SPD Stewardship Week of Revival

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Seeking First

The Kingdom

Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................ 2

About the Author ............................................................................................... 2

Day 1 • From Sadness to Singing...................................................................... 3

Day 2 • The Delight of Kindness in Real Life.................................................... 6

Day 3 • No Compromise in Babylon............................................................... 10

Day 4 • Missionary in Samaria ........................................................................ 14

Day 5 • Healing Time ........................................................................................ 18

Day 6 • Back to Bethel...................................................................................... 22

Day 7 • The Gift of Love ................................................................................... 26

Day 8 • Steward for the End time ................................................................... 29


As we approach the end of the year, we invite you to leads his readers to ask the fundamental life question: Am I
pause and reflect on some major life issues. From a global seeking God first in the nitty-gritty of my existence?
perspective, for many of us, 2020 will go down in history as a

This year’s World Stewardship Emphasis Day will be held
terrifying and disruptive year. The events took us by surprise,
in December. The week prior is recognised as Stewardship
though we are attentive to the unfolding of biblical prophecies.
Emphasis Week, a time when Adventist stewardship leaders
A significant amount of energy was mobilised to adapt to new
around the world will lead out in the morning worship service

First The
realities and to shift into a protective mode. Too much for just
and conduct afternoon seminars; encouraging members to put
one year! Going through such a whirlwind has the capacity to
God first in all aspects of their lives.
drift us away from our anchor points. A spiritual check-up is
necessary for our wellbeing. We encourage each local church to plan and organise the

“God First” week of prayer to nurture God’s stewards for their
The Stewardship Revival Week, written by Pastor Ioan Câmpian
journey to eternity. The General Conference Stewardship team
Tâtar, the Stewardship Ministries Director of the Inter-
prays that this program will serve as a refreshing and refilling
European Division, serves as an instrument for a thorough
stop for each of us.
introspection exercise. He probes into some Bible stories and STEWARDSHIP

Author: Ioan Câmpian Tâtar

Pastor Ioan Câmpian Tâtar (age 62) is currently director of the Pastor Tâtar initially served as pastor of several churches in
Publishing, Stewardship, and Spirit of Prophesy departments at the Bacău Region. Since 1992, he has served in leadership
the Inter-European Division. He received a degree in Economy, positions in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Romania:
a B.A. in Theology at the Babeș-Bolyai University, a Master’s first as Treasurer until 2009, and from 2009 to 2015 as General
in Management at University of Bucharest, and a Master’s in Secretary. Pastor Tâtar is married to Aurora, who is working as
Leadership at Andrews University, Michigan, USA. a physician, and together they have a daughter, Lidia, 32, and a
granddaughter, Nina, who is 2-years-old.


“For this child I prayed, and A Family and a
no widespread revelation” (1 Samuel 3:1).
Like Hannah, who could not have children,
the Lord has granted me my Nation in Crisis Israel had become a fruitless people, a
petition which I asked of Him” barren and fruitless land.
The narrator presents the tense
(1 Samuel 1:27). relationships within this family. Exactly
God Still Works
We all have an image of how a family of when they most needed a joyful attitude
for their worship to become a real heartfelt The strongest proof that God does not give
believers, the local church, or even the
experience, everything turned to bitterness, up on us is the book of Judges, the books of
church as a whole should look. We want
strife, and disappointment. Elkanah had Samuel, the entire Bible, and especially the
church members to be eager to study the
two wives—Peninnah and Hannah—and cross at Golgotha. God is working, but He
Word of God, like those in Berea (Acts 17:11),
there was much tension between the two chooses people to carry out His plans.
with an active prayer life and involvement

in mission. Of course, a living and spiritually of them. Even at the place of worship, He chose Hannah, an ordinary woman who
powerful church is made up of consecrated Peninnah continued to denigrate Hannah was not a prophet like Deborah or Hulda,
because Hannah was childless in words that

families, families that study the Word of but who had a spiritual sensitivity and fear of
God and make a daily habit of praying to hurt her soul (1 Samuel 1:6). The only thing God. Her name appears on the pages of the
and praising Him. I invite you to go in your Hannah could do was to withdraw from the Holy Scriptures along with the great men of
mind to the time of the judges. It was one of celebration in tears. A family in spiritual and faith for the simple reason that she prayed.
the most troubling periods in the history of relational crisis actually showed what was As a result of her prayer, the history of the
the people of Israel. The moral and spiritual happening at that time on a different scale, people of Israel turned and took a new
deterioration is obvious; this period can be at the level of the whole nation. direction. If she had not prayed, would we
called the Dark Ages of the Old Testament. Pilgrims from all over the country came to be talking today about Samuel, the prophet
Shiloh for one reason—to worship. Those and judge, whose leadership resulted in real
The first two chapters of the book of
there who should have led all the people moral and spiritual reform? He is the one
1 Samuel present the real life, without
in the holy act of worship “did not know who ensured the transition from the period
retouching, of a family of those times.
the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:12). This is the main of the judges to the monarchy. He wept for
Sadness to
Elkanah gathers all the members of his
reason for the moral and spiritual crisis Saul, but he had the privilege of anointing
family every year and goes to Shiloh, the

that the people of Israel were experiencing. David, a man “after His own heart” (1 Samuel
spiritual and religious centre of Israel, “to
Compromise led to conflict and chaos. 13:14), as king.
worship and sacrifice to the Lord (1 Samuel
1:3). Seeing the whole family heading to the External enemies attacked the nation (1 Hannah longed to become a mother, and
place of public worship was something to be Samuel 4-7), and corruption prevailed the lack of children was a shame in her
appreciated in those days, as it is today. within. The sons of Eli, the high priest, were culture, a sign of divine displeasure. Little
guilty of a great sin because they “abhorred by little, however, this dream of hers died
Instead, the reality beyond the appearance the offering of the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:17). and had become the object of Peninnah’s
was different. According to the customs
From this sad story, we see that the devil’s mockery. This time, though, when Peninnah
then, if a family did not have children,
strategy is to ruin God’s children. When mocked her, Hannah did something
some would take a second wife. All such
worship is absent or becomes a failure at a completely unusual. She rose from the table,
examples in the Bible speak of the negative
personal, family, or church level, the devil’s not to mourn in solitude, but to carry the
consequences of such a wrong step, and
victory is assured. For this reason, “the word burden of her soul before God in prayer. The
Elkanah’s case is no exception.
of the Lord was rare in those days; there was expression repeated many times regarding


this event is, “before the Lord” (1 Samuel were conditioned by the presence of priests.
1:12). “Before the Lord” she prays and cries; One could not offer a sacrifice without the
Hope For Difficult Times Questions:
she makes a promise; here, she stays for a intercession of the priests. There are many precious truths that we can 1. If a single prayer could change the
long time, and maybe she would have stayed learn from Hannah’s example. We can see history of a nation through God’s
But the promise, or the vow, was then and
longer if she had not been interrupted by Eli, how God can use the negative experiences intervention, what could happen today
continues to be today something done in
the high priest. in our lives to create something great. He if we pray?
direct relationship with God, without the
can use the most painful trials to teach us
This expression is one consecrated in the intercession of any person. True worship 2. Standing “before the Lord,” what are
what trusting in Him means.
Old Testament; the worship had to take costs. It costs time, preparation, offerings, the things we promise, personally, in
place before the Lord. God and not man and tithe. David said he could not bring God Hannah learned to trust God in all those the family or as a church?
should be in the centre of worship. What a “a sacrifice that would cost him nothing” things that were beyond her power to
3. Are there ways through which we can
need we have today of such a worship, in (2 Samuel 24:24). But, most of all, worship control. Now, as I write down these thoughts
also express our hope and trust in God
which singing, praying, preaching, or any does not cost us, it costs God, by giving His (2 April, 2020), almost the whole world is
other element of worship is done to the Lord Son. The One who first promised an offering in quarantine, worried about what could
and not for other people. is not us, but God Himself (Genesis 3:15). come next. The fear of contamination and 4. Why do you think Hannah was able to
Worship without offering is not worship! of what will happen tomorrow has covered fulfil her vow and bring her precious
Hannah asked God for a child, and the
all humanity. For Hannah, suffering and offering when she realised the corrupt
reason she asked for this was clearly Hannah’s promise is the promise of faith
the trial she was going through was a call spiritual condition of religious leaders
expressed. It was not for the mockery to and love. Ellen White tells us that in those
to prayer and trust in God. She prayed, and at that time?
cease or to have the shame of infertility times, “such a prayer could rarely be seen.
when she left the place of prayer, “her face
removed, but to give God a gift, the most Eli’s reaction is obvious in this regard” (1
was no longer sad” (1 Samuel 1:18). On her
precious gift, a child. Hannah knows that Samuel 1:14). I believe that on her behalf,
face there were no more tears, but a smile
a true relationship with God, like any God could say the words: “O woman, great is
of joy. Through trust and hope before the
relationship, develops not only by asking your faith!” (Matthew 15:28).
Lord at Shiloh, Hannah found peace even
but also by giving. This is why her prayer is
Hannah promised that the child would be
unique in the Bible and becomes a vow (1
“consecrated to the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:11).
before receiving an answer to her prayer.
Imagine Elkanah’s home the day Hannah
I Promise
Samuel 1:11). Hannah’s gift, just like Mary’s
gift (John 12:1-8), is so precious because it is In special words, Ellen White expresses saw the divine intervention and the answer To SET APART the first
to her prayer in her life—when Samuel was
a gift of sacrifice. She promises and fulfils it Hannah’s faith, love, and consistency:
moments of each day
with all her heart. “When separated from her child, the faithful
to commune with the
mother’s solicitude did not cease. Every day
A Promise he was the subject of her prayers. Every year
When we come “before the Lord” through
Lord through PRAYER,
prayer, we recognise His sovereignty;
the STUDY of the Bible,
Before Owning she made, with her own hands, a robe of nothing is out of His control. There is hope
service for him; and as she went up with her for times of crisis in the family, in the church, Spirit of Prophecy and
Staying “before the Lord,” Hannah makes husband to worship at Shiloh, she gave the and in the whole world. We have a God who the Sabbath School
a promise to God that she will return the
child even before having him. A vow is an
child this reminder of her love.”1 Hannah not takes care of and wants to work for those lesson, and in FAMILY
only makes promises to God, but she also
initiative of the worshipper it is an act of keeps her word! (1 Samuel 1:26, 27).
who trust Him. Hannah’s song (1 Samuel
2:1-11) talks about this. When you see God’s
worship. During the Old Testament period,
intervention, you cannot stop singing!
most of the elements of public worship

1 Ellen G. White, Christian Education, p. 214.


Children’s Story:
“And she said, Oh Johnny’s Faithful Prayer
my lord, as thy soul “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of
God as a little child, will by no means enter it” (Mark 10:15).
liveth, my lord, I am Jesus loves children in a special way, and some flour for Mummy to cook, and …” after

the woman that stood He always likes to answer their simple,

honest prayers. There is a true story about
he paused a few seconds, he added, “… and
two bananas for Sarah and me. Amen!”

by thee here, praying

a low-income family going through a serious
When his mother put him to bed that
financial crisis and struggling for their daily
evening, he told her: “I can’t wait to get Jesus’
needs. The father had lost his job shortly
unto the Lord. For this before winter, and he had no money to
cover the needs of his family. His wife and
gifts!” His mother smiled as she kissed him
good night, wishing she had his strong faith

child I prayed; and the

and confidence.
two young children did not complain, even
as the amount of food became much less The next morning, the father decided to go

Lord hath given me my each day. The mother would cook bread
from the little flour they had left, and they
to a friend’s house to ask him to lend him
some money for the family’s needs. But

petition which I asked

rarely had anything else other than that on when he walked out the door, he saw in
the table, until one morning, when she sadly front of the house a basket containing some
announced that she had used the last flour chopped wood, and on the doorstep there
of him: Therefore also to cook that day’s bread. With a worried
expression, the father told her that in a few
was another big package. He immediately
called his wife to tell her the great news.

I have lent him to the days they would also run out of wood to set
the fire in the stove, and he was concerned
Johnny, who had already woken up and was
feeling hungry, as he had gone to bed the

Lord; as long as he because they expected the winter’s low

temperatures to last a few more weeks.
night before without eating anything, ran
outside in a hurry. He didn’t even blink as his

liveth he shall be lent

mother opened up the package and pulled
Little Johnny, who was just 4 years old,
out a big bag of potatoes and another bag
looked at his parents’ worried faces and
filled with white flour.
to the Lord.” understood that the situation was serious.
When his father called him and Sarah, his When she pushed the empty box away,
little sister, who was only 2, to come to the Johnny looked at her, and with eyes full of
1 Samuel 1: 26-28 evening family worship, Johnny asked if hope, he said: “Mummy, can you please
he could say the prayer. “Dear Jesus,” he check one more time for our bananas?”
prayed, “thank You for taking care of us! His mother’s heart melted, and she felt
Please send Daddy some wood for the fire, like crying when she realised his faithful


expectation. “I’m sorry,” she said as she “What is desired in a man is in life? We will find the answer in the love
hugged him, “there is nothing else in the anthem, whose author is the apostle Paul.
box, Johnny.” “It’s OK,” Johnny replied.
kindness” (Proverbs 19:22). ‘Love is’ writes the apostle, ‘full of kindness’
“Maybe He will send another angel later with Ben Maxson shared a discussion he once [1 Corinthians 13:4]. Through the kindness
the bananas.” had with someone while traveling by expressed toward others, we show that we
plane. At the time, he was Director of the love God [1 John 4:10, 11].”
But as the mother went into the kitchen to
Stewardship Department at the General
pour the flour into the flour box, she found
Conference, and the interlocutor asked him Kindness in Little Things
hidden inside the flour two—yes, exactly
two—bananas. They had been put inside
about his occupation. His answer was: “I and Big Decisions
am a pastor, responsible for our church’s
the flour so the potatoes could not smash We can go back in history, thousands of
stewardship department.” Surprised, the
them. With tears in her eyes, Mother called years ago, and get acquainted with customs
person continued with a new question:

little Johnny and Sarah and gave them and laws that have governed social and
“What does that mean?” “It’s not an easy
their much-awaited bananas! “I told you, religious life at that time.
thing to explain to someone unfamiliar with
Mummy,” Johnny said with a sparkle in his

the Bible,” Maxson said, then continued: “I The action begins in Bethlehem, moves
eyes. “I knew Jesus hears all our prayers. He
suppose there are many Christians on this to the land of Moab, and finally ends
just has unique ways to answer them!”
plane, but are they all true Christians?” The in Bethlehem. Because of the drought,
Questions: interlocutor’s reply came immediately, “I Elimelech’s family decides to move to the
don’t think everyone is a true Christian.” land of Moab for a while. In just ten years,
1. Why do you think children are special
“Even less-religious people have a picture Naomi, Elimelech’s wife, buries her husband,
to Jesus?
of what it means to be a true Christian,” witnesses the marriage and (later) the
2. Can we trust God even when He said Maxson. “My full-time duty is to help death of her two sons, and is left with her
answers our prayers different than we people to practice Christianity. To be a two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth.

The Delight
expect? faithful steward, or administrator, involves Many things can happen in just ten years!
taking seriously the commandment that Naomi decides to return home, and the two
3. Do you have an experience when God
answered your prayer? Can you share it of Kindness Jesus Christ said was the greatest: “‘You shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart,
daughters-in-law accompany her. Three
times these widowed women stop and
with the group?
in Real Life with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ cry. It’s the only thing they can do in this
situation. Three times Naomi insists that her
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your daughters-in-law return to their own homes,
neighbour as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-39). and Orpah finally decides to go home to
her people and her parents. These young
“Maybe someone asks: ‘But still, how can women, Orpah and Ruth, have fulfilled their
love be defined? Even in the Bible, love is family obligations and are now free; they
expressed in so many ways!’” Maxson said. have no obligation to Naomi. Naomi clearly
“You can love by giving offerings; you can and logically argues that she has no way of
express love by serving, even listening. What assuring them a future.
is that fundamental characteristic through
which I can transmit love, both to those Ruth, on the other hand, resists. She does
close and to those I might meet only once not want to go home, and she expresses


one of the most beautiful statements in motivate a person to act for the benefit is why Ruth chooses to stay in her company. What an extraordinary power the right
the Bible: “Entreat me not to leave you, or of another without expecting anything in Naomi did not lose faith in the One whom words can have at the right time. Many
to turn back from following after you; for return. Naomi uses this word in its active David would later call “the Father of the people around us do not expect much from
wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you form, under the variant of the verb in fatherless, a defender of widows” (Psalms us, maybe just a greeting, appreciation, or
lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my addressing the two daughters-in-law: “The 68:5). encouragement. With simple words, we can
people and your God, my God. Where you Lord deal kindly with you, as you have dealt welcome them into our world. But if they
Ruth, perhaps a little more optimistic, is not
die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The with those who have died and with me” remain for us the stranger, the minority,
just a poor widow like Naomi. She is also a
Lord do so to me and more also, if anything (Ruth 1:8), or regarding Boaz, “Blessed be he the poor, or anything else that may create
foreigner. Twelve times her name appears
but death parts you and me” (Ruth 1:16, 17). of the Lord” (Ruth 2:20). barriers or distancing, the message of Jesus
in this narrative, and five times she is called
from His last sermon is for others, not for us
These simple but very profound words Ruth, unlike Naomi, speaks less; but in Ruth the Moabite. Maybe this repetition
(Matthew 25:31-46).
are expressed in a covenant language deeds, she demonstrates what kindness is always to remind us that she is not part
that shows love and faithfulness. Here (hesed) means, as the narrator comments, of the chosen people. She is a foreigner.
Under His Wings
is the essence of personal loyalty. Ruth’s “But Ruth clung to her” (Ruth 1:14). She does But God also loves strangers, which is why
attachment is voluntary, a free choice not preach about kindness; she shows what He commanded His people not to gather The Bible uses many metaphors that help us
without expectation of anything in return kindness is. everything from the field, but “to leave for to know the deep truths that are revealed.
from Naomi. Often in the Bible, we the poor and the stranger” (Leviticus 19:10). We need familiar images to see what cannot
encounter the image of parents who love Kindness to Strangers, be seen with the physical eye. We better
Ruth asks Naomi’s permission to go to glean
their children, even spiritual children, as Widows, and the Poor heads of grain from the field of the one
understand God’s goodness when we
in the case of the relationship between read in the Holy Scriptures that He is like a
Naomi’s arrival with Ruth in Bethlehem who will be willing to show kindness (hesed)
Paul and Timothy (1 Timothy 1:1-5). There mother who cannot forget her child (Isaiah
could not pass unnoticed because “all (see Ruth 2:2). This time, we meet the third
are many cases in which children express 49:15), or like a fortress, a place of “refuge”
the city was excited” (Ruth 1:19). All the character in the book of Ruth, namely
their attachment to their parents. But for a (Psalms 91:2).
inhabitants of the town had the opportunity Boaz. From the narrator’s account, we can
daughter-in-law to show such an attitude
learn that Boaz is not just a rich man with Boaz uses another image in his welcoming
toward her mother-in-law is something to know the painful experience that this
a certain social status. He is the one who words toward Ruth, “May the Lord repay
rarely encountered. family went through. Naomi was not only
treats his workers with a lot of respect, and your work, and a full reward be given you by
without a husband, but she also had lost
The narrative does not show why Ruth by greeting, he blesses them. The greeting the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings
her two sons. A widowed woman without
chose to make such a decision when Naomi was and is still present in every culture, you have come for refuge” (Ruth 2:12). The
a family to support her at that time was
repeatedly tells her that she has nothing to even if expressed through different words metaphor of a bird’s wings protecting its
in a miserable situation. Loneliness,
offer. There appears to be only one answer: or gestures. The purpose of greeting is to little ones is used by God Himself (Exodus
hopelessness, and emotional suffering were
Naomi’s kindness. Through this kindness, establish relationships; it is the first thing 19: 4) regarding His people. Boaz tells Ruth
and still are some of the most common
Ruth was able to understand God’s kindness. we do when we meet someone. By greeting, that the wings of God’s providence, mercy,
problems. Our image of God can be affected
That is why she can say these words: “Your we say: “You are important to me.” It is the and kindness have spread over her, a
when we are overwhelmed with pain. We
God will be my God.” simplest way we can express kindness. Ruth stranger.
see this in Naomi’s words, “The Almighty has
afflicted me” (Ruth 1:21). Naomi is realistic; is overwhelmed by Boaz’s appreciation for
In Hebrew, the word “hesed” has a strong God also explains why He did this to the
she proposes a change of name: “Call me the way she treated Naomi, her mother-in-
relational connotation, very rich in meaning. people of Israel: not because they deserved
Mara (Bitterness).” But remember, she does law. “Then she said: ‘Let me find favour in
It is difficult to translate, and it expresses it, but because in His plan, He wanted them
not show bitterness; she calls bitter only the your sight, my lord; for you have comforted
many of God’s attributes. This word can to show the same kindness to all nations.
circumstances she has gone through. Naomi me, and have spoken kindly to your
mean love, mercy, kindness, grace, devotion, “You shall be to Me a kingdom of priests”
continues to remain Naomi (Pleasant); that maidservant’” (Ruth 2:13).
faithfulness, and loyalty. All these qualities (Exodus 19: 6). They themselves should


become protective wings for others, as was showed us what a steward is: an administrator,
Boaz. Ellen White states: “All who, like Rahab
the Canaanite, and Ruth the Moabitess, turned
one to whom in that great day Jesus will say,
“Well done, good and faithful servant.” “Entreat me not to leave
thee, or to return from
from idolatry to the worship of the true God,
The only way people can see God’s kindness
were to unite themselves with His chosen
is by the example of His children. The women
people. As the numbers of Israel increased
they were to enlarge their borders, until their
kingdom should embrace the world.”1
of the city of Bethlehem are convinced of
one thing, that Ruth truly loves Naomi. And following after thee: for
whither thou goest, I will
after Ruth married Boaz and bore him a son,
The wings are not like the fortress, the image they said to Naomi: “And may he be to you a
of safety, built of stone. The wings express restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age;
loyalty and love, but also vulnerability. That
is why God’s goodness is best seen not in
for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who
is better to you than seven sons has borne
go; and where thou lodgest,
the providence of sometimes painful life
circumstances, but in Golgotha. This is where
him” (Ruth 4:15). How happy Naomi must be,
holding the baby in her arms. “Now she can
I will lodge: thy people
we can all be protected from the greatest evil
in this world, sin.
no longer say, ‘I went out full, and the Lord has
brought me home again empty’” (Ruth 1:21). shall be my people, and thy
Throughout the book, the narrator refers
directly to God only twice: at the beginning
What do we admire about Ruth, the Moabite?
There are many things to admire, but
God my God: Where thou
of the book of Ruth, when it says that God
“had visited His people by giving them bread”
maybe most of all, her choice, courage, and
determination. Ruth remains an example of diest, will I die, and there
will I be buried: the Lord
(Ruth 1:6), and in the end, “the Lord gave her how big life decisions are made. Humanly
conception, and she bore a son” (Ruth 4:13). speaking, without Ruth, there wouldn’t have
Theologians call this technique inclusion. If been an Obed, a David, ... and the rest is
something is said at the beginning of a report
and the same idea appears again in the end, it
history. And what can be greater than to be full
of kindness, to be like Jesus?
do so to me, and more also,
means that the whole narrative is dominated
by the same truth. In our case, the theme Questions: if ought but death part
that dominates the book of Ruth is that God
provides bread and life. He is the source of
1. God is a God of relationship. To what
extent are relationships a priority in your
thee and me.”
everything we have, even our existence.
Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz always express this
Ruth 1:16, 17
2. How can the book of Ruth inspire you
truth in their addresses. On the other hand,
to make changes in your attitude and
they do not remain at the level of pious
expressions, clothed in a religious language.
behaviour toward your family, relatives,
or even strangers?
I Promise
Through their behaviour attitude, and sacrifice,
each one showed those in Bethlehem, their 3. What can we learn from Ruth about how To IMPROVE my RELATIONSHIPS:
future generations, and even today, what true to make decisions in life? growing in faithfulness, forgiveness and
religion is. They gave us true Christianity, and loving by principle.
1 Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 290.


Children’s Story: To Win is to Forgive
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14).
Andrew and Tony were best friends. They right?” “Right,” answered Tony, as a promise. being unfair to Tony. On the other hand,
used to play together, talk over the phone Tony was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling,
But as they got on the sports field, the
every afternoon, and even visit each other feeling the bitterness of being betrayed.
teacher started telling each of them how
or ride their bikes in the park when their “I will never forgive him,” he told his mum
much he trusted them. When they saw
parents had time to take them. when she came to say good night. “I think
the expectation in their colleagues’ eyes
you’re losing a greater victory than the one
They were both in the fourth grade at the and the very tight score, both Andrew and
you’ve gained today,” his mum told him.
same school, but they were attending Tony understood it would not be an easy
different classes: Andrew was in class A, match, nor would they be able to avoid the “Which one?” asked Tony. “The victory with
while Tony was in class B. Sometimes, they confrontation. The numbers were constantly yourself. I know you can forgive Andrew;
would even learn together, and the whole changing from one team’s advantage to you just don’t want to, because he betrayed
school knew that they were best friends. the other. In the last five minutes of the you in front of the other kids. But forgiving
game, the score was even: 6–6. The stakes Andrew is the real match you have to win or
But one day, at the end of the school
were high, and both Andrew and Tony were lose!”
year, when they had the annual sports
the “hope“ of their team. “You’re our last
championships, the two friends found their The next day, limping, Tony went to
chance!” whispered Max in Andrew’s ear,
classes competing against each other in the Andrew’s classroom during the first break
when the opposing team came to the final
finals for the Football Cup. and told him he was not upset. He did not
want to let a match destroy their friendship.
Both Andrew and Tony were very good at
Forgetting for one moment his mother’s And even though it was not his fault, he still
football, and their colleagues knew that
advice and his true friendship, and seeing wanted to be friends with Andrew. Tears
they often won when they were on the
Tony coming forward and directing the streaming from his eyes, Andrew hugged
same team. But this time everyone was
ball toward the goal, Andrew faulted Tony, his friend, too ashamed to say anything but
curious about the match, and how the
tripping him, and making him fall and lose “Thank you!” Both Andrew and Tony are 41
two best friends would cope with the new
the ball. The referee saw it, of course, and years old now, but they continue to be best
experience of competing against each other.
gave Andrew a red card. Tony’s team won friends!
“Now, I hope you remember that sports
when they marked the goal from the 11
competitions and even the prize is just a
meters’ shot. Yet, Tony could not enjoy the Questions:
passing achievement, but friends are for
victory. His heart was bitter because of his
life,” Andrew’s mum reminded him on the 1. Why do you think relationships and
friend’s attitude and behaviour. After the
morning she drove him to school for the big friends are more important than other
match, he changed and went directly home,
competition day. “Yes Mum, friends come achievements?
refusing to talk to anyone.
first!” Andrew repeated, quoting the motto
2. How would you describe a true friend?
he and Tony frequently used. Right before That night, Andrew couldn’t sleep. He missed
the competition began, Andrew went to his friend’s call. He understood that even 3. You know Jesus is your friend, but how
Tony, and shaking hands in their unique if he had won the game, if he lost a friend, can you be Jesus’ friend, as well?
way, he said: “Best friends, no matter what, it would not be worth it. He felt terrible for


“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s
delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs
that he might not defile himself” (Daniel 1:8).
We often get the impression that putting isolate yourself, be present in the life of why they could filter and distinguish the
God first refers only to the religious life and Babylon, and show that you have a God and truth from the lie.
not to our lives in the workday world. The hope (Jeremiah 29). The other risk is that of
The process of assimilation did not stop at
religion of the Bible, on the other hand, is assimilation. It’s what was tried with these
the names and the intellectual development
a practical one; it penetrates all spheres young Jews. Arriving in Babylon, their names
but also reached other aspects of more
of existence and has to do with the whole were changed because their original names
personal life, including food. Babylon
human being. Sometimes even the people pointed to the identity of their religion
wanted to change their lifestyle, which had

of the Bible did not put God first and and their God. The philosophy of Babylon
great potential in destroying the identity.
made compromises. Their list is quite long continues the desire of the builders at Babel
and includes names such as Eve, Adam, tower to make themselves a name. Eating the food served at the king’s table

Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Elijah, and contradicted the diet God had clearly
Even for many today, their educational
Peter, to mention only a few. The list of the established by law (Leviticus 11). The
or financial condition is a way to make
uncompromising ones is not so long, and purpose of the commandments regarding
themselves a name. Abraham, called by God,
includes first of all Jesus, the perfect model, food, as well as the entire Jewish law, was
left Babylon with the confidence that God
followed by Joseph; Daniel; Daniel’s friends, sanctification, preservation of the identity as
would keep His word and make His name
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; as well as a God’s people.
great (Genesis 12:2), a blessing to all nations.
few others.
Babylon collapses, a new kingdom follows,
Consistent with
Identity and Integrity and the new king, Darius, cries out to Daniel
the Lifestyle
when approaching the pit, calling him by
No Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and his
soldiers surrounded Jerusalem, conquered
his Jewish name, which will remain forever.
“Daniel, servant of the living God, has your
Daniel and his friends had no choice in some

things: their deportation to Babylon, the
it, and took the vessels from the temple. God, whom you serve continually, been able changing of their names, their intellectual
Nebuchadnezzar also took hostages,
in Babylon
to deliver you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20). preparation, and their choice of food.
including Daniel and his friends (Daniel The pit with lions which Daniel was put into,
1:3-5). The primary purpose for which they as well as the hot oven heated seven times Away from home, slaves in a foreign
were taken to Babylon was to serve Babylon more where the three friends were thrown, country, these young men were under huge
from within. They were to be trained at show that they had not lost their identity. pressure. In spite of all this, they decided
the “University of Babylon,” get to know The names could be changed, but the heart not to defile themselves (Daniel 1:8) with the
the culture of Babylon, be impressed by could not. king’s delicacies and the wine from his table.
its beauty and greatness, and serve its The language is religious in connotation and
These young men were also exposed to has to do not only with the nutritional laws
interests. Slavery always has two risks: the
Babylonian education, which evidently outlined in Leviticus 11 but also with the
first one is isolation. It’s much easier to keep
contained more than learning new fact that it was served in a ritual setting, in
your faith, values, and culture when you lock
languages necessary for serving the which the king was considered a god. When
yourself down in an enclave. God’s message
kingdom at the highest level. They had a asking for vegetables and water, Daniel
through the prophet Jeremiah was to not
thorough knowledge of God’s Word. That‘s was referring to the food established in the


beginning by God for humans (Genesis 1:29), Daniel asks Aspenaz, the chief of the the emotional and intellectual one. He
and he implicitly affirms that God, not the eunuchs, to allow him and his friend to
A Lifestyle for also added an even higher level, that of
king, is the Creator. subsist on a vegetarian diet for ten days, the End Time moral and spiritual judgment. If we ask
thus assuming a risk of faith that these ourselves which of the above levels is the
There are three things the Bible calls an In His last sermon on the end time, Jesus
young people are brilliantly passing. most resistant to violation, the answer, of
abomination before God: idolatry, unclean recommended the study of the book of
course, is the physical one. Its performance
food, and promiscuity. The young men The final test takes place three years after Daniel (Matthew 24:15). Its study led to
is remarkable. There are many who not only
decided not to accept compromise regarding graduation when the king “examined them” the birth of the Adventist movement and
neglect to take care of their physique but
any of these. and “found them ten times better than all the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We
abuse it through the use of very harmful
the magicians and astrologers, who were in must not forget, however, that if God had
The theology of food is already present substances. The intellectual level is less
all his realm” (Daniel 1:20). not intervened to change the lifestyle of
in the first pages of the Bible because the resistant to violation, but the most sensitive
our pioneers, this movement might have
first commandment we find in Genesis Three times in the first chapter of the book is the moral and spiritual one. There is a
died, so weak was their health. Without the
is regarding food and the forbidden tree of Daniel, God’s intervention takes place. close connection among all these levels.
health message, it would not be what it is
(Genesis 2:16, 17). The first test that Adam First, God delivers Jehoiakim, the king of They influence each other. Ellen White said,
today, a worldwide church with a prophetic
and Eve had to pass included a food Judah, into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar “Between the mind and the body there is a
message. In 1848, Ellen White received her
component, and this is repeated in Jesus’ (Daniel 1:2). Next, he brought Daniel “into mysterious and wonderful relation.”1
first vision of the harmful effects of tobacco,
life, when the devil tempted Him in the the favour and goodwill” of Ashpenaz.
coffee, and tea. It took almost ten years for To further emphasise the need of caring
desert to turn stones into bread. The third time, He “gave them knowledge
the church to be cleansed from the vice for the physical body, Ellen White adds,
and skill in all literature and wisdom and
Together with his friends, Daniel is aware of tobacco and smoking. The next vision, “The health of the body is to be regarded
Daniel had understanding in all visions and
that they need to witness to their colleagues in 1854, is about body hygiene, order, and as essential for growth in grace and the
dreams” (Daniel 1:17).
and all the Babylonians. So they chose to cleanliness in homes. Next comes one of the acquirement of an even temper.”2
take it further than the typical Hebrew diet. The major theme that frequently comes most influential visions, on June 6, 1863, at
The biblical prophecy, expressed in poetic
They chose vegetarian food. Those who up in the book of Daniel is victory and Otsego, Michigan, when Ellen is presented
language, describes the menu of the one
want to avoid any compromise are not liberation. The book begins with a period with the principles of a healthful lifestyle and
who was to become Emmanuel, “Curds
content with the law’s limit. They choose the of local distress and ends with the great the fact that health care is part of the gospel.
and honey He Shall eat, that He may know
highest and best standard. tribulation, but also the great liberation. The
In order to live, a human being first to refuse the evil and choose the good”
victory in the first chapter, when God gives
Sometimes, people around us are not so needs these vital functions: heartbeat, (Isaiah 7:15). We remember the metaphor
wisdom to these young people, is nothing
interested in our beliefs, but they cannot breathing, digestion, and assimilation of that described Canaan, the land where
but a prelude to what follows later. This
overlook our lifestyle. Most discussions food. We can call these vital functions the “milk and honey” flowed, but this metaphor
victory was possible because they decided
regarding the Bible and religion are life-support system. We can care for this expresses the language of that time, that
to remain consistent in their faithfulness to
motivated by seeing us living a different system in order to maintain and even in this country is found everything that is
God, even in things that might seem small to
lifestyle. improve its performance. But we function needed. And in Jesus’ case, a healthy and
some. And God honoured their faithfulness
at an even higher level, the intellectual complete diet would influence correct
We learn from Daniel that religion is not by giving them wisdom. The wise, according
or mental, and through proper care, we thinking and moral discernment. We
limited to the theoretical and abstract; it to the book of Daniel, have shone in the
can have clear and correct thinking. God have the senses with which we can know
goes deeper, to the practical level of daily darkness of Babylon, and the promise is that
created us wonderfully. Not only do we the external reality. In order to know the
life. Religion has to do with the way we take they will shine forever and ever (Daniel 12:3).
have the physical dimension, but we have spiritual reality, we need the Word of God,
care of our bodies, as well.

1 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 485

2 Ibid., vol. 9, p. 159


but also the presence of the Holy Spirit, its
Author. This communication takes place at
the intellectual level. Unhealthy eating and 1. What are those compromises in your
drinking habits make God’s voice more and
more difficult to hear (Isaiah 30:21).
life that take your lifestyle out of
harmony with God’s requirements?
“But Daniel
Another quotation from Ellen White’s 2. What lessons of steadiness can we purposed in his
writings emphasises this truth: “All who learn from Daniel’s life?
profess to be followers of Jesus should feel
that a duty rests upon them to preserve
3. What are the decisions you want to heart that he
would not defile
make regarding a lifestyle for the
their bodies in the best condition of
glory of God and the fulfilment of your
health, that their minds may be clear to
entrusted mission?
comprehend heavenly things.”3

God has given us an instruction manual

himself with the
about the functioning of the body, and
we must not only know it, but also put it
portion of the
into practice. We need the healthiest food
eaten at appropriate times and in the right king’s delicacies,
amounts, physical exercise, enough water,
clean air, sunlight, adequate sleep, and nor with the
especially trust in God. The goal of a healthy
life is not primarily a longer life, but to live
for God’s glory and to do the work entrusted
wine which he
to him or her as well as possible, like Daniel I Promise drank: therefore
To ESTABLISH one new
Let’s not forget, a lifestyle in harmony
with the principles of the Bible is the best
HEALTHY HABIT, to he requested of
better serve the Lord
testimony, and for such a life we need the
grace of God. That means putting God first with my mind. the chief of the
eunuchs that he
in our lives. Today’s world needs people who
can say no to compromise, just like Daniel
and his friends did.
might not defile
Daniel 1:8

3 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 522


Children’s Story: When You Eat, But You Don’t (Ch)eat
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
It was a hot summer. The days were so hot market at the corner of the street?” her grandmother. “I can’t play with Hannah,
by noon that people tried to stay inside as plus I have to endure all this torture!”
“I don’t know,” responded Emily, undecided.
much as possible until the temperature 1. What do you think a healthy lifestyle
“Grandma might not like me drinking “And the pain you’ve caused to your own
went down a little. Emily was spending means?
unhealthy sodas. Plus, I have no money with body,” her grandmother said. “You see,
her summer vacation at her grandparents’
me.” our body and our health are gifts that God 2. Can you give examples of bad habits
home in the countryside. “I’m so bored!” she
entrusted us with, and we have to take care that can harm your body?
complained, discontented. “I wish I could go “Oh, come on!” Hannah said, waving her
of them in order to live happily and for His
play outside with Hannah.” Hannah was her hand in the air. “I have enough in my money 3. Why is it important to take care of our
glory. We can’t represent God or honour
best friend, who lived just two streets away. box for both of us, and I’m sure you can find health and bodies?
Him while we destroy what He has given to
something healthy and natural to drink. It’s
“I’m sure you two can play a bit later, when us. Every time we hurt our bodies by eating
so hot, and I’m as thirsty as a camel in the
the day cools down a little,” Grandma unwisely, drinking unhealthfully, consuming
desert,” she joked.
suggested. “In the meantime, you can read a
book, play with the dolls, draw something, or The two girls went down the street, sweat
things that damage the temple of the Holy
Spirit—which is our body—or have habits
help me to make some cookies.” still running down their backs, and bought that negatively affect our physical, mental, or dealing with many aspects
“But I want to play outside,” Emily insisted.
two orange juices directly from the fridge. spiritual health, we sin against God. of Christian stewardship.
“Please, please, Grandma, let me go to “I bet the sugar in this juice will give you “Sometimes when we eat, we cheat on our
Hannah’s and spend some time with her!” enough energy to catch me faster,” laughed bodies, which were created for His glory. So,
“Promise me you will take good care!” Hannah. the wise way to eat, drink, sleep, and live is Published in four languages
insisted Grandma. “Health is a gift from God to do all these correctly, so we can enjoy this
“That’s the point,” Emily said, looking at the
that we should take care of!” life and be prepared for heaven. Heaven is
last drop left in her bottle. “I’m sure these
a healthy place and only those who have a
“I promise!” Emily shouted as she rushed ice-cold sweet drinks might be harmful, and A Stewardship Ministries resource for
healthy lifestyle will be able to get there and local church leaders and members.
toward the door, sending her grandmother it might not be a wise decision buying them!”
enjoy the menus that God prepared for us.”
a flying kiss.
It took just a couple of hours to discover
“I promise to never cheat when I eat or
Emily forgot her promise. At Hannah’s house that she was right. The same evening, both
drink,” said Emily, hugging her grandmother
they played hide-and-seek inside for a little girls started feeling the side effects of their
and already imagining what heaven will be
while, then they wanted more space and decision: Hannah’s sour throat tortured her
went out in the backyard, where they started during dinner time and all the rest of the
running and playing with the ball. The sun night, while Emily’s high fever ruined her
was burning as the noon temperature plans to see her friend the next day. In fact,
reached its peak, but the girls didn’t pay she stayed in bed with laryngitis, chills, and
attention or feel its scorching rays until a high fever, under strict medication, for https://stewardship.adventist.org/
Hannah stopped and said: “I’m so thirsty! almost a week. issue-archive
How about something to drink from the
“I should have listened to you!” Emily told


“Come, see a Man who told me all things that ever I did. Could this be the Christ?” (John 4:29).
If there was a local press, a newspaper life forever. First of all, the intention of Jesus is to save
announcing the most important events souls. We have exact geographical data and
In the Gospel of John, an entire chapter
in the Samaria region, I think an article historical context, but John always gives us
is dedicated to Jesus’ encounter with the
would have appeared with the title, details that highlight aspects less noticed
Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well (John 4).
“Revival in Samaria.” Such an article would by the inattentive. Jesus, says John, “needed
John, the evangelist, after presenting the
have elaborated on the two days Jesus to” go through Samaria (John 4:4) on His
meeting of Nicodemus with Jesus during
spent in Nazareth, in the city of Sihar, way from Jerusalem to Galilee. This road,
the night in the third chapter, continues
with His disciples. It would have been an although shorter, was usually bypassed by
the description of Jesus’ encounter with
extraordinary event because of the tensions the Jews precisely to avoid any encounter
the Samaritan woman as a demonstration
and hatred that existed between the Jews with Samaritans. Jesus had each day’s
of the most important verse in the Bible,
and the Samaritans. agenda, as we have it. Every day he asked

which says that “whoever” believes can have
for His heavenly Father’s approval as well
No respectable Jew would have done such a eternal life (John 3:16). These two people,
as for guidance for the prepared occasions.
thing. The article would describe how Jesus Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, are

Heaven still prepares opportunities for those
became known among the Samaritans, as the two extremes of the whole religious
who want to be used by God today.
well as the important role that a woman, spectrum. No one can be so good that he
whose name we do not know, played in this does not need a birth from above; but at the Second, Jesus overcomes all barriers—
case. At that time, there weren’t the means same time, no one is so far away that God’s ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural, as well
of communication we have today. But the grace cannot recover him. The gospel is as the prejudices raised by both sides—by
event that took place in the suburbs of Judea both for the wicked as well as for those who initiating dialogue and asking for a favour—a
was a real one. The people involved were consider themselves good. drink of water, because He was thirsty.
real people, and this woman has been talked Although the Samaritans believed in the first
Jesus Christ is also our model for mission
about for centuries and counting. She can five books of the Bible, they were considered
and evangelism. The entire chapter is

be considered one of the most successful by the Jews as being worse than the pagans
dominated by surprises. The woman
missionaries in the Bible because she met because they polluted the pure race of
is surprised at Jesus’ request. She has
in Samaria the greatest missionary of humanity, Jesus
Christ. Let’s not forget, it all started with the
never seen such a thing (John 3:9)—a
patriarchs by mingling with the Gentiles.
The vessel for water that the woman had
Jew addressing a Samaritan woman. The
smallest thing, a glass of water. was considered unclean, and her own
disciples are surprised because the Teacher
community regarded her as immoral. That’s
Jesus Christ, the is talking to a woman (verse 27). In their
why she was alone: no one wanted her
turn, the inhabitants of the city are surprised
Great Missionary by the woman’s words, and they come to see
company. Through the request, “Give Me a
drink,” Jesus honours this woman and gives
There is a fear we do not talk about, Jesus for themselves. The biggest surprise is
her dignity. He treats her as a responsible,
although it is present and dominates the change that takes place in this woman’s
respectable person, capable of a theological
the lives of many who call themselves life. We do not know the exact amount of
discussion. He tells her about the living
believers—the fear of witnessing. Fear can time Jesus spent at the well with this woman.
water, the true worship, the true temple.
have many causes: we may not know what John presents us with just a summary of the
Even more, she is ready for the noblest
to say, we are not convinced that it is our dialogue, but there are so many things we
discovery: His identity. “I, who speaks to you,
duty, or we realise it can change someone’s can learn from it.
am He” (John 4:26), that is, the Messiah.


Jesus helps her discover the greatest need It is not to convert people; this is the work of God’s. It is part of the very nature of God. He save them.
in her life: the need for cleanliness and the Holy Spirit. She had her own experience is the protagonist of the mission. We do not
forgiveness. He convinces her that He in meeting Jesus, her own testimony, and have a God who sends us first, as He allows Ready for the Harvest
can read the most hidden secrets of her she did one thing: she invited people to Himself to be sent and speaks about this
The effect of this woman’s testimony is
life, that nothing could be hidden. There, Jesus. “Come and see,” an expression that is again and again in the Gospel of John. Jesus’
seen in the multitude of people coming to
in the depths of her soul, was a painful, repeated in this Gospel (John 1:39, 46). work is to offer eternal life; it is the work
the place where Jesus is. All these people
dirty chapter, the sixth man, who was not that the Father has entrusted to Him (John
her husband. Jesus knew that this woman Jesus’ Food 17:2-4), and involvement in this mission
come not to hear a sermon but to see a
living sermon in the person of the Saviour.
longed for love, fulfilment understanding, gives Him the greatest satisfaction. He was
In the absence of the woman, the disciples Ellen White captures the greatest need of
and acceptance, and the well from which she strengthened by witnessing, and His joy was
ask Jesus to eat, but Jesus refuses, saying humankind in the following words: “The
was trying to satisfy her thirst for the soul full when He met thirsty souls. Even on the
that He has food to eat that they do not world needs today what it needed nineteen
was poisoned. wooden cross, when the agony of death took
know (John 4:32). In this case, they wonder if hundred years ago—a revelation of Christ.
possession of His being, He was comforted
The woman saw Jesus’ face and understood anyone has brought him food. In the Gospel A great work of reform is demanded, and it
by the last witness He gives to the robber
from His words that He was not condemning of John, we find two levels of reality. First is only through the grace of Christ that the
beside Him. The cry “I’m thirsty” is an echo of
her, but rather expressing mercy and love. is the physical one, which can be seen and work of restoration, physical, mental, and
God’s search, of the desire to save as many
God’s grace, the living water, is poured known; but Jesus always turns the eyes of spiritual, can be accomplished.”1
souls as possible.
into the heart of this woman, who leaves the listeners to another reality, the spiritual
Jesus uses agricultural images to describe
the vessel and runs to the city. She has one, which can be identified and seen only All people are loved by God and included in
the interest shown by the people of Sihar.
a message for all Samaritans, and her by faith. In chapter 2, he talks about the the work of salvation. God loves the world
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months
message is “Come, see a Man who told me spiritual temple, His own person, in which all as a whole and each person individually
and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say
all things that I ever did” (John 4:29), knows people have the opportunity to meet God; (John 3:16). There is a spiritual hunger and
to you, lift up your eyes and look at the
everything about me, and yet treated me but the Pharisees and even the disciples, thirst for God in our hearts, an empty spot
fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
with respect and love like no one else in my do not understand His words. Nicodemus in every soul, but many, like the woman in
(John 4:35).
life. reacts to Jesus’ imperative, “You must be Samaria, still don’t know where this need
born again,” by asking how this is possible, can be met. Because of sin, however, all According to the parable, the sower who
Again, John adds a detail—the woman left
and Jesus corrects him by pointing to the people show resistance to God’s call, which went out to sow is Jesus Christ Himself; but
her vessel at the well—but he does not
spiritual birth (John 3:25). The disciples, is why the Spirit of God fights with every in the Gospel of John, He is not only the
explain why. Maybe she left it for Jesus
too, do not understand Jesus’ words about soul. Resistance can be seen in the woman’s sower. He is also the grain that must die in
to have something to drink with, or she
the special food He received through His dialogue with Jesus. She was not willing to order to bear much fruit (John 12:24). He is
intended to return anyway. The empty
dialogue with the Samaritan woman. Jesus open her heart, but Jesus gently leads her to the Seed of the woman in the first promise
vessel can also be a symbol of her inner
continues: “My food is to do the will of Him the spring of living water. Even we ourselves of the Bible (Genesis 3:15), and the wood of
emptiness. Morris, on the other hand,
who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John often resist the divine message, and the the cross is the place where the Seed dies
prefers another meaning that I like very
4:34). Nobody spoke like this. Holy Spirit continues to work in our hearts. not only to rise in glory but to see the fruit of
much: “She abandoned bringing water to
It’s painful that some will continue to show His sufferings (Hebrews 12:2).
bring people.” This chapter helps us to look again into
resistance all the time. Jesus warned us that The hardest work is not ours; it was and
God’s heart, which is the priority of heaven.
Can this woman be considered a the seed could fall on unprepared soil. But
The entire Bible tells us about a missionary, is His work, but all disciples are called to
missionary? Was she ready for such an even in such situations, those who don’t
God, who passionately seeks the lost. The participate in the great harvest. The harvest
important work? Here John emphasises the accept the message do not reject us, but
mission is not ours; it is not the church’s but has always been an occasion for joy, and
mission of a person engaged in evangelism. rather the One who loves them and wants to
1 Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 143.


the whole community was involved in this gospel message?” what would have been
activity (Ruth 1:22). the disciples’ answer? How about today’s
disciples? People do not need just to change
In nature, there is an order that God has set:
a religion; they need to see Jesus. God can
it is a time for preparing the soil, a time for

“...and ye shall be witnesses unto

use the simplest tools, such as a woman
sowing, and a time for harvesting the fruit.
with a doubtful past who has known the
We use these images to describe the long
grace of forgiveness.
and difficult process by which the church is
involved in winning souls. Sometimes even Ellen White in the chapter “At Jacob’s Well” me both in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea, and in Samaria, and unto
four months (verse 35), according to Jesus’ in The Desire of Ages says, “Every true
application, are not enough to prepare the disciple is born into the kingdom of God as
souls to enter into a covenant with God a missionary.”2 The gospel is for “everyone
through baptism. who believes,” and whoever receives the
gospel, the good news—Jesus Christ—
the uttermost part of the earth.”
But in John’s account, time is compressed.
naturally becomes a missionary. This is the
In the same day the sowing took place, the
honour that God wants to give each one of
Acts 1:8
harvest takes place as well. It is what the
prophet Amos prophesied: that the day
would come “when plowman shall overtake
the reaper” (Amos 9:13). The whole city
is set into motion. The people come not 1. What are the similarities between the
only to see Jesus; they ask Him to stay with woman of Samaria and today’s society?
them, and Jesus Christ spends two days
2. What can we learn from Jesus’ method
with them. We are not surprised that after
of evangelism?
the Resurrection, after the preaching of
the gospel in Jerusalem and Judea, Samaria 3. What are the challenges of today’s
is ready for Philip’s message (Acts 8). The disciples? To what extent am I willing
Samaritans recognise in the person of Jesus to be led by God each day for the
the Saviour of the world (John 4:42), an opportunities of witnessing that He
expression we find only once in the Bible (1 prepares?
John 4:14).

We wonder what Samaria represents

today. Where does Jesus want to be known,
and what are the barriers that need to be
overcome? Even today, everyone defends I Promise
their religion, their forms, rituals, and
To OFFER one day (or evening) each week to
mountains (John 4:20). We can have our own
mountains, enclaves in which we recede,
WORK for God, spreading the Good News to
and forget about the world around us. To others through Bible Studies, small groups, etc.
the question, “Is Samaria ready for the TMI (Total Member Involvement).
2 Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 195


Children’s Story: The 5-Year-Old
“Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven”
(Matthew 10:32).
Not long ago, in 2013, the Seventh-day offer. He was very happy, and for weeks he and women, who will recognise you as
Adventist church in Ploiesti, Romania, held continued to pray “for the people who had being the one who told them about God!
an evangelistic campaign and decided to received the books to read them and know Maybe some will thank you for being kind
distribute the book The Great Controversy God.” to them, for giving them a book, for smiling
in the entire neighbourhood. There were or responding politely, or praying for them
Three years later, Robert and his family
many apartments in the neighbourhood when they did not even know. But in time,
attended a big Mission Conference held
that they wanted to reach, so the pastor they came to know God because of your
in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. As
invited the students from the Adventist high missionary spirit to serve others.
they were listening to the inspirational
school to help distribute the books. About 50
experiences and mission stories shared by Never forget: everything you do can witness
students came on a bus from 60 kilometres
the participants, a woman suddenly stood for God or against Him, and you can be a
(37 miles) away, and they were divided into
up in the back of the room and told the missionary at any age!
groups of three to go down all the streets,
story of her conversion. She said that three
distributing books to all the apartments and
years ago she had been given the book The Questions:
houses. With big smiles and polite words,
Great Controversy by a little boy who asked
they knocked on doors, giving away the 1. How can you serve other people and
her to read it, which she did. After reading
book and inviting people to read it. Some of be a missionary for God? Give some
the book, she sought a church and started
the people accepted the book happily, while examples.
attending the local Seventh-day Adventist
others were reluctant or even rejected the 2. Why do you think God wants little
church. She was now preparing to get
students. children to witness for Him?
Along with them came the chaplain with his 3. Plan some things that you could do in
When little Robert, who was now 8 years
wife and two sons: a 7-year-old and a 5-year- the following days to help others know
old, heard her story, he turned to see who
old. They observed that while refusing the God better.
was speaking and recognised the woman
adults, people never refused the children.
to whom he had given the book. During the
So they decided to let Robert, the 5-year-old
break after the meeting, he went with his
boy, approach people while the rest of the
mother to talk to her, and she recognised
family silently prayed for them to accept the
him, as well. It was a wonderful, happy
By the time the family had finished the
Imagine the great joy and celebration in
street that had been allotted to them, only
heaven when you meet boys and girls, men
two people had refused the little boy’s


“Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28).
There is an old rabbinic story, more of a was the same with Jesus, which we can read on place and time, such as: “Is it lawful on
parable really: God had gone from nation about in Mark 3:1-6. the Sabbath to do good or to do evil?” (Mark
to nation, offering His law in an attempt to 3:4). Evil is what they were planning on doing
Perhaps the author, the disciple Mark, was
find those who would be willing to receive that very Sabbath—they were planning to kill
present on that Sabbath. That’s why he
it. They asked: “What does the law contain?” Jesus (Mark 3:6).
could not forget the scene in which Jesus
When they heard about prohibitions such
“looked around at them with anger” (Mark The disciple Matthew adds a detail: “If
as not killing, not lying, not stealing, every
3:5), because the grief was too great and you had known what this means, ‘I desire
people group rejected the offer, because
He could not hide it, and because of the mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not
they could not imagine life without such
hardening of their hearts. have condemned the guiltless” (Matthew
practices. Eventually, He found a group
12:7). It is possible that on that Sabbath
of people in the wilderness to whom he The synagogue event is preceded by

day no one invited the disciples for lunch.
proposed the same thing. Their question another episode (Mark 2:23-28) that also
In Old Testament times and in Jesus’ time,
was: “What is the advantage of keeping Your took place on the Sabbath. The disciples
the Sabbath was not a day of fasting; it was

commandments?” God answered: “I will offer with Jesus were crossing wheat fields, and
a day of joy. That is why Jesus tells them,
you My eternal kingdom, where there will be they began to pluck heads of grain and eat
“The Sabbath was made for man and not
no more death, suffering, and pain; you will them (Mark 2:23). The One who is accused
man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). The
always be happy.” They smiled saying: “What again is, of course, Jesus, because He allows
principles Jesus stated are profound and
You are telling us is beautiful, but it’s too far it. Each disciple talks about the miracles
comprehensive! If they were taken into
in time; we want something we can see and Jesus performed on the Sabbath, and if we
account even today, many sad experiences
taste now.” God answered: “Along with the count them, there are seven altogether.
would be avoided.
law, I will offer you a sample, a foretaste, so All the Gospels relate the tensions and
that you can see what the kingdom is like. confrontations between Jesus and the
Sabbath—a day of joy
I will give you the Sabbath.” The parable religious leaders on the occasions of these

Healing expresses a great truth: Sabbath is an

anticipation, a foretaste, of eternal life.
miracles, but the largest amount of space for
relating the controversies that followed is
Jesus is in the synagogue on the Sabbath
day and is invited to preach. It’s what we
Time Jesus and the Sabbath
provided by the disciple John. want every Sabbath: to see and hear Jesus!
Jesus not only sets out the principles of the
An important thing that every believer
Sabbath, He also shows how they can be
Each one of us has a certain image should remember is that these discussions
experienced in practice. There was a man
regarding the Sabbath, depending on the are never about how the day should
with a paralysed hand (Mark 3:1-3), and at
life experience and the knowledge we have be celebrated, but only about how the
one point Jesus notices this man. He stops
about it. Most of the time, we associate the Sabbath should be kept. The Pharisees
during the sermon and addresses the one
word “Sabbath” with rest, peace, blessings, had 39 categories of prohibitions for the
with the withered hand: “Step forward”
and joy. We do not want the Sabbath Sabbath, and the discussions around these
(“Stand up in front of everyone,” NIV).
to be disturbed by tense relationships, prohibitions were endless and often sterile.
accusations, or physical or emotional Jesus was never drawn into such debates. It is impossible for this incident not to
suffering. But we live in a world of sin, and Even in these two cases, He does nothing draw everyone’s attention, especially those
we must recognise that sometimes this is except express general principles that can who were following Jesus. There are three
the reality. Not all Sabbaths are the same. It be, of course, applied differently, depending actions that Jesus takes on this occasion.


First, He touches the sick man. At some keeping people. God wants to touch more we lost. If you have lost someone dear, the
point their eyes meet. Jesus sees a need, hearts through us on the Sabbath day; He Sabbath awakens memories that might hurt.
Sabbath in the Context
a suffering, and cannot move on without wants to pour out more blessings, and to But at the same time, the Sabbath speaks of the Great Controversy
stopping to help. He sees the helplessness heal more sinful souls. Jesus declared in His of an end—not only the end of Creation but
God did not want this planet to become a
but also the faith of this man, who had sermon in the synagogue of Nazareth that also of recreation. That’s why it carries hope
place of pain and suffering, but He foresaw
come to the synagogue for worship. Second, this was His mission (Luke 4:16-18). within it. It’s the end of our journey home.
the possibility of humans falling, so He gave
Jesus gets involved. He doesn’t just express Every Sabbath is nothing but a rehearsal
compassion, which is important, but it’s not The Role and Purpose for the day when we will see face-to-face
us the Sabbath. He wanted to say that the
danger of falling into sin is real, so it is not
enough. He asks the man to become the of the Sabbath the One who is the Lord of the Sabbath.
enough to meet just once a year or once a
centre of attention, to stand “in the middle.” This way the Sabbath becomes a vault that
It is important to have a correct month. He wants to spend a day together
connects the Creation with the recreation
Many times, on the Sabbath, we position understanding of the purpose of the with us every week. The need for God’s
through Jesus Christ, and in the centre of
ourselves as the centre of attention, waiting Sabbath; it can help us to have the right presence is imperative after falling into sin.
this arch is the cross of Golgotha.
for others to come to us, waiting for others attitude and action. The Sabbath is first The miracles performed by Christ on the
to observe our presence or our ministry. mentioned in the Bible at the time of We can also call the Sabbath the meeting Sabbath must be seen in the context of the
Often the Sabbath, after an entire week of Creation (Genesis 2:1-3). It is the day when day. When my parents were alive and I great struggle. “The object of God’s work
labour becomes the day when we wait to God finished the work of Creation. It is part would tell them that I was coming home in this world is the redemption of man;
be served, nourished by God’s Word, and of His work. They cannot be separated. If for a visit, it was the most beautiful day for therefore that which is necessary to be done
blessed, forgetting the true purpose of during the six days God offered us created them. Every occasion to meet was full of on the Sabbath in the accomplishment of
the Sabbath: to bless others through our things, on the Sabbath day He offers Himself emotion and joy. Nothing is sadder than this work is in accord with the Sabbath law.”1
ministry. Sabbath can become a day of joy by entering into the space and time created parents expecting their children to come, Before falling into sin, God rested with the
only if we follow Jesus’ example. No one for humans. The Sabbath is the day when and the children not honouring them with man and woman (Genesis 2: 1-3), but in the
had the courage to answer Jesus’ question, God is present with His rest, as well as their presence. Each Sabbath, God opens the conditions of sin and suffering, God works
whether “it is lawful to do good or to do blessing and sanctifying this temple created door of blessings and expects His children to on the Sabbath. In this way He manifests
evil on the Sabbath” (Mark 3:4). Third, Jesus in time, to which all people have access. come for a new feast. His presence. The Gospels show how the
protects this man, He doesn’t just heal him. tension between religious leaders and Jesus
Rest is not the opposite of work; God did not Every Sabbath, we experience rest by putting
The angry Pharisees and the Herodians, is growing, because of His Sabbath ministry.
need rest, and likely the man and woman into practice the principle of accomplished
the two extremes of Jewish religiosity, came In this way, Jesus revealed His identity and
didn’t need it at Creation either. Rest is the work. We have many plans, to-do lists,
out. This time, they have a common goal: to the character of God (John 5:17-47). On the
celebration of the harmony between heaven and countless wishes. Life beyond the
destroy Jesus. Those who rejoiced remained Sabbath, the salvation of humans, which
and earth. It is the joy of the whole universe gates of Eden is marked by many failures.
inside with Jesus and the healed man. For was the work of the Father, was a priority for
for all that has been created. The first On the other hand, the Sabbath tells us
them and for this man’s family, the Sabbath Jesus.
account of Creation (Genesis 1, 2) culminates to put our worries aside, to stop, and to
becomes the most beautiful Sabbath. We
in the joy of the Sabbath. In other words, learn the most important lesson: what God The last book of the Bible, Revelation,
are the ones who can make the Sabbath a
everything God created was for this does for us is far more important than our reveals in a broader way the reality of the
delight and a joy for our families and the
particular day, the Sabbath. Even after the accomplishments. In the work of Creation great controversy. In the centre of this book
church where we worship. But let us not
Fall, the Sabbath continues to be a memorial and recreation, rest precedes work. The first is the Sabbath message. In this time of the
stop here. The commandment spoken at
of Creation, pointing back to the One who is full day for the first human family was a day end, the number of those who believe in
Sinai (Exodus 20:10) requires the joy of
the Creator. At the same time, it carries with of rest. the report of Creation and who honour the
the Sabbath to be tasted even by those
it a certain nostalgia; it reminds us of what Creator grows smaller and smaller. That’s
considered “strangers” to the Sabbath-
1 Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 285.


why we must convey the truth: “Worship
Him who made heaven and earth, the sea
Beatrice, impassive to threats, began to pack
her things. The teacher called us to stop her. “And He entered the
synagogue again, and
and the springs of water” (Revelation 14:7). A few boys, including myself, blocked the
The Jews had the Sabbath but rejected door; others surrounded her, trying to make
Jesus, and without the Lord of the Sabbath her give up. Beatrice sat back down in her
(Mark 2:28), the observance of the day is of
no value. They enclosed it with all sorts of
desk. She covered her ears with her hands
so she could no longer hear us and began
a man was there who
restrictions, and Jesus wanted to restore its
true meaning. Another extreme is when the
to cry. Tears streamed down her cheeks
like two springs that had finally found their
had a withered hand.
Sabbath becomes a day of ordinary rest,
without the respect and honour we give to
way to the light. We got blocked. Suddenly
there was silence as if the whole class had So they watched Him
closely, whether He
the One who created it. The Sabbath is the a revelation. We were ashamed. From that
means and occasion by which we show that day on, Beatrice had no problems leaving
God is first in our lives and Christ’s mission is school. A kind of mysterious solidarity had
our mission. been created between us and her. We were
helping her.”
would heal him on the
Sabbath, so that they
In 2007, in the Romanian media, an article
written by a non-Adventist, with the title Even today, Jesus addresses the young
“Forgive me, Beatrice!” was printed. The people, the parents, all of us: “Stand up
author of the article, Emilian Isailă, describes
an incident when he attended secondary
in front of everyone” (Mark 3:3, NIV). The
Sabbath is the means through which we
might accuse Him. And
school in Bucharest and had a colleague
named Beatrice. He says: “She was a small
honour God. We show that He deserves
to come first in our life. Sabbath is day of
He said to the man
girl, beautiful, and smart. She was a good
student and did not speak without being
healing, a time when our hearts are touched
by His love. Sabbath is the day in which God who had the withered
hand, ‘Step forward.’”
asked. For the whole class, Beatrice was wants to bring healing and blessings through
a mystery. I sincerely envied her. At the His children for those around us. Sabbath
time, it seemed incredible to me that a is the sign of belonging and faithfulness to
student missed a day of classes every week. God.
Mark 3:1-3
Besides not coming on Saturday, Beatrice
had been leaving from the last classes on Questions:
Friday. We were studying in the afternoon,
1. What place does the Sabbath have in
and as the evening was approaching, she
your family’s schedule? Is the Sabbath a
packed her things and left. Beatrice was
day of joy?
the daughter of a doctor’s family, and they
were members of the Seventh-day Adventist 2. How can the Sabbath become a I Promise
Church. Every Saturday the teachers noted blessing to those around us?
her unmotivated absences. On a Friday
To KEEP the SABBATH, preparing for
3. What decisions do you want to make
afternoon, by the end of History class, five it accordingly on Friday, keeping its
for a reconsideration of how you
minutes before the bell rang, our teacher celebrate the Sabbath?
limits, right thoughts and activities.
suggested that we not let Beatrice leave.


Children’s Story: Present, the Present
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).
Betty always celebrated her birthday in As her birthday approached, nothing “Please, please, can I take him home? I will YOU TO
the same way. She would invite her friends
over; they would play games and have
seemed to be okay. The whole week
before, the weather was cold and rainy and
call him Present, because he’s my birthday
present from God.” She jumped happily, WATCH

fun together for a few hours. Then her unsuitable for an outdoor walk. Her mum, holding the little puppy close in her arms.
mum would bring a special birthday cake, who had planned to prepare a special berry
“You’re so lucky!” exclaimed Amy. “You’ve
which was different every year, and she cake, had to work so much overtime that
gotten exactly the birthday you’ve dreamed

would serve various goodies that her mum she did not have time to go to the market
of. And I think it was, indeed, one of the
prepared. After everyone left, she would and buy the fruit. Even Mark, Betty’s little
best birthdays you’ve ever had.” “I told you,”
help her mum clean up the house, open her brother, didn’t feel very well, and Betty was
replied Betty. “When we take care of God’s
presents, and spend some time enjoying her afraid her birthday plan would fail. But she
day, He will make ours a real celebration!”
new toys. prayed hard about it and was determined
This year it was different. Her birthday fell
to make the day “a delight,” as she knew all
Sabbaths were supposed to be, in spite of all
on a Saturday, and she knew she had to
celebrate it differently. She knew it was
the challenges. 1. Why do you think it is important to keep MILLENNIALS
the Sabbath and celebrate it?
not just her birthday, it was also Jesus’ Surprisingly, Saturday morning the weather
celebration. She wanted to put Him first, turned out to be very nice, and the sun 2. What things can you do to make the
to make Him happy on His special day. shone warm and bright. At church, the Sabbath day special and beautiful?
When her friends asked her what she had instructor from her Sabbath School group 3. Name a friend who does not know
planned for her birthday, she told them: “I wanted to surprise her and prepared a big about the Sabbath, and share the
have a special invitation for you this year.” strawberry cake for everyone, and they ate special news about God’s day with that
“What is it? What is it?” asked Amy, curious. it at the end of the class. To her surprise, person.
“Well, I want to invite you all to church in the all her friends attended church and came
morning, and then you are all invited over over afterwards, bringing her presents and
for a special celebration lunch at my house. making the lunch a real celebration. And
Afterwards, we will go on a special trip in most of all, in the afternoon, when they
nature and enjoy some special Sabbath went for a walk in nature about two miles
games,” Betty replied. “Church?!?” repeated away from their village, they found a tiny,
Amy, not believing her ears. “What does little puppy, probably lost or abandoned by
church have to do with your birthday?” “It someone far from home. “It’s exactly what
doesn’t,” Betty explained, “but it has to do I’ve wanted!” Betty exclaimed, excited. I
with my Best Friend’s day. You see, Sabbath have prayed so much to get a puppy for my
is Jesus’ special day, and I would like to first birthday, but I knew my mum and dad would
celebrate it the way He likes, and I’m sure He not allow me to get one at home, so I didn’t
will turn it into a happy feast for me, too.” tell anyone about my wish.” “Seriously?”
her mum asked. “Yes, Mum,” Betty replied.


“And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house,
and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You” (Genesis 28:22).
The Bible contains many promises. For was with his family, servants, and much 22). The answer is called worship. No one
many, they are the most beautiful part wealth, but Jacob was alone and without can define precisely what worship is, nor
of the Holy Scriptures. We need these any material support. But starting with this does the Bible define it. Worship, humanity’s
promises because through them, our faith night, they have something in common, greatest need and deepest experience,
is strengthened. What is the most important God’s promises: the Promised Land, many cannot be defined but only experienced. It
promise in the Bible, the promise that man descendants, and the blessing that would is attitude, action, obedience, amazement,
needed even before he fell into sin? include all the families of the earth. Jacob fear, joy, celebration, mystery, life,
did not expect that God would speak to him dedication—that’s all. Every dimension of life
We find it in an explicit form for the first
personally and under such circumstances. is touched by worship. Worship transforms
time in Genesis 28:15, and it is, “I am with

He was 15-years-old when Abraham died, lives. The devil doesn’t need our goods; he
you.” It is not addressed to a person who,
and he certainly had the opportunity to only wants one thing from us: our worship.
in our opinion, deserves this. God speaks
learn much about the God of his grandfather The last book of the Bible, Revelation, tells
to the one who tricked his brother, lied to

and father. us that worship will be the final object of
his father, and constrained by his brother’s
the great controversy between good and
hatred became a fugitive. His name is Jacob, It is Jacob’s first encounter with God; he
evil (Revelation 13:8). We are invited to
meaning “the deceiver.” The Bible calls this hears God’s voice for the first time. The
walk along with Jacob in this space and to
grace; it is what we all need. ladder that reaches the sky descended to the
experience true worship.
place he was. The word “place” dominates
Bethel, the Meeting the whole narrative (verses 12, 16, 17, 19),
Vows at the
Place With God it is not just a geographical location. It is the
Worshipping Place
place that marked Jacob’s life forever; it is
Jacob left Beersheba, the place of his the “gate of heaven.” Although it was only a It is impossible to meet God, to experience
Back to
brother Esau’s wrath and vengeance, for dream, this dream woke him up. The words worship, and to remain the same. So far,
Haran (Genesis 28:10). There, he was to be spoken by Jacob, “The Lord is in this place, Jacob’s life has been marked by failures.
Bethel deceived and exploited by Laban. Behind
was the threat, and ahead was the unknown.
and I did not know it,” point to his greatest
revelation. God may speak to us in many
The place where he arrived and stayed
overnight was dominated by darkness. Ellen
The road was a long one, about 800 km ways and we may not know it. Jacob needed White describes Jacob’s inner state, which
(550 miles), and in that time’s conditions, protection, and God promised to be with was also laden with darkness: “He felt that
it took about a month. The Bible does not him. He needed forgiveness and discovered he was an outcast, and he knew that all this
talk about everything that happened during the ladder on which the angels ascended trouble had been brought upon him by his
this time, but it presents the experience of a and descended. The image of this ladder own wrong course. The darkness of despair
single night that changed Jacob’s life. points to the One who descends, Jesus pressed upon his soul, and he hardly dared
Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, had travelled Christ, to “take away the sin of the world” to pray. But he was so utterly lonely that he
this road about 125 years before, but in the (John 1:29). It doesn’t refer to his past at all, felt the need of protection from God as he
opposite direction, coming to the Promised only the future (Genesis 28:13-15). had never felt it before. With weeping and
Land. There are many other differences In this superb narrative, God’s revelation deep humiliation he confessed his sin, and
between Abraham and Jacob. Abraham parallels Jacob’s response (Genesis 28:18- entreated for some evidence that he was not


utterly forsaken.”1 there must befit a place where angels with Adam, and therefore it was part of he was free from trouble, distress, and even
ascend and descend. Abraham’s experience (Genesis 14:20). The failure. That’s why Jacob had to pass through
After God speaks to him, we see a different
principle of tithing was not instituted to a new experience. It is the agony of another
Jacob. Overwhelmed by God’s promises, by The third element of worship is the tithe
raise funds, but to protect humans from night, when God, wearing a human body,
the greatness of His presence, he responds that Jacob promises will be “of all” that God
the most insidious temptation: forgetting descends to be with him. Here we see again
to God by a vow. It is the first vow we find will give him (verse 22). Jacob does not
who the true Owner is. Theoretically, we how difficult it is for us to give up control of
in the Bible, and it is based on what God conceive of worship without giving. David
accept that everything belongs to God, but our lives and let God be its Master. There are
has already promised. Jacob does nothing thought the same thing when he said to
often, practically, we consider ourselves so many paradoxes in this unique story.
new but repeats God’s promises on a much Ornan, “Nor offer burnt offerings with that
the owners. When this becomes a reality,
smaller scale, content with just the basic will costs me nothing” (1 Chronicles 21:24). First, that the Almighty God fights all
everything changes in life. Some wonder,
needs of life and the assurance of returning True worship always costs. If there are night with Jacob, a fist of dust, and cannot
however, to whom Jacob returned the
home in peace. He says, “If God will be with some who consider that it does not cost, defeat him (Genesis 32:24, 25). It took a
tithe, which we know about Abraham. The
me, and keep me in this way that I’m going, they do not know what worship is. If we supernatural touch for Jacob to give up, and
answer is simple and should be kept in
and give me bread to eat and clothes to put want to see how much worship costs, let’s his defeat becomes a victory (Genesis 32:28).
mind by any worshipper: he returned it to
on, so that I come back to my father’s house look at Golgotha. Our worship cost God After meeting God, meeting Esau becomes
God! We always return our tithes to God.
in peace, the Lord shall be my God” (Genesis the most. He is the “ladder” that Jacob saw one of the most beautiful and emotional
The fact that God later established it to be
28:20, 21). coming down from heaven. Ellen White, experiences of his life. The real problem is
used in the temple (Numbers 18:24) and for
commenting on Jacob’s promise, cannot help not outside of him, and it is not Esau. It is
In this vow, Jacob promises God three spreading the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:13)
but say with amazement: “Tithes for Christ! about letting God be the Leader of his life.
things: first his total loyalty to Him. Jacob’s is another matter, but He is its true Owner.
Oh, … shameful for that which cost so much!
commitment, in which he promises to The tithe has the role of putting order in There are many lessons for us in Jacob’s
From the cross of Calvary, Christ calls for an
put God first in his life, includes the fact our material world, putting God in the first biography, but let’s stop at just one other
unreserved consecration. All that we have,
that in this world of sin, this cannot be place in a practical and tangible way, just as episode. Chapter 35 of the book of Genesis
all that we are, should be devoted to God.”2
accomplished without determination and the Sabbath has the role of putting order in is once again sad. When we look at Jacob’s
struggle. It’s a choice that must be renewed Someone once said that everything the administration of time. Both institutions family, we find that all the worst things in
every day, and the biography of Jacob’s life important we need to know about God, have the role of protecting us from idolatry. this world are happening in this family.
demonstrates this truth. about men and women, and about Both belong to God; both are holy; both Seeing your only daughter mocked, being
salvation is found in the book of Genesis. express our dependence on God; and both lied to by your children, and the cruelty
The second element of worship is the
Here is another aspect that we cannot remind us that God is the Source of all manifested in Shechem show the brothers’
“stone,” a common thing, which first served
overlook. Many do not understand why blessings. true character. Jacob is horrified when he
as a pillow and was watered with tears. It
God instituted the tithe system. They get sees herds of animals entering his yard,
now becomes a monument of remembrance
and the “house of God.” On this stone, Jacob
the impression that the only reason is to Vow Renewal children crying, and wives screaming. There
support the church and its mission. When is a new crisis in Jacob’s life. At the same
pours oil, a symbol of dedication. The place Each of us, like Jacob, passes through
Jacob promised to be faithful in tithing, time, we see God struggling by His grace
of public worship, the houses of prayer, moments in which we promise God
there was no organised church, no pastors, to bring transformation and change to this
must be respected and cherished today as consecration and faithfulness in all areas of
no evangelistic institutions. The principle family that was to become His people.
well. Nearby was the city of Luz, but it lost its life. But as we have already mentioned, in
of tithing existed even before the first man
significance because of the glory of Bethel. order to preserve our consecration, we need That is why God intervenes and speaks to
and woman fell into sin (Genesis 2:16, 17).
The houses of prayer must be the most neat vigilance, determination, and daily struggle. Jacob again: “Arise, go up to Bethel, and
The practice of the tithe system began
and beautiful buildings, and the worship God was with Jacob, but this does not mean dwell there, and make an altar there to God,

1 Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 283.

2 Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 188.


who appeared to you when you fled from
the face of Esau, your brother” (Genesis
anchored in the experience of his life. This
is the place —he says—where God spoke to “Behold, I am with you, and
will keep you in all places
35:1). Why at Bethel? Bethel dominates the me for the first time; He promised to be with
whole chapter again, it is the place where me, and He kept His word.
God was first revealed to him, it is the place
where Jacob made the first vow of his life
to God. There God promised, “I will be with
God always keeps His word. That was
the case then, and it is the same today. wherever you go, and will bring
you back to this land; for I will
The problem is not with God; it is with
you.” Ten years have passed since Jacob
us. Jacob admits that there were delays
returned to the land of Canaan (30 years
in his commitment, but he wants a new
after leaving home), but he stopped in
Shechem, perhaps forgetting about Bethel.
consecration, this time of his whole family. not leave you, until I have done
what I have spoken to you.”
Returning to Bethel involves a less enjoyable We are talking about revival and reformation
work. Jacob knew that things were not in and how much the church needs it. If there
order in his family, but he tolerated them. was a day in our lives when we promised
Until now, he always went alone to meet faithfulness and consecration, now is the
Genesis 28:15
God, but this time he refused to do so. He time to renew that vow. It is time to return to
realises that he is losing his family, which is the Bethel of our beginnings. These are the
why this time his courage is unprecedented, three essential aspects of the commitment:
and he demands that everyone participate in God in the first place, God’s house or His
this event. He knows that worship requires local or worldwide church, and faithfulness
renunciation, cleansing, and consecration, so in tithing. If we want a change in our lives
he commands, “Put away the foreign gods for the first time, let us not forget the
that are among you, purify yourselves, and experience of Jacob. God is ready to forgive
change your garments” (Genesis 35:2). the past and give us a new beginning. Bethel
is the place of new beginnings as well as the
What keeps us from putting God first in a
place of renewal of our consecration. The
tangible way by tithing, sacrificing for God’s
day of this experience is today.
house, the place of worship, and also for
world mission is idolatry. It can be the idols
of materialism, selfishness, self, or any
other form. But let’s not forget: idols destroy 1. How does worship change my life and
our lives and families. They are cruel. They that of my family?
demand everything from us, and they don’t 2. John abruptly concludes his first epistle
offer us anything in return. Jacob had the with the warning, “Little children, keep
courage to say that he no longer wanted yourselves free of idols” (1 John 5:21).
such things. The idols were buried under the
I Promise
oak near Shechem (Genesis 35:4). Arriving
at Bethel, he builds the altar, prepares the 3. Are there any delays in my life
sacrifice, and gathers his family around the regarding faithfulness in returning the To DEDICATE a percentage (__%) of my
altar. The sermon Jacob gave there could tithe? What keeps me from committing income as a regular OFFERING to the Lord.
not be forgotten by anyone, because it was to God as Jacob did?


Children’s Story: Five Times Rewarded
“For God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Timothy was a 7-year-old boy who loved really badly!
playing with Lego® very much. He could
The following Sabbath, he took the money
spend hours patiently building up different 1. Do you think God needs our money?
he had received to church and put the entire
Lego® models and inventing all kinds of Why do you think He wants us to return
sum into the offering basket. His mum was
things from his Lego® pieces. He had only the tithe?
very surprised, as she knew how much he
two sets of Lego®. One was a birthday
had wanted the game. She also knew that he 2. How can you share what you have with
present from his parents, and the other was
could not easily earn the amount needed by God and other people?
from his classmates as an end-of-the-school-
year gift. But he loved to mix the pieces and 3. Do you think you can find ways to
build all sorts of cars, ships, planes, and Two days later, a woman from his mum’s return the tithe, even though you might
buildings. workplace asked his mum if she wanted not have an income?
some toys for Timothy. Her grandson, who
He had just seen a new Lego® model that
was now grown, had decided to give them
had come out, which he liked very, very
away. And guess what one of the toys was? It
much and wished he could have. “If I had
was a very, very big sack full of Lego® pieces! SUBSCRIBE TO
this model too, which has a lot of special
When she gave the bag to Timothy’s mum,
pieces included, I am sure I could invent and
built almost everything,” he used to tell his
the woman said: “My grandson kept these
toys the longest, but now he is big enough to
mum. “You can try to save money,” his mum
not play anymore and is ready to give them
advised him. Timothy started saving money,
away. I think there are more than 10 Lego®
little by little, but he knew the game was
games mixed inside.”
pretty expensive, and he felt bad for having
to pay so much for a simple game. You can imagine Timothy’s joy when his
mum brought the sack home. Also try to
Then one day, an old family friend came to
imagine his amazement when he realised
visit and gave Timothy a banknote worth
he had given up his money for God, but
$50! Along with the money he had raised,
that God had given him way more than he
it was just enough to buy the Lego® set.
could have bought with his money! Putting
Just imagine Timothy’s joy! His first thought  RESOURCES
God first in all aspects of our lives, including
was to go to buy it. Then a second thought  TESTIMONIALS
money, is like opening the door for God to
came to his mind: he remembered that the  OFFERTORY VIDEOS, ETC.
bless us and fill our own life with joy! God is
previous Sabbath the pastor had announced
always happy to bless the cheerful giver!
in church that they would have a special
collection for a mission project in Africa. He https://stewardship.adventist.org/
felt the urge to give his money to church, newsletter
even though he wanted the Lego® game


“But Jesus said, ‘Let her alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial’” (John 12:7).
I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like end of the gospel, is called the “book of from the dead. Martha is also present and
presents. Gifts are part of our lives and are glory.” The events of this section culminate responsible for preparing the meal. It is
a thermometer of love and generosity. It is in Golgotha, where Jesus manifests the glory the last occasion when we meet all three
difficult to say what we like best: giving or of God. siblings: Lazarus, Martha, and Mary.
receiving gifts; but Jesus said that “it is more
We see how in the Gospel of John, the If we had the opportunity to go back in time
blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
popularity of Jesus increases from one sign and be present at this dinner, what would
I would like to invite you to meditate on a
to another. The resurrection of Lazarus we be interested in? Maybe some of us
special, extraordinary gift, which was offered
motivated the Sanhedrin to meet in order to would be surprised by the menu prepared,
in an unconventional and inappropriate
decide what to do with Jesus (John 11:47-57). or by the way the meal was served. Another
way for that time. Everyone there was
surprise for our culture is that only men
troubled and therefore did not forget that The Sanhedrin decided that Jesus must die;

were present, and women were only
occasion. It happens that the beneficiary and the disciple John, after presenting the
concerned with preparing food and serving
of this extraordinary gift was Jesus. Few supper in Simon’s house, talks about a new
it. Discussions between those present could

accounts, except the crucifixion and the decision of the Sanhedrin. It is not enough
be another point of interest. Let’s not forget,
Resurrection, are told by all four evangelists. for Jesus to die; Lazarus also must die (John
at the table there was someone who had
This event is one of them. Matthew says that 12:9-11). John intersperses the report of
spent several days in the grave, and such a
a woman “poured the fragrant oil on His the anointing of Jesus under this cloud of
thing had never happened before.
head” (Matthew 26:7). Mark, on the other threats, showing how great the tension was
hand, adds a detail: that this woman “broke when it occurred. Dinner was in full swing when something
the flask” of alabaster, and Jesus describes uncommon, even outrageous to some,
If in the first part of the Gospel of John
it as “a good work for Me” (Mark 14:6). The suddenly happened. A woman, Mary, enters
we have a chronology of what happened
evangelist Luke calls her “a sinner” in the the space where the event was taking place.
during the first week of messianic activity,
city (Luke 7:37); and in the Gospel of John, a She carried with her a vessel, which she first

The Gift
now the countdown begins during the last
gospel that was written much later, we also “broke” (Mark 14:3), and then she spilled the
week before the crucifixion. “Six days before
find the name of this woman, Mary (John contents on Jesus. The vessel was precious,
of Love 12:3).
the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany” (John
12:1), because He wanted to spend the last
made of alabaster, and the contents were
extremely expensive, “oil of spikenard” (John
The Context in the Sabbath with His friends, in the family where
He felt at home.
12:3). A few drops would have been enough
Gospel of John to fill the house with the fragrance of the

Some commentators divide the Gospel of

Dinner at Simon’s House anointing, but Mary pours all the contents
on Jesus’ body. All eyes are turned to Jesus.
John into two parts. The first part, from Simon, although a Pharisee, considered There is silence; indignation and tension
chapter 1 to chapter 12, is called the “book himself a disciple of Jesus. He wanted to increase in the room. One of the disciples
of signs.” In this first part, John presents honour Jesus by preparing a special meal. finally breaks the silence with the words:
seven signs. The first we find in Cana, and Simon bore the epithet “the leper,” because “Why this waste?” (Matthew 26:8), and John
the last is the resurrection of Lazarus in he had suffered from this terrible disease, tells us who that disciple was, whose spirit
Bethany. and Jesus had healed him. At this meal were of criticism was immediately taken on by the
the disciples along with Jesus, other Jews, other disciples.
The second part, from chapter 13 to the
and Lazarus, who was recently resurrected


The spirit of criticism is still very contagious went to the religious leaders to betray Jesus.1 to let him become a cashier? God gives on the wood of the cross, the fragrance of
today. With mercantile thinking, Judas But the fact is, it wasn’t his money. It wasn’t us responsibilities not to be overcome by the pure nard oil told Him that there were
immediately calculated the cost of this his product. Every time an act of generosity temptation but to overcome temptation. beings in this world who valued His sacrifice.
“waste,” three hundred dinars. To have is manifested, selfishness is already present He does not need our offerings or tithes.
a picture of Mary’s gift, the sum of three and wants to take control. This was the case We need to overcome selfishness and Gifts for God
hundred dinars was enough to provide all then, and it is the same today. This tension criticism. “Judas had indulged avarice until
What can we offer to a person who has
the basic needs for a family for a whole year. and struggle are present in every heart, it overpowered every good trait of his
absolutely everything? The only thing we
We can evaluate Mary’s gift in the context including our own. We were not born with a character. He grudged the offering made
can offer is our love. Along with tithes, God
of today’s family income for an entire year. spirit of generosity; selfishness is part of our to Jesus. His heart burned with envy that
instituted the offering system. Often, when
Even today, this gift would be considered fallen nature. It is present in our DNA. Even the Saviour should be the recipient of a gift
we discuss the practice of tithing and how
extraordinary. Mary was horrified when she young children, up to the age of 2, already suitable for the monarchs of the earth.”2
God treats this subject, we open the Bible to
heard these words of criticism, and now have a clear sense of possession. They know
In contrast to Judas’ attitude, we have the last book of the Old Testament, the book
she was afraid of how Jesus would react. how to say the word “mine.” Just as parents
the example of Mary. Her gift exceeds all of Malachi. In the first chapter of this book,
Suddenly, the voice of Jesus is heard through strive to help their children give up selfish
expectations. She is a model of generosity. God expresses His displeasure with the way
the words: “Let her alone; she has kept this manifestations, so is God fighting with us to
John says, “The house was filled with the His people treated the offerings that were to
for the day of My burial” (John 12:7). Jesus become like Him, full of generosity.
fragrance of the oil” (John 12:3), but not be brought to the temple (Malachi 1:8), and
not only defends Mary, He appreciates the
John the disciple adds a detail that we do only the house was filled but also the in chapter 3, along with tithes, the offerings
profound significance of her gesture. Mary’s
not find in the other gospels when Judas courtyard. Besides the Saviour no one is are mentioned again (Malachi 3:8). The
gift points to an even greater gift, the gift of
asked the question, “Why was this fragrant more honoured in the New Testament than offerings in the Bible are often associated
oil not sold … and given to the poor?” (John Mary, because Jesus said: “Wherever this with confession of sins and worship.

Two Characters 12:5). John said this of Judas: “Not that he gospel is preached in the whole world, what
The standard of giving gifts is different from
cared for the poor, but because he was a this woman has done will also be told as a
with Totally Different thief, and had the money box; and he used memorial to her” (Matthew 26:13).
that of tithing. Tithe is our duty, and duties
in the Bible are expressed in specific terms,
Attitudes to take what was put in it” (verse 6). Even
In the vessel Mary broke was all her wealth, to be clear to everyone. That is why the tithe
decades after the Gospel was written, John’s
The main character of this narrative, as all her dowry, all her dreams. If we had the is 10 percent of all our income. But offerings
indignation is still great. He knew that the
well as of the whole gospel, is Jesus. Let’s opportunity to ask her: “Mary, was it worth are not limited to an exact mathematical
money in the bag did not belong to Judas or
look at two other characters who had the doing such a thing?” what do you think her number. Offerings are determined by our
the disciples, but was God’s.
opportunity to meet Jesus: Judas and Mary. response would be? I think her answer gratitude and love. Mary’s extraordinary gift
Every Sabbath in church today, money is would be: “What I did can in no way measure is an expression of her love and appreciation
Judas, a derivative of the name Judah, is a put into the offering basket or sent to the up to how much He has done for me!” In the for God. Our offerings, not our tithe, show
beautiful name; the meaning of this name account of the church during worship. This Gospels, Mary can be found every time at how much we love God. That is why Jesus
is “I will praise the Lord” (Genesis 29:35). money, tithes and offerings, belongs to God, the feet of Jesus. After the Resurrection, she told Simon, who looked down on Mary and
Today, however, this name can rarely be and His money also passes through our is the one to whom Jesus reveals Himself judged Jesus, “But to whom little is forgiven,
found. Why was Judas bothered, and why hands. Selfishness or greed might tempt for the first time. The essence of pure nard the same loves little” (Luke 7:47).
did he create this atmosphere of indignation us, as well, to hold on to what belongs to myrrh soaked into the Saviour’s body and
toward Mary and even toward Jesus? Ellen There are clear principles in the Bible that
God. Some may wonder that if Jesus knew continued to spread the pleasant fragrance.
White in the book The Desire of Ages says that can help us to personally determine not only
the character of Judas, why did He agree When He was mocked and beaten and hung
Judas was so upset that from this supper he the quantity but also the quality of offerings.

1 Ellen G. White, The Desires of Ages, p. 645.

2 Ellen G. White, The Desires of Ages, p. 564.


In the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 16:10,
17), as well as in the New Testament, it is
Holy Spirit had planned for her, and she had
obeyed His promptings.” “And being in Bethany
at the house of Simon
said that the offerings must be according to
The Holy Spirit still wants to lead us in
as “he may prosper,” or the “gain,” of each (1
giving offerings today. We can listen to
Corinthians 16:2) or the blessings received.

The second principle is that of the sacrifice

His exhortations or, like Judas, be led by
selfishness. Every gift we give must become the leper, as He sat at
the table, a woman
so evident in the churches of Macedonia that a symbol of the sacrifice at Calvary. Jesus
the apostle Paul appreciates and presents as saw in Mary’s gift a symbol of the fragrance
a model for those in Corinth but also for us of salvation that will spread from Golgotha
(2 Corinthians 8:1-5). Jesus was so impressed
with the widow’s gift, which she gave not of
throughout the universe. Mary gave Jesus an
even more precious gift than the alabaster
came having an
her abundance but with sacrifice; she gave
everything (Mark 12:41-44). Every Sabbath,
vessel with pure nard myrrh. Not only was
the vessel broken, her heart was broken as
alabaster flask of very
when we have the privilege of giving, we
need to ask ourselves, “Is the gift I offer to

Standing in front of the cross as Mary once

costly oil of spikenard.
Then she broke the
God today a sacrifice to me?” It is not God
stood, we can say: “Lord, take into your
who needs our gifts, but we need to be
hands our past, present, and future. Turn
healed of selfishness.

The third principle is that of regularity.

our broken vessel into a vessel of honour for
Your glory. Watch over us so that we do not flask and poured it on
His head.”
Whenever we participate in worship, we give follow Judas’ example. We want to express
because worship without giving is not only our love for You through the offerings that
incomplete, it is also worthless (Psalms 50:5). we offer You every Sabbath, so that through

One Friday I was at the office when a

them others will know the scent of Your
Mark 14:3
eternal salvation, Your love, and Your grace.”
brother came to me and asked me to lend
him a certain amount of money because
tomorrow, he said, “I don’t want to attend
the worship service empty-handed.” Of 1. Am I happy that God has instituted the
course, he soon came and returned the offering system, or is it something that
amount, but I can’t forget that occasion. We bothers me?
need to turn daily to the supreme gift of our 2. Are there gifts that God does not accept
Saviour at Calvary. today, and if so, what are they?
3. I am willing to decide that my offering
Another offering principle is the one Jesus
is not out of impulse or made of sums
mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount.
that do not represent me. To what
It is the principle of God’s priority and His
extent is my offering a symbol of the
kingdom. Mary, unlike others, had the
sacrifice at Calvary?
opportunity to anoint Jesus’ body before
the funeral because she had made her gift
to Jesus a priority. Ellen White says that “the


Children’s Story: “Watch therefore, for you
know neither the day not the

The Egg Seller

hour in which the Son of Man
is coming” (Matthew 25:13).
The year 2020 will undoubtedly go down in
“Render ... to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). history as the year of the deepest crisis in
recent times. People ask many questions
Hellen lives in a small village and is in her income. Every day she would pray and ask
these days. Here are some of them: Is the
retirement years, but she does not receive God to help her find ways to complete the
crisis that we are going through a sign of the
any monthly payment because she was a sum before the evening. Sometimes she
end? Is there much time left before Christ

housewife all her life. She always worked would work for a little money or sell a few
returns? What else does the future hold for
very hard as a housewife, but she was never items, but God always helped her to keep
employed outside her home. her promise, and she had many wonderful

experiences while raising money for God. To answer these questions, let us open the
Now that she is old, her income is very small,
Bible to the Saviour’s last sermon, which
and she has had to struggle many times with Little by little, she raised the stakes again,
we can find in all the Synoptic Gospels—
financial needs. until she was giving a $10 value banknote to
Matthew, Mark, and Luke—but not John. The
each of her four offering projects: mission,
One of her dearest wishes was to be able disciple John does not record this sermon,
charity, Hope Channel, and ADRA. She
to sustain mission through her money and but he wrote the book of Revelation, which
eventually reached the point of giving a $50
help those who were able to spread God’s deals with this same subject.
value banknote for each project every week,
Word to other people. One day she decided
and she has had many beautiful experiences Of the three Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel
to put aside for God a single banknote every
with God as a result. It’s been more than of Matthew presents the last sermon of
day, no matter what (the smallest banknote
in her country’s currency is equivalent to
four years since she began to do this, and
when she talks about it today, she always
Stewards Jesus in a complete form. It dominates most
of two chapters (Matthew 24, 25). Jesus
for the
25 cents in U.S. currency). Every day Hellen
says these were the most prosperous years parallels the scenario of the destruction of
sought for ways to make just that little
of her life. She has been greatly blessed all Jerusalem with the final events of His return,
amount of money and prayed that she could
keep her promise to God. Since she was
this time! End Time as the assurance of the fulfilment of the last
act in human history, His return in glory.
living in the country, she tried to sell at least
two eggs a day (which would have been the If we look at the structure of the Sermon
amount of that one smallest banknote), just 1. Why do you think God wants us to give on the Mount of Olives, we see that Jesus
to be able to put it aside for God every day. offerings to church? first speaks of the signs of His return, then
2. How can our money help others to of the need to watch for them. But most
When she saw that she could easily raise this
know Him? of the sermon is devoted to the way we
amount, she “raised the stakes.” She decided
should wait and be ready for His return.
to put aside one banknote for mission, one
3. Challenge: Try to save as much as This is obvious by the way He corrects
for charity, one for Hope Channel, and one
possible this week and give the sum the disciples’ question, “Tell us, when will
for ADRA every single day. Even though the
at church, asking God to use it as a these things be? And what will be the sign
sum was not very much, it was not an easy
blessing to those in need. of Your coming and the end of this age?”
task for a 60-year-old woman with little


(Matthew 24:3). Jesus answers, “Take heed opportunity to hear. The kingdom of heaven, for sure: everyone received much more than had received. In this case, we wonder, Why is
that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Jesus said, “is like a man traveling to a far they could have earned or owned. The lord the punishment so harsh? Maybe firing him
He wants to tell the disciples that the most country, who called his own servants and of the servants also expresses his generosity would have been enough.
important question is not when, but how entrusted His goods to them” (Matthew through the trust he shows them.
Let’s not forget the purpose for which Jesus
they should be prepared. To help the 25:14). This truth should be repeated again
For our understanding, a talent can told this parable. He does not address the
disciples and those waiting throughout the and again, that all that we are and have
represent any gift received from God, crowd; He speaks to the disciples, those
ages to understand what it means to be is only entrusted to us; it belongs to God.
everything we have, everything we are, every who asked Him about the end of this world.
ready, Jesus tells four parables. We call them Only in this way will we be able to have a
moment, every day, the financial resources, Once again, Jesus emphasises the need for
the “expectation parables,” but they also correct perspective of God, ourselves, and
family, and social relationships—everything vigilance and shows what it means to be
can be called the “stewardship parables,” the meaning of life. Watching and waiting
we have is because of His grace. vigilant. In the previous parables as well,
because they illustrate the fundamental for the Saviour’s return is not an event.
the master and the bridegroom returned.
principles of stewardship. The short answer It is a lifestyle based on the truth that God also opens opportunities to serve,
Here the same theme appears again. Jesus
to the question of what it means to be ready everything belongs to God and must be through which we can do something
mentions that there will be a delay when He
for Jesus’ return, according to the sermon, used in harmony with His will. The apostle extraordinary for Him. No one has reason
used the expression “after a long time” the
is to be a true steward, one to whom the Paul’s question should always dominate our to complain that he did not receive any
master returned. The certainty of return is
Lord can say, “Well done, good and faithful thinking: “What do you have that you did not opportunities. God has invested so much
accentuated again. We do not know when
servant” (Matthew 25:21). receive?” (1 Corinthians 4:7). in each of us. Everything that follows in this
He will come, but we know that He will
parable happens because of the different
In the first parable, Jesus shows that Three servants were given the responsibility return. And when He returns, He will do one
perspective the stewards have of their
watching and being ready is reflected in of administrating the entire wealth of their thing: He will “settle accounts” (verse 19)
master. Perhaps we should make a daily list,
how we treat those around us. One day we master: eight talents. What the disciples of what we have done with what has been
as did David (Psalms 103), of God’s blessings
will give an account of this. In the second understood from Jesus’ words may be entrusted to us. Such a generous God has
and praise Him for who He is, a God full of
parable, Jesus speaks of a possible delay. different from how we understand the every right to do so. However, why does He
Watching involves a relationship with God meaning of the word “talent” today. The settle accounts? He gave the unused talent
that sustains us, even if He does not come talent at that time was not a monetary
Different Attitudes to the one who had ten talents. God has
when we think He should come. In the unit, but a measure of weight. It could only one expectation from us: to grow in
next parable, watching means to use all weigh between 25 and 35 kilograms (55-77 Toward the Master the likeness of Him, and become generous
the capacities and opportunities offered to pounds). A silver talent was the equivalent The first two stewards appreciate their with what has been entrusted to us. We are
expand the borders of His kingdom. In the of 6,000 dinars, or 15 years of work. So, one master, and therefore they do not behave either generous as God is or stingy, and see
last parable, that of the sheep and the goats, talent was worth a fabulous sum. From the like servants, but as his true partners. They Him as stingy as well.
watching means to be willing to serve. Space talent in the parable came our word “talent,” “immediately” (Matthew 25:15) invested These are the words of the unfaithful
does not allow us to talk about each parable. which means the endowments or abilities everything they had received and thus servant: “Lord, I knew you to be a hard man,
For this reason, I will discuss only the third, that a person might have. increased its value. Every time we read this reaping where you have not sown, and
the parable of the talents. parable, our attention turns to the third
Jesus’ primary purpose through this parable gathering where you have not scattered
servant, who “went and dug in the ground,
We Have a is not to teach us a lesson in financial
and hid his lord’s money” (verse 18). At first
seed. And I was afraid” (Matthew 25:24, 25).
management. Jesus wants to say that the If we do not have a correct perspective of
Generous God kingdom of heaven only resembles the sight, there seems to be nothing wrong with God, we will not wait for Him to return, and
administration of money. Each servant what he did. He did not waste his master’s our life will be dominated by fear (verse
The disciples gather around the Saviour
received according to his own “ability” resources. On the contrary, he sought a way 25). Fear has a paralysing effect, negatively
and continue to listen to one of the most
(Matthew 25:15), or capacity. One thing is to make sure he could fully repay all that he affecting the experiences of vigilance
important sermons they have had the


and waiting. And yet, why such a harsh angels know (Matthew 24:36). Precisely for “But we must also appropriately broaden calls this “stewardship.”
punishment? Jesus is not talking about this reason, we are advised to watch and be the meaning of talent to include not
money here, but about His kingdom. He did ready. What will happen to us then, depends only the money, but to also include the Questions:
everything to make His kingdom a reality; to on what we do today. This is the message of responsibilities, gifts, talents, and abilities
1. Who is the lord of the parable for you?
expand it and to embrace as many souls as Jesus. that God gives to each one of us. And when
possible. This is the role of the church, the we do that, we realise that every day of our 2. What are the talents received for
There is another aspect to consider. The
responsibility of each of us. For this reason lives can be characterised by watching. which you will one day have to give an
state of being ready is not what saves us.
His precious blood was shed on the cross. account?
Salvation, from beginning to end, is because “When outstanding musicians lead
To be careless with such a calling means to 3. How do the parables of Jesus help me
of His grace. The state of being ready or worshippers in majestic praise; when the
be a “wicked and lazy” servant (verse 26). to have a correct understanding of what
watchful shows whether we have received choir and orchestra use what they have
The church is not just a place in which to He expects of me?
God’s grace in our lives. The Saviour’s been given to lift the hearts of God’s people
feel good or to bury the talents you receive.
parable tells us that this immense capital, heavenward, it is tempting just to say, ‘Thank
Not putting to work what we have received
which is His grace, must be invested and you for using your talents.’ . . . But please
through the enormous cost of the sacrifice
used to expand His kingdom. The first understand that on a much deeper level, as
at Calvary is wickedness and rebellion
two servants knew how to watch and be they increase the Kingdom of God, they are
against God. Ellen White says, “Christ’s
prepared for the master’s return and could watching. Watching for the coming.
followers have been redeemed for service.
look him in the eyes with joy. They invested
Our Lord teaches that the true object of life “When children learn of the truths of the
what they had received.
is ministry.”1 kingdom in children’s programs, they are the
Pastor Randy Roberts in the book Waiting beneficiaries of the people who are using
These parables remind us that no matter
and Longing says: their talents to increase the kingdom in their
how rich or modest the received talents
little lives. And so we will say, ‘Thank you for
are, they are all important to God’s plans. “Have you ever thought what vigilance
using your talents.’ But beyond that do not
The parable of the talents shows that the means? First of all, take it for what it literally
miss the fact that these leaders are not just
most important thing is not how much we meant to the first hearers, when a talent
serving the children. No, they are watching.
have received (the reward is the same for symbolised money. So one of the first ways
Watching for the coming of the King.”2
everyone), but what we do with what we to watch is using your money in ways that
have. further the goals of the Kingdom of God. The greatest blessing one can enjoy is to
hear on the day of His return the words:
Stewards in “Have you ever realised that when the
offering plate comes down your row at
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you EASY TO RETURN
the End Time church and you drop in your tithe and your
have been faithful over a few things, I will
make you ruler over many things. Enter
Is the crisis that gripped the world in the offerings, that you are not just giving for the
into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21).
church? No, you are watching, watching for E-GIVING WEBSITES
year 2020 a sign of the end? The answer is Remember, by God’s grace, strive not to
the coming of Christ. Have you ever realised Australia:
definitely “Yes.” We have been in the time of be a successful servant, but rather a good
that when the hat is passed for a needy www.egiving.org.au
the end since the period of the early church, and faithful servant, made ruler over a few
family, and you help bear the burden, you New Zealand:
says the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:11. things. We are not called to accomplish www.egiving.org.nz
But how much time is left until Christ’s are not just giving something to help the
anything sensational, but to be faithful to
return is what we do not know. Not even the needy? No, you are watching for the coming. E-GIVING APP
what has been entrusted to us, and the Bible
Search “eGiving” on Google Play
1 Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 326. or the Apple App Store
2 Randy Roberts, Waiting and Longing for Jesus (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2011), p. 86.


Children’s Story: The Buried Treasure G. EDWARD REID

Amanda was a very talented girl. She loved the box was missing! Extremely worried, bury them, just like a treasure box that is lost
drawing, taking photos, traveling, and doing
crossword puzzles. But most of all, she loved
she looked everywhere in her room where
she thought it might be, but could not find
or hidden.”

“What does this have to do with my stamp

collecting stamps. She had a great passion
for it, and her collection included more than
it. Almost crying, she went to her mum and
asked her if she had seen the stamp box.
box?” Amanda asked, confused. DO WE

250 stamps of different colours and values “It has much to do with both with your stamp
“Are you sure you have searched
from all over the world. She would show her box and with your music talent which are
everywhere?” her mother asked.
collection to her friends and even exchange both buried right now,” her mum answered, IN SEARCH OF THE STOREHOUSE

stamps through the mail with other children “Yes, Mum, I’m sure I’ve looked very carefully. leaning on the trunk of the tree beside which
who also were collecting stamps. Oh, Mum, I can’t even think about losing my she had buried the box. She then removed
stamp collection!” she sighed. “That box was the dirt and revealed Amanda’s stamp box,
One thing Amanda didn’t like to do, though,
like a treasure box for me!” carefully wrapped in a plastic bag.
was to play her violin every day. She loved
music, of course, and she was the one “Well, then, let’s look for it together,” her “Oh, Mum!” Amanda jumped happily, picked
who begged her mum to take her to music mum suggested. “Because many treasure up her box, and held it tight to her chest. “I
school. But when it came to daily practice, boxes that are lost have no value, right?” she almost thought I lost it!”
she would always delay or skip it! Her mum asked, looking into Amanda’s eyes. “Yes,” the
“Well, you almost did. And I’m afraid you ADVENTIST STEWARDSHIP MINISTRIES

would remind her every day to practice, 12-year-old girl responded. “Do you really
will lose some of the treasures that God has
but every time something would come think it is lost, Mum?” she asked, with fear in
entrusted you with, like your music talent,
up or be more urgent to do. So, Amanda her eyes and a trembling voice.
if you keep burying them under the dust of
would sometimes forget to play her violin.
“Let me tell you something,” her mum said, time, postponement, or forgetting.”

More than that, when it came to playing in
talking her hand and guiding her through the
church, she would always complain that she “I think I’ve got the idea,” Amanda said,
back door and into the garden. “You see, our
was too shy or that she would prefer doing blushing, yet happy to have recovered her
goods are valuable as long as we use them
something else. stamp box. “I guess I have another treasure
as needed. But when we lose them, or hide
to recover,” she said, hurrying to her
One day, after her mum received a text them, or when they are buried, they have
bedroom to get her violin and practice the
message from the music teacher saying no value, no matter how big the treasure
song she was to play during the children’s
that Amanda needed to practice more, her is.” Before Amanda could ask why her mum
program the following Sabbath.
mum took the box in which Amanda kept had taken her into the garden, her mum
her stamp collection and buried it in a little continued: “It is the same with our talents.
hole she dug in the garden. The next day, They are treasures that God has given to us
when Amanda came home from school, she to use for His glory. Some of us have more, 1. Can you name one or more talents that
seemed very happy. She told her mum that some have less, but each one has a treasure God has given you?
she had just received two new stamps from box in which God has put one or more 2. How can you use your talent or talents
her best friend, whose dad had travelled to special talents. When we stop using these for God’s glory?
a foreign country. But when she wanted to talents, when we don’t practice them for 3. How can our talents multiply, as we use
add the two new stamps to her collection, God’s glory and to bless those around us, we them more and more?



Copyright ©2020 by the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists®

All rights reserved

Published by Review and Herald® Publishing Association

Written by: Ioan Câmpian Tâtar

Edited by: Sandra Blackmer

Cover: www.iStock.com

Layout and Design: Johnetta B. Flomo

This material may be translated, printed, or photocopied by any Seventh-day Adventist entity without
securing further permission. Republished documents must include the credit line: “Stewardship
Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, used by permission.” Selling this work for
profit is prohibited.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982
by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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