2011-04 Monthly Church Calendar
2011-04 Monthly Church Calendar
2011-04 Monthly Church Calendar
April 2011
Birthdays and Anniversaries
1- John Sensenig
1- Mandel Good
7- Irina Opalko
9- Mr. & Mrs. Jim Martin
12-Mr. & Mrs. Jim Musser
13-Marlene Martin
14-Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gehman
15-Stacey Homing
15- Leonid Opalko
16-Karla Bemath
19- Mr. & Mrs. Randal B. Sauder
28-Elina Opalko
29-Louise Martin
30-Sue Musser
30- Ethan Sauder
Preaching Schedule
3-Irvin Martin
10-Glen Martin
17-Steve McCosby
24-Easter Program- Worship Service at 9:30 am
Future Events
June 12-17 Youth Group Service Project Trip
July 17, 6:30 p.m. - Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse - Historical and Inspirational Outdoor Meeting
July 23- EMM Global Fair at LMS
September 18, 2 p.m. - Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse - Indoor Hymn Sing
December 5 & 6, 7 p.m. - Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse - Old Fashioned Christmas Carol Singings
(tickets required)