Barron'S Gre Word List

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v. ~ oneself/sb lower oneself/sb in dignity; degrade

1. abase
oneself/sb ;
to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence
2. abash
3. abate v. make or become less
v. ~ sth shorten (a word, phrase, etc), esp by
4. abbreviate
omitting letters
5. abdicate v. resign from or formally renounce the throne
6. aberrant adj. not following the normal or correct way
n. deviation from what is accepted as normal or
7. aberration
v. ~ sb (in sth) help or encourage sb to commit an
8. abet
offence or do sth wrong
n. be in abeyance; fall/go into abeyance (of a right,
9. abeyance rule, problem, etc) be suspended temporarily; not
be in force or use for a time
10. abhor v. feel hatred and disgust for (sb/sth); detest
v. (esp with can/could, in negative sentences or
11. abide
questions can/could) tolerate (sb/sth); endure; bear
12. abject adj. wretched; hopeless
v. promise or swear to give up (a claim, an opinion,
13. abjure
a belief, etc); renounce formally
n. (fml or joc ) ceremonial washing of the body,
14. ablution
hands, sacred vessels, etc
15. abnegation n. denial or renunciation (of a doctrine)
16. abode n. house; home
17. abolish v. end the existence of
18. abominable adj. ~(fml ) causing disgust; detestable
19. abominate v. feel hatred or disgust for (sth/sb); detest; loathe
adj. inhabiting a land from a very early period, esp
20. aboriginal
before the arrival of colonists
21. abortive adj. coming to nothing; unsuccessful
22. abrasive adj. that scrapes or rubs sth away; rough
v. make shorter, esp by using fewer words;
23. abridge
24. abrogate v. cancel, repeal or annul (sth)
25. abscission The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.
v. ~go away suddenly and secretly, esp in order to
26. abscond
avoid arrest
27. absolute adj. complete; total
v. ~ sb (fml esp law , ) clear sb (of guilt); declare
28. absolve
sb free (from blame, a promise, a duty, etc)
v. ~ keep oneself from doing or enjoying sth, esp
29. abstain
from taking alcoholic drinks; refrain ;
adj. not taking much food or drink; not self-
30. abstemious
indulgent; moderate
31. abstinence n. ~ abstaining, esp from food or alcoholic drinks
adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having
32. abstract
a physical or practical existence
33. abstruse adj. difficult to understand
34. abusive adj. criticizing harshly and rudely; insulting
v. ~ on/against sth (of land or a building) have a
35. abut
common boundary or side with sth; adjoin sth
36. abysmal adj. extremely bad
37. abyss n. hole so deep that it seems to have no bottom
38. academic adj. of schools, colleges, etc
39. accede v. ~ (fml ) take office
v. make move faster or happen earlier; increase the
40. accelerate
speed of
41. accessible adj. ~ that can be reached, used, etc
n. thing that is a useful or decorative extra but that
42. accessory
is not essential; minor fitting or attachment
v. welcome (sb/sth) with shouts of approval;
43. acclaim
applaud loudly
to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate,
44. acclimate
environment, or situation
45. acclivity n. upward slope
46. accolade n. praise; approval
47. Accommodate v. provide lodging or room for
n. person who helps another to do sth wicked or
48. accomplice
49. accord n. peace treaty; agreement
50. accost v. approach and speak to (sb) boldly
51. accoutre equip
52. accretion n. growth or increase by means of gradual additions
v. ~ (from sth) come as a natural increase or
53. accrue
advantage, esp financial; accumulate
54. acerbity Sourness of taste, character, or tone.
adj. of, containing, producing, or derived from
55. acetic
acetic acid or vinegar
56. acidulous adj. rather sharp or bitter in taste or manner
57. acknowledge v. accept the truth of admit (sth)
58. acme n. highest stage of development; point of perfection
n. inflammation of the oil-glands of the skin,
59. acne
producing red pimples on the face and neck
n. qualities of a room, hall, etc that make it good or
60. acoustics
bad for carrying sound
v. ~ (fml ) accept sth without protest; offer no
61. acquiesce
opposition (to a plan, conclusion, etc)
n. judgement that a person is not guilty of the crime
62. acquittal
with which he has been charged
63. acrid adj. having a strongly bitter smell or taste
64. acrimonious adj. bitter
65. acrophobia "acro'phobic adjectiv
66. actuarial calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
n. expert who calculates insurance risks and
67. actuary
v. make (a machine, an electrical device, etc) move
68. actuate
or work; make (a process) begin , ;
n. (esp of thought or the senses) sharpness;
69. acuity
n. ability to understand and judge things quickly
70. acumen
and clearly; shrewdness
71. acute adj. very great; severe
72. adage n. traditional saying; proverb ;
adj. firmly or stubbornly determined; unwilling to be
73. adamant
v. ~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use,
74. adapt
situation, etc; modify sth
75. addendum n. thing that is to be added
n. ~ condition of taking drugs, etc habitually and
76. addiction being unable to stop doing so without suffering
adverse effects
77. addle v. confuse (sth/sb); muddle
n. details of where a person lives, works or can be
78. address
found, and where letters, etc may be delivered
adj. ~ ~ (at/in doing sth) expert or skilful in (doing)
79. adept
v. ~ (to sth) remain attached (to sth); stick (as if)
80. adhere
by means of glue or suction
81. adherent n. supporter of a party or doctrine
having a common endpoint or border also
82. adjacent
immediately preceding or following
83. adjoin v. be next or nearest to and joined with
84. adjourn v. stop (a meeting, etc) for a time; postpone
n. ~ thing that is added or attached to sth else but
85. adjunct
is less important and not essential
86. adjuration solemn urging
n. army officer responsible for administrative work
87. adjutant
in a battalion
to express warning or disapproval to especially in a
88. admonish
gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
89. adore v. love deeply and respect (sb) highly
v. ~ sth/sb/oneself add beauty or ornament to
90. adorn
91. adroit adj. ~ skilful; clever
92. adulation n. excessive admiration or praise; flattery
v. make poorer in quality by adding another
93. adulterate
94. Advent n. the ~ of sth/sb the approach or arrival of
95. adventitious adj. not planned; accidental
96. adversary n. opponent in a contest; enemy
97. adverse adj. not favourable; contrary
98. adversity n. unfavourable conditions; trouble
99. advert n. = advertisement
100. advocacy n. ~ giving of support (to a cause, etc)
v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend;
101. advocate
n. under the aegis of sb/sth with the protection or
102. aegis
support of sb/sth, esp a public institution
103. aerie = eyrie
adj. concerned with beauty and the appreciation of
104. aesthetic
105. affable adj. polite and friendly
106. affected adj. not natural or genuine; pretended; artificial
n. written statement that can be used as evidence
107. affidavit
in court, made by sb who swears that it is true
108. affiliation n. affiliating or being affiliated
n. ~ ~ (between A and B) structural resemblance or
109. affinity
similarity of character; relationship
110. affirmation n. affirming
111. affix v. ~ sth (fml ) stick, fasten or attach sth
112. affliction n. pain; suffering; distress
113. affluence n. abundance of money, goods or property; wealth
n. ~ (to sb/sth) deliberately insulting or
114. affront
disrespectful remark, action, etc, esp in public
115. afterlife n. existence that is thought by some to follow death
116. agape adj. ~ (of the mouth) wide open, esp with wonder
n. matters of business to be discussed at a meeting,
117. agenda
118. agglomeration n. action of agglomerating
119. aggrandize to make appear great or greater:praise highly
v. ~ sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an
120. aggregate
assembled group or amount
121. aghast adj. ~ filled with horror or amazement
122. agility nimbleness
v. cause anxiety to (a person, his feelings, etc);
123. agitate
disturb; excite
n. person who believes that nothing can be known
124. agnostic about the existence of God or of anything except
material things
125. agog adj. eager; excited
126. agrarian adj. of land
adj. having plenty of fresh air moving about; well-
127. airy
128. alacrity n. prompt and eager readiness
n. medieval form of chemistry, the chief aim of
129. alchemy which was to discover how to turn ordinary metals
into gold ,
n. small space in a room, etc formed by part of the
130. alcove
wall being set back; recess
n. name by which a person is called at other times
131. alias
or in other places; false name
v. ~ sb cause sb to become unfriendly or
132. alienate
indifferent; estrange sb
133. alimentary adj. of food and digestion
n. allowance that a court may order a man to pay to
134. alimony his wife or former wife before or after a legal
separation or divorce
135. allay v. make (sth) less; relieve
v. state (sth) as a fact but without proof; give as an
136. allege
argument or excuse
n. ~ (to sb/sth) support of or loyalty to a
137. allegiance
government, ruler, cause, etc
n. story, painting or description in which the
138. allegory characters and events are meant as symbols of
purity, truth, patience, etc ,
139. alleviate v. make less severe; ease
n. occurrence of the same letter or sound at the
beginning of two or more words in succession, as in
140. alliteration
sing a song of sixpence or as thick as thieves , sing
a song of sixpence as thick as thieves
v. ~ sth allot or assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special
141. allocate
n. metal formed of a mixture of metals or of metal
142. alloy
and another substance
v. ~ to sb/sth (fml ) mention sb/sth briefly or
143. allude
v. tempt or attract (sb) by the expectation of
144. allure
gaining sth
145. allusion n. ~ indirect reference
adj. made of sand, earth, etc left by rivers or floods,
146. alluvial
esp in a delta
147. alms n. money, clothes, food, etc given to poor people
148. aloft adv. up in the air; overhead
149. aloof adj. ~ cool and remote in character; unconcerned
150. altercation n. (act of) quarrelling or arguing noisily
151. altruistic (adj.) unselfish
152. amalgam n. alloy of mercury with another metal
v. ~ (with sb/sth) (cause people or things to)
153. amalgamate
combine or unite
v. gather together or collect (sth), esp in large
154. amass
155. amazon n. tall strong athletic woman
adj. able to use the left hand or the right hand
156. ambidextrous
equally well
157. ambience n. environment; atmosphere of a place
158. ambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaning
the state of having contradictory or conflicting
159. ambivalence
emotional attitudes
160. amble v. ride or walk at a slow, leisurely pace
161. ambrosia n. food of the gods
162. ambulatory walking
n. waiting in a hidden position to make a surprise
163. ambush
164. ameliorate v. (cause sth to) become better
adj. ~ (of people) willing to be influenced or
165. amenable
controlled (by sth)
v. correct an error in (sth); make minor
166. amend
improvements in; change slightly
[ amenity: ] [often pl] a useful or pleasant facility or
167. amenities
adj. showing and inspiring friendliness; pleasant and
168. amiable
169. amicable adj. showing friendliness; without hostility
170. amiss adj. , adv wrong(ly); inappropriate(ly)
171. amity n. friendly relationship between people or countries
172. amnesia n. partial or total loss of memory
173. amnesty n. general pardon, esp for offences against the
174. amok adv. run amok rush about in a wild and angry frenzy
adj. not based on moral standards; not following
175. amoral
any moral rules ;
176. amorous adj. readily showing or feeling love; relating to love
177. amorphous adj. having no definite shape or form; not organized
178. amphibian n. animal able to live both on land and in water
179. amphitheater oval building with tiers of seats
180. ample adj. enough
181. amplify v. increase (sth) in size or strength
182. amputate v. cut off by surgical operation
183. amulet n. piece of jewellery, etc worn as a charm1(
n. mistake of placing sth in the wrong historical
184. anachronism
185. analgesia n. loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious
186. analgesic adj. n substance that relieves pain
adj. ~ partially similar or parallel; offering an
187. analogous
n. ~ partial similarity between two things that are
188. analogy
189. anarchist n. person who believes in anarchism
n. absence of government or control in society;
190. anarchy
191. anathema n. detested person or thing
192. anathematize declare to be evil or anathema
193. ancestry n. line of ancestors
n. heavy metal device attached to a rope, chain, etc
194. anchor and used to moor a ship or boat to the sea-bottom
or a balloon to the ground
195. ancillary adj. ~ helping in a subsidiary way
n. short, interesting or amusing story about a real
196. anecdote
person or event ,
197. anemia condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles
198. anesthetic = anaesthesia, anaesthetic
199. anguish n. severe physical or mental pain
200. angular adj. having angles or sharp corners
201. animadversion n. criticism
202. animated adj. lively
n. ~ ~ (between A and B) (instance of) strong
203. animosity
dislike or of hostility
204. animus n. animosity shown in speech or action
205. annals n. story of events year by year; historical records
206. anneal v. make tough by cooling slowly after heating
207. annex v. take possession of
208. annihilate v. destroy completely
209. annotate v. add notes to giving explanation or comment
n. fixed sum of money paid to sb yearly, usu for the
210. annuity
remaining part of his lifetime
211. annul v. declare (sth) no longer valid; abolish; cancel
212. anodyne n, adj that can relieve pain
v. ~ sb apply oil or ointment to sb (esp as a
213. anoint
religious ceremony)
214. anomalous adj. different from what is normal; irregular
215. anomaly n. anomalous thing; irregularity
216. anonymity n. state of being anonymous
n~ ~ (between A and B) (instance of) active
217. antagonism
opposition or hostility, esp between two people
218. antagonistic adj. ~ showing or feeling antagonism; hostile
219. antecede be earlier in time; go back further
220. antecedents ancestr
221. antediluvian adj. of the time before Noah's Flood
n. short musical composition, usu for a choir and an
222. anthem organ, to be sung in religious services, often with
words taken from the Bible ,
n. collection of poems or pieces of prose on the
223. anthology
same subject or by the same writer
224. anthropoid adj. man-like in form
225. anthropologist n. student of or expert in anthropology
226. anthropomorphi adj. treating gods, animals, etc as human in form
c and personality ,
n. disappointing end to a series of events which had
227. anticlimax seemed likely to become more interesting, exciting
or impressive
n. ~ substance that acts against the effects of a
228. antidote
poison or disease
229. antipathy settled aversion or dislike:DISTASTE
230. antiquated adj. (of things) out of date, obsolete ,
231. antique adj. belonging to the distant past
232. antiquity n. ancient times, esp before the Middle Ages
n. substance that prevents a wound, etc from
233. antiseptic
becoming septic, esp by destroying bacteria
234. antithesis n. ~ (of/to sth/sb) direct opposite
235. antler n. branched horn of a stag or of some other deer
n. iron block on which a smith shapes heated metal
236. anvil
by hammering it
237. apathetic adj. showing or feeling apathy
n. ~ lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern;
238. apathy
n. any of the four primates (gorilla, chimpanzee,
239. ape
orang-utan, gibbon) most closely related to man .
240. aperture n. narrow opening
241. apex n. top or highest point
n. partial or total loss of ability to speak or
242. aphasia understand spoken language, caused by damage to
the brain
243. aphorism n. short wise saying; maxim ;
244. apiarist n. person who keeps bees
245. apiary n. place with a number of hives where bees are kept
the cultivation of bees on a commercial scale for the
246. apiculture
production of honey
247. aplomb n. confidence and self-control; poise
adj. prophesying great and dramatic events like
248. apocalyptic
those in the Apocalypse
249. apocryphal adj. not likely to be genuine; untrue or invented
n. position in the orbit of the moon, a planet or a
250. apogee satellite when it is at its greatest distance from the
earth ,
251. apolitical adj. not interested or involved in politics
n. person who defends a doctrine by logical
252. apologist
n. sudden inability to feel or move, caused by the
253. apoplexy
blockage or rupture of an artery in the brain ,
254. apostate n. person who renounces his former beliefs, etc
n. person who prepares and sells medicines and
255. apothecary
medical goods
256. apothegm = apophthegm
n. (of a human being) making or becoming a god or
257. apotheosis
a sain
258. appall to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay
259. apparent adj. clearly seen or understood; obvious
n. appearance, esp of sth startling, strange or
260. apparition
unexpected ,
v. make quiet or calm, usu by making concessions
261. appease
or by satisfying demands
262. appellation n. name or title; system of naming ;
263. append v. ~ sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writing)
264. application n. ~ (to sb) (for sth) formal request
adj. ~ (of a remark, etc) very appropriate (for a
265. apposite
purpose or an occasion)
266. appraise v. assess the value or quality of
267. appreciate v. understand and enjoy (sth); value highly
268. apprehend v. seize (sb); arrest
adj. ~ ~ (that.../for sb/sth) feeling anxiety; fearful;
269. apprehensive
270. apprise v. ~ sb of sth inform sb of sth
271. approbation n. approval; consent
272. appropriate adj. ~ suitable; right and proper
[ appurtenance: ] a secondary or less significant
273. appurtenances
thing or part
adv, adj appropriate or relevant to what is being
274. apropos
said or done
275. aptitude n. ~ natural ability or skill
276. aquiline adj. of or like an eagle
277. arable n. , adj suitable for ploughing and for growing crops
n. ~ person who has power to decide what will be
278. arbiter
done, accepted, etc with regard to sth
adj. based on personal opinion or impulse, not on
279. arbitrary
v. ~ (between A and B) make a judgement about or
280. arbitrate settle (a dispute) between two parties (usu when
asked by them to do so)
281. arboreal adj. of or living in trees
n. place where trees are grown for scientific study
282. arboretum
or for display
n. covered passage or area, esp one with an arched
283. arcade
roof and shops along one or both sides
284. arcane requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
285. arch- comb form chief; most important
n. study of ancient civilizations by scientific analysis
286. archaeology
of physical remains found in the ground
287. archaic adj. of a much earlier or an ancient period in history
n. original or ideal model from which others are
288. archetype
copied; prototype ;
289. archipelago n. (sea surrounding a) group of many islands
n. historical documents or records of a government,
290. archives
town, etc
291. ardor extreme vigor or energy:INTENSITY
292. arduous adj. needing much effort or energy; laborious
n. words and phrases used by a particular group
293. argot
and not intended to be understood by others; cant ;
294. aria n. song for one voice, esp in an opera or oratorio
295. arid adj. having little or no rainfall; dry
296. aristocracy n. highest social class; the nobility
297. armada n. large fleet of ships
298. aromatic adj. having a pleasant, distinctive smell; fragrant
v. ~ sb (law ) bring a criminal charge against sb;
299. arraign
bring sb to court for trial
v. place (esp armed forces, troops, etc) in battle
300. array
301. arrears n. money that is owed and should have been paid
302. arrhythmic lacking rhythm or regularity
a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested
303. arrogance
in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims
304. arroyo a brook; a creek a water-carved gully or channel
n. place where weapons and ammunition are made
305. arsenal
or stored
n. any of the tubes carrying blood from the heart to
306. artery
all parts of the body
adj. cunningly clever at getting what one wants;
307. artful
308. articulate adj. able to express one's ideas clearly in words
something created by humans usually for a practical
309. artifacts purpose; especially :an object remaining from a
particular period
310. artifice n. clever trickery; deception
311. artisan a manually skilled worker
312. artless adj. simple and natural; without deceit
313. ascendancy n. ~ (position of) having dominant power or control
314. ascertain v. discover (sth) so that one is certain; get to know
adj. not allowing oneself pleasures and comforts;
315. ascetic
having or involving a very austere life
v. ~ sth to sb/sth consider sth to be caused by,
316. ascribe
written by or belonging to sb/sth
adj. free from bacteria that cause a thing to become
317. aseptic
septic; surgically clean
318. ashen adj. like ashes in colour; very pale
319. asinine adj. stupid or stubborn
320. askance adv. look
321. askew adj. , adv not in a straight or level position; crooked
322. asperity n. harshness or severity, esp of manner
323. aspersion slanderous remark
n. ~ (fml ) person who is ambitious (for fame,
324. aspirant
promotion, success, etc)
325. aspiration n. ~ ~ (to do sth) strong desire or ambition
v. ~ after/to sth desire strongly to achieve sth;
326. aspire
have ambition for sth
327. assail v. ~ sb (fml ) attack sb violently or repeatedly
328. assay n. testing of esp metals for quality
329. assent n. ~ (fml ) agreement; approval
v. make others recognize (sth) by behaving firmly
330. assert
and confidently
331. assessment n. action of assessing
332. assiduous adj. showing constant and careful attention
v. (cause sth to) become absorbed into the body
333. assimilate
after digestion
334. assuage v. make (sth) less severe; soothe
n. thing accepted as true or as sure to happen, but
335. assumption
not proved
336. assurance n. confident belief in one's own abilities and powers
n. any of many small planets revolving round the
337. asteroid
sun, esp between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
n. defect in an eye or a lens that prevents correct
338. astigmatism
339. astral adj. of or from the stars
n. substance, used medically or in cosmetics, that
340. astringent makes skin or body tissue contract and so stops
341. astronomical adj. of astronomy
adj. clever and quick at seeing how to gain an
342. astute
advantage; shrewd
343. asunder adv. into pieces; apart
344. asylum n. safety; refuge
adj. not having parts that correspond to each other
345. asymmetric
in size, shape, etc; lacking symmetry
n. reappearance in a person of a characteristic or
346. atavism quality that has not been seen in his family for
many generations
347. atheistic adj.
v. ~ (fml ) act in a way that compensates for a
348. atone
previous wrong, error, etc
349. atrocity n. great wickedness or cruelty
n. wasting away of the body or part of it through
350. atrophy
lack of nourishment or use
adj. ~ giving attention (to sb/sth); alert and
351. attentive
352. attenuate v. make (sth/sb) thin or slender
353. attest v. ~ (to) sth be or give clear proof of sth
354. attire n. clothes; dress
v. ~ sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to,
355. attribute
caused by or produced by sb/sth
n. process of gradually weakening sb's strength and
356. attrition
confidence by continuous harassment
adj. not representative or characteristic of its type;
357. atypical
not typical
adj. showing a willingness to take risks; daring;
358. audacious
n. official examination of accounts to see that they
359. audit
are in order
360. augment v. make (sth) larger in number or size; increase
361. augury omen; prophecy
362. august majestic, venerable
363. aureole sun's corona; halo
[ aurora: ] an atmospheric phenomenon consisting
of bands, curtains, or streamers of light, usually
364. auroral
green, red, or yellow, that move across the sky in
polar regions.
adj. showing signs of future success; favourable;
365. auspicious
adj. severely and strictly moral; having no pleasures
366. austere
or comforts
367. austerity n. quality of being austere
368. authenticate Rractical experience of sth
adj. favouring complete obedience to authority
369. authoritarian
before personal freedom
370. authoritative adj. having authority; that can be trusted; reliable
371. autocrat n. ruler of an autocracy
372. autocratic adj.
373. automaton n. = robot 1
374. autonomous adj. self-governing; acting independently
375. autopsy n. examination of a dead body to learn the cause of
death; post-mortem ()
376. auxiliary adj. giving help or support; additional
n. mass of snow, ice and rock that slides rapidly
377. avalanche
down the side of a mountain
378. avarice n. greed for wealth or gain
379. avenge v. take or get revenge for
380. aver v. (fml ) state (sth) firmly and positively; assert ;
381. averse adj. ~ to sth not liking sth; opposed to sth
382. aversion n. ~ strong dislike
383. avert v. ~ sth turn sth away
n. large cage or building for keeping birds in, eg in a
384. aviary
zoo ,
385. avid adj. ~ eager; greedy
386. avocation secondary or minor occupation
387. avow v. declare (sth) openly; admit
388. avuncular adj. of or like an uncle, esp in manner
389. awe n. feeling of respect combined with fear or wonder
390. awful adj. extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible
n. small pointed tool for making holes, esp in
391. awl
leather or wood
392. awry adv. crookedly; out of position; askew ;
n. statement that is accepted as true without further
393. axiom
proof or argument
394. azure n. , adj bright blue, as of the sky

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