SPD Stewardship Week of Revival
SPD Stewardship Week of Revival
SPD Stewardship Week of Revival
The Kingdom
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................ 2
Day 1 • From Sadness to Singing...................................................................... 3
This year’s World Stewardship Emphasis Day will be held
terrifying and disruptive year. The events took us by surprise,
in December. The week prior is recognised as Stewardship
though we are attentive to the unfolding of biblical prophecies.
Emphasis Week, a time when Adventist stewardship leaders
A significant amount of energy was mobilised to adapt to new
around the world will lead out in the morning worship service
First The
realities and to shift into a protective mode. Too much for just
and conduct afternoon seminars; encouraging members to put
one year! Going through such a whirlwind has the capacity to
God first in all aspects of their lives.
drift us away from our anchor points. A spiritual check-up is
necessary for our wellbeing. We encourage each local church to plan and organise the
“God First” week of prayer to nurture God’s stewards for their
The Stewardship Revival Week, written by Pastor Ioan Câmpian
journey to eternity. The General Conference Stewardship team
Tâtar, the Stewardship Ministries Director of the Inter-
prays that this program will serve as a refreshing and refilling
European Division, serves as an instrument for a thorough
stop for each of us.
introspection exercise. He probes into some Bible stories and STEWARDSHIP
in mission. Of course, a living and spiritually of them. Even at the place of worship, He chose Hannah, an ordinary woman who
powerful church is made up of consecrated Peninnah continued to denigrate Hannah was not a prophet like Deborah or Hulda,
because Hannah was childless in words that
families, families that study the Word of but who had a spiritual sensitivity and fear of
God and make a daily habit of praying to hurt her soul (1 Samuel 1:6). The only thing God. Her name appears on the pages of the
and praising Him. I invite you to go in your Hannah could do was to withdraw from the Holy Scriptures along with the great men of
mind to the time of the judges. It was one of celebration in tears. A family in spiritual and faith for the simple reason that she prayed.
the most troubling periods in the history of relational crisis actually showed what was As a result of her prayer, the history of the
the people of Israel. The moral and spiritual happening at that time on a different scale, people of Israel turned and took a new
deterioration is obvious; this period can be at the level of the whole nation. direction. If she had not prayed, would we
called the Dark Ages of the Old Testament. Pilgrims from all over the country came to be talking today about Samuel, the prophet
Shiloh for one reason—to worship. Those and judge, whose leadership resulted in real
The first two chapters of the book of
there who should have led all the people moral and spiritual reform? He is the one
1 Samuel present the real life, without
in the holy act of worship “did not know who ensured the transition from the period
retouching, of a family of those times.
the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:12). This is the main of the judges to the monarchy. He wept for
Sadness to
Elkanah gathers all the members of his
reason for the moral and spiritual crisis Saul, but he had the privilege of anointing
family every year and goes to Shiloh, the
that the people of Israel were experiencing. David, a man “after His own heart” (1 Samuel
spiritual and religious centre of Israel, “to
Compromise led to conflict and chaos. 13:14), as king.
worship and sacrifice to the Lord (1 Samuel
1:3). Seeing the whole family heading to the External enemies attacked the nation (1 Hannah longed to become a mother, and
place of public worship was something to be Samuel 4-7), and corruption prevailed the lack of children was a shame in her
appreciated in those days, as it is today. within. The sons of Eli, the high priest, were culture, a sign of divine displeasure. Little
guilty of a great sin because they “abhorred by little, however, this dream of hers died
Instead, the reality beyond the appearance the offering of the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:17). and had become the object of Peninnah’s
was different. According to the customs
From this sad story, we see that the devil’s mockery. This time, though, when Peninnah
then, if a family did not have children,
strategy is to ruin God’s children. When mocked her, Hannah did something
some would take a second wife. All such
worship is absent or becomes a failure at a completely unusual. She rose from the table,
examples in the Bible speak of the negative
personal, family, or church level, the devil’s not to mourn in solitude, but to carry the
consequences of such a wrong step, and
victory is assured. For this reason, “the word burden of her soul before God in prayer. The
Elkanah’s case is no exception.
of the Lord was rare in those days; there was expression repeated many times regarding
Lord hath given me my each day. The mother would cook bread
from the little flour they had left, and they
to a friend’s house to ask him to lend him
some money for the family’s needs. But
I have lent him to the days they would also run out of wood to set
the fire in the stove, and he was concerned
Johnny, who had already woken up and was
feeling hungry, as he had gone to bed the
little Johnny and Sarah and gave them and laws that have governed social and
“What does that mean?” “It’s not an easy
their much-awaited bananas! “I told you, religious life at that time.
thing to explain to someone unfamiliar with
Mummy,” Johnny said with a sparkle in his
the Bible,” Maxson said, then continued: “I The action begins in Bethlehem, moves
eyes. “I knew Jesus hears all our prayers. He
suppose there are many Christians on this to the land of Moab, and finally ends
just has unique ways to answer them!”
plane, but are they all true Christians?” The in Bethlehem. Because of the drought,
Questions: interlocutor’s reply came immediately, “I Elimelech’s family decides to move to the
don’t think everyone is a true Christian.” land of Moab for a while. In just ten years,
1. Why do you think children are special
“Even less-religious people have a picture Naomi, Elimelech’s wife, buries her husband,
to Jesus?
of what it means to be a true Christian,” witnesses the marriage and (later) the
2. Can we trust God even when He said Maxson. “My full-time duty is to help death of her two sons, and is left with her
answers our prayers different than we people to practice Christianity. To be a two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth.
The Delight
expect? faithful steward, or administrator, involves Many things can happen in just ten years!
taking seriously the commandment that Naomi decides to return home, and the two
3. Do you have an experience when God
answered your prayer? Can you share it of Kindness Jesus Christ said was the greatest: “‘You shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart,
daughters-in-law accompany her. Three
times these widowed women stop and
with the group?
in Real Life with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ cry. It’s the only thing they can do in this
situation. Three times Naomi insists that her
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your daughters-in-law return to their own homes,
neighbour as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-39). and Orpah finally decides to go home to
her people and her parents. These young
“Maybe someone asks: ‘But still, how can women, Orpah and Ruth, have fulfilled their
love be defined? Even in the Bible, love is family obligations and are now free; they
expressed in so many ways!’” Maxson said. have no obligation to Naomi. Naomi clearly
“You can love by giving offerings; you can and logically argues that she has no way of
express love by serving, even listening. What assuring them a future.
is that fundamental characteristic through
which I can transmit love, both to those Ruth, on the other hand, resists. She does
close and to those I might meet only once not want to go home, and she expresses
of the Bible did not put God first and and their God. The philosophy of Babylon
great potential in destroying the identity.
made compromises. Their list is quite long continues the desire of the builders at Babel
and includes names such as Eve, Adam, tower to make themselves a name. Eating the food served at the king’s table
Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Elijah, and contradicted the diet God had clearly
Even for many today, their educational
Peter, to mention only a few. The list of the established by law (Leviticus 11). The
or financial condition is a way to make
uncompromising ones is not so long, and purpose of the commandments regarding
themselves a name. Abraham, called by God,
includes first of all Jesus, the perfect model, food, as well as the entire Jewish law, was
left Babylon with the confidence that God
followed by Joseph; Daniel; Daniel’s friends, sanctification, preservation of the identity as
would keep His word and make His name
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; as well as a God’s people.
great (Genesis 12:2), a blessing to all nations.
few others.
Babylon collapses, a new kingdom follows,
Consistent with
Identity and Integrity and the new king, Darius, cries out to Daniel
the Lifestyle
when approaching the pit, calling him by
No Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and his
soldiers surrounded Jerusalem, conquered
his Jewish name, which will remain forever.
“Daniel, servant of the living God, has your
Daniel and his friends had no choice in some
things: their deportation to Babylon, the
it, and took the vessels from the temple. God, whom you serve continually, been able changing of their names, their intellectual
Nebuchadnezzar also took hostages,
in Babylon
to deliver you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20). preparation, and their choice of food.
including Daniel and his friends (Daniel The pit with lions which Daniel was put into,
1:3-5). The primary purpose for which they as well as the hot oven heated seven times Away from home, slaves in a foreign
were taken to Babylon was to serve Babylon more where the three friends were thrown, country, these young men were under huge
from within. They were to be trained at show that they had not lost their identity. pressure. In spite of all this, they decided
the “University of Babylon,” get to know The names could be changed, but the heart not to defile themselves (Daniel 1:8) with the
the culture of Babylon, be impressed by could not. king’s delicacies and the wine from his table.
its beauty and greatness, and serve its The language is religious in connotation and
These young men were also exposed to has to do not only with the nutritional laws
interests. Slavery always has two risks: the
Babylonian education, which evidently outlined in Leviticus 11 but also with the
first one is isolation. It’s much easier to keep
contained more than learning new fact that it was served in a ritual setting, in
your faith, values, and culture when you lock
languages necessary for serving the which the king was considered a god. When
yourself down in an enclave. God’s message
kingdom at the highest level. They had a asking for vegetables and water, Daniel
through the prophet Jeremiah was to not
thorough knowledge of God’s Word. That‘s was referring to the food established in the
which says that “whoever” believes can have
for His heavenly Father’s approval as well
No respectable Jew would have done such a eternal life (John 3:16). These two people,
as for guidance for the prepared occasions.
thing. The article would describe how Jesus Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, are
Heaven still prepares opportunities for those
became known among the Samaritans, as the two extremes of the whole religious
who want to be used by God today.
well as the important role that a woman, spectrum. No one can be so good that he
whose name we do not know, played in this does not need a birth from above; but at the Second, Jesus overcomes all barriers—
case. At that time, there weren’t the means same time, no one is so far away that God’s ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural, as well
of communication we have today. But the grace cannot recover him. The gospel is as the prejudices raised by both sides—by
event that took place in the suburbs of Judea both for the wicked as well as for those who initiating dialogue and asking for a favour—a
was a real one. The people involved were consider themselves good. drink of water, because He was thirsty.
real people, and this woman has been talked Although the Samaritans believed in the first
Jesus Christ is also our model for mission
about for centuries and counting. She can five books of the Bible, they were considered
and evangelism. The entire chapter is
be considered one of the most successful by the Jews as being worse than the pagans
dominated by surprises. The woman
missionaries in the Bible because she met because they polluted the pure race of
is surprised at Jesus’ request. She has
in Samaria the greatest missionary of humanity, Jesus
Christ. Let’s not forget, it all started with the
never seen such a thing (John 3:9)—a
patriarchs by mingling with the Gentiles.
The vessel for water that the woman had
Jew addressing a Samaritan woman. The
smallest thing, a glass of water. was considered unclean, and her own
disciples are surprised because the Teacher
community regarded her as immoral. That’s
Jesus Christ, the is talking to a woman (verse 27). In their
why she was alone: no one wanted her
turn, the inhabitants of the city are surprised
Great Missionary by the woman’s words, and they come to see
company. Through the request, “Give Me a
drink,” Jesus honours this woman and gives
There is a fear we do not talk about, Jesus for themselves. The biggest surprise is
her dignity. He treats her as a responsible,
although it is present and dominates the change that takes place in this woman’s
respectable person, capable of a theological
the lives of many who call themselves life. We do not know the exact amount of
discussion. He tells her about the living
believers—the fear of witnessing. Fear can time Jesus spent at the well with this woman.
water, the true worship, the true temple.
have many causes: we may not know what John presents us with just a summary of the
Even more, she is ready for the noblest
to say, we are not convinced that it is our dialogue, but there are so many things we
discovery: His identity. “I, who speaks to you,
duty, or we realise it can change someone’s can learn from it.
am He” (John 4:26), that is, the Messiah.
day no one invited the disciples for lunch.
proposed the same thing. Their question another episode (Mark 2:23-28) that also
In Old Testament times and in Jesus’ time,
was: “What is the advantage of keeping Your took place on the Sabbath. The disciples
the Sabbath was not a day of fasting; it was
commandments?” God answered: “I will offer with Jesus were crossing wheat fields, and
a day of joy. That is why Jesus tells them,
you My eternal kingdom, where there will be they began to pluck heads of grain and eat
“The Sabbath was made for man and not
no more death, suffering, and pain; you will them (Mark 2:23). The One who is accused
man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). The
always be happy.” They smiled saying: “What again is, of course, Jesus, because He allows
principles Jesus stated are profound and
You are telling us is beautiful, but it’s too far it. Each disciple talks about the miracles
comprehensive! If they were taken into
in time; we want something we can see and Jesus performed on the Sabbath, and if we
account even today, many sad experiences
taste now.” God answered: “Along with the count them, there are seven altogether.
would be avoided.
law, I will offer you a sample, a foretaste, so All the Gospels relate the tensions and
that you can see what the kingdom is like. confrontations between Jesus and the
Sabbath—a day of joy
I will give you the Sabbath.” The parable religious leaders on the occasions of these
fun together for a few hours. Then her unsuitable for an outdoor walk. Her mum, holding the little puppy close in her arms.
mum would bring a special birthday cake, who had planned to prepare a special berry
“You’re so lucky!” exclaimed Amy. “You’ve
which was different every year, and she cake, had to work so much overtime that
gotten exactly the birthday you’ve dreamed
would serve various goodies that her mum she did not have time to go to the market
of. And I think it was, indeed, one of the
prepared. After everyone left, she would and buy the fruit. Even Mark, Betty’s little
best birthdays you’ve ever had.” “I told you,”
help her mum clean up the house, open her brother, didn’t feel very well, and Betty was
replied Betty. “When we take care of God’s
presents, and spend some time enjoying her afraid her birthday plan would fail. But she
day, He will make ours a real celebration!”
new toys. prayed hard about it and was determined
This year it was different. Her birthday fell
to make the day “a delight,” as she knew all
Sabbaths were supposed to be, in spite of all
on a Saturday, and she knew she had to
celebrate it differently. She knew it was
the challenges. 1. Why do you think it is important to keep MILLENNIALS
the Sabbath and celebrate it?
not just her birthday, it was also Jesus’ Surprisingly, Saturday morning the weather
celebration. She wanted to put Him first, turned out to be very nice, and the sun 2. What things can you do to make the
to make Him happy on His special day. shone warm and bright. At church, the Sabbath day special and beautiful?
When her friends asked her what she had instructor from her Sabbath School group 3. Name a friend who does not know
planned for her birthday, she told them: “I wanted to surprise her and prepared a big about the Sabbath, and share the
have a special invitation for you this year.” strawberry cake for everyone, and they ate special news about God’s day with that
“What is it? What is it?” asked Amy, curious. it at the end of the class. To her surprise, person.
“Well, I want to invite you all to church in the all her friends attended church and came
morning, and then you are all invited over over afterwards, bringing her presents and
for a special celebration lunch at my house. making the lunch a real celebration. And
Afterwards, we will go on a special trip in most of all, in the afternoon, when they
nature and enjoy some special Sabbath went for a walk in nature about two miles
games,” Betty replied. “Church?!?” repeated away from their village, they found a tiny,
Amy, not believing her ears. “What does little puppy, probably lost or abandoned by
church have to do with your birthday?” “It someone far from home. “It’s exactly what
doesn’t,” Betty explained, “but it has to do I’ve wanted!” Betty exclaimed, excited. I
with my Best Friend’s day. You see, Sabbath have prayed so much to get a puppy for my
is Jesus’ special day, and I would like to first birthday, but I knew my mum and dad would
celebrate it the way He likes, and I’m sure He not allow me to get one at home, so I didn’t
will turn it into a happy feast for me, too.” tell anyone about my wish.” “Seriously?”
her mum asked. “Yes, Mum,” Betty replied.
He was 15-years-old when Abraham died, lives. The devil doesn’t need our goods; he
you.” It is not addressed to a person who,
and he certainly had the opportunity to only wants one thing from us: our worship.
in our opinion, deserves this. God speaks
learn much about the God of his grandfather The last book of the Bible, Revelation, tells
to the one who tricked his brother, lied to
and father. us that worship will be the final object of
his father, and constrained by his brother’s
the great controversy between good and
hatred became a fugitive. His name is Jacob, It is Jacob’s first encounter with God; he
evil (Revelation 13:8). We are invited to
meaning “the deceiver.” The Bible calls this hears God’s voice for the first time. The
walk along with Jacob in this space and to
grace; it is what we all need. ladder that reaches the sky descended to the
experience true worship.
place he was. The word “place” dominates
Bethel, the Meeting the whole narrative (verses 12, 16, 17, 19),
Vows at the
Place With God it is not just a geographical location. It is the
Worshipping Place
place that marked Jacob’s life forever; it is
Jacob left Beersheba, the place of his the “gate of heaven.” Although it was only a It is impossible to meet God, to experience
Back to
brother Esau’s wrath and vengeance, for dream, this dream woke him up. The words worship, and to remain the same. So far,
Haran (Genesis 28:10). There, he was to be spoken by Jacob, “The Lord is in this place, Jacob’s life has been marked by failures.
Bethel deceived and exploited by Laban. Behind
was the threat, and ahead was the unknown.
and I did not know it,” point to his greatest
revelation. God may speak to us in many
The place where he arrived and stayed
overnight was dominated by darkness. Ellen
The road was a long one, about 800 km ways and we may not know it. Jacob needed White describes Jacob’s inner state, which
(550 miles), and in that time’s conditions, protection, and God promised to be with was also laden with darkness: “He felt that
it took about a month. The Bible does not him. He needed forgiveness and discovered he was an outcast, and he knew that all this
talk about everything that happened during the ladder on which the angels ascended trouble had been brought upon him by his
this time, but it presents the experience of a and descended. The image of this ladder own wrong course. The darkness of despair
single night that changed Jacob’s life. points to the One who descends, Jesus pressed upon his soul, and he hardly dared
Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, had travelled Christ, to “take away the sin of the world” to pray. But he was so utterly lonely that he
this road about 125 years before, but in the (John 1:29). It doesn’t refer to his past at all, felt the need of protection from God as he
opposite direction, coming to the Promised only the future (Genesis 28:13-15). had never felt it before. With weeping and
Land. There are many other differences In this superb narrative, God’s revelation deep humiliation he confessed his sin, and
between Abraham and Jacob. Abraham parallels Jacob’s response (Genesis 28:18- entreated for some evidence that he was not
were present, and women were only
occasion. It happens that the beneficiary and the disciple John, after presenting the
concerned with preparing food and serving
of this extraordinary gift was Jesus. Few supper in Simon’s house, talks about a new
it. Discussions between those present could
accounts, except the crucifixion and the decision of the Sanhedrin. It is not enough
be another point of interest. Let’s not forget,
Resurrection, are told by all four evangelists. for Jesus to die; Lazarus also must die (John
at the table there was someone who had
This event is one of them. Matthew says that 12:9-11). John intersperses the report of
spent several days in the grave, and such a
a woman “poured the fragrant oil on His the anointing of Jesus under this cloud of
thing had never happened before.
head” (Matthew 26:7). Mark, on the other threats, showing how great the tension was
hand, adds a detail: that this woman “broke when it occurred. Dinner was in full swing when something
the flask” of alabaster, and Jesus describes uncommon, even outrageous to some,
If in the first part of the Gospel of John
it as “a good work for Me” (Mark 14:6). The suddenly happened. A woman, Mary, enters
we have a chronology of what happened
evangelist Luke calls her “a sinner” in the the space where the event was taking place.
during the first week of messianic activity,
city (Luke 7:37); and in the Gospel of John, a She carried with her a vessel, which she first
The Gift
now the countdown begins during the last
gospel that was written much later, we also “broke” (Mark 14:3), and then she spilled the
week before the crucifixion. “Six days before
find the name of this woman, Mary (John contents on Jesus. The vessel was precious,
of Love 12:3).
the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany” (John
12:1), because He wanted to spend the last
made of alabaster, and the contents were
extremely expensive, “oil of spikenard” (John
The Context in the Sabbath with His friends, in the family where
He felt at home.
12:3). A few drops would have been enough
Gospel of John to fill the house with the fragrance of the
Two Characters 12:5). John said this of Judas: “Not that he gospel is preached in the whole world, what
The standard of giving gifts is different from
cared for the poor, but because he was a this woman has done will also be told as a
with Totally Different thief, and had the money box; and he used memorial to her” (Matthew 26:13).
that of tithing. Tithe is our duty, and duties
in the Bible are expressed in specific terms,
Attitudes to take what was put in it” (verse 6). Even
In the vessel Mary broke was all her wealth, to be clear to everyone. That is why the tithe
decades after the Gospel was written, John’s
The main character of this narrative, as all her dowry, all her dreams. If we had the is 10 percent of all our income. But offerings
indignation is still great. He knew that the
well as of the whole gospel, is Jesus. Let’s opportunity to ask her: “Mary, was it worth are not limited to an exact mathematical
money in the bag did not belong to Judas or
look at two other characters who had the doing such a thing?” what do you think her number. Offerings are determined by our
the disciples, but was God’s.
opportunity to meet Jesus: Judas and Mary. response would be? I think her answer gratitude and love. Mary’s extraordinary gift
Every Sabbath in church today, money is would be: “What I did can in no way measure is an expression of her love and appreciation
Judas, a derivative of the name Judah, is a put into the offering basket or sent to the up to how much He has done for me!” In the for God. Our offerings, not our tithe, show
beautiful name; the meaning of this name account of the church during worship. This Gospels, Mary can be found every time at how much we love God. That is why Jesus
is “I will praise the Lord” (Genesis 29:35). money, tithes and offerings, belongs to God, the feet of Jesus. After the Resurrection, she told Simon, who looked down on Mary and
Today, however, this name can rarely be and His money also passes through our is the one to whom Jesus reveals Himself judged Jesus, “But to whom little is forgiven,
found. Why was Judas bothered, and why hands. Selfishness or greed might tempt for the first time. The essence of pure nard the same loves little” (Luke 7:47).
did he create this atmosphere of indignation us, as well, to hold on to what belongs to myrrh soaked into the Saviour’s body and
toward Mary and even toward Jesus? Ellen There are clear principles in the Bible that
God. Some may wonder that if Jesus knew continued to spread the pleasant fragrance.
White in the book The Desire of Ages says that can help us to personally determine not only
the character of Judas, why did He agree When He was mocked and beaten and hung
Judas was so upset that from this supper he the quantity but also the quality of offerings.
housewife all her life. She always worked would work for a little money or sell a few
returns? What else does the future hold for
very hard as a housewife, but she was never items, but God always helped her to keep
employed outside her home. her promise, and she had many wonderful
experiences while raising money for God. To answer these questions, let us open the
Now that she is old, her income is very small,
Bible to the Saviour’s last sermon, which
and she has had to struggle many times with Little by little, she raised the stakes again,
we can find in all the Synoptic Gospels—
financial needs. until she was giving a $10 value banknote to
Matthew, Mark, and Luke—but not John. The
each of her four offering projects: mission,
One of her dearest wishes was to be able disciple John does not record this sermon,
charity, Hope Channel, and ADRA. She
to sustain mission through her money and but he wrote the book of Revelation, which
eventually reached the point of giving a $50
help those who were able to spread God’s deals with this same subject.
value banknote for each project every week,
Word to other people. One day she decided
and she has had many beautiful experiences Of the three Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel
to put aside for God a single banknote every
with God as a result. It’s been more than of Matthew presents the last sermon of
day, no matter what (the smallest banknote
in her country’s currency is equivalent to
four years since she began to do this, and
when she talks about it today, she always
Stewards Jesus in a complete form. It dominates most
of two chapters (Matthew 24, 25). Jesus
for the
25 cents in U.S. currency). Every day Hellen
says these were the most prosperous years parallels the scenario of the destruction of
sought for ways to make just that little
of her life. She has been greatly blessed all Jerusalem with the final events of His return,
amount of money and prayed that she could
keep her promise to God. Since she was
this time! End Time as the assurance of the fulfilment of the last
act in human history, His return in glory.
living in the country, she tried to sell at least
two eggs a day (which would have been the If we look at the structure of the Sermon
amount of that one smallest banknote), just 1. Why do you think God wants us to give on the Mount of Olives, we see that Jesus
to be able to put it aside for God every day. offerings to church? first speaks of the signs of His return, then
2. How can our money help others to of the need to watch for them. But most
When she saw that she could easily raise this
know Him? of the sermon is devoted to the way we
amount, she “raised the stakes.” She decided
should wait and be ready for His return.
to put aside one banknote for mission, one
3. Challenge: Try to save as much as This is obvious by the way He corrects
for charity, one for Hope Channel, and one
possible this week and give the sum the disciples’ question, “Tell us, when will
for ADRA every single day. Even though the
at church, asking God to use it as a these things be? And what will be the sign
sum was not very much, it was not an easy
blessing to those in need. of Your coming and the end of this age?”
task for a 60-year-old woman with little
Amanda was a very talented girl. She loved the box was missing! Extremely worried, bury them, just like a treasure box that is lost
drawing, taking photos, traveling, and doing
crossword puzzles. But most of all, she loved
she looked everywhere in her room where
she thought it might be, but could not find
or hidden.”
250 stamps of different colours and values “It has much to do with both with your stamp
“Are you sure you have searched
from all over the world. She would show her box and with your music talent which are
everywhere?” her mother asked.
collection to her friends and even exchange both buried right now,” her mum answered, IN SEARCH OF THE STOREHOUSE
stamps through the mail with other children “Yes, Mum, I’m sure I’ve looked very carefully. leaning on the trunk of the tree beside which
who also were collecting stamps. Oh, Mum, I can’t even think about losing my she had buried the box. She then removed
stamp collection!” she sighed. “That box was the dirt and revealed Amanda’s stamp box,
One thing Amanda didn’t like to do, though,
like a treasure box for me!” carefully wrapped in a plastic bag.
was to play her violin every day. She loved
music, of course, and she was the one “Well, then, let’s look for it together,” her “Oh, Mum!” Amanda jumped happily, picked
who begged her mum to take her to music mum suggested. “Because many treasure up her box, and held it tight to her chest. “I
school. But when it came to daily practice, boxes that are lost have no value, right?” she almost thought I lost it!”
she would always delay or skip it! Her mum asked, looking into Amanda’s eyes. “Yes,” the
“Well, you almost did. And I’m afraid you ADVENTIST STEWARDSHIP MINISTRIES
would remind her every day to practice, 12-year-old girl responded. “Do you really
will lose some of the treasures that God has
but every time something would come think it is lost, Mum?” she asked, with fear in
entrusted you with, like your music talent,
up or be more urgent to do. So, Amanda her eyes and a trembling voice.
if you keep burying them under the dust of
would sometimes forget to play her violin.
“Let me tell you something,” her mum said, time, postponement, or forgetting.”
More than that, when it came to playing in
talking her hand and guiding her through the
church, she would always complain that she “I think I’ve got the idea,” Amanda said,
back door and into the garden. “You see, our
was too shy or that she would prefer doing blushing, yet happy to have recovered her
goods are valuable as long as we use them
something else. stamp box. “I guess I have another treasure
as needed. But when we lose them, or hide
to recover,” she said, hurrying to her
One day, after her mum received a text them, or when they are buried, they have
bedroom to get her violin and practice the
message from the music teacher saying no value, no matter how big the treasure
song she was to play during the children’s
that Amanda needed to practice more, her is.” Before Amanda could ask why her mum
program the following Sabbath.
mum took the box in which Amanda kept had taken her into the garden, her mum
her stamp collection and buried it in a little continued: “It is the same with our talents.
hole she dug in the garden. The next day, They are treasures that God has given to us
when Amanda came home from school, she to use for His glory. Some of us have more, 1. Can you name one or more talents that
seemed very happy. She told her mum that some have less, but each one has a treasure God has given you?
she had just received two new stamps from box in which God has put one or more 2. How can you use your talent or talents
her best friend, whose dad had travelled to special talents. When we stop using these for God’s glory?
a foreign country. But when she wanted to talents, when we don’t practice them for 3. How can our talents multiply, as we use
add the two new stamps to her collection, God’s glory and to bless those around us, we them more and more?
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982
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