Lesson 6 On Galantine Ballotine Roulade N Parfait
Lesson 6 On Galantine Ballotine Roulade N Parfait
Lesson 6 On Galantine Ballotine Roulade N Parfait
The word "galantine" comes from the old French word "galine," meaning chicken. According to
Larousse Gastronomies, the term derives primarily from an old French word for chicken: géline
or galine. According to this source, the association with chicken is so specific, in fact, that all by
itself, galantine presumes chicken, unless it is specified otherwise in the title. Today, galantines
are prepared using a variety of meats or fish, such as salmon, eel, suckling pig, etc.
Galantines, which are always, served cold either as an entree or an a la carte item or attractively
displayed on buffet tables. It is a French dish of de-boned stuffed meat, most commonly poultry
or fish, that is poached and served cold, coated with aspic. Galantines are often stuffed with
forcemeat, and pressed into a cylindrical shape. Since deboning poultry is thought of as difficult
and time-consuming, this is a rather elaborate dish, which is often lavishly decorated, hence its
name, connoting a presentation at table that is galant, or urbane and sophisticated.
Two additional terms, ballotine and dodine, are occasionally used in the same way as galantine.
Ballotines may be served hot or cold. Dodines, also normally made from poultry, especially duck
and goose, are quite similar to galantines except that they are roasted rather than poached, and
they are always served hot.
Roulades differ from galantines in that they are rolled in cheesecloth or plastic wrap, not in the
natural skin “casing” featured in galantines. Another distinction between the two items is that,
while galantines are firmly associated with poultry, roulades have no such identity. Instead,
roulades are made from a wide range of base products, including foie gras or mousseline
forcemeats made of fish or poultry.
Use a bird which has been plucked and singed. Care should be taken, when removing the skin,
not to split or damage it. First cut off the wings and legs at the first joint, keeping them short.
Lay the bird on a chopping-board, on either side, or on its breast.
Step 1: To Remove the Skin : With the point of a small knife, make a cut through the skin
down the middle of the back, in a straight line from the neck to the tail. This done, raise part of
the skin with the finger. Beginning at the neck, pass the finger between the skin and the flesh,
and then pull the skin off; as nearly whole as possible, towards the leg, as if pulling off a glove
from a hand. This done, lay the skin downwards upon the chopping-board, and with a large knife
scrape off from the skin the flesh, fat, and sinews that adhere to it. Place the skin in a china basin,
cover well with cold water, and keep in a cool place till required.
Step 2: To Remove the Wings and the Legs : Remove the legs and the wings. Keep the blade of
the knife closes to the carcass in order to separate the wings and legs easily, leaving no flesh on
the carcass.
Lay out plastic wrap and/or cheesecloth, which should be several inches larger than the skin’s
dimensions. If you are using cheesecloth, remember to rinse it well and wring it dry, until it is
damp but not dripping wet.
Lay out the skin on the cheesecloth or plastic wrap and fill it with the forcemeat and any garnish.
The chicken breast may be pounded and laid on the skin with the forcemeat in the middle, or the
forcemeat can be spread on the skin and the chicken breast can be used as a garnish. Roll the
galantine carefully around the forcemeat. The skin should just overlap itself by about 1/2 in / 1
cm, forming a seam. Secure the galantine by crimping each end and smoothing the forcemeat
away from the ends. You may need a pair of extra hands to maintain a compact shape while you
tie the ends.
Galantines are commonly poached. Lower the galantine into a simmering pot of stock (water is
fine if it is been wrapped in plastic wrap rather than cheesecloth).To keep the galantine
submerged, weight it with small plates. This helps to cook the galantine evenly. A roasted
galantine is placed on a bed of mirepoix or a rack and cooked, uncovered, to the appropriate
internal temperature. Another method for roasting galantine is employed by wrapping the
galantine in foil and roasting it in the oven until it is cooked, unwrapping it, and then searing the
skin to create a mahogany color on the outside. This method allows the filling to set during
cooking so that the cylindrical shape of the galantine is maintained.
When ready, the galantine should feel firm to the touch and will spring back when pressed with
the fingers. Remove from the stock and keep for ten minutes to allow the galantine to shrink.
Then cut off the string from each end, and unwrap the galantine from the cloth.
Wash and squeeze the cloth, and then wrap the galantine up again as before. Tie it again and
place it on a clean tray; then cover with another tray, with a weight of not more than 4 to 5 lb.
placed in the middle, and allow to cool.
Remove from the cloth, trim neatly at both ends, coat the galantine with a chaudfroid sauce, or
with half-melted aspic jelly, and decorate. Place on a dish with neatly-diced aspic jelly round it.
Add to the leg the trimmings of the wings of chicken, which have previously been cleared of
skin, sinews and bone, and the same amount of lean veal, free also from skin and sinews. Cut
them into small cubes and pound them in a mortar with salt, pepper and the raw whites of two or
three eggs. When smooth, pass through a fine wire sieve,and then place in a pan, and proceed.
This can also be made with chicken flesh only.
Add double the amount of very fine sausage meat to the flesh of chicken available from the
carcass and the trimmings of wings, etc.
Or add the same amount of lean veal to the chicken flesh, and then double the amount of bacon
fat. Pass through a fine mincing machine two or three times, or pound and pass through a wire
sieve. Season with salt, pepper and mixed spices, and add a little brandy or madeira.
The garnish for galantine may consist of several of the following ingredients:
Truffles, pistachio nuts, diced pork fat, beef or veal tongue, liver, fillet of breast of capon and
cooked ham. The black of the truffles, the green of the pistachio nuts, and the white of the fresh
pork fat are the most colorful ingredients used in galantine.
Galantine de volaille
Galantine of pheasant
Galantine of suckling pig
Galantine of breast of veal
Duck Galantine
Galantine of veal in aspic
Galantine of salmon
Galantine of capon royale
Galantine a la rosenthal
When sliced, galantine displays attractive mosaic of meat and stuffing dotted with nuts, olives,
chunks of ham or pork fat, and sometimes truffles. Slices are arranged flat on the dish so that
they scarcely overlap. The classic decoration is a shiny coating of aspic and sometimes part of
galantine is left unsliced to coat with chaudfroid sauce. A garnish such as stuffed tomatoes adds
colour but is not obligatory given the colourful appearance of the dish itself.
The terms Galantine and Ballotine are often confused. Both are similarly prepared, but they are
cooked and served differently. The ballotine is also boneless meat that is stuffed and rolled into
a ballot or bundle. Like the galantine, they are also poached, but may also be baked or braised in
their skins and served hot as entrees.
The ballotine can be considered the smaller relative of the galantine. A ballotine is prepared from
a boneless leg of poultry that is stuffed with a forcemeat.
The ballotine is an excellent method for using the leg portions of poultry when the breast
portions have been used for other purpose. The legs of the poultry are removed leaving the skin
and meat intact. Forcemeat is stuffed into the pocket that forms when the leg bone is removed.
Although the ballotine is baked or braised or even roasted, they are usually served cold after
coating with chaud - froid and aspic.
A ballotine may be rolled or sewn in a cushion shape .It is poached or braised to serve hot sauce
made from the cooking liquid ,or presented cold in aspic . Individual ballotines may be made
from boned poultry legs, Dodine (Fr-dodu , meaning Plump) is another word for ballotine , it
also refers to a medieval Poultry dish in spice sauce. When a ballotine is served hot, it is
essentially a boned stuffed roast a generous garnish of vegetables is usually cooked with it and
the braising liquid makes a rich sauce.
Comes from the French word ruler (meaning to roll).The only criteria for a food item to be
called roulade is that it should be rolled.
The term roulade can be applied to contemporary products prepared in a manner similar to a
galantine yet do not fully satisfy the definition of a classical galantine.
An example of a roulade can be a flank steak that has been butterflied, pounded, spread with a
sausage paste and then rolled like a Swiss roll, secured and cooked. Or, it could be a large fillet
of fish, flattened lightly and spread with a tuna/salmon paste and then rolled and secured.
Roulades can be poached, baked, braised or even roasted and can be served hot but usually are
presented cold. The varieties of roulades are unlimited.
This is the French term that means perfect. In culinary usage, it refers to two distinct and
different products. One is a frozen mousse like dessert served in a tall glass. The other is a savory
terrine, which, by its delicacy, is almost near to perfection. This is the one that we refer to here.
A savory parfait makes use of vegetables, fish, shellfish or poultry. It is distinguished by its very
fine texture and is made of a puree of the ingredients that is lightened by egg whites and cream,
which is then moulded and then poached