V4H Rev2 Setup
V4H Rev2 Setup
V4H Rev2 Setup
(If you do not understand part of the following text or face any problem during setup
then please let me know in the group-buy thread or through private message in diyAudio
or send an email to s4shaan2244@gmail.com or shaanpeeceebee@gmail.com)
Section 1: Assembly
1. Small resistors
2. Diodes and LEDs
3. Terminals and pins
4. Small signal transistors
5. Ceramic and film capacitors
6. Trimmer resistors
8. Medium size transistors
9. Big resistors
10.Electrolytic capacitors
(It's better to solder the MOSFETs before the medium size transistors
because the back-side of all six bottom layer transistors need to be
levelled to each other for fixing them later to the heatsink easily.)
Component Placement Indication Table For PeeCeeBee V4H Rev2:
(Excluding Pins and Terminals)
R1,R11,R12,R15,R16 1K
R2 10K
R13,R14,R17,R18,R31,R32 2K2
R3,R4,R9,R10,R27,R28,R29,R30 100R
R5,R6,R7,R8,R39,R40 4K7
R19,R20 33K
R21,R22 470R
R23,R24 10R
R25,R26 47R
R33,R34 10R 1W
R35,R36,R37,R38 0.1R 5W
VR1,VR2,VR3 500R Trimmer
C1 100pF
C2 1uF
C3,C4,C13,C14,C19,C20,C21,C22 100nF
C5,C6,C23,C24,C25,C26,C27,C28 47pF
C7,C8 220pF
C9,C10 2200uF
C11,C12,C15,C16,C17,C18 220uF
Q1,Q3,Q5,Q7 BC556B(PNP)
Q2,Q4,Q6,Q8 BC546B(NPN)
Q9 KSE350(PNP)
Q10 KSE340(NPN)
Q11,Q13 2SK1058(N-Ch.)
Q12,Q14 2SJ162(P-Ch.)
D1,D2 1N4007
D3,D4 BAV21
D5,D6 1.8V LED
Section 2: Setup
VAS biasing:
Offset trimming:
MOSFET biasing:
Now turn off the amplifier, close J1 and J2, remove the
two 1R rail resistors and connect the rails directly to the
amplifier, connect test speakers (not main speakers), connect
input, turn on power and play some music. If everything is
okay then turn it off, connect main speakers and enjoy.