Teasing and Banter Line
Teasing and Banter Line
Teasing and Banter Line
“Cheat Sheets”
By Bobby Rio
14 years ago…
“I’m telling you…I never forget a face. I know you from somewhere…” Gabe was
She kept trying to talk… but he would just raise his voice and talk over her.
“These eyes don’t lie… not these babies. I see something once and it’s locked in
there forever…” he went on in a slightly over animated way.
“Yea, I can see the whole layout in my head… you like Jazz… your favorite movie
was Gone with the Wind… You wanted to help underprivileged kids… am I right or
am I right?”
He finally stopped talking for a second. He began looking her up and down.
“You are even more beautiful, now, in this bar… in front of me… completely
“I am not Miss March or Miss January or whoever you think I am” she said as she
gave him a playful back-handed slap across his chest.
“Would you kindly please refrain from any physical act that is not of erotic
nature.” He barked at her.
“Please, please, please go…” she said, but now with a hint of fondness.
“I’m going to go now…. There I go…” He’s now about 10 feet from her. “There I
go… this is me going…” He is now waving his hand. “Goodbye.”
Gabe and I walk over to the other side of the bar and take a seat at one of the
“Nah, I think she’s in my math class” he said. “That whole ‘Playboy thing’ was just
something I saw Bruce Willis do once”
“No she doesn’t” he said. “Besides I was just establishing myself as a flirt. You’ve
got to quickly establish yourself as a flirt. Once a girl knows you’re a flirt… you
can get away with ANYTHING.”
…14 years ago I was given some of the all-time best advice about how to get
girls… but I was too young and naïve to realize it.
Have you ever been around a girl who thought you were shy? Or boring? Or a
I can be sort of quiet when I first meet someone. And if I sense that person has
pigeon- holed me as “the shy guy” I find it much harder to break out other aspects
of my personality.
It’s like I let their ‘image of me’ shape how I act. And soon enough… I become
“the shy guy.”
...So if the other person’s first impression of you is that you’re ‘quiet’ or ‘shy’…
you’re going to find yourself acting reserved or inhibited to display your
…If their first impression of you is that you’re ‘friendly’ or ‘nice’… you’re going to
find yourself acting out the role of ‘nice guy.’
…And if their first impression of you is that you’re ‘a flirt’… you’re going to find
yourself acting fun and flirtatious.
Basically if a person thinks we are clever or stupid or whatever, they will treat us
that way. If we are treated as if we are clever, stupid or whatever, we will act, and
even become, this way. The person has thus had their prophecy about us fulfilled!
Let’s go back to my friend Gabe who “established himself as a flirt” with the girl in
his math class.
Have you had a conversation with someone who finds you really funny? Half the
time you don’t even have to say anything and they’re already laughing… because
they have an expectation of what you’re going to say or how you’re going to
1. Let the theory of expectation become an obstacle that keeps you from
2. Use the theory of expectation to your advantage
I don’t know about you… but I like to take every advantage I can get when I’m out
there talking to girls.
Here is the thing… the longer you wait to begin flirting with a woman, the more
resistance you are going to face and the tougher it is going to be to make the
transition from ‘friendly conversation’ to ‘flirtatious conversation.’
In fact, you may never even get a chance to start flirting… because she might have
already dismissed you as another boring chump.
You can’t blame women for this… they get hit on by so many guys that they have
to make a decision pretty quickly whether or not they want to keep talking to
If she views you as the boring sort of guy… she is going to respond to you in a
boring sort of way and give you NOTHING to work with… in hopes that you get the
point and walk away. Thus fulfilling her expectations…
Your job is to quickly get her thinking “Oh… this is the type of interaction this is
going to be… THIS guy GETS IT.”
So when you show her that you do… things get A LOT easier.
The quicker she sees you as this sort of guy… the easier the rest of the
conversation is going to go. And more importantly, the easier it will be to take a
conversation from ‘friendly’ to ‘sexual.’
The good news is that it is not nearly as hard as you think to establish yourself as
a flirt. In fact, it is just a matter of a few well-timed, well-delivered flirtatious
banter lines that will flip the switch in her mind… and have her thinking…
Once you plant that thought her in mind… the theory of expectation takes over
and everything else becomes so much easier. It’s like you begin to swim with the
tide… instead of against it.
My Favorite Tactic
There is a method to the madness of what some people think of as ‘flirting.’ Once
you understand how a flirtation interaction is supposed to look, you will begin to
see them as I do, and the mystery will begin to unravel itself.
The technique that I have discovered and “the cheat sheets” that I have
assembled are going to crack this code that very few men take advantage of… and
allow you to capitalize on the Theory of Expectations.
Having this understanding will put the odds back in your favor, and give you the
control so that you can consistently spark attraction in conversations.
Below we are going to look at four different approaches that will immediately
help you stack your deck in your favor, and begin to crack the code of the ‘flirting
For the remainder of this report I am going to using the terms bantering and
teasing interchangeably.
It is important before you go through the examples that you understand a bit
more about what banter is.
What is banter?
In my previous report Small Talk Tactics I talked about how using a role or
character makes bantering easier. I even gave several examples of good
characters and roles you can use to spark the flirtatious dialogue. So instead of
going over the idea of creating characters again, this time I am going to simply
provide you with stocked banter lines and responses you can use for common
• Sure of yourself
• Unaffected by what she says
• Self-amused
• Slightly childish in an endearing sort of way
• Animated
• Comfortable with who you
If you fail to display the above traits your lines will seem forced and won’t have
the same effect.
Most guys wait until they have created rapport to begin teasing a woman or
bantering with her. But like we’ve discussed throughout this report, the trick is to
begin bantering with a woman as quickly as possible.
Ideally you want to get at least three or four banter lines in before you move on
to more ‘normal’ conversation.
The best way to deliver the lines below is as if you suddenly realized something
about her after 30 seconds to a minute or so of talking to her or the group she’s
• I hate you
Remember, the only purpose of these lines is to set the tone of the interaction.
Timing and relevance will play a big role in the above lines since you’re really
trying to squeeze them in without her giving you much.
Second tip is; don’t dwell on the banter line. If she tries to pry to explain more…
just let it roll off, give her a sly smile, and change the subject.
One of the most fun ways to create a flirtatious conversation is to set the frame
that she is trying to get into your pants. If you do it in this playful way, she will
know you that you are teasing her and will have fun and play along.
The lines below are meant to be delivered as it becomes clear that you are hitting
on her. By reversing the roles, you can take an awkward situation and make it fun
and comfortable.
• What did you come over here just to flirt with me?
• You’re hitting on the wrong guy; I’m totally not boyfriend material. That guy
looks better for you [point to some dorky guy nearby]
Remember, these lines work best if you’ve already used one of the other banter
lines above.
©2010 Bobby Rio http://www.amplifytheattraction.com page 11
I’m going to stress this again. You NEED to banter immediately. If not, these lines
can be taken out of context later in the conversation.
She Says Something Dumb or
She is Rambling On…
When you learn to listen and you get a feel what bantering is you are going to
realize that women give you all the material you can possibly need to tease them.
Here is the thing, once you establish yourself as a flirt… the woman treats you
that way and as I suggested earlier, she will unconsciously give you material to
• It’s a good thing you’re pretty, because once the looks go you’ll be in
• Let's play a game. Let's see how long you can hold your breath
• I don't know what you’re on but i am sure they offer rehab for it
Remember, you don’t want to come across mean or insulting with these lines.
You’re just trying to be playful and fun.
She is Acting Boring, Tired,
Cranky, or Up Tight
I think we can all agree that women put up sort of a Bitch Shield when they first
begin talking to guy they are uncertain about.
These women don’t want to give off too much interest and encourage him to
keep talking, so often they will appear bitchy, bored, tired, or up tight. It is your
job to use bantering to break through this ‘shield.’
“I’m Going to Make You Smile No Matter How Hard You Resist”
The lines below should be delivered with the attitude that you know that
underneath her tough exterior she is like a cute little puppy dog.
• Oooh… She’s very hostile when she hasn’t taken her nap
• You know what your problem is… you’re just not spontaneous
• I bet you have a real cute side somewhere. You just don't show it
Lines like these are meant for a girl who is not giving you much to go with, or has
somewhat of an attitude.
Remember though, your attitude as you say the line is just as important as the
lines themselves.
Banter and teasing works for just about every situation… and it is the quickest
way to turn the tides on a woman who may be on the fence about you.
In fact, once you get really good you will notice that you can quickly change any
girl’s initial opinion of you… and can turn any conversation playful and fun.
Teasing and banter is only one of the five major attraction switches that I have
identified and tested.
I’ve taken the time to use my experience to create three full length videos where
I’ll show you five “attraction switches” you can pull over and over again to get a
woman to feel white hot attraction for you.
©2010 Bobby Rio http://www.amplifytheattraction.com page 15
I’ll give you example after example of exactly what to do in specific situations to
“flip the switch” and get a girl who was moments ago indifferent to you… to
feel compelled to have you.
You’re going to learn how to spark attraction within the first 7 minutes of the
conversation so that you don’t run the risk of her thinking “why is this guy talking
to me…” Instead she’ll be thinking “This guy better NOT leave…”
This is a complete educational course in Flipping Her Attraction Switches, from
ideas and concepts to step-by-step and word-for-word techniques.
Everything you’re getting is the very best field-tested lines and techniques
designed specifically to spark and maintain raw physical attraction.
Each video is structured like this: I explain to you what you need to do. I tell you
why it works. And then I give you word for word examples you can use tonight
I’ve made this cookie cutter simple to implement… and left out all the fluff.