Terzaghi's Bearing Capacity Equations
Terzaghi's Bearing Capacity Equations
Terzaghi's Bearing Capacity Equations
Figure 1.1: Shear stresses based on Terzaghi’s soil bearing capacity theory
φ Nc Nq Nr
0 5.7 1 0
20 17.7 7.4 5
• Soil properties:
• Soil type: cohesionless soil.
• Soil properties:
• Soil type: sandy clay
• Cohesion: 500 lbs/ft2
• Friction Angle: 25 degree
• Unit weight of soil: 100 lbs/ft3
• Expected footing dimensions:
• 10 ft diameter circular footing for a circular tank, bottom of footing at 2 ft below
ground level
• Factor of safety: 3
Vertical load:
Qu = c Nc Sc Dc + γ D Nq Sq Dq + 0.5 γ B Nγ Sγ Dγ [1.7]
Inclined load:
Qu = c Nc Sc Dc Ic + γ D Nq Sq Dq Iq + 0.5 γ B Nγ Sγ Dγ Iγ [1.8]
Nc, Nq, Nr: Meyerhof’s bearing capacity factors depend on soil friction angle, φ.
Nc = cot φ ( Nq – 1) [1.9]
πtanφ 2
Nq = e tan (45+φ/2)] [1.10]
Nγ = (Nq-1) tan (1.4φ) [1.11]
Sc, Sq, Sγ: shape factors
Dc, Dq, Dγ: depth factors
Ic, Iq, Iγ: incline load factors
Friction angle Shape factor Depth factor Incline load factors
Any φ Sc=1+0.2Kp(B/L) Dc=1+0.2√Kp (B/L) Ic=Iq=(1-θ/90°)2
φ=0 Sq=Sγ=1 Dq=Dγ=1 Iγ=1
≥φ10° Sq=Sγ=1+0.1Kp(B/L) Dq=Dr=1+0.1√Kp (D/B) Iγ=(1-θ/φ)2
C: Cohesion of soil
γ : unit weight of soil
D: depth of footing
B, L: width and length of footing
Kpr = tan2(45+φ/2), passive pressure coefficient.
θ = angle of axial load to vertical axis
Table 2: Meyerhof’s bearing capacity factors
φ Nc Nq Nr
0 5.1 1 0
5 6.5 1.6 0.1
10 8.3 2.5 0.4
15 11 3.9 1.2
20 14.9 6.4 2.9
25 20.7 10.7 6.8
30 30.1 18.4 15.1
35 46.4 33.5 34.4
Determine ultimate soil bearing capacity using Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation for vertical load.
Passive pressure coefficient
Kpr = tan2(45+φ/2) = tan2(45+25/2) = 2.5
Shape factors:
Sc=1+0.2Kp(B/L) = 1+0.2*2.5*(0)=1
Sq=Sγ=1+0.1Kp(B/L) = 1+0.1*2.5*(0) = 1
Depth factors:
Dc=1+0.2√Kp (B/L) = 1+0.2*√2 (0) = 1
Dq=Dγ=1+0.1√Kp (D/B) = 1+0.1*√2.5 (3/3) = 1.16
From Table 2 or Figure 2, Nc = 20.7, Nq = 10.7, Nr = 6.8 for φ = 25 degree
Qu = c Nc Sc Dc + γ D Nq Sq Dq + 0.5 γ B Nγ Sγ Dγ
= 500*20.7*1*1 +100*3*10.7*1*1.16+0.5*100*3*6.8*1*1.16
= 15257 lbs/ft2
Allowable soil bearing capacity,
Qa = Qu / F.S. = 15257 / 3 = 5085 lbs/ft2 ≅ 5000 lbs/ft2
• Soil properties:
• Soil type: sandy clay
• Cohesion: 500 lbs/ft2
• Friction Angle: 20 degree
• Unit weight of soil: 100 lbs/ft3
• Expected footing dimensions:
• 8 ft by 4 ft rectangular footing, bottom of footing at 3 ft below ground level.
• Factor of safety: 3
Determine ultimate soil bearing capacity using Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation for vertical load.
Passive pressure coefficient
Kpr = tan2(45+φ/2) = tan2(45+20/2) = 2.
Shape factors:
Sc=1+0.2Kp(B/L) = 1+0.2*2*(4/8)=1.2
Sq=Sγ=1+0.1Kp(B/L) = 1+0.1*2*(4/8) = 1.1
Depth factors:
Dc=1+0.2√Kp (B/L) = 1+0.2*√2 (4/8) = 1.14
Dq=Dγ=1+0.1√Kp (D/B) = 1+0.1*√2 (3/4) = 1.1
From Table 2 or Figure 2, Nc = 14.9, Nq = 6.4, Nr = 2.9 for φ = 20 degree
Qu = c Nc Sc Dc + γ D Nq Sq Dq + 0.5 γ B Nγ Sγ Dγ
= 500*14.9*1.2*1.14 +100*3*6.4*1.1*1.1+0.5*100*4*2.9*1.1*1.1
= 13217 lbs/ft2
Allowable soil bearing capacity,
Qa = Qu / F.S. = 13217 / 3 = 4406 lbs/ft2 ≅ 4400 lbs/ft2
• Soil properties:
• Soil type: sandy clay
• Cohesion: 1000 lbs/ft2
• Friction Angle: 15 degree
• Unit weight of soil: 100 lbs/ft3
• Expected footing dimensions:
• 8 ft by 8 ft square footing, bottom of footing at 3 ft below ground level.
• Expected column vertical load = 100 kips
• Expected column horizontal load = 20 kips
• Factor of safety: 3
Determine ultimate soil bearing capacity using Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation for vertical load.
Passive pressure coefficient
One of most commonly method for determining allowable soil bearing capacity is from
standard penetration test (SPT) numbers. It is simply because SPT numbers are readily
available from soil boring. The equations that are commonly used were proposed by
Meryerhof based on one inches of foundation settlement. Bowles revised Meyerhof’s
equations because he believed that Meryerhof’s equation might be conservative.
Meryerhof’s equations:
Bowles’ equations:
• Soil SPT number: 20
• Footing type: 8 feet wide square footing, bottom of footing at 4 ft below ground
Requirement: Estimate allowable soil bearing capacity based on Meryerhof’s equation.
Meryerhof’s equation
K = 1+0.33(D/B) = 1+0.33*(4/8) = 1.17
Qa = (N/6)[(B+1)/B]2 / K = (20/6)[(8+1)/8]2 /1.17 = 3.6 kips/ft2
Bowles’ equation:
Qa = (N/4)[(B+1)/B]2 / K = (20/4)[(8+1)/8]2 /1.17 = 5.4 kips/ft2
γe=(2H-Dw)(Dw/H2)γm+(γ’/H2)(H-Dw)2 [1.16]
γe = Equivalent unit weight to be used in bearing capacity equation,
H = 0.5Btan(45+φ/2), is the depth of influence zone,
Dw= Depth from bottom of footing to ground water table,
γm = Moist unit weight of soil above ground water table,
γ’ = Effective unit weight of soil below ground water table.
Conservatively, one may use the effective unit water under ground water table for
calculation. Equation 1.16 can also used to adjust cohesion and friction angle if they are
substantially differences.
• Moist unit weight of soil above ground water table: 120 lb/ft3.
• Moist content = 20%
• Friction angle, φ = 25 degree
• Cohesion of soil above ground water table: 1000 lb/ft2.
• Cohesion of soil below ground water table: 500 lb/ft2.
• Footing: 8 feet wide square footing, bottom of footing at 2 ft below ground
• Location of ground water table: 6 ft below ground water surface.
Requirement: Determine equivalent unit weight of soil to be used for calculating soil
bearing capacity.
Determine equivalent unit weight:
Dry unit weight of soil, γdry = γm /(1+ ω) = 120/(1+0.2) = 100 lb/ft3.
Volume of solid for 1 ft3 of soil, Vs = γdry / (Gsγw) = 100 / (2.65*62.4) = 0.6 ft3.
Volume of void for 1 ft3 of soil, Vv = 1-Vs=1-0.6=0.4 ft3.
Saturate unit weight of soil, γsat = γdry + γw Vv = 100+62.4*0.4=125 ft3.
Effective unit weight of soil = γsat - γw = 125-62.4=62.6 ft3.
Effective depth, H = 0.5B tan(45+φ/2) = 0.5*8*tan (45+30/2) = 6.9 ft
Depth of ground water below bottom of footing, Dw= 6-2 = 4 ft
Equivalent unit weight of soil,
γe = (2H-Dw)(Dw/H2)γm+(γ’/H2)(H-Dw)2
Unreinforced masonry walls are often used as load bearing or non-loading interior wall in
one story building. Although it is called “unreinforced”, the masonry wall still needs to
Design requirements:
When the wall, pilaster, and column is subjected to axial compression and flexure.
P≤ (1/4) Pe
(ACI 530 Eq. 2-11)
Where Pe is calculated as
3. The tensile stress due to flexure shall not exceed the value listed in ACI 530 Table as shown below:
Allowable flexural tension stress for hollow core concrete masonry unit, psi.
Masonry Mortar
Design data:
Roof dead load: 20 psf
Roof live load: 20 psf
Tributary width: 30 ft
Height of wall: 12 ft
Normal width of wall: 8 in
Assume minimum eccentricity: 0.8 in
Seismic load from ASCE 7: 4 psf
Requirement: Check if an 8 in unreinforced masonry wall is adequate
Axial load per foot width of wall from roof, P = (20 psf+20 psf)*30 psf = 1200 lb/ft
Eccentricity: e = 0.8 in
Eccentric moment: Mc = 1200*0.8/12 = 80 lb/ft
Seismic moment: Ms = 5 psf * (12ft)2/8 = 90 lb-ft/ft
Moment per foot width of wall, M = (80 + 90) lb-ft/ft = 170 lb-ft/ft
Width of wall: 7.625 in
Cross section area: A = 42.8 in2.
Moment of inertia: I = 330.9 in4.
Section modulus: S = 86.8 in3.
Radius of gyration: r = 2.78 in
Check flexural tensile stress: fb = M/S = 170*12/86.8 = 23.5 psf
Less than allowable tensile stress 25 psi for ungrouted hollow unit O.K.
Check compressive stress:
Weight of wall at mid-height: W = 55 psf * 6 ft = 330 lb/ft
Axial compressive stress: fa = (P+W)/A = 35.8 psi/ft
Slenderness ratio: h/r = 12*12/2.78 = 51.7 < 99
Use 1900 psi concrete masonry units with type S mortar,
Compressive strength of concrete masonry, fm’ = 1500 psi
Fa = (1/4) fm’ {1-[h/(140r)]2} = 323.7 psi
(1/4) Pe = 3.09 x 104 lb > 1200+330 = 1530 lb O.K. World tallest building
General: The mechanical properties of concrete masonry wall, pilaster, column, lintel etc. depends on the
properties of concrete masonry units, mortar, grout, reinforcement and how the units were arranged.
Material: Portland cement, Hydrated lime, Pozzolans, Normal weight or light weight aggregates.
Mixes: Type M, S, N and O. depend on proportion of mixes. Compressive strength of cues for mortar types
are as follows:
M 2500
S 1800
N 750
O 350
Mix proportions: depending on its strength, a commonly use mix is one part of cement with 1/10 of lime,
three parts of fine aggregates, and 2 parts of coarse aggregate with maximum aggregate size limits by the
grout space.
The compressive strength of masonry varies with the type of mortar and the strength of units. There are
two methods to determine the strength of masonry during construction. One is based on prism test; the
other is based on values specified in the codes. The values list in International Building Code, 2003, Table
2105. are as follows:
Net area compressive strength of concrete masonry units (psi) Net area compressive strength of masonry
Shrinkage coefficient:
Masonry control joints are used to allow expansion and shrinkage of masonry wall, minimize random
cracks, and distress. Spacing of masonry control joints recommended in the commentary of ACI 530.1 is
25 ft or 3 times of wall height. It also recommends placing control joints at returns and jambs of openings.
Shear key may be used to control wall movement in the out-of-plan direction.