- The document contains stock price data for various Turkish companies listed by their stock ticker symbols. It includes the previous closing price, lowest and highest prices, closing and average prices for the day, as well as percentage change, number of trades, and trade volume in Turkish Lira.
- The majority of stocks saw little change in price from the previous closing, with percentage changes mostly between 0-1%, though some saw larger gains or losses of up to 7%.
- Trade volumes varied widely between stocks, from a low of around 20,000 Turkish Lira to over 65 billion Lira for the highest volume stocks.
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- The document contains stock price data for various Turkish companies listed by their stock ticker symbols. It includes the previous closing price, lowest and highest prices, closing and average prices for the day, as well as percentage change, number of trades, and trade volume in Turkish Lira.
- The majority of stocks saw little change in price from the previous closing, with percentage changes mostly between 0-1%, though some saw larger gains or losses of up to 7%.
- Trade volumes varied widely between stocks, from a low of around 20,000 Turkish Lira to over 65 billion Lira for the highest volume stocks.
- The document contains stock price data for various Turkish companies listed by their stock ticker symbols. It includes the previous closing price, lowest and highest prices, closing and average prices for the day, as well as percentage change, number of trades, and trade volume in Turkish Lira.
- The majority of stocks saw little change in price from the previous closing, with percentage changes mostly between 0-1%, though some saw larger gains or losses of up to 7%.
- Trade volumes varied widely between stocks, from a low of around 20,000 Turkish Lira to over 65 billion Lira for the highest volume stocks.
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- The document contains stock price data for various Turkish companies listed by their stock ticker symbols. It includes the previous closing price, lowest and highest prices, closing and average prices for the day, as well as percentage change, number of trades, and trade volume in Turkish Lira.
- The majority of stocks saw little change in price from the previous closing, with percentage changes mostly between 0-1%, though some saw larger gains or losses of up to 7%.
- Trade volumes varied widely between stocks, from a low of around 20,000 Turkish Lira to over 65 billion Lira for the highest volume stocks.
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Önceki En En Kapanış Ağ.Orta Net Değ % Değ İş.Adedi İş.Hacmi(YTL)