Rent and Sales Report

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Rent and Sales Report

No. 84 ISSN – 1440 – 0049

Rent: June quarter 2008

Sales: March quarter 2008

Changes to the geography

A number of changes to the geography used in
the Report were introduced into the December
2007 issue. See page 15 for details.

Housing Analysis and Research (under Quick Links)
© Crown Copyright 2008
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of release, the State of New South Wales, its agents and
employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done
in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document.
Rent and Sales Summary
Rent: June Quarter 2008 (3.4%) and in the Rest of GMR (3.6%). The Middle Ring has
Trends for new bonds at state and regional levels recorded nine consecutive quarterly increases, whilst the
Outer Ring has recorded five.
During the June 2008 quarter, the median rent for all
dwellings increased by $20 in the Sydney Statistical Outside the GMR, median rents for two bedroom flats/
Division (SD) to $370. Within the Inner and Middle Rings units remained unchanged over the quarter but increased
the median rent increased by $20, to $450 in the Inner Ring by 6.3% over the year. Median rents for three bedroom
and to $380 in the Middle Ring. The median rent remained separate houses increased by 2.1% over the quarter and
unchanged in the Outer Ring at $300. When compared to 9.1% over the year.
the previous year, median rents increased by $45 in the
Sydney SD, by $50 in the Inner and Middle Rings and by During the quarter, the number of new bonds lodged
$25 in the Outer Ring. decreased by -1.9% in Sydney SD, -5.4% in the Inner Ring,
-3.4% in the Middle Ring, -8.3% in the Rest of GMR but
Median rents for one bedroom flats/units increased over increased by 2.9% in the Outer Ring. During the year, the
the year in each of the Rings and Rest of GMR, ranging number of new bonds lodged decreased (-4.9%) in the
from 6.7% in the Rest of GMR to 21.4% in the Middle Sydney SD. Decreases also occurred in each of the three
Ring. Over the quarter, median rents increased in the Inner Rings but increased by 1.8% in the Rest of GMR.
Ring (2.7%), Middle Ring (4.6%) and Outer Ring (6.5%) but
remained unchanged in the Rest of GMR. Notable rent movements for local government areas
(ignoring small samples)
Over the year, median rents for two bedroom flats/units Within the Sydney SD, the largest annual increases in
increased in each of the Rings and Rest of GMR, ranging median rent for one bedroom flats/units were recorded in
from 14.0% in the Inner Ring to 16.7% in the Middle Ring. Rockdale (33.3%) and Parramatta (27.3%). Twenty one
Over the quarter, median rents increased in the Inner Ring out of 43 LGAs in Sydney SD recorded annual increases
(6.5%), Middle Ring (7.7%), Outer Ring (3.4%) and Rest of of 10% or more. Within the Rest of GMR the largest
GMR (2.2%). annual increase was observed in Wollongong (14.3%) and
Median rents for two bedroom separate houses increased Newcastle (9.4%).
over the year in each of the Rings and Rest of GMR, Two bedroom flats/units in Canterbury (28.6%), Leichhardt
ranging from 4.3% in the Rest of GMR to 16.7% in the (26.2%) and Auburn (25.0%) recorded the largest annual
Middle Ring. Over the quarter, median rents increased in increases in median rent in the Sydney SD. Ryde, Sydney,
the Inner Ring (8.5%), in the Middle Ring (2.9%), and in the Warringah and Sutherland have each recorded six or
Outer Ring (4.2%) and remained unchanged in the Rest of more consecutive quarterly increases. Thirty three of the
GMR. 43 LGAs within Sydney SD recorded annual increases of
Over the year, median rents for three bedroom separate 10% or more, representing 87% of the two bedroom flats/
houses increased in each of the Rings and Rest of GMR, units rental market in Sydney SD. Within the Rest of GMR,
ranging from 11.5% in the Rest of GMR to 18.1% in the Cessnock recorded the biggest annual increase of 23.5%,
Inner Ring. Over the quarter, median rents increased in followed by Maitland (16.7%) and Wollongong (15.0%).
the Inner Ring (6.3%), Middle Ring (2.5%), and Outer Ring

Trends in Median Rents – Sydney and NSW Table 1. Median Rents and Sales - All Dwellings
$440 Inner Middle Outer Sydney NSW
$390 Ring Ring Ring SD
$340 Rent ($/wk)
$290 Jun Qtr 2008 $450 $380 $300 $370 $310
$240 Qtly change 4.7% 5.6% 0.0% 5.7% 3.3%
Ann. change 12.5% 15.2% 9.1% 13.8% 10.7%
Dollars per week
Sales ($’000s)

Dec-04 Jun-05
Mar-05 Sep-05 Jun-06
Dec-05 Sep-06 Jun-07
Dec-06 Sep-07 Mar-08
Dec-07 Mar Qtr 2008
Jun-08 $557 $435 $375 $425 $368
Sydney - 3br house NSW - 3br house Qtly change -6.8% -8.4% -3.8% -7.6% -5.8%
Sydney - 2br flat NSW - 2br flat
Ann. change 3.5% 0.7% 0.0% 0.5% 0.7%

Seven out of 43 LGAs within Sydney SD recorded an For non-strata dwellings in Sydney SD, the median sales
annual increase of 10% or more in median rent for two price decreased by -9.6% for the quarter but increased
bedroom separate houses including Fairfield (30.0%), by 0.7% for the year. Over the quarter, the sales price
Canterbury (23.3%) and Parramatta (21.9%). Within the increased in the Inner Ring (1.1%) and Rest of GMR (0.4%)
Rest of GMR, Lake Macquarie recorded the biggest annual but decreased in the Middle Ring (-11.5%) and Outer
increase of 9.1%. Ring (-4.6%). The largest quarterly increase was recorded
in North Sydney (12.7%), while Strathfield recorded the
Over the year, the biggest increase in median rent for
largest quarterly decrease (-27.6%). Over the year, the
three bedroom separate houses in the Sydney SD were
sales price increased in the Inner Ring (9.6%), Middle Ring
recorded in Randwick (27.3%) followed by Leichhardt and
(1.7%), Outer Ring (1.3%) and the Rest of GMR (4.5%).
Marrickville (25.0%). Twenty three of the 43 LGAs in the
The largest annual increases were recorded in Leichhardt
Sydney SD recorded annual increases of 10% or more,
(30.4%) and Burwood (22.2%).
representing 65% of the three bedroom separate houses
rental market in Sydney SD. Within the Rest of GMR the For strata dwellings in the Sydney SD, the median sales
largest annual increases were recorded in Lake Macquarie price decreased by -5.2% for the quarter but increased
(11.5%), Newcastle (10.7%) and Maitland (10.4%). by 2.1% over the year. Over the quarter, the median
sales price decreased in the Inner Rings (-3.0%), Middle
Amongst Rural Statistical Sub-Divisions (SSD), 20 of the 34
Ring (-4.9%), Outer Ring (-5.4%) and in the Rest of GMR
SSDs recorded annual increases above 5% in median rent
(-2.4%). The largest quarterly increase was recorded in
for two bedroom dwellings. For three bedroom dwellings
Pittwater (23.4%), whilst the largest decrease was recorded
25 of the 34 SSDs recorded annual increases above 5%
in Manly (-20.3%). Over the year, the median sales price
and ranging up to 20.3% in Far West.
increased in the Inner Ring (5.7%), Middle Ring (2.1%), and
Within the Sydney SD, the number of new bonds lodged Outer Ring (1.6%) and in the Rest of GMR (4.9%). Eight out
over the year decreased in each of the Rings, and within all of the 43 LGAs in Sydney recorded annual decreases with
but ten LGAs. the largest decreases recorded in Botany Bay (-21.9%) and
Bankstown (-11.5%). Six LGAs in Sydney recorded annual
Note: These results are based on the statistics of new increases of more than 10%, with the largest increases
bonds lodged in the period. recorded in Burwood (25.0%), Pittwater (24.9%) and Lane
Cove (23.5%).
Sales: March Quarter 2008
The median sales price for all dwellings across the Sydney
SD decreased by -7.6% over the quarter but increased
by 0.5% over the year. Over the quarter, the sales price
decreased in the Inner Ring (-6.8%), Middle Ring (-8.4%),
Outer Ring (-3.8%) and the Rest of GMR (-0.7%). Over
the year, the median sales price increased in the Inner
ring (3.5%), in the Middle Ring (0.7%), in the Rest of GMR
(3.9%) and remained unchanged in the Outer Ring.

Trends in Median Sales Price – Sydney and NSW

Sales price

Dec-04 Jun-05
Mar-05 Sep-05
Dec-05 Jun-06
Mar-06 Sep-06
Dec-06 Jun-07
Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08
Sydney - Non Strata NSW - Non Strata
Sydney - Strata NSW - Strata

Table 2. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - All Dwellings - June Quarter 2008

Local One Bedroom Two Bedrooms Three Bedrooms Four + Bedrooms

Government Change Change Change Change
Area and Median Qtly Ann Median Qtly Ann Median Qtly Ann Median Qtly Ann
Codes (a) $ % % $ % % $ % % $ % %
SYDNEY SD 350 2.9 12.9 375 7.1 17.2 360 2.9 12.5 475 5.6 13.1
Inner Ring 380 2.7 8.6 495 5.3 15.1 670 4.7 11.7 918 1.9 22.3
1 Ashfield 275 10.0 19.6 350 8.5 16.7 495 2.1 10.0 - - -
2 Botany Bay 240 s -2.0 6.7 350 9.4 25.0 530 17.8 17.8 - - -
3 Lane Cove 325 s 1.6 25.0 400 11.1 17.6 590 7.3 18.0 990 s 4.2 -
4 Leichhardt 350 8.5 14.8 530 6.0 20.5 650 3.2 18.2 850 16.4 13.3
5 Marrickville 265 6.0 10.4 380 0.7 17.8 515 5.1 14.4 640 10.3 30.6
6 Mosman 350 0.0 8.5 500 9.9 12.4 830 4.4 1.8 1550 s -8.8 -6.1
7 North Sydney 380 1.3 5.6 500 4.2 8.7 700 2.9 4.5 1000 0.0 60.0
8 Randwick 360 2.9 12.5 450 2.3 12.5 630 6.8 14.5 950 9.8 18.8
9 Sydney 410 2.5 10.8 560 2.8 13.1 700 2.9 7.7 750 2.7 13.2
10 Waverley 380 5.6 15.2 500 7.5 16.3 750 8.3 14.5 1375 37.5 44.8
11 Woollahra 380 2.7 8.6 500 -2.9 4.2 900 5.9 12.5 1950 1.3 77.3
Middle Ring 330 3.1 20.0 350 6.1 16.7 445 6.0 20.3 590 1.7 13.5
12 Auburn 360 9.1 20.0 340 9.7 25.9 390 9.9 21.9 480 s -4.0 6.7
13 Bankstown 165 s -10.8 -7.0 298 10.2 14.4 350 0.0 16.7 430 7.5 7.5
14 Burwood 263 14.1 19.3 380 2.7 13.4 493 2.1 20.9 610 s 1.7 22.0
15 Canterbury 215 7.5 26.5 275 10.0 25.0 400 6.7 14.3 550 22.2 30.2
16 Canada Bay 390 -2.5 11.4 480 6.7 17.1 550 -1.8 10.0 700 s 7.7 -7.3
17 Hunters Hill 280 s -12.5 -6.7 400 s -11.1 1.3 650 13.0 30.0 975 s - -
18 Hurstville 265 15.2 20.5 310 3.3 10.7 420 5.0 16.7 540 8.0 20.0
19 Kogarah 295 s 22.9 28.3 350 6.1 16.7 450 7.1 18.4 545 s 0.9 4.8
20 Ku-ring-gai 335 s 19.6 21.8 450 7.1 20.0 620 3.3 14.8 980 13.0 22.5
21 Manly 385 2.7 10.0 500 0.0 11.1 720 7.5 5.5 1175 4.4 31.3
22 Parramatta 265 6.0 26.2 320 6.7 18.5 380 8.6 16.9 450 7.1 15.4
23 Rockdale 320 18.5 33.3 360 12.5 20.0 465 10.7 22.4 570 14.0 15.2
24 Ryde 260 0.0 18.2 350 9.4 16.7 480 4.3 17.1 650 17.1 19.3
25 Strathfield 310 3.3 14.8 380 8.6 15.2 485 7.8 21.3 600 s 9.1 20.0
26 Willoughby 408 -0.6 7.2 490 2.1 11.4 700 2.9 9.4 925 2.8 -2.6
Outer Ring 220 4.8 10.0 280 3.7 12.0 300 1.7 11.1 420 5.0 12.0
27 Baulkham Hills 270 s 22.7 35.0 360 5.1 12.5 410 5.1 13.9 550 3.8 22.2
28 Blacktown 180 12.5 9.1 265 3.9 15.2 300 7.1 15.4 410 2.5 13.9
29 Blue Mountains 170 7.9 6.3 220 0.0 10.0 270 3.8 10.2 350 0.0 9.4
30 Camden - - - 255 s -1.9 4.1 310 3.3 12.7 400 0.0 8.1
31 Campbelltown - - - 220 4.8 15.8 270 3.8 12.5 350 3.7 12.9
32 Fairfield 175 16.7 16.7 220 10.0 15.8 300 5.3 11.1 380 5.6 15.2
33 Gosford 165 4.8 10.0 240 0.0 4.3 300 1.7 9.1 383 -0.6 6.3
34 Hawkesbury 170 s 4.6 3.0 230 2.2 9.5 288 2.7 6.5 380 8.6 11.8
35 Holroyd 185 -7.5 15.6 290 3.6 11.5 350 9.4 16.7 450 7.1 28.6
36 Hornsby 295 1.7 5.4 370 5.7 8.8 450 7.1 15.4 570 3.6 14.0
37 Liverpool 178 14.5 22.4 235 2.2 17.5 320 3.2 14.3 400 2.6 14.3
38 Penrith 170 1.5 13.3 220 10.0 18.9 280 3.7 9.8 360 2.9 9.1
39 Pittwater 300 0.0 11.1 420 -1.2 9.1 600 0.0 7.1 800 0.0 6.7
40 Sutherland 250 8.7 16.3 330 0.0 10.0 450 4.7 12.5 565 0.0 15.3
41 Warringah 330 1.5 11.9 420 3.7 10.5 600 3.4 9.1 770 -0.6 2.7
42 Wollondilly - - - 210 2.4 13.5 270 3.8 12.5 375 4.2 15.4
43 Wyong 150 1.4 15.4 220 4.8 10.0 260 0.0 6.1 330 -2.9 6.5
Rest of GMR 160 6.7 6.7 240 2.1 9.1 290 0.0 9.4 350 0.0 12.9
44 Cessnock 130 s 0.0 2.0 193 1.3 10.0 230 4.5 9.5 300 0.0 20.0
45 Kiama - - - 260 15.6 18.2 315 1.6 8.6 380 5.6 10.9
46 Lake Macquarie 150 0.0 1.4 230 0.0 4.5 290 3.6 11.5 380 4.8 18.8
47 Maitland 135 -0.8 0.0 230 9.5 15.0 270 1.9 12.5 340 5.4 17.2
48 Newcastle 170 6.3 6.3 265 1.9 6.0 320 0.0 10.3 386 10.3 10.3
49 Port Stephens 175 s 16.7 16.7 200 0.0 8.1 265 6.0 6.0 325 -1.5 8.3
50 Shellharbour 150 s -11.8 - 210 0.0 10.5 280 0.0 5.7 375 -1.3 10.3
51 Wollongong 160 6.7 14.3 240 2.1 9.1 310 -3.1 5.1 400 0.0 14.3
NEW SOUTH WALES 310 3.3 12.7 300 3.4 11.1 300 1.7 11.1 385 4.1 10.0
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (s) 30 or less bonds lodged; (-) 10 or less bonds lodged.

Table 3. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - Separate Houses - June Quarter 2008

Local Two Bedrooms Three Bedrooms

Government First Third Change in Median First Third Change in Median
Area and Quartile Median Quartile Qtly Ann Quartile Median Quartile Qtly Ann
Codes (a) $ $ $ % % $ $ $ % %
SYDNEY SD 240 300 420 5.3 15.4 275 330 430 3.1 17.9
Inner Ring 450 510 580 8.5 15.3 550 638 800 6.3 18.1
1 Ashfield - - - - - 483 540 583 s 3.8 16.1
2 Botany Bay - - - - - 470 550 560 s 4.8 22.2
3 Lane Cove - - - - - 565 700 800 s 27.3 20.7
4 Leichhardt 480 540 630 3.8 17.4 530 650 750 3.2 25.0
5 Marrickville 405 450 525 3.4 21.6 470 550 600 10.0 25.0
6 Mosman - - - - - 660 770 920 s - -
7 North Sydney - - - - - 660 805 1200 s 7.3 13.4
8 Randwick 454 540 579 s 12.5 35.0 550 700 850 16.7 27.3
9 Sydney 470 500 560 11.1 22.0 560 635 650 s -3.1 18.1
10 Waverley - - - - - 784 995 1313 s 17.1 50.8
11 Woollahra - - - - - 900 1160 1500 s 24.7 16.0
Middle Ring 300 350 410 2.9 16.7 350 410 500 2.5 13.9
12 Auburn 250 300 340 s 15.4 22.4 330 360 400 10.8 24.1
13 Bankstown 278 300 330 3.4 15.4 320 350 370 2.9 16.7
14 Burwood - - - - - 400 450 495 s 1.1 20.0
15 Canterbury 300 370 390 7.2 23.3 365 410 470 7.9 17.1
16 Canada Bay 408 460 523 s 3.4 15.0 458 500 550 0.0 13.6
17 Hunters Hill - - - - - 573 675 869 s 14.4 -
18 Hurstville 313 348 388 s 5.3 15.8 380 410 450 2.5 17.1
19 Kogarah 340 360 430 s 2.9 - 400 450 500 4.7 12.5
20 Ku-ring-gai 400 470 620 s -2.1 9.3 500 600 700 -2.4 13.2
21 Manly - - - - - 625 710 836 s 1.4 -5.3
22 Parramatta 300 320 350 4.9 21.9 320 360 400 5.9 16.1
23 Rockdale 350 380 425 8.6 10.1 400 460 530 10.8 20.3
24 Ryde 350 365 405 s -6.4 -1.4 420 450 500 0.0 12.5
25 Strathfield - - - - - 368 450 506 s -6.3 12.5
26 Willoughby 460 550 590 s 5.8 10.0 600 698 850 1.1 7.3
Outer Ring 220 250 290 4.2 13.6 260 300 350 3.4 13.2
27 Baulkham Hills - - - - - 370 420 460 7.7 20.0
28 Blacktown 220 245 265 2.1 8.9 250 300 330 7.1 17.6
29 Blue Mountains 200 223 250 -1.1 1.1 240 268 300 2.9 9.2
30 Camden - - - - - 284 310 350 3.3 10.7
31 Campbelltown 210 228 253 s 0.0 13.8 250 270 300 0.9 8.0
32 Fairfield 220 260 285 4.0 30.0 265 300 330 7.1 15.4
33 Gosford 230 250 280 4.2 11.1 270 300 340 3.4 11.1
34 Hawkesbury 240 250 280 s -2.0 4.2 260 288 310 -0.9 8.5
35 Holroyd 260 280 320 -3.4 7.7 300 330 363 3.1 13.8
36 Hornsby 350 370 400 s 2.8 12.1 403 460 500 8.2 17.9
37 Liverpool 240 260 290 s 4.0 30.0 290 320 360 6.7 14.3
38 Penrith 215 240 250 s 14.3 9.1 260 280 310 3.7 7.7
39 Pittwater 455 500 578 s - 11.1 546 600 700 -4.8 4.3
40 Sutherland 330 360 400 2.9 9.1 410 450 510 4.7 11.1
41 Warringah 415 510 550 s -2.4 6.3 550 600 664 0.0 9.1
42 Wollondilly 183 210 275 s 10.5 5.0 250 275 320 5.8 14.6
43 Wyong 200 220 238 4.8 12.8 240 260 285 4.0 8.3
Rest of GMR 204 240 275 0.0 4.3 250 290 320 3.6 11.5
44 Cessnock 170 190 200 2.7 8.6 200 230 260 4.5 9.5
45 Kiama 250 270 310 s - 17.4 280 310 330 0.0 6.9
46 Lake Macquarie 215 240 270 2.1 9.1 260 290 325 3.6 11.5
47 Maitland 195 220 250 s 4.8 10.0 250 265 290 1.9 10.4
48 Newcastle 240 263 290 1.0 5.0 280 310 350 3.3 10.7
49 Port Stephens 190 215 250 7.5 13.2 240 260 290 4.0 4.0
50 Shellharbour 168 215 235 s -2.3 - 250 283 310 0.9 8.7
51 Wollongong 220 250 280 -2.9 8.7 260 300 350 0.0 7.1
NEW SOUTH WALES 190 240 300 4.3 9.1 235 280 350 3.7 9.8
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (s) 30 or less bonds lodged; (-) 10 or less bonds lodged.

Table 4. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - Flats/Units - June Quarter 2008

Local One Bedroom Two Bedrooms

Government First Third Change in Median First Third Change in Median
Area and Quartile Median Quartile Qtly Ann Quartile Median Quartile Qtly Ann
Codes (a) $ $ $ % % $ $ $ % %
SYDNEY SD 280 350 420 0.0 9.4 300 380 490 5.6 15.2
Inner Ring 330 385 450 2.7 10.0 400 490 580 6.5 14.0
1 Ashfield 240 275 320 10.0 19.6 300 350 395 9.4 17.6
2 Botany Bay 215 240 298 s -4.0 4.3 290 345 463 11.3 23.2
3 Lane Cove 285 330 368 s 3.1 26.9 360 395 421 12.9 16.2
4 Leichhardt 290 345 415 7.8 16.9 400 530 613 15.2 26.2
5 Marrickville 224 270 330 3.8 12.5 300 340 400 3.0 13.3
6 Mosman 330 350 388 0.0 7.7 430 495 560 10.0 12.5
7 North Sydney 350 380 450 1.3 5.6 430 493 580 3.7 9.4
8 Randwick 320 365 430 4.3 14.1 400 450 520 4.7 13.9
9 Sydney 360 410 480 2.5 10.8 500 560 670 1.8 12.0
10 Waverley 330 380 466 2.7 15.2 420 493 600 8.2 17.3
11 Woollahra 341 388 450 4.7 10.7 440 495 595 -1.0 9.4
Middle Ring 260 340 393 4.6 21.4 290 350 434 7.7 16.7
12 Auburn 205 360 378 6.7 16.1 271 350 410 9.4 25.0
13 Bankstown 145 195 270 s 1.3 5.4 270 290 320 11.5 11.5
14 Burwood 240 265 345 s 15.2 20.5 350 380 420 5.6 11.8
15 Canterbury 170 193 243 -3.8 16.7 240 270 300 8.0 28.6
16 Canada Bay 330 400 430 0.0 14.3 420 485 540 5.4 12.8
17 Hunters Hill - - - - - 335 388 456 s -13.9 7.6
18 Hurstville 250 268 303 16.3 21.6 275 300 350 3.4 11.1
19 Kogarah - - - - - 300 340 380 9.7 9.7
20 Ku-ring-gai 300 335 358 s 19.8 24.2 390 450 510 12.5 21.6
21 Manly 350 390 480 5.4 10.6 430 500 600 0.0 11.1
22 Parramatta 250 280 338 12.0 27.3 285 320 365 6.7 16.4
23 Rockdale 250 320 370 6.7 33.3 300 350 431 9.4 16.7
24 Ryde 240 265 310 2.9 20.5 300 330 390 3.1 15.8
25 Strathfield 280 310 350 s 3.3 14.8 350 380 430 8.6 15.2
26 Willoughby 371 420 450 2.4 10.5 430 485 600 0.0 11.5
Outer Ring 180 245 310 6.5 11.4 230 300 370 3.4 15.4
27 Baulkham Hills 200 270 340 s 35.0 35.0 320 370 400 7.2 15.6
28 Blacktown 168 185 200 s 15.6 15.6 230 270 300 3.8 17.4
29 Blue Mountains 141 160 183 s 6.7 6.7 175 185 213 s -7.5 2.8
30 Camden - - - - - - - - - -
31 Campbelltown - - - - - 170 185 230 5.7 12.1
32 Fairfield 155 175 189 16.7 16.7 190 210 240 10.5 13.5
33 Gosford 150 165 185 0.0 3.1 210 230 260 0.0 0.0
34 Hawkesbury 140 165 190 s - 3.1 194 223 243 1.1 11.3
35 Holroyd 130 180 230 s -10.0 9.1 260 290 320 7.4 13.7
36 Hornsby 250 300 340 1.7 3.4 350 370 400 5.7 8.8
37 Liverpool 81 180 220 20.0 12.5 200 220 275 0.0 10.0
38 Penrith 150 178 213 s 4.4 16.4 180 200 260 0.0 11.1
39 Pittwater 280 300 340 7.1 11.1 360 400 453 -4.8 6.0
40 Sutherland 230 255 280 6.3 15.9 300 330 370 3.1 11.9
41 Warringah 295 330 370 1.5 11.9 360 420 480 5.0 13.5
42 Wollondilly - - - - - 185 200 219 s - 14.3
43 Wyong 125 150 173 0.7 15.4 180 220 270 0.0 10.0
Rest of GMR 138 160 185 0.0 6.7 180 230 271 2.2 15.0
44 Cessnock 120 130 140 s 4.0 4.0 170 210 230 9.1 23.5
45 Kiama - - - - - 189 223 280 1.1 9.9
46 Lake Macquarie 130 148 165 -1.7 1.7 160 215 260 -2.3 -2.3
47 Maitland 125 133 145 s 1.9 -1.9 180 210 250 13.5 16.7
48 Newcastle 150 175 200 2.3 9.4 220 253 303 1.2 1.2
49 Port Stephens 148 165 186 s 10.0 - 170 185 200 -2.6 2.8
50 Shellharbour 133 150 163 s -10.4 - 160 178 219 4.4 7.6
51 Wollongong 145 160 200 4.9 14.3 185 230 280 4.5 15.0
NEW SOUTH WALES 200 325 400 1.6 12.1 220 320 450 6.7 14.3
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (s) 30 or less bonds lodged; (-) 10 or less bonds lodged.

Table 5. Median Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Rural Statistical Subdivisions - June Quarter 2008

Rural SSD All Dwellings All Dwellings Separate Houses Flat/Units

and Code (a) Two Bedrooms Three Bedrooms Three Bedrooms Two Bedrooms
Median Change Median Change Median Change Median Change
Rents Qtly Ann Rents Qtly Ann Rents Qtly Ann Rents Qtly Ann
$ % % $ % % $ % % $ % %
REST OF NSW 180 0.0 5.9 240 0.0 4.3 240 2.1 9.1 170 0.0 6.3
54 Hunter SD Balance 190 2.7 8.6 250 0.0 6.4 240 0.0 4.3 180 0.0 5.9
55 Nowra-Bomaderry 168 -4.3 1.5 230 0.0 4.5 230 0.0 4.5 160 -1.5 0.0
56 Illawarra SD Balance 190 0.0 5.6 240 4.3 9.1 240 4.3 9.1 178 -1.4 4.4
57 Tweed Heads & Tweed Coast 285 3.6 9.6 350 2.9 12.0 370 0.0 5.7 285 5.6 14.0
58 Lismore 190 -2.6 5.6 270 3.8 8.0 283 8.7 13.0 185 0.0 5.7
59 Richmond-Tweed SD Balance 240 0.0 9.1 330 3.1 10.0 320 0.0 12.3 220 0.0 10.0
60 Coffs Harbour 210 1.2 7.7 290 0.0 7.4 290 0.0 5.5 190 -2.6 5.6
61 Clarence 190 5.6 8.6 250 4.2 13.6 250 2.0 8.7 180 2.9 12.5
62 Port Macquarie 210 5.0 7.7 295 1.7 9.3 295 3.5 7.3 200 5.3 5.3
63 Hastings 175 0.0 2.9 230 0.0 8.2 230 0.0 9.5 170 3.0 6.3
64 Tamworth 183 1.4 14.1 245 0.0 6.5 240 -2.0 4.3 175 2.9 12.9
65 Northern Slopes 140 0.0 7.7 170 -5.6 3.0 175 -2.8 6.1 130 s 0.0 0.0
66 Northern Tablelands 160 0.0 6.7 200 -7.0 2.6 200 -7.0 1.3 155 -1.6 3.3
67 North Central Plain 135 3.8 3.8 215 -6.5 7.5 220 -2.2 10.0 130 0.0 0.0
68 Dubbo 160 0.0 6.7 230 1.1 9.5 230 2.2 8.2 150 3.4 7.1
69 Central Macquarie 160 23.1 6.7 190 -5.0 5.6 185 -5.1 5.7 150 15.4 7.1
70 Macquarie-Barwon 135 3.8 -10.0 165 s 10.0 3.1 165 s 10.0 6.5 140 s 16.7 -6.7
71 Upper Darling 190 18.8 24.6 250 8.7 0.0 250 4.2 0.0 190 s 40.7 22.6
72 Bathurst 180 -2.7 0.0 240 0.0 9.1 238 -1.0 3.3 180 0.0 0.0
73 Orange 190 2.7 5.6 250 4.2 11.1 245 1.0 6.5 183 4.3 4.3
74 Central Tablelands 150 -3.2 1.7 190 2.7 8.6 190 2.7 8.6 140 7.7 7.7
75 Lachlan 135 3.8 5.9 180 4.3 5.9 180 5.9 5.9 130 4.0 4.0
76 Queanbeyan 270 3.8 12.5 360 -2.0 2.9 365 -3.9 4.3 250 4.2 20.5
77 Southern Tableland 160 0.0 4.9 210 5.0 10.5 210 0.0 10.5 145 -3.3 0.0
78 Lower South Coast 180 0.0 2.9 245 4.3 6.5 245 2.1 4.3 173 0.0 4.5
79 Snowy 328 92.6 42.4 250 11.1 13.6 220 0.0 10.0 390 113.7 56.0
80 Wagga Wagga 170 -10.5 0.0 270 0.0 9.1 270 3.8 8.0 165 -8.3 3.1
81 Central Murrumbidgee 145 3.6 11.5 183 -1.4 9.0 183 -3.9 10.6 145 3.6 13.3
82 Lower Murrumbidgee 153 -1.6 1.7 210 5.0 5.0 210 7.7 5.0 145 -6.5 0.0
83 Albury 165 -2.9 3.1 240 -4.0 0.0 240 -4.0 0.0 150 0.0 0.0
84 Upper Murray 140 -6.7 -3.4 195 2.6 5.4 198 3.9 6.8 123 s -15.5 -10.9
85 Central Murray 155 10.7 10.7 193 -3.8 10.0 200 0.0 11.1 160 14.3 18.5
86 Murray-Darling 140 s 12.0 7.7 170 s 3.0 -5.6 170 s 0.0 -5.6 138 s 10.0 10.0
87 Far West 138 -5.2 5.8 193 13.2 20.3 200 11.1 25.0 120 s 0.0 0.0
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (s) 30 or less bonds lodged; (-) 10 or less bonds lodged.

Table 6. New and Total Bonds - Rural Statistical Subdivisions - June Quarter 2008

Rural SSD New Bonds Lodged Total Bonds Held

and Code (a) Change in All Change in All
Separate Flats/ All* Dwellings Separate Flats/ All* Dwellings
Houses Units Dwellings Qtly Ann Houses Units Dwellings Qtly Ann
No. No. No. % % No. No. No. % %
REST OF NSW 7956 4605 16220 -2.8 3.3 62462 37052 131004 1.2 3.7
54 Hunter SD Balance 512 270 1048 6.6 2.0 3814 1826 7735 1.7 4.9
55 Nowra-Bomaderry 162 70 318 22.3 15.2 1230 627 2556 1.8 3.9
56 Illawarra SD Balance 526 107 835 -6.9 -2.0 4527 944 7160 1.0 4.4
57 Tweed Heads & Tweed Coast 230 288 779 -5.0 7.7 1673 1916 6088 1.1 4.8
58 Lismore 119 113 331 -25.3 8.5 1426 1177 3564 0.2 0.0
59 Richmond-Tweed SD Balance 588 315 1224 -1.0 2.3 5067 2737 10639 0.8 1.6
60 Coffs Harbour 234 197 667 6.2 -8.0 1880 1449 5382 0.5 2.1
61 Clarence 487 173 797 -7.4 -8.1 3979 1750 7015 0.9 3.0
62 Port Macquarie 165 206 560 18.4 21.7 1371 1428 4226 0.9 1.0
63 Hastings 563 236 934 10.3 -1.6 4395 1967 7652 0.8 5.4
64 Tamworth 290 160 525 4.0 9.8 1983 1301 3880 0.6 3.3
65 Northern Slopes 170 48 229 -6.5 7.0 1281 504 2057 2.1 5.2
66 Northern Tablelands 331 212 688 -10.5 -6.0 2624 1767 5558 1.3 3.8
67 North Central Plain 112 110 249 20.3 1.6 850 845 1996 2.5 2.1
68 Dubbo 192 136 387 -3.3 4.9 1626 983 3264 -0.6 1.6
69 Central Macquarie 258 99 413 -3.5 11.9 1834 741 3108 1.7 5.9
70 Macquarie-Barwon 53 45 102 1.0 30.8 424 211 755 3.7 9.3
71 Upper Darling 65 36 133 16.7 62.2 397 258 876 3.7 17.0
72 Bathurst 226 105 397 -26.8 0.3 1599 1043 3256 1.5 2.1
73 Orange 273 132 452 -1.7 1.6 1978 1047 3422 1.5 3.3
74 Central Tablelands 231 61 344 -0.9 15.8 1704 459 2657 1.4 5.8
75 Lachlan 223 103 413 25.5 10.1 1711 874 3102 3.0 3.8
76 Queanbeyan 124 134 514 2.2 17.4 963 1422 4174 1.5 3.8
77 Southern Tableland 293 130 504 -2.3 -2.5 2098 939 4081 0.5 3.4
78 Lower South Coast 354 193 662 11.4 8.9 2788 1427 5094 1.0 4.1
79 Snowy 94 154 295 63.0 31.1 576 458 1356 11.5 10.3
80 Wagga Wagga 212 181 522 -31.2 -5.4 1910 1856 5120 0.6 4.0
81 Central Murrumbidgee 191 61 296 -10.3 6.1 1291 593 2348 2.4 5.7
82 Lower Murrumbidgee 156 177 441 -10.9 -0.2 1434 1297 3415 1.2 3.3
83 Albury 170 189 580 -27.0 -5.4 1413 1910 4958 0.6 3.7
84 Upper Murray 82 36 154 2.0 -5.5 605 284 1090 0.7 5.3
85 Central Murray 143 74 230 14.4 19.2 844 576 1569 -0.6 -1.1
86 Murray-Darling 38 21 61 -22.8 -3.2 257 128 414 3.5 7.3
87 Far West 89 33 136 -28.4 -4.2 910 308 1437 0.4 10.2
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (*) includes 'not stated' and 'other ' dwelling types.

Table 7. New and Total Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - June Quarter 2008

New Bonds Lodged Total Bonds Held

Local Change in All Change in All
Government Separate Flats/ All* Dwellings Separate Flats/ All* Dwellings
Area and Houses Units Dwellings Qtly Ann Houses Units Dwellings Qtly Ann
Codes (a) No. No. No. % % No. No. No. % %
SYDNEY SD 9754 19455 41522 -1.9 -4.9 100951 191285 441266 -0.2 0.3
Inner Ring 959 9341 15000 -5.4 -1.3 9699 87787 154391 -0.5 -0.2
1 Ashfield 33 313 523 -10.6 -8.6 603 4042 7012 -0.5 -1.8
2 Botany Bay 44 173 272 -8.7 -23.2 545 2392 4123 -1.3 -2.4
3 Lane Cove 46 215 339 1.8 -4.0 541 2259 3655 -0.2 -1.7
4 Leichhardt 231 343 920 4.3 -0.9 1806 3325 9135 -0.1 -1.6
5 Marrickville 174 569 1258 -8.2 -2.3 1860 6397 15295 0.1 -0.1
6 Mosman 43 257 441 10.5 7.6 439 2440 4313 -1.2 -1.8
7 North Sydney 47 1191 1675 -8.2 -5.2 531 10985 16974 -0.9 -0.8
8 Randwick 113 1149 1843 -19.3 3.1 1426 12193 21325 -0.5 0.4
9 Sydney 101 3611 5367 -4.6 -0.3 928 29711 47813 -0.2 0.4
10 Waverley 60 1007 1457 6.4 1.3 525 9080 14896 -0.7 0.5
11 Woollahra 67 513 905 2.0 -1.6 495 4963 9850 -0.8 -0.3
Middle Ring 2102 5520 10746 -3.4 -7.5 23200 59384 122773 -0.2 0.5
12 Auburn 146 490 760 2.2 -5.5 1611 4357 8094 0.1 2.4
13 Bankstown 333 185 863 -0.5 -15.6 3763 2574 10724 0.0 1.9
14 Burwood 42 171 313 -8.7 -2.8 544 1980 4060 0.2 -0.1
15 Canterbury 179 470 1031 -3.8 -10.5 2443 7730 15615 -0.3 -0.3
16 Canada Bay 101 542 898 2.2 -6.5 1199 4438 8454 0.1 2.8
17 Hunters Hill 38 42 101 13.5 8.6 224 366 858 0.9 0.4
18 Hurstville 136 290 554 0.5 -9.6 1428 3476 6905 -0.5 -0.8
19 Kogarah 86 202 381 -5.9 -15.1 854 2500 4764 -0.2 -1.0
20 Ku-ring-gai 236 124 448 -15.5 3.7 2222 1100 4389 0.3 2.5
21 Manly 63 496 742 14.5 1.8 600 3836 6310 -0.2 -1.0
22 Parramatta 255 679 1422 -4.2 -17.9 2983 7979 17128 -0.4 1.1
23 Rockdale 161 574 930 -1.8 -4.8 1827 6188 10941 -0.3 -0.8
24 Ryde 150 510 947 -16.9 -4.1 1790 5869 11497 -0.4 0.3
25 Strathfield 52 292 453 3.0 2.3 498 2428 4177 0.0 -0.5
26 Willoughby 124 453 903 -8.1 -0.3 1214 4563 8857 -0.2 0.1
Outer Ring 6693 4594 15776 2.9 -6.4 68052 44114 164102 0.1 0.6
27 Baulkham Hills 362 168 806 1.5 -9.9 3401 1381 7968 -0.4 -0.9
28 Blacktown 872 228 1599 3.8 -7.5 9884 2252 18126 0.0 1.7
29 Blue Mountains 394 50 524 -6.9 -6.3 3717 619 5189 -0.4 -1.8
30 Camden 173 12 263 -6.4 -4.7 1722 114 2429 -0.6 -0.6
31 Campbelltown 472 90 820 0.6 -5.7 4586 912 9054 0.2 1.4
32 Fairfield 369 229 885 5.0 -9.7 4667 3640 12583 0.5 1.6
33 Gosford 688 426 1545 4.0 -8.5 6134 3308 13735 -0.2 0.2
34 Hawkesbury 236 57 399 5.8 -8.9 2232 589 4188 0.9 1.6
35 Holroyd 213 379 936 8.1 -1.9 2313 4057 9984 0.7 1.2
36 Hornsby 257 389 889 -11.0 -18.7 2991 3866 10114 -1.0 -2.2
37 Liverpool 426 333 1033 -2.9 1.3 4676 3600 12223 0.7 2.2
38 Penrith 560 231 1231 -2.8 -6.2 6121 2204 13154 0.0 1.9
39 Pittwater 168 150 439 17.7 3.8 1351 1291 3739 0.3 -1.1
40 Sutherland 309 813 1491 8.0 -3.7 3059 7206 14389 -0.6 -0.6
41 Warringah 238 720 1256 7.8 -10.6 2440 6693 12440 -0.1 -1.4
42 Wollondilly 147 18 199 22.1 -3.9 1230 154 1682 0.5 5.1
43 Wyong 809 301 1461 7.6 0.8 7528 2228 13105 0.8 2.5
Rest of GMR 2921 1978 6675 -8.3 1.8 26599 17796 63168 0.7 2.1
44 Cessnock 253 72 355 4.4 -11.3 2110 549 3280 1.7 3.6
45 Kiama 88 55 199 67.2 35.4 637 312 1342 2.2 1.2
46 Lake Macquarie 688 224 1162 6.4 9.0 6188 2085 11349 0.3 0.6
47 Maitland 265 112 501 1.6 -1.4 2401 1114 4564 1.1 3.5
48 Newcastle 651 544 1869 -20.3 2.5 6015 4843 17596 0.5 1.5
49 Port Stephens 271 102 550 -5.3 -0.2 2482 922 4836 0.4 3.0
50 Shellharbour 214 94 408 13.6 8.5 1888 866 3886 0.7 3.4
51 Wollongong 491 775 1631 -16.2 -3.3 4878 7105 16315 0.9 2.7
NEW SOUTH WALES 20631 26038 64417 -2.8 -2.3 190012 246133 635438 0.2 1.2
(a) the numbers shown on the map on page 9; (*) includes 'not stated' and 'other ' dwelling types.

Statistical Subdivisions (SSDs) in NSW
59 58
The numbers on map left refer to the
67 SSD indices in the left margin of
66 61
65 60 Tables 5, 6, 11 and 12. The numbers on
70 the insets refer to LGA indices in the
87 71 64 63 62 Greater Metropolitan Region Tables.
69 GMR
68 54 (See Inset 1)
75 74
73 72
86 82

85 80
77 55 Inset 1. Local Government Areas (LGA)
84 76 in the Greater Metropolitan Region
83 79 78

47 49

44 48

Newcastle SSD


Sydney SD 34 33

27 36
29 39
38 28


37 Inset 2. LGAs in the

30 Inner and Middle Rings
42 31 40
Inner and Middle Rings
(See Inset 2)

24 26
22 17 3 6
Wollongong SSD 7
50 12 16
4 11
45 25 14 10
1 9
13 15 Inner
2 8 Ring
18 23
Table 8. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — All Dwellings — March Quarter 2008

Local First Third Change in Median

Government Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann
Area and Code (a) $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % %
SYDNEY SD 320 425 600 523 -7.6 0.5
Inner Ring 415 557 800 707 -6.8 3.5
1 Ashfield 321 396 616 477 -1.1 -0.1
2 Botany Bay 280 490 707 522 -0.5 8.9
3 Lane Cove 394 501 1033 773 -1.7 16.6
4 Leichhardt 600 760 940 793 2.7 22.6
5 Marrickville 330 465 629 493 -11.4 1.1
6 Mosman 415 665 1350 1159 -16.4 -20.6
7 North Sydney 480 610 860 739 -2.4 4.1
8 Randwick 445 550 790 673 -8.9 -8.3
9 Sydney 380 500 675 553 -2.3 3.7
10 Waverley 510 720 1100 921 -1.6 10.8
11 Woollahra 545 891 1436 1295 -19.0 -0.6
Middle Ring 335 435 618 537 -8.4 0.7
12 Auburn 275 363 440 372 -1.9 -5.7
13 Bankstown 310 390 455 384 -1.8 2.6
14 Burwood 422 480 750 577 -14.3 6.7
15 Canterbury 228 336 491 368 -9.2 0.3
16 Canada Bay 499 598 830 690 -6.6 4.4
17 Hunters Hill 420 853 1195 881 -21.4 -1.4
18 Hurstville 315 419 555 455 -4.8 -3.2
19 Kogarah 352 455 717 582 -9.0 3.4
20 Ku-ring-gai 738 920 1250 1035 -3.2 3.7
21 Manly 530 852 1415 1025 -5.3 17.5
22 Parramatta 302 369 450 388 -3.4 3.9
23 Rockdale 325 396 490 434 -4.6 2.9
24 Ryde 358 449 679 549 -9.3 -5.5
25 Strathfield 311 424 603 512 -3.3 2.1
26 Willoughby 475 628 1006 791 -6.5 -0.4
Outer Ring 296 375 506 433 -3.8 0.0
27 Baulkham Hills 475 555 675 591 -1.2 4.7
28 Blacktown 281 340 405 346 0.0 0.1
29 Blue Mountains 294 354 437 371 -1.5 1.3
30 Camden 321 385 450 404 -3.5 2.7
31 Campbelltown 239 275 326 286 -0.7 -3.5
32 Fairfield 245 312 365 308 -2.5 -2.5
33 Gosford 311 380 475 424 1.3 4.1
34 Hawkesbury 285 337 421 375 -7.7 -2.7
35 Holroyd 264 340 408 345 -4.8 3.0
36 Hornsby 395 530 672 547 -4.5 1.6
37 Liverpool 280 350 410 348 0.0 -1.4
38 Penrith 265 312 363 318 0.0 0.6
39 Pittwater 715 848 1042 914 -3.1 5.4
40 Sutherland 381 510 635 534 -1.9 4.1
41 Warringah 424 595 820 657 -7.0 3.5
42 Wollondilly 300 390 539 423 7.3 -4.3
43 Wyong 250 300 383 325 -0.3 -0.8
Rest of GMR 272 333 415 357 -0.7 3.9
44 Cessnock 185 235 305 252 5.6 10.3
45 Kiama 356 430 583 483 -4.4 -8.5
46 Lake Macquarie 285 340 420 362 0.0 4.2
47 Maitland 243 295 379 307 -1.5 7.1
48 Newcastle 268 327 399 349 0.6 5.0
49 Port Stephens 282 346 455 384 -4.0 -5.3
50 Shellharbour 290 327 395 354 0.6 3.8
51 Wollongong 295 350 440 375 -5.4 0.0
NEW SOUTH WALES 275 368 510 443 -5.8 0.7
(a) code refers to the numbers shown in the map at Page 9; (s) 30 or less properties sold; (-) 10 or less properties sold

Table 9. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — Non Strata — March Quarter 2008

Local First Third Change in Median

Government Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann
Area and Code (a) $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % %
SYDNEY SD 348 475 715 603 -9.6 0.7
Inner Ring 700 910 1330 1177 1.1 9.6
1 Ashfield 620 725 870 754 0.0 11.5
2 Botany Bay 596 713 836 745 8.9 20.8
3 Lane Cove 1009 1280 1735 1392 6.7 11.7
4 Leichhardt 716 880 1127 932 10.0 30.4
5 Marrickville 549 635 741 645 -1.2 13.0
6 Mosman 1136 2090 3963 2510 -6.5 -5.0
7 North Sydney 1033 1268 1743 1487 12.7 3.3
8 Randwick 830 1030 1376 1111 -0.5 13.2
9 Sydney 639 780 970 815 11.4 19.1
10 Waverley 1074 1450 1875 1594 -10.0 18.1
11 Woollahra 1350 1858 3263 2531 -17.4 4.2
Middle Ring 443 590 855 716 -11.5 1.7
12 Auburn 370 430 505 457 -9.0 -8.0
13 Bankstown 375 420 475 426 -2.3 2.9
14 Burwood 650 770 972 797 7.2 22.2
15 Canterbury 430 518 601 525 -0.4 10.2
16 Canada Bay 760 883 1128 947 2.6 16.1
17 Hunters Hill 900 1150 1438 1183 s -19.6 -11.5
18 Hurstville 510 578 660 603 0.5 6.9
19 Kogarah 611 770 950 844 0.7 8.3
20 Ku-ring-gai 856 1050 1366 1190 -3.4 5.0
21 Manly 1028 1385 1785 1444 1.1 10.8
22 Parramatta 375 450 520 466 -2.8 5.4
23 Rockdale 490 590 711 607 -2.6 11.1
24 Ryde 656 725 890 813 -1.2 11.0
25 Strathfield 539 724 973 763 -27.6 -11.7
26 Willoughby 897 1150 1400 1178 -0.2 12.7
Outer Ring 317 400 550 468 -4.6 1.3
27 Baulkham Hills 540 600 727 655 -1.3 6.2
28 Blacktown 300 350 420 359 0.0 0.0
29 Blue Mountains 295 355 445 375 -1.4 1.1
30 Camden 333 405 450 413 0.0 8.0
31 Campbelltown 260 289 338 304 -0.3 -3.0
32 Fairfield 300 340 380 347 -0.1 0.9
33 Gosford 333 404 500 448 -0.9 4.9
34 Hawkesbury 315 361 450 400 -7.4 0.0
35 Holroyd 360 404 465 417 -1.6 8.4
36 Hornsby 556 650 750 661 0.4 9.4
37 Liverpool 316 372 430 377 -0.8 -1.8
38 Penrith 297 335 385 344 1.5 4.0
39 Pittwater 816 925 1200 1058 -3.6 7.9
40 Sutherland 531 625 740 657 0.8 6.8
41 Warringah 772 847 1050 914 -3.8 10.3
42 Wollondilly 320 390 543 432 5.3 -8.2
43 Wyong 262 315 391 337 1.7 1.6
Rest of GMR 282 345 430 368 0.4 4.5
44 Cessnock 185 235 307 253 5.4 11.9
45 Kiama 420 490 630 552 1.4 0.5
46 Lake Macquarie 290 345 431 368 -1.4 4.5
47 Maitland 249 300 385 314 -1.6 7.1
48 Newcastle 280 340 410 364 3.2 7.3
49 Port Stephens 288 346 450 380 -5.3 -6.5
50 Shellharbour 305 341 430 367 -2.6 5.6
51 Wollongong 320 400 491 417 3.9 3.9
NEW SOUTH WALES 277 370 533 465 -6.3 0.0
(a) code refers to the numbers shown in the map at Page 9; (s) 30 or less properties sold; (-) 10 or less properties sold

Table 10. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — Strata — March Quarter 2008

Local First Third Change in Median

Government Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann
Area and Code (a) $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % %
SYDNEY SD 290 386 500 428 -5.2 2.1
Inner Ring 380 485 625 534 -3.0 5.7
1 Ashfield 305 347 405 358 5.2 1.8
2 Botany Bay 259 290 415 330 -9.4 -21.9
3 Lane Cove 372 420 495 439 2.1 23.5
4 Leichhardt 389 529 687 553 -7.7 5.7
5 Marrickville 294 340 393 348 -9.3 3.0
6 Mosman 382 460 667 582 -16.4 -9.8
7 North Sydney 465 565 713 612 2.7 7.3
8 Randwick 420 480 570 503 -7.7 1.1
9 Sydney 365 480 630 516 0.9 6.7
10 Waverley 489 575 756 629 -0.9 10.5
11 Woollahra 508 630 1060 801 -13.4 1.6
Middle Ring 278 360 445 390 -4.9 2.1
12 Auburn 248 303 396 328 -11.0 -1.6
13 Bankstown 240 255 313 277 -12.1 -11.5
14 Burwood 361 440 464 429 6.0 25.0
15 Canterbury 190 240 299 257 -4.0 2.1
16 Canada Bay 451 529 620 553 -0.3 2.6
17 Hunters Hill 390 421 609 607 s -24.9 -24.2
18 Hurstville 274 326 382 337 -4.1 1.9
19 Kogarah 320 370 421 386 -2.1 5.7
20 Ku-ring-gai 483 610 750 637 4.3 17.9
21 Manly 433 550 780 736 -20.3 1.9
22 Parramatta 271 325 380 326 0.0 3.0
23 Rockdale 303 358 400 356 4.2 6.7
24 Ryde 320 386 440 395 -3.6 10.1
25 Strathfield 295 351 435 363 1.7 -1.1
26 Willoughby 440 500 580 517 0.0 8.7
Outer Ring 252 325 420 348 -5.4 1.6
27 Baulkham Hills 395 435 478 433 0.7 8.7
28 Blacktown 230 280 340 281 0.4 0.0
29 Blue Mountains 255 310 385 308 s -7.5 1.0
30 Camden 250 275 280 262 s -20.9 -
31 Campbelltown 189 215 237 214 4.2 9.1
32 Fairfield 170 193 250 209 3.5 1.0
33 Gosford 248 284 382 333 -8.4 -3.6
34 Hawkesbury 229 257 267 251 -11.3 2.9
35 Holroyd 228 264 300 269 -5.9 1.5
36 Hornsby 334 385 444 391 -2.5 6.9
37 Liverpool 189 272 316 257 -1.0 6.8
38 Penrith 210 252 280 245 -2.1 4.6
39 Pittwater 446 678 775 633 23.4 24.9
40 Sutherland 320 380 465 405 -5.0 4.1
41 Warringah 360 440 511 449 -1.1 0.7
42 Wollondilly - - - - - -
43 Wyong 205 240 305 259 -5.3 -0.8
Rest of GMR 247 300 355 318 -2.4 4.9
44 Cessnock - - - - - -
45 Kiama 273 310 371 321 -6.6 -8.8
46 Lake Macquarie 259 308 370 327 1.8 0.2
47 Maitland 230 252 290 256 -4.9 7.5
48 Newcastle 232 273 340 296 -14.8 -4.6
49 Port Stephens 245 340 475 398 3.3 3.0
50 Shellharbour 225 288 325 307 5.5 10.0
51 Wollongong 268 320 360 316 -2.6 10.9
NEW SOUTH WALES 272 360 479 402 -6.5 2.0
(a) code refers to the numbers shown in the map at Page 9; (s) 30 or less properties sold; (-) 10 or less properties sold

Table 11. Sale Prices — Rural Statistical Subdivisions — All Dwellings — March Quarter 2008

First Third Change in Median

Rural SSD Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann
and Code (a) $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % %
REST OF NSW 200 279 375 303 -2.1 2.6
54 Hunter SD Balance 231 308 380 326 -0.8 -2.1
55 Nowra-Bomaderry 220 280 330 285 8.5 0.9
56 Illawarra SD Balance 276 363 465 403 -2.0 4.7
57 Tweed Heads and Tweed Co 345 435 550 462 3.6 16.0
58 Lismore 237 270 354 300 0.9 7.1
59 Richmond-Tweed SD Balance 300 405 539 443 -5.8 5.9
60 Coffs Harbour 273 335 405 355 2.9 7.9
61 Clarence 243 296 380 320 0.3 2.1
62 Port Macquarie 275 325 385 339 -6.5 -3.9
63 Hastings 213 280 361 294 -6.7 0.0
64 Tamworth 188 239 296 249 -0.3 4.0
65 Northern Slopes 138 190 320 244 -10.6 2.7
66 Northern Tablelands 168 230 295 235 5.0 15.0
67 North Central Plain 151 216 269 214 39.4 23.4
68 Dubbo 195 238 285 247 0.6 6.5
69 Central Macquarie 129 200 268 211 -4.8 3.9
70 Macquarie-Barwon 45 94 153 105 13.3 8.3
71 Upper Darling 80 135 212 138 -6.9 -15.6
72 Bathurst 214 261 315 267 -2.6 -3.8
Orange 200 277 330 276 1.7 3.2
73 Central Tablelands 145 186 279 221 -9.3 -9.3
74 Lachlan 100 145 228 168 -17.3 -13.7
75 Queanbeyan 275 381 499 398 -1.7 12.1
76 Southern Tablelands 180 230 306 253 -8.9 6.1
77 Lower South Coast 249 320 400 333 -2.9 -0.4
78 Snowy 121 222 340 253 -8.6 -16.3
79 Wagga Wagga 201 250 317 264 -4.8 6.4
80 Central Murrumbidgee 130 170 235 188 9.7 0.0
81 Lower Murrumbidgee 115 185 269 215 -15.5 -15.1
82 Albury 175 230 318 252 -8.0 -4.6
83 Upper Murray 150 187 253 205 -0.6 -7.7
84 Central Murray 139 185 254 209 -9.1 -6.1
85 Murray-Darling 133 176 263 195 3.2 9.7
86 Far West 86 139 200 146 7.4 20.4
(a) code refers to the numbers shown in the map at Page 9; (s) 30 or less properties sold; (-) 10 or less properties sold

Table 12. Sale Prices — Rural Statistical Subdivisions — March Quarter 2008

Non Strata Strata

First Third Change in Median First Third Change in Median
Rural SSD Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann Quartile Median Quartile Mean Qtly Ann
and Code (a) $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % % $'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s % %
REST OF NSW 201 280 380 307 -1.9 0.9 198 259 343 282 -7.5 2.8
54 Hunter SD Balance 249 315 390 331 0.0 -2.0 190 283 358 308 7.2 0.7
55 Nowra-Bomaderry 244 285 331 295 6.3 -0.9 145 183 201 172 s 13.1 5.6
56 Illawarra SD Balance 282 368 475 411 -0.6 5.1 241 282 374 308 -13.8 -18.3
57 Tweed Heads and Tweed Co 440 515 615 547 5.3 25.2 307 360 431 382 2.0 16.0
58 Lismore 247 285 358 310 0.7 9.6 185 199 227 213 s -15.0 -1.5
59 Richmond-Tweed SD Balance 318 420 560 463 -6.7 5.0 282 358 430 372 -8.3 11.7
60 Coffs Harbour 301 365 429 383 2.8 8.5 222 250 315 287 -4.6 6.4
61 Clarence 248 305 385 323 3.4 3.4 227 260 330 279 -6.1 8.9
62 Port Macquarie 303 352 418 373 -5.0 -1.0 225 270 312 272 4.7 0.4
63 Hastings 220 295 375 305 -6.3 2.1 165 220 260 220 -4.3 2.3
64 Tamworth 192 244 303 254 -0.6 5.0 132 140 197 172 s -34.3 -25.9
65 Northern Slopes 138 190 322 244 -9.5 3.0 - - - - - -
66 Northern Tablelands 165 230 298 236 5.0 12.2 174 219 255 210 s 1.2 38.6
67 North Central Plain 152 216 268 214 37.1 23.4 - - - - - -
68 Dubbo 203 240 285 252 -0.4 5.3 - - - - - -
69 Central Macquarie 129 190 269 211 -8.4 0.0 - - - - - -
70 Macquarie-Barwon 45 97 155 105 17.6 12.4 - - - - - -
71 Upper Darling 80 135 212 138 -6.9 -15.6 - - - - - -
72 Bathurst 230 265 329 277 -3.6 -6.2 144 175 211 185 s 3.4 -15.5
Orange 216 280 337 281 0.0 0.6 189 200 295 232 s 2.6 -7.8
73 Central Tablelands 148 190 288 222 -7.3 -7.3 - - - - - -
74 Lachlan 100 145 226 168 -17.3 -13.4 - - - - - -
75 Queanbeyan 390 473 580 492 2.8 14.3 200 235 317 260 -17.7 -6.2
76 Southern Tablelands 180 235 310 256 -8.7 7.6 139 190 230 197 s - -3.6
77 Lower South Coast 270 335 415 353 -1.5 1.5 205 238 285 249 -11.9 -6.4
78 Snowy 153 268 380 293 24.4 8.7 117 165 284 195 s -45.2 -40.0
79 Wagga Wagga 219 265 339 277 -3.6 7.1 151 186 234 194 -3.6 19.4
80 Central Murrumbidgee 130 170 235 188 13.3 0.0 - - - - - -
81 Lower Murrumbidgee 129 196 269 212 -10.4 -10.4 - - - - - -
82 Albury 215 269 336 278 -1.3 1.7 129 172 195 165 4.6 4.2
83 Upper Murray 150 187 260 206 -4.3 -8.9 180 200 220 187 s - 0.0
84 Central Murray 135 185 273 212 -8.4 -8.6 144 173 190 177 s -15.9 -5.0
85 Murray-Darling 154 178 270 202 4.4 7.6 - - - - - -
86 Far West 86 139 200 146 6.9 20.4 - - - - - -
(a) code refers to the numbers shown in the map at Page 9; (s) 30 or less properties sold; (-) 10 or less properties sold

Explanatory notes
1. Statistics in this Report are based on two sources. 2. The sales data are reported three months after the end
Rental statistics are derived from information provided on of the reference quarter, when about 80% on average of
the bond lodgement form that is lodged with the Renting the contracted sales have been notified. Waiting a further
Services Branch (RSB) of the Office of Fair Trading. Sales three months i.e. six months after the end of the reference
statistics are derived from information provided on the quarter increases the notifications to about 90%. However,
‘Notice of Sale or Transfer of Land’ form that is lodged with statistical testing on sale price means and medians after
Land and Property Information NSW. three months and six months of notifications do not show
any significant difference for most of the LGAs.
2. The geographic areas for reporting data are based on
the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 3. The quarterly and annual changes are based on revised
of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). For both the figures for the previous quarters. Due to the time lapse
rent and sales data sets, the address of each dwelling has between the contract date and when the sale is notified,
been coded to the Statistical Local Area (SLA) under the the previous quarters’ figures will usually change each
ASGC and then aggregated to the LGA, SSD and SD level. quarter as more sales are reported.
The combined area of Sydney SD, Newcastle SSD and
4. A variety of factors contribute to anomalies in the sale
Wollongong SSD is defined as the Greater Metropolitan
price attributed to particular properties. To ensure that the
Region (GMR) and the LGAs in Sydney SD are grouped
statistics reflect the market price of a typical residential
into Inner, Middle and Outer rings.
dwelling the lower and upper 5% of sale prices for each
3. For confidentiality, we do not report rents and sale prices LGA have been excluded. At LGA level, this does not affect
in any geographical area where the number of new bonds the median but does remove outliers in the calculation of
or sales is 10 or less. Statistics calculated from samples of the mean and moves the first and third quartiles slightly
sizes between 10 and 30 are shown with an ‘s’ to indicate towards the median. The impact at higher levels of
small sample in the relevant table. We suggest data based aggregation is less predictable but is likely to provide a
on small samples are treated with caution, particularly more reliable indication of sale prices.
when assessing quarterly and annual changes.
5. Strata title properties usually include town houses,
4. The median is the value that divides a set of ordered terraces/villas, flats/units (multi-unit dwellings) whereas
numbers equally into a bottom half and top half. Unlike non-strata title properties refer to separate houses.
means, medians are not significantly affected by unusually However any multi-unit dwelling with a Torrens title would
high or low values. Therefore median values are better be counted as a non-strata property.
measures of central tendency. In addition, some tables
Changes to the geography
provide first and third quartiles. These are the 25 and 75
Minor changes were introduced into the December 2007
percentiles in the set of ordered numbers.
issue of the Rent and Sales Report to reflect boundary
Rent statistics changes made by the ABS to rural statistical subdivisions
1. Total bonds held refer to those live bonds at the last (SSDs) within NSW for the 2006 Census (see map on
date of the quarter. The total number of bonds held by page 9). The changes reflect the ABS Australian Standard
RSB does not equal the total number of rental properties. Geographic Classification (ASGC) effective from 1 July
2006. The changes incorporated are:
The two main reasons are that at any given time some
properties are vacant, and secondly that there are cases 1. The inclusion of the coastal strip to the south of Tweed
where bonds are not always required by a landlord from Heads to form the new SSD Tweed Heads and Tweed
their tenant, for example for informal lettings.
2. Replacement of the Bathurst-Orange SSD with the
2. When new bonds are lodged with RSB, rental values, newly defined Bathurst SSD and Orange SSD increasing
dwelling type and bedroom number are not always the number of SSDs from 33 to 34;
provided. Typically, about 5% of these bonds do not 3. Some further boundary changes without name changes
provide rental values. for a few of the other SSDs due to redefinition of the
underlying statistical local areas (SLAs).
Sales statistics There have been no changes to local government area
1. Sales are reported according to their contract date. boundaries from the previous (2005) framework.
Generally the vendor and purchaser agree on the sale price A trend series of median rents by LGA for the Greater
on or before the contract date. In many instances there Metropolitan Region is available on the Housing NSW
is a considerable time lapse between the contract and website at The trend series goes
transfer dates. Therefore in assigning a time period to each back to the September 2001 quarter.
property sale, the contract date is considered to be more
For further information about these statistics contact
relevant for market price analyses than the transfer date.
Housing Analysis and Research (02 8753 8495).


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