AFC0100152 - Nurfc
AFC0100152 - Nurfc
AFC0100152 - Nurfc
Agency Real Estate Acquisition Fiscal Year(s)
Ohio Cultural Release of Capital Funds (R.C.Sec. 127.14G) 2010
Facilities Transfer of Capital Funds (R.C.Sec. 127.14G and/or Sec. Bill No.
Commission 127.15) HB 562
Higher Education Authorization Request (Sec. 3333.071)
Division/Institution Eligible for OBM
Other Statutory Authority/Bill Section:
Green Director Approval?
Capital Request Yes
Eligible for Local Release of Capital Funds (R.C.Sec. 127.14G)
Administration? Transfer of Capital Funds (R.C.Sec. 127.14G and/or Sec.
Yes 127.15)
Waiver of Competitive Selection (R.C.Sec. 127.16B)
No Competitive Opportunity
For FY Amount Name Address County
Fund Fund Appropriation Transfer Prev Rel
From To FY Appropriation Line Item Name
Group Code Line Item Amount Amount
Fund Group Fund Code Appropriation Line Item Appropriation Line Item Name Total Amount
National Underground Railroad
SSR 7030 C371H2 $850,000.00
Freedom Ctr
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Name: Tony Capaci Title: Project Manager
Phone: (614) 752 - 2770 Fax: (614) 752 - 2775 E-Mail:
Cultural Facilities Commission requests Director of OBM approval to release $850,000.00 for the National
Underground Railroad Freedom Center project in Cincinnati, Hamilton County.
The local project sponsor, being National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, has been approved by the
Commission for local administration of their construction project in accordance with ORC 3383.07(A)(2).
The local project sponsor will sign a Memorandum of Understanding Agreement and a Cooperative Use
Agreement and a Capital Expenditure Reimbursement Agreement prior to any reimbursement of state funds
for approved construction costs. Per the terms of these agreements the project sponsor will be reimbursed
on a percentage basis for completed construction with the submittal of a complete invoice for the
predetermined scope of work submitted to the Commission and conditionally approved in Resolution
R-10-04 (attached). The percentage of reimbursement is based on the amount of state funds divided by the
total construction cost times the dollar amount of completed construction.
The local project sponsor is a nonprofit corporation that owns and operates the National Underground
Railroad Freedom Center.
The Freedom Center is a $117.7 million project, opened in August 2004. The current appropriation will
reimburse the Sponsor for construction expenses previously incurred but not yet reimbursed.
SPECIAL NOTE: While most disbursements of state funding through the Commission occur during or
immediately after the construction phase of the approved project, the General Assembly occasionally
appropriates funding for a project after the completion of the capital improvements at the cultural, sports, or
historical facility. National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is one such project. In these cases, the
Commission, after taking formal action to make or confirm the statutorily-required findings regarding the
project (see attached Resolution), authorizes the disbursement of funds based on the expenditures submitted
by the project sponsor, up to the appropriated amount. The Commission has received legal advice from
nationally-recognized bond counsel that disbursement of state bond funds after the completion of the
capital improvement project is permissible within federal tax code.
The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center consists of a 160,000-square-foot facility located on
the Cincinnati riverfront. Features of the facility include a museum, interactive story theaters, computer
networking to other Underground Railroad sites, arts and education facilities, and a public forum space.
AFC0100026 to equal $2,000,000.00,
AFC216 to equal $4,150,000.00 ,
AFC022 to equal $4,000,000.00,
AFC014 to equal $4,333,332.00 ,
AFC011 to equal $76,668.00 and
AFC026 to equal $90,000.00
Attachments Controlling Board Request No.: AFC0100152
Attachment Type Attachment Description
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