Synopsis On Mobile Control Robot
Synopsis On Mobile Control Robot
Synopsis On Mobile Control Robot
Synopsis on
Submitted to Submitted by
Lecturer, EC Deptt. 0802EC071098
OBJECTIVE: The main idea of this project is to control the
moments of land
rover using mobile phone. Till now we’ve used mobiles only to talk and
to send sms but now we can use mobiles to control a robot (rover).
This can be done using the concept of touch dialing alias called as
dual tone multi frequency (dtmf) where we decode the signal
transmitted by the source to a 4 bit binary digit and that digit is
used to decide the movements of the rover. Although many
methods to remotely control robots have been devised, the
methods have the problems such as the need for special devices or
software to control the robots. This project suggests a method for
robotic control using the dtmf tone generated when the user
pushes mobile phone keypad buttons when connected with a
remote mobile robot.
In this project the robot, is controlled by a mobile phone that makes
call to the mobile phone attached to the robot in the course of
the call, if any button is pressed control corresponding to the
button pressed is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is
called dual tone multi frequency tome (DTMF) robot receives this
DTMF tone with the help of phone stacked in the robot
The received tone is processed by the atmega16 microcontroller
with the help of DTMF decoder MT8870 the decoder decodes the
DTMF tone in to its equivalent binary digit and this binary
number is send to the microcontroller, the microcontroller is
preprogrammed to take a decision for any give input and outputs
its decision to motor drivers in order to drive the motors for
forward or backward motion or a turn.
The mobile that makes a call to the mobile phone stacked in the
robot acts as a remote. So this simple robotic project does not
require the construction of receiver and transmitter units.
DTMF signaling is used for telephone signaling over the line in
the voice frequency band to the call switching center. The
version of DTMF used for telephone dialing is known as touch
DTMF assigns a specific frequency (consisting of two separate
tones) to each key s that it can easily be identified by the
electronic circuit. The signal generated by the DTMF encoder is
the direct algebraic submission, in real time of the amplitudes of
two sine (cosine) waves of different frequencies, i.e., pressing 5
will send a tone made by adding 1336 Hz and 770hz to the other
end of the mobile. The tones and assignments in a dtmf system
shown below
Circuit Description:
Figures show the block diagram and circuit diagram of the
microcontroller- based robot. The important components of this robot
are DTMF decoder, Microcontroller and motor driver.
An MT8870 series dtmf decoder is used here. All types of the mt8870
series use digital counting techniques to detect and decode all the
sixteen DTMF tone pairs in to a four bit code output. The built -in dial
tone rejection circuit eliminated the need for pre- filtering. When the
input signal given at pin2 (IN-) single ended input configuration is
recognized to be effective, the correct four bit decode signal of the
DTMF tone is transferred to Q1 (pin11) through Q4(pin14) outputs.
The at mega 16 is a low power, 8 bit, cmos microcontroller based on
the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. It provides the following feature:
16kb of in system programmable flash memory with read write
capabilities, 512bytes of EEPROM, 1KB SRAM, 32 general purpose
input/output lines. 32 general purpose working registers. All the 32
registers are directly connected to the arithmetic logic unit, allowing
two independent registers to be accessed in one signal instruction
executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code
efficient. Outputs from port pins PD0 through PD3 and PD7 of the
microcontroller are fed to inputs IN1 through IN4 and enable pins (EN1
and EN2) of motor driver L293d respectively, to drive geared motors.
Switch S1 is used for manual reset.