 1404 404—[~1708| 1704 | i704 *Hi04_|~1204—| “1404 "404 | ~14od—| 1604 | 1004 2508 | 2608 | ~2808 2808 | ~3108 | ~3308 | 3908 Note: 1) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement, 2), Dimensions in mm. 3) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the 50mm insulation panel.Types Type 4. [itesel —[~oaoa | oaor | ~sav0 [oan [oro [orto [ors [ora ‘CMH —|~2396 | ~3607_| 5060 | ~6440_| 6012 _| 8240 | to4ae9_| 11056 wieth | 804 [1104 | ~1404_[ 1708 [1104 | 1404_[ 1704 | 1004 A [96a ‘904 T1004 [1004 [1004 T1004 [1204] 7204 8 |_704|~ 70a [70a [70a [704 [704 | 704 | 704 3 [-¢|-i608 | ~i608 | ~1708_[~4708_|4708_| 4708 | 4908 | 1908 | ° [p7\ eos “| 204 |~ 804 “| 804 | “11041104 [1404 [1104 ss aoe eer - =| 40a | 4106 | 1404 F_| i608 | i608 | 7608 7908_| 2208 | 2208 | 2208 ‘A_[ 904 ~|~ 04 ~|~1004 “1004 [1004 | 1204 | 1204 B | _1208_|1208_| 1208 1408 | 1408 [1408 | 1408. 4 -O2rt2 [arta [212 2412_|_2412_| 2612 | 2612 D| 804 | 804 | 804 104_|~ 1104 [1408 | 1104 e, - = = = =| 4104} 11041104 F | te0s_|ie08_| 1608 | ~7608 [i808 | “2208 | ~2208 | 2208 Model 1010 | 1013_[ 1015 | to19 | i001 [1315 | 1919 | 1927, ‘CMH | 41408_[ 1440a_| 46553 | 2oees | 22723" | “20228 | 25058 [27774 Width |" 1404 | 1704 | 1904 |" 2308 |" 2504 [2304 [2504 ‘A | i904 [1204 [4408 [aoa | 7404, 1404 [1604 B | 704 [704 [704 | 704 | 704_ “704 | 704, 3 [-¢-| 1908] “908 | “2108 [2108 [2108 2108 | 2308 | D[ 1404 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404, 4704 | 1704 E | 104 | 1204 | 1404 [1404 [1404 1604 | 1604 | 2508 | 2608 | 2808 | 2808 | 2808 3308 | 3308 ‘A | 1204 | 1204 | 1404_[ 1404] 1404 | 1404] 1404] 1604. B | 1408_| 1408] ~1408 | 1408 | 1408 [15081508 _| 1508. 4 (G-| 2612_[26i2| “282 [aera [aera | aore_| gota _[ 3112 D| 1404 | 1404 [1404 [1404 | 1404_[ 1704 | 1704_[ 1704 E | 1104 | 4204 | ~1404_| 1404 [1404_[ “1404 | 4604 | 1604. F | 2508] 2608 [2808 | 2808 | 2808 [3108 _| 3308 | ~3308 Note: 1) The dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement. 2). Dimensions in mm. 3) Please add 50mm length on the individual section width, depth and height if using the 60mm. insulation panel. 10C 4. FAN SPECIFICATION D) Fan Section ‘Arrangement Units Maximum ‘Motor | R/RITITI Discharge. Model | Available Fan | Discharge ; i Size size (mm) | Morn? | Bolton’ Depth (mm) ean 200. 260x260 3 Rear sa | 225 205x295, 3 Rear ‘904 eo 225 | 205x205 5 Rear 904. 330x390 5 Side ‘904 aan 330x330 75, ‘Side__| 1004 [370x370 75, Side 1004 — aie 410x410 75 Side 71004 460x460 75 Side 1004 |—370x370- 5 1004 Guy 410x410 5 71004 410x410 40, 1004 ea 460x460 10, 1004 | 515x515 15. 71204 a 575x575 15, 71204 515x515 15 77204 cag 575x575 15. 71204 460x460 40, 71204 toro 515x515 10, 1204 ‘B75xS75 20. 1204 ue 645x645 _ 20 ‘575x575 1015 reer 645x645 ee "720x720 7 "720x720 t pa! 810x810 645x645 a 720x720 7 | 720x720 Ee ‘810x810 - 720x720, ue 810x810 "720x720 ee 810x810 810x810 use 830x100, 810x810 Side ee ‘910x910, ‘Side i 830x100 | ‘Side | Lol 4030x1000 ‘Side | | ‘830x100 Side ee [1030x1000 Side ‘860x120 Side eed 1085x1200. Side ‘860x120 Side eee 1085x1200. Side “1085x1200. Side | a 1350x1200. Side |4A Fan Discharge Arrangement Horizontal Arrangement Units Ke) [ik ES) fe g @ [i Vertical Arrangement Units - $ 5 2 | Rear Front Front Inverted Top ‘Top Inverted Front inverted Top inverted Rear Inverted4.2 DISCHARGE DIMENSIONS AND POSITIONS iH 7 A Le 2 { P| Ca °. Ho © ey P _— 33], a ql OR a ° © Sead [oad C7 [0 oa, OT OF TY B|~260—| “208 | 205 | “380350 “s70—| ~at0_| a60_| “370 [#10 | ~410 | 260 ‘| -260—|~205 | ~295 | 330] “330 | 370 -at0_| a460| “370 | a0] a1 | 460 R_[ “279 | “258 | aos] 588 | 588 | ~ 588 | “a7 —|~622| 555 |“ sa2—|~e16 | 500 Si [247 | 203 | “203 [390] 990 [75 | 95 [97 [are [ai [ata Se] 187 [108 | “t00| 115-115] _115| 98 197 [i551 [420 83[—130_| 138 | 136 | 460] “130130 ia] 82 [305] 105 ats ‘S428 | ~508 | ~805 | “a6 | a5 [a0 [a8 [302 [305 420 [370202 Los aris ToT 01 Ts as EO Ps1s—| 575 |s15 | 375 [#00] 515 [575645 | 675 | 645] “645 [700 @[sis_| 875| 515 | 575460 | 815 | ~575 | 645 | 575 | 6a | 605 _| 720 R 738. 738 600_[_687 | 768_[re3_| 615 [760 | a30 | “792 Si] 219 | ~1a3|23| 1953] “ona 527 | a3 302 | 423 | 302] 202 | “104 S| ~t61_| “161161 | “161 | 120 | ~t61_| 461-101] -t61_] 191191] 191 $3.| 235 | 1901235] tao] 277] 735| 190445 | 200 2a as | 194 S4 [485 | 438 | 485] asa} —a07 [as | as [as] 839516 | sis] 40a Note:The dimension are subject to change without any notice for future improvement.Tat TB. Be i 7. 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FAN MOTOR SPECIFICATION ) * Squirrel case induction motor is used for the ADM Air Handling Unit, Motor is horizontal foot mounted, single speed and has a die case steel body. ‘+ The motor shaft material is C-40 steel and the motor has Class F insulation with temperature limit of 145°C, ‘© For motor below 3 KW, direct on tir starting with 3 wire terminals only. For motor above 3 kW, star-delta starting with 6 wire terminals, Terminal box location is illustrated in Figure 5.1 below. Terminal Box for Mator (Giew trom shaft sie! Figure 6.1 ‘+ Brand of motor is Brook or equivalent, 4 POLES SPOLES Rated Power | Fullload | Fullload Rated Power | FullLoad | FullLoad | Speed | Current at Speed | Current at Rated Rated Voltage 400v Voltage 400V KW [hp revirnin A revimin A 0.12 | 0.16 1365, 0.38 860. 0.54 0.18 | 0.25 1370 0.58 890. 0.74 0.25 | 0.33 1350 O71 905: 12, 0.37 [05 1380 (0.98; 900. 7.65, 0.85 | 0.75 1390 1.45 920, 24 0.75 [1.0 1385 48, 925 29 14 | 15 1415 27. 945 38 15] 20 1420 34, 955 SA 22 | 30 1420, 48 960 69) 30 | 4.0 1415 65 985 9 40 | 55 1445 | 84 965 12.0 65 | 75 1450) 10.9 960) 15.9 75 | 10 1455) 144 970. 22.2 71.0 | 45 1455, 217. 970. 29.9 15.0_| 20 1460 27.0 970. 36.0. 185 | 25 71460 322 970. 42.0. 22.0 [30 T1455 37.9 980. 57.0 30.0 [40 1470 54.0 980. 68.0 37.0_| 50 1480 | 68.0 980, 81.0 45 60 1480 20.0. ‘980 99.0. 55 75. 1480, 98.0. 980 7134.0 75 | 100 1480 [133.0 | i | | |(6. BELTAND PULLEY SPECIFICATION _) ‘+ ADM Air Handling Unit comes standard with taper lock pulley and wedge belt with optional adjustable Pulley and belt. ‘+ Standard service factor of 1.6 suitable for 24 hours operation 6.1. PULLEY ALIGNMENT Adjust the motor pulley to align with the fan pulley with the use of a straight edge. Do not force belts on the pulleys groove. Firstly, loosen the bolts at motor base until belt can slide smoothly over pulleys edge. ‘When all the belts are in place, proceed to adjust belt tension using the adjusting nuts on the motor mount. + Use a recognized belt tension gauge to check the tension as shown in Table 6.1 + Figure 6.1 illustrates the pulleys alignment. ; Diameter Pz of smaller ease Min | Max "a Max ; 3-80 | 72 | 7a | — E = : 90-112 | 16 24 19 20 | = = = I 125 160 | 19 28 26 40 33 50 : 180-224 | 19 29. 30__| 46 43, 64 58 o7 | 250-355 | __— = 32. 48 51 77 79 119, | ‘400 — 630 = = - = 55 82 403) 154 | Table 6.4 | | | Srotaaerot Sates natin Earctnsten i Figure 6.1‘+ To check the belt tension, apply a force K large enough at the centre of the belt to deflect the belt 15mm er meter. The deflection force for any belt should be within the minimum and maximum force shown in Table 6. ‘+ When the tension drops to the minimum value, readjust fo the maximum value, ‘+ During normal operation a belt seat itself in pulleys grooves and require periodical checks to maintain tension. Figure 62 WARNING: Improper pulleys alignment and belt tension are the most frequent causes of excessive vibration as well as shortened belt and bearing life. Itis important to install the pulleys as close as practical to the bearing, CAUTION: Do not over tighten the belts or the bearings may become damaged.C The. 7. COIL SPECIFICATION ) ‘ADM Air Handling Units can be used for both chilled water system and direct expansion system application. Coils are designed based on application to best meet the requirements. Copper tube of 14" outer diameter and wall thickness of 0.016" is available in 1 to 10 rows. Coil comes standard with aluminium fin of 8, 10 or 12 FPI (fin per inch). Copper fin is also available as ‘an option. Fin thickness is 0.127mm and fin hardness is HO and H22 for standard aluminium fin and other fins respectively. ‘The coil casing material is made of galvanized iron sheet while stainless steel is available as an option. For chilled water system, the coil is the standard BOW type that comes in 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10 rows, Header and collar is made of stee! with optional copper material Its size is either 42mm or 76mm. Piping connection is only one sided, either “left” or right’, viewing from return air side. Connection is by FPT joint. If copper is used, brazing must be done. ‘TOP VIEW {Right Colt connection and Right Hotor Location) A pl Le Ext Fitter Figure 7.1 For direct expansion system (refrigerant R22), the coll is the optional BDX type that is available in 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8 rows. TXV and solenoid valve is site supply. Pipe connection is by brazing joint ‘The standard working pressure ofthe col is 250 psig. Higher working pressure of 300 psig is optional oil surface area is standard size for each model and itis common for BDW and BDX coil type. (Please refer Table 7.1)COIL SIZE AND FACE AREA ‘Actual Coil Size Mode! EEA io Face Area No. of Coll in mm in mm i m | [0404 20 508 20.04 509 2.78 | 0.269 i (0407 20 508 | 31.85, 809, 4.42 | 0.411 as [0470 20 508 43.66 1109 6.06 | 0.563 4 0413, 20 508, 55.47. 1409 770 | 0.716 1 707 32.5 825.5 | 31.85 809, 7.19__| 0.668 4 0710 32.5 8255 | 43.66 1109 | 9.85 | 0.915 1 o713, 32.5 825.5 | 55.47 1409| 12.52 | 1.163 4 O715 32.5 | 9265 [63.35 | 1609 | 14.90 | 1.928 | 1 4010 45, 1143 | 43.66_| 1109 | 13.64 | 1.268 1 4013 45, 1143 | 55.47_| 1409 | 17.34 | 1.610 1 1015 45, 1143 | 63.35 | 1609 | 19.80 | 1.830 1 1019 45 1143 [79.09 | 2009 | 24.72__| 2.296 1 1021 45, 1143 | 86.97 27.18 | 2.525 4 1315 55 1397 | 63.35 2419_| 2.248 2 [1319 55 1397 | 79.09 30.21 | 2.807 2 1321 55 1397 | 86.97 33.22 | 3.086 2 1519 60 1524 | 79.09 32.96 | 3.062 2 1521 60. 1524 | 86.97 36.24 | 3.367 2 1819 15 1905 | 79.09 41.20_| 3.827 2 1824 75 1905 | 86.97 45.30 4.208 2 1823 75 | 1905 | 94.84 49.40_| 4.589 2 1827 75 1905 [440.59 |~ 2809 | 57.60 | 5.351_| 2 2027 80 2032 | 110.59 | 2809 | 61.44 | 5.708 2 2233 90 2286 | 134.21 | 3409 | 83.88 | 7.793 | 2 Table 7.1HEADER SIZE Model_[ 0404 [0407 _[_0ai0_[_04i3_[o707_[ 0710 [0713 | o715 Row 1 7 a a a a az a2 a 2 42 a2 42 42 42 42 42 42 [3 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 [4 42 42 42 42 42 42 [42 42 5 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 6 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 8 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 10 76 76__|__76 76 76. 76 76 76 12 76 76. 76 76 | 76 76 76 76] Teble 7.26) Dimension in mm Model_[ 1070 1013_| t01s_[fo1a | 4021_[ 7315 [1319 [1921 Row 1 | @ 2 @ ry] @ 2 42 42 a2 42 42 42 3 [42 42 a2 42 42 42 4 42 76. 76 a2 42 76 5 42 76. 76 42 42 | 76 6 76 76 76. 76 76 76. 8 76 76 76. 76 76 76. 10 76 76 76, 76 76, 76. 12__[ 76 76 76. 76. 76. 76. Table 7.2 (i) Dimension in men. Model_[ 1519 4621 1819 4821] 1823 1827 2027 2233 Row : 1 @ @ a @ az | ae a 2 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 3 a2 42 42 42 42 42 42 4 76 76 -76__| 76 76 76 76 5 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 6 76 76 76 76 76 3 76 76 76 76 76. 40 76 76 76 76 76. 12 76. 76 76 76 76 Table 7.3 (i) Dimension in mn, | |uuu u uorsuewi (I) €'Z ee, sé0r [oe [S601 [eve seor [OFF Tor ‘seor_|~e0e [S601 | eve Bion ‘3601 | €0e [S601 |_eve ‘StOL [S601 | “eoe [S605 | “ave. ‘Eton soi [—e0e [S601 | ave ‘O1O Z| e0e | Lid | ave. ‘s120) Zi. | 808 | 2z2 | ae. 120) ziL | 808 [222 | ae. 0120) Ze | 808 [222 | ae. 040) ‘oar | “208 [oar | arz. 160. ‘oar | e0e [oer | eve. ‘o1v0. ‘oar | ~e0e | 09r | avez. OVO. ‘oar | 808 [oer | ave. SEL ‘y0r0. a [vi a]v ca RONZL ROOT mos bee “Whve SSaODHL 240s 3100» ‘ned SSO HOH 2108 OO NAAV1 | - NOISNAINIG Y3qV3H‘uu uy uorsusug (i) £2 0182 S60 | Soe [S601 [ere | “S601 [eer | seor [set se0r a96_| ee | 996 | eve | 906 | eer | 996 | eer | 906 [20s [ee | “vos | “eve | pos. vos | eet | 906 708_| e0e | v08 [ap | p08 706_|_eet_| p06 ‘y06_|e0e | v06 | gvz_|ro6 [ear | +08 | get | v05. SeoL_| 88 [S601 [35] ser | 95 | ekee 96_| ea | eae _|~ss_[ 06 | ss_|_zz0z vos_|_€9 | vos | ss | “vos | $5 | Zeer yo6 [es | 0s | 9s _| vos | 95 | ezer. 06 [ee | vos | 95 [p08 | ss | izen wos | coe | vos | eve | vos | es: [vos | servos | on | +06 | ee | vos | ss _| pos | sg | ier 77 TY pu | eek | viz | oun | vic | ee | pi [9s | pic |g vie | coe | oie [ave | Le wie | eel [viz | on vic | ee | pi | as | mis _| sg ‘os9_| soe | 0sa_| ave 059) ‘oso _|~eet_| ose | ovr | oso | ee | os9 [as | oso | sg ‘os9_|e0e [oss |~aez_| 059) ‘oso |~get [059 [041 | 0s9_| ee [0s _|~ss_| oso | $5 osa_| soe [ose [ave | 059) oso | gel_[ ose [011 | oso _| ee | ose | ss | oso | $9 eve ty peppy ety ety ete pet et ee ZT maar nate arg —|— aks rary TE mae ‘eve ss9008 2001 ‘pov ss9008 494 ator on fe —— { _ cal en o SF ose T S ‘WOO HAV Z — NOISNAINIG Y3qV3HC 8. AIR FILTER > At the filter section, the fer frame is made of G1. steel sheet material. The panels and access door is Insulated with the 40 kgim® PU (polyurethane) foam. Two types of fiters are available: (a) Internal flat fiter and (b) Intemal fat fiter with bag filter. Fiat filer options: (a) 2" Disposal media AF AmAir 300E (0 - 92% arrestance) (b) 2" Washable media AAF R15 (75 ~ 80% arrestance) (c) 2" Washable media AAF R29 (80 — 85% arrestance) Bag fer options: (a) 21° depth AAF bag fiter (80 — 85% arrestance) (b) 21" depth AAF bag filter (90 ~ 95% arrestance) iter Media Size and Quant Mode! Sea aoe Size: 24° x12" Teial Gy | Area (ny ‘Area (7) | Oh ‘rsa (ar) O40 i 037 0.00 1 0.37 (0407 + 037 0.19 2 0.56 0410 2 0.74 0.00, 2 O74 oats 2 O74 0.19 3 0.93, 0707 1 0.37 | 037 3 0.74 O710 2 O74 2 0.37 ‘ 11 o713 2 O74. 3 0.56 5 130 O75 3 11 3 0.56 6 187 1070 4 a9 ° 0.00 4 1.49 1013 4 1.49) 2 037 6 7.86 1015 3 223 0 0.00 6 223 [1019 8 223 2 0.37 3 | 2.60 [1021-8 2.97 o 0.00 “8 2.97 1315 6 223 3 0.58 2 279 1319 6 223 5 0.93 [316 4321 8 2.97 4 O74 371 15196 2.23 5 0.93 3.16 1521 8 2.97 4 O74 37 1819. 9 3.34 3 0.56 3.90 1821 12 2.46 o 0.00 4.46, “rez 12 4.46 ° 0.00 4.46; i 1827 15 5.58, 0 0.00 5.58 2027 [18 5.58 5 093 6.51 2233 20 Tad 4 ora 8.18‘AAF AmAir 300 (Disposable) Nominal Size Rated Ai Flow Capacity (SCFM) Pleats Per] Gross Media | (in) Filter | Area (Sq.ft) | (WxHx0)_|~S00FPM_[ “S00 FPM | 625FPH 12x 24x2 600. “7000 1250 5 32 Bax 24x2 | 1200 2000 2500 28 15 Pleats | Rated Initial Resistance | Recommen | Rated Rated ‘Continuous Per (inwe) ded Final | Average | Average | Operating Lineal Resistance | Efficiency | Arrestance | Temperature Foot (inwe) | (%) (%) Limits 300] 500 | 625 * | - Fem | FPM | FPM __ 7450.13 [030 [045 [10-25-30 | 90-08 [200 | 93 AF AmerTex® R-Serie (Washable) Type Ris a Recommended Face Veloaty (7) 15. 15 Rated Capacity (m/f ‘5400 5400] Rated intial Resistance (Pa) 17 26 Recommended Final Resistance (Pa) 730 200 ‘Average Arrestance (%) 75-80 = 85 7 EN 779 Classification G2 a [Media Colour White White = ‘Max. Operating Temperature °C) 100) 100 24 |AAF DriPak® 2000 (Bag Filter) Nominal Size | Pockets | Rated) Ratedinilial Resistance | Recommen | Gross (in) Per Filter | Airflow (ine) ded Final | Media Area Capacity Resistance | (Sq. ft) (WxHxD) S75 FPM_| 90-95% | 60-85% | (InWG) 24x2ax21 | 6 1500, 0.40. Ost 40 a5 12x 24x21 | 3 750. 0.40, 0.31 1.0 22. Initial Resistance (In WG) Efficiency (96) “Teed ial Resistance vs Airflow Particle size (micron) accordance with ASHR) Initial Resistance (Ps) 25
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