TN2 Quiz #4
TN2 Quiz #4
TN2 Quiz #4
1. What reason did Jesus give his parents for staying at the temple?
a. He wanted to preach to the Rabbis
b. He wanted to run away from his parents
c. He thought it was his time to go on his ministry journey
d. He wanted to be where is Father in Heaven was
2. Which sacrament is related to the story of Jesus’s healing the Paralytic?
a. Baptism
b. Reconciliation
c. Confirmation
d. Matrimony
3. Which parable/story of Jesus talks about forgiveness?
a. The Good Samaritan
b. The Wedding Miracle at Cana
c. Jesus heals a blind man
d. Jesus feeds a crowd with fish and bread
4. What is the relationship between water and wine?
a. The people are the water and Jesus is the wine. They become united during the consecration
of the Eucharist during Holy Mass.
b. Water is good and wine is evil. When you bring them together, they become a neutral person
on Earth.
c. Water and wine were often used together during celebration in Jesus’ day.
d. Water represents Jesus’s blood before he died on the cross. Wine represents Jesus’ blood
after his resurrection.
5. Which is NOT a role of a priest during Mass?
a. The priest acts in the place of Jesus to celebrate the Eucharist
b. Because Jesus speaks to us through the priest, he is the only person approved to hold Holy
Mass and perform transubstantiation
c. The priest is allowed to use his authority to change the order of Mass to a way that is
convenient to everyone in the parish
d. Even though the Priest represents Jesus, Jesus is the main role in Mass and is actually present
during the Mass celebration
Bonus Question: Write the morse for this phrase: Living the Eucharist Day.