Models of Understanding Human Behaviour
Models of Understanding Human Behaviour
Models of Understanding Human Behaviour
There are five basic models in the understanding of human behaviour. These models
include: The Biological Model, The Psychoanalytic Model, The Behaviourist Model,
The Cognitive-Behavioural Model, and The Humanistic Model.
1. Biological: Concerned with the activity of the nervous system, especially the brain,
action of hormones & genetics
2. Psychodynamic: Emphasizes internal conflicts, mostly unconscious
3. Behavioral: Concerned with learning, especially each person's experience with
rewards and punishments
4. Cognitive: Studies the mechanisms through which people receive, store, retrieve,
and otherwise process information
5. Humanistic: Emphasizes individual potential for growth and the role of unique
perceptions in guiding behavior and mental processes.
The Psychodynamic Approach
The Interpretation of Dreams was a landmark for the science of psychology. Freud's ideas
about dreaming and other mental processes were often controversial.Whether one
accepts or rejects Freud's theory, there is little doubt that psychoanalysis had significant
impact.Terms like unconsciousness, ego, defence mechanism were introduced by
Freud's Structural Models of Personality (Psychoanalysis)
Sigmund Freud's Theory is quite complex and although his writings on psychosexual
development set the groundwork for how our personalities developed, it was only one
of five parts to his overall theory of personality. He also believed that different driving
forces develop during these stages which play an important role in how we interact
with the world.
THE Id: According to Freud, we are born with our Id. In Psychoanalytical theory, it is the
part of the personality which contains our primitive impulses such as sex, anger, and
hunger. The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us
to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure
principle. In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no
consideration for the reality of the situation. When a child is hungry, the id wants food,
and therefore the child cries.
The id doesn't care about reality, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction.
If you think about it, babies are not real considerate of their parents' wishes. They have
no care for time, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing.
When the id wants something, nothing else is important.
The Ego:
Within the next three years, as the child interacts more and more with the world, the
second part of the personality begins to develop. Freud called this part the Ego.It is the
part of the personality which maintains a balance between our impulses (id) and our
conscience (superego). The ego is based on the reality principle.
The ego understands that other people have needs and desires and that sometimes being
impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the long run. It’s the ego's job to meet the needs of
the id, while taking into consideration the reality of the situation.
The Superego
By the age of five the Superego develops. The Superego is the part of the personality that
represents the conscience. It is the moral part of us and develops due to the moral and
ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers. Many equate the superego with the
conscience as it dictates our belief of right and wrong.
In a healthy person, according to Freud, the ego is the strongest so that it can satisfy the
needs of the id, not upset the superego, and still take into consideration the reality of
every situation. If the id gets too strong, impulses and self gratification take over the
person's life. If the superego becomes too strong, the person would be driven by rigid
morals, would be judgmental and unbending in his or her interactions with the world.
The Divisions of MIND
Freud believed that the majority of what we experience in our lives, the underlying
emotions, beliefs, feelings, and impulses are not available to us at a conscious level.
He believed that most of what drives us is buried in our Unconscious
Freud also believed that everything we are aware of is stored in our Conscious. At any
given time, we are only aware of a very small part of what makes up our personality;
most of what we are is buried and inaccessible.
The final part is the preconscious and subconscious. This is the part of us that we can
access if prompted, but is not in our active conscious. Its right below the surface, but
still buried somewhat unless we search for it. Information such as our telephone
number, some childhood memories, or the name of your best childhood friend is stored
in the preconscious. The iceberg.
Behavioral Model
Behavioral Psychology is basically interested in how our behavior results from the stimuli
both in the environment and within ourselves. Scientific Experiment: Often a
demanding process, but results have helped us learn a great deal about our behaviors,
the effect our environment has on us, how we learn new behaviors, and what motivates
us to change or remain the same. Behaviourism traces its roots to the early part of the
20th century, a time when many psychologists emphasized self-analysis of mental
processes (introspection) or the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud.
In contrast, researchers like Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson, and B.F Skinner began to
develop a framework which emphasized observable processes (environmental stimuli
and behavioural responses). The result was a new approach, behaviourism, which grew
in popularity for some fifty years, becoming the dominant framework for experimental
The Cognitive Approach
The cognitive approach deals with mental processes like memory and problem solving.
By emphasizing mental processes, it places itself in opposition to behaviourism, which
largely ignores mental processes. (Not measurable directly).Today, the cognitive
approach has overtaken behaviourism in terms of popularity, and is one of the
dominant approaches in contemporary psychology. (Especially in treatment)