Avenue For Website
Avenue For Website
Avenue For Website
January 2011
Volume 2, Issue 1
ACROSTIC by Lin Lorwrimore I-nstruction
The idea of the acrostic is to give you a word that becomes a phrase to help keep you B-efore
grounded and focused. To the right are some well-known acrostics and some a church
member has created. There's one word that we have not found nor have been able to
create an acrostic for. That word is "Trust". GABC will be having a contest with the prize F-ocus
being a $10.00 gift card from Mardel's for the person who creates the best acrostic for the A-ll
word "Trust". Write the word vertically and then try and come up with a I-am
phrase/statement that defines trust using the letters of trust as the first letter of the words T-o
that you use. We have a small group that will be doing the judging. Submit entries to H-im
Debbie Loyd or dloyd@swbell.net. Good Luck!
The full story of Acrostic’s by Lin can be found on our website. U-ntil
Broken Glass by Tina Pierce
Tina shares a story of how takes a lot of trust. “Here am I, spare me”. The devil wants us to become so tired of the growing process
glass represents our Christian Sometimes I find a piece of glass that we give up. He is trying to add us to his collection of ineffective Christians. He puts
walk and how the sand, the that is sharp and I throw it back us up on the shelf as a token. Then we become one of his most prized possessions a
surf and the waves represent into the surf to be worked on some stagnate Christian. When we choose to remove ourselves from the refining process we
more. It goes right back out into become a lukewarm Christian. And we all know what the Bible says about lukewarm
the Holy Trinity in refining us. those same waves to be worked on Christians.
We started the story in the last until it grows softer. Sometimes it We may just want to rest in the sand for a while. We may still be surrounded by the
issue and we end it this issue. seems like God puts us in the same things of Jesus or “the sand”. We may still go to church and act like we know we’re
kind of situation over and over and supposed to, but we are basically telling God to leave us alone for a while. But God
over and we think, “Why do I have keeps pursuing. The surf, or Holy Spirit, keeps coming trying to draw us back out to
When I was a teenager , I went with to go through this again.” Maybe it’s sea. The surf is relentless, just like God’s pursuit of us. He keeps coming and coming
my mom to a beach in North because we didn’t get it right the and coming because He loves us and He knows we are better off in the waves.
Carolina. I was out in the water first time or the second time or the
when all of a sudden I got pulled third so He throws us right back
under the water by the undertow. I out there until we can learn the
could not get my head above the lesson.
water even though I was desperate to When I find a piece of glass on the
do it. After a few long seconds I was beach it looks beautiful there on the
able to stand up and make my way sand freshly washed by the waves.
out of the waves. Once I got onto But when I take it home and display
the shore I told myself I would never it, it gets dusty and other things get
get back in those North Carolina thrown into the bowl with it.
waves again, and I never have. I have Before I show other people my
been back to the beach there many collection of beach glass I have to
times, but I haven’t gone in water any clean all the dust off and remove
deeper than my knees. I don’t trust it other things from the bowl like
anymore. Sometimes when things in pennies and Legos. That reminds
life are tough, we have to make a me of the things of this world.
choice whether we trust God to keep When we drift away from God and
our heads above water or not. I think if the glass is left in the waves long enough it will eventually disintegrate. When it
get out of the right environment we
Sometimes God even allows does it will basically become a part of the sand. You would need a microscope or some
have a tendency to let the things of
hurricanes to come in our lives. We kind of magnifying glass to distinguish it from a piece of sand. Hopefully one day we will
the world come in and dirty us up.
can allow these times to mature us become so much like Christ that others would just see Jesus when they look at us. We
We are not nearly as beautiful a
just like the glass is getting smoother would be changed into the image of Christ. We could truly say “I have been crucified
witness for Christ as we were when
and more beautiful in the rough waves with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). Isn’t that the hope
we were in His will.
than it is when things are calm. The of all true Christians? The “me” is so clouded by Jesus that people just see Jesus.
When I do take a piece of beach
tough times can lead to greater There is one more thing that I see in this illustration. Some pieces of beach glass are
glass from the beach I am removing
growth and maturity than just sailing prettier than others. My collection only has a few blue and green pieces, but I think
it from the refining process. The
along in calm times. Sometimes when they are the prettiest. You notice those pieces because they stand out more than the
glass, of course, doesn’t have a
you have a hurricane in your life, it others. But the other colors make up the bulk of the collection. And if you take the
choice, but sometimes we
may toss you up on the shore. And time to look at the white and brown ones carefully you will see their individual beauty.
deliberately take ourselves out of
you can choose to stay there or allow Some people in the church have areas of service that are more visible or “prettier”.
God’s refining process. We get
yourself to be put right back into the They are the pastors or deacons or they serve in other areas of prominence, but most
tired or busy or beaten down or
waves. I think of a sweet, Christian of the people in the church are not as visible. They may not stand out in their area of
whatever and we make a decision
lady I know, Nancy Pettijohn, who has service, but they are very important. And God has blessed them with spiritual gifts that
to just sit on the shore for a while.
experienced what I would call a you may have to look closer at them to see. But, if we take the time to get to know
We just want to be comfortable
hurricane in her life. She has a life- them we will get a glimpse of the beauty that God sees in them.
and avoid the attacks of Satan. I
changing injury that could cause her So, the next time you are tempted to sit on the shore and just enjoy the scenery think
think when tough times come for
to say, “God I don’t appreciate this, of the beauty of beach glass, how it gets better and better when it’s being tossed about
me I have a tendency to say
and I want You to leave me alone for in the sand by the waves after it has been drawn into the water by the surf and throw
something like a quote from a book
a while because I don’t trust You yourself back out there.
I’ve read called From Faking it to
anymore”. But I have been told that Finding Grace. The author says
Nancy has said, “I’ll just see what God See the full story at www.gallowaylife.org. Click on “Be Connected”
sometimes we want a break from
has for me from a wheelchair.” That the spiritual journey and we say
is like saying, “God please send me
right back out into the waves.” That
Have you read my number one best seller?
There will be a test. - GOD
The Avenue Page 4 of 64
Add a little lemon and lime to tuna to add zest and flavor to tuna sandwiches.
Use cucumbers soaked in vinegar and pepper in sandwich instead of tomatoes.
Use mustard instead of mayo to cut the fat and add a tang.
1930 Galloway Ave. BE BOLD! isn’t one of my gifts. have randomly been in and
Mesquite, TX 75149 I quiver and shake if I have out of church as an adult. And
to stand in front of a group So to avoid this type of of course as you can imagine I
PHONE: of people and talk. It’s not embarrassment I like to use bitterly regret it.
that I’m afraid (well maybe I the written word as my
GABC STAFF am) it’s because all common communication. Writing out When you don’t have that
language escapes me when I what I want to say gives me weekly strengthening of your
Dr. Jim Wolfe begin talking. I have not only a second chance faith and fellowship with
– Interim Pastor Fibromyalgia and one of the but many chances to correct other Christians, it is easy,
symptoms is “brain fog”. I’ll those silly substitute words. easy, easy to sin. That part of
Stephen Sullivan be talking and all of a sudden And why am I sharing all this my life is between me and
- Minister of Worship I realize I’ve substituted a crazy information with you? God. But you know what?
word for another and my It’s because God has allowed Even though I was walking in
Bethany Sullivan
-Church Pianist
whole sentence makes no me to use the written word the opposite direction from
sense. to “BE BOLD” about my God he never left me. How
Tina Pierce walk with him. do I know that? Well for
- Director of Children Growing up I not only starters it says so in his
quivered and shook when I I grew up in church. It wasn’t written word and because he
Jeremy Hogg had to stand up in front of a a choice in our household it has answered so many of my
-Director of Student Ministries group of people but I would was just a fact of life. On prayers in such a way to not
get physically sick. Back then Sundays you were going to be coincidental.
Janeen Adams
-Office Administrator
I was big time afraid. church. I have good
Combined with my memories of my childhood So prayer for me as I
childhood experience and church life. However, when continue to use my written
my grown up problems, my children were young I word to tell about His
verbal communication just dropped out of church. I written word!!