Calendar 201003
Calendar 201003
Calendar 201003
Pastor Jims Sabbath until 5:00
2 5:30 Mens Counseling Group 6:30 Wellspring Rehearsal 7:30 Gospel Choir Rehearsal
3 Soup Supper at St. Jerome Catholic ChurchServing 5:306:30 7:00 Lenten Service at St. Jerome Catholic Church 10 Soup Supper at Olivet Congregational U.C.C. Serving 5:306:30 7:00 Lenten Service at St. Olivet Congregational U.C.C. 17 Soup Supper at Columbus UMC Serving 5:306:30 7:00 Lenten Service at Columbus UMC 24 Soup Supper at First Presbyterian Church Serving 5:306:30 7:00 Lenten Service at First Presbyterian Church 31 6:30 Wellspring Rehearsal 7:30 Gospel Choir Rehearsal
4 1:00 DAR 6:30 Church Council 6:30 Praise Team Rehearsal
5 1:30 World Day of PrayerChurch Women United at First Presbyterian Church 12 9:004:00 Call to Prayer & SelfDenial in Church Library 7:00 Family Friendly Friday Night Film 19 Voice Article Voice Deadline Article Deadline 26 27 6
Pastor Jims 9:00 Traditional Sabbath until 5:00 Worship/Communion 10:00 Fellowship 6:30 Safe Time 7 10:30 Sunday School 8 Sanctuaries Mtg. 9 10:30 AED Training 10:30 Contemporary Worship/Communion 10:3010:30 Bible Study @ Larson House/Sam Batt Bible Study @ Larson House/Sam Batt 5:30 Mens Counseling Group 6:00 Community Area 5:30 Mens Counseling Group 6:30 Womens Ensemble Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Womens Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30 Esther Circle at home of Louise Elske 6:30 Esther Circle at home of Louise Elske 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 Staff Parish Relations Committee Meeting 9:00 Traditional 16 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 14 Worship 15 Pastor Jims 2:00 Larson Sabbath until 5:00 10:00 Fellowship House Service Time 5:30 Mens Counseling 10:30 Sunday School 5:00 Staff Parish Group 10:30 Contemporary Relations Committee 6:30 Christian Ed. Com. Mtg. Worship Meeting 6:30 Wellspring Rehearsal 6:00 Community Area 7:30 Gospel Choir Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal 21 23 22 Pastor Jims 5:30 Mens Counseling Sabbath until 5:00 Group 9:00 Traditional Worship 6:30 Womens Ensemble 10:00 Fellowship Time Rehearsal 10:30 Sunday School 7:00 UMW 101 10:30 Contemporary Worship 7:30 Chancel Choir 6:00 Community Area Choir Rehearsal Rehearsal 28 29 Pastor Jims Sabbath until 5:00 30 5:30 Mens Counseling Group
11 9:30 Morning Circle 6:30 Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 UMW Meeting 7:30 Finance Committee Meeting 18 6:00 GS Troop Mtg. 6:30 Praise Team Rehearsal
9:00 Traditional Worship 10:00 Fellowship Time 10:30 Sunday School 10:30 Contemporary Worship 6:00 Community Choir Rehearsal
Our weekly Sunday services are broadcast on cable channel 98 or 980 (digital). The dates and times are as follows: Mondays at 9:00 a.m. .. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. ...Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.